Rohstoffthread / CCG-Hauptthread


Schöne Grüße an alle von unserem Thomas Kroeling (@Moritz).

Er schaut leider aktuell schon länger nicht mehr bei peketec
rein (er möchte hier nicht als Zaungast erscheinen).

Aber an die tolle Zeit hier im Board erinnert er sich gerne.

50% seines Depots sind immer noch Minenwerte! ;) :whistle:
noch eine ergänzung zum kupfer-kurs mit blick auf den größeren time-frame "woche":

der trend ist "saustark", dennoch sollte der blick auch darauf gerichtet werden, dass ein starker widerstandsbereich erreicht wurde. frei nach dem motto "was hochgeht, kommt auch wieder runter", könnten die "starken hände" in größerem maße u.u. gewinne eintüten und somit den kurs unter druck bringen (dies ist keine aufforderung den future zu shorten!!!)

:scratch: B2Gold, Endeavour fallen mir spontan ein
[url= schrieb:
Kostolanys Erbe schrieb am 18.08.2020, 23:16 Uhr[/url]"]
Soldatenmeuterei in Mali :

Putschisten sollen Regierung festgenommen haben

Von Thilo Thielke, Kapstadt

-Aktualisiert am 18.08.2020-21:29
der silber-future ist so eine launische diva, das gibt's nicht. kaum denkt man, nun wird mal ordentlich korrigiert, geht's streng long. andersherum funzt das aber ebenso. gerade wieder über 28 $ gewuppt. langsam verzweifle ich daran ... :evil: :cry:
[url= schrieb:
wicki99 schrieb am 18.08.2020, 09:50 Uhr[/url]"]prügeln den silber-future auf ein th von 28.470 $. eine gaga-vola in diesem markt ... :wallbash:
[url= schrieb:
wicki99 schrieb am 17.08.2020, 16:36 Uhr[/url]"]die gold- und silber-schauklerei geht mir allmählich auf die nüsse. alleine beim zusehen wird mir übel ... :sick:
Die Eigenarten des Silbermarktes silber

Wenn die bisherige Entwicklung ein Indikator ist, könnte nun ein weiterer steiler Anstieg des Silberpreises bevorstehen.

London/ New York ( - Richtig zur Sache ging es zuletzt beim Silberpreis. Das Edelmetall musste letzte Woche dem guten vorherigen Lauf Tribut zollen, gab zwischenzeitlich sogar sämtliche erarbeiteten Gewinne der Vorwoche wieder ab. Vom Hoch bei rund 30 Dollar/Unze ging bis auf 24 Dollar hinab. Inzwischen hat sich Silber bereits wieder deutlich erholt. Am Dienstag stand der Kurs wieder bei knapp unter 28 Dollar/Unze, heute notiert die Feinunze bei 27,36 Dollar. Die Käufer kämpfen mit harten Bandagen. Unterstützung liefern der RSI, der im bullischen Bereich notiert, und die 200-Tage-Durchschnittslinie. ...,8640400
silber: :sick:

Canarc Announces Name Change, Share Consolidation, $3.2 Million Private Placement Financing, Focus on Canadian Gold Projects, Strategic Review of Nevada Gold Projects and Appointment of New Director

2020-08-19 12:53 ET - News Release

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / August 19, 2020 / Management of Canarc Resource Corp. (TSX:CCM)(OTCQB:CRCUF)(Frankfurt:CAN) ("Canarc" or the "Company") is pleased to announce several corporate changes intended to better reflect the Company's renewed focus on its Canadian gold exploration projects.

The changes include a planned name change to Canagold Resources Ltd., a 5:1 share consolidation to better attract institutional investors, a CAD$3.2 million private placement financing to strengthen working capital, a renewed focus on exploring Canarc's gold projects and a strategic review of the Company's Nevada gold projects to create more shareholder value, and the appointment of Andrew Bowering as a Director.

Name Change

Management has reserved the name Canagold Resources Ltd. to better reflect the Company's renewed focus on its Canadian gold exploration projects. The name change will take effect within the next two weeks once a new CUSIP number is obtained and the ticker symbols will remain the same.

Share Consolidation

Canarc intends to consolidate its issued and outstanding common shares on the basis of 5 pre-consolidated shares for 1 post-consolidated share. Management believes that the consolidation is necessary in order to provide the Company with a share capital structure that will better attract institutional equity financing and unlock shareholder value.

