• Am Sonntag, den 09.03.2025 erfolgt in den USA und Kanada die Umstellung auf Sommerzeit. Deswegen beginnt der Haupthandel ab Montag in den USA und Kanada bereits um 14:30 MEZ und endet um 21:00 MEZ. Bei uns findet die Zeitumstellung am 30.03.2025 statt. Dann haben wir wieder "normalen" Handelszeiten.

Rohstoffthread (Archiv)

Für weitere Antworten geschlossen.
sind zu viele - soweit ich das sehe kannst du sowas in nahezu allen normlen FX-Handels Währungen kreiieren, d.h. die Wähurngen müssen liquide und transparent handelbar sein - das ist das allerwichtigste!
i.Moment wird eigentlich fast alles über den Yen gemacht gegen alle Hauptwährungen, Hauptsache die Zinsdifferenz ist groß genug...
Greenhorn könntest Du mir bitte mal alle Dir bekannten Carry Trade Währungspaare einstellen?

die MK ist im Moment bei gerademal knapp 4,8 Mio Euro und ca. 19 Mill. Outstanding Shares - sollte die nich nach der News gestern so richtig flutschen?


2007-11-22 09:49 ET - News Release

Mr. Rex Loesby reports


Western Troy Capital Resources Inc. has received the results of a new resource estimate for its MacLeod Lake molybdenum-copper project in Northern Quebec. The new resource estimate includes the assays from the summer of 2007 drilling program. The attached table shows the updated resource estimate for the Main and South zones.

Main zone Main zone South zone Contained
indicated inferred indicated pounds per ounce

Tonnes (mm) 24.4 3.8 1.47
Molybdenum 0.076% 0.036% 0.18% 50 million
Copper 0.53% 0.29% 0.72% 333 Million
Gold 0.05 g/t 0.03 g/t 0.54 g/t 68,000
Silver 4.0 g/t 3.0 g/t 19 g/t 4.4 million

Western Troy now has sufficient data to proceed with a meaningful preliminary assessment (scoping study) of a proposed mining operation at MacLeod Lake. Scott Wilson Roscoe Postle Inc., a well-known and respected mining consulting firm in Toronto, has been commissioned to prepare the scoping study. The results are scheduled for release in early March of 2008. An updated 43-101 report will be prepared within 45 days of this release.

MacLeod Lake quality control
dukezero - biste mir hoffentlich nich böse? :confused:
dukezero - biste mir hoffentlich nich böse? :confused:

Ne, nee um gotteswillen. Hätte ja auch ein paar Takte schreiben können. Die Kernfrage ist, dass
es ja offensichtlich bei Dollar Yen Carry Trades einen Zusammenhang zum Gold Silberpreis gibt.
Weiter unten habe ich ja was geschrieben.
Starke Sprünge bei Gold, Silber, die offensichtlich 1-2 tage später darauf reagieren.
Das interessiert mich! :)
fieldex gestern und heute nicht gehandelt kann das sein?

Aktuell im Tageschart: Gravestone Doji und Dragonfly Doji,- sieht nach Trendumkehr nach oben aus.

Keine klare Richtung weder nach oben oder nach unten(letzter Handelstag).

Bitte beachten charttechnische Beschreibungen können sich über den Tag ändern durch das Chartbild!
Market Depth By Price For V : RSG
as of 2007-11-23 11:10:55
Special terms orders and non-boardlot orders do not appear in Market Depth by Price.
Bid Ask
Price 0.175 0.18 0.185 0.19 0.195 0.20 0.205 0.21 0.215 0.22
# Shares 70,500 100,000 131,000 149,600 55,000 32,000 68,500 115,500 61,500 145,500
# Orders 4 4 3 3 2 3 5 6 6 6

# Orders # Shares Price
2 55,000 0.195
3 149,600 0.19
3 131,000 0.185
4 100,000 0.18
4 70,500 0.175

Price # Shares # Orders
0.20 32,000 3
0.205 68,500 5
0.21 115,500 6
0.215 61,500 6
0.22 145,500 6

Market Depth By Order For RSG
as of 2007-11-23 11:10:55

Special terms orders and non-boardlot orders do not appear in the Market Depth by Order.
Bid Ask
Broker Volume Price
19 Desjardins 25,000 0.195
79 CIBC 30,000 0.195
79 CIBC 128,500 0.19
5 Penson 20,000 0.19
2 RBC 1,100 0.19
7 TD Sec 1,000 0.185
7 TD Sec 100,000 0.185
80 National Bank 30,000 0.185
7 TD Sec 50,000 0.18
1 Anonymous 10,000 0.18

Price Volume Broker
0.20 10,000 1 Anonymous
0.20 2,000 1 Anonymous
0.20 20,000 17 Integral
0.205 20,000 1 Anonymous
0.205 10,000 80 National Bank
0.205 10,000 7 TD Sec
0.205 16,500 1 Anonymous
0.205 12,000 7 TD Sec
0.21 25,000 1 Anonymous
0.21 20,000 7 TD Sec

Riecht nach News.

Gravestone Doji + Hanging Man Aufwärtstrend!!
Fischländer´s 2 Jährige Basketcaseübersicht Stand 24.11.07

<table border="1" style="font-size: 12px; border-color:#000000; border-width:1px;border-style:solid;">
<th style="height:14px;">Aktienname</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Stückzahl</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Kaufdatum</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Kaufkurs</th>
<th style="height:14px;">KK-Kosten</th>
<th style="height:14px;"> VK- Kurs</th>
<th style="height:14px;"> VK- Netto</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Aktuell</th>
<td> Southern Arc </td>
<td>550 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,920 €</td>
<td> Vangold </td>
<td>500 €</td>
<td> VK- Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,376 €</td>
<td> Mexivada </td> 
<td>470 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,473 €</td>
<td> Alexandria </td>
<td>470 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td>0,164 €</td>
<td> Bluerock </td>
<td>420 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,414 €</td>
<td> Cornerstone </td>
<td>440 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,424 €</td>
<td> Int. PBX </td>
<td>430 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,233 €</td>
<td> Sparton </td>
<td>510 €</td>
<td>VK- Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,200 €</td>
<td> Largo </td>
<td>570 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert </td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,373 €</td>
<td> Purepoint </td>
<td>620 €</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,290 €</td>

