• Am Sonntag, den 09.03.2025 erfolgt in den USA und Kanada die Umstellung auf Sommerzeit. Deswegen beginnt der Haupthandel ab Montag in den USA und Kanada bereits um 14:30 MEZ und endet um 21:00 MEZ. Bei uns findet die Zeitumstellung am 30.03.2025 statt. Dann haben wir wieder die "normalen" Handelszeiten.

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ATW Ventures

erste Ergebnisse von Burnakura stehen immer noch aus, waren für Ende Februar angekündigt


büsch'n Sorge machen mir da die gehäuften Insider-Verkäufe

ATW Venture Corp. (ATW)
As of February 25th, 2008
Filing Date Transaction Date Insider Name Ownership Type Securities Nature of transaction # or value acquired or disposed of Unit Price
Feb 25/08 Feb 21/08 Harris, Graham Indirect Ownership Common Shares 10 - Disposition in the public market -5,000 $1.050
Feb 25/08 Feb 19/08 Harris, Graham Indirect Ownership Common Shares 10 - Disposition in the public market -5,000 $1.040
Feb 20/08 Jan 29/08 Butler, Brent William Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Disposition in the public market -25,000 $1.130
Feb 20/08 Jan 21/08 Butler, Brent William Direct Ownership Common Shares [Amended Filing] 10 - Disposition in the public market -50,000 $1.000
Feb 20/08 Feb 12/08 Harris, Graham Indirect Ownership Common Shares 10 - Disposition in the public market -5,000 $1.090
Feb 20/08 Feb 11/08 Harris, Graham Indirect Ownership Common Shares 10 - Disposition in the public market -5,000 $1.090
Feb 20/08 Feb 14/08 Harris, Graham Indirect Ownership Common Shares 10 - Disposition in the public market -5,000 $1.090
Feb 11/08 Jan 04/08 Harris, Graham Indirect Ownership Common Shares 10 - Disposition in the public market -5,000 $1.050
Feb 11/08 Jan 04/08 Harris, Graham Indirect Ownership Common Shares 10 - Disposition in the public market -5,000 $1.060
Feb 11/08 Jan 03/08 Harris, Graham Indirect Ownership Common Shares 10 - Disposition in the public market -4,000 $1.000
dagegen wird beim "Kosovo-Explorer" Lydian fleißig gesammelt

Lydian International Limited (LYD)
As of February 25th, 2008
Filing Date Transaction Date Insider Name Ownership Type Securities Nature of transaction # or value acquired or disposed of Unit Price
Feb 25/08 Feb 22/08 Mullens, Peter James Indirect Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 2,000 $0.590
Feb 25/08 Feb 22/08 Mullens, Peter James Indirect Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 500 $0.580
Feb 22/08 Feb 14/08 Mullens, Peter James Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 5,000 $0.650
Feb 22/08 Feb 11/08 Mullens, Peter James Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 2,500 $0.700
Feb 22/08 Feb 04/08 Mullens, Peter James Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 2,500 $0.700
Feb 22/08 Jan 24/08 Mullens, Peter James Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 5,000 $0.800
Feb 22/08 Jan 24/08 Mullens, Peter James Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 5,000 $0.850
Feb 22/08 Feb 21/08 Mullens, Peter James Indirect Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 4,500 $0.580
Feb 22/08 Feb 21/08 Mullens, Peter James Indirect Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 5,500 $0.590
Feb 22/08 Feb 21/08 Mullens, Peter James Indirect Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 4,500 $0.600

aber die gingen auch zu 1,4 CAD an den Start...

das stimmt - hoffentlich kein fades "Geschmäckle" :kichern: ....... aber die News sind absolute Klasse! und für mich sieht es nach Übernahme oder Einstieg eines anderen aus
ansonsten nich die vielen Optionen - da geht noch gewaltig was los! :)
also die Aktivitäten bei Largo haben schon ein "Gschmäckle"...

so kurz vor den News wird der Wert hochgezogen und das Management bekommt ohne Ende Optionen....

