• Am Sonntag, den 09.03.2025 erfolgt in den USA und Kanada die Umstellung auf Sommerzeit. Deswegen beginnt der Haupthandel ab Montag in den USA und Kanada bereits um 14:30 MEZ und endet um 21:00 MEZ. Bei uns findet die Zeitumstellung am 30.03.2025 statt. Dann haben wir wieder "normalen" Handelszeiten.

Rohstoffthread (Archiv)

Für weitere Antworten geschlossen.
Handelt sich um Silver Eagle Mining (SEG), ist aber auch für Sterling Mining Investoren interessant und aus dem Stockhouse-Forum:

I bought a lot more today at C$0.815 avg price.

Here is why. I updated the share structure for "SEG.TO" on Miningpedia.

And it is US$67 million FD mcap, with US$67 million [Cash] + [Warrants Cash], thus the "net FD mcap" is $0! :eek: :eek: :eek:

For $0, you get 30 million oz (not NSR, or 21 million NSR) of AgEq, producing 150 TPD mill (with 50 TPD zinc regrinder sub-mill), and huge bonanza grade exploration potential (note Sterling Mining's 100 opt grade is not NSR, and is only 21 opt diluted to NSR due to 1 ft vein width, so we've got same grade on the North and East areas for SEG.TO due to 3ft vein widths).

And if they succeed in using that [Cash] + [Warrants Cash] to increase to 600 TPD production by late 2008 or early 2009, then that will be roughly $22 million in cash flow (NSR!) on a $67 million mcap. No more dilution risk!

We are looking at sure 3 bagger in less than 12 months. And the potential upside with silver going to $21+ and them proving up and producing from that double grade silver bonanza area, means we have potential upside into the 10 bagger range over the 6 to 18 months.

Is the market just totally dumb on this one? Or am I missing something?

Note I have sent this out to influential analysts hoping to spread the true value in this stock. I don't think the market knows how to analyze this company.
Ich habe prozentual nur 25% long im Depot. Die hier gesprochenen Werte konsequent halten, bei
guten News mit Stop kaufen und verkaufen bei Halten der gedachten Position im Longdepot.
Der Meinung bin ich auch!

Wenn ich das Newsaufkommen vergleiche mit "normalen" Märkten ist momentan absolute Stille. Nur vereinzelt kommen News die völlig verpuffen.

Bin sehr zurückhaltend im Moment und trade nur vereinzelt. Bin mal gespannt wann sich diese krasse Nervosität im Markt legt. Immer wieder wahnsinn wie plötzlich alles schlecht und heruntergeredet wird im Rohstoffsektor.

Meine Erfahrung sagt mir aber dass es nach solchen "Dürrezeiten" teilweise neue Hochs gab im Explorersektor. Bin gespannt wie es weiter geht..... ;)

Im Moment ist davon auszugehen das Explorer aufgrund der Marktsituation gute Infos
zurückhalten, da sie im Markt verpuffen.
Der Meinung bin ich auch!

Wenn ich das Newsaufkommen vergleiche mit "normalen" Märkten ist momentan absolute Stille. Nur vereinzelt kommen News die völlig verpuffen.

Bin sehr zurückhaltend im Moment und trade nur vereinzelt. Bin mal gespannt wann sich diese krasse Nervosität im Markt legt. Immer wieder wahnsinn wie plötzlich alles schlecht und heruntergeredet wird im Rohstoffsektor.

Meine Erfahrung sagt mir aber dass es nach solchen "Dürrezeiten" teilweise neue Hochs gab im Explorersektor. Bin gespannt wie es weiter geht..... ;)

Im Moment ist davon auszugehen das Explorer aufgrund der Marktsituation gute Infos
zurückhalten, da sie im Markt verpuffen.

Genau meine Meinung - ein wenig "Luftholen", um auf den hohen Höhen auch noch Sauerstoff zu haben ;-)

Im Rohstoffsektor fällt mir vermehrt auf, dass man wirklich die breite Meinung (v.a. in den BB und Print-Medien) als guten Kontraindikator nehmen kann. Ist die Stimmung bei Gold und Silber zu euphorisch, bricht es Tage darauf richtig ein (fast, als wollten die Großen den Kleinen gleich wieder die Stimmung vermiesen und so den wirklichen Longies den Tag vermiesen). Irgendwann aber wird das Spiel platzen und dann, wenn keiner mehr daran glaubt, geht es schrittweise nach oben (nachhaltig!).

Die Zeit wirds zeigen, die Fakten sprechen jedoch klar dafür! (alles nur meine Meinung).

Schönen Tag noch, bin mir sicher, dass der Rest der Woche eher eine grüne wird, im Rohstoffsektor (nicht unbedingt bei den Basiswerten, aber bei den Explorer- und Minenwerten, wenngleich das ja normalerweise stark korreliert; doch oft haben Explorerbewegungen schon den kurzfristigen Trend bei den Basiswerten vorausgewiesen).
Der Meinung bin ich auch!

Wenn ich das Newsaufkommen vergleiche mit "normalen" Märkten ist momentan absolute Stille. Nur vereinzelt kommen News die völlig verpuffen.

Bin sehr zurückhaltend im Moment und trade nur vereinzelt. Bin mal gespannt wann sich diese krasse Nervosität im Markt legt. Immer wieder wahnsinn wie plötzlich alles schlecht und heruntergeredet wird im Rohstoffsektor.

Meine Erfahrung sagt mir aber dass es nach solchen "Dürrezeiten" teilweise neue Hochs gab im Explorersektor. Bin gespannt wie es weiter geht..... ;)

Im Moment ist davon auszugehen das Explorer aufgrund der Marktsituation gute Infos
zurückhalten, da sie im Markt verpuffen.

Genau meine Meinung - ein wenig "Luftholen", um auf den hohen Höhen auch noch Sauerstoff zu haben ;-)

Im Rohstoffsektor fällt mir vermehrt auf, dass man wirklich die breite Meinung (v.a. in den BB und Print-Medien) als guten Kontraindikator nehmen kann. Ist die Stimmung bei Gold und Silber zu euphorisch, bricht es Tage darauf richtig ein (fast, als wollten die Großen den Kleinen gleich wieder die Stimmung vermiesen und so den wirklichen Longies den Tag vermiesen). Irgendwann aber wird das Spiel platzen und dann, wenn keiner mehr daran glaubt, geht es schrittweise nach oben (nachhaltig!).

Die Zeit wirds zeigen, die Fakten sprechen jedoch klar dafür! (alles nur meine Meinung).

Schönen Tag noch, bin mir sicher, dass der Rest der Woche eher eine grüne wird, im Rohstoffsektor (nicht unbedingt bei den Basiswerten, aber bei den Explorer- und Minenwerten, wenngleich das ja normalerweise stark korreliert; doch oft haben Explorerbewegungen schon den kurzfristigen Trend bei den Basiswerten vorausgewiesen).

Bei Gold und Silber ist das anders:

Sogenannte Carry Trades (weiter unten beschrieben) lösen starke Bewegungen bei Gold und Silber
aus. Wenn man diese Korrelation kennt, weiss man genau was passieren wird.
Der Meinung bin ich auch!

Wenn ich das Newsaufkommen vergleiche mit "normalen" Märkten ist momentan absolute Stille. Nur vereinzelt kommen News die völlig verpuffen.

Bin sehr zurückhaltend im Moment und trade nur vereinzelt. Bin mal gespannt wann sich diese krasse Nervosität im Markt legt. Immer wieder wahnsinn wie plötzlich alles schlecht und heruntergeredet wird im Rohstoffsektor.

Meine Erfahrung sagt mir aber dass es nach solchen "Dürrezeiten" teilweise neue Hochs gab im Explorersektor. Bin gespannt wie es weiter geht..... ;)

Im Moment ist davon auszugehen das Explorer aufgrund der Marktsituation gute Infos
zurückhalten, da sie im Markt verpuffen.

Genau meine Meinung - ein wenig "Luftholen", um auf den hohen Höhen auch noch Sauerstoff zu haben ;-)

Im Rohstoffsektor fällt mir vermehrt auf, dass man wirklich die breite Meinung (v.a. in den BB und Print-Medien) als guten Kontraindikator nehmen kann. Ist die Stimmung bei Gold und Silber zu euphorisch, bricht es Tage darauf richtig ein (fast, als wollten die Großen den Kleinen gleich wieder die Stimmung vermiesen und so den wirklichen Longies den Tag vermiesen). Irgendwann aber wird das Spiel platzen und dann, wenn keiner mehr daran glaubt, geht es schrittweise nach oben (nachhaltig!).

Die Zeit wirds zeigen, die Fakten sprechen jedoch klar dafür! (alles nur meine Meinung).

Schönen Tag noch, bin mir sicher, dass der Rest der Woche eher eine grüne wird, im Rohstoffsektor (nicht unbedingt bei den Basiswerten, aber bei den Explorer- und Minenwerten, wenngleich das ja normalerweise stark korreliert; doch oft haben Explorerbewegungen schon den kurzfristigen Trend bei den Basiswerten vorausgewiesen).

Bei Gold und Silber ist das anders:

Sogenannte Carry Trades (weiter unten beschrieben) lösen starke Bewegungen bei Gold und Silber
aus. Wenn man diese Korrelation kennt, weiss man genau was passieren wird.

Wie meinst Du, es ist anders bei Gold und Silber? Was ist anders?
Der Meinung bin ich auch!

Wenn ich das Newsaufkommen vergleiche mit "normalen" Märkten ist momentan absolute Stille. Nur vereinzelt kommen News die völlig verpuffen.

Bin sehr zurückhaltend im Moment und trade nur vereinzelt. Bin mal gespannt wann sich diese krasse Nervosität im Markt legt. Immer wieder wahnsinn wie plötzlich alles schlecht und heruntergeredet wird im Rohstoffsektor.

Meine Erfahrung sagt mir aber dass es nach solchen "Dürrezeiten" teilweise neue Hochs gab im Explorersektor. Bin gespannt wie es weiter geht..... ;)

Im Moment ist davon auszugehen das Explorer aufgrund der Marktsituation gute Infos
zurückhalten, da sie im Markt verpuffen.

Genau meine Meinung - ein wenig "Luftholen", um auf den hohen Höhen auch noch Sauerstoff zu haben ;-)

Im Rohstoffsektor fällt mir vermehrt auf, dass man wirklich die breite Meinung (v.a. in den BB und Print-Medien) als guten Kontraindikator nehmen kann. Ist die Stimmung bei Gold und Silber zu euphorisch, bricht es Tage darauf richtig ein (fast, als wollten die Großen den Kleinen gleich wieder die Stimmung vermiesen und so den wirklichen Longies den Tag vermiesen). Irgendwann aber wird das Spiel platzen und dann, wenn keiner mehr daran glaubt, geht es schrittweise nach oben (nachhaltig!).

Die Zeit wirds zeigen, die Fakten sprechen jedoch klar dafür! (alles nur meine Meinung).

Schönen Tag noch, bin mir sicher, dass der Rest der Woche eher eine grüne wird, im Rohstoffsektor (nicht unbedingt bei den Basiswerten, aber bei den Explorer- und Minenwerten, wenngleich das ja normalerweise stark korreliert; doch oft haben Explorerbewegungen schon den kurzfristigen Trend bei den Basiswerten vorausgewiesen).

Bei Gold und Silber ist das anders:

Sogenannte Carry Trades (weiter unten beschrieben) lösen starke Bewegungen bei Gold und Silber
aus. Wenn man diese Korrelation kennt, weiss man genau was passieren wird.

Wie meinst Du, es ist anders bei Gold und Silber? Was ist anders?


Schonmal gepostet zum carry Trade!
Rochester Reports High Grades on Drift Development at Florida
Nov 28, 2007 7:01:00 AM

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Nov. 28, 2007) - Rochester Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:RCT)(OTCBB:RCTFF)(FRANKFURT:R5I): Dr. Alfredo Parra, President and CEO, is pleased to advise that 77 metres of drift development has been completed at the Florida triple vein system at the 1115 metre lower ramp level. As a follow-up to the April 25, 2007 news release regarding the upper ramp results at the 1115 metre level, we are also reporting significant anomalous results from the lower ramp at the 1115 metre level. Grades for both gold and silver are continuing to reflect our geologic model that grade remains strong at depth. The independent assays over 77 metres of drift development reflect an average vein width of 1.29 metres and average grades of 11.36 g/t gold and 120 g/t silver including 25 metres averaging 20.5 g/t gold and 107 g/t silver from Panel 3 (refer to the attached section below). Panel 3 includes significantly stronger results with multiple samples greater than 35 g/t gold including sample #12542 at 48.78 g/t, sample # 12581 at 43.6 g/t, and sample #12549 at 35.9 g/t (to view all sample results and figure please click on the following link: http://www.ccnmatthews.com/docs/rct1128.pdf).


-see figure
in link WIDTH

DRIFT LENGTH above- -metres- AVG. GOLD g/t AVG. SILVER g/t ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7.50 metres

1 1.25 3.7 51


10.50 metres 2 1.84 5.5 62


25.0 metres 3 1.18 20.5 107


34.0 metres 4 1.18 8.2 163


Dr. Parra states, "Ramp development towards the basement level continues to progress successfully at our Florida Mine development reflecting some of our strongest grades to date. We continue to stockpile our high grade ore and intend to start processing this ore early in the New Year. With the strong spot price for gold and silver, and our sales program initiative to not hedge but sell at the spot price, we anticipate that this ore should add significantly to our monthly sales figures in the coming months."

All assays quoted were carried out by the Durango, Mexico, facility of SGS Laboratories, an ISO certified and independent laboratory. The exploration program is under the direction of Hector Chavez, a Mexican professional geologist who has extensive experience in Mexican epithermal deposits, and supervised by Dr. Alfredo Parra, who is a QP as defined in NI 43-101.

About Rochester Resources Ltd.:

Rochester represents a pure-play in the exploration and development of high-grade gold and silver properties located in Nayarit, Mexico. The Company is a niche player in Mexico which has assembled an attractive portfolio of properties in the Sierra Madre Occidental range. This is the largest epithermal precious metal region in the world, hosting a majority of Mexico's large tonnage gold and silver deposits. Current production generates growing cash flow and helps fund our ongoing exploration and development with minimum share dilution (http://www.rochesterresourcesltd.com...eStructure.asp).

We have identified 36 vein structures (http://www.ccnmatthews.com/docs/vein_structures.jpg) on our two Projects (Mina Real and Santa Fe) and recently embarked on an aggressive follow-up exploration program including a 7000m drill program and a 2000m drift development program that will determine the next steps for mine development and production levels. Little follow-up work has been completed to date on the vein structures identified across both Projects.

Rochester is well positioned to advance its Projects and can very quickly become a significant player in Mexico. Rochester has a strong senior management team (http://www.rochesterresourcesltd.com/s/Management.asp) based in Mexico, a workforce in place to advance its projects through to mine development, and strong financial backing to implement and advance our work programs.


Dr. Alfredo Parra, President and CEO

Wird spitz, sollte ein Ausbruch erfolgen kaufe ich.
Könnte sein, dass einige Shorties auch im Rohstoffbereich schräg erwischt wurden.
Sollte spannend werden, die Tage!!
Sabina Silver and Silver Grail Drilling at Del Norte Extends High Grade Gold and Silver Mineralized Zone
THUNDER BAY, ON, Nov 28, 2007 (MARKET WIRE via COMTEX News Network) --

Sabina Silver Corporation (TSX-V: SBB) is pleased to announce results from a nine hole, 1,600 meter diamond drilling program undertaken on the Del Norte property (Midas Claim Block) located approximately 34km east of Stewart, British Columbia. This drill program was undertaken to follow-up high grade gold and silver assay results from the "3 Oz Vein" drilled in 2006 which have been reported previously and which included 2.54g/t Au and 12.5 g/t Ag over 32.40m and 20.7g/t Au and 86.4g/t Ag over 1.45m in hole SDN-06-03, 0.97g/t Au and 4.1 g/t Ag over 44.79m in hole SDN-06-04, and 0.64g/t Au and 5.1 g/t Ag over 86.25 m in hole SDN-06-05.

Significant assay highlights encountered during this seasons drilling include 2,810 g/t Ag over 1.00m in hole SDN-07-03 and 6.75g/t Au over 0.90m, also in hole SDN-07-03. The 2007 drill program has now tested the main mineralized zone over a strike length of 150m. Mineralization is interpreted to be hosted within an anastomosing shear/vein structure that dips at approximately 65 degrees to the WSW. Anomalous gold assays are typically associated with quartz and arsenopyrite. Final results for the 2007 drilling are summarized in Table 1.

Holes were drilled this season on three section line spaced 50 meters apart. SDN-07-01, 02 and 03 were drilled from one drill pad set-up on section line 1004N, located 50 meters north of where the 2006 drill holes intersected encouraging mineralization, while SDN-07-04, 05, 06 and 07 were drilled from one drill pad set-up on section line 1002N, 50 meters south of the 2006 results and SDN-07-08 and 09 were drilled from one set-up on section line 1005N located 100m north of the 2006 drilling intersections. The holes were drilled to test the down dip extension as well as the strike extension of the previously encountered high grade intersections.

Table 2 lists the intervals with gold values greater than 0.5 g/t Au for holes drilled on Section line 1004N. True thickness of the mineralized intervals depends on the angle of intersection with the mineralized structure. Significant intercepts are listed in Tables 2, 3 and 4. The relationship between the known gold and silver-rich breccia type vein mineralization and the precious metal-enriched exhalative mineralization typifying the Eskay Creek deposit 70 kms to the northwest of Del Norte in the same geological trend remains an exploration priority for the company.

The 2007 exploration program at Del Norte was funded by Sabina according to terms of an option agreement with Teuton Resources Corp. (TUO.V) and Silver Grail (SGV.V) whereby Sabina can earn up to a 65% interest by spending $ 2.5 million on the property over four years and by completing a Feasibility Study on the Project within three years of completing the initial exploration stage. With the expenditure completed to date, Sabina has earned a 50% interest in the property.

Mr. Harvey Klatt, P.Geo., the Manager for the Del Norte Project, is the Qualified Person for Sabina Silver Corporation in charge of the 2007 Del Norte exploration. A system of standards, blanks and duplicates were inserted as part of the Company's QA/QC analytical procedures for the sample stream processed at accredited laboratories ALS Chemex (Vancouver, BC). Mr Klatt has reviewed the technical data and the content of this press release and approved its dissemination.

Sabina Silver Corporation is debt free, with approximately C$53 million working capital in cash and securities as at the end of October 2007. In addition to drilling at its Del Norte Silver-Gold project in the Stewart-Eskay Creek Mining District of British Columbia, the company is advancing the Hackett River Project in the Canadian Arctic through prefeasibility assessment and is also exploring four promising gold projects in the Red Lake Mining District, Ontario as well as exploring the silver-zinc Rockstone project in the Thunder Bay Mining District, Ontario.


The foregoing securities have not been, nor are there any current plans to register said securities under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and these securities may not be offered or sold within the United States or to, or for the account or benefit of U.S. persons absent U.S. registration or an applicable exemption from U.S. registration requirements. This release does not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy nor shall there be any sale of the securities in any state where such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful. Sabina Silver Corporation does have a Moody's/Mergent Manual ("Blue Sky") exemption allowing distribution without registration in 39 states for secondary trading transactions only. Always consult a Registered Investment Advisor.

This news release includes certain forward-looking statements concerning the future performance of our business, its operations and its financial performance and condition, as well as management's objectives, strategies, beliefs and intentions. Forward-looking statements are frequently identified by such words as "may," "will," "plan," "expect," "anticipate," "estimate," "intend" and similar words referring to future events and results. Forward-looking statements are based on the current opinions and expectations of management. All forward-looking information is inherently uncertain and subject to a variety of assumptions, risks and uncertainties, including the speculative nature of mineral exploration and development, fluctuating commodity prices, competitive risks and the availability of financing, as described in more detail in our recent securities filings available at www.sedar.com. Actual events or results may differ materially from those projected in the forward looking-statements and we caution against placing undue reliance thereon. Sabina Silver Corporation does have an ongoing obligation to disclose material information, as it becomes available.

The TSX Venture Exchange does not accept responsibility for the accuracy or the adequacy of this release.

Table 1 Diamond Drill Hole Summary - Del Norte 2007

The following table can be found at this link http://www.usetdas.com/maps/sabina/sabinatable1nov2807.gif

Table 2 Significant Intercepts from holes drilled on Section \ Line 1004N

The following table can be found at this link http://www.usetdas.com/maps/sabina/sabinatable2nov2807.gif

Table 3 Significant Intercepts from holes drilled on Section Line 1002N

The following table can be found at this link http://www.usetdas.com/maps/sabina/sabinatable3nov2807.gif

Table 4 Significant Intercepts from holes drilled on Section Line 1005N

The following table can be found at this link http://www.usetdas.com/maps/sabina/sabinatable4nov2807.gif

Distributed by Filing Services Canada and retransmitted by Marketwire
So gerade Cuervo CRR verkauft, Kauf bei 1,21.
Stell mich wieder unten an! ;)
November 28, 2007 Trading Symbol: TSX.V – HNC
Hard Creek drills 0.70% nickel with 0.48 g/t Pt+Pd over 8.0 metres
(Vancouver) – Hard Creek Nickel Corp. is pleased to provide analytical results for an
additional 8 diamond drill holes (DDH), totaling 2020 metres (6,627 feet) from the
recently completed 75 hole drilling program at its 100% owned Turnagain Project, located
70km east of Dease Lake in British Columbia. Results for 27 of the drill holes have now
been released with the analytical results for the remaining 48 holes to be reported when
they are received.
Results are reported from five complete and one partial hole in the Northwest zone and
from two holes in the Duffy zone area. Drill hole locations can be viewed on the attached
“Although the holes in the vicinity of the Duffy zone were not encouraging, the holes in
the Northwest zone returned some very pleasant surprises,” said Mark Jarvis, President of
Hard Creek Nickel. “The platinum-palladium values were well above what was
anticipated within sections of drill core above 0.50% total nickel. This is significant
because this is the first time we have encountered this relationship within drill core on the
“These results open up the potential for developing areas within the Horsetrail deposit
which host both nickel and platinum-palladium mineralization,” said Mr. Jarvis. “The
potential to include platinum and palladium as a portion of our overall resource could be
significant. Close spaced drilling will be required during the next drill season to determine
the significance and extent of this mineralization.”
Holes 07-196, 197 and 198 were drilled as step-out holes along the western and
southwestern margins of the Northwest zone mineralization where the favourable dunitewehrlite
lithology is becoming diluted by dykes, hornfels and pyroxenite. Although nickel
mineralization is generally weaker than in the core of the Northwest zone, hole 07-197
contained a 32m interval averaging 0.29 percent total nickel, suggesting a possible
extension to the west.
Holes 07-199, 202 and 205 were drilled towards the centre of the Northwest zone to
confirm the continuity of the mineralization at depth to the north and to test zones of
#1060 – 1090 W. Georgia Street Vancouver, BC V6E 3V7 Tel (604) 681-2300 Fax (604) 681-2310
info@hardcreek.com www.hardcreeknickel.com
inferred mineral resource. These holes encountered both higher grade nickel
mineralization and two intervals of significant platinum-palladium mineralization. Hole
07-199 was terminated in mineralization grading 0.56 percent total nickel and 689ppb
(0.69 grams/tonne) combined platinum and palladium. Hole 07-205 intersected an 8m
interval averaging 0.70 percent nickel and 475 ppb (0.48 grams/tonne) combined platinum
and palladium. Results are pending for the bottom 290 metres of this hole and an
additional six holes drilled in the Northwest Zone.
Both holes 07-168 and 07-200 drilled along the southern margin of the Duffy area
encountered thick intervals of dunite without significant mineralization.
The total nickel values reported in the table below include nickel in both sulfide and nonsulfide
DDHs 07-196, 197 and 198 were drilled as step-out holes and 07-199, 202 and 205 were
drilled as infill holes within the Northwest zone of the Horsetrail deposit:
Length Total Total Pt Pd Pt+Pd
Hole #
(m) To (m) (m) Ni % Co % ppb ppb ppb
7.4 32 24.6 0.27 0.012
80 92 12 0.22 0.012
104 120 16 0.21 0.012
168 184 16 0.23 0.013
07-197 168 200 32 0.29 0.013
07-198 No significant results
136 168 32 0.25 0.013
212 240 28 0.34 0.017
248 276 28 0.25 0.014
292 340 48 0.29 0.013
364 366.1 EOH 2.15 0.56 0.013 347 342 689
30 46 16 0.27 0.018
62 86 24 0.23 0.016
210 278 68 0.25 0.013
322 341.7 EOH 19.7 0.28 0.011
8 20 12 0.22 0.016
28 64 36 0.36 0.013
incl. 28 36 8 0.70 0.018 192 283 475
128 140 12 0.27 0.014
Results pending from 148 to 438.4 m
Das ist etwas für die Ultra-Longies:

Nach der News unten haben wir hier einen echten Tenbagger vor uns:

HBK verfügt über 71 MioT hochwertiges Baumaterial bei einer Marketcap von zur Zeit 10 Mio C$:

Dagegen verfügt Polaris TSX-V:PLS über 205 Mio T: siehe Folie 42 in der Präsenation:
Bei einer Marketcap von 470 Mio C$.

Das bedeutet HBK müsste eigentlich bei einem Drittel der PLS Bewertung stehen wenn man die Verladeeinrichtung aufbaut (ca.10 Mio $ Kosten).
Das wären gut 150 Mio C$ Marketcap Ziel für HBK oder 1500% Kurspotential !!!

:whistle: :juchu:

Highbank Resources Ltd. (the “Company”), (“TSX.V – HBK”) is pleased to announce the receipt of a NI 43-101 Technical Report on the ‘Portland Canal Aggregates Corporation -Swamp Point North Property’ (the “Property”) located on the east shore of Portland Canal, approx. 50 km south of Stewart in northwestern British Columbia.

In February 2005, the Company entered into an Earn-In Agreement with Portland Canal Aggregates Corporation (“PCAC”) to acquire a 100% Working Ownership Interest (the “WOI”) in PCAC’s Property. To earn its WOI the Company has completed all aspects of the Agreement including the issuance of 2,000,000 common shares, completion of $1.3 million in work expenditures in stages and other advance royalty payments.

Associated Geosciences Ltd. (“AGL”) of Calgary, Alberta was commissioned by the Company and PCAC to prepare a NI 43-101 Technical Report on the property’s mineable sand , gravel, and aggregate resources and determine the optimal mine layout for preparation of a formal Mine Plan. Mr. Keith McCandlish, P.Geo., AGL’s Vice President and General Manager conducted the site visit and is the “Qualified Person” as defined in NI 43-101.

The AGL resource estimate was determined from aggregate volumes estimated from depth-to bedrock measurements obtained from ten (10) cored boreholes and on the results from 4,664 metres of seismic refraction surveys undertaken by the Company in 2005 and 2006. Geophysicists from Associated Mining Consultants Ltd. of Calgary, Alberta conducted the geophysical surveys and geologists from AGL have examined the core and core logs obtained subsequently.

