• Am Sonntag, den 09.03.2025 erfolgt in den USA und Kanada die Umstellung auf Sommerzeit. Deswegen beginnt der Haupthandel ab Montag in den USA und Kanada bereits um 14:30 MEZ und endet um 21:00 MEZ. Bei uns findet die Zeitumstellung am 30.03.2025 statt. Dann haben wir wieder die "normalen" Handelszeiten.

Rohstoffthread (Archiv)

Für weitere Antworten geschlossen.
voll im Plan war falsch ausgedrueckt, sollte heissen:
wieder voll im Fahrwasser
revised filing document wurde angeblich akzeptiert

man darf ja nicht vergessen, wie viele Junior IPO Projekte von Oktober bis jetzt den Bach runtergegangen sind, weil man die Stuecke nicht am Markt plazieren konnte, keiner hat das geschafft, NGG und VAN wollten die auf Teufel komm raus beide aus-IPO-en, damit die sich selber finanzieren und nicht mehr die Muttergesellschaft belasten, hat nicht ganz geklappt, aber wenn der Markt jetzt wieder hoch geht, dann hat man eine schoene Posi in der Tasche, die dann plaziert werden kann

ich mach mir immer noch keine grossen Sorgen, das wird
das ist bei momentanem NGG urs eine Vorsteuerrendite von 10% fuer 33 Tage, nicht schlecht!
die PR ging uebrigens wegen der massiven Kritik auf den Boards raus, sowas sollten die unabhaengig davon machen
bei Pacific Kanon liegt man angeblich voll im Plan
IB wie erwartet stark nachgefragt, 95% Instis beimPP

February 22, 2008 - Vancouver, British Columbia - Vangold Resources Ltd ("Vangold”) is pleased
to report that New Guinea Gold Corp. (“NGG”) has repaid the $2M loan, announced on February 1,
2008, with interest calculated at a rate of 5% per annum. The loan was outstanding for 33 days.
Furthermore, as announced by the TSX Venture Exchange on February 20, 2008, it has accepted for
filing the issuance of the 400,000 bonus shares and 400,000 bonus warrants of NGG to Vangold. The
bonus warrants are exercisable for two years at $0.60. The shares and warrants are subject to a one year
hold period.
Mr. Dal Brynelsen, Vangold’s CEO and President commented: “We are very pleased that Vangold was
able to assist NGG with the bridge loan to enable the completion of the Coppermoly prospectus which
raised AU$8M for exploration on its copper/moly/gold deposits. While NGG was in a position to fund
Coppermoly it was the decision of NGG management that those funds be held in reserve for its Sinivit
project pending the upcoming warrant exercise.”
Vangold holds directly 1,000,000 shares in Coppermoly and a further 5,263,158 indirectly through it’s
shareholding in Pacific Kanon Gold Corp.
Mr. Brynelsen further commented: “The vast experience of NGG’s technical staff in exploration in
Papua New Guinea, combined with the previous historic drill results gives us a superior level of
confidence in the exploration success at Mt. Nakru and Simuku. Water access and a good road network
overcome many of the challenges normally encountered in this area of the world. With existing drill
equipment and manpower the Coppermoly exploration team is planning a very fast startup.”
To find out more about Vangold Resources Ltd. please visit our website at www.vangold.ca or
contact Dal Brynelsen at 604-684-1974 or by email brynelsen@vangold.ca.
On Behalf of the Board of
“Dal Brynelsen”

wenn das, was wir bei PK erleben, voll im Plan ist, na dann weiß ich aber nicht.... bzw, mich wundert dann gar nichts mehr.
ah ja, hier in Pristina und in Prizren ist im Gegensatz zum Norden alles ruhig, gibt aber kaum noch Serben in der Stadt, die wohnen in Doerfern umzu und da ist die Stimmung schlecht, allerdings ohne Gewalt
Morjen Fischi - alles relativ ruhig bei Euch oder brodelts?

Marifil + Castillian haben Freitag gut gerockt - ich hatte sehr lange Marifil auf der WL, haben gute Projekte und eben diese 35% am Castillianprojekt - irgendwie juckts in die Finger, könnte mir gut vorstellen das Castillian scharf auf die restlichen Prozente sind........
wat meinste du? - wohl eher längerfrist............ :gruebel:

Castillian bringt schon laenger gute News, was fuer die lange Bank, wie Du gesagt hast
dann dann wollen wir hoffen das es bei dir ruhig bleibt und der Rest sich auch beruhigt! :)

