• Am Sonntag, den 09.03.2025 erfolgt in den USA und Kanada die Umstellung auf Sommerzeit. Deswegen beginnt der Haupthandel ab Montag in den USA und Kanada bereits um 14:30 MEZ und endet um 21:00 MEZ. Bei uns findet die Zeitumstellung am 30.03.2025 statt. Dann haben wir wieder die "normalen" Handelszeiten.

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08.01.2008 12:07
IRW-News: First Majestic Silver

IRW-PRESS: First Majestic Silver: First Majestic Silver Corp. : Update der Silbermine La Encantada und neue Ressource gemäß NI 43-101

First Majestic Silver Corp. : Update der Silbermine La Encantada und neue Ressource gemäß NI 43-101

FIRST MAJESTIC SILVER CORP. (FR-V) (das "Unternehmen" oder "First Majestic") freut sich, ein Update bezüglich seiner Aktivitäten bei der Silbermine La Encantada in Mexiko und einer neuen Ressource/Reserve bekannt zu geben.

Die Silbermine La Encantada befindet sich im Norden Mexikos, im nördlichen Teil der physiographischen Provinz Sierra Madre Oriental, im nordwestlichen Abschnitt des Bundesstaates Coahuila. Sie befindet sich in der Gemeinde Ocampo, etwa 120 km westlich der Stadt Muzquiz (60

nördlich) und 120 km westlich der Stadt Ocampo in Coahuila (7


First Majestic besitzt die Bergbaurechte auf 2.826 Hektar (6.982 Acres) innerhalb von 18 Konzessionen und zwei Claims. Auch ein Oberflächenlandbesitz von 1.343 Hektar (3.319 Acres), wo Minen, Anlagen, Unterkünfte, Felder und damit in Zusammenhang stehende Einrichtungen installiert wurden, wurde von Ejido Tenochtitlan, Gemeinde Ocampo, erworben. Die Mine La Encantada umfasst sämtliche Einrichtungen: eine Flotationsanlage mit einer installierten Kapazität von 800 Tonnen pro Tag ("tpd"), ein Labor, Wartungsgebäude, Wasserbrunnen und Pipelines, einen Flugplatz, 180 Häuser, ein Minenbüro, Lagerhäuser, Clubhäuser, Küchen- und Restauranteinrichtungen sowie Gästehäuser. Die Mühle läuft zurzeit mit einer Kapazität von 700 tpd (87%). Die Speisung der Mühle wurde fast gleichmäßig zwischen Erz von der Mine und Erz von der Wiederverarbeitung von Halden (durch einen Anfang 2007 eingeführten Vorauswahlprozess) aufgeteilt. Diese Erzmischung von beiden Quellen schuf die erforderliche Zeit für die Entwicklung der Mine, um die Mühle im Jahr 2008 auf die Speisung mit einer höheren Prozentrate vorzubereiten.

Das intensive Erschließungs- und Explorationsprogramm, das eingeführt wurde, kurz nachdem die Mine La Encantada Ende 2006 gekauft worden war, führte im Juni 2007 zur Veröffentlichung einer Ressourcenschätzung gemäß NI 43-101. Dieses intensive Programm wurde mit den Explorationen fortgesetzt, die in der zweiten Jahreshälfte 2007 durchgeführt wurden und deren Schwerpunkt vor allem auf der Erprobung und Erschließung zusätzlicher Reserven und Ressourcen in der Mine lag. Dieses laufende Programm führte zu einer erheblichen Steigerung der Ressourcen und Reserven. Größere Arbeiten erfolgten auch in den Gebieten Breccia Milagros, Bonanza, San Francisco, Intrusivo Milagros, Azul y Oro und Cuerpo de Zinc an der Mine N-1535; zudem wurden Proben an alten Halden entnommen. Zusätzliche Bohrungen und Testarbeiten erfolgten auch an den alten Tailings-Dämmen und führten zu einem positiven Ergebnis für die Wiederverarbeitung dieses Materials durch eine Zyanidlaugung, um das darin enthaltene Silber abzubauen.

Zwischen Juni und Oktober 2007 wurden bei der Mine La Encantada Untergrundanlagen zu Explorationszwecken auf insgesamt etwa 5.000 Meter erschlossen, einschließlich Zugangsrampen, Stollen und Querschlägen auf etwa 4.000 Meter und Explorationsvorbereitungen auf etwa 1.000 Meter für den Zugang zu Bohrstandorten des Programms 2008 im Untergrund. Wie man in der Tabelle unten sieht, konnten im Vergleich zu den zuletzt gemeldeten Reserven und Ressourcen in allen Kategorien deutliche Steigerungen verzeichnet werden. "Proven" und "probable" Reserven konnten von 8.206.336 auf 12.110.507 Unzen Silber um 48% gesteigert werden; die "measured" und "indicated" Ressourcen konnten von 12.548.168 auf 39.099.835 Unzen Silber um 212% gesteigert werden; die "inferred" Ressourcen konnten von 9.587.585 auf 12.479.000 Unzen Silber um 30% gesteigert werden. Die bedeutendsten Steigerungen bei Reserven und Ressourcen konnten in den Gebieten Breccia Milagros, Bonanza und San Francisco sowie bei den beiden alten Tailings-Dämmen verzeichnet werden.

Die folgende tabellarische Zusammenfassung wurde dem vollständigen technischen Bericht gemäß NI 43-101 der Silbermine La Encantada entnommen, welcher von Pincock Allen & Holt, Lakewood, Colorado (PAH) erstellt wurde. Aktionäre und Interessierte können diesen positiven Bericht auf SEDAR (www.sedar.com) sowie auf der Homepage des Unternehmens (www.firstmajestic.com) nachlesen.

Die Tabelle finden Sie unter folgendem Link : http://www.smallcapinvestor.de /downloads/FirstMajestic_07_01_08.pdf

First Majestic wird im Jahr 2008 sein intensives Explorations- und Erschließungsprogramm fortsetzen, welches angesichts der geologischen Beschaffenheit der Mineralisierung bei der Mine sehr wahrscheinlich ein großer Erfolg wird. PAH zufolge stellt die Kombination aus direkten Explorationsmethoden, Bohrungen und Untergrunderschließung eine gute Ausgewogenheit für die Explorationen bei La Encantada dar. Zweck des Programms ist der Zutritt zu bekannten Mineralisierungsgebieten sowie die Untersuchung von anderen angrenzenden und viel versprechenden Gebieten, die zu einer Steigerung der Ressourcenbasis und zu einem höheren Reservenlevel der Mine führen könnten.