The volume of aggregate was determined as the volume of material bounded by the topographic ground surface, (a digital terrain model obtained from an aerial photogrammetric survey), and the bedrock contours, determined from the exploration data using the Gemcom Surpac™ suite of modelling applications. Bedrock data were augmented with three additional sets of points:

• Field observations and a slope gradient map generated from the topographic data were used to infer the surface limit of the gravel deposit against bedrock topography. This limit was described as a line of points with eastings, northings, and, elevations (X, Y, Z co-ordinates) and a resource thickness of zero.

• Surface contours in areas determined to have zero aggregate thickness were included in the model as bedrock contours.

• The results of offshore dive transects which indicated the presence of aggregate to at least a depth of 5 m along the foreshore were included.

Limits consistent with mining and environmental regulations in British Columbia were applied prior to the resource calculation:

• Material occurring within 30 m of the high water mark (HWM) was eliminated; there is a regulated offset from the HWM for minerals extraction.

• Material occurring within 5 m of the licence boundaries was not included in the estimate as there is a prohibition against working closer than 5 m to the license boundary in the BC mining code.

• Material occurring within a band 15 m on either side of the crest of the banks of Donahue Creek was eliminated; working within these limits is forbidden under BC’s environmental code.

The geological modeling and aggregate resource estimation was completed by Susan O’Donnell, Geol.I.T., under the direction of Mr. Keith McCandlish, P.Geo., using the Gemcom-Surpac(TM) suite of geological modeling applications.

The mine planning was completed by Eric Beresford, P.Eng. under the direction of Mr. Peter Cain, Ph.D.,P.Eng., AGL’s Head of Mining Engineering. AGL has relied on aggregate testing results performed by Levelton Consultants of Richmond, B.C. in assessing the quality of the aggregates on the property. This testing was conducted on bulk samples collected by the Company and Portland Canal Aggregates Corporation (“PCAC”).

The Industrial Mineral Resource Estimate tables following provides resource volumes and tonnes for two separate areas, and a third summary table. The separate areas represent the License area held by PCAC and the area (the “extension area”) for which an Investigation Permit was issued by the BC government for PCAC:

License Area Resources
Classification Volume (m3) Mass (t) *
Measured 13,618,365 29,551,852
Indicated 1,848,388 4,011,002
Measured and Indicated 15,466,753 33,562,854
Inferred 203,772 442,185

Extension Area Resources
Classification Volume (m3) Mass(t)*
Measured 15,384,804 33,385,025
Indicated 2,195,467 4,764,164
Measured and Indicated 17,580,271 38,149,189
Inferred 831,465 1,804,279

Combined Area Resources
Classification Volume (m3) Mass(t)*
Measured 29,003,169 62,936,877
Indicated 4,043,855 8,775,166
Measured and Indicated 33,047,024 71,712,043
Inferred 1,035,237 2,246,464
*The specific gravity value of 2.17 used to convert volumes to tonnes is the value used by B.C. Government to assess extraction tonnages for royalty revenue purposes.

Material located within 250 m of a drill hole and complemented by geophysical data has been
classified as measured, while material located outside the 250 m radius of a drill hole but still
within 125 m of a geophysical data point has been classified as indicated. Inferred resources
encompass all additional material located outside the optimum range to which the data can
reasonably be projected, but within the limits of mining.

The Company and PCAC are proceeding with the preparation of an Environmental Assessment application (“EAA”) and a Mine Permit application (“MPA”) to the B.C. Government in anticipation of the start up of aggregate production operations.

Micon International Limited of Vancouver, B.C. has been retained to compile the EAA and assist with the Environment Assessment process.

Mr. Eric Beresford, P.Eng., an independent consultant, was retained by AGL to prepare the mine plans to support the EAA and MPA to the B.C. government.

The Technical Report summarizing the above information will be submitted within 30 days and will be available on the Highbank website (www.HighbankResources.com) and through SEDAR (www.sedar.com). This news release has been reviewed and approved by Mr. Keith McCandlish, P.Geo of Associated Geosciences Ltd. , the qualified person under NI 43-101, and by Mr. Peter Cain, Ph.D., P.Eng.



Jake Bottay,
November 29, 2007
Tyler Reports Stepout Drilling, Highlights Significant Additional Tonnage Potential at Bahuerachi
--Company Also Responds to Mercator Minerals' News Release--

CALGARY, ALBERTA--(Marketwire - Nov. 29, 2007) - Tyler Resources Inc. (TSX VENTURE:TYS) ("Tyler" or the "Company") today announced assay results from seven additional drill holes at the Main Zone of its 100% owned Bahuerachi project in Mexico. Tyler also responded to unfounded claims made by Mercator Minerals Ltd. In its press release dated November 27th regarding Mercator's unsolicited offer for Tyler.

"This latest series of positive drill results supports the Tyler Board of Directors' belief that the Bahuerachi project is a significant asset with further upside potential and highlights the opportunistic nature of Mercator's hostile attempt to acquire control of Tyler. This is one of the reasons for the Board's recommendation to reject the Mercator offer," said Jean-Pierre Jutras, Director, President and CEO of Tyler.

"We are moving aggressively towards an updated resource estimate and a pre-feasibility study for the project, both of which are expected in the first half of 2008. Based on positive ongoing information from our drilling programs, we are optimistic that the project's resource base and ultimate project size will increase as the Company continues to reach, and complete critical milestones. Positive work from our ongoing work at Bahuerachi, such as today's drill results clearly demonstrate why we believe that the Mercator hostile offer undervalues this Company and its growing asset base at Bahuerachi."

New Step Out Holes Expand Bahuerachi Deposit to the West

The seven new drill holes, significant results of which are tabulated in this release, are from Tyler's ongoing drilling program at Bahuerachi. All holes completed to depth successfully met the objective of extending mineralization to the west in the northern half of the deposit, and targeting a potentially significant increase in the ultimate tonnage of the Main Zone in the upcoming resource estimate to be completed in January 2008. Based on engineering work completed to date as part of the scoping study, an increase in the overall width of the Main Zone Deposit can be expected to allow a wider, deeper pit to be designed for the pre-feasibility study, allowing access to a greater portion of the existing resource base and positively impacting the scale of the Bahuerachi Project going forward.

The seven drill holes reported here have been successful in extending the known mineralization of the Main Zone deposit to the west over a strike length of approximately 800 meters, and adding 120 to 275 meters of new width to the known mineralization westwards (in some cases doubling the previous deposit widths as modeled in May 2007). While Tyler initially believed that mineralization to the west in this part of the deposit was cut off by a fault, the results of drilling to date demonstrate that a full suite of mineralized porphyry, skarn, marble and sediments is present, as was found in the southern half of the deposit. All sections remain open to the west for further expansion, and drilling will continue to test this potential until year-end for the new resource modeling scheduled to start on or about December 15, 2007.

Significant results for these drill holes are presented in the following table and discussed below. Drill hole collar locations are shown on the attached drill plan map: http://www.ccnmatthews.com/docs/1129TYS_map.pdf.

