Rohstoffthread / CCG-Hauptthread

Sabina Gold talks 2020 development plans for Goose

2020-08-25 09:11 ET - News Release

Mr. Bruce McLeod reports


Sabina Gold & Silver Corp. has provided an update on activities and undertakings for the company's 100-per-cent-owned, 80-kilometre Back River gold district (or the Goose project) in Nunavut, Canada. The Goose project, the initial focus for production at Back River, has evolved significantly on its path to production since the feasibility study was completed in 2015. Through this work, there have been significant project advancements in engineering, project development, exploration and permitting, which have improved, optimized and further derisked the Goose project toward a production decision.

Key milestones include:


Millennial Lithium talks Pastos Grandes

2020-08-25 09:27 ET - News Release

Mr. Farhad Abasov reports


Millennial Lithium Corp. has provided an update on its activities at its flagship Pastos Grandes lithium project in Salta, Argentina. Despite the restrictions in the country for COVID-19, Millennial has been advancing both pilot ponds and its pilot plant at the project site. In addition, Millennial continues to work with the local Pastos Grandes community and has advanced additional work on the shared community centre/warehouse located in the village as well as the commissioning of the freshwater well and pumping system.

Farhad Abasov, President and CEO commented "Millennial is pleased report that it continues to operate in the Puna region and advance its Pastos Grandes Project with very few delays due to COVID-19. Feed brine in the pilot ponds is concentrating lithium as designed and we have reached 2% Li in several of the feeder ponds. In addition, testwork in the pilot plant indicates no leakages in the system and the initial SX testing shows all equipment is in good working order. Testing of other stages in the process is ongoing and we are planning to fully commission the plant in the next few weeks. Millennial remains well funded and continues in its financing efforts to advance development of the Pastos Grandes Project. Despite the COVID-19 restrictions and slowdown the Company has continued progressing its talks and documentation with a number of offtakers and strategic investors. We are well on track with all our corporate programs."

Pilot pond work at Pastos Grandes continues to concentrate lithium in the brine which will be used to feed the pilot plant once target grade of 2.5%-3% Li is reached. Currently, the grade of several of the smaller feeder ponds is 2% Li and it is anticipated that with the high evaporation season approaching the brine will reach the 2.5%-3% Li plant design grade in the next several months. Brine chemistry, particularly B, Ca, Mg, and SO4 concentrations, are in line with the plant design parameters.

The pilot plant, designed to produce 3 tonnes per month of lithium carbonate, has been undergoing leak tests and final optimization in readiness for the feed brine. Leak tests and trial runs through the Solvent Extraction (SX) system have been successful with only minor adjustments to the equipment. Additional testing of the carbonation reactors, the main carbonation-stage reactor, ion exchange (IX) and the CO2 purification system are ongoing. All reagents are on site and no delays due to lack of materials are anticipated once the feed brine is at plant grade and the plant is commissioned.

Millennial continues to work with the local community at Santa Rosa de los Pastos Grandes and design work is underway to initiate Phase 2 of the community centre construction, primarily offices and work spaces for small local businesses. In addition, the electrical hook-up for the fresh water well and pumping station have been completed and fresh, clean water is available to the people of Pastos Grandes.

This news release has been reviewed by Iain Scarr, AIPG CPG., Chief Operating Officer of the Company and a Qualified Person as that term is defined in National Instrument 43-101.
ZYT - die Reaktion bisher sehr verhalten, gestern haben nochmal größere Pakete die Besitzer gewechselt. Ich stell nochmal die deutsche Version der Finanzierungsnews rein.
Die bisherigen Insider haben voll mitgezogen, sogar die KfW ipex bank ist mit an Bord.
strategische Nähe zu Tesla
Gold und Silber als Beiprodukte auch nicht verkehrt im MOment
das Kupfer eines der Schlüsselmetalle für die Zukunft ist......

das Pala eventuell komplett übernimmt...die Gerüchte kommen ja immer mal wieder rum...naja...würde zur aktuellen Entwicklung passen; Kurs bleibt unten und dann gibt es ein Angebot mit +40-50% über dem Durchschnitt der letzten Tage....oder so ähnlich

schauen wir mal - nun muss die Produktion erfolgreich anlaufen; sind erstmal finanziert und die Insider haben zu 0,15 CAD mitgezogen

Group Castlelake
Pala Investments
RREEF America
Flag Mining Financ

"......2020-07-31 10:17 ET - Pressemitteilung

Mr. Evan Spencer berichtet


Die Underwriter der Nevada Copper Corp. haben im Rahmen des zuvor angekündigten öffentlichen Angebots von Anteilen des Unternehmens zu einem Preis von 15 Cent pro Anteil beschlossen, ihre Gesamtzuteilungsoption vollständig auszuüben, um zusätzliche Anteile zu erwerben. Die Gesamtzuteilungsoption wurde heute geschlossen und führte dazu, dass insgesamt 23,79 Millionen Einheiten zum Angebotspreis für einen Gesamtbruttoerlös von ca. 3,6 Mio. USD ausgegeben wurden. Einschließlich des Erlöses aus der Gesamtzuteilungsoption wurden im Angebot insgesamt 667.503.553 Einheiten für einen Gesamtbruttoerlös von rund 100 Mio. USD ausgegeben. Jede Einheit besteht aus einer Stammaktie von Nevada Copper und der Hälfte eines Optionsscheins zum Kauf von Stammaktien von Nevada Copper. Jeder volle Optionsschein berechtigt den Inhaber zum Kauf einer Stammaktie zu einem Preis von 20 Cent pro Stammaktie bis zum 28. Januar 2022....."
[url= schrieb:
greenhorn schrieb am 24.08.2020, 14:35 Uhr[/url]"]ZYT - nun ist die erwartete Nachricht da!

ORIGINAL: Nevada Copper Restarts Production

2020-08-24 08:30 ET - News Release

YERINGTON, Nev., Aug. 24, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Nevada Copper Corp. (TSX: NCU) (“Nevada Copper” or the “Company’’) is pleased to announce that it has restarted its milling operations at its underground project at Pumpkin Hollow (the “Underground Project”).

On August 20, 2020, the Company restarted its processing plant following temporary suspension of copper production due to impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. The plant restart and ramp up benefits from the processing plant’s initial consistent performance in the First Quarter.

There are approximately 160,000 tons of stockpiled material at surface available for immediate processing. The stockpiled ore will be supplemented with additional development ore and subsequent stope ore hoisted via the East North Ventilation Shaft (ENVS). Material will continue to be hoisted from the ENVS until work on the Main Shaft has been completed. The Company remains on track for the commencement of Main shaft hoisting scheduled for Q4, 2020.

“We are encouraged by the processing plant restart at our Pumpkin Hollow mine,” stated Evan Spencer, Chief Executive Officer of Nevada Copper. “Our full workforce has been mobilized and we have transitioned our operations back into production smoothly, picking up where we left off in Q1. We look forward to executing our ramp-up plans and will report on progress in the coming months.”

Nevada Copper’s priority during the COVID-19 pandemic is to safeguard the health and safety of the Company’s workforce, including by following government mandated directives. The Company has implemented additional health and safety measures to address COVID-19 risks during the restart of the processing plant. Other such measures have been implemented in connection with the ongoing mine development.

Qualified Persons
The information and data in this news release was reviewed by Greg French, C.P.G., and David Sabourin, P.E, for Nevada Copper, who are non-independent Qualified Persons within the meaning of NI 43-101.

About Nevada Copper

Nevada Copper (TSX: NCU) is a copper producer and owner of the Pumpkin Hollow copper project. Located in Nevada, USA, Pumpkin Hollow has substantial reserves and resources including copper, gold and silver. Its two fully permitted projects include the high-grade underground mine and processing facility, which is now in the production stage, and a large-scale open pit project, which is advancing towards feasibility status.


Evan Spencer, President and CEO

Westhaven Samples 51.10 g/t Gold, 165.00 g/t Silver at the Newly Discovered Franz Zone at its Shovelnose Gold Property

2020-08-26 09:15 ET - News Release

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Aug. 26, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Westhaven Gold Corp. (TSX-V:WHN) is pleased to provide grab sample assay results from its newly discovered Franz Zone at its 17,623-hectare Shovelnose gold property. Shovelnose is located within the prospective Spences Bridge Gold Belt (SBGB), which borders the Coquihalla Highway 30 kilometres south of Merritt, British Columbia.

Grab Samples from Franz:

:gruebel: im Hauptthread werden langsam wieder Rohstoffaktien besprochen......das ist sehr lange her..... sollte das zu denken geben? :kichern:
Kauf mich!!

gold- und silber-veralberei mal wieder durch die fed-ler! auf und nieder, immer wieder, schneller als auf der wies'n! :wallbash:
Natural Gas oel/gas Rises After Below-Normal Storage Injection -- Market Talk

10:40 ET - Natural gas prices are higher, up 4.4% to $2.57/mmBtu, and are on track for their highest closing price since November after the EIA reports a weekly inventory rise that was bullishly below normal. EIA says gas in storage rose last week by 45B cubic feet, compared to forecasts in a WSJ survey for a 46-bcf injection and a five-year-average increase of 49 bcf. Total storage now stands at 3.42 trillion cubic feet, a 14.7% surplus to the five-year-average. Prices had fallen the past two sessions on worries of weaker demand from power outages and other problems related to Hurricane Laura. But the damage doesn't appear to be as extensive as feared. (

(END) Dow Jones Newswires; August 27, 2020 10:41 ET (14:41 GMT); Copyright (c) 2020 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.


ja, so'n shice. lange verfolgt, dann sein gelassen und gestern wieder auf die platte gelegt. aktuell knapp unter th von 552.25. verdammte hacke, den long spätestens nicht oberhalb von 520 angegangen zu haben. saubere, inverse sks-formation long aufgelöst. :cry:

:coffee: Guten Morgen! :)

@wicki99 - hast auch eine Einschätzung/Chart zu Kupfer?
der kupfer-future erreicht mit dem dec-20-kontrakt ein th bei 3.0340 $ und steht, nach dem der gestrige rücksetzer bis ca. 2.9600 $ lief, erneut am widerstandsbereich um 3.0400 $. bullen-power wohin man blickt ...
[url= schrieb:
wicki99 schrieb am 20.08.2020, 10:26 Uhr[/url]"]nachdem der kupfer-future (sep-2020) gestern im verlauf noch bis 3.0295 $ gelaufen war, kam er ab 20.00 h mit den fomc notes der fed doch unter druck und fällt nach dem th bei 3.0010 $ auf ein tt von 2.9530 $.
[url= schrieb:
wicki99 schrieb am 19.08.2020, 10:46 Uhr[/url]"]der kupfer-future (sep-2020) springt über die marke von 3.0000 $ und knackt die 50%-performance seit dem corona-abschwung im märz 2020. th bei 3.0145 $. charttechnisch wurde eine saubere bullen-flagge in trendrichtung aufgelöst.

» zur Grafik
servus greenhorn, der kupfer-chart sieht nicht nur extrem bullisch aus, er ist das wohl auch. auf tages-basis wurde die bullische flagge in trendrichtung aufgelöst. in den größeren zeiteinheiten (woche, monat) wären die nächsten ziele um 3.2000 $ und 3.3000 $ zu sehen. aber dazu muss eben der nicht ganz unwichtige widerstand um 3.000 $ nachhaltige überwunden bleiben. short-tendenzen sehe ich derzeit nicht, wohlwissend, dass intraday für scalper kurze rücksetzer geshortet werden könnten.
im tages-chart jedenfalls befinden wir uns nun am oberen ende der schiebe-zone zwischen 2.8000 $ und rund 3.000 $. nachhaltige kurse unter 2.8000 $ erhöhen die short-lastigkeit und die charttechniker mit bären-ambitionen dürften dort ihre aktivitäten deutlich anziehen.
aktuell zeigen sich an allen ecken und enden dermaßen stabile long-trends, um nur mal den nasdaq-future oder die aktie von tesla tl0 exemplarisch zu nennen. das stimmt das sprichwort "short ist mord"!
=> gute trades und good luck! :up: :beer:
[url= schrieb:
greenhorn schrieb am 28.08.2020, 09:10 Uhr[/url]"]:coffee: Guten Morgen! :)

