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Dec 03, 2007 08:05 ET
East Asia Minerals Intersects More Gold Over Significant Thicknesses at Bawone and Binebase
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Dec. 3, 2007) - East Asia Minerals Corporation (TSX VENTURE:EAS) is pleased to report that drilling on the Bawone Prospect at the Sangihe Project, Indonesia, continues to intersect significant gold mineralization. Drill hole BOD-09 intersected 58.0 metres of 1.30 g/t gold within a broader interval that returned 128.0 metres of 0.82 g/t gold. Drill hole BOD-10 encountered 57.0 metres of 1.73 g/t gold, including 36.0 metres of 2.50 g/t gold from near surface. This shallow epithermal gold mineralized zone remains open along strike in both directions. Additional drilling is planned.

The drill is now testing the Binebase Prospect, located 1.2 kilometres along strike to the north of Bawone where additional trenching has uncovered 2.00 g/t gold over 62.0 metres, 1.98 g/t gold over 45.5 metres, and 2.28 g/t gold over 28.5 metres. These results indicate wide zones of significant epithermal gold mineralization at surface. Mineralization at Binebase is similar to and possibly contiguous with that at Bawone. Previous East Asia trenching results at Binebase have included up to 32.0 metres of 4.18 g/t gold and 38.0 g/t silver (October 18, 2007 news release).

Bawone Assay Highlights
---------------------------------------------------------------Drill From To Interval Gold Silver CopperHole (m) (m) (m) (g/t) (g/t) (%)---------------------------------------------------------------BOD-09 49.0 177.0 128.0 0.82 2.95 0.24---------------------------------------------------------------Including 49.0 107.0 58.0 1.30 5.76 0.36---------------------------------------------------------------And 50.0 64.0 14.0 2.41 11.72 0.62---------------------------------------------------------------
---------------------------------------------------------------BOD-10 11.0 68.0 57.0 1.73 7.52 0.32---------------------------------------------------------------Including 11.0 47.0 36.0 2.50 11.49 0.47---------------------------------------------------------------

Drill section BOD-08/09/10 was drilled southeast of section BOD-01/03 to validate historic drill results and conduct delineation drilling in the central portion of the Bawone Prospect (refer to the Company's website at www.EAminerals.com for a plan view of drilling). This section is along strike between BOD-07 (31.6 metres of 3.75 g/t gold, including 21.6 metres of 5.02 g/t from 3.4 metres depth - reported November 19, 2007) and section BOD-01/03 (91.3 metres of 2.45 g/t gold including 50.0 metres of 3.32 g/t gold, and 125.0 metres of 1.67 g/t gold - reported October 16, 2007).

BOD-08, the centre hole of the section, was drilled with a northeast inclination and encountered 39.0 metres of 1.29 g/t Au in a broader zone of 100.0 metres of 0.86 g/t gold, with sampling ending in 3.26 g/t gold near the end of hole in a newly recognized mineralization type (reported November 19, 2007).

BOD-09, the southwestern hole of the section, was also drilled with a northeast inclination and ended in mineralization at 221.25 metres due to drill limitations. The host rock is andesite crystal and lithic tuff, dominated by hydrothermal breccia with silica - barite - clay - sulphide (5 to 70%) alteration from 50.90 to 117.90 metres, followed by silica - barite - clay - sulphide (5 to 10% and locally to 50%) altered volcaniclastics to the end of hole.

BOD-10, the northeastern hole of the section, was designed as a scissor hole with a southwest inclination to delineate the mineralization and improve the geological model

These intersections continue to demonstrate the continuity of the Bawone mineralization, and will be used to design a delineation program during the first half of 2008. The Company intends to complete NI43-101 compliant reporting for the Bawone and Binebase Prospects by the end of 2008. The drill is currently at the Binabase Prospect to test recently trenched gold zones where up to 32 metres of 4.18 g/t gold were encountered. A preliminary program of 400 to 500 metres of core drilling in five holes is planned. Induced polarization surveying is also underway to enhance understanding of the shallow covered geology between the Bawone and Binabase Prospects, and add to the understanding at the Brown Sugar and Bonzos Zones where recent East Asia drilling encountered 16 metres of 2.7 g/t gold, 400 metres southwest of Bawone (reported October 25, 2007).

Samples reported were assayed at PT SGS Indoassay (SGS Group) in Balikpapan. Michael Hawkins, M.Sc., MAusIMM, the designated QP within the meaning of 43-101, has reviewed and approves the content of this release.
Mal ein Vergleich PBX zu Geodex:

What caught my eyes are (1)0.026% moly grade (PBX - 0.04%+) (2)$9.16/ton operating cost (PBX - less than $5.00).

Their resources: 126M lbs moly (PBX - 378M lbs), 381M tungsten (PBX -887M copper)

Isn't PBX terribly undervalued?

Geodex Minerals Ltd. (TSX-V: GXM), (the 'Company') is pleased to report receipt of an independent Preliminary Economic Assessment (PEA) for its 70%-owned Sisson Brook tungsten-molybdenum-copper deposit, located north of Fredericton, New Brunswick. The NI 43-101-compliant report was completed by Wardrop Engineering Inc. (Wardrop) in Vancouver with financial and operating estimates considered accurate to plus/minus 35%. The complete PEA report will be filed on SEDAR within one week. The PEA will be the first stage in increasingly more detailed studies as development on the project continues. A pre-feasibility assessment will continue from this point to be completed by the summer of 2008.

The PEA is based solely on the southern half of the Sisson Brook deposit, referred to as Zone III, which was partially drilled by Texasgulf/Kidd Creek Mines in the period from 1979 to 1982. This tungsten and molybdenum-dominant part of the large Sisson Brook mineralized system was defined by 7,053 m of diamond drilling in 2006 and an approximate 14,500 m of diamond drilling in 2007 (infill drilling not yet complete).

In October 2007, a Resource Estimate at five cut-of grades, as shown in the table below was prepared by Mercator Geological Services Limited (Mercator) of Dartmouth, Nova Scotia and details were released in a News Release of October 17, 2007. The resource estimate is categorized as being in the 'Inferred Category' as defined under Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum (CIM) Standards on Mineral Resources and Reserves Definitions and Guidelines as amended by the CIM council in 2005. The estimate reflects a series of WO3% (ie tungsten trioxide)-equivalent cut-offs. This was done to help public understanding of the resource at this time, since approximately equal contributions are made to unit value by both tungsten and molybdenum. The conversion of molybdenum to its equivalent in WO3 was based on a factor of 2.97 to reflect averaged relative pricing of the two metals over the 37 month period beginning in January, 2004. Metallurgical and processing recoveries were assumed to be 100% for this conversion.