Fischländer´s 2 Jährige Basketcaseübersicht Stand 04.11.07

<table border="1" style="font-size: 12px; border-color:#000000; border-width:1px;border-style:solid;">
<th style="height:14px;">Aktienname</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Stückzahl</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Kaufdatum</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Kaufkurs</th>
<th style="height:14px;">KK-Kosten</th>
<th style="height:14px;"> VK- Kurs</th>
<th style="height:14px;"> VK- Netto</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Aktuell</th>
<td> Southern Arc </td>
<td>550 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 1,15 €</td>
<td> Vangold </td>
<td>500 €</td>
<td> VK- Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,400 €</td>
<td> Mexivada </td> 
<td>470 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,550 €</td>
<td> Alexandria </td>
<td>470 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td>0,209 €</td>
<td> Bluerock </td>
<td>420 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,500 €</td>
<td> Cornerstone </td>
<td>440 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,540 €</td>
<td> Int. PBX </td>
<td>430 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,270 €</td>
<td> Sparton </td>
<td>510 €</td>
<td>VK- Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,230 €</td>
<td> Largo </td>
<td>570 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert </td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,510 €</td>
<td> Purepoint </td>
<td>620 €</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,402 €</td>

Fischländer´s 2 Jährige Basketcaseübersicht Stand 06.10.07

<table border="1" style="font-size: 12px; border-color:#000000; border-width:1px;border-style:solid;">
<th style="height:14px;">Aktienname</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Stückzahl</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Kaufdatum</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Kaufkurs</th>
<th style="height:14px;">KK-Kosten</th>
<th style="height:14px;"> VK- Kurs</th>
<th style="height:14px;"> VK- Netto</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Aktuell</th>
<td> Southern Arc </td>
<td>550 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 1,20 €</td>
<td> Vangold </td>
<td>500 €</td>
<td> VK- Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,360 €</td>
<td> Mexivada </td> 
<td>470 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,520 €</td>
<td> Alexandria </td>
<td>470 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td>0,155 €</td>
<td> Bluerock </td>
<td>420 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,367 €</td>
<td> Cornerstone </td>
<td>440 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,497 €</td>
<td> Int. PBX </td>
<td>430 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,340 €</td>
<td> Sparton </td>
<td>510 €</td>
<td>VK- Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,170 €</td>
<td> Largo </td>
<td>570 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert </td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,405 €</td>
<td> Purepoint </td>
<td>620 €</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,425 €</td>

Fischländer´s 2 Jährige Basketcaseübersicht Stand 01.09.07

<table border="1" style="font-size: 12px; border-color:#000000; border-width:1px;border-style:solid;">
<th style="height:14px;">Aktienname</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Stückzahl</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Kaufdatum</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Kaufkurs</th>
<th style="height:14px;">KK-Kosten</th>
<th style="height:14px;"> VK- Kurs</th>
<th style="height:14px;"> VK- Netto</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Aktuell</th>
<td> Southern Arc </td>
<td>550 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,860 €</td>
<td> Vangold </td>
<td>500 €</td>
<td> VK- Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,407 €</td>
<td> Mexivada </td> 
<td>470 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,445 €</td>
<td> Alexandria </td>
<td>470 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td>0,166 €</td>
<td> Bluerock </td>
<td>420 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,214 €</td>
<td> Cornerstone </td>
<td>440 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,386 €</td>
<td> Int. PBX </td>
<td>430 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,260 €</td>
<td> Sparton </td>
<td>510 €</td>
<td>VK- Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,190 €</td>
<td> Largo </td>
<td>570 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert </td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,379 €</td>
<td> Purepoint </td>
<td>620 €</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,375 €</td>

Fischländer´s 2 Jährige Basketcaseübersicht Stand 04.08.07

<table border="1" style="font-size: 12px; border-color:#000000; border-width:1px;border-style:solid;">
<th style="height:14px;">Aktienname</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Stückzahl</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Kaufdatum</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Kaufkurs</th>
<th style="height:14px;">KK-Kosten</th>
<th style="height:14px;"> VK- Kurs</th>
<th style="height:14px;"> VK- Netto</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Aktuell</th>
<td> Southern Arc </td>
<td>550 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 1,18 €</td>
<td> Vangold </td>
<td>500 €</td>
<td> VK- Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,407 €</td>
<td> Mexivada </td> 
<td>470 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,590 €</td>
<td> Alexandria </td>
<td>470 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td>0,200 €</td>
<td> Bluerock </td>
<td>420 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,356 €</td>
<td> Cornerstone </td>
<td>440 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,530 €</td>
<td> Int. PBX </td>
<td>430 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,371 €</td>
<td> Sparton </td>
<td>510 €</td>
<td>VK- Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,269 €</td>
<td> Largo </td>
<td>570 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert </td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,490 €</td>
<td> Purepoint </td>
<td>620 €</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,479 €</td>

Fischländer´s 2 Jährige Basketcaseübersicht Stand 08.07.07

<table border="1" style="font-size: 12px; border-color:#000000; border-width:1px;border-style:solid;">
<th style="height:14px;">Aktienname</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Stückzahl</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Kaufdatum</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Kaufkurs</th>
<th style="height:14px;">KK-Kosten</th>
<th style="height:14px;"> VK- Kurs</th>
<th style="height:14px;"> VK- Netto</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Aktuell</th>
<td> Southern Arc </td>
<td>550 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 1,24 €</td>
<td> Vangold </td>
<td>500 €</td>
<td> VK- Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,473 €</td>
<td> Mexivada </td> 
<td>470 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,424</td>
<td> Alexandria </td>
<td>470 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td>0,225 €</td>
<td> Bluerock </td>
<td>420 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,354 €</td>
<td> Cornerstone </td>
<td>440 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,50 €</td>
<td> Int. PBX </td>
<td>430 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,41 €</td>
<td> Sparton </td>
<td>510 €</td>
<td>VK- Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,25 €</td>
<td> Largo </td>
<td>570 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert </td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,60 €</td>
<td> Purepoint </td>
<td>620 €</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,52 €</td>

*ohne Gewähr ;) hoffe es sind keine Fehler drinnen :oops:
Zu Mexivada:

Nov 26, 2007 02:30 ET
Gemini Explorations Inc Commences Sampling of Proposed JV Mining Concessions to Expand the Los Chorros Gold Project
CALGARY, AB--(Marketwire - November 26, 2007) - Gemini Explorations Inc ("Gemini") (OTCBB: GXPI) is pleased to report that Minera Primecap Geological Services (MPGS) has commenced sampling the mining concessions of the proposed joint venture prospects adjoining the Los Chorros Gold Mine. MPGS geologists commenced the sampling program immediately following the November 20, 2007 announcement of the proposed joint venture. Gemini has expedited the sampling program in order to complete the due diligence process as quickly as possible. The proposed joint venture would expand Gemini's land position and increase the scale of the Los Chorros Gold Mine project. Gemini's plans are to build a modern processing facility at Los Chorros increasing both production and recovery rates of the gold and other precious metals present. The new joint ownership and processing proposals in the adjoining mine concessions present an excellent opportunity for Gemini to increase revenue, expand mine life and accelerate the capital recovery costs of modernizing the Los Chorros mine. Gemini reported on November 5, 2007 that a 100 tonne per day production rate would produce US$1,080,280 monthly and over US$12,900,000 annually. These estimates are based on US$730 per ounce gold with US$200 per ounce operating and production costs netting US$530 per ounce.
Gold nimmt Anlauf auf Rekordhoch - Experten erwarten baldiges Überspringen der Bestmarke von 1980 - Preis von 900 Dollar pro Feinunze erscheint möglich

