• Am Sonntag, den 09.03.2025 erfolgt in den USA und Kanada die Umstellung auf Sommerzeit. Deswegen beginnt der Haupthandel ab Montag in den USA und Kanada bereits um 14:30 MEZ und endet um 21:00 MEZ. Bei uns findet die Zeitumstellung am 30.03.2025 statt. Dann haben wir wieder die "normalen" Handelszeiten.

Rohstoffthread (Archiv)

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Unterstützung sehe ich eher bei 6,2, in der Gegend der unteren Trendkanal-Begrenzungslinie.
Schon mal das Momentum und den RSI dafür geprüft ?

Good Trade
das noch zu NG
war mit ein Grund für den rasanten Start, gibt nett 'Cash in de Täsch'

aber nun ist imho erstmal eine kleine Korrektur drin

At the Rock Creek mine, final stages of construction are being completed and testing of processing circuits is underway. Development of the open pit is ongoing, with ore being stockpiled for processing. With the completion of the tailings storage and process water recycle facilities, the main mill processing complex should be ready for commercial level production by the end of Q1-2008, with the objective to achieve full commercial production in Q2-2008. The Rock Creek operation is expected to produce 100,000 ounces of gold annually. Once in production, NovaGold expects to generate $25 to $30 million annually.
ein netter europäischer Explorer scheint mir Emed zu werden,
da werd ich die Tage mal zulangen

Fischie hast Dich ja richtig reingehängt!!! :up: :danke:
January 6, 2008
Jinchuan Group to Acquire Tyler Resources for CDN$1.60 Per Share
CALGARY, ALBERTA--(Marketwire - Jan. 6, 2008) - Tyler Resources Inc. (TSX VENTURE:TYS) ("Tyler" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that it has signed a definitive support agreement with Jinchuan Group Ltd. ("Jinchuan"), China's largest producer of nickel, cobalt and platinum group metals and a major producer of copper, pursuant to which Jinchuan will make an offer (the "Offer") to acquire all of the issued and outstanding common shares on a fully diluted basis (the "Shares") of Tyler for Cdn$1.60 per Share in cash. The Offer values Tyler at approximately Cdn$214 million on a fully diluted basis.

The Offer represents a 116% premium to Tyler's closing price on October 18, 2007, the last trading day prior to the announcement of the unsolicited offer by Mercator Minerals Ltd. ("Mercator"), and represents a 60% premium to Tyler's most recent closing price on January 4, 2008. In addition, the Offer represents a 54% premium to Mercator's November 9, 2007 unsolicited offer based on Mercator's closing price on January 4, 2008.

Alan Craven, Chairman of the Tyler Board and the Special Committee, said: "In response to Mercator's hostile bid, we began an active and thorough process to identify a range of value enhancing alternatives for the Company. Over the past several weeks, we received serious interest from a number of parties. In the end, Jinchuan came forward with the best offer, one that provides Tyler shareholders with immediate, strong and certain value for their company and its assets. The Offer has the unanimous support of the Tyler Board."

Li Yong-jun, Chairman and President of Jinchuan, said: "Tyler's management team has developed Bahuerachi as one of Mexico's most notable resource projects and in turn has delivered significant value to its shareholders. Jinchuan looks forward to building on the efforts expended thus far to aggressively progress Bahuerachi through development and into production."

The transaction is to be effected by way of a takeover bid. Full details of the Offer will be included in a formal offer and take-over bid circular, which is expected to be mailed to shareholders in early February 2008. The transaction is expected to close in mid March 2008. The take-over bid circular will be accompanied by the Company's directors' circular, which will provide shareholders of the Company with, among other things, the rationale for the unanimous recommendation of Tyler's Board of Directors that shareholders accept the Offer. The Offer will be subject to a number of conditions, including acceptance of the Offer by holders of at least 66 2/3% of the outstanding Shares calculated on a fully diluted basis, absence of material adverse changes and receipt of all required regulatory approvals (including Chinese government approvals).