Largo Resources Ltd. (LGO)
As of February 25th, 2008
Filing Date Transaction Date Insider Name Ownership Type Securities Nature of transaction # or value acquired or disposed of Unit Price
Feb 20/08 Feb 20/08 Clarke, William Lloyd Direct Ownership Options 50 - Grant of options 50,000 $0.500
Feb 20/08 May 01/07 Gleeson, Patrick James Direct Ownership Options 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report
Feb 20/08 Feb 20/08 Battiston, Deborah Direct Ownership Options 50 - Grant of options 75,000 $0.500
Feb 20/08 Feb 20/08 McCarvill, Gerald Patrick Direct Ownership Options 50 - Grant of options 50,000 $0.500
Feb 20/08 Feb 20/08 Pearson, William Direct Ownership Options 50 - Grant of options 75,000 $0.500
Feb 20/08 Feb 20/08 Campbell, Robert Anderson Direct Ownership Options 50 - Grant of options 125,000 $0.500
Feb 20/08 Oct 26/07 Hoffman, Michael Direct Ownership Options 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report
Feb 20/08 Feb 20/08 brennan, mark peter Direct Ownership Options 50 - Grant of options 150,000 $0.500
Feb 20/08 Feb 20/08 Bharti, Stan Direct Ownership Options 50 - Grant of options 100,000 $0.500
Feb 17/08 Feb 05/08 brennan, mark peter Indirect Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 60,000 $0.418
Orko Silver Hits Massive Intercept on Martha Vein
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Feb. 27, 2008) - Orko Silver Corp. (TSX VENTURE:OK) is pleased to announce that it has received further assay results from its on-going diamond drilling program at La Preciosa Project in Durango, Mexico.

A deepening of hole BP06-75 was performed in late 2007, from 250 metres to a new depth of 521 metres, and the extended hole name was changed to BP06-75ext. The Martha Vein was intersected at a depth of 351.22 to 393.42 metres for a true width of 39.66 metres grading gold 0.370 g/t and silver 235.2 g/t, for a silver-equivalent of 257.5 g/t.

Hole BP06-75ext is located southeast of and adjacent to the area reported in the 43-101 compliant Resource Estimate (news release 01 October 2007) for the Martha Vein, thus will be included in the next resource estimate.

Gary Cope, President of Orko, adds, "The massive intercept announced in the extension of Hole 75 is certainly amongst the best to date at La Preciosa. Also of particular interest is an unnamed intercept in Hole 147 over 3.82 metres true width grading 643.3 g/t silver-equivalent encountered approximately 140 metres below the Martha Vein. As this could be the discovery of a new vein, future drilling will be designed to further test this new development. The Company anticipates releasing its next 43-101 compliant resource estimate before the end of March 2008."

The following tables highlight results from drilling targeted to intercept the Martha Vein and other veins.


From To Core True Au Ag Ag-Eq
Vein (metres) (metres) Length Width (g/t) (g/t) (g/t)
Martha 351.22 393.42 42.20 39.66 0.370 235.2 257.5
Includes 351.64 356.26 4.62 4.34 0.530 677.6 709.4
Includes 376.01 380.75 4.74 4.45 1.020 588.2 649.4
Includes 378.46 379.65 1.19 1.12 1.456 1,283.6 1,371.0
Hole BP06-75ext is located near the north end of La Preciosa Ridge, azimuth 090 degrees, dip -45 degrees, on mine-section 15,400 N, 150 m east of hole BP06-77 and 100 m west of hole BP07-126.


From To Core True Au Ag Ag-Eq
Vein (metres) (metres) Length Width (g/t) (g/t) (g/t)
Martha 190.90 194.39 3.49 3.28 0.231 176.9 190.7
Includes 190.90 192.66 1.76 1.65 0.436 270.2 296.4
Includes 191.10 191.30 0.20 0.19 3.095 1,050.4 1,236.1
Hole BP07-149 is located east of La Preciosa Ridge on mine section 15,300 N, 116 metres east of hole BP07-132, as well as 100 metres north of hole BP07-148. It is oriented azimuth 090, dip -45 degrees.


From To Core True Au Ag Ag-Eq
Vein (metres) (metres) Length Width (g/t) (g/t) (g/t)
Martha 233.25 243.70 10.45 9.82 0.256 134.7 150.0
Includes 233.25 242.21 8.96 8.42 0.272 147.9 164.2
Includes 237.10 238.79 1.69 1.59 0.315 205.1 224.0
Hole BP07-148 is located east of La Preciosa Ridge on mine section 15,200 N, 150 metres east of hole BP07-131, as well as 100 metres north of hole BP07-146. It is oriented azimuth 090, dip -45 degrees. A significant silver-rich Martha Vein is present, with stringer mineralization in hanging and foot walls.