Von Daniel Eckert

Die Welt, Berlin (24.11.07) - Die Zwerge haben zu tief gegraben, heißt es in "Der Herr der Ringe" zur Erklärung, warum das böse Balrog geweckt wurde. Beim derzeit haussierenden Gold ist eher der umgekehrte Fall das Problem. Die Bergleute graben nicht tief und nicht schnell genug, um die wachsende Nachfrage nach dem edlen Metall zu befriedigen. Die leicht zugänglichen Goldlagerstätten sind weltweit bereits erschöpft, sodass der Vorstoß in immer gefährlichere Gesteinstiefen für die Minengesellschaften unausweichlich wird.

Dennoch stagniert die Goldproduktion schon seit Mitte der Neunziger bei rund 2500 Tonnen im Jahr, während die Nachfrage stetig steigt. Das hat wesentlich dazu beigetragen, dass der Goldpreis dieses Jahr bereits 28 Prozent zugelegt hat. Zum Wochenschluss kletterten die Notierungen auf bis zu 821 Dollar je Feinunze (31,1 Gramm) und waren damit nur noch wenige Prozente von der Rekordmarke aus dem Januar 1980 entfernt. Damals war der Goldpreis für kurze Zeit auf bis zu 870 Dollar gesprungen.

Experten rechnen fest damit, dass Gold seine historische Bestmarke bald einstellen wird. Seit Ausbruch der Finanzkrise im Sommer hat das Metall an den Finanzmärkten einen enormen Aufschwung erlebt, der teilweise schon an die Gold-Euphorie der Siebzigerjahre erinnert.

"Bei Investoren ist das Edelmetall so gefragt wie lange nicht", sagt John Hill, Rohstoffanalyst bei der Citigroup. Gold-Fonds halten aktuell bereits 800 Tonnen des edlen Metalls. Das ist mehr, als zum Beispiel die Europäische Zentralbank (EZB) in ihren Tresoren lagert. Das edle Metall ist nicht nur als "sicherer Hafen" in Zeiten eines erschütterten Finanzsystems gefragt, sondern profitiert zunehmend auch davon, dass Anleger eine inflationssichere Alternative zu Aktien und Anleihen suchen. Bundesbank-Präsident Axel Weber hatte kürzlich davor gewarnt, dass die Verbraucherpreise in Deutschland Ende 2007 zum ersten Mal seit Jahren mit einer Rate von drei Prozent steigen könnten. Auch andernorts, etwa in China, zieht die Inflation an.

"Die explodierenden Ölnotierungen und die teilweise deutlich gestiegenen Nahrungsmittelpreise schüren die Furcht, dass Inflation wieder ein ernstes Thema werden könnte", sagt Frank Schallenberger von der Landesbank Baden-Württemberg (LBBW).

Zum jüngsten Höhenflug des Goldes beigetragen hat aber auch die Schwäche des Dollars. In dem Maße, in dem die US-Devise ihren Status als Weltleitwährung einbüßt, rückt das Edelmetall wieder in den Fokus der Finanzwelt. Gold hatte über weite Teile des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts - zu Zeiten des "Goldstandards" - bereits als Stützpfeiler des internationalen Währungssystems fungiert. Heute kaufen Investoren das Edelmetall, um sich gegen den Wertverlust des Greenbacks abzusichern.

Letzterer hat sich beschleunigt, nachdem sich die Hinweise darauf verdichten, dass sich Ölstaaten wie Saudi-Arabien langsam von der Dollar-Bindung ihrer Währungen verabschieden könnten. Am Freitag mussten für einen Euro 1,4966 Dollar aufgebracht werden, soviel wie noch nie. Gegenüber anderen Devisen wie dem japanischen Yen hat der Dollar zuletzt ebenfalls stark an Wert verloren. Auch die Erwartung sinkender Zinsen in den USA hilft dem gelben Metall, da es als Investment attraktiver wird, wenn der Hauptkonkurrent, der Rentenmarkt, weniger abwirft.

"Angesichts der fallenden Realzinsen, des hohen Ölpreises und des steigenden Anlegerinteresses könnte der Goldpreis jetzt Richtung 900 Dollar durchstarten", sagt Rohstoffexperte Eugen Weinberg von der Commerzbank. Auch aus Sicht von Schallenberger stehen die Chancen gut, dass das Allzeithoch vom Januar 1980 noch dieses Jahr fällt. "Jeder Rückschlag sollte zum Aufstocken von Positionen genutzt werden", rät der LBBW-Mann.

Doch selbst das muss noch nicht das Ende der Fahnenstange sein. Rechnet man den Goldpreis von 1980 zurück in heutige Währung, waren Investoren seinerzeit bereit, für eine Unze rund 2200 Dollar zu zahlen (siehe Grafik). Sollte sich die Finanzkrise weiter verschärfen oder es zu einem Dollar-Crash kommen, sind nach Einschätzung mancher Experten ähnliche Preisniveaus keineswegs ausgeschlossen. Doch ein Gold-Boom kann auch trügerisch sein. So sagten nach der Hausse der Siebzigerjahre viele Marktbeobachter dem gelben Metall auch in den Achtzigern eine glänzende Zukunft voraus. Tatsächlich stürzte der Preis nach dem Hoch von 1980 aber ab, um erst 27 Jahre später wieder in ähnliche Regionen vorzustoßen.
netter Deal für Sherwood - und nun ahnt man warum der Kurs auch mit so runter iss......
ich denke das die Western Celtics Aktionäre noch nen Aufschlag bekommen!

0,47 Can$ - wären im Moment 0,32 Euro; und die sollten wir mindestens sehen!

Nov 26, 2007 07:00 ET
Sherwood Announces Agreement for Acquisition of Western Keltic Mines

- Inclusion of Kutcho Creek Deposit Would Double Copper Resources & Could Double Production -
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Nov. 26, 2007) -

Sherwood Copper Corporation (TSX VENTURE:SWC) today announced that it has entered into an agreement with Western Keltic Mines Inc. under which Sherwood has agreed to make an offer to acquire all the shares of Western Keltic through the issuance of 0.08 of a share of Sherwood for each share of Western Keltic. Based on the November 23, 2007 closing price for the Sherwood shares, this equates to an approximate price of $0.47 per Western Keltic share. The consideration under the offer represents a premium of 53% over Western Keltic's closing price on November 23, 2007. Based on 79,830,855 Western Keltic shares outstanding, this offer equates to approximately $37 million for all of the issued and outstanding shares of Western Keltic. Western Keltic's board, along with its largest registered shareholder (representing an aggregate of 26.8 million shares of Western Keltic that are issued or issuable upon the exercise of options and warrants) have entered into or have agreed to enter into lock-up and support agreements in respect of the transaction. Western Keltic's board has unanimously approved the terms of the agreement and recommend the shareholders of Western Keltic tender into Sherwood's offer when mailed.

"The acquisition of Western Keltic and its Kutcho Creek copper-zinc deposit would more than double our copper resources, and offers the potential to continue Sherwood's transformation to a significant base metal producer through the potential development of Kutcho Creek," said Stephen P. Quin, Sherwood's President & CEO. "We see the opportunity to redeploy our successful mine evaluation and development team to maximize the value of the Kutcho Creek property to the combined companies' shareholders. We aim to reassess the development plans for Kutcho Creek over the coming months to determine the most attractive development option, much as we did at Minto, with the objective of developing a robust, low cost mining operation," he said. "Further, the high grade Minto mine should generate significant free cash flow at current metal prices that could be re-invested in the development of a second mine at Kutcho Creek, significantly reducing overall financing needs and share dilution versus Western Keltic going it alone."

Sherwood Copper recently completed the development of Phase 1 of its high grade Minto copper-gold mine in the Yukon, ahead of schedule and on budget, and aims to complete its Phase 2 mill expansion by the end of 2007. In addition, Sherwood will shortly be announcing the results of an independent pre-feasibility study on the Minto mine that will incorporate the discovery of the Area 2 deposit in 2006 and lay out the basis for a Phase 3 mill expansion. Further, exploration successes during 2007, including four new discoveries of high grade copper-gold mineralization, indicate potential for yet more growth within the Minto property. Results from 46 of 92 exploration holes completed in 2007 are still awaiting assays.

Western Keltic recently completed a pre-feasibility study evaluating the potential development of the Kutcho Creek deposit, the results of which were announced on September 5, 2007. This study defined resources and reserves as set out in an amended and restated technical report filed on SEDAR on October 29, 2007. Since that time, Western Keltic has been advancing the project towards completion of a feasibility study by conducting geotechnical and environmental baseline studies, as well as advancing the permitting process for approval of production. Western Keltic has also been actively engaged in discussions with the Talhtan and Kaska First Nations, as well as other local communities to ensure there is broad based support for the development of a mine at Kutcho Creek, while taking into account the concerns of the First Nations and other stakeholders.

"Based on public information and our due diligence, Sherwood believes that the Kutcho Creek deposit shares many similarities with the Minto mine; being a smaller tonnage, relatively high grade open pittable copper deposit with by-product credits," said Mr. Quin. "These similarities suggest that our experiences, approach and skills built up over the past two years at the Minto Mine should be directly transferable to the design, construction, financing and operation of a mine at Kutcho Creek. We believe there is an opportunity to "do it again" at Kutcho Creek, while learning from the challenges and successes experienced in the development of the Minto Mine."

Transaction Rationale

Sherwood believes this offer provides significant benefits for Western Keltic's existing shareholders including, but not limited to, the following:

- Western Keltic shareholders will gain immediate exposure to Sherwood's current copper production, production growth from planned mill expansions and the tremendous exploration results being generated by Sherwood's exploration team on the Minto property;

- Sherwood should have access to financing and cash flow from its Minto Mine operations that could contribute funds towards the development cost of the Kutcho Creek deposit;

- Sherwood has a proven track record of mine development in the same region as Western Keltic's Kutcho Creek deposit;

- Sherwood has access to the same mine development team that successfully brought its mine into production, ahead of schedule and on budget; and

- Sherwood has successfully worked with the Yukon Government and Selkirk First Nation to advance its project through feasibility, permitting, development and into production and believes it can bring these experiences to bear on the Kutcho Creek deposit.

Sherwood further believes that the Western Keltic shareholders would benefit from the tax-effective combination of the two companies and that they could participate in the upside from the significantly enhanced business platform, in addition to having greater financial flexibility as a result of the underlying liquidity in Sherwood's shares.

Sherwood Offer

Sherwood anticipates that the transaction would be structured by way of a take-over offer and would be subject to certain standard conditions including that no less than 66 2/3% of the issued and outstanding shares of Western Keltic be tendered to the offer. However, the parties may consider an alternative form of transaction such as a plan of arrangement or other form of business combination as mutually determined by Sherwood and Western Keltic.

Full details of the offer will be included in the formal offer and take-over circular to be filed with the regulatory authorities and mailed to Western Keltic shareholders in accordance with applicable securities laws. The offer to shareholders of Western Keltic will be to acquire all of the issued and outstanding shares of Western Keltic in consideration for the issue of Sherwood shares on the basis of 0.08 Sherwood shares for every Western Keltic share. This offer represents an approximate 53% premium to the closing stock price for the Western Keltic shares on November 23, 2007. Based on the current Western Keltic shares outstanding, the transaction would involve the issuance of approximately 6.4 million Sherwood shares, which would equate to 12.5% of Sherwood's pro forma shares outstanding.

If the offer is to be made by takeover offer, the offer will remain open for 35 days following the mailing date and will be subject to certain conditions relating to receipt of requisite regulatory approvals, the absence of any material changes and acceptance of the offer by Western Keltic shareholders owning not less than two-thirds of the Western Keltic common shares. The letter agreement also provides for usual deal protection provisions including a break fee of $1.4 million in favour of Sherwood in the event of a superior proposal.

Sherwood has engaged Dundee Securities Corporation as its financial advisor and DuMoulin Black LLP as its legal advisor in respect of this transaction.


Sherwood's successful consolidation of the ownership of the Minto Project provides a unique investment opportunity - participation in a fully permitted, operating, high-grade, open pit copper-gold mine located in Canada with tremendous exploration potential on the 100% owned property. When combined with the potential development of Western Keltic's Kutcho Creek deposit, Sherwood offers significant near-term and long-term growth potential.