<< Table 1 Mineral Resource Estimate for Sisson Brook Zone III - October 17, 2007 Effective Date ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Resource Equivalent Tonnes Tonnes W03 % Mo % Equivalent Category W03 % (Rounded) W03 % Threshold millions ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inferred 0.025 290,784,224 290.8 0.059 0.020 0.118 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inferred 0.075 214,997,356 215.0 0.069 0.024 0.140 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inferred 0.125 109,039,490 109.0 0.084 0.032 0.179 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inferred 0.175 43,440,318 43.4 0.100 0.043 0.227 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inferred 0.225 15,836,218 15.8 0.121 0.054 0.281 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Notes: Mo and WO3 values capped at 0.7% and 1.2% respectively; WO3 Equivalent = (WO3% + 2.97*Mo %) Timing of the Resource Estimate did not allow it to include approximately75% of the infill holes drilled in 2007 samples of which are in the process ofbeing prepared and assayed. Nor does it (or the PEA) reflect thenewly-discovered East Flank zone, located on the margin of Zone III, whererecent high-grade molybdenum assays were reported in a News Release of October30, 2007. These additions, along with ongoing evaluation of drill results fromthe tungsten-copper rich Zones I and II are anticipated to positively affectfuture Resource Estimates for the property. This PEA study should be considered preliminary in nature; it includesinferred mineral resources that are considered too speculative geologically tohave the economic considerations applied to them that would enable them to becategorized as mineral reserves. Mineral resources that are not mineralreserves do not have demonstrated economic viability. There is no certaintythat this preliminary assessment will be realized. PEA - Base Case Highlights. Wardrop has advised that for the base case situation, metal prices andexchange rates conforming to the SEC guidelines, basically a three-yearbackward-rolling average, discounted a further 20%, be used. Therefore BaseCase = SEC Guidelines - 20%. All dollars are Canadian unless otherwise stated. Metal price basis Molybdenum $US 21.60/lb Tungsten $US 8.00/lb Average Annual metal production Molybdenum (lbs) 3.3 million Tungsten (lbs) 8.1 million Pre-Tax Payback (years) 2.7 years Pre-Tax Internal Rate of Return Base Case 29.8% Base case -30% (in metal prices) 15.0% Pre-tax Net Present Value Base Case $693 million (8% discount rate) Base case -30% (in metal prices) $186 million Exchange Rate (US/C) 1.17 Annual Throughput (tonnes) 6.8 million Grade to Process Plant (first ten years) Molybdenum (Mo%) 0.026% Tungsten (W03%) 0.081% Strip Ratio (first ten years) 1.1:1 Milling Rate (tonnes/day) 20,000 Tungsten Recovery 70% (Aggregate gravity/flotation) Molybdenum Recovery 85% Initial Capital Cost $353 million (excludes working capital and environmental costs) Operating Cost (first ten years) $9.16/tonne Projected Mine Life 31 years Infrastructure The proposed open pit mine has good infrastructure such as permanentroads, a nearby rail line and a power grid crossing the property. Small townssuch as Napadogan and Stanley are present to the north and east respectivelyand there are many other small settlements at greater distance. The capitalcity of Fredericton lies 100 km to the southeast and the port of Saint John onthe Bay of Fundy, the same distance south of it. Mine Plan and Production The PEA contemplates an open pit mine based on the inferred resourcetabulated above. A Surpac block model with Whittle pit optimization was usedto design the mine scheduling. Nominal mine throughput is 20,000 tonnes/day.Operational constraints such as berms and access roads have not been includedat this level of detail. The mine plan includes conceptual designs and layouts for the waste dumps,roads and tailings impoundment. Metallurgy The design selected is based on general tungsten and molybdenum recoverypractices and principles. Mineralogical studies to date and a shortmetallurgical test program last winter were scoping in nature but disclosed nounfavourable aspects. A comprehensive study by SGS Lakefield Research Limitedon 2007 sample material is now underway. Processing The processing facilities will be designed to treat an annual plant feedof 6.8 million tonnes per year of 343 working days. Processing at this point involves delivery of ore into a dump pocket, fourstages of crushing and screening followed by rod mill grinding. After primarysulphide conditioning and flotation, molybdenum is floated, cleaned andbagged. A gravity circuit is then used to produce a tungsten concentrate.Tungsten flotation follows regrinding of the gravity concentrate tailings andsecondary sulphide flotation. Table 2. Capital Cost Estimates ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Area Description Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Direct Costs ------------------------------------------------------------------------- A Overall Site $5,699,360 B Mining $20,677,550 C Crushed Ore Storage and Reclaim $52,703,837 E Grinding and Flotation $105,317,610 F Tailings $24,027,710 G Site Services and Utilities $1,657,809 J Ancillary Buildings $7,441,595 K Plant Mobile Equipment $2,086,340 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Indirect Costs ------------------------------------------------------------------------- X Project Indirects $69,601,000 Y Owners Costs $5,000,000 Z Contingency (20%) $58,843,000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Estimated Total $353,056,212 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Table 3. Operating Costs ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Operating Costs ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- $ Per Tonne $ Per Tonne Material Mined Ore Milled * Unit Mining Cost (CDN$/t) 1.30 2.74 Unit Processing Cost (CDN$/t ore) 5.33 G&A Cost (CDN$/t ore processed) 1.09 Total 9.16 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * first ten years Table 4. Pre-Tax NPV and IRR Summary IRR & NPV Results @ 8% Discount Rate for Different Cases ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Case Molybdenum Tungsten Price NPV IRR Price ($US/mtu) ($CDN) (%) ($US/lb) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mo in Mo03 Flotation Gravity 000's Concentrate Concentrate W03 W03 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Base Case 21.6 117.6 164.8 692,688 29.8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Three Year Average 27.0 146.9 205.6 1,118,238 40.6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Current Price/ Exchange Rate 32.3 150.9 211.3 1,000,828 37.7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 70% of Base Case 15.1 82.3 115.4 186,494 15.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- >>

Wardrop concludes that based on the parameters assumed in this Preliminary Economic Assessment, an open pit mine operating at 20,000 tpd would be profitable and a viable financial investment. The results are significantly robust to justify proceeding with studies at the preliminary feasibility level, the next stage of development.

All modelling, metallurgical, geotechnical, environmental, design and cost studies should be advanced to meet this end.
Würde mich freuen, wenn einige der Fachkundigen hier mal etwas zu den letzten Vangold-News sagen. Es gab einige und immerhin ist das ein Depotwert hier; der leider immer wieder in Vergessenheit gerät.

