• Am Sonntag, den 09.03.2025 erfolgt in den USA und Kanada die Umstellung auf Sommerzeit. Deswegen beginnt der Haupthandel ab Montag in den USA und Kanada bereits um 14:30 MEZ und endet um 21:00 MEZ. Bei uns findet die Zeitumstellung am 30.03.2025 statt. Dann haben wir wieder die "normalen" Handelszeiten.

Rohstoffthread (Archiv)

Für weitere Antworten geschlossen.
Jun 04, 2008 08:00 ET
Kinbauri Purchases 100 Percent Interest in Corcoesto, Provides Upgraded Resource Calculation
OTTAWA, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - June 4, 2008) - Kinbauri Gold Corp. (TSX VENTURE:KNB)(FRANKFURT:3KG.DE) ("Kinbauri") is pleased to announce that it has entered into a purchase agreement (the "Purchase Agreement") with Rio Narcea Gold Mines S.L. ("RNGMSL") regarding the Corcoesto Project ("Corcoesto") in Galicia, northwestern Spain. Under the Purchase Agreement Kinbauri, through its wholly-owned subsidiary, Kinbauri Galicia S.L. ("K. GALICIA") can acquire a 100% interest in Corcoesto. Corcoesto is comprised of three exploitation concessions totalling 777.6 hectares. The Purchase Agreement will replace an earlier option agreement with RNGMSL whereby Kinbauri had expended approximately 1.5 million euros of a total of 4 million euros required to earn a 65% interest in Corcoesto.

Corcoesto Resources

Based on a 0.9g Au/t cut-off, presently determined measured, indicated and inferred resources at Corcoesto are as follows:

Measured 142,000 ounces Au (2.48Mt at 1.78g Au/t)Indicated 122,000 ounces Au (2.19Mt at 1.74g Au/t)M + I 264,000 ounces Au (4.67Mt at 1.76g Au/t)Inferred 218,000 ounces Au (3.39Mt at 2.00g Au/t)

The above measured and indicated resources were estimated by Ore Reserves Engineering ("ORE") in a National Instrument 43-101 ("NI 43-101") compliant resource report dated August 22, 2006. They are all contained within the Southern Vein Systems (Pozo del Ingles, Cova Crea and Peton de Lobo: see Schedule A for locations at the following address: http://media3.marketwire.com/docs/KINB0604.pdf). The inferred resources are a combination of those presented by ORE (32,000 ounces Au: 0.59Mt at 1.69g Au/t) and those reported by Lluis Boixet ("Boixet") (164,212 ounces Au: 2.76Mt at 1.85g Au/t). Boixet worked indirectly through RNGMSL on contract for Kinbauri, and is a qualified person as defined by N.I. 43-101,. Boixet's estimated resources include 73,537 ounces (1.22Mt at 1.87g Au/t) within the Southern Vein Systems and 90,675 ounces (1.54Mt at 1.83g Au/t) within the Northern Vein System (mainly Picotos, but also Fonterremula and Montefurado). A NI 43-101 Technical Report will not be filed on SEDAR, concerning the updated inferred resources as it does not represent a material change for Kinbauri (methodology is described below) ORE had also identified some deep inferred resources in the Pozo del Ingles and Peton de Lobo vein systems, namely 27,400 ounces (0.13Mt at 6.65g Au/t) at a 5.0g Au/t cut-off.

Potential for additional near surface and deeper resources exists at Corcoesto and Boixet has identified target areas for expanding these resources. Kinbauri is currently investigating the potential for improving the economics of Corcoesto by up-grading mill feed through optical sorting. Kinbauri has verified that quartz veins contain the majority of the gold found within the vein systems and pilot studies are now being completed to investigate whether mill feed can be upgraded 2 to 5 fold-plus; this would allow for the economic transportation of mill feed to other locations for final processing. Kinbauri has also estimated the costs of producing a concentrate on-site by flotation and sale of the resultant concentrate; initial estimates appear favourable. A recently completed study has also indicated that, subject to testing and permitting, waste rock could be sold domestically and shipped off-shore as construction material, resulting in a benefit to the project's economics. It is also noteworthy that higher gold prices may increase the project's viability through lower cut-offs and higher profit per tonne of ore mined. For details of estimated resources at different cut-offs see Schedules B, C and D. A scoping study is to be commissioned shortly.

ORE's 2006 resource estimates were based on a 2003 resource model, which used an inverse-distance-power estimation within a three-dimensional block model with mineralized zones defined by wireframed solids. This model was based on 317 drill holes with a drill hole spacing that was less than 25-meters for measured resources and less that 55-meters for indicated resources. The deep zone resource model was estimated using inverse-distance-power estimation within a three-dimensional model of the vein zone. The deep zone model was based on 99 drill holes, of which 24 drill holes were below those included in the 2003 open pit resource model.

Boixet's incremental resources were based on results from Kinbauri's drilling subsequent to ORE's 2006 estimates. Boixet used inverse-distance-power estimation with a power of 4.0 and a search ellipse of 50 x 50 x 4.17 meters. The long axis of the search ellipse was oriented parallel to the quartz veins in each area. The search ellipse and weighting parameters for the 2008 model were based on a trial-and-error process where the parameters were adjusted to provide approximately the same result as ORE's estimate (when only the pre-mid 2006 drilling was used for estimation). The incremental expansion of the resource was estimated by subtracting ORE's resources from the 2008 estimated resource. All resources in the incremental expansion are classified as inferred.

RNGMSL trench sampling and drilling through April 1999 were assayed at the Inspectorate laboratory in Reno, Nevada; assays were verified by later check assay programs. Subsequent sampling by RNGMSL and Kinbauri were sent to the ITMA laboratory in Oviedo, Asturias, Spain. During Kinbauri's drilling, one sample in every twenty was sent to ALS CHEMEX for duplicate assay; in addition, ITMA routinely assayed two duplicates, one standard and one certified standard for each batch of thirty samples. Gold was determined using a fire assay procedure on a 30-gram sample with an atomic absorption finish.

Corcoesto Agreement

The Purchase Agreement provides that the purchase price for the exploitation concessions will be the sum of 1.5 million euros payable in instalments as follows: 100,000 euros upon approval of the transaction by all regulatory authorities; 100,000 euros 30 days following approval; 400,000 euros by May 1, 2009; 400,000 euros by May 1, 2010 and 500,000 euros by December 1st, 2010. An additional payment of 1.5 million euros will be due upon the commencement of commercial production. Kinbauri's 100% interest in the exploitation concessions will be subject to a 3% NSR (1% of which can be repurchased by Kinbauri for $1.5M US) by paying RNGMSL . All payments may be accelerated at Kinbauri's discretion. The Purchase Agreement is subject to regulatory approvals including approval of the transfer of exploration concessions by the Galician Mining Authorities and the TSX Venture Exchange approval.

This press release was prepared by Dr. V.N. Rampton, P.Eng. in his capacity as a qualified person. It has been reviewed for release by Alan C. Noble of Ore Reserves Engineering, a professional engineer, Lluis Boixet of RNGMSL, a professional geologist, both qualified persons as defined in National Instrument 43-101 and RNGMSL.

Kinbauri is a TSXV - Tier 1 Mineral Exploration Company focused on the development of mineral properties, primarily precious metal prospects in northwestern Spain, Nevada and Canada. Its immediate focus is to expand and upgrade resources to reserves at the El Valle property in Asturias, Spain in order to start operations at the mine and existing mill complex there in early 2010. It currently has 48,461,564 common shares issued and outstanding.


This press release contains certain forward-looking statements, which are based on the opinions and estimates of management at the date the statements are made, and are subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual events or results to differ materially from those projected. Kinbauri undertakes no obligation to update forward-looking statements if circumstances or management's estimates or opinions should change. The reader is cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements.


Kinbauri Gold's Hub at http://www.agoracom.com/IR/kinbauri where investors can post questions and receive answers or review questions and answers already posted by other investors.

Kinbauri Web-Site: www.kinbauri-gold.com

Schedules are available at the following address: (INSERT LINK)
Leute, kauft Triangle und Contact!!!

ich geh jetzt auch wieder T6P long, zusaetzlich zu meiner CEX Posi

beide haben innerhalb weniger Tage umfangreiche Financings durchgeboxt, CEX jetzt gerade ueber 10mio zu 0,65 CAD mit Canaccord (News von heute frueh!), obwohl die erst seit ein paar Tagen zu diesem Preis gehandelt werden!!!

Die werden in den naechsten Tagen ein T6P/CEX 70/30 JV Drillprogramm fuer ddas New Brunswick Gas Shale Projekt verkuenden (69tcf gas in place Potential)
Jun 04, 2008 08:00 ET

Latin American Minerals Reports Three Gold Discoveries at Esmeralda, Colombia

TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - June 4, 2008) - Latin American Minerals Inc. (TSX VENTURE:LAT) announces that its initial sampling and mapping program on its wholly-owned 14,089 ha Esmeralda property in Colombia have resulted in three gold discoveries.

"Esmeralda is part of the same belt that is becoming one of the most exiting exploration plays in South America: the Colombia Romeral Fault System. Over 20 million ounces were discovered in this emerging belt in less than 3 years by such companies as Anglo Gold Ashanti, