Rohstoffthread / CCG-Hauptthread


Öl + Gas


Die Erdölvorräte in den USA implodieren zur Vorwoche um 12,46 Millionen Barrel. Erwartet wurde nur ein Rückgang von 0,92 Millionen nach zuvor plus 5,04 Millionen Barrel.
WTI nach Lagerdaten mit neuem Tageshoch. Jetzt +1,22 % bei $74,61.
Natural Gas Declines Ahead of Weekly EIA Report -- Market Talk

Öl + Gas


25 May 2023, 15:42

0842 ET - Natural gas prices drop 2% to $2.350/mmBtu, putting them on course for a fourth day of declines over the past five sessions. "This market still appears to be accepting daily price guidance from swings in the oil complex," says Ritterbusch & Associates in a note, adding that the front-month June contract that goes off the board tomorrow afternoon is also a factor. The market now awaits a weekly EIA storage report due at 10:30am ET. The normal injection for this time of year is 96 billion cubic feet, but analysts and traders surveyed by WSJ are forecasting a larger, 101-bcf increase amid strong production rates and mild weather that weakened demand.
( (END) Dow Jones Newswires May 25, 2023 08:42 ET (12:42 GMT)Copyright (c) 2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.


-future: das sieht nicht mehr gut auf der long-seite aus. die unterstützung um 1980$/1950$ wurde geknackt, eine top-bildung vollzogen. zielmarken auf dem richtung süden um 1900$, 1880$ und um 1820$. unter der marke von 2000$ dominieren die bären das feld.
=> wünsche euch allen viel erfolg! :up:
Gold Prices Could Mean a Bitcoin Price of $45,000. But There's a Big If. --



25 May 2023, 19:48, By Joe Light

Bitcoin's price




has drifted downward for the better part of May, but if gold's recent level is any indication, the token should be trading higher, J.P. Morgan strategists said in a note on Wednesday. Some investors view Bitcoin and gold as interchangeable. Both supposedly act as stores of value and inflation hedges -- though the token's actual performance on those fronts has been wanting. Lately, while some retail investors have bought up the cryptocurrency, institutional investors for the most part have stuck with the metal.
Even taking that preference into account, gold's current price, at just under $2,000 an ounce, implies a price for Bitcoin of $45,000, significantly higher than its current level of about $26,200, assuming investors see them as interchangeable. Of course, Bitcoin has only been used as a store of value for 14 years, while gold has been used for thousands, making that premise a bit precarious.
Another potential support to Bitcoin's price could come from the so-called halving event that the token is likely to undergo next April or May. Bitcoin "miners" earn tokens for processing transactions and securing the Bitcoin network, but the amount of crypto they earn falls by half roughly every four years. All else being equal, the halving would double the cost of mining one Bitcoin to about $40,000. In the past, the production cost has acted as a lower bound for token prices, the analysts wrote. None of this means the bank's strategists are high on digital assets. In the short term, Bitcoin and other tokens are facing serious regulatory backlash that's making it more difficult for institutions to hold the tokens and for the crypto industry to grow. The failure of crypto trading platform FTX put an exclamation point on a 12-month period in which Bitcoin prices fell by more than half, and most investors that dabbled in tokens in the past couple of years are sitting on losses. "The headwinds from the U.S. regulatory crackdown, the unsettling of banking networks for the crypto ecosystem and the reverberations from last year's FTX collapse are likely to constrain any potential upside," the analysts wrote. Write to Joe Light at This content was created by Barron's, which is operated by Dow Jones & Co. Barron's is published independently from Dow Jones Newswires and The Wall Street Journal.
(END) Dow Jones Newswires May 25, 2023 12:48 ET (16:48 GMT)Copyright (c) 2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.
Natural Gas Futures Fall On Mild Weather, High Storage -- Market Talk

Öl + Gas


26 May 2023, 16:37

0937 ET - Natural gas prices head for another daily decline, on path to record a losing week after last week's 14% increase. Forecasts of mild weather compound with high storage concerns to weaken prices. "An active pattern continues as weather systems track across the US with showers, thunderstorms, and comfortable highs of 60s to 80s for light national demand," says in a report. The contract for July delivery slides nearly 3% to $2.404/mmBtu.
(; @ptrevisani) (END) Dow Jones Newswires May 26, 2023 09:37 ET (13:37 GMT)Copyright (c) 2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.
servus miteinand! :bye: ich wünsche allen erholsame tage über pfingsten. das wetter scheint, so man den voraussagen glauben schenken möchte, auch mit zu spielen! :beer:
so. time flies. samma wieda olle doo! sell in may and go away gilt in vielen handelsbereichen nicht. halbleiter-aktien explodieren förmlich und ich steh da und kann nur mit dem kopfschütteln (call me wackel-dackel).
nichtsdestotrotz, allen einen guten wochenstart! :up::beer:
Wheat Piles Up in Russia -- Market Talk



30 May 2023, 19:44

1244 ET - Wheat in Russia is accumulating, says Andrey Sizov of SovEcon in a note. The firm says that as of May 1, on-farm wheat stocks totaled 12M metric tons, according to government data. That's twice as high than the five-year average, SovEcon says. "The key factor contributing to the accumulation of stocks was the record-high crop of 2022," says the firm. "Rosstat estimates the Russian wheat crop at 104.2 million tons, which is 32% higher than the five-year average," says SovEcon. CBOT wheat futures are leading grains lower today, with the most-active contract down 3.7%.
(; @kirkmaltais) (END) Dow Jones Newswires May 30, 2023 12:44 ET (16:44 GMT)Copyright (c) 2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.
WTI Oil Drops 5% to $69.07; Would Be Largest One-Day Decline Since May 2

Öl + Gas

Candelaria appoints Gonzalez as interim CEO, director

2023-05-30 19:27 ET - News Release

Mr. Sam Wong reports


Candelaria Mining Corp., effective today, has made the following changes in members of senior management and the board of directors.

Mike Struthers has resigned as the chief executive officer and from the board of directors. Hector Gonzalez, the company's current vice-president of exploration, has replaced Mr. Struthers as the company's interim CEO. Mr. Gonzalez has also joined the board of directors.

Ramon Perez, the company's current president and a member of the board of director, Armando Alexandri, the company's current chief operating officer, and Matt Roma, a member of the board of directors, have all resigned from their positions at the company.

Mr. Struthers, Mr. Perez, Mr. Roma and Mr. Alexandri resigned as they feel they no longer have the bandwidth to fully commit to perform their roles as officers and directors of the company. The company wishes to thank them all for their past services.!CAND-3415974/C/CAND

:evil: :evil: :evil:


[url= schrieb:
Kostolanys Erbe schrieb am 20.12.2022, 21:36 Uhr[/url]"]:evil:

Volumen!!! :oops:

» zur Grafik

[url= schrieb:
Kostolanys Erbe schrieb am 15.12.2022, 21:33 Uhr[/url]"]:evil: :oops:

» zur Grafik

[url= schrieb:
Kostolanys Erbe schrieb am 15.12.2022, 20:17 Uhr[/url]"]:gruebel: :gruebel: :gruebel:

Hmmmm, sieht nach tax loss selling aus...evtl. auch eine 2. Chance noch mal billig zu kaufen....heute grosse Umsätze :evil:

Nächsten Tagen "daily watch" !!! :evil: :evil: :evil: :whistle:

» zur Grafik

» zur Grafik

[url= schrieb:
Kostolanys Erbe schrieb am 01.11.2022, 20:27 Uhr[/url]"]CAND: Volumen & Kurs heute :gruebel: :scratch:

» zur Grafik

[url= schrieb:
Kostolanys Erbe schrieb am 20.09.2022, 20:53 Uhr[/url]"]Hätte doch beim Gap 0,06 CAN$ ein Kauflimit reinsetzen sollen.... :wallbash:

Erster Gedanke, bester Gedanke.



» zur Grafik

[url= schrieb:
Kostolanys Erbe schrieb am 13.09.2022, 21:22 Uhr[/url]"]Boah....das Gap bei 0,06 CAN$ wurde nun doch schneller geschlossen als ich dachte... :whistle: :kichern:

Hatte aber heute bisher noch nicht den Mut gehabt zu kaufen.... :punish:

Bei den Inflationszahlen, hatte ich heute eigentlich eine andere Reaktion bei den Metallen erwartet (auch wenn die Zinsen steigen)....merken die Leute nicht, das die Inflation uns länger begleiten wird, als wir vermuten und hoffen und deutlich immer höher liegen wird als der Notenbankzins....

Hätte heute gedacht, Papiergeld pfui und Gold und Silber hui... ;)

Hat jemand mal das Orderbuch von CAND?

» zur Grafik

[url= schrieb:
Kostolanys Erbe schrieb am 09.09.2022, 19:03 Uhr[/url]"]Hat sich jemand mal mit CAND beschäftigt?

Seit ein paar Wochen ist CAND auf meiner Watchlist. Leider ist die letzte Präsentation vom letzten Jahr.


» zur Grafik

In den letzten Tagen gab es eine kleine Ausverkaufsstimmung bei CAND mit höherem Volumen.... :evil:

» zur Grafik

Die aktuelle Ressource für das eine Projekt:

The current Mineral Resource for the Caballo Blanco district is limited to the La Paila project, which is exposed at surface and where the majority of the previous work was completed. The resource is tabulated below at a range of gold cut-offs constrained within a conceptual open pit using metal prices of $1150 US / oz Au and $21 US / oz Ag. A cut-off of 0.11 g/t gold has been highlighted as a possible open pit cut-off in the following Tables. A total of 200 drill holes were available for analysis with 1,193 downhole surveys and 18,504 assays for gold and silver.

Indicated – 31,220,000 tonnes, 0.52 g/t gold, 2.16 g/t silver or 521,000 ounces gold and 2,170,000 ounces silver within conceptual pit 36.
Inferred – 8,630,000 tonnes, 0.34 g/t gold, 2.14 g/t silver or 95,000 ounces gold and 590,000 ounces silver within conceptual pit 36.

The existing La Paila Mineral Resource is summarised in the tables below. One of the aims of the forthcoming exploration program is to test for extensions to these resources, given the mineralisation is open in three directions.

Im Februar gab es eigentlich so die letzte news das auf dem beiden Projekten gedrillt werden sollte....seit dem keine news.... :gruebel: :scratch:

Waren die Ergebnisse so schlecht, das nichts gemeldet wird? Mit Agnico als strategischer Partner, kann ich mir nicht vorstellen, dass solche Ergebnisse einfach wegfallen und nicht veröffentlich werden.

Nach dem der Kurs auf 0,08 CAN$ gefallen ist, ist die aktuelle Marketcap bei ca. 11 Mio. CAN$. Aufgrund der bisherigen Ressource, mit strategischem Partner Agnico und evtl. ausstehenden Bohrergebnisse neige ich bei GAP-Schliessung 0,06 CAN$ eine erste Position zu kaufen.

Wie gesagt, aktuell nur watchlist.

Höre gerne eure Meinung dazu! :friends:

Monument Mining's Selinsing mill feed rate at 113 DMT/h

2023-05-30 12:45 ET - News Release

Ms. Cathy Zhai reports


Monument Mining Ltd. has provided an update on the progress at the Selinsing sulphide project. The ramp up of the flotation plant has made great headway, with the mill feed rate of 113 dry tonnes per hour achieved, being 95 per cent of the design capacity of 119 dry tonnes per hour. The plant construction and mine development consumed a total of $18-million, in line with the budget.

Cathy Zhai, president and chief executive officer, commented: "We are very pleased with the flotation plant ramp up progress as we head towards full commercial production. We have commenced sulphide production in January, 2023, and continue testing and adjusting to improve plant performance through the action plan. Despite several incidental plant shutdowns during March to May, the plant is expected to reach its near or full production level by June, 2023, within the planned ramp up period of three to six months. To date, the flotation plant has produced approximately 3,450 dry metric tonnes (DMT) of concentrate with an average gold grade of 36.2 g/t [grams per tonne], containing 4,015 troy ounces of gold. Several export permits have been recently granted by the relevant authority and concentrate shipments are currently in progress."

Flotation plant production ramp up

Monument loses $837,000 (U.S.) in Q3 fiscal 2023

2023-05-31 17:39 ET - News Release

Ms. Cathy Zhai reports


Monument Mining Ltd. has released its production and financial results for the third quarter of fiscal 2023 and the nine months ended March 31, 2023. All amounts are expressed in United States dollars ("US$") unless otherwise indicated (refer to for full financial results).

President and CEO Cathy Zhai commented, "I am pleased to report that during the third quarter our Selinsing Gold Mine in Malaysia commenced sulphide production. With off-take agreements now secured, and the first batch of gold concentrate ready for sale after the end of the quarter, cashflows are expected to be higher in future quarters, underpinned by ongoing improvements in sulphide plant performance towards full production. The Company will use the cash generated from the sulphide concentrate sales for the development of the Murchison Gold Project in Western Australia and other corporate development initiatives."

Third Quarter Highlights:

  • Selinsing sulphide flotation plant has begun its ramp up production phase, during which deficiencies were identified and addressed through an action plan.
  • New mining fleet arrived to enhance mining rates.
  • Off-take agreements were secured with competitive commercial terms.
  • Export permits granted to multiple buyers late in May after the quarter end; the first batch of gold concentrate production of 2,000 Dry Metric Tonnes ("DMT") is in progress for sale.
  • Gold bullion production:
    • 104 ounces ("oz") of gold was cleaned up and poured from the gold in circuit;
    • 1,400 ounces of gold bullion sold for $2.63 million (Q3 FY2022: 3,270 ounces for $6.16 million);
    • Average realized quarterly gold price of $1,878/oz (Q3 FY2022: $1,911/oz excluding gold prepaid delivery);
    • Cash cost per ounce gold bullion sold of $1,580/oz (Q3 FY2022: $1,835/oz);
    • Gross margin increased to $0.42 million (Q3 FY2022: $0.16 million);
    • All-in sustaining cost ("AISC") decreased to $1,940/oz (Q3 FY2022: $2,248/oz) (section 15 "Non-IFRS Performance Measures").
  • Gold concentrate production:
    • 2,107 DMT of gold concentrate produced containing 2,412 ounces of gold.
  • .....!MMY-3416948/C/MMY


-future (fälligkeit august 2023) knackt mit dem th bei 2000.70$ erneut die 2k-marke.

Öl + Gas

: energie-futures (ohne natgas) kennen seit eineinhalb stunden auch nur long-aktionen a la "tritt das bodenblech" (17.00 h: lager- und produktionsdaten) ...


-future (fälligkeit august 2023) knackt mit dem th bei 2000.70$ erneut die 2k-marke.


-future: die 2000$-marke ist schon eine hausnummer. starker widerstandsbereich, das heutige th (2000.50$) entspricht bis dato dem gestrigen. bleibt abzuwarten, ob sich die bullen durchsetzen können. naheliegende long-ziele zunächst über 2006$ bis 2010$. darüber widerstand um 2025$. unterstützung 1985$ bis 1970$. darunter bis 1950$, dort abrt schon short-lastiger.
=> wünsche auch hier allen einen guten abschluss der handelswoche und einen sommerlichen einstieg in das bevorstehende wochenende! :beer:


-future (fälligkeit august 2023) knackt mit dem th bei 2000.70$ erneut die 2k-marke.