Ich persoenlich glaube, dass das Financing erhoeht wurde, da die wussten, dass sie die 26,xx% Beteiligung am Killam North Filed verkaufen (und zwar fuer einen Spott-preis 4,8mio) und dadurch die nettenrecurring revenues erstmal wegfallen, wo doch gerade die massiven Ausgaben fuer die 3 Oellizenzen, Sarcee Well, Deep Well, Kafunzo usw. anstehen.
Letztes Jahr haette man das Killam Field nach internen Angaben an einen Interessenten fuer 20mio verkaufen koennen...
Schlechte Planung!
International Beryllium Spin-Off ist Top, das ist ein ziemlich hoher Assett, der da jetzt gebucht werden kann, genauso wie CopperMoly.
Kanon kommt als naechstes, auch gut.
Ich faende es inzwischen ganz gut, wenn die ALLE Mineralprojekte als Spin-Off mit entsprechender Beteiligung abkoppelten und sich rein auf Gas und Oel konzentrierten mit den Aktien an den Beteiligungen als Back-up. Seit April wird auf Feni gebohrt, nix gehoert. Kafunzo Nickel, angeblich weltweit die mit am groessten Ni-Reserven, nix gebohrt...
Immer schwer eine Hybrid-Company auf Kurs zu halten, aber momentan wird sich verzettelt.
Ich hab meine gezeichneten Shares (hatte an der KE zu 0,5 CAD teilgenommen) gehedged, Aktien werden naechste Woche wohl geliefert, ich halte jetzt die Warrants (60 cent exercise) 1 JJahr und guck ganz entspannt was passiert, ansonsten bin ich nur noch in meinem Basket long.
Würde mich freuen, wenn einige der Fachkundigen hier mal etwas zu den letzten Vangold-News sagen. Es gab einige und immerhin ist das ein Depotwert hier; der leider immer wieder in Vergessenheit gerät.

Ich persoenlich glaube, dass das Financing erhoeht wurde, da die wussten, dass sie die 26,xx% Beteiligung am Killam North Filed verkaufen (und zwar fuer einen Spott-preis 4,8mio) und dadurch die nettenrecurring revenues erstmal wegfallen, wo doch gerade die massiven Ausgaben fuer die 3 Oellizenzen, Sarcee Well, Deep Well, Kafunzo usw. anstehen.
Letztes Jahr haette man das Killam Field nach internen Angaben an einen Interessenten fuer 20mio verkaufen koennen...
Schlechte Planung!
International Beryllium Spin-Off ist Top, das ist ein ziemlich hoher Assett, der da jetzt gebucht werden kann, genauso wie CopperMoly.
Kanon kommt als naechstes, auch gut.
Ich faende es inzwischen ganz gut, wenn die ALLE Mineralprojekte als Spin-Off mit entsprechender Beteiligung abkoppelten und sich rein auf Gas und Oel konzentrierten mit den Aktien an den Beteiligungen als Back-up. Seit April wird auf Feni gebohrt, nix gehoert. Kafunzo Nickel, angeblich weltweit die mit am groessten Ni-Reserven, nix gebohrt...
Immer schwer eine Hybrid-Company auf Kurs zu halten, aber momentan wird sich verzettelt.
Ich hab meine gezeichneten Shares (hatte an der KE zu 0,5 CAD teilgenommen) gehedged, Aktien werden naechste Woche wohl geliefert, ich halte jetzt die Warrants (60 cent exercise) 1 JJahr und guck ganz entspannt was passiert, ansonsten bin ich nur noch in meinem Basket long.

Danke für die Einschätzung; klingt für mich alles plausibel, was du so sagst!
First Majestic Silver Corp.: Update on the Chalchihuites Group of Properties

First Majestic Silver Corp. (the "Company" or "First Majestic") (TSX VENTURE: FR)(PINK SHEETS: FRMSF)(FRANKFURT: FMV)(WKN: A0LHKJ)is pleased to announce preliminary results from its ongoing surface and underground exploration and diamond drilling program at the Chalchihuites Group of Properties located in the State of Zacatecas, Mexico.

The Chalchihuites Group of Properties is strategically located 60 km to the southeast from the Company's flagship La Parrilla Silver Mine and consists of 293 hectares of contiguous mining claims which cover the Perseverancia Silver Mine and the San Juan Silver Mine. In 2004, the Company signed several option agreements which covered a total of 487 hectares of land located in the Chalchihuites mining district in the Western portion of Zacatecas State in the municipality of Chalchihuites, and 150 km to the northwest from Zacatecas City. After the completion of a geological program that included surface geology, geochemical and geophysical surveying, diamond drilling, underground rehabilitation, development and channel sampling, First Majestic exercised its options in January 2007 to acquire the San Juan Silver Mine and in June 2007 to acquire the Perseverancia Silver Mine. The Company now owns 100% of both of these promising mines which are approximately one kilometre apart. In addition, the Company recently acquired 100 hectares of surface rights from a local land owner.

The Chalchihuites mining district comprises a regional metasomatic system of mineralization that includes: replacement mantos, breccia pipes, chimneys, vein type structures, dissemination and skarn deposits which occur in association with igneous dikes and stocks intruding a sequence of cretaceous sedimentary rocks. The Chalchihuites area hosts mineral deposits with high silver mineralization such as the nearby La Colorada mine owned by Pan American Silver Corp. and other regional mines, such as, the San Martin and Sabinas mines owned and operated by Grupo Mexico and Penoles.

San Juan Silver Mine

The San Juan Silver Mine is one of the oldest mines in the district and was partially mined to a depth of 150 meters over nine levels and consists of eight mining claims totalling 204 hectares. The mine has not been in operation since the 1950's. The previous owner constructed a 90-metre shaft which has been used to access the old workings. First Majestic's exploration program consisted of mapping, sampling, rehabilitation and development of old workings. A diamond drilling program from surface totalled six holes. Based on drilling results, 670 meters of ramps have been developed to date. This includes 250 meters of access ramps into the foot wall of the ore body and 420 meters at different levels to access the mine and build underground drill stations. Another 250 meters of ramps are in process to prepare drilling sites from the underground workings.

Aside from the access ramps, four crosscuts that total 307 meters were developed into the ore body in order to delineate the projected mineralization. The mineralized structure was then sampled by continuous channels and bulk sampling from development ore. The crosscuts were developed at an elevation of about 70 meters from the outcroppings and based on assay results received to date the ore body may lend to a high volume operation in the future.

The San Juan deposit has been partially exposed within a length of 105 meters by a width of 20 meters. The mineralized structure remains open at depth and along strike. It is important to note from the current program, that high grade silver, common to this historic mine, is proving to continue at depth and is associated to high grade lead and zinc sulphides mineralization.

Assay results of samples from some of the drill holes have reported the following results;

Hole From m To M True Width Ag g/t Pb % Zn %
SJ-01 178.25 181.90 3.53 234 3.60 16.80
SJ-01 187.70 191.65 3.82 616 2.48 2.12
SJ-04 172.60 223.35 49.02 46 1.94 5.05
Incl. 172.60 175.20 2.51 178 1.36 8.10
Incl. 172.60 202.80 29.17 54 2.78 8.29
SJ-06 257.25 264.75 7.24 248 4.03 4.66
Incl. 260.75 264.75 3.86 465 7.55 8.73

Continuous channel sampling from the crosscuts 70 metres below surface showed the following results;

Crosscut Width of Ore Body Meters Ag g/t Pb % Zn %
1 11.85 103 1.58 1.88
2 43.68 162 1.89 1.99
3 6.90 100 0.90 1.62
4 16.75 77 1.21 1.60
Average 19.80 130 1.61 1.86

Additional assay results from seven underground drill holes totalling 1,556 metres are pending from Inspectorate America Lab in Sparks, Nevada. These drill holes were directed to test continuity of mineralization at approximately 100 metres below the present crosscuts. Logging of the core indicates that the drill intercepts appear to confirm the ore bodies extension to at least 170 meters below the present mine workings. First Majestic will release these results as soon as they are reported by the lab.

Keith Neumeyer, President and CEO states; "Our drilling and development program into this ore body continues to confirm the existence of considerable mineralization beyond what was previously known. The mineralization that's been exposed and drilled to depth is a new and very exciting development at the San Juan Silver Mine."

La Perseverancia Silver Mine

The La Perseverancia Silver Mine consists of six mining claims totalling 89 hectares and has been historically the most important mine in the Chalchihuites area due to its production and high grades. The mine workings have proven the occurrence of two adjacent high-grade silver mineralized chimneys. Limited mining records of this mine exist; however, smelter receipts have confirmed monthly shipments by the previous owner of approximately 150 to 300 tonnes of ore with grades of 1.5 to 3 kg/tonne Silver (1500-3000 g/tonne-Ag) and 20% to 40% Lead, during the period of 1975 to 1994.

The two chimneys are hosted by skarn at the contact with the intrusive igneous rock. The chimneys are elongated bodies controlled by pre-mineral fractures striking N60 degrees- 85 degrees E, with near vertical dipping. The sizes of both chimneys are 15 - 30 meters long by 6 - 10 meters wide and are known for 195 meters to depth. The mineralization occurs within a breccia filled by a mixture of oxidized minerals including cerussite, limonites, galena, sphalerite and argentite in a gangue of quartz and calcite with sulphides mineralization increasing at depth. The breccia is mostly composed of igneous rocks fragments.

A geophysical survey conducted in 2005 appears to have outlined the existence of an extension to depth of the main chimney structure. An ongoing drill program from both surface and underground was launched in mid 2006 to determine mineralization, size and depth of these structures and to investigate if other similar breccias may exist.

Due to topography, only drill hole PRV-03 was attempted to reach the projections at depth of the chimneys from surface. Its results appear to indicate intersection of a vein or manto off-shorting from the main chimney. Results of this intercept are indicated in the following table.

From m To m Width m Au g/t Ag g/t Pb % Zn %
208.60 210.45 1.85 0.30 884 14.85 8.71
218.60 219.40 0.80 0.15 291 20.40 2.02
328.15 329.25 1.10 0.21 420 2.65 0.68

Due to topographic constrains it was determined that drilling from underground would allow for better angle to intersect the chimneys and investigate deeper projected areas of mineralization below the lowest known Level 31 (195 metres from surface). A 50 metre adit was constructed in Level 27 where three holes were drilled towards the chimneys. Also, a 100 metre adit was constructed from surface into the side of an adjacent hill where one long hole was drilled. The results below show that at least one of the two known chimneys extends to depth.

Hole From m To m True width Au g/t Ag g/t Pb % Zn %
CP-01 15.10 32.45 11.35 0.15 384 8.27 5.06
CP-02 43.40 45.80 1.68 0.19 120 4.03 2.55
CP-03 56.80 66.80 4.31 0.15 251 5.84 0.56
PRV-02D 249.50 250.85 1.35 - 349 17.49 5.49

First Majestic is presently developing a 200 meter underground adit in Level 21 to more effectively achieve a convenient angle to intersect the chimney at further depths.

Keith Neumeyer, President and CEO states; "These two known mineralized chimneys at Perseverancia appear to be related within a structural trend. Now that we have proven the existence of these chimneys to depth, not only will we try to define their size, but also we'll look for additional similar structures along trend."

In addition to the ongoing exploration program at Perseverancia, during the rehabilitation and development of the old mine workings, the last three months First Majestic has extracted 460 tonnes of ore at an average grade of 962 Ag g/t and 24.52% Pb. Some of this ore was shipped to La Parrilla mill and some was directly shipped to Penoles smelter in Torreon, Mexico. These shipments are expected to continue and increase as the mine undergoes further development.

All sampling and sample assays, for both the Perseverancia Silver Mine and San Juan Silver Mine, have followed strict QA/QC protocols. All samples are shipped to Inspectorate laboratory in Durango, Mexico for sample preparation. Inspectorate Mexico then sends the pulps by air-freight to Inspectorate America Corporation in Sparks, Nevada for assaying. Systematic assaying of standards and blanks are inserted for assay checks. All assays are regularly conducted by inspectorate America Corporation and they include Inspectorate's own QC protocols.

Leonel Lopez, Principal Geologist of the consulting firm Pincock, Allen and Holt, Denver, Colorado is the Qualified Person under NI 43-101 for the Perseverancia and San Juan Silver Mines and has reviewed and approved the statements in this Press Release.

First Majestic is a producing silver company focused in Mexico and is aggressively pursuing its business plan to become a senior silver producer through development of its existing assets and the pursuit through acquisition of additional assets that make sense to achieving its corporate objective.


Keith Neumeyer, President & CEO

This press release includes certain "Forward-Looking Statements" within the meaning of section 21E of the United States Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. All statements, other than statements of historical fact, included herein, including without limitation, statements regarding potential mineralization and reserves, exploration results and future plans and objectives of First Majestic Resource Corp. are forward-looking statements that involve various risks and uncertainties. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate and actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements.

The TSX Venture Exchange has in no way passed upon the merits of the proposed transaction and the TSX Venture Exchange does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

Contacts: First Majestic Silver Corp. Keith Neumeyer President & CEO (604) 688-3033 or Toll Free: 1-866-529-2807 (604) 639-8873 (FAX) Email: info@firstmajestic.com Website: www.firstmajestic.com

SOURCE: First Majestic Silver Corp.

mailto:info@firstmajestic.com http://www.firstmajestic.com
Copyright 2007 Market Wire, All rights reserved.

zu Mexivada Mining.
Alexandria Increases Size of Cadillac Break Properties, Val d'Or; Drilling Expands Orenada 4
TORONTO, ONTARIO, Dec 4, 2007 (Marketwire via COMTEX News Network) --

Alexandria Minerals Corporation (TSX VENTURE:AZX)(FRANKFURT:A9D) has added 11 mineral claims to its Cadillac Break property group through a Purchase and Sale agreement with Marc Deckeyser and Sylvio Houle. The Company has also staked an additional 25 claims adjacent to the Deckeyser claims in Louvicourt Township, as well as 18 claims adjacent to its Orenada property in Bourlemaque Township, bringing to 529 the number of claims stretching over 32 km in the Company's Cadillac Break property group.

The Deckeyser claims are located along the Cadillac Break 15 km east of Orenada, between Alexandria's Trivio and Bloc Sud properties, and are therefore considered prospective for gold targets along and near the Cadillac Break. In a March 2007 drill programme on the adjacent Bloc Sud property testing a blue-sky geophysical anomaly, Alexandria intersected 1.97 g/t Au over 4.50 m (core length) in DDH BS-07-37 (Press Release May 24, 2007). Historical results on the Trivio property to the east have yielded up to 8.4 g/t Au over 6.1 m from a trench sample and up to 14.4 g /t Au and 94.3 g/t Au from grab samples.