- nochmal zu MFM/CT - im Zuge der Platin"euphorie" sollte auch Largo weiter profitieren !
interessanter Move bei Fieldex am Freitag

die News las sich eigentlich nicht so dolle, aber war fuer 40% in Canada gut, hab ich immer noch long und bin jetzt wieder im Plus, K-Schnitt war irgendwo um die 0,23-0,24 CAD

eigentlich sollte noch im Q4 2007 eine erste Resourcenkalkulation fuer Midrim kommen, steht auch aus

so viele Werte, bei denen soviele Ergebnisse ausstehen

PBX (Tierra de Oro)
Dajin (3 Projekte)
Fieldex (Resource und Uran Lac Sairs)
Southern Arc (Au)
Alexandria (Au)
Mexivada (Moly)

und und und...
ja, man weiß mitunter garnicht wo man zuerst lesen soll! :)

-NioGold nimmt auch langsam Fahrt auf

sachmal, Mosquito liefert dolle Ergebnisse und kommt nicht vom Fleck, liegt das wirklich "nur" daran das es Molyoxid iss........... :gruebel:
die Kupfergrades sind doch auch net schlecht
da hast Du natürlich Recht. Umso mehr beeindruckt mich aber immer wieder IBC. Da gibt es all diese Probleme nicht. Ich bin überzeugt davon, wenn die den Wert mal laufen lassen, alle an Bord sind, die da wohl dazu sollen, wird das eine Rakete. Alles was von dort rauskommt, macht einen hochprofessionellen und planvollen Eindruck. Und was Passin dazu gesagt hat, sollte uns mehr als nur aufhorchen lassen.
voll im Plan war falsch ausgedrueckt, sollte heissen:
wieder voll im Fahrwasser
revised filing document wurde angeblich akzeptiert

man darf ja nicht vergessen, wie viele Junior IPO Projekte von Oktober bis jetzt den Bach runtergegangen sind, weil man die Stuecke nicht am Markt plazieren konnte, keiner hat das geschafft, NGG und VAN wollten die auf Teufel komm raus beide aus-IPO-en, damit die sich selber finanzieren und nicht mehr die Muttergesellschaft belasten, hat nicht ganz geklappt, aber wenn der Markt jetzt wieder hoch geht, dann hat man eine schoene Posi in der Tasche, die dann plaziert werden kann

ich mach mir immer noch keine grossen Sorgen, das wird
das ist bei momentanem NGG urs eine Vorsteuerrendite von 10% fuer 33 Tage, nicht schlecht!
die PR ging uebrigens wegen der massiven Kritik auf den Boards raus, sowas sollten die unabhaengig davon machen
bei Pacific Kanon liegt man angeblich voll im Plan
IB wie erwartet stark nachgefragt, 95% Instis beimPP

February 22, 2008 - Vancouver, British Columbia - Vangold Resources Ltd ("Vangold”) is pleased
to report that New Guinea Gold Corp. (“NGG”) has repaid the $2M loan, announced on February 1,
2008, with interest calculated at a rate of 5% per annum. The loan was outstanding for 33 days.
Furthermore, as announced by the TSX Venture Exchange on February 20, 2008, it has accepted for
filing the issuance of the 400,000 bonus shares and 400,000 bonus warrants of NGG to Vangold. The
bonus warrants are exercisable for two years at $0.60. The shares and warrants are subject to a one year
hold period.
Mr. Dal Brynelsen, Vangold’s CEO and President commented: “We are very pleased that Vangold was
able to assist NGG with the bridge loan to enable the completion of the Coppermoly prospectus which
raised AU$8M for exploration on its copper/moly/gold deposits. While NGG was in a position to fund
Coppermoly it was the decision of NGG management that those funds be held in reserve for its Sinivit
project pending the upcoming warrant exercise.”
Vangold holds directly 1,000,000 shares in Coppermoly and a further 5,263,158 indirectly through it’s
shareholding in Pacific Kanon Gold Corp.
Mr. Brynelsen further commented: “The vast experience of NGG’s technical staff in exploration in
Papua New Guinea, combined with the previous historic drill results gives us a superior level of
confidence in the exploration success at Mt. Nakru and Simuku. Water access and a good road network
overcome many of the challenges normally encountered in this area of the world. With existing drill
equipment and manpower the Coppermoly exploration team is planning a very fast startup.”
To find out more about Vangold Resources Ltd. please visit our website at www.vangold.ca or
contact Dal Brynelsen at 604-684-1974 or by email brynelsen@vangold.ca.
On Behalf of the Board of
“Dal Brynelsen”

wenn das, was wir bei PK erleben, voll im Plan ist, na dann weiß ich aber nicht.... bzw, mich wundert dann gar nichts mehr.
ja, man weiß mitunter garnicht wo man zuerst lesen soll! :)

