• Am Sonntag, den 09.03.2025 erfolgt in den USA und Kanada die Umstellung auf Sommerzeit. Deswegen beginnt der Haupthandel ab Montag in den USA und Kanada bereits um 14:30 MEZ und endet um 21:00 MEZ. Bei uns findet die Zeitumstellung am 30.03.2025 statt. Dann haben wir wieder "normalen" Handelszeiten.

AOI - Africa Oil - WKN A0MZJC


Neues Kursziel.

macht 16.20 Cad!



zu Puntland in Somalia!
BRIEF-Africa Oil announces spud (Bohrloch,Bohrbeginn) of shabeel north well in Puntland, Somalia

June 5 (Reuters) - Africa Oil Corp <AOI.V>:
* Announces spud of shabeel north well in puntland, somalia
* Planned td of the shabeel north well is 2400 meters and drilling is expected
to take 45 to 60 days to complete

((Bangalore Equities Newsroom; +91 80 4135 5800; within U.S. +1 646 223 8780))

((For more news, please click here [AOI.V]))
zum Thema Rick Rule


Go to time 3:30...AOI identified as an example of how the "market will recognize and reward real discoveries". He owns AOI.
Good morning!

Please find enclosed a news release issued this morning. If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to call.

Best regards,

Sophia Shane

Ph. 604 689 7842



June 5, 2012 (AOI–TSXV, AOI–NASDAQ OMX) … Africa Oil Corp. (“Africa Oil” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce the commencement of drilling operations on the Shabeel North well in Puntland, Somalia, the second well in the current drilling campaign. The well is being operated by Horn Petroleum Corp. (“Horn”) in which Africa Oil holds an interest of approximately 51%. Horn holds a 60% working interest in the Dharoor and Nugaal Valley Production Sharing Agreements (“PSA’s”) along with working interest partners Range Resources (20%) and Red Emperor (20%).

The Shabeel North well is targeting Upper Cretaceous Jesomma sands which had good oil and gas shows in the Shabeel well 3.5 kilometers to the south. Petrophysical analysis of downhole electrical logs in the Shabeel well indicated a potential pay zone in the Jesomma of up to 12 to 20 meters with an average porosity of 18 to 20%. It is planned to bring the rig back to the Shabeel location to test these sands to confirm their ability to flow oil once the drilling of the Shabeel North well is completed. The planned TD of the Shabeel North well is 2400 meters and drilling is expected to take 45 to 60 days to complete.

Horn President and CEO David Grellman stated, “The Shabeel North well will test the same reservoirs that appear to be oil bearing in the nearby Shabeel well. We would expect similar or better reservoir thickness and quality as we move deeper into the basin. The results of this well should help us confirm the extent of the petroleum system in the basin and, if successful, would be another step towards proving the economic potential of the basin.”

Africa Oil Corp. is a Canadian oil and gas company with assets in Kenya, Ethiopia andMali as well as Puntland (Somalia) through its 51% equity interest in Horn Petroleum Corporation. Africa Oil's East African holdings are in within a world-class exploration play fairway with a total gross land package in this prolific region in excess of 300,000 square kilometers. The East African Rift Basin system is one of the last of the great rift basins to be explored. New discoveries have been announced on all sides of Africa Oil's virtually unexplored land position including the major Albert Graben oil discovery in neighbouring Uganda. The Company is listed on the TSX Venture Exchange and on First North at NASDAQ OMX-Stockholm under the symbol "AOI".


“Keith C. Hill”

President and CEO

Fri 15:12 My calculations on AOI Jelly Deal 11

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Has anyone else done the numbers on possible scenarios for Africa OIl?

1. High Level Tullow comments as reported by Keith Hill:

“In fact, Tullow has been telling the market that Kenya should be conservatively twice as big as Uganda and possibly five times as big as Uganda.”

What does that mean?

AFAIK, Uganda is 1.1 billion barrels discovered and 1.4 billion yet to be discovered = 2.5 billion.

So “conservatively” means 5 billion barrels and “possibly” means 12.5 billion. If we look at AOI’s share, I’m going to take an average of 50%. I know we have less of some blocks and 100% of some, but I’m sure you’ll see us farm those down. KH doesn’t want to take all the risk on Block 9 Kinyonga, so I expect that to be farmed down before Pai-Pai on 10A is drilled. Tullow is keen to farm into the Rift Study Block too. I’m using the current number of shares in issue fully diluted, which I believe to be 228,700,000. I’m taking no account of future dilution. We are lucky in that regard to be a Lundin Company. IMHO, Lukas will not screw us by continually diluting the capital.

