• Am Sonntag, den 09.03.2025 erfolgt in den USA und Kanada die Umstellung auf Sommerzeit. Deswegen beginnt der Haupthandel ab Montag in den USA und Kanada bereits um 14:30 MEZ und endet um 21:00 MEZ. Bei uns findet die Zeitumstellung am 30.03.2025 statt. Dann haben wir wieder die "normalen" Handelszeiten.

Rohstoffthread (Archiv)

Für weitere Antworten geschlossen.

da hatte ich auch mit mehr gerechnet (Upmove, nicht Grades, die sind gut)
<<<<<<<<<<<< ABO-Update vom 28.02.08 >>>>>>>>>>>>
Hallo Herr XXX
<<< ABO-Update vom 28.02.08 >>>


Bleiben Sie hier nach 10% Gewinn nach 1 Woche auf jeden Fall weiter dabei! Am Dienstag wurden an der Heimatbörse in Canada rund 800.000 Stücke umgesetzt, und gestern ebenfalls wieder hohes Volumen mit 500.000 Stücken!

- Start der Produktion bereits am 31.03.2008

- Mine schon voll genehmigt!

- Infrastruktur, Stromanschlüsse, Entwässerung, Wohnanlagen, alles Fertig !

- April bis Juni: 500t Verarbeitung im ”Testbetrieb”

- Ab Juli wird der Durchsatz auf 1.000 Tonnen erhöht. Bei 1.000 Tonnen Tagesleistung wird die Mine pro Jahr 1,1 Mio. Unzen Silber, 18 Mio. Pfund Zink, 1,8 Mio. Pfund Kupfer und 9 Mio. Pfund Blei liefern.

- Ab 2009 soll dann die Leistung sogar auf 2.000 Tonnen täglich erhöht werden.

- Bei den derzeitigen Preisen und basierend auf der Cashflow-Projektion von ca. 1 CA$ je voll verwässerter Aktie und der Annahme eines realistischen Cashflow-Multiplikators von 6-8 beträgt der faire Wert von Scorpio Mining zwischen 6 bis 8 CA$ ! Da wir jedoch immer gerne erstmal konservativ bewerten sehen wir die Aktie von Scorpio Mining Mitte 2009 bei 4 CA$.

- Die anderen drei Projekte gibt es also praktisch geschenkt!

- Angehender Silberproduzent mit hohem Hebel bei überschaubarem Risiko und sollte daher in keinem längerfristig angelegten Rohstoff-Depot fehlen!!


:: stockreport.de ::
Der Bösenbrief für Gewinner
Herausgeber: Finance Publications GbR
Verantwortlich für den Inhalt: Daniel Schaad Bamberger Strasse 9 - 95359 Kasendorf
Salazar Intersects Massive Sulphide Mineralization at New Anomaly at Las Naves; Provides Exploration Program Summary at Sesmo Sur
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Feb. 28, 2008) - Salazar Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:SRL)(FRANKFURT:CCG) announces the intersection of 11 metres of massive sulphide mineralization at 115 metres depth (-55dip) at the Domo anomaly at Las Naves. The Domo anomaly was identified during the ground geophysics program and is located approximately 400 metres southeast from the Roble Anomaly. The drill program is continuing at Las Naves and assay results are pending. To view the core photos please view at: http://www.salazarresources.com/projects/curipamba/las_naves/roble.php

At this time the first phase of drilling and exploration at the Sesmo Sur area at the Curipamba Project, Ecuador has been completed and the Company wishes to provide this summary report of the program results. A total of 3,746 meters were drilled in 18 holes.

Drill Program

Location of the drill holes: (see Figure 3: http://media3.marketwire.com/docs/Figure%203.pdf)

CURI-07-001 692775.00 9849299.00 49300 270 -45 217.93
CURI-07-002 69277900 9849299.00 49300 90 -45 141.73
CURI-07-003 692762.03 9849396.64 49400 270 -45 167.64
CURI-07-004 692713.47 9849500.63 49500 273 -47 214.88
CURI-07-005 692665.21 9849500.77 49500 273 -45 104.85
CURI-07-006 692823.32 9849402.63 49400 271 -47 208.48
CURI-07-007 692908.36 9849300.10 49300 270 -45 254.50
CURI-07-008 692700.59 9849599.79 49600 270 -45 185.62
CURI-07-009 692765.00 9849395.00 49400 180 -80 131.00
CURI-07-010 692302.00 9849497.00 49500 90 -50 295.96
CURI-07-011 692304.00 9849393.00 49400 90 -70 159.10
CURI-07-012 692651.00 9849298.00 49300 270 -50 272.79
CURI-07-013 692684.00 9849700.00 49700 270 -50 298.70
CURI-07-026 692670.00 9849998.00 50000 90 -50 140.50
CURI-08-027 692900.00 9849500.00 49500 90 -60 300.50
CURI-08-028 692475.00 9849400.00 49400 90 -70 326.70
CURI-08-031 692575.00 9849700.00 49700 270 -50 181.65
CURI-08-033 692775.00 9849437.50 49400 270 -50 143.55
TOTAL 3746.08
Drill Results

Please review past news releases for results from drill holes 1-12.

In spite of the presence of a hydrothermal breccia with strong silica-pyrite alteration, drill hole 13 reported no significant values.

Drill hole 26 is located 500 meters north from the hydrothermal breccias intersected in drill holes 01 and 03; geologically, it's a stockwork of sphalerite veinlets with traces of chalcopyrite in volcanic andesites. The most significant values reported are:

Hole # From To (m) Au (g/t) Ag (g/t) Cu(%) Pb(%) Zn(%)
CURI-08-026 32.10 37.3 5.20 0.14 5.2 0.13 - 1.26
Drill hole 27 reported no significant values.

Results from drill holes 28, 31, and 33 will be released shortly.

Exploration Summary at Sesmo Sur

The first phase work program at Sesmo Sur was detailed and has generated an extensive data set. The Company is now analyzing all results of the phase 1 drill and exploration program and is in the planning stage for the Phase 2 drill program. The results of the first work program, along with new detailed mapping of the area and an interpretation of the ground geophysics induced polarization will assist the Company in targeting the focus of future work. Considering the results of the first phase program where the Company have intersected the mineralized body in several drill holes, the next phase will focus in following up on this initial success searching for the extension of these mineralized bodies.

Phase 1 work completed:

Ground geophysics grids have been cut every 100 meters and at a spacing of 50 meters totaling 55 linear kilometers (see figure 4, 5: http://media3.marketwire.com/docs/Figure%204%2c%205.pdf). In addition, 600 metres of trenches have been completed. A total of 325 rock chip samples were collected with lengths varying between 0.5 and 5 meters (101 trench samples, 90 outcrop samples, 24 float and 110 manual pit samples of 1 to 4 meters depth). Values ranged from 0.01 to 16.65 g/t gold and 0.01 to 1665 g/t silver.

Significant sample results include:

- 44 m at an average of 3.21 g/t gold and 15 g/t silver;

- 52 m at an average of 3.71 g/t gold and 162 g/t silver;

- 29 m at an average of 2.66 g/t gold and 14 g/t silver;

- 12 m at an average of 1.07 g/t gold and 183 g/t silver;

- Several float (sub outcrops) of hydrothermal breccia with barite and polysulphides; significant results: 1.5 g/t gold and 471 g/t silver, 1.64 g/t gold and 1665 g/t silver, 1.85 g/t gold and 415 g/t silver, among others.

Also, 593 soil samples were collected, 157 channel samples, and 378 auger samples with depths ranging from 1 m to 4 m. The soil sampling results has confirmed the presence of a hydrothermal breccia zone. The soil sampling also identified two gold and silver anomalies with coincident copper and lead (see figures 1 and 2: http://media3.marketwire.com/docs/Figure%201%2c%202.pdf).

At 350 meters north from the Sesmo Sur anomaly, the Company identified an outcrop 20 meters in diameter with high silicification and disseminated sphalerite. The sampling of this outcrop returned grades of 2.48 g/t gold and 2% zinc.

Lastly, the Company's "Aeromapa" completed the topographic restitution of a 12 000 hectare area at a scale of 1:5000.

Geophysics Summary at Sesmo Sur

Geofisica Consultores were contracted to complete a ground geophysics program at the Curipamba Property. They completed the data collection with geophysicist John Buckle providing the interpretation, conclusion and recommendations. A total of 55 linear kilometers of magnetometry was completed covering the following anomalies: Sesmo Sur, La Vaquera and Agua Santa. Also 7 line kilometres of induced polarization with stations spaced every 25m was completed on lines 9300, 9400, 9500 and 9600. The magnetometry survey covers an area 3.5 kilometers west to east and 2 kilometers north to south, with stations spaced every 12.5 meters (figure 4, 5: http://media3.marketwire.com/docs/Figure%204%2c%205.pdf).

Results indicate:

- A significant magnetic low corresponding with an identified zone of hydrothermal breccias; and areas with strong argillic-sericite-pyrite alteration; the flanking magnetic highs imply surrounding unaltered mafic rocks.

- A significant induced polarization anomaly on lines 9300 to 9500 has amplitudes consistent with very high chargeability values that are characteristic of semi-massive to massive sulphide bodies. Line 9600 appears to indicate the limit of the anomalous unit to the north; however it is open to the south of line 9300. The anomaly is clearly observed in the data over 300 meters in length by 150 meters in width with a shallow dip to the west. It appears to broaden at a depth of 120 meters with observed continuation below 200 meters. The anomalous zone strikes approximately N 20 E.

The geophysics program is ongoing and will include the completion of 50 linear kilometers of induced polarization between Sesmo Sur, La Vaquera and Agua Santa (see figure 1).

During the field exploration program at Sesmo Sur and surrounding areas, the Company successfully discovered two additional anomalous areas that require priority follow-up in the next phase of the exploration program. Descriptions are as follows:

La Vaquera Anomaly

During the exploration program performed at Gatuza Creek, within the area known as La Vaquera, various float samples were collected up to 5 meters in diameter consisting of quartz stockwork in strongly silicified rock and rock blocks and strong sericite- argillic-pyrite alteration. Results determined that the Company had discovered a significant geochemical anomaly. La Vaquera is located approximately 2000 meters west from the Sesmo Sur anomaly A total of 14 samples were collected (float and outcrop), values ranging from 0.01 to 16.3 g/t gold, from 0.1 to 136 g/t silver and from 7 to 5580 g/t copper. Results are presented in the following table:

Sample- With
ID Type (m) Au g/t Ag g/t Cu PPM Pb PPM Zn PPM
356 float 0.59 4.3 6240 9 1095
357 float 0.04 0.2 34 3 9
365 float 1.09 0.4 3810 127 298
366 float 0.08 0.5 490 5 44
367 float 0.01 0.1 35 14 3
368 float 2.49 1.8 2210 97 229
1000 float 1.81 18.4 212 661 321
1001 float 16.30 2.6 2190 64 182
1002 float 1.13 0.1 2180 45 251
1014 float 1.10 136.0 3460 15 90
1015 float 0.04 10.8 5580 5 2
1003 outcrop 2 0.01 0.1 7 5 111
1066 outcrop 3 0.02 0.3 278 7 39
1067 outcrop 2 1.58 0.7 2830 8 216
Also, a total of 256 soil samples were taken at La Vaquera by auger. The soil sample results have uncovered an important anomaly approximately 200 meters in length with concentrations higher than 100 ppb gold in a strongly altered zone of sericite - argillic - pyrite.

A ground geophysics induced polarization program is currently taking place and preliminary results indicate a high chargeability / low resistivity anomaly approximately 400 meters in length.

The next work phase will include completion of the ground geophysics program, interpretation of results, followed by a targeted drill program. The Company estimates that La Vaquera will be drill ready within three months.

Quebrada Agua Santa Anomaly

Three creeks localized near Guabito town were investigated during the regional prospecting program. Several metre size floats of jasper and hydrothermal breccias enriched in barite, pyrite and sphalerite were encountered. The Company collected 29 float samples and results returned values ranging from 0.03 to 4.99 g/t gold, 0.1 to 496 g/t silver, and 7 to 28900 g/t zinc; anomalous copper and lead values were also reported. These results determined that the Company had discovered another significant geochemical anomaly. This anomaly is located approximately 1500 meters northeast from the Sesmo Sur anomaly.

Results are listed in the following table:

Sample- With
ID Type (m) Au g/t Ag g/t Cu PPM Pb PPM Zn PPM
173 Float 0.10 2.8 88 80 27
174 Float 1.33 11.8 784 143 153
175 Float 0.16 5.5 489 336 250
176 Float 0.14 3.0 342 50 439
177 Float 0.23 5.8 262 240 798
178 Float 0.18 2.5 34 39 14
179 Float 4.99 496.0 2060 9910 18400
181 Float 0.14 3.9 97 50 94
314 Float 0.44 3.4 423 582 596
319 Float 1.79 30.7 895 1120 358
324 Float 0.23 9.0 991 28 112
325 Float 0.16 8.6 70 26 38
326 Float 0.10 1.2 174 92 37
327 Float 0.07 3.1 108 22 24
384 Float 1.33 42.9 1810 592 28900
385 Float 1.07 5.7 300 2390 1100
386 Float 0.03 1.6 14 15 46
387 Float 0.29 7.9 768 912 582
388 Float 0.06 0.7 10 27 145
389 Float 0.36 2.4 4170 54 28200
432 Float 0.24 2.5 1080 225 1680
433 Float 0.27 10.9 214 1850 3380
434 Float 0.13 2.5 266 18 912
459 Float 0.01 0.1 17 2 84
464 Float 0.04 0.2 3 7 16
465 Float 0.77 39.0 300 5600 8580
15084 Float 0.03 0.6 109 8 6
15143 Float 0.09 3.1 99 17 54
1049 outcrop 3 0.01 0.8 89 20 10
15141 outcrop 3 0.03 0.5 488 3 26
15142 outcrop 3 0.08 1.5 54 84 65
The next exploration phase at Quebrada Agua Santa anomaly includes the completion of a geochemical soils survey and a ground geophysics induced polarization program. This work phase will be implemented immediately.

Mr. Fredy Salazar, President, states, "We are pleased to have advanced our project at a rapid pace at Sesmo Sur, gathering a large amount of data from which we will be able to make clear targeted decisions for our next work phase at Sesmo Sur and the surrounding areas. We are also encouraged to discover two more anomalous areas near Sesmo Sur that will garner priority follow-up in the coming months.

The drilling at Las Naves is progressing well, and with the recent addition of a second drill rig on site, and an ongoing ground geophysics program complimenting our drilling and aiding in the discovery of new anomalies such as Domo, we are pleased that Las Naves' potential continues to develop."

Dr. Howard Lahti, P. Geo, the Qualified Person (QP) for the Company has reviewed this news release and is responsible for its accuracy.

Samples preparation was performed by ALS Chemex Quito, Ecuador, using standard industry practices (Sample prep -32). Analytical work was carried out at the ALS Chemex Laboratory in Lima, Peru, using fire assay methods for gold (Au-25 procedure). Standard samples, blanks and duplicate check samples were randomly inserted to the sample batch to ensure quality control.

To view maps and photos related to the Curipamba Project please visit www.salazarresources.com.


Fredy Salazar, President & CEO

Salazar Resources Limited

Salazar Resources Ltd. is a publicly-listed (TSX VENTURE:SRL) mineral resource company engaged in the exploration and development of new highly prospective areas of Ecuador. Led by a senior Ecuadorian management team and most notably by its namesake Fredy Salazar, this team has been instrumental in other major discoveries throughout Ecuador, including Aurelian's Fruta del Norte discovery, IAMGold's Quimsacocha Deposit, Mozo Deposit, Ex Newmont's Cangrejos Project and International Minerals Rio Blanco and Gaby Deposit. Being an Ecuadorian based company gives us a strategic advantage enabling us to complete exploration at a rapid pace, with over sixty personnel on the ground, including twelve geologists. With an excellent property portfolio (4 projects - 131,300 hectares), good geopolitical positioning and a number of strategic corporate and financial partnerships, Salazar has positioned itself to be a strategic player in Ecuador.

The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or the accuracy of this release.

Salazar Resources Limited
Fredy Salazar
President & CEO
Email: fsalazar@salazarresources.com


Salazar Resources Limited
Nick DeMare
Director & Secretary
(604) 685-9316
Email: ndemare@chasemgt.com


Empire Communications Inc.
Jeff Tindale
Investor Relations
(604) 484-0066
Email: info@salazarresources.com
Website: www.salazarresources.com
SILVER WHEATON is the largest mining company with 100% of its revenue from the sale of silver. Having silver purchase contracts with five separate mines, the Company expects to sell approximately 13 million ounces of silver in 2007, growing to 25 million ounces by 2010. The Company purchases all or a portion of the silver production from Goldcorp mines in Mexico, Lundin Mining's Zinkgruvan Mine in Sweden, Glencore's Yauliyacu Mine in Peru and European Goldfields' Stratoni Mine in Greece . Silver Wheaton's unique and simple business model is designed to create long-term shareholder value, providing for strong upside potential with downside protection. Silver Wheaton is unhedged and well positioned for further growth.
Vangold Reports on Uganda Properties
VANCOUVER, BC, Feb 28, 2008 (MARKET WIRE via COMTEX News Network) --

Vangold Resources Ltd. (TSX-V: VAN) "Vangold" holds 20 Exploration Licences in Uganda through Rwenzori Copper & Nickel Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary. Targeted minerals include gold, nickel - PGM, and copper - cobalt.

Mr. Locke B. Goldsmith, P.Eng., P.Geo., V. P. Exploration, presently in Uganda, has provided the following report:

Vangold's history of exploration in Uganda dates from 1994. The Kafunjo, Kilembe, and Fort Portal projects were developed in the following years. Active exploration resumed in 2007, with programs planned and in progress in 2008 on all licences.

Releases in January 2008 of airborne magnetic and radiometric geophysical surveys covering two areas (Blocks 1 & 6) have been purchased and are being interpreted by a geophysicist. As additional Blocks are released the data will be acquired.

Programs are now being organized in Kampala. Letters of introduction to regional authorities have been provided from the Geological Survey. Field examinations will begin in March. A new 4x4 Toyota Land Cruiser has been purchased and other field supplies are on hand.

Kafunjo Licences

Three adjacent licences are located in southwest Uganda near the triple junction of Tanzania, Rwanda, and Uganda. A strong 7 km long coincident pairing of magnetic and gravity anomalies occurs on a trend which arcs from the ultramafic-hosted nickel-PGM deposits at Kabanga and Kagera in Tanzania.

Previous exploration by Vangold (1994-1995) included a drill test to depths of approximately 350m. Reinterpretation of the geophysics and drill core suggests that the upper part of the causative body is 600-800m below surface. Study of pyrrhotite-silica veinlets determined that they are of hydrothermal origin. Sulphur isotopes are similar to those from the massive copper - silver deposits at Mt. Isa, Australia.

Possible deposit models include nickel - PGM in ultrasmafics, massive to disseminated copper sulphides, and IOCG (Iron oxide - copper - gold) of the Olympic Dam, Australia type.

Work now commenced includes a gravity survey over the centre of the anomaly. A proposal for the survey has been submitted to the geophysical section of the Petroleum Department of the Uganda Geological Survey, for completion in mid-March. Diamond drilling to depths of 1000m or more is planned. A suitable drill is being sought; one or more may be available by April.

Kilembe Licences

Five contiguous licences extend southwesterly from the formerly productive Kilembe Mines Ltd. (Falconbridge) copper - cobalt mine which operated from 1956 - 1972. The area covered by the Vangold licences includes the favorably mineralized horizon. Exploration by Kilembe Mines in the 1956 - 1961 period identified several copper - cobalt occurrences on which a few confirmatory holes were drilled. At the time, mining centered on the eastern deposits and the southwestern deposits were regarded as future developments.

Exploration this year will begin with GPS relocation of the occurrences, geological mapping and sampling, and possibly drilling.

West Nile Licences

Nine licences are positioned adjacent to the DRC - Uganda border. The rocks to be investigated are Proterozoic metavolcanics and amphibolites which may host gold deposits. Occurrences of placer gold are known; no bedrock sources of gold have been found. These strata trend southwesterly into DRC where important gold deposits are under development.

Initial examinations will include prospecting and sampling. Detailed programs will be planned as may be warranted.

Fort Portal Licence

One licence northeast of Fort Portal is held to cover a copper - cobalt and a gold occurrence, both located on a segment of the productive Kilembe series of rocks. Exploration by Vangold (1996 - 1998) relocated a geochemical and electromagnetic anomaly which had been identified and drilled by Kilembe Mines. One drill hole by Anglovaal (option from Vangold) in 1998 was sited incorrectly and did not intersect the zone. Placer gold has been recovered by artisan miners from the southern part of the licence; a bedrock source has not been located.

Work will include reestablishing the location of the copper - cobalt mineralization and positioning of drill stations. Prospecting of the gold occurrence will begin.

Kamwenge Licence

One licence is held in an area of gold occurrences southeast of Fort Portal. Vangold has done no work on this prospect. Reconnaissance prospecting will determine the nature of additional work.

Buguri Licence

One licence in eastern Uganda is underlain by Archean Nyanza metavolcanics, a belt of rocks which hosts the mines of the Lake Victoria goldfields of Tanzania and Kenya. Historic work on the permit and vicinity by BGRM includes stream sediment, soil, pan concentrate, and outcrop sampling. Laterite / saprolite cover is extensive. Results indicate that targets for gold mineralization are present. No drilling was done.

The area is within Block 1 of the recent magnetic and radiometric survey, data from which Vangold has purchased and is now interpreting.

The program will first synthesize the new geophysical information with the regional geology. Thereafter field examination will begin to determine detailed exploration. Auger sampling to bedrock and ground geophysics may be considered, prior to drilling.

Program Supervision

The qualified person on site is Locke B. Goldsmith, P.Eng., P.Geo., V. P. Exploration, Vangold Resources Ltd., who has been in charge of the company's Uganda programs since 1994. He will conduct the field examinations, planning, and supervision, assisted by Uganda geologist David Kyagulanyi.

To find out more about Vangold Resources Ltd. please visit our website at www.vangold.ca or contact Dal Brynelsen at 604-684-1974 or by email brynelsen@vangold.ca.

On Behalf of the Board of VANGOLD RESOURCES LTD. "Dal Brynelsen" Dal Brynelsen, President and CEO

The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of the content of this news release. The statements made in this News Release may contain certain forward-looking statements. Actual events or results may differ from the Company's expectations. Certain risk factors may also affect the actual results achieved by the Company.

Distributed by Filing Services Canada and retransmitted by Marketwire

Vangold Resources Ltd. P.O. Box 11622 1730 - 650 West Georgia Street Vancouver, BC, Canada, V6B 4N9 Phone: 604-684-1974 Fax: 604-685-5970 www.vangold.ca

SOURCE: Vangold Resources Ltd.

Vangold Reports on Oil and Gas Interests in Kenya, Rwanda and Armenia
VANCOUVER, BC, Feb 28, 2008 (MARKET WIRE via COMTEX News Network) --

Vangold Resources Ltd. (TSX-V: VAN) ("Vangold") has been actively working in Kenya, Rwanda and Armenia over the last 18 to 24 months. President and CEO, Dal Brynelsen, comments: "We have successfully opened offices in Yerevan and Nairobi to support our properties in Armenia, Kenya and Rwanda. We have staffed these offices with excellent technical people who have achieved an exceptional amount of information gathering and compilation with the help of consultants in the UK and Canada. All of the three properties which cover in total 43,000 sq kms have exhibited excellent potential for hydrocarbons. We are very encouraged and look forward with great excitement to the next several years for which we owe special thanks to our technical staff. At my request they have prepared the following report on our current operations and future plans."