-NioGold nimmt auch langsam Fahrt auf

sachmal, Mosquito liefert dolle Ergebnisse und kommt nicht vom Fleck, liegt das wirklich "nur" daran das es Molyoxid iss........... :gruebel:
die Kupfergrades sind doch auch net schlecht

unentdeckt und ungehyped
momentan fuer noch nicht plazierte und gecoverte Werte ganz ganz schwierig die Fuesse auf den Boden zu bekommen

aber ein Indiz fuer die unterbewertete Situation ist fuer mich, dass Mineralfields, Longview, Pinetree und Firebird verstaerkt kaufen
genau, der erste Wert, der das Brush-Wellman Monopl bricht, das wird was!

bei VAN hab ich jetzt die Bestaetigung bekommen dass Mr. Bg (F.G.) mit an Bord ist :)
da hast Du natürlich Recht. Umso mehr beeindruckt mich aber immer wieder IBC. Da gibt es all diese Probleme nicht. Ich bin überzeugt davon, wenn die den Wert mal laufen lassen, alle an Bord sind, die da wohl dazu sollen, wird das eine Rakete. Alles was von dort rauskommt, macht einen hochprofessionellen und planvollen Eindruck. Und was Passin dazu gesagt hat, sollte uns mehr als nur aufhorchen lassen.
voll im Plan war falsch ausgedrueckt, sollte heissen:
wieder voll im Fahrwasser
revised filing document wurde angeblich akzeptiert

man darf ja nicht vergessen, wie viele Junior IPO Projekte von Oktober bis jetzt den Bach runtergegangen sind, weil man die Stuecke nicht am Markt plazieren konnte, keiner hat das geschafft, NGG und VAN wollten die auf Teufel komm raus beide aus-IPO-en, damit die sich selber finanzieren und nicht mehr die Muttergesellschaft belasten, hat nicht ganz geklappt, aber wenn der Markt jetzt wieder hoch geht, dann hat man eine schoene Posi in der Tasche, die dann plaziert werden kann

ich mach mir immer noch keine grossen Sorgen, das wird
das ist bei momentanem NGG urs eine Vorsteuerrendite von 10% fuer 33 Tage, nicht schlecht!
die PR ging uebrigens wegen der massiven Kritik auf den Boards raus, sowas sollten die unabhaengig davon machen
bei Pacific Kanon liegt man angeblich voll im Plan
IB wie erwartet stark nachgefragt, 95% Instis beimPP

February 22, 2008 - Vancouver, British Columbia - Vangold Resources Ltd ("Vangold”) is pleased
to report that New Guinea Gold Corp. (“NGG”) has repaid the $2M loan, announced on February 1,
2008, with interest calculated at a rate of 5% per annum. The loan was outstanding for 33 days.
Furthermore, as announced by the TSX Venture Exchange on February 20, 2008, it has accepted for
filing the issuance of the 400,000 bonus shares and 400,000 bonus warrants of NGG to Vangold. The
bonus warrants are exercisable for two years at $0.60. The shares and warrants are subject to a one year
hold period.
Mr. Dal Brynelsen, Vangold’s CEO and President commented: “We are very pleased that Vangold was
able to assist NGG with the bridge loan to enable the completion of the Coppermoly prospectus which
raised AU$8M for exploration on its copper/moly/gold deposits. While NGG was in a position to fund
Coppermoly it was the decision of NGG management that those funds be held in reserve for its Sinivit
project pending the upcoming warrant exercise.”
Vangold holds directly 1,000,000 shares in Coppermoly and a further 5,263,158 indirectly through it’s
shareholding in Pacific Kanon Gold Corp.
Mr. Brynelsen further commented: “The vast experience of NGG’s technical staff in exploration in
Papua New Guinea, combined with the previous historic drill results gives us a superior level of
confidence in the exploration success at Mt. Nakru and Simuku. Water access and a good road network
overcome many of the challenges normally encountered in this area of the world. With existing drill
equipment and manpower the Coppermoly exploration team is planning a very fast startup.”
To find out more about Vangold Resources Ltd. please visit our website at www.vangold.ca or
contact Dal Brynelsen at 604-684-1974 or by email brynelsen@vangold.ca.
On Behalf of the Board of
“Dal Brynelsen”

wenn das, was wir bei PK erleben, voll im Plan ist, na dann weiß ich aber nicht.... bzw, mich wundert dann gar nichts mehr.
Feb 25, 2008 09:01 ET
Kobex Resources Ltd.: Metallurgical Test Results Confirm Molybdenum Grade and Recovery Projections; Non Acid Generating Tailing Produced
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Feb. 25, 2008) - Kobex Resources Ltd. (Kobex) (TSX VENTURE:KBX) and its partner, U.S. Energy Corp. (NASDAQ Capital Market: "USEG") are pleased to provide the following update on the Lucky Jack Molybdenum Project:

A preliminary laboratory metallurgical test program has been completed at SGS-Lakefield Research on material from the Lucky Jack deposit. The test program was conducted on historical core and reject samples from previous drill programs conducted by Cyprus AMAX. The program included locked cycle testing which produced molybdenum concentrates assaying between 45 and 50% molybdenum at 86 to 90% molybdenum recovery from samples with a head grade of 0.30% molybdenum. This is in line with the historical projections by Cyprus AMAX. The developed process eliminates the use of cyanide which was previously proposed and simplifies the overall reagent scheme.

The process also includes a step to remove pyrite by flotation following molybdenum recovery. This processing addition removes the sulphide minerals from the main tailings flow and was undertaken to produce final tailings for surface storage having minimal environmental impact. A tailings characterization program conducted by Golder PasteTec is currently underway. This program includes a study of paste backfill with the objective of maximizing the placement of tailings underground as backfill to fill the voids left by mining. Environmental analysis of the tailings planned for surface storage produced by the locked cycle testing which incorporated the pyrite flotation step has been completed by both SGS-Lakefield Research and Golder PasteTec. In both of these analyses the neutralization potential ratio (NPR), which is the ratio of neutralization potential (NP) to acid generating potential (AP) was greater than 4.5 to 1. This is a strong indication the flotation tailings to be stored on surface will not be acid generating. Industry accepted criteria classify a material with NPR greater than 4 as having no potential for acid generation.

Maurice Tagami, Kobex COO stated, "We are very pleased with the results of the metallurgical test program. The ability to produce a high quality molybdenum concentrate with reasonable recovery at the laboratory scale is good news for the Project. The results of the addition of pyrite flotation as part of the process are extremely encouraging as we are committed to being able to design a mine and process plant which will have minimal environmental impact. A non acid generating tailing stream for surface disposal is another step towards our goal."

Kobex is also pleased to announce that its wholly owned subsidiary, Kobex Colorado Corporation, compiled a safety record for 2007 with over 36,000 hours worked with no lost time accidents. "Our Colorado based Project operations staff and contractors are to be commended for their exemplary safety record in our first year of the development of the Lucky Jack Project. Human health and safety is a top priority for our organization," Stated Leo King, President of Kobex.

On behalf of the Board of Directors

H. Leo King, President
Feb 25, 2008 09:27 ET
East Asia Minerals Expands Binebase Towards Bawone, With 2.72 g/t Gold Over 29.9 Metres From Surface
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Feb. 25, 2008) - East Asia Minerals Corporation (TSX VENTURE:EAS) is pleased to report that drilling on the Binebase Prospect at the Sangihe Property, Indonesia, continues to encounter significant epithermal gold mineralization from surface. Drill hole BID-16 cut 29.9 metres of 2.72 g/t gold and 6.74 g/t silver from zero metres depth, including 15.0 metres at 4.70 g/t gold, with the intercept under-reporting the true composite grade of the interval due to 1.85 metres of lost core being assigned zero value. In addition, at 76.0 metres depth the hole encountered 0.36 g/t gold and 7.65 g/t silver over 108.0 metres from an underlying fault breccia zone......
Orko Silver 1,80$ TH !! :juchu: :juchu: :centficken:
Orko Silver 1,80$ TH !! :juchu: :juchu: :centficken:


Feb 26, 2008 03:01 ET
New Trench and Pit Data Expands High-Grade Zone at Sacre-Coeur's Northwest Gold Project; 12 Meters Average 7.90 g/t Au
VANCOUVER, BC--(Marketwire - February 26, 2008) - SACRE-COEUR MINERALS, LTD. (the "Company") (TSX-V: SCM) (FRANKFURT: S5N) is pleased to report that further results from its trenching and test pitting program recently conducted on a portion of its Northwest Project area in Guyana continue to expand and demonstrate continuity of the zone of near surface high-grade gold mineralization. Test pit NWHTP yielded 12 meters averaging 7.90 g/t Au, which include a vein with true width of 0.8 meters grading 21.41 g/t Au hosted in mineralized country rock.

As reported previously, the Company is conducting a mechanized trenching program to further test the anomalous area identified by soil sampling in its Northwest Project area. Complete assays for four additional trenches and partial assays for seven trenches and one test pit have been received. Because the mineralized zones are sub-horizontal, trench and pit channel samples were oriented near vertical (normal to the dip of the mineralized structures) at sample stations located at approximate one meter intervals along the trenches. Selected results from some intersections of the mineralized zone are presented in the table below
Schöner Move gestern bei Largo-Baby, -LR8-!

Infos bzgl. ner Empfehlung etc. habe ich keine. Denke es war ne einfache Kurserholung, die ja überfällig erscheint. Mittel- bis langfristig weiter eine der top Chancen im Sektor!