Das Explorations- und Erschließungsprogramm der Silbermine La Encantada für das Kalenderjahr 2008 soll Oberflächendiamantbohrungen auf mindestens 8.200 Meter, Diamantbohrungen von Untergrundanlagen auf 5.000 Meter und Untergrundstollen auf 2.340 Meter umfassen. Zusätzlich zu Bohrungen und Untergrundexplorationen und -erschließungen wird eine umfassende geologische Untersuchung durchgeführt, welche aus einer induzierten Polarisierung auf 50 Linienkilometern besteht, um die unterschiedlichen identifizierten anomalen Gebiete zu untersuchen und um andere potenzielle Zonen zu bestätigen. Einige der herausragendsten Ziele für Untersuchungen sind die Brekzienzone La Escalera und die anomalen Gebiete "A", "B", "C" und "D". Die Brekzienzone La Escalera scheint ein bedeutendes Explorationsziel zu sein und wird auch ein Ziel des nächsten Bohrprogramms sein. Aufgrund der aktuellen Erfolge und der hohen Anzahl von Zielen bei La Encantada gilt eine Aufstockung des Explorations- und Erschließungsbudgets 2008 als wahrscheinlich.

Die unabhängigen qualifizierten Personen für das Unternehmen gemäß National Instrument 43-101, die den Inhalt dieser Pressemitteilung überprüften und den jüngsten qualifizierenden Bericht autorisierten, sind Leonel Lopez, C.P.G., P.G., und Richard Addison, P.E., Principal Process Engineer, von Pincock Allen & Holt, welche Mitarbeiter von PAH und vom Unternehmen unabhängig sind.

First Majestic ist ein Silberproduzent, der sich auf Mexiko konzentriert und seine Businesspläne aggressiv umsetzt. Das Unternehmen möchte durch Erschließung seiner eigenen Vorkommen sowie Erwerb weiterer Vorkommen, die zu den Unternehmenszielen passen, zum wichtigsten Silberproduzenten werden.

FÜR ZUSÄTZLICHE INFORMATIONEN schreiben Sie bitte an info@firstmajestic.com; besuchen Sie unsere Website unter www.firstmajestic.com oder setzen Sie sich kostenlos mit uns unter der Rufnummer 1.866.529.2807 telefonisch in Verbindung.


Vancouver, BC January 07, 2008

FSC / Press Release


British Columbia CANADA, January 07, 2008 /FSC/ - Grenville Gold Corp
(TSX - VX: GVG, OTCBB_Pink_Sheets: GVLGF, FWB: F9I), As a result of a
review by the British Columbia Securities Commission, we are issuing
the following news release to clarify our disclosure.

In its May
8, June 4, July 24, and November 8, 2007 news releases with respect to
the Silveria Project, Grenville reported a conceptual target using the
following cautionary language:

"The potential quantity and
grades commented upon are conceptual in nature as they are extrapolated
from historic production and therefore, cannot be relied upon. At
present, there has been insufficient NI 43-101 compliant exploration to
define a mineral resource and it is uncertain if further exploration
will result in the discovery of an economic mineral resource. Investors
are cautioned not to rely solely on this information. Grenville will
continue working with contractors to complete the required NI 43-101

In the same above mentioned news releases, and in a
September 27, 2007 news release, Grenville referenced certain
historical data relating to previous operations in the Silveria Project

The BCSC has requested that the company reiterate
that a 43-101 compliant resource has not been confirmed and that
historical reserves commented upon in the NI 43-101 Technical Report
under Section 8 cannot be relied upon.

Grenville felt it was
reasonable to use published information on reserves from the Millotingo
and Pacococha Mines in combination with past production records, a
digitization program which mapped the stopes from which production had
occurred, samples taken from the waste dumps located outside the adits,
and the fact that the mines in question stopped commercial production
prematurely due to the destruction of the high tension power cables to
the site by the Shining Path terrorist organization. The Company
considered this information to be compliant with sections 2.3(2) and
2.4 of NI 43-101.

The BCSC raised the concern that the above
news releases may not be compliant with NI 43-101, and the Company
hereby retracts those portions of the said news releases that relate to
the conceptual target, and the historical data, accordingly.

addition, the BCSC has noted that a newsletter published by Smartstox
in August contains extremely positive or promotional statements without
providing meaningful details or supporting evidence. The comments are
not NI 51-201 compliant as they are promotional in nature. The company
has removed this report from its website. Investors are cautioned not
to rely on estimates regarding economic operation within this report as
no independent qualified technical person has evidence to confirm the
comments and observations of the mine captain quoted by Smartstox.

Grenville has reviewed and changed its website to remove any non-compliant disclosure.

On behalf of the Board of Directors,
für alle nicht Englisch-Muttersprachler................. ;)

Grenville Gold veröffentlicht klärende Pressemitteilung zu Silveria-Projekt
Vancouver (aktiencheck.de AG) - Infolge einer Überprüfung der British Columbia Securities Commission (BCSC) veröffentlicht das
Leser des Artikels: 48

Vancouver (aktiencheck.de AG) - Infolge einer Überprüfung der British Columbia Securities Commission (BCSC) veröffentlicht das kanadische Unternehmen Grenville Gold Corp. (ISIN CA3977181070/ WKN A0KELU) eine klärende Pressemitteilung.

In den Pressemitteilungen von 8. Mai, 4. Juni, 24. Juli und 8. November 2007 zum Silveria-Projekt sowie in der Mitteilung vom 27. September 2007 nahm Grenville Gold auf historische Daten vergangener Aktivitäten auf den Silveria-Arealen Bezug. Die BCSC hat das Unternehmen aufgefordert, wiederholt darauf hinzuweisen, dass eine 43-101-konforme Ressourcenschätzung nicht bestätigt und die historischen Reserven, auf die im technischen NI 43-101-Bericht (Section 8) Bezug genommen wird, nicht als verlässliche Quellen betrachtet werden können.

Grenville Gold hielt es für angemessen, die Informationen zu der Millotingo- und Pacococha-Mine in Kombination mit den früheren Produktionsberichten zu veröffentlichen. Die BCSC hat Bedenken, dass die genannten Pressemitteilungen den NI 43-101-Vorgaben nicht entsprechen. Grenville Gold nimmt die entsprechenden Passagen jener Pressemitteilungen zurück und hat die Informationen auf der eigenen Website dementsprechend abgeändert.

Wertpapiere des Artikels:
Grenville Gold Corp.
Aquila Resources Inc.: Gold and Zinc Values Highlight Pinwheel Zone
TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Jan. 8, 2008) - AQUILA RESOURCES INC. (TSX:AQA)(FRANKFURT:JM4A) ("Aquila" or the "Company") today announced drill results from seven holes targeting expansion of the Pinwheel Zone massive sulfide at the Back Forty Project in Michigan's Upper Peninsula.

Step out drilling testing the down dip and southwest strike extension of the Pinwheel massive sulfide encountered multiple zones of zinc and copper bearing massive sulfides, as well as associated gold and copper bearing stringer sulfide mineralization. One hole was extended to depth, encountering deeper sulfide mineralization related to extensions of the Main Zone South Limb massive sulfide.

Highlights included 18 meters of 12.2% zinc including 5.3 meters of 25% zinc in massive sulfide, as well as significant gold mineralization including 2.2 meters of 15.1 grams/tonne (g/t) gold, 41.1 meters of 1.4 g/t gold and 3.2 meters of 12.1 g/t gold. Significant silver values were also encountered in all holes.

Results for another 15 holes testing an additional 300 meters of strike extension of the Pinwheel Zone along the Menominee River are pending and expected later in January.

Drill results are shown in the table below:

Intervals in
Meters Est.
------------ True g/T g/T % % % Descri-
Hole # From To Width Au Ag Cu Pb Zn ption
LK-194PE 32.1 57.5 18.0 0.68 49.81 0.38 1.32 12.20 Pinwheel
including 50.0 57.5 5.3 0.34 27.18 0.37 0.47 24.98 Pinwheel
LK-196PE 29.8 57.8 28.0 1.05 15.26 0.41 0.70 3.83 Pinwheel
including 29.8 35.5 5.8 0.60 33.81 0.36 3.14 14.04 Pinwheel
69.5 71.5 2.0(i) 3.84 24.11 0.26 0.13 0.55 Stringer
LK-205PE 31.1 36.0 4.9(i) 0.25 20.28 0.27 0.81 10.42 Pinwheel
51.7 57.0 5.4(i) 2.38 31.04 1.14 0.14 1.23 Massive,
71.0 74.0 3.0(i) 4.14 5.02 0.04 0.02 0.87 Stringer
106.9 109.1 2.2(i) 15.12 96.85 0.09 0.28 0.32 Stringer
110.6 138.0 22.0 1.13 16.15 0.43 0.17 0.29 Lower
LK-206PE 51.0 53.8 2.8 1.72 31.95 0.67 0.12 0.06 Pinwheel
210.2 222.5 12.3(i) 1.59 15.52 0.17 0.21 0.36 Lower
273.5 279.0 5.5(i) 6.32 248.51 0.29 1.24 0.48 Stringer
306.0 313.7 7.7(i) 2.68 39.39 0.14 0.65 10.00 New South
LK-213PE 46.0 56.2 10.2 0.92 6.73 0.20 0.12 0.27 Pinwheel
441.5 444.5 3.0(i) 3.85 8.10 0.02 0.32 0.41 Stringer
LK-216PE 57.5 79.1 12.5 1.14 9.66 0.13 0.14 0.42 Pinwheel
101.7 105.5 3.8(i) 1.53 12.66 0.41 0.07 0.34 Semi
LK-218PE 65.7 78.9 9.9 5.81 42.45 0.16 0.10 0.48 Massive
including 68.2 72.5 3.2 12.09 67.54 0.11 0.12 0.35 Massive
78.9 134.7 41.8 1.14 20.50 0.63 0.11 0.96 Pinwheel
including 78.9 83.4 3.3 1.00 13.38 0.32 0.11 8.04 Pinwheel
(i)Drilled thickness, true thickness unknown
These drill results are from two fans of holes oriented nearly east west, designed to intercept the westerly dipping Pinwheel and related stratigraphy at 20 to 30 meter spacing between holes, with individual fans spaced 30 meters apart, representing approximately 90 meters of expansion of the Pinwheel Zone along strike and greater than 125 meters down dip.

The extension of Pinwheel hole LK-206PE to depth encountered massive sulfide mineralization at 306 meters - an apparent up dip extension of the Main Zone South Limb. Five follow up holes have been drilled to date with results pending, to further define this area of potential South Limb expansion. Significant gold values (2.68 g/t) as well as zinc (10%) are associated with this developing horizon. A map showing the latest drill holes, zone expansions and general information about Aquila and the Back Forty Project are available on the company's website at www.aquilaresources.com.

Tom Quigley, P.Geo., and President of Aquila is the Qualified Person as described in National Instrument 43-101 for the Back Forty Project and is responsible for the content of this press release.

Certain information regarding the Company contained herein may constitute forward-looking statements under applicable securities laws. Such statements are subject to known or unknown risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results to differ materially from those anticipated or implied in the forward-looking statements. The securities being offered have not and will not be registered in the United States under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "1933 Act") or any state securities laws, and may not be offered or sold within the United States or to or for the account of benefit of U.S. persons absent U.S. registration or an applicable exemption from U.S. registration requirements. This news release does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to purchase securities in the United States.

Shares Outstanding: 70,109,478
Aquila gefällt mir auch,- gaaaaaaaaaanz langsam nach oben! :evil:

Eine News und ab gehts.
» zur Grafik

Aquila Resources Inc.: Gold and Zinc Values Highlight Pinwheel Zone
TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Jan. 8, 2008) - AQUILA RESOURCES INC. (TSX:AQA)(FRANKFURT:JM4A) ("Aquila" or the "Company") today announced drill results from seven holes targeting expansion of the Pinwheel Zone massive sulfide at the Back Forty Project in Michigan's Upper Peninsula. :whistle:
:up: :clap:

Aquila gefällt mir auch,- gaaaaaaaaaanz langsam nach oben! :evil:

Eine News und ab gehts.
» zur Grafik

Aquila Resources Inc.: Gold and Zinc Values Highlight Pinwheel Zone
TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Jan. 8, 2008) - AQUILA RESOURCES INC. (TSX:AQA)(FRANKFURT:JM4A) ("Aquila" or the "Company") today announced drill results from seven holes targeting expansion of the Pinwheel Zone massive sulfide at the Back Forty Project in Michigan's Upper Peninsula. :whistle:
Immer wieder schön im 2 Monatschart hat man die News schon vorher!:friends:
:up: :clap:

Aquila gefällt mir auch,- gaaaaaaaaaanz langsam nach oben! :evil:

Eine News und ab gehts.
» zur Grafik

Aquila Resources Inc.: Gold and Zinc Values Highlight Pinwheel Zone
TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Jan. 8, 2008) - AQUILA RESOURCES INC. (TSX:AQA)(FRANKFURT:JM4A) ("Aquila" or the "Company") today announced drill results from seven holes targeting expansion of the Pinwheel Zone massive sulfide at the Back Forty Project in Michigan's Upper Peninsula. :whistle:
January 8, 2008
Mustang Flow Through Financing Completed
TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Jan. 8, 2008) - Mustang Minerals Corp. (TSX VENTURE:MUM)(FRANKFURT:NJF) is pleased to announce the closing of a non-brokered private placement of 3,513,667 flow through common shares ("Shares") of the Company at $0.65 per Share for gross proceeds of $2,283,883. The allotment of flow through common shares was increased from 3 million to 3,513,667. Funds will be used for exploration of the Company's properties primarily in Manitoba. This financing is non-brokered and a finder's fee of 6% cash paid to eligible finders. All of the securities issued in the financing have a hold period expiring four months and one day after the closing date.

The exploration activities of the Company will complement the ongoing development of the Maskwa Nickel Deposit. A National Instrument 43-101 compliant prefeasibility study for an open pit nickel mine, concentrator and related infrastructure is being completed by independent consultants to the Company.

Drilling will recommence at the Maskwa North Horizon the week of January 7, 2008. Widely spaced drilling will attempt to trace this zone over an approximate strike length of 1,000 meters. The Maskwa North Horizon has been traced by geophysics running approximately parallel to the proposed pit shell at Maskwa.

Carey Galeschuk P. Geo is the Qualified Person for Mustang Minerals Corp.

To find out more about Mustang Minerals Corp. (TSX-V: MUM) visit our website at www.mustangminerals.com.

Man achte auf den Preis je share! :whistle:
aber dein Timing ist perfekt - erst gestern hattest du sie WL........... :up:
Immer wieder schön im 2 Monatschart hat man die News schon vorher!:friends:
:up: :clap:

Aquila gefällt mir auch,- gaaaaaaaaaanz langsam nach oben! :evil:

Eine News und ab gehts.
» zur Grafik

Aquila Resources Inc.: Gold and Zinc Values Highlight Pinwheel Zone
TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Jan. 8, 2008) - AQUILA RESOURCES INC. (TSX:AQA)(FRANKFURT:JM4A) ("Aquila" or the "Company") today announced drill results from seven holes targeting expansion of the Pinwheel Zone massive sulfide at the Back Forty Project in Michigan's Upper Peninsula. :whistle:
Deswegen setz ich aus charttechnischen Gründen immer den 2 Monatschart. Das
sind Dinge, die ich von Freunden gelernt habe, die ausschliesslich Future Trading betreiben!!
Ich halte nix von Prognosen aber eine Menge von Candle Sticks!!
:) das sollte Treibstoff sein:

Mustang - "....non-brokered private placement of 3,513,667 flow through common shares ("Shares") of the Company at $0.65 per Share for gross proceeds of $2,283,883. The allotment of flow through common shares was increased from 3 million to 3,513,667...."

ursprünglich wollten sie nur 2,55 Mill.$ - scheint starkes Interesse zu sein
Jan 08, 2008 08:30 ET - Fett!
East Asia Minerals Drills 35.95 Metres of 4.03 g/t Gold and 188.28 g/t Silver at Binebase and Confirms More Than One Kilometre of Strike Potential
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Jan. 8, 2008) - East Asia Minerals Corporation (TSX VENTURE:EAS) is pleased to report that its initial drilling on the Binebase Prospect at the Sangihe Property, Indonesia, encountered significant, near surface epithermal gold and silver mineralization in all holes completed to date. Drill hole BID-13 intersected 35.95 metres of 4.03 g/t gold and 188.28 g/t silver from 8.0 metres depth, including 22.0 metres of 5.74 g/t gold. Drill hole BID-12 intersected 42.35 metres of 1.34 g/t gold and 107.54 g/t silver from 4.0 metres depth, and BID-11 returned 45.0 metres of 1.28 g/t gold and 50.51 g/t silver from surface.

The Binebase Prospect is located approximately one kilometre along strike from, and probably contiguous with the Bawone Prospect, where initial drilling conducted by East Asia Minerals has returned up to 95.0 metres of 2.15 g/t gold and 31.6 metres of 3.75 g/t gold (October 16, November 19 and December 3, 2007 news releases).

Drilling is planned to continue throughout 2008 at the Binebase and Bawone Prospects, where the near surface gold and silver mineralization remains open along strike in both directions. The objective is to complete NI43-101 compliant resource definition. Preliminary interpretation of a recently completed geophysics program (induced polarization) over the 1.2 kilometres between these zones has confirmed the potential that these prospects may connect. 2007 trenching by the Company approximately 400 metres northwest of Bawone, in the shallow covered area between Binebase and Bawone, opened a small window through the volcanic ash tuff cover and exposed mineralization grading 2.90 g/t gold and 10.0 g/t silver (July 17, 2007 news release). This provides the Company with further evidence of continuity between the prospects.

Binebase Drill Assay Highlights
-------------------------------------------------------------------------Drill From To Interval Gold Silver CopperHole (m) (m) (m) (g/t) (g/t) (%)-------------------------------------------------------------------------(i)BID-11 0.00 45.00 45.00 1.28 50.51 0.04-------------------------------------------------------------------------BID-12 4.00 46.35 42.35 1.34 107.54 0.20-------------------------------------------------------------------------Including 8.00 33.00 25.00 2.03 159.96 0.11-------------------------------------------------------------------------BID-13 8.00 43.95 35.95 4.03 188.28 0.09-------------------------------------------------------------------------Including 9.00 31.00 22.00 5.74 121.64 0.04-------------------------------------------------------------------------(i)Note - BID-11 under reports the composite grade due to 3.95 metres (in4 intervals) of no core recovery being assigned a zero value for thecomposite calculation.

BID-11 was collared approximately 1 kilometre northwest and along structural strike of the Bawone Prospect, to test significant trench results which included 2.00 g/t gold over 62.0 metres, 1.98 g/t gold over 45.5 metres, and 2.28 g/t gold over 28.5 metres (December 3, 2007 news release). The hole was drilled with a northwest inclination to a depth of 142.10 metres (refer to the Company's website at www.EAminerals.com for a plan view of drilling).

BID-12 was drilled 260 metres west-southwest of BID-11, where previous East Asia trenching results included up to 32.0 metres of 4.18 g/t gold and 38.0 g/t silver (October 18, 2007 news release). The hole was drilled with a north-northwest inclination to a depth of 46.35 metres.

BID-13, a scissor hole, is located 40 metres to the north-northwest along section of BID-12 and was drilled to a depth of 211.35 metres with a south-southeast azimuth. In addition to the higher grade near surface zone reported in this press release, low grade gold and silver mineralization was encountered throughout drill hole BID-13. Significant zones of no recovery on the margins of the reported intervals may have also resulted in the under reporting of the grade interval.

The drill is currently active at the Binebase Prospect. An additional two holes have been completed and have intersected wide zones of the expected favourable strongly mineralized and altered rock. Assays are pending.

"We are greatly encouraged by the Sangihe Property where we continue to demonstrate the veracity and upside of the historic gold zones", stated Michael Hawkins, President and CEO of EAS. "The gold mineralization remains consistent and we are confident we will continue to enhance the potential of the Bawone and Binebase Prospects, while possibly adding to the potential for additional gold between these two zones and elsewhere on the large Sangihe Property. We are well on track to outline NI43-101 compliant resources at Sangihe during 2008, and are encouraged that we are also in progress for the same at our Abong area in Aceh Province where drilling has commenced and we expect to announce the first assay results in the coming weeks".

Samples reported were assayed at PT SGS Indoassay (SGS Group) in Balikpapan. Lionel Martin, P.Geo, the designated QP within the meaning of 43-101 has reviewed and approves the content of this release.

About East Asia Minerals Corporation
East Asia Minerals Drills 35.95 Metres of 4.03 g/t Gold and 188.28 g/t Silver at Binebase and Confirms More Than One Kilometre of Strike Potential
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Jan. 8, 2008) - East Asia Minerals Corporation (TSX VENTURE:EAS) is pleased to report that its initial drilling on the Binebase Prospect at the Sangihe Property, Indonesia, encountered significant, near surface epithermal gold and silver mineralization in all holes completed to date. Drill hole BID-13 intersected 35.95 metres of 4.03 g/t gold and 188.28 g/t silver from 8.0 metres depth, including 22.0 metres of 5.74 g/t gold. Drill hole BID-12 intersected 42.35 metres of 1.34 g/t gold and 107.54 g/t silver from 4.0 metres depth, and BID-11 returned 45.0 metres of 1.28 g/t gold and 50.51 g/t silver from surface.

Rein !
bin mal bei EAS + MUM mit ne Posi rein :)
Ivanhoe Mines Welcomes Assurances in Mongolian Prime Minister's Letter
NEW YORK, NEW YORK, Jan 08, 2008 (MARKET WIRE via COMTEX News Network) --

In a statement issued today before Ivanhoe Mines' (TSX: IVN)(NYSE: IVN)(NASDAQ: IVN) senior management team addressed institutional investors and analysts at a forum organized by a major U.S. investment bank, John Macken, President and CEO of Ivanhoe Mines Ltd., said that Ivanhoe Mines welcomes assurances contained in a recent letter from Mongolian Prime Minister Sanjaa Bayar. In the letter, Prime Minister Bayar expressed support for foreign investment and his intention to see construction of the Oyu Tolgoi Project start prior to the Mongolian general election in June this year.

The Prime Minister's letter to Ivanhoe Mines and Rio Tinto on December 26, 2007, followed his inaugural address to the National Parliament on December 13 in which he identified the utilization of natural resources, including clearing the way for the development of Oyu Tolgoi, as one of his priorities to be completed before the election.

"I would like to reiterate that my Government will continue to support private investment, including foreign investment, and intends to see the projects such as Oyu Tolgoi, that not only have a significant impact on the development of the country but also largely shape the perception of its investment environment, commence during its term in office," Prime Minister Bayar wrote.

"The presence of strategic investors, which are well known in global industry, in the Oyu Tolgoi project is considered by the Government as an important factor for its long-term success and their intention to be committed to the project...is encouraging."

Mr. Macken welcomed the Prime Minister's expressed intentions. He said Ivanhoe is looking forward to a meeting proposed by the Prime Minister this month and to receiving the necessary details of the Prime Minister's proposed action plans to conduct a review of the existing draft Investment Agreement and expedite the finalization of a mutually acceptable draft agreement for the development of the Oyu Tolgoi Project.

"Ivanhoe supports the Prime Minister's suggestion of assistance from independent, internationally recognized financial experts in concluding an acceptable agreement - a step previously advocated by Ivanhoe Mines and Rio Tinto," Mr. Macken said. "Oyu Tolgoi, more than any other single project, can help to realize his vision of building social wealth, in the form of workforce skills, knowledge and technology, as a legacy for future generations through the development of Mongolia's mineral resources."

Mr. Macken said that certain recent news reports have misleadingly speculated about the status of a draft investment agreement for Oyu Tolgoi negotiated with the Mongolian Government in April 2007 and a Bloomberg report dated January 8 initially incorrectly stated that construction was not due to start until next year.

FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS: This document includes forward-looking statements regarding Ivanhoe Mines' plans. Forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, statements concerning the amounts drawn down by Ivanhoe from the non-revolving convertible credit facility and the development of the Oyu Tolgoi Project. Although Ivanhoe Mines believes that its expectations reflected in these forward-looking statements are reasonable, such statements involve risks and uncertainties and no assurance can be given that actual results will be consistent with these forward-looking statements. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ from these forward-looking statements are disclosed under the heading "Risk Factors" and elsewhere in the corporation's periodic filings with Canadian and US securities regulators.

Nicht uninteressant Rohstoffmesse und und und.............................................. :whistle:
bis später :bye:
:eek: haben gerademal eine MK von 360 Mio Can$ - nett schlecht!!!

Jan 08, 2008 09:02 ET
Alamos Gold Inc. Increases Quarterly Production by 43% in Q4 2007
TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Jan. 8, 2008) - Alamos Gold Inc. (TSX:AGI) ("Alamos" or the "Company") announces that gold production for the fourth quarter 2007 was approximately 31,100 ounces. Gold production in the fourth quarter of 2007 increased 43% over the 21,674 ounces produced in the third quarter, a period in which gold production was adversely affected by record rainfall. The Company exceeded its fourth quarter production target of 30,000 ounces of gold by 1,100 ounces. Quarterly production benefited from improved crusher throughput, averaging 13,000 tonnes per day, up 41% from the third quarter 2007 average of 9,200 tonnes per day.

The Company also achieved increased gold sales in 2007 of 108,296 ounces, 17,076 ounces or 19% higher than the 91,220 ounces of gold sold in 2006. Unaudited revenue for 2007 was $74 million compared with $54.7 million for 2006, an increase of 35%. The Company benefited from both increased gold sales and higher gold prices in 2007 compared with 2006.

The following table sets out gold production in Q3 and Q4 2007 (fourth quarter production is subject to final refinery settlements):

------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q3 October November December Q4-------------------------------------------------------------------------Gold production (oz) 21,674 9,200 10,050 11,850 31,100-------------------------------------------------------------------------

Strong cash flows from operations combined with the recovery of outstanding tax receivables enabled the Company to repay the $7 million balance outstanding on its bank debt in the fourth quarter. The Company reports that it recovered approximately $6 million in Mexican value-added tax receivables in the fourth quarter.

The Company also announces that certain initiatives which are expected to improve gold recoveries are progressing. The Company is currently evaluating the effects of solution pH, solution flow rates and cement agglomeration on gold recoveries. Interim data from column tests at an independent facility indicated that gold recoveries improved when crushed ore was agglomerated with cement. The Company will assess all test results and recommendations when the final report is received. A second initiative involves placing ore on the leach pad using a leach pad stacking/conveying system, which is expected to be operational in the first quarter of 2008.

2007 Year-end Results

Alamos will report its fourth quarter and year-end 2007 results on Tuesday, March 11th, 2008, after market close. The Company will host a conference call on Wednesday, March 12th, 2008 at 11:00 a.m. (EST).

Live Conference Call:Local Access: 416-641-6121Toll-Free Access: 1-866-225-9256
Instant Replay Access information:
Local Access: 416-695-5800Toll-Free Access: 1-800-408-3053Passcode: 3247816Expiry Date: March 26th, 2008

Im Moment bei 0,80 cad, da siehst auch charttechnisch schön aus!!
Sabina Silver Corporation: Hackett River 2007 final drilling results: new high-grade jo zone and 78.45 m of massive sulphides at 600 m depth at Boot Lake
Thunder Bay, Ontario CANADA, Jan 08, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX News Network) --

Sabina Silver Corporation (SBB - TSX Venture) (SBBFF - OTCBB_Pink_Sheets), is pleased to announce the final drill results from the 2007 drill program at its Hackett River project located in Nunavut. This announcement reports on the final completion of 17,106 meters of drilling completed in 65 drill holes during the 2007 program, and supplements the release of preliminary results issued on 4 September 2007.

The 2007 drilling campaign was primarily undertaken to complete development infill drilling to increase confidence level of the previously reported NI 43-101 compliant mineral resources, to explore areas where the mineralized envelope used in the previous resource calculation remained open at depth as well as to explore areas of anticipated mineralization within the likely footprint of the Project infrastructure layout.

Highlights encountered in the final stage of the 2007 drilling include:

* Drill intercepts from the Jo Zone, located approximately 4 kms from the proposed Hackett River milling site, suggest the potential for a fourth mineral deposit for the Project. Selected high-grade sub-intervals listed below from depths near surface to 115 meters indicate the exceptionally high silver and zinc grades encountered during the 2007 Jo Zone drilling:



Hole # Interval Zn Ag Cu Pb Au (m) (%) (g/t) (%) (%) (g/t) ----------------------------------------------------------------

SHR-07-56 3.25 24.40 389 0.44 1.57 0.10


SHR-07-57 3.85 20.72 272 0.45 1.46 0.14


SHR-07-58 3.70 40.28 553 0.06 3.18 0.13


SHR-07-60 3.60 32.13 907 0.04 4.96 0.23



The deepest hole, SHR-07-60, returned 12.25 m grading 0.08% Cu, 1.71% Pb, 9.77% Zn, 537 g/t Ag and 0.30 g/t Au starting from 115.70 m. Locally values exceed 40% Zn and 1 kg/t Ag. The Jo Zone requires additional drilling to outline the extent of mineralization, and planning is underway for additional drilling in early 2008 to delineate this potential deposit, and is included in the $ 6.5 million budgeted for drilling at Hackett River in 2008.

* Thick drill intercepts from approximately 600 m below surface indicate the large Boot Lake deposit remains open at depth. Hole SHR-07-49 intersected 78.45 m grading 0.24% Cu, 0.86% Pb, 6.98% Zn, 179 g/t Ag and 0.09 g/t Au starting from 627.00 m. True thickness of the massive sulphide lens at this depth is estimated to be approximately 45 m.

Other news highlights include:

* AMEC continues work on a Pre-Feasibility Study for the Hackett River Project, which is currently estimated for completion in mid 2008.

* In November Sabina Silver's Hackett River Camp was awarded the inaugural Clean Environment Award by the Kitikmeot Inuit Association for demonstrating the highest level of environmental stewardship of any exploration camp on Inuit Owned Land within the Kitikmeot region.

2007 Drill Program

The 2007 drill program was completed in early November with a total of 17,106 m drilled in 65 holes. Results for the first 44 holes of the season were announced September 4, 2007. A summary table listing of composite assays from the remaining 21 holes of the season is available at:

Drill Hole Summary Table Final 2007 http://www.usetdas.com/maps/sabina/sabinaMININGCHARTjan8.pdf The 2007 drill program included infill and step-out drilling to increase the confidence levels of a NI 43-101 compliant mineral resource outlined in a Preliminary Economic Assessment (announced 5 March 2007). As well, exploration drilling was undertaken at two of several known mineralized zones within Sabina's Hackett River property which could be affected by infrastructure layout required for the current Project design. Limited geotechnical drilling was also completed to provide preliminary information for civil and mine engineering design.

Jo Zone

The Jo Zone is located approximately 400 m SE of the East Limb of the Main Zone deposit along the same mineral horizon. Five holes (SHR-07-56, 58, 60 and Jo71-03 and 75-01) on one section line indicate mineralization continues from near surface to a depth of 115 m where it is still open. Hole SHR-07-57, located on a section line 50 m north, intersected 24.30 m of mineralization grading 0.64% Cu, 0.60% Pb, 6.46% Zn, 122 g/t Ag and 0.08 g/t Au. This mineralization started from the bedrock surface.

Additional drilling is required to confirm the orientation and extent of the Jo Zone mineralization. Jo Zone has significant potential to add near surface, high-grade tonnes to the existing Hackett River Resource.

