• Am Sonntag, den 09.03.2025 erfolgt in den USA und Kanada die Umstellung auf Sommerzeit. Deswegen beginnt der Haupthandel ab Montag in den USA und Kanada bereits um 14:30 MEZ und endet um 21:00 MEZ. Bei uns findet die Zeitumstellung am 30.03.2025 statt. Dann haben wir wieder die "normalen" Handelszeiten.

Rohstoffthread (Archiv)

Für weitere Antworten geschlossen.
Nickelpreis sieht jetzt auch sehr gut aus!! :juchu:

Könnte noch ne interessante Woche mit Mustang werden :)

was sagt der 2-Monatschart dazu?
Hab mir ne gute Position geholt eben! News waren gut. Sollte im Laufe des Tages anziehen!

:) das sollte Treibstoff sein:

Mustang - "....non-brokered private placement of 3,513,667 flow through common shares ("Shares") of the Company at $0.65 per Share for gross proceeds of $2,283,883. The allotment of flow through common shares was increased from 3 million to 3,513,667...."

ursprünglich wollten sie nur 2,55 Mill.$ - scheint starkes Interesse zu sein
heute haben es die Candis gelesen............. :kichern:

@Fischi - was sagste zu East Asia? :) sind doch KLasse Ergebnisse und für mich sieht der Chart och jut aus - Ausbruch"gefährdet" :kichern:
Die letzten Q3 Zahlen haben das schon angedeutet. Sollte Q4 den Trend bestätigen, davon kann man fest ausgehen. Wir werden in diesem Jahr ganz andere Kurse sehen.
RSR hat die fest im Visier!!
denke das ist auch der Knackpunkt bisher gewesen............dann sollte es allerdings schnell gehen
hatte nicht RSR First M. auf dem Radar?
Hier kann es wirschaftlich schon bei den nächsten Zahlen durch den Silberpreis in die Gewinnzone gehen.
denke da gibts es dann die Tage die entsprechende Reaktion! zumal ja auch das Chartbild sehr verheisungsvoll iss - wie du ja bereits hier gezeigt hast
FR - das Estimate scheint nicht so sehr zu überzeugen...........haben die etwas mehr erwartet???
immerhin +212% der Reserven.......naja, das wird schon

Bei First Majestic sind wohl Warrants fällig geworden. Das Flagschiff ist La Parilla,- und es gibt 3 Minen!!

Nun wie man am Trageschart sehen gestern Abverkauf. Heute aktuell voller Kerzenkörper. 0,56 Cad.
Chart muss sich noch aktualisieren. Hohes Volumen!! Die 0,70 war ein Mistrade (irritiert!!)
kleiner Fehler eingeschlichen - MK ist 360 Mio EUR - gewesen, ca.550 Mio Cad - aber trotzdem sehr "preiswert" bei diesen Ergebnissen
ich stelle mal die Corporatepräsentation per Link rein - wie es aussieht scheint da auch ne Menge Erholungspotential vorhanden zu sein + solche News bei dem aktuellen Goldpreis sind natürlich Wasser auf des Anleger´s Mühlen
aktuell + 10% - aber bei einer Produktionsteigerung von 43% + gestiegenem Goldpreis sind noch mindestens 20-30% drin, verteilt über die nächsten Tage
ich hatte noch im losgehen ne Order vorhin eingetippt - und vertippt , sehe gerade das ich 150 Stückchen in FFM bekommen hatte...........naja, aber Kleinvieh kann auch Mist machen!

:eek: haben gerademal eine MK von 360 Mio Can$ - nett schlecht!!!

Jan 08, 2008 09:02 ET
Alamos Gold Inc. Increases Quarterly Production by 43% in Q4 2007
TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Jan. 8, 2008) - Alamos Gold Inc. (TSX:AGI) ("Alamos" or the "Company") announces that gold production for the fourth quarter 2007 was approximately 31,100 ounces. Gold production in the fourth quarter of 2007 increased 43% over the 21,674 ounces produced in the third quarter, a period in which gold production was adversely affected by record rainfall. The Company exceeded its fourth quarter production target of 30,000 ounces of gold by 1,100 ounces. Quarterly production benefited from improved crusher throughput, averaging 13,000 tonnes per day, up 41% from the third quarter 2007 average of 9,200 tonnes per day.

The Company also achieved increased gold sales in 2007 of 108,296 ounces, 17,076 ounces or 19% higher than the 91,220 ounces of gold sold in 2006. Unaudited revenue for 2007 was $74 million compared with $54.7 million for 2006, an increase of 35%. The Company benefited from both increased gold sales and higher gold prices in 2007 compared with 2006.

The following table sets out gold production in Q3 and Q4 2007 (fourth quarter production is subject to final refinery settlements):

------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q3 October November December Q4-------------------------------------------------------------------------Gold production (oz) 21,674 9,200 10,050 11,850 31,100-------------------------------------------------------------------------

Strong cash flows from operations combined with the recovery of outstanding tax receivables enabled the Company to repay the $7 million balance outstanding on its bank debt in the fourth quarter. The Company reports that it recovered approximately $6 million in Mexican value-added tax receivables in the fourth quarter.

The Company also announces that certain initiatives which are expected to improve gold recoveries are progressing. The Company is currently evaluating the effects of solution pH, solution flow rates and cement agglomeration on gold recoveries. Interim data from column tests at an independent facility indicated that gold recoveries improved when crushed ore was agglomerated with cement. The Company will assess all test results and recommendations when the final report is received. A second initiative involves placing ore on the leach pad using a leach pad stacking/conveying system, which is expected to be operational in the first quarter of 2008.

2007 Year-end Results

Alamos will report its fourth quarter and year-end 2007 results on Tuesday, March 11th, 2008, after market close. The Company will host a conference call on Wednesday, March 12th, 2008 at 11:00 a.m. (EST).

Live Conference Call:Local Access: 416-641-6121Toll-Free Access: 1-866-225-9256
Instant Replay Access information:
Local Access: 416-695-5800Toll-Free Access: 1-800-408-3053Passcode: 3247816Expiry Date: March 26th, 2008
EAS Sahneergebnisse!
Wenn man das umrechnet waeren es ja"nur" 120m a 1 g/t, aber so wird das erstens billiger u.v.a. wahrscheinlich ueber 1km Strike!!!

Sind dann imho die ersten 4-5mio Oz und dazu noch die anderen Gebiete, gut Cash on Hand, da man schlauerweise der windfall tax in der Mongolei durch einen Verkauf eines Teiles des Portfolios an Areva aus dem Weg gegangen ist

Neben Southern Arc DIE Indonesienwette 2008! Newmont und Konsorten warten begierig auf gute neue Vorhaben in diesem Groessenbereich (ab 3-4mio Oz)
heute haben es die Candis gelesen............. :kichern:

@Fischi - was sagste zu East Asia? :) sind doch KLasse Ergebnisse und für mich sieht der Chart och jut aus - Ausbruch"gefährdet" :kichern:
Die letzten Q3 Zahlen haben das schon angedeutet. Sollte Q4 den Trend bestätigen, davon kann man fest ausgehen. Wir werden in diesem Jahr ganz andere Kurse sehen.
RSR hat die fest im Visier!!
denke das ist auch der Knackpunkt bisher gewesen............dann sollte es allerdings schnell gehen
hatte nicht RSR First M. auf dem Radar?
Hier kann es wirschaftlich schon bei den nächsten Zahlen durch den Silberpreis in die Gewinnzone gehen.
denke da gibts es dann die Tage die entsprechende Reaktion! zumal ja auch das Chartbild sehr verheisungsvoll iss - wie du ja bereits hier gezeigt hast
FR - das Estimate scheint nicht so sehr zu überzeugen...........haben die etwas mehr erwartet???
immerhin +212% der Reserven.......naja, das wird schon

Bei First Majestic sind wohl Warrants fällig geworden. Das Flagschiff ist La Parilla,- und es gibt 3 Minen!!
:) EAS - und alles open-pit-mineable................ :whistle: :) kann man ja fast selber rausbudeln
iss ne schöner Kerze gestern im Chart geblieben - das ist eigentlich ein sehr bullishes Zeichen, sollte die Tage weiter laufen!
East Asia Minerals Drills 35.95 Metres of 4.03 g/t Gold and 188.28 g/t Silver at Binebase and Confirms More Than One Kilometre of Strike PotentialVANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Jan. 8, 2008) - East Asia Minerals Corporation (TSX VENTURE:EAS) is pleased to report that its initial drilling on the Binebase Prospect at the Sangihe Property, Indonesia, encountered significant, near surface epithermal gold and silver mineralization in all holes completed to date. Drill hole BID-13 intersected 35.95 metres of 4.03 g/t gold and 188.28 g/t silver from 8.0 metres depth, including 22.0 metres of 5.74 g/t gold. Drill hole BID-12 intersected 42.35 metres of 1.34 g/t gold and 107.54 g/t silver from 4.0 metres depth, and BID-11 returned 45.0 metres of 1.28 g/t gold and 50.51 g/t silver from surface.

Rein !

» zur Grafik
Das sieht gut aus, gut wer gestern über Frankfurt noch reingehüpft ist! das sind ja alle 4 die hier im Gewinnerthread lesen! Eigenlich toppen wir ja jeden Börsenbrief. ;)
Tyler war auch bei den Raketen auf dem Radar.
iss ne schöner Kerze gestern im Chart geblieben - das ist eigentlich ein sehr bullishes Zeichen, sollte die Tage weiter laufen!
East Asia Minerals Drills 35.95 Metres of 4.03 g/t Gold and 188.28 g/t Silver at Binebase and Confirms More Than One Kilometre of Strike PotentialVANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Jan. 8, 2008) - East Asia Minerals Corporation (TSX VENTURE:EAS) is pleased to report that its initial drilling on the Binebase Prospect at the Sangihe Property, Indonesia, encountered significant, near surface epithermal gold and silver mineralization in all holes completed to date. Drill hole BID-13 intersected 35.95 metres of 4.03 g/t gold and 188.28 g/t silver from 8.0 metres depth, including 22.0 metres of 5.74 g/t gold. Drill hole BID-12 intersected 42.35 metres of 1.34 g/t gold and 107.54 g/t silver from 4.0 metres depth, and BID-11 returned 45.0 metres of 1.28 g/t gold and 50.51 g/t silver from surface.

Rein !

» zur Grafik
Jan 08, 2008 16:44 ET
Largo Reports Wide Higher-Grade Zones of Tungsten-Molybdenum at Its Northern Dancer Project, Yukon
- All eight holes reported good grades over wide widths of mineralization with higher grade zones intersected in six of the eight holes

- Hole LT07-79 cut 68.8 metres grading 0.15% Mo (0.25% MoS2) and 0.10% WO3

- Hole LT07-76 cut 387.1 metres grading 0.13% WO3, and 0.03% Mo (0.05% MoS2) including 56.0 metres grading 0.19% WO3 and 0.03% Mo (0.05 MoS2)

- Hole LT07-77 cut 14.6 metres grading 0.31% WO3 and 0.05% Mo (0.08% MoS2)
TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Jan. 8, 2008) - Largo Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:LGO) announced that it has received results for eight (8) additional drill holes that are part of the recently completed drill program of 26 holes totalling 8,494 metres at the Company's Northern Dancer Tungsten-Molybdenum property in the Yukon (see results from initial 3 drill holes in press release dated November 13, 2007). The drill program has focused on upgrading and expanding the mineral resource reported in the April 2, 2007 press release as well as further defining higher grade tungsten and molybdenum zones. Preliminary pit modelling was used in order to help maximize the effectiveness of the drill program.

Highlights include:

- LT07-79 - 68.8 metres grading 0.15% Mo and 0.10% WO3 and 44.0 metres grading 0.22% WO3 and 0.04% Mo

- LT07-80 - 85.4 metres grading 0.07% Mo and 0.11% WO3

- LT07-75 - 437.9 metres grading 0.10% WO3, and 0.03% Mo including 23.8 metres grading 0.29% WO3 and 0.03% Mo

- LT07-76 - 387.1 metres grading 0.13% WO3, and 0.03% Mo including 81.0 metres grading 0.16% WO3 and 0.05% Mo and 56.0 metres grading 0.19% WO3 and 0.03% Mo

- LT07-77 - 57.8 metres grading 0.10% WO3, and 0.02% Mo and 14.6 metres grading 0.31% WO3 and 0.05% Mo

- LT07-72 - 53.0 metres grading 0.12% WO3, and 0.02% Mo including 13.0 metres grading 0.23% WO3 and 0.03% Mo

Numerous quartz veins and veinlets were intersected in the drill core containing varying amounts of scheelite and molybdenite. The true width of the mineralization varies from 44.00 to 437.90 metres. The mineralization in two of the holes has exceptional true widths of 387.10 and 437.90 metres. A total of 4,298 samples have been sent to Acme Labs in Vancouver. Largo has received results now for eleven (11) holes totalling 2,213 samples at this time. Assays are pending on the remaining 2,085 samples. Core logging has been completed on all holes and sampling has just been completed.

Andy Campbell, Vice President, Exploration at Largo Resources commented: "The results continue to be very encouraging with all eight holes reporting good grades over wide widths of mineralization including two holes which have exceptional widths. Higher grade zones were intersected in six of the eight holes. Drilling continues to confirm that the higher-grade tungsten and molybdenum zones are more extensive than previously thought. Our work indicates that major structures control the distribution of mineralization, especially tungsten, and testing of these structures was a major focus of our drill program."

The Northern Dancer property hosts widespread tungsten-molybdenum porphyry style mineralization, the core of which has been partially delineated by 68 diamond drill holes and 496 metres of underground workings. Work to date has been completed by AMAX Minerals Exploration from 1977 to 1980 and by Largo Resources which completed a 17-hole diamond drill program in 2006. On April 2, 2007, Largo announced a NI 43-101 compliant inferred mineral resource of 242.0 million tonnes grading 0.10% WO3 and 0.047% MoS2 (0.028% Mo) containing 508.1 million lbs. tungsten (WO3) and 151.0 million lbs. molybdenum (Mo) confirming Northern Dancer as one of the largest undeveloped tungsten-molybdenum deposits in the world. This resource includes a higher grade Mo zone of 36.8 million tonnes of 0.085% MoS2; more drilling is required to define a higher grade tungsten resource.

Please refer to Table 1 (Summary of Significant Assay Results - Northern Dancer Property, Yukon) which is appended to this news release for a summary of the above-noted drill results. Largo's website has the Northern Dancer 2007 Drilling Plan Map which provides a reference for the location of these holes on the property via the following link:

Jan 08, 2008 16:44 ET
Largo Reports Wide Higher-Grade Zones of Tungsten-Molybdenum at Its Northern Dancer Project, Yukon
- All eight holes reported good grades over wide widths of mineralization with higher grade zones intersected in six of the eight holes

Fett!! :juchu:
International Stock Targets: Adds Halo Resources Ltd. to our Small Cap Radar
Jan 09, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX News Network) --

International Stock Targets has announced a "Strong Buy" recommendation along with a one-month and six-month price target for our newest "Stock Target". Please note that the following is an investment opinion issued by International Stock Targets. For full details on this equity visit the attached link and we highly recommend that all interested small-cap investors contact phone one of our representatives toll free 1 866 657 3334 to get access to our "small-cap" stock pick of the year. Tuesday, January 8, 2008 Halo Resources Ltd. had released new corporate development news that triggered our research mechanism sensors at International Stock Targets. We therefore have also added Halo Resources Ltd. (OTCBB: HLOSF) (TSX-V: HLO) (FRANKFURT: HRL) to our Small Cap Radar, their recent market activity has made them a possible candidate for a full analytical research report, to see a sample of our newest report view this link http://www.internationalstocktargets.com/December_2007_Target_Report.pdf

For future reports on Halo Resources Ltd. and other growth stocks sign up to www.internationalstocktargets.com for a 3 month trial subscription.

"Investors looking to get the edge on the markets are always encouraged to read our new reports, and to become a member to our website to gather as much information as possible, click the link below and read why I believe our new small-cap gem could go from below $.50 to over $20.00 per share, and if that's not enough to convince you, speak to a representative of their IR firm at 1866 657 3334, you will not be disappointed." Stefen Gorgin CEO and Head Analyst International Stock Targets

Edelmetalle und Industriemetalle weiter stark!

Bin gespannt wann sich dieses Szenario nachhaltig am Produzenten+Explorersegment bemerkbar macht. Noch sind die Reaktionen verhalten und nur bei ersten Einzelwerten sind Kursausbrüche zu beobachten.

Gegen Mitte/Ende Januar könnte sich da in Verbindung mit Rückkäufen aus der Tax-Season ne Aufwärtsbewegung manifestieren. Bin gespannt.... ;)
wenn First Maj. (FMV, FR) heute der Ausbruch gelingt dann ist dort gewaltig Luft nach oben!!! :)
Edelmetalle und Industriemetalle weiter stark!

Bin gespannt wann sich dieses Szenario nachhaltig am Produzenten+Explorersegment bemerkbar macht. Noch sind die Reaktionen verhalten und nur bei ersten Einzelwerten sind Kursausbrüche zu beobachten.

Gegen Mitte/Ende Januar könnte sich da in Verbindung mit Rückkäufen aus der Tax-Season ne Aufwärtsbewegung manifestieren. Bin gespannt.... ;)

So wird es sein. Auch Platin wird drastisch steigen, da es mit Gold korreliert!
auch gut gestern gelaufen, meine Miniposi bleibt im Depot - solange Gold und Silber in aller Munde sind ist so ein Produzent "Gold" wert!
kleiner Fehler eingeschlichen - MK ist 360 Mio EUR - gewesen, ca.550 Mio Cad - aber trotzdem sehr "preiswert" bei diesen Ergebnissen
ich stelle mal die Corporatepräsentation per Link rein - wie es aussieht scheint da auch ne Menge Erholungspotential vorhanden zu sein + solche News bei dem aktuellen Goldpreis sind natürlich Wasser auf des Anleger´s Mühlen
aktuell + 10% - aber bei einer Produktionsteigerung von 43% + gestiegenem Goldpreis sind noch mindestens 20-30% drin, verteilt über die nächsten Tage
ich hatte noch im losgehen ne Order vorhin eingetippt - und vertippt , sehe gerade das ich 150 Stückchen in FFM bekommen hatte...........naja, aber Kleinvieh kann auch Mist machen!

:eek: haben gerademal eine MK von 360 Mio Can$ - nett schlecht!!!

Jan 08, 2008 09:02 ET
Alamos Gold Inc. Increases Quarterly Production by 43% in Q4 2007
TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Jan. 8, 2008) - Alamos Gold Inc. (TSX:AGI) ("Alamos" or the "Company") announces that gold production for the fourth quarter 2007 was approximately 31,100 ounces. Gold production in the fourth quarter of 2007 increased 43% over the 21,674 ounces produced in the third quarter, a period in which gold production was adversely affected by record rainfall. The Company exceeded its fourth quarter production target of 30,000 ounces of gold by 1,100 ounces. Quarterly production benefited from improved crusher throughput, averaging 13,000 tonnes per day, up 41% from the third quarter 2007 average of 9,200 tonnes per day.

The Company also achieved increased gold sales in 2007 of 108,296 ounces, 17,076 ounces or 19% higher than the 91,220 ounces of gold sold in 2006. Unaudited revenue for 2007 was $74 million compared with $54.7 million for 2006, an increase of 35%. The Company benefited from both increased gold sales and higher gold prices in 2007 compared with 2006.

The following table sets out gold production in Q3 and Q4 2007 (fourth quarter production is subject to final refinery settlements):

------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q3 October November December Q4-------------------------------------------------------------------------Gold production (oz) 21,674 9,200 10,050 11,850 31,100-------------------------------------------------------------------------

Strong cash flows from operations combined with the recovery of outstanding tax receivables enabled the Company to repay the $7 million balance outstanding on its bank debt in the fourth quarter. The Company reports that it recovered approximately $6 million in Mexican value-added tax receivables in the fourth quarter.

The Company also announces that certain initiatives which are expected to improve gold recoveries are progressing. The Company is currently evaluating the effects of solution pH, solution flow rates and cement agglomeration on gold recoveries. Interim data from column tests at an independent facility indicated that gold recoveries improved when crushed ore was agglomerated with cement. The Company will assess all test results and recommendations when the final report is received. A second initiative involves placing ore on the leach pad using a leach pad stacking/conveying system, which is expected to be operational in the first quarter of 2008.

2007 Year-end Results

Alamos will report its fourth quarter and year-end 2007 results on Tuesday, March 11th, 2008, after market close. The Company will host a conference call on Wednesday, March 12th, 2008 at 11:00 a.m. (EST).

Live Conference Call:Local Access: 416-641-6121Toll-Free Access: 1-866-225-9256
Instant Replay Access information:
Local Access: 416-695-5800Toll-Free Access: 1-800-408-3053Passcode: 3247816Expiry Date: March 26th, 2008
Vangold related

Country to Reap From Ongoing Scramble for Oil

Business Daily (Nairobi)
1 January 2008
Posted to the web 2 January 2008

By Jim Onyango

Kenya is quickly emerging as a front runner to host financial institutions and international oil exploration companies with interest in oil reserves in East Africa, a region seen as the latest frontier in the scramble for oil resources.

European and Chinese oil explorers have pitched tents in the country, looking for oil after Kenya's neighbours Sudan, Uganda and Tanzania recorded success. Australian oil exploration company Hardman Resources Ltd recently discovered oil in neighbouring Uganda, where commercial production should start in 2009 with an initial production of 6,000 to 10,000 barrels a day.

Tanzania, on the other hand, has spotted natural gas. Kenya has sunk 40 oil wells - all of which are dry, compared to Sudan which found massive oil stocks after sinking 78 wells.

Woodside Energy, which had partnered with Global Petroleum, said its offshore wells did not have hydrocarbons - the main components of fossil fuels, which include petroleum, coal and natural gas. Woodside has since left the country. But new entrants such as Lundin petroleum have begun new searches.

Even though Kenya has been left behind in the oil rush, Nairobi has positioned itself as a service hub for Africa's exploration, underlining the country's importance in the oil exploration business in the East African region.

Millions of dollars allocated for oil exploration activities in the region are to be channelled through Nairobi as major exploration financiers have chosen the city, ahead of Kampala and Dar es Salaam, as their operation centre.

This has the potential of increasing employment and improving the liquidity of financial institutions in the country that will handle the money.

Nairobi's strategic location within the region, coupled with its infrastructure development and financial muscle, will ensure that even though the country doesn't have a drop of oil, the petrodollars still flow through its system as exploration financiers and companies will be transacting their businesses from within.

Compared to Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda and Burundi, Kenya has developed financial and telecommunications infrastructure, an attraction for financiers of oil and gas exploration such as Canada based Primary Capital Group, Capital Markets and Commodity Finance of Germany, Upstream and Structured Finance-Energy Group Natixis of France, Islamic Development Bank of Saudi Arabia and Afrexim Bank of Egypt.

Most of these companies either have offices in Kenya or have representatives working from Nairobi. Anthony Dutton is a senior partner of Primary Capital Group, a private equity and corporate finance advisory firm based in Vancouver, British Columbia with an affiliated office in London.

PCG provides and arranges investment capital for early stage ventures and small to mid sized high growth opportunities in the resource and technologies sectors.

"We are exited about oil prospects in East Africa. Kenya is surrounded by countries that have discovered oil. Kenya has developed adequate institutional and legal framework that protects investments," said Dutton in an interview with Business Daily in Nairobi.

Dutton and fellow partners in PCG have successful backgrounds in corporate finance, investment banking, debt and equity financing, initial public offerings, reverse takeovers and venture capital besides financing oil exploration ventures in Canada and the USA. Kenya is their first project in Africa.

"Kenya is worth looking at, there is never any oil until you find it" said Dutton. From Nairobi, PCG is watching development in Uganda and Tanzania.

Dutton says Kenya will escape the violence associated with petroleum producing countries because of its strong democracy and well trained workers.

"There is enough intelligence and foresight to avoid that kind of trouble witnessed elsewhere in Africa.

"Kenya has a forward thinking government and an educated population. The country is enjoying favourable light in the international community, if they do anything to mess that up, investors will go somewhere else" said Dutton.

PCG has invested in Vangold, a natural resource company with a large portfolio of projects in various stages of development. Vangold has advanced stage mineral projects in Papua New Guinea, Canada and Uganda and revenue generating oil and gas projects in Canada and the United States.

PCG is to pump in excess of US$15million into Vangold to kick off oil search in Kenya. Vangold is prospecting oil in blocks 3a and 3b in Northern Kenya Anza basin where it is to carry out magnetic surveys and shooting of seismic data beginning next year.

The company has already signed production sharing contracts with the Ministry of Energy. "Financing oil exploration in a country that has turned dry well is a challenge for us. There is no oil until you find it, we intend to go all the way we believe Kenya will strike oil given that all her neighbours now have oil" said Dutton.

Although the oil industry in Sudan is by far the most advanced in eastern Africa, Kenya has made strides in recent years following the National Oil Corporation of Kenya's (NOCK) vigorous marketing of Kenya as a destination for foreign oil companies and is vigorously marketing itself as a destination for foreign oil companies.

"Even if we don't find oil and gas in Kenya, we resolved to market Kenya as a hub for oil and financial companies involved in the exploration activities in East Africa," said Mwendia Nyaga the acting Managing Director of NOCK .

The meeting was attended by top executives of international oil companies such as Woodside Energy of Australia, World Energy Council and the UK based East Africa Exploration Company.

Representatives of financiers of oil explorations and government officials from oil producing states also attended the conference.
Vangold related

Country to Reap From Ongoing Scramble for Oil

Business Daily (Nairobi)
1 January 2008
Posted to the web 2 January 2008

By Jim Onyango

Kenya is quickly emerging as a front runner to host financial institutions and international oil exploration companies with interest in oil reserves in East Africa, a region seen as the latest frontier in the scramble for oil resources.

Ich bin derzeit über die hoch schwankenden Kurse intraday von Vangold überrascht, bzw. den zumeist weiten Spreads. Das war auch beim Anstieg von 0,50 auf 0,65 nach dem PP ebenso. Irgendwie fehlt da eine klare Richtung, irgendwie dürfte da viel Unsicherheit im Markt bzgl. Vangold kursieren, irgendwie geht da irgendwie nichts zusammen ;)
Financial Times Deutschland, FTD (03.01.08) - Der Bedarf an Edelmetallen bleibt hoch, was Platin, Silber und Palladium für Investoren zunehmend attraktiver werden lässt. Zertifikate lassen Anleger an den glänzenden Perspektiven teilhaben.