The Board of Directors of Tyler has unanimously determined that the Offer is fair to Tyler's shareholders and is in the best interests of the Company and its shareholders. The Board recommends that shareholders tender to the Offer. A Special Committee of Tyler's Board of Directors and the Board have received an opinion from Tyler's financial advisor, CIBC World Markets Inc., that the Offer is fair, from a financial point of view, to the shareholders of Tyler. In the event that the transaction with Jinchuan is not completed under certain circumstances, Tyler has agreed to pay Jinchuan a termination fee of Cdn$7,275,000 or approximately 3.4% of the transaction value.

CIBC World Markets Inc. is acting as sole financial advisor and Burnet, Duckworth & Palmer LLP is acting as legal counsel to Tyler.

BMO Capital Markets is acting as sole financial advisor and Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP is acting as legal counsel to Jinchuan.

About Jinchuan Group Ltd.

Jinchuan is a large integrated non-ferrous metallurgical and chemical engineering company engaged in mining, concentrating, metallurgy and chemical engineering. It produces nickel, copper, cobalt, rare and precious metals and also some chemical products. Jinchuan is the largest producer of cobalt, nickel and platinum group metals in China. Jinchuan is also the largest copper producer in northern China.

Jinchuan has an annual production capacity of 130,000 tonnes of nickel, 400,000 tonnes of copper, 8,000 tonnes of cobalt and 5,000 kilograms of platinum group metals.

About Tyler Resources Inc.

Tyler Resources Inc. is a well-funded Canadian junior exploration company focused on base and precious metals exploration in Mexico. Tyler's primary project is the Bahuerachi property, which hosts Mexico's fourth largest mineralized porphyry deposit. As part of its ongoing drill program, the Company has now drilled in excess of 52,000 meters of combined diamond and reverse circulation drilling since 2004, making it one of the most active Canadian junior exploration companies operating in Mexico. For more information, visit www.tylerresources.com.

Reader Advisory - Certain information regarding Tyler set forth in this news release including management's assessment of the effect of the Offer on the Company and on shareholders of Tyler and timing of matters relating to the approval of the Offer and implementation thereof, contain forward-looking statements that involve substantial known and unknown risks and uncertainties. These forward-looking statements are subject to numerous risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond the Company's control including, without limitation, uncertainty related to the completion of the Offer and the effect thereof and failure to receive required shareholder and other regulatory approvals. Tyler's actual results, performance or achievements may differ materially from those expressed in, or implied by, these forward-looking statements and, accordingly, no assurance can be given that any events anticipated by the forward-looking statements will transpire or occur. Furthermore, the forward-looking statements contained in this news release are made as at the date of this news release and Tyler does not undertake any obligation to update publicly or to revise any of the forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as may be required by applicable securities laws.

The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

:D ich glaube der Makler bei T :kichern: yler kommt gerade ins Schwitzen..............
schrieb heute früh sb75:

"....-e7r- xemplar... da sind einige short...

Rio Tinto may bid for Canadian uranium explorer Xemplar, report says

By London Bureau
Last update: 8:46 a.m. EST Jan. 6, 2008Print E-mail RSS Disable Live Quotes

LONDON (MarketWatch) -- Mining giant Rio Tinto PLC (RTP:rio tinto plc sponsored adr
News, chart, profile, more
Last: 406.80-21.50-5.02%

4:02pm 01/04/2008

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RTP 406.80, -21.50, -5.0%) is considering a bid for Canadian uranium explorer Xemplar Energy Corp. (XE.V), The Sunday Express said, without citing sources.
Xemplar owns a site in Namibia, which could contain huge amounts of uranium, the newspaper says. Rio is awaiting independent verification of the site before it decides on whether to bid for Xemplar, the report says.
Rio Tinto wasn't available for comment.
Newspaper Web site: http://www.express.co.uk
-Contact: 201-938-5400.."
guck mal weiter unten, als ich sagte:

gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanz heißes Eisen...

schrieb heute früh sb75:

"....-e7r- xemplar... da sind einige short...