Additional Information

Additional information on Sherwood and its Minto Mine can be obtained on Sherwood's website at http://www.sherwoodcopper.com.

Additional information on Western Keltic and its Kutcho Creek deposit is available on Western Keltic's website at http://www.westernkeltic.com.

On behalf of the board of directors


Stephen P. Quin, President & CEO
Nov 26, 2007 09:00 ET
Millstream Uncovers New Gold Zone at Tamarack Measuring 28.8 g/t Gold and 94.2 g/t Silver
TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Nov. 26, 2007) - Millstream Mines Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:MLM)(FRANKFURT:NJD) is pleased to announce that at its Tamarack Mine Project in Montana, a segment of ground situated in close proximity to the newly excavated adit (leading to an underground decline (Azimuth 103 deg, Slope -15%)) has given way revealing a new mineralized gold zone. The exposed zone is apparently dipping north east, striking east-west and measures approximately 4 ft. or 1.2 m in width from its top to bottom and approximately at least 100 ft. or 30.48 m in exposed length. A channel sample taken over its width of 4 ft. (1.2 m) returned .928 ounces per ton (opt.) or 28.8 grams per ton (g/t) Gold and 3.04 opt. or 94.2 g/t Silver. It is important to note that this occurrence has in no way disrupted access to the underground decline. In fact, a picture of the adit and the newly discovered gold vein can be viewed on the company's website @ millstreammines.com/usamontanaprops.html.

During the week of Nov. 12, 2007, Company management, Ernest Harrison (CEO) and Rob Chase (CFO), together with Company consultant, Phil Brown (QP) and Dave Dawson of Insight Geophysics visited the mine site and witnessed first hand mine and mill operations. Management is pleased to report that the mill has now completed its initial tune-up period and is now being fed with higher grade ore (.4 opt. or 12.4 g/t) intermingled with lower grade ore (.1 opt or 3.1 g/t) in order to maintain a uniform consistency. The mill is now running in 8 hour shifts, 5 days a week and the throughput is now roughly 30 to 40 tons per day. This will be eventually scaled up to 100 tons per day over a period of time. The crushing and grinding circuit, electrics, piping, flow cells, and a full size Deister gravity table are now in efficient working order (go to millstreammines.com/usamontanaprops.html in order to download clips of the mill and minesite in motion). A stockpile of some 2000 tons of roughly .4 opt. or 12.4 g/t gold material (see PR's Feb. 19,'07 & May 4,'07) awaits the mill for gold and silver extraction and concentration. Also, six miles up the mountain to the west at the Uncle Sam Mine, of which Millstream has a 50% interest, a further 4,500 tons of 0.45 opt. broken up gold ore material lying in the stopes can be accessed for further feed to the mill (see PR Aug. 15,'97). Concurrently, the exploration for further mineralized feed sources underground continues.

On this front, the services of geophysical crews have been procured to perform a ground GPS magnetic survey over the entire group of Tamarack Mine claims. The property consists of six (6) patented claims and a further Lode Claim and two (2) Placer Claim blocks tying in all claims, making them contiguous. As this release is being read the survey is being performed. Preliminary results can be viewed on the company's website at millstreammines.com/exploremontana.html. These initial results line up very well with drill holes DDH 04-01 and Goldfield's TR-2 (see below for historical assay results). To the immediate east, west and south of these holes lie 3 sizable targets which will need to be tested either by drill or underground drift.

Past Exploration Highlights

In November of 1991, Goldfields did some exploration work on the Tamarack Mine Project in the form of reverse circulation drill chip logging, plotting holes on sections, analyzing assays and check assays, and following up on leads for adjacent claims. The following are highlights from that work:

Drill Hole Down hole Width Gold AssayNo. Interval (ft.) (ft.) (m) (oz/ton) (g/t)
TR-2 50 to 150 100 30.47 .244 7.56Including 70 to 90 20 6.1 .975 30.22Including 105 to 115 10 3.05 .123 3.81
TR-4 115 to 130 15 4.57 .109 3.38 120 to 125 5 1.52 .277 8.59 190 to 200 10 3.04 .504 15.6 415 to 420 5 1.52 .267 8.28
TR-8 345 to 355 10 3.04 .143 4.43
TR-9 15 to 20 5 1.52 .109 3.38 265 to 270 5 1.52 1.976 61.25
TR-11 0 to 15 15 4.57 .153 4.74(see hole locations at millstreammines.com/exploremontana.html)

In 2004, Millstream undertook to drill DDH 04-01 in order to retrieve core
and get geologic lithology from the region in and around Goldfield's TR-2.
The returns from that hole are as follows:

Drill Hole Down hole Width Gold AssayNo. Interval (ft.) (ft.) (m) (oz/ton) (g/t)DDH-04-01 73 to 78 5 1.52 .338 10.48Including 73 to 74 1 .305 1.06 32.86 102 to 109 7 2.13 .438 13.58(see hole location at millstreammines.com/exploremontana.html)

While excavating an underground exploration drift to pick up the mineralization encountered in TR-2 and DDH 04-01, the following mineralized zones and areas were encountered:

A channel sample of a 1.5 ft. (.457 m) wide seam across the drift face located approximately 25 ft. (7.62 m) past DDH 04-01 assayed Gold 10.84 opt (371.66 g/t) and Silver 0.21 opt (7.2 g/t) with check assay of 10.877 opt. Gold over 7 ft. from the drift's right wall to left wall (see PR Feb. 19, 2007).

A channel sample of the left wall located at the DDH 04-01 area of intersection assayed Au 0.45 opt (15.43 g/t) and Ag 0.15 opt (5.14 g/t) over 8 ft. from the back to the sill of the drift (see PR Feb. 19, 2007).

A sample of the right wall located 146 ft. down the decline assayed Au 0.504 ounces per ton (opt) and Ag 0.64 opt. over a 1.2 ft. channel (see PR Dec. 6, 2006).

A sample of the right wall located 166 ft. down the decline carried a weighted average assay of Au 0.115 opt. and Ag 0.105 over a 9.67 ft. channel. Included within this average was a sample assaying Au .256 opt. and Ag .04 over a 3.91 ft. channel (see PR Dec. 6, 2006).

Samples of the right and left wall located between 170 ft. and 175 ft. down the decline carried a weighted average value of Au 0.26 opt. and Ag 0.08 opt. over panels on each wall of 5 ft. by 9 ft (see PR Dec. 6, 2006).