Entscheidend dürfte natürlich die Machberkeitsstudie sein, die im Juni/Juli erscheinen soll. Die Entwicklung ist bis dato sehr vielversprechend und das wird sich meiner Meinung nach mit Geduld sehr im Kurs auszahlen! ;)

-RXC- Sabina Silver zeigte gestern ebenfalls ne schöne Tendenz im Kurs. Die guten Käufe kurz vor Handelsschluss stimmen mich positiv wobei die Aktie für ihre "Sturheit" bekannt ist.
Denke es gibt hier in den nächsten Tagen plötzlich nen Schub nach oben. Die Aktie stand vor einigen Wochen noch bei 1,60 - 1,80.... :whistle:

Das wird schon noch.... :friends:

-T5Q- Tenajon Resources, hier bin ich auch gespannt wann die mal nen nachhaltigen Schub nach oben macht.... Projektportfolio ist einfach der Hammer. Auf lange Sicht sind die aktuellen Kurse meiner Meinung nach verdammt gute Einstiegskurse 8)

:) Largo - gestern gut gestartet! und Aquila läuft auch schön weiter.........

» zur Grafik
dann dann wollen wir hoffen das es bei dir ruhig bleibt und der Rest sich auch beruhigt! :)

- nochmal zu MFM/CT - im Zuge der Platin"euphorie" sollte auch Largo weiter profitieren !
wird auch noch ein Kracher, Sacre, die erste NI43-101 kommt wohl im 1.Quartal - und die bisehrigen BE´s waren alle ne Wucht
"saueng" - aber "sau"gut :)

Feb 26, 2008 03:01 ET
New Trench and Pit Data Expands High-Grade Zone at Sacre-Coeur's Northwest Gold Project; 12 Meters Average 7.90 g/t Au
VANCOUVER, BC--(Marketwire - February 26, 2008) - SACRE-COEUR MINERALS, LTD. (the "Company") (TSX-V: SCM) (FRANKFURT: S5N) is pleased to report that further results from its trenching and test pitting program recently conducted on a portion of its Northwest Project area in Guyana continue to expand and demonstrate continuity of the zone of near surface high-grade gold mineralization. Test pit NWHTP yielded 12 meters averaging 7.90 g/t Au, which include a vein with true width of 0.8 meters grading 21.41 g/t Au hosted in mineralized country rock.

As reported previously, the Company is conducting a mechanized trenching program to further test the anomalous area identified by soil sampling in its Northwest Project area. Complete assays for four additional trenches and partial assays for seven trenches and one test pit have been received. Because the mineralized zones are sub-horizontal, trench and pit channel samples were oriented near vertical (normal to the dip of the mineralized structures) at sample stations located at approximate one meter intervals along the trenches. Selected results from some intersections of the mineralized zone are presented in the table below
hab mir gestern eine erste groessere Position Lydian International gekauft, die bgraben im Kosovo!

musste ich schon aus lokalpatriotischen Gruenden rein
Feb 26, 2008 07:00 ET
Rochester Receives Additional Ball Mill to Substantially Increase Mill Production
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Feb. 26, 2008) - Rochester Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:RCT)(OTCBB:RCTFF)(FRANKFURT:R5I): Dr. Alfredo Parra, President and CEO, announces that the larger capacity 10ft x 10ft Allis Chalmers ball mill and a Symons 4 1/4 standard secondary crusher have arrived at the Mina Real mill site in Nayarit, Mexico.

The Company's plans are to utilize this equipment to increase production capacity to the 300 tpd level. This is the most efficient operating capacity given the current mine production levels.

Once installed and operational the ball mill and crusher will increase the throughput tonnage to 300 tpd level for its milling facility, a 50% increase from current capacity. Foundations for the ball mill and power supply are under construction and anticipated to be completed shortly. The Company is expecting to have the new equipment installed and operational by end of second quarter of 2008. The existing ball mills will be held as back up to be used during periods of maintenance and can also be used to augment production levels from 300 tpd up-to 500 tpd if and when the Company determines to increase throughput production.

Production at the 300 tpd level will be the most efficient production level while the company continues with its mine development programs.

The Company anticipates by the middle of 2008 to be operating at a significant increase in daily throughput while concurrently processing higher grade ore along with improved silver recovery rates. This will coincide with the processing of the silver-rich ore from the Tajos Cuates mine, the Company's second mine.
Scorpio Reports on Mineralized Stockpile for Initial Mill Throughput at Nuestra Senora

VANCOUVER, Feb. 26, 2008 (Canada NewsWire via COMTEX News Network) --


Scorpio Mining Corporation (TSX:SPM) is pleased to provide an update on the mineralized stockpile material awaiting mill start up at the Company's 100% owned Nuestra Senora Project, Sinaloa State, Mexico.