Canarc currently has 243,956,517 common shares issued and outstanding. After giving effect to the proposed consolidation, the Company will have approximately 48,791,303 common shares issued and outstanding pre-financing. No fractional post-Consolidated shares will be issued and all fractional shares resulting from the Consolidation will be rounded down to the nearest whole number and no cash consideration will be paid in respect of fraction shares. In accordance with their terms, the Company's outstanding 17,850,000 stock options and 1,500,000 share purchase warrants will be adjusted by the consolidation ratio and the exercise prices of outstanding stock options and warrants will also be adjusted accordingly.

$3.2 Million Financing (pre share consolidation)

:coffee: Guten Morgen! :)
Moin, hilft meiner zyt leider gar nicht .. bisher das reinste Trauerspiel :cry:
[url= schrieb:
wicki99 schrieb am 19.08.2020, 22:07 Uhr[/url]"]Kupferpreise inzwischen höher als vor dem Pandemie-Ausbruch kupfer

Die erhöhte Risikoneigung der Anleger gibt den Metallpreisen Zunder: Der S&P 500-Aktienindex hat gestern ein neues Rekordhoch erreicht. Zudem steht der handelsgewichtete Dollar-Index unter Druck und rutschte auf den tiefsten Stand seit Mai 2018 zurück.,8641170
Meldung über Produktionsaufnahme ist der Trigger - solange braucht es Geduld
[url= schrieb:
marcovich schrieb am 20.08.2020, 09:44 Uhr[/url]"]Moin, hilft meiner zyt leider gar nicht .. bisher das reinste Trauerspiel :cry:
[url= schrieb:
wicki99 schrieb am 19.08.2020, 22:07 Uhr[/url]"]Kupferpreise inzwischen höher als vor dem Pandemie-Ausbruch kupfer

Die erhöhte Risikoneigung der Anleger gibt den Metallpreisen Zunder: Der S&P 500-Aktienindex hat gestern ein neues Rekordhoch erreicht. Zudem steht der handelsgewichtete Dollar-Index unter Druck und rutschte auf den tiefsten Stand seit Mai 2018 zurück.,8641170
nachdem der kupfer-future (sep-2020) gestern im verlauf noch bis 3.0295 $ gelaufen war, kam er ab 20.00 h mit den fomc notes der fed doch unter druck und fällt nach dem th bei 3.0010 $ auf ein tt von 2.9530 $.
[url= schrieb:
wicki99 schrieb am 19.08.2020, 10:46 Uhr[/url]"]der kupfer-future (sep-2020) springt über die marke von 3.0000 $ und knackt die 50%-performance seit dem corona-abschwung im märz 2020. th bei 3.0145 $. charttechnisch wurde eine saubere bullen-flagge in trendrichtung aufgelöst.

» zur Grafik
servus miteinand! :danke:
die märkte sind für mich durchwegs im "gaga-modus" zu gange. allen voran die edelmetall-märkte. übertreibungen wohin man sieht, fundamental lässt sich in meinen augen vieles nicht mehr erklären und ist oftmals an den haaren herbeigezogen. der "börsen-hype" ist vor dem hintergrund der auf längere zeit noch anhaltenden corona-pandemie und der damit zwangsweise verbundenen wirtschaftlichen depression unerklärlich. verrückte zeiten in einer noch verrückteren welt ...
=> passt auf euch auf und zuversichtlich bleiben! :up: :beer:
Offensichtlich mehr Nachfrage als Angebot :gruebel: :)

First Cobalt increases private placement to $2.5M
2020-08-18 11:48 ET - News Release

Mr. Trent Mell reports


First Cobalt Corp. has increased its previously announced non-brokered private placement from $2-million to $2.5-million to accommodate demand. The offering will consist of (i) an aggregate of 8,225,000 flow-through units of the company at a price of 16 cents per flow-through unit for gross proceeds of approximately $1.3-million and (ii) an aggregate of 8,571,500 units of the company at a price of 14 cents per unit for gross proceeds of approximately $1.2-million.

Each flow-through unit consists of one common share of the company qualifying as a flow-through share and one-half of one common share purchase warrant. Each unit consists of one common share of the company and one warrant. Each full warrant will entitle the holder thereof to purchase one common share of the company at a price of 21 cents per common share for a period of 24 months following the closing date.

All proceeds from the sale of the flow-through units will be used to incur eligible Canadian exploration expenses as defined in the Income Tax Act (Canada) related to the company's projects in Ontario, Canada.

Red Cloud Securities Inc. is acting as a finder in connection with a portion of the offering and the company intends to pay finders' fees in connection with this offering. Proceeds of the offering will be used by the company to finance the advancement of First Cobalt's silver assets in Ontario and the remaining proceeds will be used for general corporate purposes.

Closing of the offering is expected to occur by the end of August, 2020, and is subject to receipt of regulatory approvals, including the approval of the TSX Venture Exchange. The securities to be issued under the offering will have a hold period of four months and one day from their issue.

About First Cobalt Corp.

First Cobalt owns North America's only permitted cobalt refinery. Cobalt refining is a critical component to the development and manufacturing of batteries for electric vehicles, and forms a foundational piece of the next generation of the North American auto sector and other electrified consumer and industrial applications. First Cobalt owns a cobalt project in the United States and controls significant mineral assets in the Canadian cobalt camp, including more than 50 past-producing mines.

We seek Safe Harbor.

© 2020 Canjex Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved

GoGold drills 8.8 m of 670 g/t AgEq at Los Ricos

2020-08-20 09:23 ET - News Release

Mr. Steve Low reports


GoGold Resources Inc. has released the assay results from an additional six holes drilled at the company's La Trini silver-gold deposit on the Los Ricos North project.

Hole LRGT-20-004 was drilled on the La Trini deposit and intersected a silicified and altered quartz rhyolite unit from 7.3 to 36.7m for 29.4m of 254 g/t silver equivalent ("AgEq"), consisting of 122 g/t silver and 1.77 g/t gold. The intersect included 8.8m of 670 g/t AgEq, which was made up of 286 g/t silver and 5.11 g/t gold.

"At the La Trini target we've completed some short holes which have confirmed high grade silver and gold mineralization at surface. We will focus the drilling program this fall to confirm and expand on historical drilling and rapidly move towards defining the mineral resource of this deposit through grid drilling," said Brad Langille, President and CEO.


Westhaven drills 36.18 m of 0.64 g/t Au at Shovelnose

2020-08-20 11:11 ET - News Release

Mr. Gareth Thomas reports


Westhaven Gold Corp. has provided an exploration update at its 17,623-hectare Shovelnose gold property. Shovelnose is located within the prospective Spences Bridge Gold Belt (SBGB), which borders the Coquihalla Highway 30 kilometres south of Merritt, British Columbia.

Gareth Thomas, President & CEO of Westhaven stated: "The goal for the 2020 drill program is to find new gold vein zones outside of the high-grade South Zone discovery. Our team discovered a brand-new quartz outcrop (Franz Zone) of white to gray, opaque, colloform-banded chalcedony veins hosted in rhyolite, one kilometre northwest of the FMN target. If the Franz Zone is in fact the extension of Vein Zone 1, we will have extended the strike length of Vein Zone 1 to 3.7 kilometres. This is important because the bigger the vein system we are dealing with, the greater the potential to host significant gold mineralization. As is typical with epithermal gold deposits, like Kupol and Hishikari, these large vein systems can host high-grade sections of gold mineralization as we have already demonstrated at the South Zone. This Franz outcrop is the most significant surface vein occurrence we have seen on Shovelnose and is being prioritized for drilling." Thomas goes on to add, "Our technical team has done a great job vectoring in on new target areas both through drilling and prospecting. Near bedrock surface zones of anomalous gold at Alpine and Line 6 targets lead us to believe we are narrowing into a high-grade feeder zone."

Exploration Highlights:


Sabina Gold drills 19.4 m of 15.15 g/t Au at Umwelt

2020-08-20 07:51 ET - News Release

Mr. Bruce McLeod reports


Sabina Gold & Silver Corp. has provided initial results from the summer drilling program at the Umwelt deposit on its 100-per-cent-owned Back River gold project in Nunavut, Canada.

Results include 15.15 grams per tonne Au* over 19.40 metres in drill hole 20GSE571, 12.64 g/t Au over 7.70 m in drill hole 20GSE572 and 19.27 g/t Au over 7.00 m in drill hole 20GSE573.