Mr. Francis M. Karanja, the lead exploration geologist, reports: Vangold Resources Kenya, a wholly owned subsidiary of Vangold, has acquired an office in the Nairobi industrial area to provide technical support for operations in Kenya and Rwanda. Vangold Kenya has retained the services of a technical team comprising three geoscientist consultants and one administration officer. The three geoscientists include an exploration geologist, exploration geophysicist and a senior geologist. The experienced technical team has developed a clear operational plan and budget. The team has also acquired the SMT Kingdom software to undertake in-house interpretation and handling of the geophysical and geological data.

In Kenya, Vangold has acquired a large [12,270 km2] land package [Block 3A] which partly lies along the proven hydrocarbons fairway of Central Africa Rift system [CARS]. The Block 3A acreage occupies a convergence area of three sedimentary basins of Anza, Mochesa and Lamu Embayment. The Anza basin [Graben] in Kenya is the termination rift of the Central African Rift System in northeast Kenya. The basin forms the southeastern extension of the prolific Melut and Muglad rift basins in southern Sudan where working petroleum systems have been proved and oil discovered. Potential source rocks for hydrocarbon generation and evidences of a Cretaceous working [oil generation] petroleum system exist in Anza Graben in Chalbi sub-basin to the north-east of Block 3A. Past petroleum exploration in Block 3A include geological, geophysical and geochemical studies resulting in establishment of the geological setting and prospectivity of the block. The prospects associated with Anza Graben in Block 3A acreage are the most promising and will be given the first priority by Vangold management. Two exploratory wells have been drilled in Block 3A.

Vangold has already acquired the previous data on petroleum operations in Block 3A from the National Oil Corporation of Kenya and is now in the process of re-processing the data followed by interpretation, basin modeling, data integration and establishment of leads/prospects in Blocks 3A & 3B. Before the end of the Initial Exploration Period of three [3] contract years, Vangold will acquire more 2D/3D seismic data and drill one exploratory well.

In addition to Block 3A, Vangold has a one-year study option for Block 3B [12,270 km2] which lies in Lamu Embayment basin south of Block 3A. The block has adequate magnetic and gravity data with sparse seismic coverage. Two exploratory wells have been drilled in the block. Vangold will re-process the relevant geophysical data and undertake interpretation and integration of the data including basin modeling for possible existing of active Tertiary, Cretaceous or Jurassic age petroleum systems. The hydrocarbons prospectivity of Block 3B based on the existing data will be established and a lead map for the block generated. Vangold has the option to acquire the block under the Production Sharing Contract [PSC] or drop the acreage after one year of study.

The leadership in Kenya, both the government and opposition, are actively engaged in mediation talks that have resulted in reduced incidences of violence in the western region of the country. The eastern part of the country where Block 3 falls has remained unaffected and oil exploration activities of Lion petroleum [block 1], CNOOC [block 9] and Lundin [block 10a] continue unabated. Recent intervention by the US State Department, European Union, African Union and the rest of the world augurs well for the outcome of the talks.


On March 1, 2007 Vangold reported that it was granted the exclusive rights to commence negotiations for a production sharing license for oil and gas in the northwestern part of Rwanda. The concession, a 2,708 sq kms area, represented 11% of the landmass of Rwanda. Vangold's technical team had previously undertaken a technical review of all information available and negotiations commenced. Subsequently, in October 2007 Vangold successfully negotiated and signed a Technical Evaluation Agreement for the East Kivu Graben Basin area located in the Kivu Graben. A one-year technical study narrowed the area to 1,631 sq kms.

The main achievement Vangold envisages in Rwanda Kivu Graben is the establishment of the existence of potential sedimentary basin where hydrocarbons may have accumulated. The task to achieve the objective will involve undertaking a defined and specified airborne geophysical survey [gravity & Magnetic] programme in the entire Vangold's Kivu Graben block that includes the Rwanda portion of the Lake Kivu waters. The acquired data will be subjected to interpretation using state-of-art technology. Vangold has evidence of a possible working petroleum system in Kivu Graben with the existence of high carbon chain hydrocarbons in the deep waters of Lake Kivu. Such hydrocarbons originate from a source rock adequately matured and deeply [< 2,000m] embedded in the possible Tertiary lake sediments sequences in Kivu Graben. Lake sediments of Tertiary age outcrop at Gisakura area in southwest Rwanda.

The Kivu Graben is the southern extension of the Albertine Graben in Uganda and DRC where a Tertiary age working petroleum system has been proved and oil discovered by Tullow Oil and Heritage Oil. We believe a similar [Tertiary age] working petroleum system exists in Kivu Graben with a possibility of oil generation and accumulation in Kivu Graben. Therefore, Vangold has further commissioned ASAR imagery study of lake Kivu waters as a similar study in Lake Tanganyika to the south has revealed 10 oil seeps


Mr. Gerry Sheehan, Managing Director of Blackstairs Energy plc, reports as follows on Vangold's operations in Armenia:

An Exploration and Production Sharing Contract was signed with the Government of Armenia on April 27th, 2007. The contract covers the areas designated "Blocks 4, 5 and 6" and extends to c. 13,775 sq. km (c. 3.4 Million acres) in central and southern Armenia. The contract will be operated by Blackstairs Energy plc (50%) in partnership with Vangold Resources (50%). The associated "Exploration Licence Permit" and the "Licence Agreement" permits were also approved by the Armenian authorities in May 2007 and December 2007 respectively. These permits allow unrestricted access to the Licence Area and the commencement of various technical operations in the blocks.

The term of the contract is for 5 years with two additional extensions each of 2 years negotiable with the authorities. The work programme over the initial 5 years comprises Geological Studies, Gravity and Geochemical studies, Remote Sensing (Satellite Imagery) and 170 km of 2D seismic. The financial commitment is 2.4 Million $US over the initial 5 year term.

The commercial terms of the Exploration and Production Sharing Contract are attractive and serve to ensure that even quite small accumulations of either oil or gas will be viable for commercial development. Armenia currently imports all of its hydrocarbons and there is a ready open market for any indigenous hydrocarbons.

Geological Summary and Prospectivity

The sedimentary basins of Armenia are relatively under-explored. The geological history is complex due to the major Caucasus mountain-building structural events. Two main sedimentary basins are recognized -- the "South-Western Basins" extending west to Armenia's border with Turkey and the "Central Depression" covering the central part of the country extend east to the border with oil-rich Azerbaijan and south towards the border with Iran. Within these basins lie a series of smaller complex sub-basins. The structural style identified within these basins displays good potential for the development of multiple hydrocarbons traps with widespread evidence of folding, faulting and complex fault thrusts. The Central Depression covers most of the joint venture's Licence Area and contains a broad age range of sediments from the oldest Devonian era sequences right up to thick recent sediments. This broad sequence offers the potential for the development of various reservoir, source and seal combinations. In the extreme south in Block 6, adjacent to the Iranian border, a Jurassic-Cretaceous sub-basin is virtually unexplored and may offer significant hydrocarbon potential.

Previous hydrocarbon exploration has been patchy and unsystematic and undertaken using fairly basic geological and geophysical techniques. From 1947 up to 1990 the former Soviet authorities undertook fairly sporadic programmes of seismic and drilling, often lacking in geological and adequate seismic control. Two key well results emerged from this phase of exploration. The Shorakhpur-1P well east of the capital Yerevan encountered minor oil. Further west at Armvir the Oktemberyan-13E well flowed gas at low rates for 6 months. Numerous other boreholes encountered indications of both oil and gas and several oil and seeps are also well documented; these are scattered widely throughout the Licence Area. This phase was followed in the 1990s by a seismic and drilling campaign by AAEC. Their well -- Azat-1 -- drilled to 3524 metres and again encountered minor oil shows before being terminated for operational reasons. In 2007 Transeuro Energy Corp. drilled the Kamir-1 exploration well and reported an extensive reservoir interval with well logs indicating a thick zone of low gas saturations. Transeuro also reports that this well has now been suspended with a view to additional logging and testing programmes later in 2008.

The exploration programmes to date offer sufficient encouragement to infer the development of a working petroleum system. However, a more systematic geological and geophysical evaluation programme is required to advance our understanding of the hydrocarbon prospectivity. The Blackstairs-Vangold joint venture is now well advanced in developing a new geological model for the area. A team of local and western professionals has been assembled and a technical work progamme is underway. The historical data is being carefully analysed and incorporated to a modern GIS database. These data are already yielding valuable geological information and greatly assisting in the evolution of a new geological model for the area. In order to understand the major controls on structure formation and sedimentation a Remote Sensing study (high-resolution Satellite Imagery) was completed in 2007. This is being followed up with more focused evaluation of certain areas highlighted from the initial phase and field validation of newly identified geological trends is ongoing.

A major gravity survey (5000 stations) over Block 4 and 5 also started in 2007 and will resume in early summer 2008 -- this will serve to elucidate the subsurface structural trends and will be integrated with the Satellite Imagery and field structural and geological mapping. The ultimate objective of these studies is to highlight areas for a focused programme of 2D seismic acquisition targeted at significant structural trends in promising fairways for reservoir, seal, source rock and migration route development. Ultimately the joint venture aims to assemble a good quality prospect portfolio and rank these individually for a future drilling campaign.

In summary, the geological and geophysical data from the historic exploration programmes indicate extensive basinal areas with encouraging evidence that a viable petroleum system may be developed. The nature and complexity of the structural trends would indicate that a broad range of trap size is possible. The extensive stratigraphic sequences should offer multiple reservoir possibilities. The modern systematic exploration programmes being undertaken by the Blackstairs-Vangold joint venture should considerably add to our understanding of this petroleum system.

Blocks 4, 5 and 6 cover a very large area of virtually unexplored terrain. There are numerous and widespread indications of hydrocarbons, and the Licence Area represents a good quality acreage portfolio in a strategic region.

Management of Technical Activities & Licence Administration

Immediately on signing the Petroleum Contract, the Blackstairs Energy-Vangold Resources joint venture began putting a technical and office infrastructure in place in Yerevan. An experienced expatriate General Manager was appointed, local technical (geological and geophysical) financial and administrative staff recruited, and an office building with excellent communications and exploration technical software was configured. These activities are supervised and supported by the Blackstairs technical team in Dublin, Ireland. Considerable advances have already been made in the technical evaluation the Licence Area.

To find out more about Vangold Resources Ltd. please visit our website at www.vangold.ca or contact Dal Brynelsen at 604-684-1974 or by email brynelsen@vangold.ca.

On Behalf of the Board of


"Dal Brynelsen" Dal Brynelsen, President and CEO

The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of the content of this news release. The statements made in this News Release may contain certain forward-looking statements. Actual events or results may differ from the Company's expectations. Certain risk factors may also affect the actual results achieved by the Company.

Distributed by Filing Services Canada and retransmitted by Marketwire

Vangold Resources Ltd. P.O. Box 11622 1730 - 650 West Georgia Street, Vancouver, BC, Canada,
@ Fischländer

-JM6- Cooper Minerals sieht sehr gut aus! Schon 0,22 im Bid in FFM :juchu:

Und die Newspipeline ist gefüllt und ist überfällig :) :whistle:

-C2U- Dajin Resources

Hast Du die schon länger auf dem Radar? War für mich total unbekannt der Wert und bin mich gerade am einlesen. Falls Du interessante Eckdaten hast dann gib mal bitte ne Kurzübersicht. Thx!

Hab die auf Strong Watch! :kichern:

Es scheint die Zeit gekommen in der man sich den ein oder anderen total verprügelten kleinen Explorer mal ansehen sollte. Die ersten Rebounds laufen und der starke Run könnte uns erst bevorstehen (mit den üblichen harten Korrekturen natürlich :) )
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA, Feb 29, 2008 (Marketwire via COMTEX News Network) --

Tenajon Commences Mobilization of 2008 Drilling Program for the Moly Brook Molybdenum Project, Newfoundland

Significant Two-Drill Program to Delineate and Expand Existing Deposit

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA, Feb 29, 2008 (Marketwire via COMTEX News Network) --

Tenajon Resources Corp. (TSX VENTURE:TJS) (the "Company") is pleased to announce that it has begun mobilization of equipment to allow drilling to commence early this spring on its Moly Brook molybdenum property. The two-drill program will consist of a minimum of 6,100 metres of diamond drilling with the objectives of delineating the area of known mineralization, along strike and down dip of the currently defined Moly Brook Zone (the "zone"). The 2007 exploration program yielded significant success and showed that Moly Brook has the potential to host a significant bulk tonnage open pitable molybdenum deposit. The Moly Brook property is located 2.5 km from the hamlet of Grey River on the south coast of Newfoundland, less than 4 km from a deep water, ice free, navigable fjord.

Tenajon acquired the Moly Brook property in April 2007 and, in November of last year, completed a very successful 12 hole drill program totaling 3,633 metres in length. 2007 drilling encountered consistent, near surface, higher grade molybdenum intercepts over significant widths. The program extended the Moly Brook Zone to the north of the Moly Brook fault, as well as to the south of historical drilling carried out by Royal Oak Mines Inc. in the mid 1990's. Based on drilling to date, the zone has a strike length of approximately 750 metres and is open along strike and dip. Width is variable to 400 metres with the ultimate width of the zone not determined as several of the holes ended in significant mineralization. Significant historical drill results on trend, approximately 2km to the south of the Moly Brook Zone, further highlight the size potential of this deposit.

"Based on a very encouraging 2007 drill program, a significant multi-drill follow up program is warranted in order to quickly delineate the extent of the mineralized zone at Moly Brook," said Bruce McLeod, President & CEO of Tenajon. "In addition to encountering several higher grade molybdenum intersections with very little overburden, we are particularly encouraged by the size potential of the Moly Brook deposit." Exploration by previous operators and company personnel has shown a 1.8 km long trend of molybdenum mineralization to extend southwards from the Moly Brook Zone. In 1964, Buchans Mining completed two short packsack, small diameter drill holes at the south end of the trend. Both holes intersected anomalous molybdenum values with one of the holes averaging 0.057% Mo (0.095% MoS2) over its entire length of 27.53 metres. The last 7.61 metres of the hole averaged 0.118% Mo (0.197% MoS2). The Buchans drilling was completed before the implementation of NI 43-101 and Tenajon has no way of verifying the results In addition grab samples of molybdenum bearing veins located approximately 1100 metres to the south of the zone returned values of up to 0.297% Mo. Some of these targets will be followed up on in the 2008 drill program. Highlights of the 2007 drill program are below while complete results are attached at the end of this press release.

From To Interval Mo MoS2
Hole (metres) (metres) (metres) (%) (%)
MB 07-3 107.90 315.16 207.26 0.084 0.140
Incl. 132.28 244.15 111.87 0.108 0.180
or 150.57 217.63 67.06 0.138 0.230

MB 2007-4 14.02 392.35 378.33 0.078 0.130
Incl. 14.02 35.36 21.34 0.100 0.167
53.64 84.12 30.48 0.081 0.135
87.12 108.51 21.39 0.100 0.167
or 53.64 108.51 54.87 0.085 0.142
and 148.13 211.84 63.71 0.122 0.203
and 248.72 276.15 27.43 0.091 0.152
and 336.50 392.35 55.85 0.091 0.152

MB 2007-8 30.78 304.80 274.02 0.085 0.142
Incl. 80.47 91.14 10.67 0.142 0.237
110.95 120.09 9.14 0.177 0.295
or 74.37 291.39 217.02 0.097 0.162
Incl. 182.88 291.39 108.51 0.125 0.208

MB07-09 165.48 265.48 100.48 0.055 0.092
Incl. 195.35 231.95 36.60 0.087 0.145
295.05 311.20 13.11 0.051 0.083

At the Moly Brook Property molybdenite occurs primarily along the rims of a series of north trending, subvertical sheeted veins and fracture faces over an up to 450 x 1,100 metre area. On occasion quartz vein stockwork is formed with molybdenite occurring in all of the vein orientations. Molybdenite also occurs as disseminations within the intrusion. Up to 3% combined pyrite and chalcopyrite are commonly associated the molybdenite.