Boot Lake Zone

Step-out and infill drilling at Boot Lake has confirmed continuity of mineralization from surface to a depth of 680 m. The deposit dips steeply to the SW and is open to depth. The practical depth limit for surface delineation drilling appears to have been reached.

Main Zone

A thermistor geotechnical hole was completed as was the last of the planned 2007 drill holes.

Patricia Zone

No significant mineralization was intersected in the Patricia target. Narrow mineralized late veins present in two of the holes are interpreted to have formed in the thermal aureole of a large diabase dyke located to the east.

A system of sample standards, blanks and duplicates were inserted as part of the Company's QA/QC analytical procedures for the sample stream processed at the accredited laboratory at ALS Chemex (Vancouver, BC). Mr. Douglas Kim, P.Geo. Project Manager for the Hackett River Project and Qualified Person under the terms of NI43-101 has reviewed the content of this press release and approved its dissemination.

Pre-Feasibility Study

Preparation of the Hackett River Pre-feasibility study by AMEC continues. AMEC has completed its initial assessment of the drill hole spacing for model definition purposes, and it is anticipated that limited additional infill drilling will be required prior to undertaking a Final Feasibility Study. Work has commenced on remodeling of the East Cleaver, Boot Lake and Main Zone deposits, and is expected to be completed in early 2008. A restatement of the resources for the Hackett River Project will be issued after completion of the modeling, and is expected in the first Quarter of 2008.

Engineering review of layout options, including milling site, tailings storage facility and waste dumps, has begun and will likewise continue into 2008. Review of mining options and preliminary designs has commenced. The Pre-feasibility study is expected to be available early Third Quarter 2008.

Environmental baseline investigation studies have been completed during this past field season for the Hackett site as well as the site of the proposed port and concentrate load out facility at Bathurst Inlet. Baseline monitoring will continue through the coming field season in 2008 in support of ongoing permitting activities. Filing of the Project Proposal with the Nunavut Government is planned for early 2008, and it is currently anticipated that the draft Environmental Impact Statement will be completed by late 2008 or very early in 2009.

Sabina's 100% interest in the Hackett River Project is subject to a 2% Net Smelter Royalty to Cominco Mining Partnership. Etruscan Resources Inc. retains a 10% Net Profits Interest capped at C$2 million.

Sabina Silver is debt free, with approximately $45 million in cash and securities of an additional $ 8 million as of the end of November 2007. In addition to advancing the Hackett River Project, the company is also drilling its Golden Sidewalk Project in the Red Lake Mining District, Ontario and is exploring the silver-zinc Rockstone Project in the Thunder Bay Mining District, Ontario.
Hab mir ne gute Position geholt eben! News waren gut. Sollte im Laufe des Tages anziehen!

:) das sollte Treibstoff sein:

Mustang - "....non-brokered private placement of 3,513,667 flow through common shares ("Shares") of the Company at $0.65 per Share for gross proceeds of $2,283,883. The allotment of flow through common shares was increased from 3 million to 3,513,667...."

ursprünglich wollten sie nur 2,55 Mill.$ - scheint starkes Interesse zu sein
- F2T - Forsys

3,41 CA$ as we speak

Dear Mr. xxx,

Thank you for your inquiry.

I agree with you that the share price for Forsys Metals is undervalued right now.

Currently we are taking steps to prepare ourselves for mining at Valencia which is why there has been a smaller volume of news releases that we have distributed. However we do anticipate that 2008 will be a great year for Forsys—with many exciting developments to report.

As already mentioned we are not experiencing any problems in obtaining our mining license and anticipate receiving our mining license in the near future.

Thank you for your continued support. Please contact me at anytime with any questions or concerns.

With kind regards
kleines Resourcen Einmaleins


Mineral Resource

A Mineral Resource is a concentration or occurrence of natural, solid, inorganic or fossilized organic material in or on the Earth’s crust in such form and quantity and of such a grade or quality that it has reasonable prospects for economic extraction. The location, quantity, grade, geological characteristics and continuity of a mineral resource are known, estimated or interpreted from specific geological evidence and knowledge. Mineral resources are subdivided, in order of increasing geological confidence, into inferred, indicated and measured categories.

An Inferred Resource is that part of a mineral resource for which quantity and grade or quality can be estimated on the basis of geological evidence and limited sampling and reasonably assumed, but not verified, geological and grade continuity. The estimate is based on limited information and sampling gathered through appropriate techniques from locations such as outcrops, trenches, pits, workings and drill holes.

An Indicated Resource is that part of a mineral resource for which quantity, grade or quality, densities, shape and physical characteristics can be estimated with a level of confidence sufficient to allow the appropriate application of technical and economic parameters to support mine planning and evaluation of the economic viability of the deposit. The estimate is based on detailed and reliable exploration and testing information gathered through appropriate techniques from locations such as outcrops, trenches, pits, workings and drill holes that are spaced closely enough for geologic and grade continuity to be reasonably assumed.

A Measured Resource is that part of a mineral resource for which quantity, grade or quality, densities, shape and physical characteristics are so well established that they can be estimated with confidence sufficient to allow the appropriate application of technical and economic parameters to support production planning and evaluation of the economic viability of the deposit. The estimate is based on detailed and reliable exploration, sampling and testing information gathered through appropriate techniques from locations such as outcrops, trenches, pits, workings and drill holes that are spaced closely enough to confirm both geologic and grade continuity.

Mineral Reserve

A Mineral Reserve is the economically mineable part of a measured or indicated mineral resource demonstrated by at least a preliminary feasibility study. This study must include adequate information on mining, processing, metallurgical, economic and other relevant factors that demonstrate, at the time of reporting, that economic extraction can be justified. A mineral reserve includes diluting materials and allowances or losses that may occur when the material is mined. Mineral reserves are subdivided in order of increasing confidence into probable mineral reserves and proven mineral reserves.

A Probable Reserve is the economically mineable part of an indicated, and in some circumstances, a measured mineral resource demonstrated by at least a preliminary feasibility study. This study must include adequate information on mining, processing, metallurgical, economic and other relevant factors that demonstrate, at the time of reporting, that economic extraction can be justified.