From To Core True Au Ag Ag-Eq
Vein (metres) (metres) Length Width (g/t) (g/t) (g/t)
Martha 186.61 195.00 8.32 8.19 0.355 111.8 133.1
Includes 186.61 192.32 5.71 5.62 0.507 144.3 174.8
Includes 186.61 188.78 2.17 2.14 1.142 162.2 230.7
Unnamed 340.04 344.10 4.06 3.82 0.416 618.7 643.6
Includes 340.31 343.90 3.59 3.37 0.459 695.0 722.5
Includes 343.11 343.90 0.79 0.74 0.959 2,114.1 2,171.6
Hole BP07-147 is located east of La Preciosa Ridge on mine section 15,400 N, 110 metres east of hole BP07-130, as well as 100 metres north of hole BP07-149. It is oriented azimuth 090, dip -45 degrees. A significant silver-gold rich Martha Vein is present, as well as a deeper silver-gold rich unnamed vein 140 metres further down the drill hole.


From To Core True Au Ag Ag-Eq
Vein (metres) (metres) Length Width (g/t) (g/t) (g/t)
Martha 302.54 318.66 16.12 15.15 0.321 141.7 160.9
Includes 309.93 318.66 8.73 8.20 0.519 213.3 244.5
Includes 317.55 318.66 1.11 1.04 1.035 443.4 505.5
Unnamed 498.56 499.74 1.18 0.90 13.220 1.0 794.2
Hole BP07-146 (partially reported in news release 15 January 2008) is located east of La Preciosa Ridge on mine section 15,100 N, 100 metres east of hole BP07-136, as well as 100 metres east and 100 metres north of high-grade hole BP07-141. It is oriented azimuth 090, dip -45 degrees. A significant silver rich Martha Vein is present, with stringer mineralization in hanging and foot walls. The pyritic vein at 498.56 is at 40 degrees perpendicular to the core and is gold rich.


From To Core True Au Ag Ag-Eq
Vein (metres) (metres) Length Width (g/t) (g/t) (g/t)
Martha 230.73 235.56 4.83 4.54 0.064 6.5 10.3
Includes 234.98 235.18 0.20 0.19 0.284 52.6 69.6
Hole BP07-145 is located north of La Preciosa Ridge on mine section 15,700 N, 100 metres east of hole BP07-122. It is oriented azimuth 090, dip -45 degrees. The Martha Vein is present, as marked by quartz veinlets and elevated base metals, but it is of low grade in this location.

A complete table of drill results is available at the link below:


A detailed drill plan map is available at the link below:


A printer friendly PDF format of this news release is available at the link below:


Ben Whiting, P.Geo., is the Qualified Person and takes responsibility for the technical disclosure in this news release. Full details of the Company's sampling protocols and QA/QC program can be located at our website at the link below:


Silver-equivalent for the purposes of this drilling program is defined as silver grade plus 60 times gold grade. Metallurgical recoveries and net smelter returns are assumed to be 100%.

About Orko Silver Corp.

Orko Silver Corp. is a professional exploration company with an increasing silver resource. Orko Silver's principal project, La Preciosa, located near the city of Durango, Mexico, is an advanced silver and gold project. The Company is currently drilling at La Preciosa using 4 rigs working 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The deposit remains open in all directions and to depth. Two additional projects include the Santa Monica east of La Preciosa and the San Juan west of La Preciosa. All are undergoing exploration.
FMV First Majestic 5CAD :juchu: :juchu:
hatte ich auch schon mal probiert, war dann aber rausgeflogen, heute gab es eine ordentliche Meldung von Kinbauri, hat B4K noch gar nicht auf der HP

Feb 27, 2008 09:32 ET
Kinbauri Identifies New Gold-Copper Zone at El Valle, Intersects 12.9 g Au/t and 0.54% Cu over 4.3m

OTTAWA, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Feb. 27, 2008) - Kinbauri Gold Corp. ("Kinbauri") (TSX VENTURE:KNB)(FRANKFURT:3KG.DE) is pleased to announce the latest results from its on-going 23,000m underground in-fill drilling program at El Valle in northwestern Spain. A new oxidized zone paralleling the Charnela Zone (epithermal structure) has been identified at 08KV1047. The Charnela Zone produced over 150,000 ounces of gold from 300,000 tonnes at the El Valle open pit in 2001/2002.

Highlights of the in-fill drilling program for Black Skarn North ("BSN") and Area 107 West ("107") include:

- 4.3m grading 12.9g Au/t and 0.54% Cu in hole 08KV1047.