Peter J. Hawley, Chairman, CEO reports, "We now have over 64,041 tonnes stockpiled on surface awaiting mill start up, which puts us in a strong position to stay ahead of the initial required mill feed. The current stockpile includes a mix of lower grade development material and is well suited for the initial mill commissioning and required fine tuning for optimal metal recovery. With formal stoping in progress and more stringent grade controls in place, less dilution will occur and head grades will increase. This higher-grade material will be used as mill feed once the mill facility is running at maximum recovery."

As of November 30, 2007, Stockpile No. 1 contained 52,148 tonnes at an average capped grade of 69 g/t silver, 0.08 g/t gold, 0.25% copper, 1.42% lead and 2.55% zinc based on 438 samples taken (Table 1). A capping grade of 552 g/t silver, 0.5 g/t gold, 2.83% copper, 6.77% lead and 11.80% zinc was used based on the 95th percentile of all core assay results in 2007.

Prior to September 2007, a total of 140 samples were collected directly from the existing surface stockpile from 28 backhoe pits, 2 to 2.5 metres in depth, using a 10 metre by 10 metre reference grid across the stockpile. Five samples were taken from the top to bottom of each sample hole. The grades obtained from this sampling were very homogenous with only 4 samples (3%) requiring capping. The capped grade of the pre-September 2007 stockpile was 61 g/t silver, 0.08 g/t gold, 0.21% copper, 1.41% lead and 2.39% zinc. The remaining 298 samples were taken underground on a daily basis from ongoing ore development, with a total of 5 representative muck samples taken from each round. Of these, 24 samples were capped (8%), which again reflects the homogeneity of the ore.

Grades obtained from muck sampling during the months of September and October (Table 1) are somewhat higher due to the greater percentage of mineralized material coming from the Main Nuestra Senora zone development compared to the lower-grade Hoag zone.

Table 1. Development Stockpile No. 1 - Metal Grades

Sampling Ag Au Cu Pb Zn
(g/t) (g/t) (%) (%) (%)
Pre-September 2007 61 0.08 0.21 1.41 2.39
September 2007 129 0.13 0.63 1.58 3.66
October 2007 67 0.07 0.13 1.42 3.12
November 2007 68 0.08 0.21 1.33 2.11
Average 69 0.08 0.25 1.42 2.55

Since January 31, 2008, development material has been being stockpiled in a separate area (Stockpile No. 2) and consists of an additional 11,893 tonnes. Complete assay results are pending.

President, Mr. D. Roger Scammell, PGeo, is the Company's Qualified Person for the Nuestra Senora project. Mr. Scammell is responsible for the current exploration and development program and has reviewed the contents of this release.


Peter J. Hawley

Chairman & CEO

This news release includes certain statements that may be deemed "forward-looking statements". All statements in this news release, other than statements of historical facts, that address future exploration drilling, exploration activities and events or developments that the Company expects, are forward-looking statements. Although the Company believes the expectations expressed in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results or developments may differ materially from those in forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in forward-looking statements include metal prices, exploration success, continued availability of capital and financing, and general economic, market or business conditions.

SOURCE: Scorpio Mining Corporation

Glenn Little, Jackson Little Holdings Ltd: (604) 930-4375, 1-888-930-4375, Email: jlconsulting@telus.net; Rich Kaiser, YES International: 1-800-631-8127, 001-757-306-6090 (outside North America), Email: yes@yesinternational.com
Copyright (C) 2008 CNW Group. All rights reserved.
Lydian Trenches 51m at 1.25 g/t Gold at Trpeza Prospect in Kosovo
Drill Testing of Positive Gold Results from 6 Trenches Underway
TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Feb. 26, 2008) - Lydian International Ltd. (TSX:LYD), a diversified U.K. mineral exploration and development company, today announced it has intersected significant gold grades including 51m at 1.25g/t gold, 38m at 1.08g/t gold and 31m at 1.33g/t gold, in six trenches across a 250m long zone of exposed sulphide gossan at its Trpeza prospect (Drazhnje project) in Kosovo (See Figure 1). Intersections are summarised in the table below.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------Trpeza Trench Results---------------------------------------------------------------------------Trench ID Length of Trench Significant Gold Intercepts---------------------------------------------------------------------------KTR-7 57m 31m @ 1.33g/t 3m @ 1.17g/t---------------------------------------------------------------------------KTR-8 59m 51m @ 1.25g/t---------------------------------------------------------------------------KTR-9 52m 6m @ 0.58g/t---------------------------------------------------------------------------KTR-10 34m 9m @ 0.51g/t---------------------------------------------------------------------------KTR-11 57m 12m @ 0.80g/t 3m @ 0.73g/t 3m @ 1.32g/t---------------------------------------------------------------------------KTR-12 81m 38m @ 1.08g/t---------------------------------------------------------------------------

"The Trpeza prospect hosts open-pit potential and is located just 1km north of our Drazhnje underground Zinc, Lead and Silver project," said Tim Coughlin, President and CEO of Lydian. "The drilling and geophysics should outline the depth and surface extent of the system, surface mapping and geophysics suggests it extends for at-least another 800m to the north and possibly further beneath covering volcanic rocks."