Edelmetalle feiern ein Comeback in den großen Portfolios: Institutionelle Investoren und vermögende Privatkunden schrauben den Anteil sukzessive nach oben und treiben damit die Preise. Wer glaubt, die Hausse habe ihren Höhepunkt bereits überschritten, dürfte sich täuschen.

Viele Branchenexperten sehen gerade einmal ein Drittel des Weges zurückgelegt, von einer Überinvestition der Anleger kann keine Rede sein: Während in den 70er-Jahren ein gut diversifiziertes Depot einen Edelmetallanteil zwischen fünf und zehn Prozent hatte, dürfte heute der Anteil am weltweit angelegten Vermögen gerade einmal zwei bis drei Prozent betragen.

Gründe für ein Investment in Gold oder Silber, Platin oder Palladium gibt es genug, und sei es der bloße Schutz vor Inflation - wohl eines der großen Themen der kommenden Jahre, schon um die massive Staatsverschuldung zurückzufahren.

Gold als Langfristanlage

Ein deutliches Anzeichen dafür ist die starke Expansion der Geldmenge, die im Euro-Raum zuletzt mit einer Jahresrate von fast zwölf Prozent wuchs. Der klassische Edelmetallanleger kauft Gold als Langfristanlage, idealerweise physisch (siehe auch den Beitrag auf der gegenüberliegenden Seite).

Um dem Dollar-Verfall nicht ausgesetzt zu sein, bietet sich der Zertifikatemarkt an, auch um in Edelmetalle zu investieren, die im Gegensatz zum Gold nicht von der Umsatzsteuer befreit sind.

Während Gold an dem Versuch, den Rekord aus dem Jahre 1980 zu brechen, vorerst scheiterte, steigt der Platinpreis von einem Hoch zum nächsten. Nachdem Ende 2005 die 1000-$-Marke genommen wurde, kostete die Feinunze (31,1 Gramm) in diesem Oktober erstmals mehr als 1400 $.

Bei Edelmetallen dranbleiben

Ausgebrochen Aus einer fast zweijährigen Konsolidierungsphase ist der Silberpreis ausgebrochen und in der Spitze bis auf über 16 $ je Feinunze geklettert. Seit mehr als zehn Jahren war der Kurs für das Edelmetall nicht mehr so hoch. Von einstigen Höchstständen ist er allerdings noch weit entfernt: 1980 notierte Silber kurzzeitig bei mehr als 40 $.

Profit durch Umweltbewusstsein

Bereits um 1350 $ ist die erste charttechnische Unterstützung zu erkennen, zwei seit 2005 und 2006 etablierte Aufwärtstrends verlaufen derzeit bei etwa 1230 und 1280 $. Der sechsjährige Basisaufwärtstrend ließe eine Korrektur bis etwa 1150 $ zu, erst darunter wäre die Platin-Hausse beendet.

Wie Platin sollte auch Palladium zusätzlich vom zunehmenden Umweltbewusstsein profitieren. Rund die Hälfte der jährlichen Produktion kommt in Katalysatoren zum Einsatz, wobei das billigere Palladium sukzessive das teure Platin ersetzen soll.

Zwischen 1997 und Anfang 2001 kam es zu einer Spekulationsblase, die den Preis für die Feinunze Palladium kurz über die 1000-$-Marke trieb, was einer Verzehnfachung entsprach. Dann wurden große Bestände auf den Markt geworfen, die den Preis kollabieren ließen.

Was heißt das nun für Anleger, die an einem Investment in Edelmetallen interessiert sind, aber nicht unbedingt auf die Goldpreis-Hausse aufspringen wollen? Alternativ zu einem Tracker, der den Wert eins zu eins abbildet, bietet sich der Kauf eines Discountpapiers an.

Die maximale Rendite von gut 13 Prozent bis Weihnachten 2008 wird erzielt, sofern der Palladium-Preis dann zumindest am Cap von 360 $ notiert. Zu beachten ist, dass keine Währungsabsicherung besteht, sodass ein weiter sinkender US-Dollar einen Teil der Rendite auffressen würde.

Andererseits sind zusätzliche Währungsgewinne möglich, sobald der Euro wieder etwas nachgeben sollte. Das meiste Potenzial verspricht Silber. So ist der Silberpreis jüngst aus einer fast zweijährigen Konsolidierungsphase ausgebrochen und in der Spitze bis auf über 16 $ je Feinunze geklettert.
Industrielle Nutzung treibt den Preis

Seit mehr als zehn Jahren war der Kurs für das Edelmetall nicht mehr so hoch. Aktuell notiert er bei 14,79 $ je Feinunze. Damit ist er allerdings noch weit von den einstigen Höchstständen entfernt. 1980 war der Preis auf kurzzeitig mehr als 40 $ gestiegen.

Inflationsbereinigt wäre heute ein Niveau von etwa 130 $ erforderlich, um diesen - zugegebenermaßen spekulativ hochgetriebenen - Kurs wieder zu erreichen. Das dürfte bei der aktuellen Hausse zwar kaum zu schaffen sein.