- 5.6m grading 14.7g Au/t and 1.94% Cu including 1.4m grading 24.3g Au/t
plus 1.64% Cu in hole 08KV1046.

Cooper weiter up 8)

Bin die Tage bei -B4K- Buffalo Gold mit 1. Position (mittelfristig) LONG!!!

Chart zeigt ne Bodenbildung und die Aktie ist imho unterbewertet. Setze auf nen Rebound!

» zur Grafik

Tut sich auch gerade etwas in Can.... :)
War gerade dabei die News nachzureichen.... warst schneller ;)

Chart könnte ne Tassenformation ausbilden. Wird sicher nicht auf die alten Höhen gehen aber die Aktie ist schon deutlich unterbewertet. Je nach Newsflow und Umfeld sehe ich gute Chancen für nen ersten Rebound.

Was meinst Du zu Cooper Minerals? Denke die könnte mit guten News richtig nach oben gehen. Bleibe da LONG. :)
hatte ich auch schon mal probiert, war dann aber rausgeflogen, heute gab es eine ordentliche Meldung von Kinbauri, hat B4K noch gar nicht auf der HP

Feb 27, 2008 09:32 ET
Kinbauri Identifies New Gold-Copper Zone at El Valle, Intersects 12.9 g Au/t and 0.54% Cu over 4.3m

OTTAWA, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Feb. 27, 2008) - Kinbauri Gold Corp. ("Kinbauri") (TSX VENTURE:KNB)(FRANKFURT:3KG.DE) is pleased to announce the latest results from its on-going 23,000m underground in-fill drilling program at El Valle in northwestern Spain. A new oxidized zone paralleling the Charnela Zone (epithermal structure) has been identified at 08KV1047. The Charnela Zone produced over 150,000 ounces of gold from 300,000 tonnes at the El Valle open pit in 2001/2002.

Highlights of the in-fill drilling program for Black Skarn North ("BSN") and Area 107 West ("107") include:

- 4.3m grading 12.9g Au/t and 0.54% Cu in hole 08KV1047.

- 5.6m grading 14.7g Au/t and 1.94% Cu including 1.4m grading 24.3g Au/t
plus 1.64% Cu in hole 08KV1046.

Cooper weiter up 8)

Bin die Tage bei -B4K- Buffalo Gold mit 1. Position (mittelfristig) LONG!!!

Chart zeigt ne Bodenbildung und die Aktie ist imho unterbewertet. Setze auf nen Rebound!

» zur Grafik

Tut sich auch gerade etwas in Can.... :)
War gerade dabei die News nachzureichen.... warst schneller ;)

Chart könnte ne Tassenformation ausbilden. Wird sicher nicht auf die alten Höhen gehen aber die Aktie ist schon deutlich unterbewertet. Je nach Newsflow und Umfeld sehe ich gute Chancen für nen ersten Rebound.

Was meinst Du zu Cooper Minerals? Denke die könnte mit guten News richtig nach oben gehen. Bleibe da LONG. :)

Orko Silver Hits Massive Intercept on Martha Vein
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Feb. 27, 2008) - Orko Silver Corp. (TSX VENTURE:OK) is pleased to announce that it has received further assay results from its on-going diamond drilling program at La Preciosa Project in Durango, Mexico.


Also, die News liest sich unglaublich gut. Die Martha Vein war ohnehin schon eine DER Silberentdeckungen 2007 und jetzt spricht man dennoch von dem besten! Fund auf La Preciosa überhaupt. Dazu sieht es so aus, als hätte man eine neue Vein gefunden. Eine unfassbar tolle und weiterhin spannende Story!!

Eine Frage an die Herren "Grades-Spezialisten": Wie schätzt ihr die Bohrgrade ein?

Bin gerade in Australien und bekomme daher nur die Hälfte mit. Gerade sehe ich, was in den letzten Tagen bei Silber abgegangen ist ... :yahoo:

Gabs hierzu konkrete Anlässe oder haben die Fundamentalfakten, die ja schon seit Jahren bekannt sind, endlich "gegriffen" bzw. haben die Manipulationen ein Ende oder einfach; WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON THERE? :friends:
Orko Silver Hits Massive Intercept on Martha Vein
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Feb. 27, 2008) - Orko Silver Corp. (TSX VENTURE:OK) is pleased to announce that it has received further assay results from its on-going diamond drilling program at La Preciosa Project in Durango, Mexico.


Also, die News liest sich unglaublich gut. Die Martha Vein war ohnehin schon eine DER Silberentdeckungen 2007 und jetzt spricht man dennoch von dem besten! Fund auf La Preciosa überhaupt. Dazu sieht es so aus, als hätte man eine neue Vein gefunden. Eine unfassbar tolle und weiterhin spannende Story!!

Eine Frage an die Herren "Grades-Spezialisten": Wie schätzt ihr die Bohrgrade ein?

Also ich als Laie finde die Grades sind auch sehr gut :gruebel:
die Tage hat die Smallcap-Inv aufgenommen.......
Feb 28, 2008 02:30 ET
Hawthorne Gold Corp. and Eureka Resources Inc.: Frasergold Underground Bulk Sampling Yields Positive Results
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Feb. 28, 2008) - Hawthorne Gold Corp. ("Hawthorne") (TSX VENTURE:HGC)(WKN:A0M55U) and Eureka Resources Inc. ("Eureka") (TSX VENTURE:EUK) are pleased to announce that the assay results from the eleven 200 kilogram bulk samples extracted from underground at the Frasergold Deposit yielded a weighted average grade, using screened metallics, of 1.81 g/t Au.

"The results received from the bulk samples are very encouraging and provide a good indication that gold is present throughout the underground mineralized system. The bulk samples also provide confidence that the Frasergold Deposit is amenable to a potential bulk tonnage open pit mine operation," commented Michael Redfearn, VP Operations of Hawthorne. "Our goal is to develop a mining operation with a head grade of 1.0 g/t Au."

"These results confirm our long-held belief in the viability of the Frasergold property and help move the project towards the ultimate goal of establishing a mine," said John J. O'Neill, CEO and President of Eureka.

Three exploration drill holes that were completed in the 1980's in the Main Zone penetrated directly through the same mineralized zone that was recently bulk sampled. The results from the three holes yielded 2.21 g/t Au over 42.5 meters, 0.77 g/t Au over 22.5 meters, and 0.88 g/t Au over 43.5 meters in holes No. 86018, No. 87024, No. 87035, respectively. The bulk samples provide excellent representation of the mineralized zone due to the larger, more representative sample, and the increased opportunity to capture the true distribution of the contained gold in the mineralized zone. The bulk sample has confirmed continuity of the gold within the Main Zone.

The series of eleven 200 kilogram bulk samples were taken from throughout the extensive 298 meters of underground workings at the Frasergold Deposit. These underground workings, designed to cut across and along the mineralized strike of the Frasergold Deposit, extend approximately 130 meters along strike and allowed for the bulk samples to be taken from a variety of locations that represent the mineralized zone.

The bulk sampling and geological mapping will provide key data to be used to determine the distribution and continuity of the Frasergold Deposit mineralization, and for the planning of the potential optimum mining method (bulk tonnage) for the Frasergold Deposit. Historic exploration, including underground drifting, drilling and surface mapping, indicates that the Frasergold mineralization is located close to surface with minimum overburden, allowing for a potential bulk tonnage open pit mining operation.

Hawthorne believes there is potential for a gold deposit amenable to a low grade bulk tonnage open pit mining operation. Hawthorne is modeling the potential Frasergold mining operation to Kinross's Paracatu Gold Mine in Brazil and Fort Knox Gold Mine in Alaska (both low-grade, open-pit bulk-tonnage operations). Paracatu and Fort Knox operate at a grade of 0.38 g/t Au and 0.86 g/t Au, respectively.

The Frasergold mineralization appears to fit the orogenic lode-gold deposit type; gold tends to occur in quartz veins with coarse particulate gold occurring in segregations of stringers, veins, boudins and mullions. Pervasive low grade gold mineralization is also found within the knotted phyllite strata where quartz is absent. Historic exploration work outlined a 10 kilometer-long mineralized zone that remains open along strike and down dip.

Michael Redfearn, P.Eng, Hawthorne's VP Operations and a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101, has approved the technical content of this news release.

About the Frasergold Option Agreement

Pursuant to an option agreement dated October 31, 2006 between Hawthorne and Eureka, Hawthorne can earn a 51% interest in the Frasergold property by completing exploration expenditures totaling $3.5 million (expended), completing a feasibility study by April 30, 2010 and making cash payments totaling $175,000 ($75,000 paid to date) before October 31, 2009. Hawthorne can earn a further 9% (for a total of 60%) by arranging financing for 70% of the estimated capital costs for production.

About Eureka Resources Inc.

Since its incorporation in 1981, Vancouver-based Eureka Resources Inc. has focused on the exploration and development of natural resource properties in order to create wealth for investors. Moreover, with renowned British Columbia entrepreneur John J. O'Neill at the helm, Eureka has long been a steady and trustworthy presence on the British Columbia mineral-exploration scene. In addition to Eureka's fostering of the Frasergold claim, the company holds the rights to the promising Lottie Lake copper claim, which is also in central British Columbia. Shares in Eureka Resources trade on the Venture Exchange of the respected Toronto Stock Exchange.

About Hawthorne Gold Corp.

Hawthorne Gold Corp. is a Canadian-based gold exploration and development company with key properties located in British Columbia, Canada. Hawthorne is lead by well-respected mining leaders Richard Barclay and Michael Beley together with mining veteran Michael Redfearn. Hawthorne's goal is to become a junior gold producer through planned production at Table Mountain in 2009 and continued resource development at the Frasergold and Taurus deposits. The acquisition of Table Mountain is subject to the previously announced merger with Cusac Gold Mines Ltd., expected to close in late March 2008.


Richard J. Barclay, President & CEO


PBX schaut gut aus.............
schätze Gewinnmitnahmen gestern? :gruebel: ansonsten Klassewerte! :up:
Orko Silver Hits Massive Intercept on Martha Vein
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Feb. 27, 2008) - Orko Silver Corp. (TSX VENTURE:OK) is pleased to announce that it has received further assay results from its on-going diamond drilling program at La Preciosa Project in Durango, Mexico.


Also, die News liest sich unglaublich gut. Die Martha Vein war ohnehin schon eine DER Silberentdeckungen 2007 und jetzt spricht man dennoch von dem besten! Fund auf La Preciosa überhaupt. Dazu sieht es so aus, als hätte man eine neue Vein gefunden. Eine unfassbar tolle und weiterhin spannende Story!!

Eine Frage an die Herren "Grades-Spezialisten": Wie schätzt ihr die Bohrgrade ein?
Longinvest Capstone macht sich in letzter Zeit sehr sehr gut!


2,16 CA$ Schluss gestern... :D

Feb 28, 2008 02:30 ET
Hawthorne Gold Corp. and Eureka Resources Inc.: Frasergold Underground Bulk Sampling Yields Positive Results

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Feb. 28, 2008) - Hawthorne Gold Corp. ("Hawthorne") (TSX VENTURE:HGC)(WKN:A0M55U) and Eureka Resources Inc. ("Eureka") (TSX VENTURE:EUK) are pleased to announce that the assay results from the eleven 200 kilogram bulk samples extracted from underground at the Frasergold Deposit yielded a weighted average grade, using screened metallics, of 1.81 g/t Au.

Santa Teresa Deposit Continues to Deliver with Underground Drilling Reporting 9.20 metres grading 223 g/t Ag, 5.77% Zn, 0.82% Cu, 4.75% Pb and 0.020 g/t Au

VANCOUVER, Feb. 28, 2008 (Canada NewsWire via COMTEX News Network) --

Scorpio Mining Corporation (TSX:SPM) is pleased to report additional underground drill results targeting the Santa Teresa deposit from the 10th, 9th and 6th Levels of the Nuestra Senora ramp of its 100% owned Nuestra Senora project, Sinaloa State, Mexico.

The Santa Teresa deposit mineralization is exposed at river level approximately 150 metres northeast of the Santo Domingo and 250 metres east of the Nuestra Senora deposit, both of which also outcrop at river level. The Candelaria deposit outcrops on the canyon wall 150 metres above the river level between the Santa Teresa and the Nuestra Senora deposits.

Peter J. Hawley, Chairman, CEO comments, "The results presented in Tables 1-3 below are from horizontally drilled holes collared approximately 90 to 210 metres vertically from surface. With the recent and continued success of the drilling of the Santa Teresa deposit, significant mineralization is being defined that will be readily accessible to the main haulage ramp for cost-effective extraction."