The Trpeza area was explored by Former Yugoslav workers in the 1980's but according to records was not tested for gold. The gold potential of the Trpeza area was recognised after Lydian's initial two-hole scout drilling programme in 2007 which returned DDZ-19, 18m @ 0.86g/t gold and DDZ20, 13m @ 1.8 g/t gold from surface. Trenching was then extended along a former Yugoslav geophysical anomaly to the north of these two drill holes. The Yugoslav geophysics suggests that the gold zone extends for a further 800m to the north (see Figure 1).

hab mir gestern eine erste groessere Position Lydian International gekauft, die bgraben im Kosovo!

musste ich schon aus lokalpatriotischen Gruenden rein
ich werde mal sehen, ob ich da nach meinem Skiurlaub (ab Freitag 2 Wochen) einen Field Visit machen kann, dann gibt es mal einen "@Fischlaender-on-site " Bericht!
Lydian Trenches 51m at 1.25 g/t Gold at Trpeza Prospect in Kosovo
Drill Testing of Positive Gold Results from 6 Trenches Underway
TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Feb. 26, 2008) - Lydian International Ltd. (TSX:LYD), a diversified U.K. mineral exploration and development company, today announced it has intersected significant gold grades including 51m at 1.25g/t gold, 38m at 1.08g/t gold and 31m at 1.33g/t gold, in six trenches across a 250m long zone of exposed sulphide gossan at its Trpeza prospect (Drazhnje project) in Kosovo (See Figure 1). Intersections are summarised in the table below.

hab mir gestern eine erste groessere Position Lydian International gekauft, die bgraben im Kosovo!

musste ich schon aus lokalpatriotischen Gruenden rein
Sparton 50k gekauft, wird der Ice heute geknackt ?? :evil:

Feb 26, 2008 16:05 ET
Largo Intersects 52 Meters Grading 0.26% WO3 and 0.18% Mo at Its Northern Dancer Tungsten-Molybdenum Project, Yukon
- Wide zones of tungsten and molybdenum mineralization reported at or above deposit grade in all of the holes

- Significant higher-grade intervals also reported

- Revised resource calculation targeting higher grade zones due at the end of the First Quarter

TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Feb. 26, 2008) - Largo Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:LGO) announces that it has received results for ten (10) drill holes totalling 1875 samples which is part of the recently completed drill program of 26 holes totalling 8,494 metres at the Company's 1,500 hectare Northern Dancer Tungsten-Molybdenum property which straddles the Yukon-British Colombia border, 290 kilometres east of Whitehorse.

Largo has now received results for twenty-four (24) holes totalling 4934 samples at this time. Assays are still pending on the two remaining holes. Work is now focused on modelling and on updating the resource, which is due to be completed in the first quarter.

The drill program focussed on upgrading and expanding the current mineral resource of 242 million tonnes grading 0.10% WO3 and 0.047% MoS2 including 36.8 million tonnes grading 0.085% MoS2 (reported in the April 2, 2007 press release) as well as on further defining the higher grade tungsten and molybdenum zones. Note that WO3 is Tungsten scheelite and MoS2 is molybdenite grade. Preliminary pit modelling was done in order to help maximize the effectiveness of the drill program.

Significant Highlights include:

- LT07-89 - 52.00 metres grading 0.26% WO3 and 0.18% Mo

- LT07-85 - 16.10 metres grading 0.23% WO3 and 0.02% Mo and 88.50 metres grading 0.15% WO3 and 0.05% Mo

- LT07-96 - 250.00 metres grading 0.11% WO3 and 0.05% Mo including 44.90 metres grading 0.14% WO3 and 0.05% Mo

- LT07-95 - 164.00 metres grading 0.14% WO3 and 0.03% Mo and 26.00 metres grading 0.24% WO3 and 0.04% Mo

The drilling has now tested the porphyry style mineralization along strike for 1.0 kilometre to a vertical depth of 500 metres and the zone ranges in width from 50 to 437 metres. The deposit remains open along strike and to depth. The mineralization consists of several generations of numerous quartz veins and veinlets crosscutting the various rock types within the limits the northeast trending structural zone. These veins and veinlets contain varying amounts of scheelite and molybdenite.