* Weighted average including capped assay results.

CS - Capstone läuft und läuft und läuft........... :up:
also, NCU darf das - sicherlich zeitversetzt - gerne nachmachen 8)
[url= schrieb:
greenhorn schrieb am 10.07.2020, 14:43 Uhr[/url]"]CS - Capstone als Kupferwert die letzte Zeit enorm gelaufen; wäre ein Vorbild für NCU
[url= schrieb:
greenhorn schrieb am 10.07.2020, 11:11 Uhr[/url]"]Danke für die genaue Auflistung!
denke wenn die Produktion im August wieder aufgenommen wird.....
[url= schrieb:
IRISH schrieb am 09.07.2020, 21:33 Uhr[/url]"]Nein, ein Großteil ist sowieso in fester Hand, alleine Pala hält aktuell 55,9%.
Der Freefloat nach Abzug aller Beteiligungen(u.a. JP Morgan, Blackrock,Cannacord,Quelle:marketscreener) dürfte um die 15% liegen.

Mit etwas Phantasie könnte sich da eine Bullenflagge ausbilden. :scratch:

» zur Grafik
[url= schrieb:
Muesli2k schrieb am 09.07.2020, 19:56 Uhr[/url]"]Danke IRISH

ich frag mich die ganze Zeit, wieso Kupfer überall an allen Ecken und Enden explodiert, viele Werte verzweifacht,verdreifacht.. nur die liebe Nevada Copper, die wird unter 0,22cad fest getackert... sind da evtl. auch Shares frei in den Markt gegangen?
[url= schrieb:
IRISH schrieb am 09.07.2020, 11:58 Uhr[/url]"]Nevada Copper hat die geplante Wandelanleihe aus April am 07.07.2020 abgeschlossen.
Ich weiß nicht ob das hier schon bekannt ist. :)

mal auf Watchlist genommen:

Tietto is focused on fast-tracking the development of the Abujar Gold Project in Côte d’Ivoire, West Africa.

The current resource stands at 45.5Mt @ 1.5 g/t Au for 2.15 Moz of contained gold. Four company-owned rigs are currently undertaking a 50,000m drilling program targeting further rapid resource growth:
•Resource definition at AG, AG Deeps and APG
•Drill testing high priority regional targets

The next Mineral Resource Estimate update is planned for Q3 2020.

Aktuelle Präsentation:
ZYT - nun ist die erwartete Nachricht da!

ORIGINAL: Nevada Copper Restarts Production

2020-08-24 08:30 ET - News Release

YERINGTON, Nev., Aug. 24, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Nevada Copper Corp. (TSX: NCU) (“Nevada Copper” or the “Company’’) is pleased to announce that it has restarted its milling operations at its underground project at Pumpkin Hollow (the “Underground Project”).

On August 20, 2020, the Company restarted its processing plant following temporary suspension of copper production due to impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. The plant restart and ramp up benefits from the processing plant’s initial consistent performance in the First Quarter.

There are approximately 160,000 tons of stockpiled material at surface available for immediate processing. The stockpiled ore will be supplemented with additional development ore and subsequent stope ore hoisted via the East North Ventilation Shaft (ENVS). Material will continue to be hoisted from the ENVS until work on the Main Shaft has been completed. The Company remains on track for the commencement of Main shaft hoisting scheduled for Q4, 2020.

“We are encouraged by the processing plant restart at our Pumpkin Hollow mine,” stated Evan Spencer, Chief Executive Officer of Nevada Copper. “Our full workforce has been mobilized and we have transitioned our operations back into production smoothly, picking up where we left off in Q1. We look forward to executing our ramp-up plans and will report on progress in the coming months.”

Nevada Copper’s priority during the COVID-19 pandemic is to safeguard the health and safety of the Company’s workforce, including by following government mandated directives. The Company has implemented additional health and safety measures to address COVID-19 risks during the restart of the processing plant. Other such measures have been implemented in connection with the ongoing mine development.

Qualified Persons
The information and data in this news release was reviewed by Greg French, C.P.G., and David Sabourin, P.E, for Nevada Copper, who are non-independent Qualified Persons within the meaning of NI 43-101.

About Nevada Copper

Nevada Copper (TSX: NCU) is a copper producer and owner of the Pumpkin Hollow copper project. Located in Nevada, USA, Pumpkin Hollow has substantial reserves and resources including copper, gold and silver. Its two fully permitted projects include the high-grade underground mine and processing facility, which is now in the production stage, and a large-scale open pit project, which is advancing towards feasibility status.


Evan Spencer, President and CEO
MD - Midland Enters Into Strategic Alliance With BHP for Funding Nickel Exploration in Nunavik, Quebec
2020-08-24 08:30 ET - News Release

MONTREAL, Aug. 24, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Midland Exploration Inc. (“Midland”) (TSX-V: MD) is pleased to announce the execution of an alliance agreement between Midland, its wholly-owned subsidiary, Midland Base Metals Inc., and Rio Algom Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of BHP Group plc (“BHP”), for a new strategic alliance (“Alliance”) for the initial funding by BHP of a generative exploration phase and opportunities for joint contributions to advance nickel exploration within the Nunavik territory, Quebec.

The main objective of this Alliance is to identify, test and develop high-quality exploration targets towards the discovery of new significant nickel deposits within a large area of interest (“AOI”). BHP and Midland are combining their efforts by forming a technical steering committee (“TSC”) and pooling their large historical databases including geological, geophysical and geochemical data.

Generative Phase (I)

During the first phase of the Alliance, BHP will fund at 100% up to C$1,400,000 on an annual basis for a minimum of two years. Midland is acting as operator and the main objective is to generate, identify and secure, within the AOI, exploration projects to be advanced to a drill-ready stage through further exploration work. BHP may propose additional exploration work for up to C$700,000 before advancing an identified project to the second phase.

Following the first phase, one or more specific exploration targets may be advanced to a second phase to be further developed as a separate designated project (“Designated Project”).

Testing Phase (II)

During this second phase, each Designated Project will have its own work program and budget with the objective, mainly through drilling, to test and further develop the identified targets. Midland will act as operator during the testing phase subject to BHP’s right to become the operator of any Designated Project.

For each Designated Project, the testing phase will last up to four years, with a total budget of up to C$4,000,000 with a minimum of C$700,000 to be spent during the first year. During this phase, BHP and Midland will fund 75% and 25%, respectively, for approved work programs.

In addition, for each Designated Project, BHP will pay to Midland a Designated Project fee, structured as follows: C$250,000 on or before the first anniversary, C$250,000 on or before the second anniversary and C$500,000 on or before the third anniversary, of the testing phase, for a maximum of C$1,000,000 per Designated Project.

BHP has the right to cease contributing its share of the funding of a Designated Project in which case Midland would have the right to retain a 100% interest of the Designated Project and BHP would receive a net smelter returns royalty interest.

BHP may decide to advance any Designated Project to the third phase as a joint venture project (“JV Project”).

Joint Venture Phase (III)

For this third phase, a formal joint venture would be formed with initial participating interests being 70% BHP and 30% Midland. Both parties would contribute to the expenses pro-rata to their participating interests. BHP would be the operator for all JV Projects.

For each JV Project, BHP will pay to Midland a joint venture success fee of C$200,000 after the formation of the joint venture including transfer of tenements, data ownership and any other assets related to the JV Project to, or for the benefit of, the joint venture.

If a party’s participating interest in the joint venture is diluted below 10%, such interest would be converted into a net smelter returns royalty interest.

First field program upcoming in 2020

BHP and Midland are currently preparing logistics of the first phase of work which already includes several high-quality targets to be visited during this first field program that is planned to be conducted during the month of September 2020.

24/08/2020 FY20 full year results and outlook release and presentation
:coffee: Guten Morgen! :)
RB4Robex has operating income of $2.3-million for Q2 sehr gutes Ergebnis......wollen hoffen das die Lage in Mali sich stabilisiert
2020-08-24 17:16 ET - News Release

Mr. Benjamin Cohen reports


Robex Resources Inc. has released financial results for the quarter ended June 30, 2020.

Highlights of the second quarter of 2020:


Gold production reached 13,921 ounces compared to 12,089 ounces during the same period in 2019. The 13% increase in the ore processed at the Nampala plant (456,091 tonnes vs. 402,678 tonnes for the second quarter of 2019) and the improved recovery rate (89.5% vs. 86.6% for the same period in 2019) are factors responsible for the industrial production performance.


Robex decided to temporarily hold part of the gold produced to prevent potential monetary and banking risks that could arise as a result of the health crisis. During the second quarter of 2020, 6,500 ounces of gold were sold for CAD 15.7 million compared to 11,760 ounces of gold for CAD 20.4 million for the same period in 2019. This decrease is due to the Company temporarily holding gold ingot stocks in Switzerland as of June 30, 2020.

This resulted in a gap between the production of gold ingots and their sale on the market, which delayed the recognition of a portion of net operating income to the third quarter of 2020.

In July, the Company sold all its stock, i.e., 7,831 ounces, for a turnover of approximately CAD 19,4 million.

In practice, this amounts to a theoretical sales figure of CAD 35.1 million for the second quarter of 2020 (CAD 15.7 million in reported sales plus CAD 19.4 million from the sale of gold ingot stocks), representing a 72% increase over the same period in 2019.......

[url= schrieb:
greenhorn schrieb am 29.05.2020, 10:21 Uhr[/url]"]RB4 :up: sehr schöne Entwicklung......... 8)

Robex earns $9.7-million in Q1

2020-05-28 16:06 ET - News Release

Mr. Benjamin Cohen reports


Robex Resources Inc. has published its financial results for the quarter ended March 31, 2020.

Highlights for the first quarter of 2020:


The gold production totalled 14,918 ounces compared to 11,291 ounces produced during the same period in 2019. The 12% increase in the quantity of processed ore at the Nampala plant (476,720 tonnes vs 424,561 tonnes for the first quarter of 2019), the improvement of the average recovery rate (88.8% vs 85.0% for the same period in 2019) and the higher average grade of processed ore (1.10 gpt compared to 0.95 gpt for the first quarter of 2019) are all favourable factors for this good quarterly production performance.

The Company is continuing its efforts to optimize its plant in Mali with the objective of reaching a daily production of 5,600 tonnes until the end of 2020. In addition, work is underway to add a crushing circuit to the crusher's milling circuit.


During the first quarter of 2020, 14,646 ounces of gold were sold for CAD 30.9 million compared to 10,935 ounces of gold for CAD 18.9 million for the same period in 2019. The quantity produced being greater than the quantity sold is attributable to the time delay between casting and refining gold ingots.


The Company achieved net income attributable to shareholders of CAD 9.7 million (CAD 0.017 per share), including CAD 7.4 million in amortization of the book value of fixed assets for this quarter, compared to CAD 0.8 million (CAD 0.001 per share) for the same period in 2019.


The constant improvement of the Nampala plant and its organization now allow us, among other things, to integrate preventive maintenance program, thereby reducing costs and unplanned shutdowns and therefore significantly reducing the total cash cost1 of an ounce of gold.


The operating activities of the Company generated cash flows of CAD 18.7 million (CAD 0.032 per share3) compared to CAD 7.7 million (CAD 0.013 per share3) for the same period in 2019. Cash flows are 60% higher than overall revenue.

Oil Wavers as Traders Track US Storms -- Market Talk oel/gas

0856 GMT - Oil prices waver as traders keep track of the two storms in the Gulf of Mexico region and await estimates of U.S. inventories from the American Petroleum Institute. Brent-crude futures are up 0.2% at $45.21 a barrel, while West Texas Intermediate futures are down 0.3% at $42.51 a barrel. Gasoline futures, which jumped to a five-month high Monday, slip 0.1% to $1.26 a gallon. Tropical Storm Laura is poised to strengthen into a hurricane Tuesday as it sweeps across the Gulf of Mexico, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association. Storm Marco weakened and was downgraded to a tropical depression on Monday. Most of the Gulf of Mexico's oil-production capacity has been shut, but "hurricane shut-ins are usually transient," Bjornar Tonhaugen of Rystad Energy says. (

(END) Dow Jones Newswires

August 25, 2020 04:56 ET (08:56 GMT)

Copyright (c) 2020 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.
Trevali Announces Positive PFS For Rosh Pinah Mine Expansion (“RP2.0”); Increases Production Capacity by 86% and Significantly Reduces Operating Costs
2020-08-25 08:00 ET - News Release

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Aug. 25, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Trevali Mining Corporation (“Trevali” or the “Company”) (TSX: TV, BVL: TV; OTCQX: TREVF, Frankfurt: 4TI) is pleased to announce positive results from the NI 43-101 Pre-Feasibility Study (“PFS”) at its 90%-owned Rosh Pinah mine in Namibia (the “property”). The PFS is based on a scenario to expand the current throughput from 0.7 Mtpa to 1.3 Mtpa through the modification of the processing plant, construction of a paste fill plant, and development of a dedicated portal and ramp to the WF3 deposit. Prior to making an investment decision the Company intends to commence a Feasibility Study of the RP2.0 Expansion in the first quarter of 2021.

All figures are stated in United States dollars on a 100% ownership basis unless otherwise stated. A technical report containing the PFS and prepared in accordance with NI 43-101 will be available on SEDAR within the time frames prescribed under applicable securities laws.
[url= schrieb:
greenhorn schrieb am 15.07.2020, 16:39 Uhr[/url]"]4TITrevali to Begin the Safe Restart of Santander :up:
2020-07-15 08:45 ET - News Release

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, July 15, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Trevali Mining Corporation (“Trevali” or the “Company”) (TSX: TV, BVL: TV; OTCQX: TREVF, Frankfurt: 4TI) announced today that the Company has begun to safely restart operations at the Santander mine in Peru with additional COVID-19 health controls in place. Mining and milling operations were suspended on June 25th to provide COVID-19 screening for all workers after 19 workers tested positive when conducting routine testing. One individual has been admitted to intensive care due to complications related to COVID-19 and is currently in stable condition. All other workers that tested positive were asymptomatic or displayed very minor symptoms and have now completed their quarantine period. The restart of Santander is expected to take approximately two weeks to reach stable production levels.
[url= schrieb:
greenhorn schrieb am 06.07.2020, 12:17 Uhr[/url]"]4TI - immer wenn es mal ein wenig besser aussieht....... :rolleyes:

Trevali suspends Santander; 82 test COVID-19 positive

2020-07-04 02:29 ET - News Release

Mr. Ricus Grimbeek reports


Trevali Mining Corp. had announced on June 26 that 19 workers at the Santander mine in Peru tested positive for COVID-19 during routine serological testing. In response, operations at Santander were suspended and all 298 workers on site were safely quarantined and underwent further testing. A total of 82 workers have tested positive for COVID-19 using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests. Three individuals are currently displaying mild symptoms while all other workers are presently asymptomatic. Operations remain suspended to focus on the health and safety of Santander's workforce and the community.

The Santander operation has health professionals in place to monitor and provide medical support to the workforce and additional resources are being brought in where required. Workers that tested negative and who are not required for critical tasks at the operation are being transported offsite to their homes. Workers who have tested positive will remain in safe quarantine for up to two weeks. If symptoms develop, the affected workers will be transported to medical facilities for treatment.

Ricus Grimbeek, President and CEO, stated, "Care for our workforce is our top priority. We have suspended the mining and milling operations at Santander and are focusing on providing a safe environment to workers so that they can continue their quarantine. I am grateful that the vast majority of workers affected are currently asymptomatic with the remaining few showing mild symptoms, and to the team for their quick action in following the plan that we put in place at the onset of the pandemic. We are working with our main contractors and government to determine new screening and testing protocols before we determine a re-start date. The health and well-being of workers will be our primary focus in any decisions made."
Gasoline Futures oel/gas Jump 5% as Hurricane Shuts Refineries -- Market Talk

10:22 ET - Gasoline futures soar 5% to a five-month-high $1.44 a gallon as Hurricane Laura intensifies over the warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico, forcing additional refineries along the Texas and Louisiana coast to shut down as a precaution. Total says it's shutting operations at its 225k bpd Port Arthur refinery, adding to various other shutdowns including the 600k bpd Motiva Port Arthur plant, which is the largest refinery in the US. Hurricane Laura has begun to shift slightly to the west, possibly setting up a direct strike on Houston late Wednesday. That means Houston-area refineries may also start shutting. WTI crude is also rising, up 1.3% at $42.16 a barrel. (

(END) Dow Jones Newswires

August 25, 2020 10:23 ET (14:23 GMT)

Copyright (c) 2020 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.

Oben Unten