The Tamarack Property is currently running a bulk sample towards achieving the status of a producing, high-grade gold operator in the Tobacco Root Mountains, Madison County, Montana. The furnace for pouring dore gold bars and an on-site assay laboratory are expected to be completed in the near future. Millstream has a 100% interest in the Tamarack, lode gold bearing, Property and its associated assets. The Tamarack Property is accessible year round, 4 miles from the town of Sheridan, on a well maintained gravel road. The associated assets of the property include a newly refurbished 100 tons per day (tpd) mill. Additional assets include tailings disposal ponds, a water supply lagoon and wells, surface and underground equipment, parts and tools. An electric power transmission line complete with a sub-station on the property is delivering power through the electrical utility, NorthWestern Energy.

The Uncle Sam Mine is also located in the Tobacco Root Mountains 6 miles to the east of the Tamarack Mine and Mill. Detailed geophysical, geochemical and geological surveys have extended the previous workings to cover a gold/graphite bearing structure over 8,000 feet long or 2.438 km. This investigation also identified the presence of other lode gold occurrences associated with the known mineralized Uncle Sam fault zone which has a true thickness of about sixty (60) feet or about 18.3 metres. All previous mining has occurred at the hanging wall of the Uncle Sam fault over a width of three (3) to ten (10) feet or 1 to 3 metres. Hence, this property will be an important component in Millstream's Montana gold operation as a source of feed for its mill at Tamarack.

Sample preparation and analyses for this release were conducted by Norris Lab of Norris, Montana on split drill core (DDH 04-01) and samples supplied by Millstream. All historical Goldfield's assays returns were prepared and conducted by Chemex Labs Inc. of Nevada, USA. Management has reviewed this report and press release with the company's consultant, Phil A. Brown, P.Geo, who is the designated qualified person for the property.

About Millstream Mines Ltd.:

Millstream Mines Ltd. is a Canadian-based mineral exploration company whose principle objective is to enhance and develop known mineral properties to production potential. The Company has active projects in the Province of Ontario, Canada and in the State of Montana, USA. The company's main focus continues to be the 100% owned Potter Mine Property. This past producing property is host to copper-zinc-cobalt "stacked" mineralized zones located in the highly prolific Abitibi Greenstone Belt and more specifically in the Kidd-Munro Assemblage near the town of Matheson in north eastern Ontario. It is the company's ambition to fulfill drilling requirements necessary to estimate a NI 43-101 compliant resource.

Millstream seeks safe harbour with regard to forward looking statements.

Nov. 23, '07 Close: $0.24

60,647,540 SHARES ISSUED

The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
:eek: damit sind die 0,47 Can$ = 0,32 Euro sozusagen garantiert

Nov 26, 2007 09:15 ET
Western Keltic Mines Inc. Accepts Sherwood Copper Corporation's Offer to Purchase Western Keltic; Cancels Previously Announced Financing
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Nov. 26, 2007) -


Western Keltic Mines Inc. ("Western Keltic") (TSX VENTURE:WKM) announced today that it has entered into an agreement (the "Letter Agreement") with Sherwood Copper Corporation ("Sherwood") (TSX VENTURE:SWC) wherein Sherwood has agreed to make an offer (the "Offer") to acquire all of the shares of Western Keltic for consideration of 0.08 of a common share of Sherwood for each common share of Western Keltic.

Based on the November 23, 2007 closing price for the Sherwood common shares, the consideration under the Offer equates to an approximate price of $0.47 per Western Keltic common share, which represents a 53% premium over Western Keltic's closing price of $0.305 per common share on November 23, 2007. Based on the 79,830,855 Western Keltic common shares currently issued and outstanding, the aggregate value of the Offer is approximately $37 million. Western Keltic's Board of Directors has unanimously approved the terms of the Letter Agreement and recommends that Western Keltic shareholders accept the Offer. The members of Western Keltic's Board of Directors, as well as Western Keltic's largest registered shareholder, representing an aggregate of approximately 26.8 million Western Keltic common shares issued or issuable upon the exercise of options and warrants, have, respectively, agreed to enter into or have already entered into lock-up agreements in respect of the Offer.

As a result of Sherwood's proposal, Western Keltic has determined that it will not further pursue its previously announced prospectus offering at this time.

Details of the Sherwood Proposal

The Letter Agreement between Sherwood and Western Keltic contemplates that the transaction would be structured as a take-over bid, subject to standard conditions and the condition that no less than 66 2/3% of the issued and outstanding common shares of Western Keltic be tendered to the Offer. The parties may consider structuring the transaction in an alternative form as mutually determined by Sherwood and Western Keltic.

Under the Letter Agreement, Western Keltic has agreed not to solicit other proposals or seek alternative offers, subject to the exercise by the Western Keltic Board of Directors of its fiduciary duties and its right, subject to certain conditions, to respond to an unsolicited proposal from another party where it has a fiduciary duty to do so. Western Keltic is also obliged to provide Sherwood with the particulars of any such proposal and Sherwood has a right to match any such third party proposal. A break fee of $1.4 million is payable to Sherwood in the event of an unsolicited superior third party proposal which is accepted by Western Keltic.

The Offer is conditional upon, among other things: (1) the share capitalization of Western Keltic not increasing from the current level other than through the issue of Western Keltic shares as a result of the exercise of existing options and warrants; (2) negotiation and finalization of definitive support and/or other agreements, to include standard provisions, including: the obligation of the Western Keltic Board to recommend that Western Keltic shareholders tender their Western Keltic shares in favour of the Offer, and certain other provisions reflecting the terms of the Letter Agreement, including in respect of non-solicitation, the break fee and right to match; (3) entering into lock-up agreements with each member of the Western Keltic Board of Directors; (4) final approval of the take over bid circular by the Sherwood Board of Directors; (5) the approvals, acceptances and consents of all applicable regulatory authorities, stock exchanges and banks as necessary to complete the transaction; (6) no material adverse changes in respect of either party, excluding general market conditions; and (7) certain limits on Western Keltic's financial commitments and obligations prior to closing.

Under the Letter Agreement, Sherwood and Western Keltic have agreed to use their commercially reasonable best efforts to finalize and execute the definitive support agreement in respect of the Offer by December 7, 2007. If the definitive support agreement is not executed on or before December 7, the Letter Agreement may be terminated by either party.

John McConnell, CEO of Western Keltic said, "This transaction represents an attractive premium for our shareholders while providing an excellent opportunity for Western Keltic shareholders to participate in the development of the Kutcho property without experiencing the level of dilution that would be necessary if Western Keltic were to advance the project independently. Sherwood should have access to financing, and cash flow from its Minto Mine operations, that could contribute funds towards the development cost of the Kutcho Creek deposit and an available development team with the experience to ensure the project moves ahead quickly. Overall I think this is a win/win for Western Keltic shareholders."