A surface route has been established which has allowed a dozer and excavator to travel from Grey River to the Moly Brook property so that drilling will be able to proceed using tracked equipment to move the drills. A camp is being established and drilling is scheduled to commence in early April.

The work at Moly Brook was completed by Geoscott Consultants under the supervision of Dave Visagie, P. Geo., a Qualified Person as defined by NI 43-101.

At Moly Brook, drill core was sawn into halves with one half being sent for analysis and the other kept for future reference. All samples were prepared at Eastern Analytical using a 600 gram split with the resultant pulp being analyzed at Acme Analytical Labs using a 4 acid digestion with analysis by Induced Couple Plasma (ICP). A stringent program of check, blank and duplicate sampling was employed throughout with duplicates standards and blanks being entered into the sample stream at regular intervals.

On Behalf of the Board of Directors


D. Bruce McLeod, President

This news release may contain forward looking statements which are not historical facts, such as ore reserve estimates, anticipated production or results, sales, revenues, costs, or discussions of goals and exploration results, and involves a number of risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those projected. These risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, metal price volatility, volatility of metals production, project development, ore reserve estimates, future anticipated reserves and cost engineering estimate risks, geological factors and exploration results. See the Company's filings for a more detailed discussion of factors that may impact expected results.

2007 Moly Brook Drill Results
To accompany Tenajon Resources News Release Dated February 29, 2008

From To Interval Mo MoS2
Hole (metres) (metres) (metres) (%) (%)
MB 07-1 4.27 7.32 3.05 0.037 0.062
and 46.93 62.17 15.24 0.029 0.048
and 119.48 123.13 3.65 0.048 0.080

MB 07-2 18.89 391.97 373.08 0.066 0.110
Incl. 18.89 40.23 21.34 0.134 0.227
and 226.16 335.89 109.73 0.097 0.162
or 182.58 391.97 209.39 0.077 0.128

MB 07-3 107.90 315.16 207.26 0.084 0.140
Incl. 132.28 244.15 111.87 0.108 0.180
or 150.57 217.63 67.06 0.138 0.230

MB 2007-4 14.02 392.35 378.33 0.078 0.130
Incl. 14.02 35.36 21.34 0.100 0.167
53.64 84.12 30.48 0.081 0.135
87.12 108.51 21.39 0.100 0.167
or 53.64 108.51 54.87 0.085 0.142
and 148.13 211.84 63.71 0.122 0.203
and 248.72 276.15 27.43 0.091 0.152
and 336.50 392.35 55.85 0.091 0.152

MB 2007-5 31.39 317.91 286.52 0.074 0.123
Incl. 31.39 37.49 6.10 0.137 0.228
and 55.78 83.21 27.43 0.095 0.158
or 31.39 83.21 51.82 0.081 0.135
and 128.93 152.10 23.17 0.099 0.165
208.18 317.91 109.73 0.085 0.142
Incl. 238.65 272.19 33.54 0.106 0.177
and 296.57 317.91 21.34 0.088 0.147

MB 2007-6 196.90 218.26 21.36 0.071 0.118
242.62 260.91 18.29 0.091 0.152
285.29 300.52 15.23 0.050 0.083
or 196.90 300.58 103.68 0.046 0.077

MB 2007-7 81.07 101.94 20.87 0.064 0.107
131.97 145.08 13.11 0.055 0.092
190.80 206.96 16.16 0.056 0.093
255.42 283.77 28.35 0.038 0.063
Incl. 280.11 283.77 3.66 0.124 0.207

MB 2007-8 30.78 304.80 274.02 0.085 0.142
Incl. 80.47 91.14 10.67 0.142 0.237
110.95 120.09 9.14 0.177 0.295
or 74.37 291.39 217.02 0.097 0.162
Incl. 182.88 291.39 108.51 0.125 0.208

MB07-09 165.48 265.48 100.48 0.055 0.092
Incl. 195.35 231.95 36.60 0.087 0.145
295.05 311.20 13.11 0.051 0.083

MB07-10 No Significant Results

MB07-11 205.74 227.08 21.34 0.054 0.090

MB07-12 206.09 242.62 36.58 0.055 0.092
Incl. 209.09 220.37 11.28 0.104 0.173

SOURCE: Tenajon Resources Corp.

Tenajon Resources Corp. D. Bruce McLeod President (604) 687-7545 or Toll Free: 1-888-338-2200 (604) 689-5041 (FAX) Email: info@northair.com Website: www.tenajon.com
Copyright (C) 2008 Marketwire. All rights reserved.
Noront heute neues ATH :eek:

Noront damit seit Mitte Januar + 100%....... :)

TJS - die macht ihren Weg - bald kommt das Resourcenupdate!
Sparton immernoch der Ice auf der 0,21 :twisted:
Mexico als Vorreiter für eine silbergedeckte Währung ?

Heute wieder schön zu sehen , wie sich Silber vom Gold etwas abkoppelt. Aktuell Silber +1,1% , Gold + 0,6%.

“IWF-Manipulationen gehen ins Leere”:
Experten sind zuversichtlich für Gold und Silber

RohstoffraketenNach Einschätzung des Börsenbriefs Rohstoffraketen setzt sich der seit 2001 andauernde Hausse-Zyklus bei Silber und Gold bis zum Jahr 2012 fort. Nach dem charttechnischen Ausbruch des Goldpreises ist die Kursentwicklung der “besten Währung der Welt” nach Ansicht der Experten nach oben offen. Obwohl Notenbanken und Finanzministerien bereits in der zweiten Jahreshälfte 2007 mehrmals versucht haben sollen, den Goldpreis nach unten zu drücken, hat Gold neue Rekord-Marken erreicht - für den Börsenbrief ein Zeichen für schwere Verwerfungen im globalen Finanzsystem.

Die Rohstoffraketen-Redaktion nimmt an, dass die Zentralbanken durch Verkäufe von Goldreserven den Goldpreis drücken und so versuchen, eine panikartige Flucht aus Papiergeldanlagen zu verhindern. “Steigt der Goldpreis zu stark in einem vergleichsweise kurzen Zeitraum an, würden immer mehr Menschen merken, dass etwas nicht stimmt”, so der Börsenbrief.
Rohstoffraketen: Rohstoffraketen: “Bis April / Mai 2008 Gipfelsturm in den Bereich von 1150 / 1200 USD bei Gold”
Rohstoffraketen: “Bis April / Mai 2008 Gipfelsturm in den Bereich von 1150 / 1200 USD bei Gold”

Tatsächlich haben die Gold-Verkäufe durch Zentralbanken wenig bewirkt, da das Gold von arabischen Ölförderstaaten, der russischen Zentralbank sowie reichen Adressen aus Quatar und der Schweiz direkt aufgekauft worden sein soll. Da die Verkäufe durch Zentralbanken im Hinblick auf die Preisentwicklung in der Vergangenheit wenig “erfolgreich” waren, gab das US-Finanzministerium kürzlich bekannt, dass man den Verkauf von Teilen der IWF-Goldreserven unterstützen wird. Nach der Ankündigung gab der Goldpreis am vergangenen Dienstag zunächst deutlich nach, um bereits einen Tag später ein neues Zwischenhoch bei 965 USD zu markieren. Dieser Kursverlauf deutet nach Ansicht von Rohstoffraketen auf eine “enorm starke fundamentale Triebfeder hin”.