-future: die 2000$-marke ist schon eine hausnummer. starker widerstandsbereich, das heutige th (2000.50$) entspricht bis dato dem gestrigen. bleibt abzuwarten, ob sich die bullen durchsetzen können. naheliegende long-ziele zunächst über 2006$ bis 2010$. darüber widerstand um 2025$. unterstützung 1985$ bis 1970$. darunter bis 1950$, dort abrt schon short-lastiger.
=> wünsche auch hier allen einen guten abschluss der handelswoche und einen sommerlichen einstieg in das bevorstehende wochenende! :beer:

14:30 Uhr kommt der Arbeitsmarktbericht… mal schauen was dann Gold macht…;)
tja, die arbeitsmarktdaten waren eher gift für


. der future fällt auf ein aktuelles tief bei 1988$.
Oil Prices Stay Higher After US Jobs Report -- Market Talk

Öl + Gas


2 June 2023, 16:14

0913 ET - US crude futures are holding onto earlier gains, up 2.1% at $71.58 a barrel after a monthly US jobs report that showed a larger increase in jobs than economists expected, and a slightly higher unemployment rate than was expected. The oil market's attention still seems to be squarely focused on an OPEC-plus meeting that starts this weekend, with investors on the fence regarding whether the group will cut production again or leave them steady for now. But oil's price rally over the past two days suggests the market's leaning toward expectations of some type of small cut, or perhaps a re-commitment to fully implement the cuts announced in April. Brent rises 2.1% to $75.81.
( (END) Dow Jones Newswires June 02, 2023 09:14 ET (13:14 GMT)Copyright (c) 2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.
U.S. Reports Positive Corn Export Sales



2 June 2023, 16:20

By Paulo Trevisani Weekly export sales of U.S. grains reported by the U.S. Department of Agriculture mostly fell within trader expectations. For the week ended May 25, sales of corn totaled 499,300 metric tons, soybean sales totaled 424,400 tons, and wheat sales were 256,000 tons. For corn, this week's sales came in on the high end of projections of grain traders surveyed by The Wall Street Journal. Grain futures are mostly lower in premarket trading on the CBOT Friday, following a rise Thursday due to forecasts of dry weather. Most-active corn futures are down 1.3%, soybeans are steady, and wheat is down 0.1%. To see related data, search "U.S. Export Sales: Weekly Shipment Totals" in Dow Jones NewsPlus.
Write to Paulo Trevisani at (END) Dow Jones Newswires June 02, 2023 09:20 ET (13:20 GMT)Copyright (c) 2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.


-future (fälligkeit august 2023) knackt mit dem th bei 2000.70$ erneut die 2k-marke.


-future: die 2000$-marke ist schon eine hausnummer. starker widerstandsbereich, das heutige th (2000.50$) entspricht bis dato dem gestrigen. bleibt abzuwarten, ob sich die bullen durchsetzen können. naheliegende long-ziele zunächst über 2006$ bis 2010$. darüber widerstand um 2025$. unterstützung 1985$ bis 1970$. darunter bis 1950$, dort aber schon short-lastiger.
=> wünsche auch hier allen einen guten abschluss der handelswoche und einen sommerlichen einstieg in das bevorstehende wochenende! :beer:
hat sich der


-future doch bis knapp an die 1950er-zone herangearbeitet. intraday konnte aber die marke um 1954$ gehalten werden (mehrfachtest).
Arizona Sonoran recovers up to 82% sulphides in phase 1

2023-06-05 09:45 ET - News Release

Mr. George Ogilvie reports


Arizona Sonoran Copper Company Inc. has released positive preliminary column leach metallurgical extraction rates using the Nuton technologies as part of the phase 1 testing program with Nuton LLC, a Rio Tinto venture. Primary sulphide extraction ranges from 61 per cent to 82 per cent based on five columns, including two early cycle columns returning 83 per cent and 61 per cent, two mid-cycle columns above 70 per cent, and one with lower extraction based on biotite content. Nuton is currently reassessing the additives for this low extraction column to address future biotite exposure, which accounts for approximately 1 per cent to 2 per cent of the Cactus West deposit in the primary zone. A total of 13 continuing columns are approximately 75 days to 150 days through their 300-day leach cycle, and include samples from the sulphide, both primary and enriched (secondary sulphide) zones from both Cactus and Parks/Salyer deposits, as well as from the tailing facility, all of which are situated on wholly owned private land in Pinal county, Arizona.

Nuton offers a portfolio of proprietary copper leach related technologies and capabilities, developed by Rio Tinto to deliver increased copper recovery and leading environmental performance. In December, samples were sent to the Nuton testing lab to begin column leach testing, following initial mineralogical analysis and associated performance modelling of ASCU material. The columns are leaching under a range of conditions and additive combinations with a view towards identifying the ideal Nuton offering for further test work and commercial deployment. With ASCU input, the metallurgical programs are overseen by the Nuton technical team and have been provided Qualified Person confirmation by Samuel Engineering.

George Ogilvie, Arizona Sonoran Copper Company President and CEO commented, "We are extremely encouraged that the initial column testing is consistent with the initial modelling presented by the Nuton team. While our onsite teams remain focused on delivering a robust PFS based on our oxides and enriched material, Rio Tinto's NutonTM technologies present ASCU with future optionality for continued scaling of our assets from our currently excluded primary resource. We look forward to continuing to explore the leaching opportunity with Nuton, which would utilize a traditional SX/EW plant for the primary sulfides, and has a cleaner footprint than a concentrator, lower GHG emissions and reduced water consumption requirements."

Adam Burley, CEO of Nuton LLC commented, "Nuton has a wide range of potential use cases. At Cactus and Parks/Salyer we are encouraged by the potential of Nuton to unlock copper resources, currently not in the Company's mine plan. This would increase resource utilization and enable a larger, more economically and environmentally efficient operation."

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Arizona Sonoran appoints Loyer as SVP, projects

2023-06-07 07:45 ET - News Release

Mr. George Ogilvie reports


Arizona Sonoran Copper Company Inc. continues to build the development and production team on site at the Cactus mine project. The company has appointed Harold (Bernie) Loyer as senior vice-president of projects, replacing Ian McMullan as chief operating officer and Christopher White as chief geologist to support Doug Bowden, VP exploration. Mr. McMullan will be staying with the company for up to six weeks to assist with the transition of his duties.

George Ogilvie, Arizona Sonoran president and chief executive officer, commented: "As the development of Parks/Salyer and the Cactus mine project progress towards PFS in Q1 2024, we have been focused on building a locally based technical operations and development team, with the appointments of Victor Moraila (chief mine engineer), Graeme Hendricks (senior mine engineer), Dan Johnson (projects director), Greg Phillips (project superintendent), John Peterson (senior environmental professional) and now Bernie and Christopher. With the substantial growth to the size and scale of our Cactus mine project, the building blocks are in place to deliver a clear and streamlined path to construction and development, pending decision postfeasibility study in late 2024. Bernie's experiences building complex mining projects, including BHP's Escondida and Torex Gold's, Morelos and Media Luna, will fare well with our two proposed underground projects and one open-pit project at Cactus and Parks/Salyer, while Christopher's mine geology experience with major mining projects will complement our current management team."

Mr. Ogilvie continued: "I would like to thank Ian for his invaluable contribution over the last several years, placing the company on a solid foundation and primed for future successes. The board, ASCU team and I wish Ian well with his future endeavours and appreciate him working with the new incumbent Bernie through a transitionary period."