Significant Intervals, Main Zone

From To Interval Copper Gold Silver
Hole # (m) (m) (m) (%) (g/t) (g/t)
DDH 124 108.4 176.1(1) 39.05(1) 0.57 0.16 14.86
and 227.8 275.3 40.80(2) 0.56 0.05 5.06
within 108.4 293 127.65(3) 0.46 0.07 7.35

DDH 125


DDH 126 46.95 54 7.05 0.26 0.39 9.94
and 257 383.3 126.03(4) 0.30 0.02 2.43

DDH 127 138 178.5 40.5 0.17 0.02 6.37
and 299 345 23.5(5) 0.71 0.05 7.60
within 200 435.8 130.90(6) 0.29 0.03 5.99

DDH 128 332 341.85 9.85 0.26 0.17 61.01
and 415 448 25.45(7) 0.56 0.11 8.88
within 332 460.35 107.17(8) 0.26 0.07 11.48

DDH 129 119.6 126 6.4 0.45 0.06 6.34
DDH 129 137 152.1 15.1 0.26 0.03 4.6


DDH 130 127 139 12 0.14 0.01 14.78
and 219 496.5 133.90(9) 0.30 0.01 3.45

From To Interval Moly Zinc
Hole # (m) (m) (m) (%) (%) Rock Type
DDH 124 108.4 176.1(1) 39.05(1) 0.008 0.27 Marble/skarn
and 227.8 275.3 40.80(2) 0.007 Trace Porphyry
within 108.4 293 127.65(3) 0.008 0.1 Marble/skarn/porphyry

DDH 125 DDH 125 was a 600 meter
step back targeting deep
skarn. It was ended in
favourable marble
stratigraphy due to
difficult ground
conditions, before
reaching target depth.

DDH 126 46.95 54 7.05 Trace Trace Skarn
and 257 383.3 126.03(4) 0.015 Trace Sediments/Porphyry

DDH 127 138 178.5 40.5 0.002 0.31 Marble/Sediments
and 299 345 23.5(5) 0.005 0.24 Marble/Skarn
within 200 435.8 130.90(6) 0.007 0.118 Marble/Skarn/Sediments

DDH 128 332 341.85 9.85 0.002 8.22 Skarn
and 415 448 25.45(7) 0.002 0.34 Marble/Skarn
within 332 460.35 107.17(8) 0.003 1.04 Marble/Skarn/Sediments

DDH 129 119.6 126 6.4 0.005 0.48 Marble
DDH 129 137 152.1 15.1 Trace Trace Marble. Drill hole was not
completed to target depth
due to difficult ground

DDH 130 127 139 12 Trace 3.22 Marble
and 219 496.5 133.90(9) 0.012 Trace Marble/Sediments/Porphyry
(1) Excluding 28.65 meters of unmineralized dykes
(2) Excluding 6.70 meters of unmineralized dykes.
(3) Excluding 56.95 meters of unmineralized dykes.
(4) Excluding 0.27 meters for geotechnical testing.
(5) Excluding 22.5 meters of unmineralized dykes.
(6) Excluding 104.9 meters of unmineralized dykes.
(7) Excluding 7.55 meters of unmineralized dykes.
(8) Excluding 21.18 meters of unmineralized dykes.
(9) Excluding 143.6 meters of unmineralized dykes

Note: Due to drilling directions, dykes are estimated to be exaggerated by
All assay work was performed by ICP at ALS-Chemex labs of Vancouver, with gold done using standard fire assay methods. All samples sent to the lab are sealed with security tags for delivery to ALS-Chemex. Duplicate samples as well as standards and blanks are inserted in each batch of samples delivered to the laboratory and then checked to ensure proper quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC).

The Qualified Person responsible for the design and implementation of the Field Program as well as the preparation of this news release was J. P. Jutras, P.Geol., Director, President and CEO of the Company. The work program is being carried out with the participation of Dr. Shane William Ebert, Ph.D, P.Geo, Vice President and Director, Grant Couture, M.Sc Geology, Paul Turnbull, B.Sc, P.Geol, Cornell McDowell, B.Sc Geology, and Charla Boyer, B.Sc Geology, consultants to the Company.

Tyler Responds to Mercator News Release

Separately, Tyler takes issue with a number of the statements made by Mercator in its news release issued November 27, 2007 regarding Mercator's unsolicited offer for Tyler, and wishes to set the record straight for shareholders with the following points of clarification:

- Tyler's Bahuerachi resource, as disclosed by news release on May 23, 2007, was calculated by qualified independent third parties and subsequently disclosed in accordance with all requirements of National Instrument Policy 43-101. The author of the resource estimate, Keith McCandlish, P. Geol, is an Independent Qualified Person as defined by NI 43-101. Mr. McCandlish, P. Geol., is fully familiar with NI 43-101 as he assisted in the implementation of the regulations and sits on the MTAC committee advising the securities commission on policy development. The complete resource study, dated July 9, 2007, is available at www.sedar.com.

- Mercator's assertion that a transaction would be less dilutive to Tyler shareholders than Tyler proceeding to advance Bahuerachi independently is a further attempt to mislead Tyler shareholders. Mercator chooses to ignore the fact that its current offer would dilute Tyler shareholders' ownership in the Bahuerachi project from 100% to 15%. Given Mercator's current cash position and commitments, as well as its current debt, there may be even further dilution as Mercator may require significant equity financing to construct the project.

Alan Craven, Chairman of the Tyler Board and of the Special Committee, said, "There is nothing in the Mercator press release that changes our view that the Mercator offer significantly undervalues Tyler and fails to adequately compensate Tyler's Shareholders for the loss of opportunity to participate in Tyler's future growth. The Board remains firm in its unanimous recommendation that shareholders reject the Mercator offer and not tender their shares."

The Tyler Board encourages shareholders to read the November 23rd Directors' Circular, particularly the "Analysis and Reasons for Rejecting the Offer" (page 2) and "Background to the Offer and Response of Tyler" (page 15) sections, for further information.

How to Withdraw Shares from the Mercator Offer

Shareholders who have already tendered their shares to the Mercator offer and wish to withdraw them, may do so by contacting Kingsdale Shareholder Services Inc., the information agent retained by Tyler, toll free at 1-866-639-3460. Shareholders may also contact Kingsdale Shareholder with any questions they have regarding the Mercator offer and/or Tyler's recommendation.

About Tyler Resources

Tyler Resources Inc. is a well-funded Canadian junior exploration company focused on base and precious metals exploration in Mexico. Tyler's primary project is the Bahuerachi property, which hosts Mexico's fourth largest mineralized porphyry deposit. As part of its ongoing drill program, the Company has now drilled in excess of 52,000 meters of combined diamond and reverse circulation drilling since 2004, making it one of the most active Canadian junior exploration companies operating in Mexico. For more information, visit www.tylerresources.com.