Barrels AOI Share AOI Barrels Value @ $6 Value Per Share
"Conservative" 5,000,000,000 50.00% 2,500,000,000 $15,000,000,000 $66
"In Between" 8,750,000,000 50.00% 4,375,000,000 $26,250,000,000 $115
"Optimistic" 12,500,000,000 50.00% 6,250,000,000 $37,500,000,000 $164

2. “Bottom Up” Estimates as calculated by Jelly Deal from figures from AOI, Centric Energy, Denovo and other published data and SEDAR filings.

2.1 Block 13T/10BB – The Lockichar Basin.
It is my understanding that they were hoping that this basin would be as big as Uganda on its own, and that Ngamia-1 wasn’t AOI’s original choice of drill locations. It certainly isn’t the biggest prospect on the block. They expected 17m of net pay in the primary target, being equivalent to 50 million barrels of oil. So far they have more than 6 times that pay in an unexpected layer. This increases Ngamia-1 to well over 300 million barrels prospectively, and the block to being potentially somewhat larger than Uganda.

2.2 South Omo and the Northern String of Pearls.
This is where Tullow believe the real “sweet spot” of the acreage is, according to Keith Hill. Tullow are very keen to drill South Omo. If these come in, 10BA and South OMO could be 3x Uganda.

2.3 Block 9, currently 100% AOI.
If Pai-Pai hits, then the huge Kinyonga prospect becomes a real possibility. If so, Block 9 could be a Uganda all by itself.

2.4 Rift Study Block and Block 12.
Currently no data about these blocks, but Tullow are keen on the Rift Study Block, and it’s easy to see why. For now, no value will be assigned to either, except to remember that if Tullow do farm in, then there will be some $$$$ coming our way to fund further drilling.

2.5 Block 9 Gas and Puntland. No value being assigned to either in this calculation for the sake of simplicity.

2.6 Bottom up estimate is: 13T/10BB + South Omo/10BA+Block 9 or in barrels 3.5billion+7.5 billion+2.5 billion= 13.5 billion.

2.7 Even this may be conservative, as Keith said that the new CPR due in Q3 would show big increases over the 11 billion barrels or so it shows now.

3. Summary.
The number of leads and prospect is huge, at least 80 at last count, and that doesn’t include much of the acreage. The success of Ngamia-1 is highly encouraging. The huge increase in oil found compared with expectations is incredible. Lukas Lundin said that he wasn’t interested in selling out, but if someone came along now and opened the bidding with $25 or $50 a share, then he might discuss. Sell out figures of $50 or even $100 per share are not unrealistic at all. If we go into production, then over the years much bigger numbers come into play.

4. Timing. Of course, from AOIs perspective, the timing of the discovery couldn’t have been better. We have enough money to see us to the year end. Had w

Energy Confidential (CEC) gained over 20%. And Q1/12 was over 20% for both newsletters, too.

Throughout the year, a few of our buys had massive gains—like Poseidon Concepts Corp. (PSN:TSX), Tag Oil Ltd. (TAO:TSX.V) and Africa Oil Corp. (AOI:TSX.V). Did we sell too early? Yes. But so what? We reduced our risk. We made money. We lived to see another day. And with one of them, we now have a dividend for free and the company's growing.

So if you do your homework and buy good companies, you can do well. I don't think you're too late at all.

[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=1258146#1258146 schrieb:
CCG-Redaktion schrieb am 05.06.2012, 15:47 Uhr[/url]"]zum Thema Rick Rule


Go to time 3:30...AOI identified as an example of how the "market will recognize and reward real discoveries". He owns AOI.

Sehr guter Artikel zur geologischen Frage, wieso da Öl liegen könnte!

Gute Übersicht!

The Ngamia-1 well has encountered oil and gas shows over a gross interval of 140 metres from a depth of 1,800 metres to 1,940 metres. The reservoirs are similar to those previously encountered at a shallower depth. The well will continue to be drilled to a total depth of 2,700 metres and then logged and sampled. This is expected to take a further three weeks to complete.

Aktuell wird auf Block 10BB Ngamia-1 auf 2700m gebohrt.

Die eigentliche Idee und Spekulation ist, wenn Öl über den gesammten Rift Valley Block bis nach
Ethiopien gefunden wird! Braune Felder.


• Ngamia growing and not yet reached the target depth
• Reduced risk of Lockichar Basin
• Two additional rigs and resource update
• Rich Price 112 SEK

Ngamia growing and not yet reached the target depth. Ngamia-drilling, which began in January is still pending and is at a depth of around 1940 m Four oil-bearing layers have been found which net column for the first three above 100 m, this is well above the previously estimated net column of 7 m which it had anticipated would be equivalent to about 45 million barrels. We believe that the total volume may well be at about 300 million barrels and an estimate of the operator is expected after drilling completion which should take place in June.

Reduced risk of Lockichar basin. Before Ngamia-drilling commenced judged the greatest risk to be oil leakage, that is no so-called "trap" was that kept the oil in the bedrock. When this is now clearly proven to be less of a risk, we believe that the chances of finding oil in the eight additional prospectuses, which lies like a pearl necklace along Lockichar Basin significantly increased. The next prospect to be drilled is Twiga-1, located about 20 km north of Ngamia in the adjacent license 13T. Drilling is scheduled to start to H2 2012th

Two additional rigs and resource updating. Following the very positive results from Ngamia think the line that they have only seen the tip of the iceberg. Whether management has the right will gradually appear as the drilling program is progressing and the operator intends to contract two additional drilling rigs. These are expected to be in place in Q4 to the drill start PaiPai on Block 10A in Kenya and Sabisa in South Omo, Ethiopia. An accelerated program of work is undoubtedly the most important trigger for the shares and with four rigs on site is expected to a well in the months to begin. Another trigger is the resource update which will be presented in July where both estimates for Block 13T, 12A and South Omo will be included and which also estimates for Lockichar Basin is expected to be revised upwards.

Rich Price 112 SEK. As previously emphasized, it remains high risk associated with investing in shares when the exploration work is still in its infancy. However, we believe that despite the recent months in share prices has lessened due to the oil discovery was made. We reiterate our köprekommendation with price target 112 SEK.


In 2006, Tullow Oil a large oil discovery in Uganda which was the start of oil exploration in East Africa. Until then, the general view was that East Africa had no significant oil and gas deposits. Through its oil discoveries put Tullow East Africa on the oil map, and today there are about 20-30 oil companies in the region, where sometimes Africa Oil.

Africa Oil is an oil exploration companies in the Lundin Group. Its shares are primarily listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange since October 2010 are secondary shares listed on Nasdaq OMX First North. The company currently has 12 licenses in Kenya, Ethiopia and Puntland, which ran for four geologic trends (Permian / Triassic, Jurassic, Cretaceous and Tertiary) and in total covers an area of &#8203;&#8203;about 300 000 km2. In all four plays in the oil discoveries of over a billion barrels of so-called elephants, made &#8203;&#8203;in neighboring countries. These trends extend into over Kenya, Ethiopia and Somalia, and through an aggressive 4-riggars drilling program the company must consider whether it is also hidden elephants on their licenses.

Management has extensive experience within the oil industry and an impressive track record of previous projects. Keith C. Hill, President, has over 25 years experience in the oil industry with several previous positions within the Lundin Group. Hill was President and CEO of Valkyries Petroleum until the takeover of Lundin Petroleum and was also co-founded
zur Horn Meldung gestern vom User Wantedman

...The Shabeel North well is targeting Upper Cretaceous Jesomma sands which had good oil and gas shows in the Shabeel well 3.5 kilometers to the south. Petrophysical analysis of downhole electrical logs in the Shabeel well indicated a potential pay zone in the Jesomma of up to 12 to 20 meters with an average porosity of 18 to 20%...

Das war ein sehr wichtige neue Info, die uns KH da gestern mitgeteilt hat, die die Wahrscheinlichkeit deutlich erhöht, daß wir es mit einem kommerziellen Vorkommen zu tun haben!

Öl kommt entgegen häufiger Annahmen nicht als "unterirdischer See" vor, sondern befindet sich immer eingelagert in porösem Gestein. Man kann sich das in etwa wie einen Schwamm vorstellen. Neben der Porösität ist allerdings auch die Durchlässigkeit sehr wichtig. Sprich ob die "Löcher" im Gestein auch miteinander verbunden sind, oder ob sie in sich abgeschlossene Räume bilden.

Normalerweise geht eine hohe Porösität auch mit einer hohen Durchlässigkeit einher, dies muß aber nicht immer so sein. Wichtig ist in diesem Zusammenhang aber auch, daß die Porösität fix ist, also nicht durch menschliches Einwirken erhöht werden kann, die Durchlässigkeit aber schon. (Fracking)

18-20 % Porösität ist ein Wert, der sich am oberen Ende von normalen Vorkommen bewegt, also sehr positiv für uns. Nur in Ausnahmefällen werden Spitzenwerte von 30% erreicht. Interessant ist in diesem Zusammenhang auch, daß die Nachbarvorkommen im Yemen in etwa die gleichen Porösitätswerte wie wir aufweisen.
Can African Oil Corp. (TSX-V: AOI.V) Capitalize on Oil Plays in Africa or will Politics Undo the Oil and Gas Company?
Posted on June 4, 2012 by Editor

After climbing to a 52-week high of 11.28 last week shares of African Oil Corp. (TSX-V: AOI.V) have been on a steady decline, sinking to a low of 9.23 on Monday but, as the oil and gas company has been prone to do, those shares have already rebounded and are moving around the 9.70 level, above the 9.69 mark they closed at on Friday. That 9.70 mark remains well above the company’s 50-day moving average of 6.15 and their 200-day moving average of 2.76.

Obviously the fortunes of AOI.V have shifted dramatically over the past several months and as recently as May 18, 2012 shares were trading as low as 6.25 so the question now is will those prices continue to move north or have they hit a ceiling?

Keith Hill, President and CEO of AOI.V, has expressed significant optimism about the company’s future pointing out in their first quarter results “Africa Oil is very encouraged with the results of both the Ngamia-1 and Shabeel-1 wells. The net oil pay encountered to date in the Ngamia-1 well far exceeds pre-drill estimates. We are looking forward to completing the drilling and testing of Ngamia in the coming weeks. In Puntland (Somalia), we are pleased to have confirmed the presence of an active petroleum system in the Dharoor Valley and look forward to drilling the Shabeel-North well to test the sands in the Jesomma Formation. The Company has accumulated exploration acreage of over 300,000 km2 (gross) in this exciting new world-class exploration play fairway and is looking forward to accelerating the pace of exploration drilling with the planned addition of two drilling rigs during the second half of 2012, bringing the number of active rigs to four.”

As mentioned in their May 25, 2012 press release the operator of the Ngamia-1 well currently being drilled on Block 10BB in Kenya, Tullow Oil plc, is now drilling in the primary target and initial results appear to indicate the well has intersected further oil bearing sands. AOI.V has already announced the discovery of over 100 meters of net oil pay in the Ngamia-1 exploration well, located in Block 10BB. It is anticipated that drilling of the Ngamia well will be completed and test results announced early in the third quarter of 2012.

AOI.V has also reported strong results for the Shabeel-1 well in Puntland (Somalia) having successfully drilled, reaching a total depth of 3,470 meters with several oil and gas shows encountered, indicating the existence of a working petroleum system.

In addition to the Ngamia-1 and Shabeel-1 wells AOI.V is planning four additional wells: the Twiga-1 well in Block 13T (Kenya), the Paipai-1 well in Block 10A (Kenya), the Shabeel North well in the Dharoor Block (Puntland (Somalia)), and one in the South Omo Block (Ethiopia). AOI.V has said they anticipate securing two additional rigs, bringing the total number of rigs in operation to four before the end of the year, with one of the additional two being utilized in Ethiopia while the second would be utilized in Kenya.

It is believed that once drilling is completed at the Ngamia well the rig will be moved to commence drilling the Twiga-1 exploration well which the company has said “is on trend with the Ngamia well.” With the Shabeel-1 well being suspended by Horn Petroleum Corp, which is operating the well and of which AOI.V owns a 51 percent stake, for future testing AOI.V is mobilizing the drilling rig to the Shabeel-North location and they anticipate drilling and potentially testing during the third quarter of 2012. Horn Petroleum holds a 60% working interest in the Dharoor and Nugaal permits in Somalia.

While the future operations of AOI.V sound promising and the company continues to boast about the East African Rift Basin system as one of the last of the great rift basins to be explored there are certainly hurdles that could arise that make things difficult for the company and these hurdles may be enough to keep investors away.

Among the hurdles that AOI.V may have to clear is their rights to any find by Horn Petroleum in Dharoor as the legal rights to the block may still be owned by state-controlled Italian explorer Eni which was granted a license by the Somali government back in the 1980s. Whether or not Eni still has the rights to this block has yet to be settled but it would obviously be devastating to AOI.V if things turned out unfavorably.

Of course much has changed in Somalia over the past 30 years and the country is now fractured, with semi-autonomous regions now controlling territories. This could prove problematic as these regions are issuing licenses to explore blocks that overlap in each other’s territories. AOI.V isn’t immune to this problem either as their Nugaal Block in Puntland overlaps a block licensed by Somaliland to Asante Oil.

For their part AOI.V has acknowledged that there are some details that some issues with overlapping claims and rights but they haven’t discussed fully the course of action being taken to secure their efforts. This leaves investors at a considerable disadvantage and with shares as high as they are that risk is considerable.
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=1258539#1258539 schrieb:
CCG-Redaktion schrieb am 06.06.2012, 11:27 Uhr[/url]"]The Ngamia-1 well has encountered oil and gas shows over a gross interval of 140 metres from a depth of 1,800 metres to 1,940 metres. The reservoirs are similar to those previously encountered at a shallower depth. The well will continue to be drilled to a total depth of 2,700 metres and then logged and sampled. This is expected to take a further three weeks to complete.

Aktuell wird auf Block 10BB Ngamia-1 auf 2700m gebohrt.

Die eigentliche Idee und Spekulation ist, wenn Öl über den gesammten Rift Valley Block bis nach
Ethiopien gefunden wird! Braune Felder.

» zur Grafik

Interessant in diesem Zusammenhang, dass bei Ngamia-1 die 100+m Pay in den oberen Zonen sogar Porosities from von 23-29% aufweisen kann. Das ist exzellent und wird zu sehr guter Permiability (Durchlässigkeit) führen und spricht für sehr gute Produktionszahlen.

Einschätzung von gimo211 bei WO.
The following statement by Canaccord was released today- comments can be read on the AOI bullboard.......

"Africa Oil update...the Ngamia-1 well in Kenya contacted higher than expected pressures and in order to avoid damaging the potential opportunity, Tullow Oil decided to log and case the well. This will likely delay the TD of the well until the week of June 18 but in the interim Tullow is likely going to publish the log results in the coming days once the interpretation is complete. The company previously released that it had already identified approximately 150 meters of gross pay while drilling and our best guess post log interpretation is that the productive net pay will be approximately 50 meters of the original 150 meter section. As there is some confusion on the difference between gross and net pay, if the market over-reacts to the lower net pay number it will provide a good buying opportunity. Going forward the company plans on testing the well in July, but due to a delay in the arrival of an appropriate downhole pump, Tullow will likely resort to a DST type of test and provide an estimated extrapolated flow rate in July."

Hierzu muss man verschiedene Anmerkungen machen:

Sollte es stimmen, dass wir in den primary targets "over pressured" sind, wäre das eine exzellente News!

Das Tullow deshalb entschieden hat, das Drilling zu unterbrechen und logging und Casing zusätzlich vor TD vorzusehen, ist bislang eine nicht veröffentlichte Information. Sollte das stimmen, wäre es eine Insider-Information! Wenn es auch gute News wären, es bedarf hierfür dann eine schnelle Bestätigung seitens AOI/Tullow. Zudem hätten wir dann bald eine weitere Log-Results News!

Der Punkt mit den 50m net Pay ist vollkommen unklar.

Ist es auf die oberen Zonen bezogen, würde cannarcord eine Aussage vom Operator Tullow korrigieren. Das halte ich persönlich für vollkommenen Quatsch!

Sollte es sich auf die primary targets beziehen, wären es zusätzliche 50m net Pay aus den bislang 140m (bzw. 150m laut Cannacord) und das wäre erneut hervorragende News. Nur liegen hierzu bislang keinerlei Log Daten vor, da dieses ja erst ermittelt werden müssen.

Das ist in meinen Augen missleading. Bin gespannt, wie Tullow/AOI darauf reagieren....

gimo211 WO

dazu die Richtigstellung mit der Original Nachricht:

South Sudan Says It Will Build Oil Pipelines Worth $4 Billion


Fachbegriffe alle Sprachen!
Third well in Puntland

Due in September according to Peter Landau, Executive Director of RRL.

He mentions this at 3:00 minutes in -

A plug from this morning coffee break Canaccord.

Africa Oil* (AOI : TSX-V : $10.04), Net Change: 0.30, % Change: 3.08%, Volume: 1,654,747

Anadarko Energy (APC : NYSE : US$63.20), Net Change: 1.04, % Change: 1.67%, Volume: 7,051,142

There you go again. Rockstar oil explorer Tullow Oil announced another major new oil discovery offshore Ivory Coast. Along

with its partner Anadarko Energy, Tullow reported that its Paon-1X well encountered 100 net feet of good quality oil pay. The

Paon well was drilled to ~16,700’ in ~7,200’ of water. Tullow indicated the discovery confirms the Upper Cretaceous fan

system present in Ghana extends westward into Cote d’Ivoire. For comparison, wells offshore Ghana in the deepwater Tano

block have encountered 100-175 feet of pay. The successful result in the Ivory Coast followed disappointment in the country in

April when the company drilled a dry hole. Tullow operates the huge Jubilee oil field in Ghana and has been pushing its hunt for

oil westwards in the hope of discovering more oil off the Ivory Coast. Although not related, shareholders of Africa Oil should

cheer this result, as once again Tullow Oil sits at the top of the mountain when it comes to finding giant new discoveries.

Tullow Oil is the partner and operator of Africa Oil’s Kenyan blocks that have had great initial exploration success.
June 08, 2012
Horn Petroleum Closes $15 Million Private Placement

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - June 8, 2012) -


Horn Petroleum Corporation (TSX VENTURE:HRN) ("Horn Petroleum" or the "Company") reports that the private placement announced on May 22, 2012 has closed. The Company sold on a non-brokered private placement basis an aggregate of 18.75 million units at a price of
.80 per unit for gross proceeds of $15 million. The private placement has received regulatory approval and the securities have been issued to the investors.

Each unit was comprised of one common share and one-half of a share purchase warrant. Each whole warrant is exercisable over a period of two years at a price of $1.20 per share. If Horn Petroleum common shares trade at or above $1.50 for a period of 30 consecutive days, a forced exercise provision will come into effect. A 5% finder's fee is payable in either cash or units on a portion of the private placement.

Net proceeds of the private placement will be used towards the Company's ongoing work program in Puntland, Somalia and for general working capital purposes. Shares issued pursuant to the private placement are subject to a four month hold period expiring on October 9, 2012. Shares issued to finders will be subject to a hold period expiring four months from the date of issue. The Company will make commercially reasonable efforts to have the warrants posted for trading on the TSX Venture Exchange after the expiry of the hold period.

Horn Petroleum Corporation is a Canadian oil and gas company with assets in Puntland, Somalia. The Corporation holds a 60% interest and operatorship in the Dharoor and Nugaal blocks encompassing a Jurassic Rift Basin on trend and analogous to the large oil fields in Yemen. The Corporation's shares are listed on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol "HRN".


David Grellman, President and CEO
Ethiopia: Tullow to start drilling exploration well in South Omo

New !June 09 Posted by: Dave | Yesterday, 10:23 |

Tullow Oil, a global oil and gas exploration company headquartered in London, United Kingdom, will start drilling first exploration well at the end of this year. Reliable sources told The Reporter that Tullow has hired a drilling company. Sources said the company will start drilling the wild cat well in October. Tullow bought a 50 percent stake in the south Omo Valley from Africa Oil. The Vancouver-based company, Africa Oil, acquired the south Omo Valley concession from White Nile, the British oil company. White Nile is a UK-based company in which the South Sudan government has a minority stake. White Nile, which has been prospecting for oil in South Omo Valley since 2005, farmed out the concession to Africa Oil. Tullow has discovered a huge oil reserve in the Albert basin in Uganda.

The company recently struck oil reserve in Turkana basin in Kenya. Experts say the South Omo and Turkana basins have a similar geological structure. Hopes are high for oil discovery in South Omo. “We cannot be certain before drilling and see what nature has stored,” Sinkenesh Ejigu, Minister of Mines told Parliament last week.

In related news, the Chinese oil company that is conducting a seismic survey in South Omo, BGP Geoservices Plc, sued MIDROC Foundation for failing to build a bridge over the Omo River.

BGP is a Chinese company that specialises in conducting seismic surveys. Subcontracted by Tullow Oil, BGP has been collecting seismic data in South Omo. In 2011 BGP hired MIDROC Foundation to construct a bridge over the Omo river near Omorate town. BPG wanted the bridge to transport its machineries used to conduct the seismice survey.

The cost of the bridge construction was estimated at one million birr and MIDROC Foundation reportedly took an advance payment of 306,000 birr. However, to date MIDROC has failed to build the bridge. BGP rented a boat to haul the machineries over the river.

The disgruntled officials of BGP last week sued MIDROC Foundation at the Lideta High Court. Reliable sources told The Reporter that the management of MIDROC wants to settle the issue with BGP through negotiations instead of court battles.

BGP Geo Services Plc, the Chinese petroleum company that is engaged in oil exploration project in the South Omo Valley, has collected encouraging data from the exploration area near Omorate.

BGP was hired by TullowOil, the British oil company, two years ago to undertake a seismic survey in south Omo near the Kenyan boarder. BGP is a company that specialises in collecting seismic data. BGP has good reputations in various countries in similar projects including Saudi Arabia, Oman and Venezuela.

BGP has submitted a commendable seismic data report to the ministry and its client Tullow. So far no exploration well was drilled in South Omo.
BGP is one of the world's leading geophysical service companies, delivering a wide range of technologies, services and equipment to the oil and gas industry worldwide, according to the company’s official website. The company is engaged in seismic data acquisition, processing, interpretation, reservoir geophysics, borehole seismic, and micro-seismic. Since the 1960s, BGP has been providing geophysical services for many energy companies at home and abroad. The company claims to have experienced and capable employees that have operated under all hostile terrain conditions.