Subject to TSX approval, Alexandria can earn 100% in the claims by completing the following commitments: 1) Initial cash payment of $10,000, 2) issuance of 75,000 company shares to the Optionors upon signing, and 3) aggregate of $25,000 in exploration expenditure on or before September 12, 2010.


In December 2006, Alexandria initiated a large-scale drilling program designed to test several prospective targets near historical gold deposits, primarily on the westernmost region of the project. This drill program began with one drill rig in December 2006, with a second drill rig added in June 2007. The second drill rig allowed the Company to keep one rig specifically on the Orenada 2 and 4 zones. This "definition" drilling has extended the gold mineralization along strike and now to depth.

Assay results are slowly being received, mostly with partial results. Due to these delays, the Company will continue to use one drill rig for the remainder of 2007, to allow for assays to be interpreted, reviewed and combined with all current and historical exploration data. In January, Alexandria will return with 2 drill rigs. The purpose of the drilling throughout 2008 will be two-fold: 1) to continue testing the size limits and grade of the historic Orenada gold deposit and 2) to test early-stage exploration targets elsewhere on the 32-km long Cadillac Break properties.

One complete hole has recently been received at Orenada 4, DDH OAX-07-20A, which intersected 3.32 g/t Au over 3.05 m (2.59 m true width) in the target zone, part of a wider zone grading 1.39 g/t Au over 11.45 m (9.71 m true width).

This is an encouraging development for the Company, as the gold mineralization was intersected at the greatest depth yet penetrated at Orenada 4, at 480 m vertical depth, and suggests a potential increase in size of known mineralization. OAX-07-20A hit the target zone 50 m below previously announced DDH OAX-07-13, which intersected 3.24 g/t Au over 10.50 m (Press release, August 15, 2007), and 120 m below previously announced DDH OAX-07-6, which intersected 3.18 g/t Au over 6.60 m (Press Release September 5, 2007).

Since June, the Company has completed 38 drill holes on the Orenada property, totaling roughly 12,700 meters, in addition to 8 exploration holes on the Airport, Mid-Canada, and Ducros properties. We are currently awaiting assay results from 15 holes at Orenada.

Currently the Company is nearing completion of the compilation of more than 70 years of exploration data collected by previous explorers on the Cadillac Break properties. As part of these efforts, Alexandria is also completing a 43-101 survey by an independent geologist; this report with much of the data review should be complete by mid-December, 2007. In addition to more than 2,400 drill holes over the broader property package, there are numerous trenches, property-wide geophysics and geochemistry (Induced Polarization, Magnetics, and Electromagnetics surveys, soil and glacial till samples). Completion of this compilation will provide Alexandria with excellent information for targeting future exploration drill holes.

It is worth noting, for instance, the Sleepy deposit, located at the eastern end of the Company's property package, was discovered in the late 1980's by Cambior Inc. by drilling a glacial till anomaly, and that there are several other as-yet untested glacial till anomalies on the broader property package. The Company has already delineated numerous priority exploration targets from this data, on which it will begin drilling early in 2008. These targets include follow-up testing of significant results the Company received from drill holes on its Oramaque, Bloc Sud West and Sleepy properties in the Spring of 2007, as well as new targets based on geology, geophysics and historical exploration results.

The results presented in this press release are exploratory in nature and have been reviewed by the company's Qualified Person, Eddy Canova, P.Geo. The drilling program employs a Quality Assurance/Quality Control program consistent with NI 43-101 and industry best practices. Drill core is NQ-sized, and is logged, sampled and split at the Company's Val d'Or office, in intervals of 0.3 meters to a maximum of 1.5 meters. The samples are recorded, bagged and sent to Bourlamaque Assay Lab in Val-d'Or for assay. Samples are analyzed for Au, Ag, Cu and Zn, via a 30 gram pulp by FAA for Au and AA for Ag, Cu and Zn. Re-assays by FA gravimetric finish are performed on samples assaying greater than 1.0 g/t Au and re-assays greater than 5.0 g/t Au are checked a second time by FA gravimetric finish.

Alexandria Minerals Corp. is a Toronto-based mineral exploration and development company, currently focused on the exploration for precious metals on mineral properties located in Northern Ontario and Quebec. The Company's management has extensive global experience with small to large mining companies, from grass-roots exploration to the exploitation of mineral deposits. The Company is a reporting issuer in the provinces of British Columbia, Alberta and Ontario.

WARNING: The Company relies upon litigation protection for "forward-looking" statements. This News Release may contain forward-looking statements including but not limited to comments regarding the timing and content of up-coming work programs, geological interpretations, receipt of property titles, potential mineral recovery processes, etc. Forward-looking statements address future events and conditions and therefore involve inherent risks and uncertainties. Actual results may differ materially from those currently anticipated in such statements. Alexandria Minerals Corporation relies upon litigation protection for forward-looking statements.

SOURCE: Alexandria Minerals Corporation

Coal Harbor Communications Dale Paruk (604) 662-4505 or Toll Free: 1-877-642-6200 (604) 662-4547 (FAX) Email: info@coal-harbor.com Alexandria Minerals Corporation Eric Owens (416) 363-9372 Email: info@azx.ca Website: www.azx.ca
Copyright (C) 2007 Marketwire. All rights reserved.
Purepoint Uranium Group Inc.: Discovers Wide Radioactive Structure at Red Willow
TORONTO, ONTARIO, Dec 04, 2007 (MARKET WIRE via COMTEX News Network) --

Uranium Group Inc. (TSX VENTURE: PTU) is pleased to announce the results of this season's first-pass drill program at their Red Willow project in the Athabasca Basin. Those results returned 0.20% eU3O8 over a wide interval of 5.8 metres, including 1.01% eU3O8 over 0.1 metres at a depth of only 71 metres.

"We were encouraged when our initial holes into the 'Q' structure intersected uranium mineralization at vertical depths of 105 metres and again at 150 metres" said Scott Frostad, Purepoint's Vice President Exploration. "RW-07 then went on to prove that this same structure not only continues at least 100 metres to the south, it also widens and hosts significant concentrations of uranium".

Crews are scheduled to resume drilling at the discovery zone in a matter of weeks.

"There are four notable attributes to the Red Willow discovery - its uranium grade, structure width, shallow depth and proximity to existing infrastructure" said Chris Frostad, President and CEO Purepoint Uranium Group Inc. "The Rabbit Lake mine, which produced 41 million lbs. of U3O8 at an average ore grade of 0.27%, is a mere 30 km south of this zone".


- Three of the five holes targeting the Q conductor intersected radioactive structure, with the final hole returning 5.8 metres of 0.20% eU3O8 including 0.1 metres at 1.01% eU3O8

- Five major uranium deposits, JEB, Midwest, Cigar Lake, McArthur River and Millennium, are located along a NE to SW mine trend that extends through the Red Willow Project

- The Red Willow project adjoins AREVA 's claim group that contains the JEB, Sue, McClean and Caribou deposits to the west and, to the south, adjoins UEX's Hidden Bay project surrounding the Rabbit Lake, Collins Bay and Eagle Point deposits

- Approximately 3,000 line kilometres of airborne radiometric survey, 150 line kilometres of Gradient Induced Polarization Survey, and the collection of 170 water samples were performed

- Since the claims were first acquired, Purepoint has invested $3,760,000 (or $160 per hectare) in geophysical and geochemical surveys over 12 distinct target areas at Red Willow

Project Summary

Drill holes RW-01 and RW-02 targeted a break on the West Zone conductor located 100 metres from the Wolly property, an Areva/Denison joint venture. These holes intersected bleached sandstone before reaching the unconformity at a depth of approximately 30 metres. Graphitic pelites and favourable structures were encountered, however, neither hole intersected anomalous radioactivity.

Drill holes RW-03, 04, 05 and 06 targeted the Q conductor, a target initially identified by Cameco in 1993. The original Cameco holes intersected a narrow radioactive structure, hosted by graphitic and pyritic pelites, at depths of 35 metres and 90 metres. Purepoint's RW-03 and 06 holes succeeded in confirming this radioactive structure at a vertical depth of 105 metres and 150 metres, respectively. Although radioactivity increased with depth, the host structure remained narrow. Hole RW-04 tested the structure 15 metres south of RW-03 to determine its strike direction and intersected 12 metres of unmineralized quartz at the target depth. RW-05 was lost at a depth of 51 metres.

Drill hole RW-07 targeted the Q conductor 100 metres south of RW-3. The hole intersected a zone of elevated radioactivity between 71.6 and 77.6 metres within strongly black chlorite altered, pyritic pelite. The mineralized Q structure has now been proven to extend 115 metres down dip and 100 metres along strike, and still remains open in all directions.

All drill holes were probed with a total counts gamma probe recently calibrated at the total gamma test pits in Grand Junction, Colorado and corroborated with results from the SRC test pits in Saskatoon. All the drill core samples have now been forwarded to the SRC laboratory in Saskatoon for analysis.

Key drill findings are summarized below:

Hole From (m) To (m) Width (m) % eU3O8
RW-03 123.4 123.7 0.3 0.20
125.7 126.0 0.3 0.17
161.5 161.7 0.2 0.14
RW-06 154.9 155.6 0.6 0.06
157.0 157.2 0.2 0.05
172.9 173.1 0.2 0.10
RW-07 67.5 68.7 1.2 0.05
71.4 77.2 5.8 0.20
71.8 72.3 0.5 0.44
73.2 73.7 0.4 0.58
74.2 74.3 0.1 1.01

Line cutting of grid areas over three new VTEM airborne anomalies at Red Willow, namely the Geneva, Dancing Lake and Big Bay conductors, was completed this summer. A new grid was also cut over the Radon Lake area, so named in 1971 due to very high concentrations of radon in the surface water.

Gradient Induced Polarization surveying at Red Willow covered the Lyon Lake conductor, which is associated with boulders assaying up to 1.02% U3O8, and the 333 conductor, which returned up to 0.31% U3O8 from an overburden hole drilled by Gulf Minerals in the 1970's. The survey also covered the newer Geneva, Radon Lake and Dancing Lake grids.

Sampling of water from springs, streams and bogs was performed over the Red Willow grid areas this summer. The purpose of the survey was to detect mobile ions sourced from uranium deposits at depth. Of the 170 samples analyzed, 15 samples returned anomalous dissolved uranium concentrations. The results of the water sampling survey will be used to prioritize this winter's drill targets.

A drill program designed to follow up the RW-07 intercept and test several of the other untested Red Willow targets is scheduled to commence in early 2008.

The Red Willow project consists of eight claims covering 23,000 ha on the eastern edge of the Athabasca Basin. Proterozoic sandstone on the property is found to cover the Archean and Aphebian basement rocks at depths of 0 to 80 metres. The basement is composed of intensely deformed and metamorphosed sedimentary, volcanic and plutonic rocks trending NE to SW. Five major uranium deposits, JEB, Midwest, Cigar Lake, McArthur River and Millennium, are located along a NE to SW mine trend that extends through the Red Willow Project.

The Red Willow project adjoins AREVA Resource Canada Inc.'s claim group that contains the JEB, Sue, McClean and Caribou deposits to the west and, to the south adjoins UEX's Hidden Bay project that surrounds the Rabbit Lake, Collins Bay and Eagle Point deposits.

About Purepoint

Purepoint Uranium Group Inc. is focused on the precision exploration of more than 42 defined target areas on its seven 100% owned projects in the Canadian Athabasca Basin, and its two Basin projects joint ventured with Cameco Corporation and AREVA Resources Canada Inc. Established in the Basin well before the resurgence in uranium, Purepoint is actively advancing this large portfolio of multiple drill targets in the world's richest uranium region.

Scott Frostad BSc, MASc, PGeo, Purepoint's Vice President, Exploration, is the Qualified Person responsible for technical content of this release.


Contacts: Purepoint Uranium Group Inc. Chris Frostad President and CEO (416) 603-8368 Website: www.purepoint.ca

SOURCE: Purepoint Uranium Group Inc.

Copyright 2007 Market Wire, All rights reserved.
Wieder mal sehr ordentliche News die bei dem aktuellen Markt wohl wieder verpuffen werden :confused: .

Ist einfach nicht gerade Explorerzeit aktuell.....

Aber die Entwicklung scheint weiter positiv zu verlaufen. Noch dazu dürften alleine die 15 noch ausstehenden Bohrlöcher nen guten Newsflow bedeuten.

Alexandria Increases Size of Cadillac Break Properties, Val d'Or; Drilling Expands Orenada 4
TORONTO, ONTARIO, Dec 4, 2007 (Marketwire via COMTEX News Network) --

Alexandria Minerals Corporation (TSX VENTURE:AZX)(FRANKFURT:A9D) has added 11 mineral claims to its Cadillac Break property group through a Purchase and Sale agreement with Marc Deckeyser and Sylvio Houle. The Company has also staked an additional 25 claims adjacent to the Deckeyser claims in Louvicourt Township, as well as 18 claims adjacent to its Orenada property in Bourlemaque Township, bringing to 529 the number of claims stretching over 32 km in the Company's Cadillac Break property group.

The Deckeyser claims are located along the Cadillac Break 15 km east of Orenada, between Alexandria's Trivio and Bloc Sud properties, and are therefore considered prospective for gold targets along and near the Cadillac Break. In a March 2007 drill programme on the adjacent Bloc Sud property testing a blue-sky geophysical anomaly, Alexandria intersected 1.97 g/t Au over 4.50 m (core length) in DDH BS-07-37 (Press Release May 24, 2007). Historical results on the Trivio property to the east have yielded up to 8.4 g/t Au over 6.1 m from a trench sample and up to 14.4 g /t Au and 94.3 g/t Au from grab samples.