Reader Advisory - As required by National Instrument 43-101, Tyler cautions that the scoping study is a preliminary assessment and is preliminary in nature. It includes inferred mineral resources that are considered too speculative geologically to have the economic considerations applied to them that would enable them to be categorized as mineral reserves, and there is no certainty that the preliminary assessment will be realized. Except for the historical and present factual information contained herein, the matters set forth in this news release, including words such as "expects", "projects", "plans", "anticipates", will and similar expressions, are forward-looking information that represents management of Tyler's internal projections, expectations or beliefs concerning, among other things, future operating results and various components thereof or the economic performance of Tyler. The projections, estimates and beliefs contained in such forward-looking statements necessarily involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties, which may cause Tyler's actual performance and financial results in future periods to differ materially from any projections of future performance or results expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. These risks and uncertainties include, among other things, those described in Tyler's filings with the Canadian securities authorities. Accordingly, holders of Tyler shares and potential investors are cautioned that events or circumstances could cause results to differ materially from those predicted. Tyler disclaims any responsibility to update these forward-looking statements.

The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
Weiterhin gute Aussichten für den Platinmarkt

Dow Jones), New York (29.11.07) - Der Platinmarkt weist weiterhin ein konstruktives fundamentales Erscheinungsbild auf, obwohl in dieser Woche Longliquidationen auf dem Preis gelastet haben. Analysten weisen demgegenüber auf die starke industrielle Nachfrage nach dem Edelmetall hin, insbesondere aus dem Automobilsektor, sowie auf die erfolgten und potenziellen Lieferstörungen in Südafrika und steigendes Anlegerinteresse. Aus diesem Grunde werde der Platinpreis in den kommenden Monaten wieder in den Bereich von 1.500 USD je Feinunze kommen und sogar die Marke von 1.550 USD/Feinunze testen, sind die Analysten überzeugt. An der Nymex war der Preis für die Januarsicht in dieser Woche bis auf 1.417,10 USD/Unze gesunken. Bis zu einem gewissen Grad bleibt Platin mit den Schwankungen des Goldmarkts verbunden. Analyst Bill O'Neill von LOGIC Advisors verweist jedoch auf die sehr starke Nachfrage der Industrie, die auch in der Zukunft das Muster an diesem Markt bestimmen werde

Johnson Matthey als größter Verarbeiter von Platin weltweit hat Anfang des Monats für 2007 ein Produktionsdefizit von 265.000 Unzen vorausgesagt, verglichen mit einem kleinen Überschuss im Vorjahr. HSBC indessen sieht das Defizit näher bei 415.000 Unzen, und das werde den Markt zwingen, auf die ohnehin fast erschöpften Reserven zurückzugreifen. Die Angebots- und Nachfragebilanz von Platin scheine fester zu sein als die anderer Industriemetalle, meint Analyst O'Neill. Außerdem müsse sich dieser Markt keine Sorgen über Zentralbankverkäufe machen, die den Goldpreis beeinflussen. Johnson Matthey erwartet in diesem Jahr einen Zuwachs des Platinverbrauchs in Abgaskatalysatoren um 2,3% auf 4,235 Mio Unzen. Ein großer Teil hiervon sei durch die zunehmende Beliebtheit dieselgetriebener Fahrzeuge bedingt, insbesondere in Europa.

In diesem Jahr haben Mazda und Nissan eine neue Technologie angekündigt, durch die der Platinverbrauch in Kats stark reduziert würde. Bis zu deren Einführung werde es aber noch mehrere Jahre dauern, ist HSBC überzeugt. Weitere Unterstützung für den Platinpreis kommt aus Südafrika, das 80% der weltweiten Versorgung liefert. Dort ist für den 4. Dezember ein Streik im Bergbau angekündigt, um die Forderung nach besseren Sicherheitsstandards zu bekräftigen. Das Platinangebot aus Südafrika dürfte in diesem Jahr ohnehin um 2% niedriger ausfallen, bedingt durch vorübergehende Schließungen bei mehreren Produzenten, die von der Regierung nach schweren Unglüscksfällen angeordnet worden waren. Außerdem war ein Ofen bei Lonmin Anfang des Jahres für eine Überholung zeitweise abgeschaltet worden.
kennt jemand PMI Gold näher? Gab heute im Rohstoff-Spiegel ein Interview .. hört sich eigentlich recht interessant an ..

9.11.2007 09:42
Xetra wird zur Rohstoffplattform - Börsen-Zeitung

FRANKFURT (Dow Jones)--In einem Joint Venture mit fünf Banken wird die Deutsche Börse in Kürze ein neues Rohstoffsegment auf Xetra starten. Den Anfang soll noch in diesem Jahr eine stücknotierte Nullkuponanleihe machen, die physische Goldbestände verbrieft, berichtet die "Börsen-Zeitung" (Donnerstagausgabe). Die Pläne wurden demnach auf der Investmentstrategie-Veranstaltung der Metzler Asset Management in Frankfurt öffentlich gemacht.

Partner der Deutschen Börse sind vier deutsche sowie ein schweizerisches Kreditinstitut. Dabei handelt es sich um Commerzbank, Deutsche Bank, DZ Bank, Metzler sowie Vontobel. Das gemeinsame Unternehmen heißt Deutsche Börse Commodities GmbH.

Martina Gruber, Geschäftsführerin der Deutschen Börse Commodities, begründete die Lancierung des neuen Segments auf der Veranstaltung der Metzler Asset Management mit Handelsineffizienzen der Rohstoffmärkte. Sie seien nach wie vor Interdealer-Märkte, die keinen gleichberechtigten Marktzugang für alle Investoren böten.

Privatanleger hätten keinen direkten Zugang, OGAW-konforme Investmentfonds dürften nicht direkt in Rohstoffe investieren. Hinzu kämen vergleichsweise hohe Gebühren. Insgesamt bestehe das Problem hoher Transaktionskosten beim Handel mit Rohstoffen. Daher sei eine innovative Verbriefungsform notwendig, mit der alle Investoren einen direkten kostengünstigen Zugang erhielten.

Die Deutsche Börse lud unterdessen für den 6. Dezember zu einer Pressekonferenz, auf der über die Gründung des Joint Ventures und die Emission des ersten Produktes informiert werden soll.
Webseite: http://www.media-relations.deutsche-boerse.com. DJG/nas/bam

(END) Dow Jones Newswires

November 29, 2007 03:42 ET (08:42 GMT)

© 2007 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.
die "Bude" hatte vor ca. 2 Jahren mal der Brunner in sein SmallCapdepot genommen, da hiessen sie noch PMX. - seit dem auf meiner WL, aber Kurstechnisch nix großes passiert
Damals klang es auch serh interssant - hatten eine sehr schelchte Phase,haben wenig schaffen können,mittlerweile ist das Management ein bissl erneuert und wie man die letzten News liest scheinen dsie ja mit der stillgelegten Mine einen Treffer gemacht zu haben....
Damals war Oreozone Res. mit an PMI beteiligt, ob das noch bestand hat weiß ich nicht
problematisch zu bewerten ist sicherlich wie so oft das politische Risiko
mir fehlt bei denen bis heute so die große Phantasie, alles klein klein bisher
kennt jemand PMI Gold näher? Gab heute im Rohstoff-Spiegel ein Interview .. hört sich eigentlich recht interessant an ..