Dass der angekündigte Verkauf von IWF-Gold den Markt offensichtlich nur kurzfristig schocken konnte, erklärt der Börsenbrief so: “In der ‘Bilanz’ des IWF sind die Begriffe ‘Gold’ und ‘Goldforderungen’ unter einer Position zusammengefasst. ‘Goldforderungen’ sind aber nichts anderes als verliehene Goldbestände an Geschäftsbanken, die längst verkauft worden sind. Ob man dieses Gold jemals zurück bekommen wird, steht in den Sternen - man kann es auf jeden Fall nicht noch einmal verkaufen.”
Gibt es bald wieder eine Silber-Währung? Mexikos Pläne befeuern den SilberpreisGibt es bald wieder eine Silber-Währung? Mexikos Pläne befeuern den Silberpreis
Gibt es bald wieder eine Silber-Währung? Mexikos Pläne befeuern den Silberpreis

Auch Silber hat in den vergangenen Monaten neue Höchstkurse erreicht. Rohstoffraketen führt dies auf die geplante Einführung des Silber-Standards in Mexiko zurück. Im vergangenen Dezember hatten Kongressabgeordnete verschiedener Parteien den Gesetzesentwurf unterzeichnet und somit dem Wunsch von immer mehr Mexikanern nachgegeben, endlich eine stabile Währung auf Silber-Basis zu erhalten. In der Vergangenheit hat es die US-Notenbank nach Einschätzung von Rohstoffraketen immer wieder geschafft, die Einführung einer Silber-Währung zu verhindern.

Sollten sich die Pläne in Mexiko durchsetzen, könnten auch weitere Länder eine Silber-Währung einführen, so der Börsenbrief. “Egal wie das Ganze ausgehen wird - immer mehr Menschen werden erkennen, dass es sich bei Silber um echtes Geld handelt. Der Silberpreis steht damit vor gigantischen Kursschüben”, so das Fazit von Rohstoffraketen.
Mar 03, 2008 03:01 ET
Amera Resources Corporation: Additional High-Grade Copper Results on Mitu Project; Geophysics Program Begins to Refine Drill Targets

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - March 3, 2008) - Amera Resources Corporation (TSX VENTURE:AMS)(OTCBB:AJRSF)(FRANKFURT:OAY)(WKNA0B54E) is pleased to report results from 15 new rock chip samples collected on its 100%-owned, 5,800 hectare Mitu Copper-Silver Project in Junin Department, Peru. Highlights include chip samples assaying 6.33% copper and 336 grams per tonne silver over 0.75m and 7.16% copper and 534 grams per tonne silver over 0.20m.

Additionally, the Company is pleased to announce that an Induced Polarization (IP) and ground magnetic survey, conducted by VDG del Peru SAC (formerly, Val D'Or Geofisica), is currently underway on Mitu to refine drill targets. The geophysical survey program is expected to be completed within the next few weeks. A Phase I diamond drill program at the Mitu Copper-Silver Project will commence once the ongoing drill program is completed on the Company's Laguna Gold Project.

"To date, surface sampling from our Mitu Project has yielded some very high copper assay results," stated Mr. Nikolaos Cacos, President and C.E.O. "With copper prices exceeding $3.80 per pound, Amera's Mitu project is an excellent opportunity for our shareholders to increase their exposure to the very strong bull market in copper."

The Mitu property occurs in a similar geological setting as Amera's Cocha Copper-Silver Project where recent drilling returned assays including 37.9m averaging 3.61% copper and 38.2 g/t silver (see January 11, 2008 News Release). Examples of this style of sediment-hosted copper-silver deposits include the giant Lubin Deposit (52 Mt Cu, 2,275 M oz Ag(1)) in the Kupferschiefer district of Poland and the White Pine Deposit (8.3 Mt Cu, 800 M oz Ag(1)) in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Previous surface results from Mitu, including 4.5% copper and 128 grams per tonne (g/t) silver over 1.2m and 6.2% copper and 324 g/t silver over 0.4m, were reported in the Company's May 8, 2006 News Release.

Technical Summary

The Mitu copper-silver property is located 80km southeast of the historic mining camp of Cerro de Pasco and 110km northwest of the Company's Cocha copper-silver project. Mitu is easily accessible via paved road and can be worked year-round.

In January Amera carried out additional geologic mapping along with rock and soil sampling on the property to further define drill targets. Work focused on an area covering four discrete stratabound copper-silver mantos (0.45m to 0.78m thick) within a 250m thick package of Permian-aged Mitu Formation sandstone and limestone that has been traced for 1200m along strike. Mineralization comprising chalcopyrite-chalcocite-malachite-azurite-broncantite is associated with grey-carbonaceous chlorite-altered sandstone and forms millimeter-scale lenses with calcite-pyrite-quartz gangue.

A total of 15 rock outcrop samples and 51 soil samples were collected. Rock sample assays range from 212 to 71,600 ppm copper (7.16%) and 0.2 to 534 ppm silver (g/t). Rock channel samples collected from mineralized mantos and adjacent wall rock are presented as weighted averages in Table 1 below. Soil sample assays range from 3 to 359 ppm copper and 0.2 to 0.6 ppm silver. Soil samples were collected along three grid lines every 30m with lines spacing 250m and 500m. The lines are oriented perpendicular to the strike projection of the mantos and extend the grid toward the northeast from five earlier soils lines.

Table 1: Assay Highlights for Chip Channel Samples
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Average Grade Cu Ag -----------------------Sample # Description Width (m) ppm ppm Width (m) Cu % Ag ppm---------------------------------------------------------------------------426562 Hanging wall 0.70 797 4.7--------------------------------------------------426563 Manto 0.20 71,600 534.0 1.50 1.10 74.0--------------------------------------------------426564 Footwall 0.60 2720 1.6---------------------------------------------------------------------------426565 Footwall 0.75 2520 0.4--------------------------------------------------426566 Manto 0.75 63,300 336.0 1.72 2.91 146.8--------------------------------------------------426567 Hanging wall 0.22 2960 0.6---------------------------------------------------------------------------426568 Footwall 1.00 6120 9.2--------------------------------------------------426569 Manto 0.50 67,700 144.0 2.50 1.73 32.8--------------------------------------------------426570 Hanging wall 1.00 3340 0.7---------------------------------------------------------------------------426571 Footwall 1.15 8620 16.3--------------------------------------------------426572 Manto 0.80 27,700 84.5 2.55 1.26 33.9--------------------------------------------------426573 Hanging wall 0.60 212 0.2---------------------------------------------------------------------------426574 Footwall 1.00 4050 4.7--------------------------------------------------426575 Manto 0.50 68,000 262.0 2.50 1.53 54.4--------------------------------------------------426576 Hanging wall 1.00 254 0.3---------------------------------------------------------------------------

Conceptual targets at Mitu include the convergence or thickening of the four mantos down-dip of the surface outcroppings. To test this hypothesis 200m spaced pole-dipole induced polarization (IP) and magnetics ground surveys are being carried out over the down dip extension of the mineralized horizons to generate drill targets.

Updated maps for the Mitu Copper-Silver Project can be viewed at www.ameraresources.com.

Analytical determinations for results presented herein were conducted by ALS Chemex Laboratories, an internationally-recognized analytical services provider, in Lima, Peru using gold fire assay with atomic absorption finish and ICP for multielement analyses. Peter C. Ellsworth, M.Sc., Licensed Geologist, and VP Exploration for Amera is a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101 and has reviewed the material presented in this News Release.

Amera Resources Corporation is a metals exploration company focused on the Americas. Its strength lies in the discovery and advancement of prospective properties throughout North and South America. Amera is in the midst of an aggressive exploration program focused on its property portfolio in Peru. The second property, in a campaign of three successive drill programs, is currently being drilled. Amera plans to advance various other high potential projects through geophysical and geochemical analysis in the coming year. Management is constantly evaluating new opportunities through its network of contacts in the resource sector. The Amera team is committed to growth and adding shareholder value through precious and base metal discoveries.


Mr. Nikolaos Cacos, President & CEO
Sparton Receives Patent for the Extraction and Recovery of Uranium from Coal Ash in China
TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - March 3, 2008) - Sparton Resources Inc. (TSX VENTURE:SRI) (the "Company") reported today that its 90% owned China based subsidiary, Beijing Sparton Mineral Resources Investment and Consulting Co. Ltd. has received notification from the State Intellectual Property Bureau of the Peoples Republic of China that it has been granted a Patent for the "Extraction and Recovery of Radioactive Uranium from Coal Ash". The Company will now complete the final registration documents for the Patent and is expected to receive the final Patent Certificate within the next 30 days.