Subject to TSX approval, Alexandria can earn 100% in the claims by completing the following commitments: 1) Initial cash payment of $10,000, 2) issuance of 75,000 company shares to the Optionors upon signing, and 3) aggregate of $25,000 in exploration expenditure on or before September 12, 2010.


In December 2006, Alexandria initiated a large-scale drilling program designed to test several prospective targets near historical gold deposits, primarily on the westernmost region of the project. This drill program began with one drill rig in December 2006, with a second drill rig added in June 2007. The second drill rig allowed the Company to keep one rig specifically on the Orenada 2 and 4 zones. This "definition" drilling has extended the gold mineralization along strike and now to depth.

Assay results are slowly being received, mostly with partial results. Due to these delays, the Company will continue to use one drill rig for the remainder of 2007, to allow for assays to be interpreted, reviewed and combined with all current and historical exploration data. In January, Alexandria will return with 2 drill rigs. The purpose of the drilling throughout 2008 will be two-fold: 1) to continue testing the size limits and grade of the historic Orenada gold deposit and 2) to test early-stage exploration targets elsewhere on the 32-km long Cadillac Break properties.

One complete hole has recently been received at Orenada 4, DDH OAX-07-20A, which intersected 3.32 g/t Au over 3.05 m (2.59 m true width) in the target zone, part of a wider zone grading 1.39 g/t Au over 11.45 m (9.71 m true width).

This is an encouraging development for the Company, as the gold mineralization was intersected at the greatest depth yet penetrated at Orenada 4, at 480 m vertical depth, and suggests a potential increase in size of known mineralization. OAX-07-20A hit the target zone 50 m below previously announced DDH OAX-07-13, which intersected 3.24 g/t Au over 10.50 m (Press release, August 15, 2007), and 120 m below previously announced DDH OAX-07-6, which intersected 3.18 g/t Au over 6.60 m (Press Release September 5, 2007).

Since June, the Company has completed 38 drill holes on the Orenada property, totaling roughly 12,700 meters, in addition to 8 exploration holes on the Airport, Mid-Canada, and Ducros properties. We are currently awaiting assay results from 15 holes at Orenada.

Currently the Company is nearing completion of the compilation of more than 70 years of exploration data collected by previous explorers on the Cadillac Break properties. As part of these efforts, Alexandria is also completing a 43-101 survey by an independent geologist; this report with much of the data review should be complete by mid-December, 2007. In addition to more than 2,400 drill holes over the broader property package, there are numerous trenches, property-wide geophysics and geochemistry (Induced Polarization, Magnetics, and Electromagnetics surveys, soil and glacial till samples). Completion of this compilation will provide Alexandria with excellent information for targeting future exploration drill holes.

It is worth noting, for instance, the Sleepy deposit, located at the eastern end of the Company's property package, was discovered in the late 1980's by Cambior Inc. by drilling a glacial till anomaly, and that there are several other as-yet untested glacial till anomalies on the broader property package. The Company has already delineated numerous priority exploration targets from this data, on which it will begin drilling early in 2008. These targets include follow-up testing of significant results the Company received from drill holes on its Oramaque, Bloc Sud West and Sleepy properties in the Spring of 2007, as well as new targets based on geology, geophysics and historical exploration results.

The results presented in this press release are exploratory in nature and have been reviewed by the company's Qualified Person, Eddy Canova, P.Geo. The drilling program employs a Quality Assurance/Quality Control program consistent with NI 43-101 and industry best practices. Drill core is NQ-sized, and is logged, sampled and split at the Company's Val d'Or office, in intervals of 0.3 meters to a maximum of 1.5 meters. The samples are recorded, bagged and sent to Bourlamaque Assay Lab in Val-d'Or for assay. Samples are analyzed for Au, Ag, Cu and Zn, via a 30 gram pulp by FAA for Au and AA for Ag, Cu and Zn. Re-assays by FA gravimetric finish are performed on samples assaying greater than 1.0 g/t Au and re-assays greater than 5.0 g/t Au are checked a second time by FA gravimetric finish.

Alexandria Minerals Corp. is a Toronto-based mineral exploration and development company, currently focused on the exploration for precious metals on mineral properties located in Northern Ontario and Quebec. The Company's management has extensive global experience with small to large mining companies, from grass-roots exploration to the exploitation of mineral deposits. The Company is a reporting issuer in the provinces of British Columbia, Alberta and Ontario.

WARNING: The Company relies upon litigation protection for "forward-looking" statements. This News Release may contain forward-looking statements including but not limited to comments regarding the timing and content of up-coming work programs, geological interpretations, receipt of property titles, potential mineral recovery processes, etc. Forward-looking statements address future events and conditions and therefore involve inherent risks and uncertainties. Actual results may differ materially from those currently anticipated in such statements. Alexandria Minerals Corporation relies upon litigation protection for forward-looking statements.

SOURCE: Alexandria Minerals Corporation

Coal Harbor Communications Dale Paruk (604) 662-4505 or Toll Free: 1-877-642-6200 (604) 662-4547 (FAX) Email: info@coal-harbor.com Alexandria Minerals Corporation Eric Owens (416) 363-9372 Email: info@azx.ca Website: www.azx.ca
Copyright (C) 2007 Marketwire. All rights reserved.
In einigen Wochen, sieht hier die Welt wieder anders aus. Die News sind alle gut! :)
Wollte nur auch mal etwas jammern :lol: .

Ist nicht das erste Mal, dass der Explorersektor am Boden liegt. Bin weiter sehr zuversichtlich und man sollte auch über den Tellerand schauen und nicht die Momentaufnahme zu hoch einschätzen. :whistle:

Was hasten noch für ausgebombte Werte als potentielle Rebounder auf der Watch?

-R5I- könnte interessant werden

-LR8- unter 0,30 schlag ich da zu

Gruß ollinho

In einigen Wochen, sieht hier die Welt wieder anders aus. Die News sind alle gut! :)
Ich trade eigentlich nur mit Conergy im Moment. R5I ist ein Top Wert!!
ich schau mir mein Basket im Mai 2009 an, dann reden wir weiter
in der Zwischenzeit kauf ich weiter in kleinen Portionen ausgewaehlte Positionen nach
Newstrading bringt momentan nix
aber das hier ist ja auch ein Langfristthread
unsere Aufgabe ist es die 5-10% Explorer rauszupicken, die eine realistische Chance haben, aufgekauft zu werden oder es bis in den Produzentenstatus zu schaffen!
wobei PTU als Trade ja sogar mal ganz nett gewesen waere...

+50% :eek:
ich schau mir mein Basket im Mai 2009 an, dann reden wir weiter
in der Zwischenzeit kauf ich weiter in kleinen Portionen ausgewaehlte Positionen nach
Newstrading bringt momentan nix
aber das hier ist ja auch ein Langfristthread
unsere Aufgabe ist es die 5-10% Explorer rauszupicken, die eine realistische Chance haben, aufgekauft zu werden oder es bis in den Produzentenstatus zu schaffen!