Doch für einen weiteren Anstieg des Silberpreises spricht insbesondere die stärkere industrielle Nutzung des Edelmetalls. Wegen seiner guten thermischen Eigenschaften wird Silber vor allem in der Elektroindustrie und Medizintechnik eingesetzt. Hinzu kommt, dass der Abbau schwierig ist und die Förderkapazitäten derzeit ausgelastet sind.

Für Anleger mit hoher Renditeerwartung

Das Silberangebot lässt sich also nur schwer ausweiten. Angesichts der guten Perspektiven sollte sich der Kauf von Quanto-Zertifikaten lohnen und der Aufwand für die Währungssicherung (aktuell etwa zwei bis drei Prozent pro Jahr) langfristig zu vernachlässigen sein.

Anleger, die auf Sicht von gut einem Jahr eine Rendite von etwa 20 Prozent anstreben, finden in dem Capped-Bonuszertifikat der Deutschen Bank auf Silber (siehe Tabelle) eine interessante Anlagemöglichkeit.

Der Bonusbetrag kommt hier zur Auszahlung, sofern der Silberpreis zu keiner Zeit während der Laufzeit auf oder unterhalb des Barrierebetrags von 10,50 $ notiert. Ein solch tiefes Niveau gab es zuletzt im Sommer 2006. Bei der starken Korrektur im August 2007 drehte der Preis bei 11 $ dann wieder nach oben.

(Quelle: http://www.ftd.de/boersen_maerkte/derivate/298220.html?p=2)
noch so ein "kleiner" Produzent...........

Jan 09, 2008 08:30 ET
Metallica Resources Increases Fourth Quarter Gold Production by 56% at Cerro San Pedro and Provides 2008 Guidance
TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Jan. 9, 2008) - Metallica Resources Inc. (TSX:MR)(AMEX:MRB) is pleased to report that gold and silver production at its Cerro San Pedro mine in Mexico increased 56% and 35%, respectively, relative to the third quarter 2007. For the year, the Cerro San Pedro mine produced 26,799 ounces of gold and 406,592 ounces of silver. Approximately 53% of the gold and 48% of the silver were produced in the fourth quarter demonstrating that the mine is on track to achieve full and steady-state production during 2008.

Key performance indicators for the fourth quarter 2007 and since production commenced in May, are presented below, along with production and cost guidance for 2008.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quarter Ended December 2007 Year to Date December 2007--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Actual Budget Budget Actual Budget Budget Variance Variance---------------------------------------------------------------------------Ore Tonnes to Pad (000's) 2,291 2,007 14% 6,536 6,689 (2%)---------------------------------------------------------------------------Gold Grade (gm/tonne) 0.56 0.59 (5%) 0.51 0.54 (6%)---------------------------------------------------------------------------Silver Grade (gm/tonne) 18.14 21.41 (15%) 23.91 27.75 (14%)---------------------------------------------------------------------------Poured Gold Ounces 14,103 17,324 (19%) 26,799 30,000 (11%)---------------------------------------------------------------------------Poured Silver Ounces 194,431 187,839 4% 406,592 400,000 2%---------------------------------------------------------------------------Cash Cost per Ore Tonne $5.17 $4.49 15% $5.27 $5.25 0%---------------------------------------------------------------------------

- The Company produced 14,103 ounces of gold and 194,431 ounces of silver in the fourth quarter. Gold production targets in the fourth quarter were impacted by the Company's decision to use Cell 3 for bulk metallurgical tests rather than for the leaching of fresh ore. As a result, the additional ore stacked on Cell 1 required extended leach time. By the end of December the pregnant solution grades were back to budgeted levels.

- Cash costs per tonne of ore for the fourth quarter were $5.17, 15% above budgeted levels due to accelerated waste mining rates. Cash costs on an annualized basis met projections.

- Ore production to the pad during the fourth quarter was approximately 2.3 million tonnes, exceeding forecasts by nearly 300,000 tonnes.

- The Cerro San Pedro processing plant operated at 100% capacity in the fourth quarter. The plant is currently producing approximately 200 ounces of gold per day. Roughly 150,000 tonnes of ore are being placed under leach each week.

- Gold and silver sales in the fourth quarter, unaudited, totaled $10.4 million and $2.6 million respectively. The Company sold 13,221 ounces of gold and 184,576 ounces of silver at an average realized price per ounce of $790 and $14.21 respectively.

- The leach pad at Cerro San Pedro held approximately 6.6 million tonnes of ore at December 31, 2007 containing an estimated 108,400 ounces of gold and 5.1 million ounces of silver. Approximately 44,200 ounces of gold and 853,900 ounces of silver are estimated to be recoverable. Recovery rates appear to be consistent with estimates for the type of ore on the leach pad and the leach duration. The recovery period is estimated to be five months for gold and six months for silver. Actual recoveries have been 61% for gold and 48% for silver, which is in line with the recovery curve projections.

To view charts displaying amounts of troy ounces poured, please visit the following link: http://www.ccnmatthews.com/docs/mr108.jpg

2008 Guidance

- The mine is expected to produce 80,000 ounces of gold and 1.35 million ounces of silver during 2008 at a cash operating cost, net of silver, of $263/ounce of gold, based on the December 31, 2007 closing price for silver of $14.80 per ounce.

- Mine production is expected to be approximately 8.0 million tonnes of ore and 13.8 million tonnes of waste during 2008, resulting in a waste-to-ore ratio of approximately 1.7:1. This figure is consistent with the Life of Mine (LOM) plan for 2008. The LOM ratio is 1.2:1.

- Cash cost per tonne of ore mined for 2008, our first full year of operation, is expected to be $5.40, exceeding the LOM plan for 2008 by only 12%. This modest increase is due to mining and general and administrative costs.

- Capital costs for 2008 are estimated at $6.7 million and will include the construction of Phase 2 of the leach pad, which has been advanced to 2008 from 2009 as originally scheduled due to increased mining rates.

- A three-year lease agreement with the Company's current equipment provider, Desarrolladora de Proyectos Hidroelectricos, S.A. DE C.V. was executed on December 19, 2007. The agreement came into effect on January 1, 2008 and requires all maintenance to be performed by the equipment provider. The leased fleet is operated by Minera San Xavier personnel, Metallica's wholly owned operating subsidiary.

- The Cerro San Pedro mine exited 2007 with a stellar safety record. There were no employee Lost Time Accidents (LTA) and only one LTA recorded by the contractors, an exceptional accomplishment for a startup operation. Our employees are commended for achieving this goal.

Conference Call

The Company will be host a conference call to discuss year end 2007 results and provide further operational updates on Tuesday, March 18, 2008. Details of the call, including times and contact numbers, will be released when they are finalized.


Richard J. Hall, President and CEO
Detour ist auch auf dem Radar eines Börsenbriefes! :)
:) R. James upgraded AGI with a new target of $7.50!
CEO bot more shares as an insider; his holdings are 480,000 shares.

auch gut gestern gelaufen, meine Miniposi bleibt im Depot - solange Gold und Silber in aller Munde sind ist so ein Produzent "Gold" wert!
kleiner Fehler eingeschlichen - MK ist 360 Mio EUR - gewesen, ca.550 Mio Cad - aber trotzdem sehr "preiswert" bei diesen Ergebnissen
ich stelle mal die Corporatepräsentation per Link rein - wie es aussieht scheint da auch ne Menge Erholungspotential vorhanden zu sein + solche News bei dem aktuellen Goldpreis sind natürlich Wasser auf des Anleger´s Mühlen
aktuell + 10% - aber bei einer Produktionsteigerung von 43% + gestiegenem Goldpreis sind noch mindestens 20-30% drin, verteilt über die nächsten Tage
ich hatte noch im losgehen ne Order vorhin eingetippt - und vertippt , sehe gerade das ich 150 Stückchen in FFM bekommen hatte...........naja, aber Kleinvieh kann auch Mist machen!

:eek: haben gerademal eine MK von 360 Mio Can$ - nett schlecht!!!

Jan 08, 2008 09:02 ET
Alamos Gold Inc. Increases Quarterly Production by 43% in Q4 2007
TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Jan. 8, 2008) - Alamos Gold Inc. (TSX:AGI) ("Alamos" or the "Company") announces that gold production for the fourth quarter 2007 was approximately 31,100 ounces. Gold production in the fourth quarter of 2007 increased 43% over the 21,674 ounces produced in the third quarter, a period in which gold production was adversely affected by record rainfall. The Company exceeded its fourth quarter production target of 30,000 ounces of gold by 1,100 ounces. Quarterly production benefited from improved crusher throughput, averaging 13,000 tonnes per day, up 41% from the third quarter 2007 average of 9,200 tonnes per day.

The Company also achieved increased gold sales in 2007 of 108,296 ounces, 17,076 ounces or 19% higher than the 91,220 ounces of gold sold in 2006. Unaudited revenue for 2007 was $74 million compared with $54.7 million for 2006, an increase of 35%. The Company benefited from both increased gold sales and higher gold prices in 2007 compared with 2006.

The following table sets out gold production in Q3 and Q4 2007 (fourth quarter production is subject to final refinery settlements):

------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q3 October November December Q4-------------------------------------------------------------------------Gold production (oz) 21,674 9,200 10,050 11,850 31,100-------------------------------------------------------------------------

Strong cash flows from operations combined with the recovery of outstanding tax receivables enabled the Company to repay the $7 million balance outstanding on its bank debt in the fourth quarter. The Company reports that it recovered approximately $6 million in Mexican value-added tax receivables in the fourth quarter.

The Company also announces that certain initiatives which are expected to improve gold recoveries are progressing. The Company is currently evaluating the effects of solution pH, solution flow rates and cement agglomeration on gold recoveries. Interim data from column tests at an independent facility indicated that gold recoveries improved when crushed ore was agglomerated with cement. The Company will assess all test results and recommendations when the final report is received. A second initiative involves placing ore on the leach pad using a leach pad stacking/conveying system, which is expected to be operational in the first quarter of 2008.

2007 Year-end Results

Alamos will report its fourth quarter and year-end 2007 results on Tuesday, March 11th, 2008, after market close. The Company will host a conference call on Wednesday, March 12th, 2008 at 11:00 a.m. (EST).

Live Conference Call:Local Access: 416-641-6121Toll-Free Access: 1-866-225-9256
Instant Replay Access information:
Local Access: 416-695-5800Toll-Free Access: 1-800-408-3053Passcode: 3247816Expiry Date: March 26th, 2008
:gruebel: manchmal kann man nur staunen was der Markt(die Überzahle der Anleger) so machen , nach dem gute Infos rauskommen.......
da gelingen Unzernehmen Meilensteine und man wirft die Aktie weg......... :scratch:
wenn First Maj. (FMV, FR) heute der Ausbruch gelingt dann ist dort gewaltig Luft nach oben!!! :)
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