At present, BGP has 65 land crews and 6 seismic vessels operating overseas. Fifty overseas branches and offices have been established in Asia, America, Africa and the Middle East.
Global oil giants eye Kenya as MPs delay Uganda operations

Sunday, 10 June 2012 15:02 By Haggai Matsiko

Hopes pinned on early passing of regulatory framework by parliament

Since Tullow Oil Chief Executive Officer Aidan Heavey announced on May 17 that neighbouring Kenya’s oil potential may be greater, frustration has intensified over Uganda’s delay to kick off fresh licensing for new exploration blocks.

Uganda suspended licensing to first put in place a sufficient legal regime but Members of Parliament scrutinising the Bills tabled in February this year to regulate the sector have not presented a report to the House for debate.

The MPs on the Natural Resources Committee which according to the law should have finished its work within 45-days and brought the Bills back to the House are two months behind schedule.

The experts say Uganda’s delay in drafting the Bills, passing them, and awarding exploration licenses for new blocks is driving big investors away.

The delay by Uganda has become a big issue and Tullow, which is the main driver in the exploration sector, is seeking to assure investors that Kenya will be different.

“We are pretty confident that we can move pretty fast in Kenya if we prove up the commercial amount of oil,” Heavey told reporters at the May meeting in London according to Bloomberg.

Industry experts say even if Kenya finds more oil, it is a long way from confirming its commercial viability unlike Uganda where Tullow, Total and CNOOC already have deals for 2.5 billion barrels of confirmed resources. The story could change if Kenya moves faster or Uganda’s delays persist.

Delay of the Bills is the latest hurdle exploration companies face in Uganda. Even production first hit a snag after Tullow’s farm-down to Total and CNOOC was held back for almost two years following a spate of tax disputes between it, the government and its former exploration partner, Heritage oil and allegations of bribery by members of parliament.

Kenyan officials say they have learnt from the Ugandan experience and will not repeat its mistakes but the country finds itself with a Petroleum Act as old as 1986 and could face similar challenges as Uganda.

Kenya has announced eight offshore exploration blocks that are attracting international oil giants like Exxon Mobil and Royal Dutch Shell.

But Ernest Rubondo, the Commissioner, Petroleum Production and Exploration Department (PEPD), says it is not true that investors are deserting Uganda because as many as 50 companies have applied for the new exploration licenses.

He says the government is working on a proper regulatory framework before awarding them and that focus should be on the big picture and not on the basis of Kenya having attracted Exxon Mobil. He says the delays by Uganda are prudential.

“Government took time to formulate the oil and gas policy that is why it has been widely accepted,” he told The Independent in an interview, “it is not true that the MPs have delayed, every week, you hear that they have come up with something new, equally they need the time to come up with a good law.”

He says while Kenya needs the likes of ExxonMobil to explore and find oil, Uganda’s challenge is not licensing but commercialising the reserves.

“Kenya is where Uganda was many years ago, it has made a find but have not established its size and its commercial viability, Uganda is at a different stage, we have established the quantity of our reserves and we are looking at commercialising them” Rubondo says. “Those big investors also need to be regulated, and for you to do so you need good laws in place which is what the MPs are working on.”

The Natural Resources Committee, which is scrutinising the Bills was supposed to finish in April according to the law.

Committee member, Theodore Ssekikubo (MP Lwemiyaga) in a recent interview with Daily Monitor revealed that they want to move quickly but face challenges.

“All the components of these Bills seem to be scattered and that is why we are trying to get together to see how we can have an input in expediting their passing,” he is quoted to have said.

Critics have pointed out a number of problems with the Bills notably that they vest a lot of powers in the minister in charge of oil and do not put in place sufficient checks to make the minister accountable.

“For instance although the Bills put in place an oil a Petroleum Authority and a National Oil Company, these are not defined and not insulated against political influence and the authority’s autonomy is subject to the control of the minister,” Shem Byakagaba, a local consultant on the Bills has notes “another big concern is that these bills also undermine the role of parliament.” Byakagaba is among the experts that have been reviewing the laws with the MPs.

Rubondo also says that for the MPs to come up with good laws they should be given ample time.

The two Bills—the Petroleum Exploration, Development and Production Bill tabled on Feb.8 and the Petroleum Refining, Gas Processing and Conversion, Transportation and Storage Bill tabled on Feb. 15 —were supposed to be brought back to the House on April 10 and 18 respectively.

Hopefully, they will be tabled as soon as Parliament settles down to business after the June 7 State of the Nation address and the reading of the budget.

In Kenya meanwhile, excitement is growing over its latest licence offers and speculation that the country’s oil finds might be bigger than erstwhile favourite Uganda.

An official of Weatherford, one of Tullow’s sub-contractors in oil drilling and other exploration activities in Ugandas and Kenya, told The Independent that Kenya’s finds so far are more promising than Uganda’s.