Copper Canyon TSX:CPY


uebelst abgestraft durch die Novagold Galore Creek Chose, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaber...

das ganze wird nie und nimmer NICHT fertiggestellt, nur geandert!

Copper sitzt auf gross metal value von ueber 1bio und wird momentan mit 17mio am Markt bewertet, imho wird Novagold die rauskaufen und damit die verbleibenden 20% des Projektes einsacken, wodurch der Deal ploetzlich wieder profitabel wuerde!

Anlagehorizont 6 Monate
Amera Resources TSX:AMS

weitere Position long, 0,20 CAD
Ergebnisse Cu-Ag-Au aus Peru stehen aus, ev. DT

Olympus Minerals TSX:OYM

Produzent in Vietnam, ettliche Blue-Sky Grassroot Projekte, long!

Dajin Resources TSX:DJI

die Firma gibt es noch nicht lange, Ergebnisse ettlicher Projekte stehen aus, long!

ich kaufe JETZT im Dez MASSIV meiner Meinung nach zu Unrecht abgestrafte Explorer?Junior-Produzenten ein, die werden wir im Fruehjahr imho DEUTLICH hoeher sehen!


Momentan verkaufen ettliche Instis, Hedge und normale Fonds auf Teufel komm raus entweder

a) fuer Tax-Loss Selling

b) die billig eingesackten Shares aus den KEs

c) sie hedgen ihre Warrants

d) oder sie verschleudern die Aktien um ueberhaupt an Liquiditaet ranzukommen

Der Explorerboom, wie wir ihn hier in D durch die unserioesen BB erlebt haben wird in dieser Form wahrscheinlich vorbei sein, aber das aendert langfristig nichts an dne hervorragenden Aussiichten auf die naechsten 5-6 Jahre fuer die Top-Werte
Thompson auch long?
December 5, 2007
Mustang Updates Prefeasibility Progress
New Drill Program Underway

TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Dec. 5, 2007) - Mustang Minerals Corp. (TSX VENTURE:MUM)(FRANKFURT:NJF) today announced the commencement of exploration drilling at its Maskwa Property, located in southeastern Manitoba. The Company also announced the results from drill holes completed earlier in 2007 as part of definition and resource drilling of the Maskwa deposit and provided an update on the progress of the prefeasibility study at Maskwa.

Prefeasibility Study

Mustang Minerals Corp. is currently completing a prefeasibility study for its Maskwa Nickel Project. The prefeasibility is proceeding with all phases of work progressing towards completion. The key components of the work are being completed by Wardrop Engineering Inc. (resource, geotechnical work and mine design), F. Wright Consulting Inc., (metallurgical testwork), Golders Associates Ltd.(tailings disposal) and Met-Chem Canada Inc. (metallurgy, process definition, ore processing facilities and mine site infrastructure). Micon International has been engaged to author the final prefeasibility study report.

Drilling Commences at Maskwa

The exploration drill program is targeting nickel mineralization located along the North Maskwa and Dumbarton horizons. Both horizons are coincident with GeoTech VTEM conductors and are associated with surface showings of copper-nickel mineralization. This mineralization has been mapped and shown to outcrop intermittently along strike for approximately 2 kilometers. The program is anticipated to last several months as a minimum of 10,000 feet has been contracted.

Included in the drill program will be drilling of the Maskwa North conductor to the north of where base metal values were encountered in geotechnical drilling. Significant elevated values from assays in the geotechnical holes not previously released include:

In MM07-90;

- 0.24 meters at 0.65% Ni, 1.52% Cu and 0.9 g/t PGM's (from 24.05 to 24.29 meters) and

- 1.44 meters at 1.49% Cu (from 205.04 to 206.48 meters) and

- 1.19 meters at 0.60% Cu and 0.5 g/t PGM's (from 210.19 to 211.38 meters) and

- 1.40 meters at 0.78% Cu (from 212.78 to 214.18 meters)

In MM07-91;

- 4.6 meters at 2.4 g/t PGM and

- 1.5 meters of 0.48% Ni and 0.55% Cu.

Results of Resource Drilling

Other drill holes at Maskwa not previously announced include MM07-93, MM07- 94 and MM07-95. These drill holes were drilled as part of resource definition and intersected multiple zones of lower grade nickel mineralization. Additional core from prospective holes previously drilled at Maskwa are currently being split and sent for assay to examine the continuity and extent of this lower grade mineralization.

MM07-93 was targeted to hit the Maskwa Zone 45 meters below the resource model. It intersected six zones of low grade nickel mineralization in the hole.

- 6.1 meters at 0.31% nickel (from 81.1 to 87.2 meters) and;

- 5.7 meters at 0.31% nickel (from 95.6 to 101.3 meters) and;

- 15.6 meters at 0.34% nickel (from 103.8 to 119.4 meters) and;

- 4.6 meters at 0.31% nickel (from 122.5 to 127.1 meters) and;

- 6.1 meters at 0.40% nickel (from 128.6 to 134.7 meters) and;

- 10.2 meters at 0.40% nickel (from 162.1 to 172.3 meters)

MM07-94 was an infill resource hole intersected two zones of mineralization.

- 19.1 meters at 0.40% nickel (from 121.7 to 140.8 meters) which included 3.7 meters at 1.36% nickel and 0.78% copper in a hanging wall zone and;

- 21.4 meters at 0.40% nickel (from 188.0 to 209.4 meters)

MM07-95 was targeted to intersect the Maskwa Zone 91.5 meters below the resource. It intersected:

- 1.2 meters at 2.5% Cu and 0.41% Ni (from 147.5 to 148.7 meters) and;

- 9.1 meters at 0.36% nickel (from 282.6 to 291.7 meters)

Assays were completed at Accurassay Laboratories and TSL Laboratories using standard assay techniques. Assay intervals are apparent width.

Carey Galeschuk P.Geo the VP Exploration of Mustang and Ernest J Marcotte P.Eng. are the Qualified Persons for Mustang Minerals Corp. and have reviewed the contents of this release.

To find out more about Mustang Minerals Corp. (TSX-V: MUM) visit our website at www.mustangminerals.com.

This news release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and forward-looking information within the meaning of the Securities Act (Ontario) (together, "forward-looking statements"). Such forward-looking statements may include the Company's plans for its mineral projects in Manitoba, the overall economic potential of its properties, the availability of adequate financing and involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements to be materially different. Such factors include, among others, risks and uncertainties relating to potential political risks involving the Company's operations, uncertainty of production and costs estimates and the potential for unexpected costs and expenses, physical risks inherent in mining operations, currency fluctuations, fluctuations in the price of nickel and other metals, completion of economic evaluations, changes in project parameters as plans continue to be refined, the inability or failure to obtain adequate financing on a timely basis, and other risks and uncertainties, including those described in the Company's Management Discussion and Analysis for the year ended December 31, 2006 and Material Change Reports filed with the Canadian Securities Administrators and available at www.sedar.com.

Shares Outstanding: 68,893,760
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