Andy Campbell, Vice President, Exploration at Largo Resources commented: "The drill program has been successful at achieving its goals of further defining the higher grade tungsten and molybdenum zones. Recent results continue to be very encouraging, with all ten holes reporting good grades at or above deposit grade over wide widths of mineralization, including three holes that have exceptional widths."

The Northern Dancer property hosts widespread tungsten-molybdenum porphyry style mineralization, the core of which has been partially delineated by 68 diamond drill holes and 496 metres of underground workings. Work to date has been completed by AMAX Minerals Exploration from 1977 to 1980 and by Largo Resources which completed a 17-hole diamond drill program in 2006. On April 2, 2007, Largo announced a NI 43-101 compliant inferred mineral resource of 242.0 million tonnes grading 0.10% WO3 and 0.047% MoS2 containing 508.1 million lbs. tungsten (WO3) and 151.0 million lbs. molybdenum (Mo) confirming Northern Dancer as one of the largest undeveloped tungsten-molybdenum deposits in the world. This resource includes a higher grade Mo zone of 36.8 million tonnes of 0.085% MoS2.

Please refer to Table 1 (Summary of Significant Assay Results - Northern Dancer Property, Yukon) which is appended to this news release for a summary of the above-noted drill results. Largo's website has the Northern Dancer 2007 Drilling Plan Map which provides a reference for the location of these holes on the property via the following link:


The Northern Dancer deposit is one of the world's largest known tungsten-molybdenum porphyry systems. The mineralization is hosted in fractures and veins associated with a northeast-trending sheeted vein system in calc-silicate (skarn) rocks and spatially related to a felsic intrusion (quartz-feldspar porphyry). The deposit, which has been tested by drilling for 1,000 metres along strike, 500 metres vertically and 600 metres in width, remains open along strike to both the northeast and southwest as well as at depth.

Tungsten and molybdenum mineralization are concentrated in two zones which partially overlap. In the core of the deposit, there is a higher-grade molybdenum zone where molybdenite occurs within and adjacent to the felsic intrusion. Surrounding and partially overlapping the molybdenum zone is a much more extensive tungsten zone where scheelite occurs in northeast-trending sheeted quartz veins in skarn.

Analytical work is being carried out at Acme Analytical Laboratories Ltd. in Vancouver, British Columbia, an ISO 9001-2000 certified laboratory. The samples are crushed to 70% passing 10 mesh, split to 250 g and pulverized to 95% passing 150 mesh. A 5-gram split is analyzed for Mo and W using a phosphoric acid leach followed by ICP-emission spectrometry. Then a second 5-gram split is analyzed for 36 elements by ICP-mass spectrometry using a hot (95 degrees centigrade) aqua regia leach. Routine check assays are performed at SGS Minerals in Lakefield, Ontario on sample rejects. Largo employs a systematic QA/QC program including standards, duplicates and blanks. Andy Campbell, P. Geo., Largo's Vice President of Exploration, is the Qualified Person responsible for the scientific and technical work for the program as defined under National Instrument 43-101 and has reviewed this press release.

About Largo

jetzt mit dem zweiten massive sulphide system auf Double Eagle, ein no-brainer!

also die Aktivitäten bei Largo haben schon ein "Gschmäckle"...

so kurz vor den News wird der Wert hochgezogen und das Management bekommt ohne Ende Optionen....

Largo Resources Ltd. (LGO)
As of February 25th, 2008
Filing Date Transaction Date Insider Name Ownership Type Securities Nature of transaction # or value acquired or disposed of Unit Price
Feb 20/08 Feb 20/08 Clarke, William Lloyd Direct Ownership Options 50 - Grant of options 50,000 $0.500
Feb 20/08 May 01/07 Gleeson, Patrick James Direct Ownership Options 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report
Feb 20/08 Feb 20/08 Battiston, Deborah Direct Ownership Options 50 - Grant of options 75,000 $0.500
Feb 20/08 Feb 20/08 McCarvill, Gerald Patrick Direct Ownership Options 50 - Grant of options 50,000 $0.500
Feb 20/08 Feb 20/08 Pearson, William Direct Ownership Options 50 - Grant of options 75,000 $0.500
Feb 20/08 Feb 20/08 Campbell, Robert Anderson Direct Ownership Options 50 - Grant of options 125,000 $0.500
Feb 20/08 Oct 26/07 Hoffman, Michael Direct Ownership Options 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report
Feb 20/08 Feb 20/08 brennan, mark peter Direct Ownership Options 50 - Grant of options 150,000 $0.500
Feb 20/08 Feb 20/08 Bharti, Stan Direct Ownership Options 50 - Grant of options 100,000 $0.500
Feb 17/08 Feb 05/08 brennan, mark peter Indirect Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 60,000 $0.418
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