<< Table 1. 10th Level Underground Drill Results - Santa Teresa ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hole No. From To Length Ag Au Cu Pb Zn (m) (m) (m) (g/t) (g/t) % % % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NS10L-07-145 1.50 4.50 3.00 119 0.070 0.16 0.03 0.18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14.90 18.10 3.20 114 0.081 0.19 0.08 0.03 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NS10L-07-149 49.60 50.90 1.30 117 0.014 0.04 1.66 0.53 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Table 2. 9th Level Underground Drill Results - Santa Teresa ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hole No. From To Length Ag Au Cu Pb Zn (m) (m) (m) (g/t) (g/t) % % % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NS9L-07-100 24.10 27.20 3.10 95 0.007 0.02 3.33 3.35 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 97.40 99.00 1.60 257 0.231 0.92 0.37 0.03 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NS9L-07-101 12.80 14.90 2.10 142 0.020 0.47 0.98 4.55 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NS9L-07-102 19.50 32.20 12.70 108 0.024 0.18 2.45 2.03 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 38.50 55.00 16.50 105 0.033 0.29 2.86 2.94 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NS9L-07-103 11.70 19.80 8.10 68 0.016 0.17 2.37 2.25 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 35.30 43.10 7.80 251 0.043 0.76 2.82 5.25 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 47.60 62.50 14.90 70 0.018 0.50 0.90 1.94 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NS9L-07-104 2.30 8.40 6.10 118 0.020 0.90 5.47 5.05 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 33.30 38.75 5.45 109 0.029 0.30 2.14 1.22 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NS9L-07-108 18.60 47.30 28.70 121 0.031 0.45 2.97 3.57 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NS9L-07-109 0.00 9.20 9.20 223 0.020 0.82 4.75 5.77 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 27.60 29.80 2.20 140 0.047 0.42 2.50 1.56 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Table 3. 6th Level Underground Drill Results - Santa Teresa ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hole No. From To Length Ag Au Cu Pb Zn (m) (m) (m) (g/t) (g/t) % % % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NS6L-07-15 82.30 84.30 2.00 149 0.194 0.92 0.43 0.05 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NS6L-07-124 94.30 99.80 5.50 76 0.147 0.21 1.59 1.98 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 103.70 115.00 11.30 114 0.222 0.29 1.01 1.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 117.50 126.00 8.50 68 0.217 0.32 1.28 3.78 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 139.30 145.90 6.60 89 0.265 0.19 3.73 3.78 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- >>
Drillhole data in the tables reflect down hole core lengths and actual (uncut) grades. True widths cannot be reliably estimated at this time. Further information on the Company and the Nuestra Senora project is available on the Scorpio Mining web site at: www.scorpiomining.com.

President, Mr. D. Roger Scammell, PGeo, is the Company's Qualified Person for the Nuestra Senora project. Mr. Scammell is responsible for the current exploration and development program and has reviewed the content of this release. All technical information for the Nuestra Senora property is obtained and reported under a formal quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) program. Samples are shipped to the ALS Chemex preparation laboratory in Hermosillo, Mexico for drying, crushing and pulverizing. ALS Chemex, Hermosillo then sends the pulps by air-freight to ALS Chemex, Vancouver for assaying. Systematic assaying of standards and blanks are performed for precision and accuracy; check assays are regularly conducted by SGS Lakefield Research. Details of the QA/QC program are available on the Company's website.


Peter J. Hawley

Chairman & CEO
Hallo Dukezero und die anderen,

es geht mir noch mal um die Preismanipulation des Silbermarktes, der ja hier schon des öftern erwähnt wurde. Dukezero hatte mir ja da ein paar Links etc. zukommen lassen.

Nun meine Frage:

Laut Herrn Butler von Goldseiten.de sind die 8 größten Commercials rund 370 mio UNzen netto short.

Bei einem Unzenpreis von rund 20 $(aufgerundet :) ) sind das doch gerade mal 7,4 MRD $ Gegenwert.
Das auf 8 Spieler verteilt, ist doch eigentlich nichts oder?

Irre ich hier?
Feb 28, 2008 09:00 ET
International PBX Ventures Ltd. To Drill Tabaco Copper Porphyry 3D IP AnomalyVANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Feb. 28, 2008) - International PBX Ventures Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:PBX) is pleased to announce that drilling will commence in mid-March on the Tabaco copper property. Approximately 1500 metres of diamond drilling will be used to test the 3D induced polarization (IP) chargeability anomaly discovered recently.

The Tabaco property is located on the same trend as the Relincho copper-molybdenum porphyry property now being explored by Global Copper Corp. (TSX:GLQ), in that it skirts the edge of the same volcanic-batholithic contact. The company believes it may have located a similar porphyry system at Tabaco that has not been unroofed, and that the shallow copper resource developed to date merely represents related manto-skarn leakage mineralization.