Welcome back in "Originalfassung" greenhorn! :juchu: :)

die "Bude" hatte vor ca. 2 Jahren mal der Brunner in sein SmallCapdepot genommen, da hiessen sie noch PMX. - seit dem auf meiner WL, aber Kurstechnisch nix großes passiert
Damals klang es auch serh interssant - hatten eine sehr schelchte Phase,haben wenig schaffen können,mittlerweile ist das Management ein bissl erneuert und wie man die letzten News liest scheinen dsie ja mit der stillgelegten Mine einen Treffer gemacht zu haben....
Damals war Oreozone Res. mit an PMI beteiligt, ob das noch bestand hat weiß ich nicht
problematisch zu bewerten ist sicherlich wie so oft das politische Risiko
mir fehlt bei denen bis heute so die große Phantasie, alles klein klein bisher
kennt jemand PMI Gold näher? Gab heute im Rohstoff-Spiegel ein Interview .. hört sich eigentlich recht interessant an ..

:danke: war wie verhext, aber jetzt gehts wieder
Welcome back in "Originalfassung" greenhorn! :juchu: :)

die "Bude" hatte vor ca. 2 Jahren mal der Brunner in sein SmallCapdepot genommen, da hiessen sie noch PMX. - seit dem auf meiner WL, aber Kurstechnisch nix großes passiert
Damals klang es auch serh interssant - hatten eine sehr schelchte Phase,haben wenig schaffen können,mittlerweile ist das Management ein bissl erneuert und wie man die letzten News liest scheinen dsie ja mit der stillgelegten Mine einen Treffer gemacht zu haben....
Damals war Oreozone Res. mit an PMI beteiligt, ob das noch bestand hat weiß ich nicht
problematisch zu bewerten ist sicherlich wie so oft das politische Risiko
mir fehlt bei denen bis heute so die große Phantasie, alles klein klein bisher
kennt jemand PMI Gold näher? Gab heute im Rohstoff-Spiegel ein Interview .. hört sich eigentlich recht interessant an ..

Dec 03, 2007 07:00 ET
Cooper Minerals Identifies More High Grade Gold Values Near Terra Property
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Dec. 3, 2007) - Cooper Minerals Inc. (TSX VENTURE:CQ)(FRANKFURT:JM6) ("Cooper Minerals" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that it continues to receive significant precious metal and base metal values near its Terra iron-oxide-copper-gold (IOCG) project in the Great Bear Lake Magmatic Zone, 430 kilometres north of Yellowknife in the Northwest Territories. Cooper Minerals, holding 480,000 acres, is the largest public company landholder in the area. Simon Tam, president of Cooper Minerals, says, "We are extremely pleased that we are finding much more gold than expected in our IOCG mineralization."

High-grade gold, copper and silver mineralization was sampled on the TUT claims, which is located approximately 40 km north of the Company's Terra camp and is adjacent to the north boundary of Alberta Star's Eldorado property. At least 1.5 kilometres of the structure, which hosted the Eldorado uranium mine and the Echo Bay silver mine, is present within Cooper Minerals' TUT claims. Historical production from the Eldorado and Echo Bay Mines totals 13,720,000 lbs. U3O8 and 33,525,346 ounces of silver (source: Strand 1986).

Assays of surface samples ranged from 48.7 g/t (1.40 oz gold/ton) to less than 1 g/t gold, 3.97% to less than 0.01% copper, and 235 g/t to 4 g/t silver. The assay results for 14 grab samples which were collected during a limited prospecting program are as follows:

--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Silver Copper Sample Location ppm % Gold ppm---------------------------------------------------------------------------E07-008 Gossan, east end, relatively massive 235.0 0.00 less than 1E07-009 raspberry hill top, gossan with up to 30% pyrite 51.0 0.06 less than 1E07-010 mid raspberry hill, minor quartz veining 31.0 0.00 less than 1
E07-011 altered volcanics, quartz veining, near Sparkplug Lake 27.0 0.41 5E07-012 altered volcanics, minor brecciation, near Sparkplug Lake 93.0 0.24 less than 1E07-013 altered volcanics, massive, near Sparkplug Lake 24.0 0.00 less than 1
E07-014 altered volcanics, quartz veining, near Sparkplug Lake 36.0 0.13 less than 1E07-015 altered volcanics, quartz veining, near Sparkplug Lake 13.6 0.06 less than 1
E07-016 shaft near sparkplug lake, quartz vein 26.0 3.97 48E07-017 shaft near sparkplug lake, altered volcanics 16.0 1.57 21E07-018 shaft near sparkplug lake, massive altered volcanics 6.8 0.03 less than 1
E07-019 near Sparkplug Lake 6.0 0.01 less than 1E07-020 near Sparkplug Lake 3.9 0.00 less than 1E07-021 near Sparkplug Lake 4.8 0.00 less than 1---------------------------------------------------------------------------

The samples represent gossans and altered and brecciated volcanics with narrow (less than 3cm) quartz veining and brecciation from within a zone of conjugate faulting and brecciation (as mapped by Hildebrand 1982) that extends approximately 6 to 7 kilometres northeast directly from the past producing Eldorado and Echo Bay Mines to Cooper Minerals' recently identified mineralization. High-grade values are found in quartz veins and in altered volcanic rocks.

Geological and structural settings for the high-grade gold, copper and silver results at the TUT claims are similar to those recently reported from the Terra Property (please refer to recent Company news releases at http://www.cooperminerals.com/news_releases.php).

Gossans and extensive quartz veining and brecciation in conjunction with penetrative alteration of volcanics is estimated to be approximately 1.5 km long and at least 400 metres wide within Cooper Minerals' TUT claims. The altered volcanics that host the mineralization are in contact with felsic intrusives.

The Olympic Dam (in Australia) or IOCG model is proposed as a significant exploration target on Cooper Minerals' properties in this part of the Great Bear Magmatic Zone. These polymetallic targets have the potential to host billions of tonnes of copper, gold and uranium mineralization (Olympic Dam type). The resource at the Olympic Dam deposit (owned by BHP Billiton) was recently increased to 7.7 billion metric tonnes grading 0.87 per cent copper, 0.29 kilogram per tonne uranium oxide, 0.30 gram per tonne gold and 1.61 grams per tonne silver. The Olympic Dam deposit is the largest uranium deposit in the world, the fourth-largest copper deposit and the fifth-largest gold deposit.

Mike Magrum, P.Eng., a qualified person under National Instrument 43-101, has approved the technical content of this news release.

On behalf of the Board of Directors,

Simon Tam, President and Director

This news release shall not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy securities in any jurisdiction. "Safe Harbor" statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: This news release contains forward looking statements that are not historical facts and are subject to risks and uncertainties which could cause actual results to differ materially from those set forth in or implied herein.

The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release.
Würde mich freuen, wenn einige der Fachkundigen hier mal etwas zu den letzten Vangold-News sagen. Es gab einige und immerhin ist das ein Depotwert hier; der leider immer wieder in Vergessenheit gerät.
Für weitere Antworten geschlossen.
Oben Unten