Tullow said in May that Ngamia-1’s column of oil is the largest oil-bearing section Tullow has found in a single well. “It’s only one well in an area nearly the size of England,” he noted.

Following Kenya’s discovery, The East African reports that Total, which acquired a 33 percent stake in Tullow oil Uganda’s assets in the Albertan Grabben, has acquired 40 percent in five exploration areas in Kenya and is in negotiations with the government to explore another one of the eight new blocks.

The East African adds that global oil giants ExxonMobil, Apache Corporation, U.S’s Anadarko, Royal Dutch Shell and Norway’s Statoil are also eyeing the new exploration sites.

Reports indicate that Exxon Mobil Corp. (XOM) and Chevron Corp. (CVX) found natural gas in its Anza Basin in 1976. And geologists believe the country might hit gas in its new blocks because its coastline shares the same geological formation with some of the exploration blocks found in Tanzania where huge deposits of gas were discovered, which partly explains the rush.

On the Uganda side, the exploration side has gone cold and two oil companies—Neptune Oil and Dominion Oil—have this year had to pack and leave after years of exploration and hitting dry wells.

All eyes now are on Tullow and its partners, CNOOC and Total starting the production phase which includes construction of a mini-refinery for local demand and a pipeline through Kenya for export of crude.

On the other hand if Kenya which already has a refinery and coastline hits commercial reserves oil offshore, it would be a Ghana experience for the oil companies—where the oil is drilled on the ocean with an FPSO—a vessel that drills oil, produces and stores it and its shipped to the international markets.


It's now official that AOI have now taken 4,315,000 + 2,157,500 new HRN shares making a total of 6,472,500 shares at $0.80.

This purchase will also entitle AOI to 3,236,250 share purchase warrants at $1.20 exercisable over a period of two years.

Taking everything into account AOI will have an interest in HRN of -

38,888,889 shares already held in HRN + 11,111,111 post-consolidation share purchase warrants + 6,472,500 new shares + 3,236,250 new share purchase warrants making a total of 59,708,750 shares.

Taking a look to the future, supposing all options and warrants are taken up (Oct 2015), AOI will have 59,708,750 shares of the fully diluted share position of 153,422,251 shares making their stake in HRN 38.91%

Ich habe hier mal ein paar Infos zum South-Omo-Block zusammengetragen, hauptsächlich von der AOI-Homepage.

Derzeitiger Stand laut Homepage:
"The Company and its operating partner on the Block, Tullow, have completed approximately 80% of a 1000 km 2D seismic program in the western portion of the South Omo Block. The recently acquired FTG data over the South Omo Block was used extensively to lay out the new seismic program. A number of very interesting leads have thus far been identified and an infill seismic program was partially acquired to mature these leads to drillable prospects. The onset of the rainy season in May has suspended this infill program which is planned recommence late in the second quarter of 2012. An additional 500 km of 2D seismic is currently under review in the eastern portion of the South Omo Block (Chew B'hir Basin) in the second half of 2012. One exploratory well is planned in the block before the end of 2012, which will satisfy the remaining work obligations (first period) under the South Omo PSA."

Aus der Info zum Rift Valley Joint Study Block folgende geologische Einordnung:
"The block [Anmerkung: gemeint ist hier der Rift Valley Joint Study Block] is on trend with highly prospective blocks in the Tertiary rift valley such as Ethiopian South Omo block, and Kenyan blocks 10BA, 10BB, 13T, and 12A."

Aus der aktuellen Präsentation (slide 13) geht hervor, dass South-Omo einen Teil des "Northern String of Pearls" darstellt und nicht in der Schätzung von 5,3MMBbl enthalten ist (slide 26).
Der andere Teil des Northern String of Pearls liegt in Block 10BA (Kenya) und dafür wurden in der Aufstellung 1,094MMBbl net best angenommen.

Die Schätzung der Resourcen wird derzeit überarbeitet und voraussichtlich im 3. Quartal fertiggestellt (slide 26).
Würde man für den momentan noch gar nicht berücksichtigten South-Omo Block eine Analogie der Größen des String of Pearls unterstellen (Darstellung der Leads/Prospects auf slide 12/13) entfielen weitere rund 0,328MMBbl (1,094MMBbl x 30%) auf AOI (1,094MMBbl als Schätzung für Block 10BA, wovon der AOI-Anteil im South-Omo Block bei 30% liegt).
Nicht zuletzt damit könnte eine stattliche Erhöhung der net best estimate einhergehen.

Angekündigter Spud für den Block ist im 4. Quartal (slide 13) - es wird also noch viel passieren bis dahin

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