The Board of Directors of Western Keltic established a Special Committee, which has considered the Offer. The Special Committee engaged Paradigm Capital Inc. and Haywood Securities Inc. to act as its financial advisors and Stikeman Elliott LLP as its legal advisor. The Special Committee has received assurances from its advisors that they will be able to provide a fairness opinion in respect of the Offer, which they took into account in their recommendation of the Offer to the Board of Western Keltic.

About Western Keltic

Western Keltic is focused on identifying and developing valuable base and precious metal projects. The company's efforts are supported by a management team that is highly experienced in permitting, developing and operating mines in a responsible manner. Headquartered in Vancouver, Canada, Western Keltic is a publicly traded company, listed on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol "WKM". Visit www.westernkeltic.com for more information.

netter Deal für Sherwood - und nun ahnt man warum der Kurs auch mit so runter iss......
ich denke das die Western Celtics Aktionäre noch nen Aufschlag bekommen!

0,47 Can$ - wären im Moment 0,32 Euro; und die sollten wir mindestens sehen!

Nov 26, 2007 07:00 ET
Sherwood Announces Agreement for Acquisition of Western Keltic Mines

- Inclusion of Kutcho Creek Deposit Would Double Copper Resources & Could Double Production -
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Nov. 26, 2007) -

Sherwood Copper Corporation (TSX VENTURE:SWC) today announced that it has entered into an agreement with Western Keltic Mines Inc. under which Sherwood has agreed to make an offer to acquire all the shares of Western Keltic through the issuance of 0.08 of a share of Sherwood for each share of Western Keltic. Based on the November 23, 2007 closing price for the Sherwood shares, this equates to an approximate price of $0.47 per Western Keltic share. The consideration under the offer represents a premium of 53% over Western Keltic's closing price on November 23, 2007. Based on 79,830,855 Western Keltic shares outstanding, this offer equates to approximately $37 million for all of the issued and outstanding shares of Western Keltic. Western Keltic's board, along with its largest registered shareholder (representing an aggregate of 26.8 million shares of Western Keltic that are issued or issuable upon the exercise of options and warrants) have entered into or have agreed to enter into lock-up and support agreements in respect of the transaction. Western Keltic's board has unanimously approved the terms of the agreement and recommend the shareholders of Western Keltic tender into Sherwood's offer when mailed.

"The acquisition of Western Keltic and its Kutcho Creek copper-zinc deposit would more than double our copper resources, and offers the potential to continue Sherwood's transformation to a significant base metal producer through the potential development of Kutcho Creek," said Stephen P. Quin, Sherwood's President & CEO. "We see the opportunity to redeploy our successful mine evaluation and development team to maximize the value of the Kutcho Creek property to the combined companies' shareholders. We aim to reassess the development plans for Kutcho Creek over the coming months to determine the most attractive development option, much as we did at Minto, with the objective of developing a robust, low cost mining operation," he said. "Further, the high grade Minto mine should generate significant free cash flow at current metal prices that could be re-invested in the development of a second mine at Kutcho Creek, significantly reducing overall financing needs and share dilution versus Western Keltic going it alone."

Sherwood Copper recently completed the development of Phase 1 of its high grade Minto copper-gold mine in the Yukon, ahead of schedule and on budget, and aims to complete its Phase 2 mill expansion by the end of 2007. In addition, Sherwood will shortly be announcing the results of an independent pre-feasibility study on the Minto mine that will incorporate the discovery of the Area 2 deposit in 2006 and lay out the basis for a Phase 3 mill expansion. Further, exploration successes during 2007, including four new discoveries of high grade copper-gold mineralization, indicate potential for yet more growth within the Minto property. Results from 46 of 92 exploration holes completed in 2007 are still awaiting assays.

Western Keltic recently completed a pre-feasibility study evaluating the potential development of the Kutcho Creek deposit, the results of which were announced on September 5, 2007. This study defined resources and reserves as set out in an amended and restated technical report filed on SEDAR on October 29, 2007. Since that time, Western Keltic has been advancing the project towards completion of a feasibility study by conducting geotechnical and environmental baseline studies, as well as advancing the permitting process for approval of production. Western Keltic has also been actively engaged in discussions with the Talhtan and Kaska First Nations, as well as other local communities to ensure there is broad based support for the development of a mine at Kutcho Creek, while taking into account the concerns of the First Nations and other stakeholders.

"Based on public information and our due diligence, Sherwood believes that the Kutcho Creek deposit shares many similarities with the Minto mine; being a smaller tonnage, relatively high grade open pittable copper deposit with by-product credits," said Mr. Quin. "These similarities suggest that our experiences, approach and skills built up over the past two years at the Minto Mine should be directly transferable to the design, construction, financing and operation of a mine at Kutcho Creek. We believe there is an opportunity to "do it again" at Kutcho Creek, while learning from the challenges and successes experienced in the development of the Minto Mine."

Transaction Rationale

Sherwood believes this offer provides significant benefits for Western Keltic's existing shareholders including, but not limited to, the following:

- Western Keltic shareholders will gain immediate exposure to Sherwood's current copper production, production growth from planned mill expansions and the tremendous exploration results being generated by Sherwood's exploration team on the Minto property;

- Sherwood should have access to financing and cash flow from its Minto Mine operations that could contribute funds towards the development cost of the Kutcho Creek deposit;

- Sherwood has a proven track record of mine development in the same region as Western Keltic's Kutcho Creek deposit;

- Sherwood has access to the same mine development team that successfully brought its mine into production, ahead of schedule and on budget; and

- Sherwood has successfully worked with the Yukon Government and Selkirk First Nation to advance its project through feasibility, permitting, development and into production and believes it can bring these experiences to bear on the Kutcho Creek deposit.

Sherwood further believes that the Western Keltic shareholders would benefit from the tax-effective combination of the two companies and that they could participate in the upside from the significantly enhanced business platform, in addition to having greater financial flexibility as a result of the underlying liquidity in Sherwood's shares.

Sherwood Offer

Sherwood anticipates that the transaction would be structured by way of a take-over offer and would be subject to certain standard conditions including that no less than 66 2/3% of the issued and outstanding shares of Western Keltic be tendered to the offer. However, the parties may consider an alternative form of transaction such as a plan of arrangement or other form of business combination as mutually determined by Sherwood and Western Keltic.

Full details of the offer will be included in the formal offer and take-over circular to be filed with the regulatory authorities and mailed to Western Keltic shareholders in accordance with applicable securities laws. The offer to shareholders of Western Keltic will be to acquire all of the issued and outstanding shares of Western Keltic in consideration for the issue of Sherwood shares on the basis of 0.08 Sherwood shares for every Western Keltic share. This offer represents an approximate 53% premium to the closing stock price for the Western Keltic shares on November 23, 2007. Based on the current Western Keltic shares outstanding, the transaction would involve the issuance of approximately 6.4 million Sherwood shares, which would equate to 12.5% of Sherwood's pro forma shares outstanding.