A Proven Reserve is the economically mineable part of a measured mineral resource demonstrated by at least a preliminary feasibility study. This study must include adequate information on mining, processing, metallurgical, economic and other relevant factors that demonstrate, at the time of reporting, that economic extraction can be justified.
Also ich gehe auch bei sehr guten News nicht davon aus, dass wir (Ausnahmen bestätigen die Regel)
bei Rohstoffen bis mitte Januar steigende Kurse erleben werden.
Die hier besprochenen Werte sind gut und auf Langfrist d.h. über 2009 hin angelegt!
Da die Kurse bei Aquila bis dato in Canada gemacht wurden, sollte allerdings was gehen!!
East Asia Minerals Drills 35.95 Metres of 4.03 g/t Gold and 188.28 g/t Silver at Binebase and Confirms More Than One Kilometre of Strike Potential
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Jan. 8, 2008) - East Asia Minerals Corporation (TSX VENTURE:EAS) is pleased to report that its initial drilling on the Binebase Prospect at the Sangihe Property, Indonesia, encountered significant, near surface epithermal gold and silver mineralization in all holes completed to date. Drill hole BID-13 intersected 35.95 metres of 4.03 g/t gold and 188.28 g/t silver from 8.0 metres depth, including 22.0 metres of 5.74 g/t gold. Drill hole BID-12 intersected 42.35 metres of 1.34 g/t gold and 107.54 g/t silver from 4.0 metres depth, and BID-11 returned 45.0 metres of 1.28 g/t gold and 50.51 g/t silver from surface.

Rein !

Halo Issues Jungle Resource Report
TORONTO, ONTARIO, Jan 8, 2008 (Marketwire via COMTEX News Network) --

Lynda Bloom, President and CEO of Halo Resources Ltd. (the "Company") (TSX VENTURE:HLO)(OTCBB:HLOSF)(FRANKFURT:HRL) has filed the NI43-101 compliant resource estimate report for Jungle Lake on SEDAR. The final report confirms the resource estimates reported November 22, 2007 of 1,325,000 tonnes in the Indicated resource category with an overall grade of 1.17% copper, 0.85% zinc and precious metal credits and 2,177,000 tonnes in the Inferred resource category with an overall grade of 1.10% copper, 0.67% zinc and precious metal credits. The cut-off grades were calculated on the basis of a Net Smelter Return ("NSR") using all four commodities. These grades and tonnages translate to contained metal as show in the following table.

Contained Metal
Potential -----------------------------------------
Mining Resource Copper Zinc Gold Silver
Method Class (lb) (lb) (oz) (oz)
Open Pit Indicated 18,115,387 23,357,811 10,407 178,790
Open Pit Inferred 25,241,831 17,817,763 17,756 270,236
Underground Indicated 15,932,810 11,567,657 8,276 181,904
Underground Inferred 23,421,915 14,272,729 9,607 287,666
(1) Open pit Cut-off NSR US$20 above the 218 m level
(2) Underground Cut-off NSR US$40 below the 218 m level.

Metal prices of $2.00/lb copper, $0.75/lb zinc, $600/ounce gold and $8.50/ounce silver were used to determine cut-off NSR values.

The following cross-section shows the orientation of the massive sulphide lens that has been followed from surface to 400 m from surface and the placement of the proposed open pit.

The Scott-Wilson RPA report recommends drilling 3,725 m in 21 drill holes to

(a) decrease drill hole spacing within the proposed pit area and improve the resource classification from the Inferred category to the Indicated category; and

(b) test the geophysical targets that could possibly extend the pit area near surface for 200 m to the northwest.

Drilling continues at the Sherridon VMS Property, utilizing two diamond core drill rigs, focused on advancing Cold Lake, Bob Lake and Jungle Lake deposits, all within a 4 km by 4 km area at the Sherridon VMS Property, northwestern Manitoba.

The above information has been prepared under the supervision of Tom Healy, P.Eng, COO who is designated as a "Qualified Person" with the ability and authority to verify the authenticity and validity of the data.

To view the map accompanying this press release please click on the following link: http://www.ccnmatthews.com/docs/0108gtq.jpg.


Lynda Bloom, President and CEO

About Halo Resources Ltd.

Halo is a Canadian-based resource company focused on the acquisition of near production base and precious base metal deposits. Currently the Company owns or has an interest in 3 projects: Duport, which is an advanced stage gold project; Red Lake, which is a gold exploration project, and the Sherridon project that is a combination of mature and grassroots volcanogenic massive sulphide (VMS) copper, zinc and gold exploration opportunities. The Company is operated by an experienced management team and backed by a strong network of mining financiers. The Company's growth strategy is to develop a diversified portfolio of advanced mining projects.

This news release presents "forward looking information" within the meaning of the applicable Canadian securities laws that involve inherent risks and uncertainties. Forward-looking information includes, but is not limited to, information with respect to the proposed private placement. Generally, forward-looking information can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as "plans", "expects" or "does not expect", "is expected", "budget", "scheduled", "estimates", "forecasts", "intends", "anticipates" or "does not anticipate", or "believes", or variations of such words and phrases or state that certain actions, events or results "may", "could", "would", "might" or "will be taken", "occur" or "be achieved". Forward-looking information is subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the actual results, level of activity, performance or achievements of Halo to be materially different from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking information, including but not limited to: risks related to financings; risks related to the integration of acquisitions; risks related to joint venture operations; actual results of current exploration activities; actual results of current or future reclamation activities; conclusions of economic evaluations; changes in project parameters as plans continue to be refined; future prices of gold and other minerals and metals; possible variations in ore reserves, grade or recovery rates; failure of equipment or processes to operate as anticipated; accidents, labour disputes and other risks of the mining industry; and delays in obtaining governmental approvals or financing or in the completion of development or construction activities. Although the management and officers of Halo Resources Ltd. believe that the expectations reflected in such forward-looking information are based upon reasonable assumptions and have attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in forward-looking information, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that such information will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such information. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking information. Halo does not undertake to update any forward-looking information referenced herein, except in accordance with applicable securities laws. Trading in the securities of Halo Resources Ltd. should be considered highly speculative.

SOURCE: Halo Resources Ltd.
was sagt der 2-Monatschart dazu?
Hab mir ne gute Position geholt eben! News waren gut. Sollte im Laufe des Tages anziehen!

:) das sollte Treibstoff sein:

Mustang - "....non-brokered private placement of 3,513,667 flow through common shares ("Shares") of the Company at $0.65 per Share for gross proceeds of $2,283,883. The allotment of flow through common shares was increased from 3 million to 3,513,667...."

ursprünglich wollten sie nur 2,55 Mill.$ - scheint starkes Interesse zu sein
Für weitere Antworten geschlossen.
Oben Unten