This anomaly is considered highly prospective because exceptionally strong copper mineralization (1.29 per cent copper over 44 metres as coarse chalcopyrite) was encountered in a shallow 2003 drillhole precisely where the IP anomaly nears the surface. "This truly looks like the tip of the iceburg," commented George Sookochoff.

Please visit our website at www.internationalpbx.com to view images of the 3D IP anomaly.

Feb 28, 2008 10:09 ET
Fancamp Exploration Ltd.: McFauld's Lake Update
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Feb. 28, 2008) - Fancamp Exploration Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:FNC). The following is an update for the Fancamp McFauld's project. Attached are the total field mag and the conductor interpretation maps arising from the November, 2007 Aerotem II survey. It should be emphasized that these are preliminary returns only, and are subject to adjustment and correction. However, they do indicate the major targets of interest.

With reference to the conductor interpretation map, #1-1 is Noront's Eagle 1 discovery, 1-2, 1-5, 1-6 and 1-7 are all Noront conductors. 1-4, 1-3, 1-11 and 1-10 represent Fancamp conductors, the latter shared with Freewest. The red dots - EM profile anomalies, represent conductivity, the exact nature of which has yet to be ascertained.

The total field magnetic map clearly shows the relationship of the large conductive magnetic feature on Fancamp's ground with the Eagle 1 discovery, which itself could be considered an extension in this large complex feeder zone. A particularly interesting target is the very strong magnetic feature located in the upper Fancamp block. This lies about 4 km NE of the Eagle 1 discovery and although the Aerotem II system shows little conductivity, the possibility of deeply buried, undetected conductors would seem to be good.

Currently, Fancamp and Noront are carrying out pulse EM surveys on targets 1-2, 1-3 and 1-4. These results should be available within a few weeks, following which drill targets will be selected. The Company hopes to be drilling by the end of March.


Peter H. Smith, Ph.D., P.Eng., President

2,16 CA$ Schluss gestern... :D

Feb 28, 2008 02:30 ET
Hawthorne Gold Corp. and Eureka Resources Inc.: Frasergold Underground Bulk Sampling Yields Positive Results

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Feb. 28, 2008) - Hawthorne Gold Corp. ("Hawthorne") (TSX VENTURE:HGC)(WKN:A0M55U) and Eureka Resources Inc. ("Eureka") (TSX VENTURE:EUK) are pleased to announce that the assay results from the eleven 200 kilogram bulk samples extracted from underground at the Frasergold Deposit yielded a weighted average grade, using screened metallics, of 1.81 g/t Au.

2,30 CA$ KK gestern 2,10 CA$ :D

Hallo Dukezero und die anderen,

es geht mir noch mal um die Preismanipulation des Silbermarktes, der ja hier schon des öftern erwähnt wurde. Dukezero hatte mir ja da ein paar Links etc. zukommen lassen.

Nun meine Frage:

Laut Herrn Butler von Goldseiten.de sind die 8 größten Commercials rund 370 mio UNzen netto short.

Bei einem Unzenpreis von rund 20 $(aufgerundet :) ) sind das doch gerade mal 7,4 MRD $ Gegenwert.
Das auf 8 Spieler verteilt, ist doch eigentlich nichts oder?

Irre ich hier?

Werde Deine Zahlen mal überprüfen. Man muss allerdings berücksichtigen, dass grosse Mengen Silber in die Elektronikindustrie wandern und in die Medizin. Silber ist antibakteriell etc................
Hier gibt es immer knappe Resourcen. Die grossen wie Silver Wheaton hedgen selber um günstig einzukaufen!!!!!
Hallo Dukezero und die anderen,

es geht mir noch mal um die Preismanipulation des Silbermarktes, der ja hier schon des öftern erwähnt wurde. Dukezero hatte mir ja da ein paar Links etc. zukommen lassen.

Nun meine Frage:

Laut Herrn Butler von Goldseiten.de sind die 8 größten Commercials rund 370 mio UNzen netto short.

Bei einem Unzenpreis von rund 20 $(aufgerundet :) ) sind das doch gerade mal 7,4 MRD $ Gegenwert.
Das auf 8 Spieler verteilt, ist doch eigentlich nichts oder?

Irre ich hier?

Werde Deine Zahlen mal überprüfen. Man muss allerdings berücksichtigen, dass grosse Mengen Silber in die Elektronikindustrie wandern und in die Medizin. Silber ist antibakteriell etc................
Hier gibt es immer knappe Resourcen. Die grossen wie Silver Wheaton hedgen selber um günstig einzukaufen!!!!!

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