Rio Tinto may bid for Canadian uranium explorer Xemplar, report says

By London Bureau
Last update: 8:46 a.m. EST Jan. 6, 2008Print E-mail RSS Disable Live Quotes

LONDON (MarketWatch) -- Mining giant Rio Tinto PLC (RTP:rio tinto plc sponsored adr
News, chart, profile, more
Last: 406.80-21.50-5.02%

4:02pm 01/04/2008

Delayed quote dataAdd to portfolio
Create alertInsider
Sponsored by:

RTP 406.80, -21.50, -5.0%) is considering a bid for Canadian uranium explorer Xemplar Energy Corp. (XE.V), The Sunday Express said, without citing sources.
Xemplar owns a site in Namibia, which could contain huge amounts of uranium, the newspaper says. Rio is awaiting independent verification of the site before it decides on whether to bid for Xemplar, the report says.
Rio Tinto wasn't available for comment.
Newspaper Web site: http://www.express.co.uk
-Contact: 201-938-5400.."
ja - hatte ich mir schon heute Nacht genüsslich reingezogen - "wahrlich ich sage euch..." :kichern: :up:

sehe gerade EK 4,86 - 4,85war ne Teilbedienung.....naja "Mischkurs" - 7,5CAD wären dann so 5,20 :gruebel:
RT 0,37 Frankfurt :juchu:

Läuft weiter nach Plan :)

-LR8- Largo Resources

Klettert weiter hoch! Unter guten Umsätzen heute in Canada auf 0,53 Can $!

Taxen in FFM 0,35 zu 0,38! :)

Largo schleicht sich hoch..... in Can bei 0,51 $ ca. 0,355 Euro.

In FFM noch niedriger taxiert mit 0,33 zu 0,35 !

Die Aktie hatte nen klasse Newsflow im Nov./Dez und könnte stark rebounden! Bin weiterhin gemäß unten aufgeführten Positionen LONG!

Ollinho schrieb am 12.12.2007, 12:12 Uhr:
So hab mir heute zu meiner LONG-Position bei Largo noch ne Swing-/Mittelfristposition geholt.

Longposi KK 0,245 -08/2007-

Swingposi KK 0,311 -heute-

Entwicklung und kürzlich erschiene Studie sind vielversprechend. Chart gefällt mir. Sobald hier wieder Volumen reinkommt und das Umfeld stimmt gehts wieder Richtung 0,50 Euro.

Stop für die 2. Posi - 15 % vom EK.

» zur Grafik
sehr schön gelaufen die letzten Tage! - Candente hat mindestens ähnliche News im Köcher.......
sieht für mich nach ner 2. Candente aus - nich das ich jetzt Candente untreu werde, aber Antares scheitn auch ein kleines Sahnestückchen zu sein

nochmal zu Antares Min.
habe nach der News heute nochmal nen bissl gestöbert, wie es ausschaut no debts, genug Cash und über 50% der Shares in festen Händen
Zitat aus den Bullboards:

.... I have been all over this ANM story from VERY early on, I never guessed we would ever pull such a deep, rich hole out of Haquira. When you combine this hole with the other previous impressive drill results, it's clear to see that a HUGE deposit is being developed, one worthy of a very lofty offer from a cash rich mining company in need of replenishing their depleting portfolio.
Share structure is absolutely superb on ANM. Between Farallon Capital Management, MDR's ownership of ANM shares and insiders,
more than 50% of the shares are locked away. In addition, the treasury is nicely "cashed up" so we won't see more paper being printed for sometime, if ever. Bottom line, if investors want a piece of this company the only place to get it is in the market, likely at a premium to current share price.

Welcome aboard Speedy, I haven't noticed any postings from you in the past so I guess you are a Newbie.

Enjoy the ride, SL

» zur Grafik

2008-01-02 19:53 ET - News Release

Mr. John Black reports

Antares Minerals Inc. is releasing the results from four additional diamond drill holes at the Haquira project in southern Peru. The objective of the current drill program is to delineate recently discovered high-grade primary porphyry copper-molybdenum-gold mineralization beneath the secondary copper blanket at the Haquira East zone (see Stockwatch news dated July 12, 2007, Aug. 9, 2007, and Oct. 26, 2007). Highlights from drill holes AHAD-104 through AHAD-107 (2,765.70 metres total) include:

943.30 m with 0.65 per cent copper and 0.009 per cent molybdenum (0.70 per cent copper equivalent);
Includes 442.85 m with 0.74 per cent Cu, 0.010 per cent Mo (0.80 per cent Cu equivalent);
Hole remains open to depth with final 51.45 m grading 0.41 per cent Cu;
Hole terminated at 1007.60 m due to lack of available drill rods;
200-metre step-out from nearest deep drill holes (AHAD-106 and AHAD-098A);
Intercept may represent second, vertically extensive, higher-grade copper centre;
496.35 m with 0.58 per cent Cu and 0.024 per cent Mo (0.72 per cent Cu equivalent);
Includes 211.00 m with 0.67 per cent Cu and 0.032 per cent Mo (0.86 per cent Cu equivalent);
AHAD-104 and AHAD-105 were drilled to delineate the northeastern margin of system;
AHAD-105 intersected 351.40 m with 0.45 per cent Cu and 0.018 per cent Mo (0.56 per cent Cu equivalent);
AHAD-104 intersected 351.95 m with 0.48 per cent Cu and 0.016 per cent Mo (0.58 per cent Cu equivalent);
Both holes terminated in less mineralized sedimentary wall rocks;
All four holes entered directly into well-mineralized porphyry beneath 49 to 89.20 m of barren colluvium (postmineral cover). The upper 16.30 to 42.35 m of the mineralized intercepts consists of secondary copper mineralization (principally in situ copper oxides), with grades ranging from 0.46 to 0.84 per cent Cu. The remainder of the mineralized intercepts consists of primary sulphide mineralization dominated by chalcopyrite with lesser molybdenite, bornite and pyrite.

John Black, president and chief executive officer of Antares Minerals, commented as follows: "The results from drilling at Haquira East continue to exceed our expectations in terms of both average grade and vertical extent of mineralization. The four holes presented in this press release have now confirmed the potential for a significant volume of primary copper mineralization at Haquira East with additional molybdenum and gold credits. More importantly the results from AHAD-107 indicate that a second centre of thicker and higher-grade copper mineralization is emerging as drilling progresses to the northwest. We had anticipated that grades and thicknesses of mineralization might gradually decrease away from the bornite-rich core defined by drill holes AHAD-098A, AHAD-099 and AHAD-102, so we were pleasantly surprised by nearly one kilometre of well-mineralized porphyry in AHAD-107 and the re-emergence of bornite and associated higher copper and gold grades. Mineralization remains open to the north and west and we look forward to additional results in the near future."
Tyler wird gleich interessant, smarte 50%! ;)
halte schon seit fast 2 jahren gulf shores resources (gul) - wer auf den chart guckt und sich ausmalt, dass es soeben eine weitere "dry hole" gab, kann mein empfinden "nachempfinden" - hehe :confused:
halte schon seit fast 2 jahren gulf shores resources (gul) - wer auf den chart guckt und sich ausmalt, dass es soeben eine weitere "dry hole" gab, kann mein empfinden "nachempfinden" - hehe :confused:

Donnerstag hatte ich noch gedacht, dass man da spekulativ was longen koennte, die haben echt die Seuche an den Hacken... :eek:
:confused: mein Mitgefühl!
halte schon seit fast 2 jahren gulf shores resources (gul) - wer auf den chart guckt und sich ausmalt, dass es soeben eine weitere "dry hole" gab, kann mein empfinden "nachempfinden" - hehe :confused:

Donnerstag hatte ich noch gedacht, dass man da spekulativ was longen koennte, die haben echt die Seuche an den Hacken... :eek:
Tenajon Air Show! :juchu:

Auch da ist was im Busch, wie man ja im 2 Monatschart sieht!!
:confused: mein Mitgefühl!
halte schon seit fast 2 jahren gulf shores resources (gul) - wer auf den chart guckt und sich ausmalt, dass es soeben eine weitere "dry hole" gab, kann mein empfinden "nachempfinden" - hehe :confused:

Donnerstag hatte ich noch gedacht, dass man da spekulativ was longen koennte, die haben echt die Seuche an den Hacken... :eek:

Jop, danke der "Anteilnahme" - andererseits laufen die anderen "Anteilsscheine" eh prima, daher :yahoo: passts schon. Aber Seuche an den Hacken haben triffts halt auf den Punkt! ;)
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