@wicki99 - hast auch eine Einschätzung/Chart zu Kupfer?
Hi wikicki99,

ich wollte deine Expertise eher für den Blick/Aussichten auf die Produzenten/Explorer :)
also über 3 wird alles "grüner"....schöne Doppeldeutigkeit.....Kupferdach ahoi :kichern:
ich handle nahezu ausschließlich die rohstoffe mit den futures direkt. zu produzenten und ausbeutern (! :kichern: !) gibt es sicher bessere trader und einschätzungen als die meine.
[url= schrieb:
greenhorn schrieb am 28.08.2020, 11:04 Uhr[/url]"]Hi wikicki9,

ich wollte deine Expertise eher für den Blick/Aussichten auf die Produzenten/Explorer :)
also über 3 wird alles "grüner"....schöne Doppeldeutigkeit.....Kupferdach ahoi :kichern:
Trevali appoints Creaney interim CFO
2020-08-28 09:33 ET - News Release

Mr. Brendan Creaney reports


Trevali Mining Corp.'s Matthew Quinlan is departing as Trevali's interim chief financial officer, effective Aug. 31, 2020. Mr. Quinlan has served as interim CFO since March 3, 2020, after having supported Trevali in a consulting capacity since October, 2019.

"I thank Matt for his efforts over the past 11 months. He has been integral in the process of securing additional liquidity for the company. We wish him well in his future endeavours," said Ricus Grimbeek, president and chief executive officer.

Brendan Creaney, currently the vice-president of investor relations, has been appointed interim CFO. Trevali has engaged a search firm and the process to retain a permanent CFO is progressing.
gold und silber wieder im übertreibungsmodus!!! :wallbash:
:coffee: Guten Morgen! :)
weizen-future: th bei 568.50.
[url= schrieb:
wicki99 schrieb am 27.08.2020, 19:25 Uhr[/url]"]weizen-future:

ja, so'n shice. lange verfolgt, dann sein gelassen und gestern wieder auf die platte gelegt. aktuell knapp unter th von 552.25. verdammte hacke, den long spätestens nicht oberhalb von 520 angegangen zu haben. saubere, inverse sks-formation long aufgelöst. :cry:

» zur Grafik
:coffee: Guten Morgen! :)

GoGold Resources arranges $30-million bought deal

2020-09-01 16:32 ET - News Release

Mr. Steve Low reports


GoGold Resources Inc. has entered into an agreement with BMO Capital Markets as sole bookrunner, along with a syndicate of underwriters, including Sprott Capital Partners LP, PI Financial Corp. and Eight Capital, under which the underwriters have agreed to buy, on bought deal basis, 20 million common shares at a price of $1.50 per common share for gross proceeds of approximately $30-million. The company has granted the underwriters an option, exercisable at the offering price for a period of 30 days following the closing of the offering, to purchase up to an additional 15 per cent of the offering to cover overallotments, if any. The offering is expected to close on or about Sept. 18, 2020, and is subject to GoGold receiving all necessary regulatory approvals.

The net proceeds of the offering will be used to accelerate the advancement of the company's Los Ricos project and for general corporate purposes.

The common shares will be offered by way of a short form prospectus in all of the provinces of Canada, other than Quebec, and may also be offered by way of private placement in the United States.

About GoGold Resources Inc.

GoGold Resources is a Canadian-based silver and gold producer focused on operating, developing, exploring and acquiring high-quality projects in Mexico. The company operates the Parral tailings project in the state of Chihuahua and has the Los Ricos exploration project in the state of Jalisco. Headquartered in Halifax, N.S., GoGold is building a portfolio of low-cost, high-margin projects.

Wer hat an der Uhr gedreht..... :whistle: :)


Wenn Dein Ührle wieder a Johr weiterschnappt,
no guck net wie die Zeit verrinnt,
sondern frai De drüber, was Dir no älles g´lingt,
und was älles no so guat klappt.
Alles Guade zum Geburtstag!

:friends: :beer:

Heute am 03.09. hat Markus Geburtstag!


Lieber Markus,

zu Deinem Geburtstag wünsche ich Dir alles Gute, vor allem immer viel Gesundheit!

Vielen Dank auch für Deine guten Beiträge hier auf :love:

Viele schöne Grüße

:friends: :beer:

PS: Hab einen schönen Tag!
:blumen: herzlichen Glückwunsch!!! :friends: :beer: :oops:
Vielen Dank Jungs!

Das freut mich sehr 🤗
[url= schrieb:
greenhorn schrieb am 03.09.2020, 08:35 Uhr[/url]"]:blumen: herzlichen Glückwunsch!!! :friends: :beer: :oops:

Glückwunsch auch von mir!! :friends: :blumen:
Oben Unten