Mr. Loyer is a project mining executive with over 35 years of international mining experience including over 20 years in Latin America, having worked in Peru, Mexico, Chile, Argentina and Ecuador. As senior VP projects, he will lead the engineering, procurement and management resources in the development and execution of Arizona Sonoran's project portfolio. Arizonan Mr. Loyer joins ASCU from SolGold where he held the position of VP projects leading the development of the Porvenir and Cascabel projects in Ecuador. A mechanical engineer, fluent in English and Spanish, Mr. Loyer holds multiple patents for the design of process and material handling equipment. Mr. Loyer has a proven record delivering large-scale mining projects including Goldcorp's Penasquito project in Zacatecas, Mexico, Goldcorp's Cerro Negro project in Santa Cruz, Argentina, and Torex Gold's Morelos project in Guerrero, Mexico. Mr. Loyer spent five years at FLSmidth Minerals based in Copenhagen serving as vice-president, minerals technology and chief product officer where he was responsible for all global process technology, manufacturing and material handling. Prior to that he served 15 years with BHP Billiton, spending the last 10 years in Peru and Chile where he held operational, maintenance and project leadership positions. Mr. Loyer will be based at the company's project site and its Tempe, Ariz., office.

Mr. White brings 15 years of progressive experience leading mine geology programs, including ore assurance and technical manager roles within technical studies. He joins from the Moss mine in Arizona (open pit) as chief geologist where he was responsible for mine geology, ore control, drilling programs, including near mine exploration and infill drilling, greenfield exploration, planning, analysis and modelling. Prior to that, he held progressively senior roles as senior mine geologist at Goldstrike, Nevada Gold Mines, focused on open-pit geology and mapping, geology manager at Albemarle Corp.'s Kings Mountain and senior geologist/acting chief geologist at Freeport McMoRan's Bagdad mine.

Mr. White earned his BSc geology from the University of Wisconsin, and MSc, geology, from the University of Minnesota.

About Arizona Sonoran Copper Company

The company's objective is to become a mid-tier copper producer with low operating costs and to develop the Cactus and Parks/Salyer projects that could generate robust returns for investors and provide a long-term sustainable and responsible operation for the community and all stakeholders. The company's principal asset is a 100-per-cent interest in the Cactus project (former ASARCO, Sacaton mine) which is situated on private land in an infrastructure-rich area of Arizona. Contiguous to the Cactus project is the company's 100-per-cent-owned Parks/Salyer deposit that could allow for a phased expansion of the Cactus mine once it becomes a producing asset. The company is led by an executive management team and board which have a long-standing record of successful project delivery in North America complemented by global capital markets expertise.!ASCU-3419286/C/ASCU

Öl + Gas


9 June 2023, 10:47

0746 GMT - Oil prices edge lower and are on course for a weekly loss as reports of progress in talks between Iran and the U.S. add the possibility of fresh supplies to the market. Oil slumped Thursday after reports that Iran and the U.S. had reached a temporary deal on Tehran's nuclear program and increasing its oil exports but prices pared losses slightly after U.S. officials refuted the reports. Still, Brent crude oil is down 0.5% at $75.59 a barrel and on course for a 0.7% weekly drop as concerns about global demand have overpowered a Saudi plan to slash oil output, following an OPEC+ meeting. "The fall in oil prices since the OPEC+ meeting likely reflects global growth fears and oil demand concerns," Commonwealth Bank Australia says in a note. ( (END) Dow Jones NewswiresJune 09, 2023 03:47 ET (07:47 GMT)Copyright (c) 2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.



9 June 2023, 18:42

1542 GMT - Copper prices inch higher, reaching a one-month high, as a recent price slump encourages demand. Three-month copper prices on the LME are up 0.2% at $8,388 a metric ton and on course for a weekly gain of 1.6%. Following a sharp run-up in the spring, LME inventories have begun falling, hinting at demand for the metal. A recent price slump that took the red metal down to its lowest level since November has also encouraged buying, TD Securities says in a note. "Copper prices continue to gain as drawing exchange inventories point to demand for physical metal as buyers emerge following the recent price slump," the Canadian bank says.
( (END) Dow Jones NewswiresJune 09, 2023 11:42 ET (15:42 GMT)Copyright (c) 2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.
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