If the offer is to be made by takeover offer, the offer will remain open for 35 days following the mailing date and will be subject to certain conditions relating to receipt of requisite regulatory approvals, the absence of any material changes and acceptance of the offer by Western Keltic shareholders owning not less than two-thirds of the Western Keltic common shares. The letter agreement also provides for usual deal protection provisions including a break fee of $1.4 million in favour of Sherwood in the event of a superior proposal.

Sherwood has engaged Dundee Securities Corporation as its financial advisor and DuMoulin Black LLP as its legal advisor in respect of this transaction.


Sherwood's successful consolidation of the ownership of the Minto Project provides a unique investment opportunity - participation in a fully permitted, operating, high-grade, open pit copper-gold mine located in Canada with tremendous exploration potential on the 100% owned property. When combined with the potential development of Western Keltic's Kutcho Creek deposit, Sherwood offers significant near-term and long-term growth potential.

Additional Information

Additional information on Sherwood and its Minto Mine can be obtained on Sherwood's website at http://www.sherwoodcopper.com.

Additional information on Western Keltic and its Kutcho Creek deposit is available on Western Keltic's website at http://www.westernkeltic.com.

On behalf of the board of directors


Stephen P. Quin, President & CEO
:juchu: Millstream - mit den News sollten die 0,30 durch sein........hoffentlich! und wenn die letzten Optionen auch noch fertig und durch sind, dann geht´s rischtisch ab...

Aufwärtstrendkanal, bullish. FMV in Frankfurt.
Chinesisches Zink überschwemmt den Markt - Rohstoffe einmal anders: Normalerweise lässt China dank seiner Nachfrage die Preise steigen – bei Zink hingegen drückt China diese aufgrund seines Überangebots.

Von Erich Pöltner

WirtschaftsBlatt.at (21.11.07) - Der bedeutendste Verbraucher von Zink – China – ist gleichzeitig auch der weltgrösste Förderer. Entsprechend werden alle in China getroffenen Entscheidungen, die Zink betreffen, vom Markt mit Argusaugen beobachtet und in der Regel auch unverzüglich eingepreist.

So geschehen Anfang der Woche, als von Michael Jansen von JPMorgan Securities in einem Bericht gemutmasst wurde, dass China seine Steuererleichterungen für Zinkexporte im nächsten Jahr aufheben könnte.

Damit war die Angst geboren, dass noch vor Abschaff­ung der Förderung die auf ihren Zinkbeständen sitzenden chinesischen Metallhändler ihre Vorräte exportieren könnten. Das würde das Angebot am Markt sprunghaft ansteigen lassen und das sich ohnehin schon abzeichnende Überangebot an Zink weiter verschärfen. „Es gibt wahrscheinlich bereits ein Überangebot, zudem haben es die Leute nun auch noch eilig, zu exportieren“, sieht Robin Bhar von UBS den Druck auf die Preise weiter steigen.

Kurzfristige Belastung

Diese Massnahme der chinesischen Regierung, die langfristig zu einer Stabilisierung des Marktpreises beitragen würde, ist kurzfristig gesehen mit einer Beschleunigung des Preisverfalls erkauft. So haben die Märkte bereits deutlich mit Abschlägen reagiert, an der London Metal Exchange (LME) wurde die Tonne gestern mit nur mehr 2359 Dollar gehandelt. Zum Vergleich:&#8200;Noch vor einem halben Jahr war Zink mit 3877 Dollar um über 60 Prozent teurer.

Das entstehende Überangebot, das den Preisverfall der letzten Monate beschleunigt hat, wird an den chinesischen Produktionsstatistiken dieses Jahres deutlich: demnach sind in den ersten zehn Monaten die Zinkexporte um weitere 21 Prozent gestiegen, im Oktober betrug der Zuwachs sogar 24 Prozent.

Das hat zur Folge, dass die von der Shanghaier Börse registrierten Lagerbestände mit 41147 Tonnen auf den höchsten Stand seit vier Monaten gestiegen sind.

Den vollständigen Artikel inklusive aller Grafiken finden Sie in der Donnerstagsausgabe des WirtschaftsBlatts.

(Quelle: http://www.wirtschaftsblatt.at/home/boerse/geld/267819/index.do?from=rss)
Tach! :)

Ich hab momentan Hammerstress hier im Kosovo im Nachfeld der Wahlen, mit der ev. unabhaengigkeitserklaerung der Albaner usw. usw., deshalb kaum Zeit zum Traden, geschweige denn vernuenftigem Posten, sorry!

Meine Explorerbuden liegen allesamt mehr oder minder am Boden... :sorry:

nachgekauft u.a. (nicht ueber die Anzahl wundern, sind immer so mittlere dreistellige Euro Betraege a la Cost Average Prinzip)

TWD 0,21 CAD
PBX 0,315 CAD
FLX 0,29 CAD
LAT 0,33 CAD
MNV 0,82 CAD
DJI 0,37 CAD
AMS 0,26 CAD
AZX 0,22 CAD
SRI 0,28 CAD


CQ 0,53 CAD
CMT 0,74 CAD
ZMR 0,17 CAD

die gezeichneten VAN alle zu 0,54 rausgehedged (noch nicht geliefert), die Warrants (1 Jahr 0,6 CAD non-transferable) bleiben drin

bis die Tage! :friends:
Im Moment ist davon auszugehen das Explorer aufgrund der Marktsituation gute Infos
zurückhalten, da sie im Markt verpuffen.
Der Meinung bin ich auch!

Wenn ich das Newsaufkommen vergleiche mit "normalen" Märkten ist momentan absolute Stille. Nur vereinzelt kommen News die völlig verpuffen.

Bin sehr zurückhaltend im Moment und trade nur vereinzelt. Bin mal gespannt wann sich diese krasse Nervosität im Markt legt. Immer wieder wahnsinn wie plötzlich alles schlecht und heruntergeredet wird im Rohstoffsektor.

Meine Erfahrung sagt mir aber dass es nach solchen "Dürrezeiten" teilweise neue Hochs gab im Explorersektor. Bin gespannt wie es weiter geht..... ;)

Im Moment ist davon auszugehen das Explorer aufgrund der Marktsituation gute Infos
zurückhalten, da sie im Markt verpuffen.
Für weitere Antworten geschlossen.
Oben Unten