This Patent represents an major milestone in Sparton's ongoing program to begin uranium production from waste ash sources in China. As a crucial development in the secondary uranium recovery program it now means that the Company and its operating partner ARCN, the China National Nuclear Corporation subsidiary, are positioned with commercial protection from competition in uranium production from waste coal ash material in PRC.


As previously reported (see news release dated January 29, 2008), a new operating company, Yunnan Sparton New Environ-Tech Consulting Co. Ltd. ("YSN") has been formed and is structured as an environmental solutions company which can utilize waste coal ash or other waste industrial material for the extraction of valuable materials including uranium. These activities are now encouraged for foreign investment by the PRC Central Government and are eligible for government and local financial institution funding assistance.

YSN will be responsible for all waste testing, development and production of uranium from waste ash material in Yunnan including the current programs evaluating the Lincang, and Xiaolongtan waste ash deposits.


This patent is a unique document and believed to be the first of its kind ever granted to a foreign company in China for the application of a specific application of process engineering technology. It reinforces Sparton's unique position as a pioneer in the utilization of readily available waste material such as coal ash as a source of clean energy fuel for the nuclear power industry.

Sparton and its Directors and strategic partners invite all interested parties to visit the Company Booth Number 2340 in the Investors Exchange, at the PDAC International Convention and Trade Show in the Metro Toronto Convention Centre South Building from March 1-5, 2008 for complete updates on all the Company activities.

Sparton's international exploration and evaluation programs are being carried out under the direct supervision of A. Lee Barker, P. Eng., P Geol., the Company's President and CEO who is a Qualified Person under National Instrument 43-101.

The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for adequacy or accuracy of the content of the information contained herein.
heute könnte die 0,21 fallen :) 132k umgesetzt
Sparton Receives Patent for the Extraction and Recovery of Uranium from Coal Ash in China
TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - March 3, 2008) - Sparton Resources Inc. (TSX VENTURE:SRI) (the "Company") reported today that its 90% owned China based subsidiary, Beijing Sparton Mineral Resources Investment and Consulting Co. Ltd. has received notification from the State Intellectual Property Bureau of the Peoples Republic of China that it has been granted a Patent for the "Extraction and Recovery of Radioactive Uranium from Coal Ash". The Company will now complete the final registration documents for the Patent and is expected to receive the final Patent Certificate within the next 30 days.

This Patent represents an major milestone in Sparton's ongoing program to begin uranium production from waste ash sources in China. As a crucial development in the secondary uranium recovery program it now means that the Company and its operating partner ARCN, the China National Nuclear Corporation subsidiary, are positioned with commercial protection from competition in uranium production from waste coal ash material in PRC.


As previously reported (see news release dated January 29, 2008), a new operating company, Yunnan Sparton New Environ-Tech Consulting Co. Ltd. ("YSN") has been formed and is structured as an environmental solutions company which can utilize waste coal ash or other waste industrial material for the extraction of valuable materials including uranium. These activities are now encouraged for foreign investment by the PRC Central Government and are eligible for government and local financial institution funding assistance.

YSN will be responsible for all waste testing, development and production of uranium from waste ash material in Yunnan including the current programs evaluating the Lincang, and Xiaolongtan waste ash deposits.


This patent is a unique document and believed to be the first of its kind ever granted to a foreign company in China for the application of a specific application of process engineering technology. It reinforces Sparton's unique position as a pioneer in the utilization of readily available waste material such as coal ash as a source of clean energy fuel for the nuclear power industry.

Sparton and its Directors and strategic partners invite all interested parties to visit the Company Booth Number 2340 in the Investors Exchange, at the PDAC International Convention and Trade Show in the Metro Toronto Convention Centre South Building from March 1-5, 2008 for complete updates on all the Company activities.

Sparton's international exploration and evaluation programs are being carried out under the direct supervision of A. Lee Barker, P. Eng., P Geol., the Company's President and CEO who is a Qualified Person under National Instrument 43-101.

The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for adequacy or accuracy of the content of the information contained herein.
250k weggekauft heute .. man man unfassbar wie dämlich der is mit seinem Eisberg
heute könnte die 0,21 fallen :) 132k umgesetzt
Sparton Receives Patent for the Extraction and Recovery of Uranium from Coal Ash in China
TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - March 3, 2008) - Sparton Resources Inc. (TSX VENTURE:SRI) (the "Company") reported today that its 90% owned China based subsidiary, Beijing Sparton Mineral Resources Investment and Consulting Co. Ltd. has received notification from the State Intellectual Property Bureau of the Peoples Republic of China that it has been granted a Patent for the "Extraction and Recovery of Radioactive Uranium from Coal Ash". The Company will now complete the final registration documents for the Patent and is expected to receive the final Patent Certificate within the next 30 days.

This Patent represents an major milestone in Sparton's ongoing program to begin uranium production from waste ash sources in China. As a crucial development in the secondary uranium recovery program it now means that the Company and its operating partner ARCN, the China National Nuclear Corporation subsidiary, are positioned with commercial protection from competition in uranium production from waste coal ash material in PRC.


As previously reported (see news release dated January 29, 2008), a new operating company, Yunnan Sparton New Environ-Tech Consulting Co. Ltd. ("YSN") has been formed and is structured as an environmental solutions company which can utilize waste coal ash or other waste industrial material for the extraction of valuable materials including uranium. These activities are now encouraged for foreign investment by the PRC Central Government and are eligible for government and local financial institution funding assistance.

YSN will be responsible for all waste testing, development and production of uranium from waste ash material in Yunnan including the current programs evaluating the Lincang, and Xiaolongtan waste ash deposits.


This patent is a unique document and believed to be the first of its kind ever granted to a foreign company in China for the application of a specific application of process engineering technology. It reinforces Sparton's unique position as a pioneer in the utilization of readily available waste material such as coal ash as a source of clean energy fuel for the nuclear power industry.

Sparton and its Directors and strategic partners invite all interested parties to visit the Company Booth Number 2340 in the Investors Exchange, at the PDAC International Convention and Trade Show in the Metro Toronto Convention Centre South Building from March 1-5, 2008 for complete updates on all the Company activities.

Sparton's international exploration and evaluation programs are being carried out under the direct supervision of A. Lee Barker, P. Eng., P Geol., the Company's President and CEO who is a Qualified Person under National Instrument 43-101.

The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for adequacy or accuracy of the content of the information contained herein.
Ist ja auch ein Basket-Wert! Ausblick sieht gut aus. Wurde ebenfalls gnadenlos abgestraft in den letzten Monaten. Schlechte Unternehmesmeldungen konnte ich nicht wirklich finden.

Auch ein Kandidat für ne 1. Position mit mittelfristigem Anlagehorizont. Notiert ja fast auf Jahrestief :scratch: ! Umsätze stimmen in Can und sollten so langsam die Trendwende einläuten....

Werde hier mittelfristig LONG gehen! :punk:

250k weggekauft heute .. man man unfassbar wie dämlich der is mit seinem Eisberg
heute könnte die 0,21 fallen :) 132k umgesetzt
Sparton Receives Patent for the Extraction and Recovery of Uranium from Coal Ash in China
TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - March 3, 2008) - Sparton Resources Inc. (TSX VENTURE:SRI) (the "Company") reported today that its 90% owned China based subsidiary, Beijing Sparton Mineral Resources Investment and Consulting Co. Ltd. has received notification from the State Intellectual Property Bureau of the Peoples Republic of China that it has been granted a Patent for the "Extraction and Recovery of Radioactive Uranium from Coal Ash". The Company will now complete the final registration documents for the Patent and is expected to receive the final Patent Certificate within the next 30 days.
So wie bei OK, bei SEG auch einige Tage zuvor den Riecher gehabt. SEG mit News!

FMV First Majestic Silver, neben Orko mein Langfristfavorit .. gestern gings zur Sache !

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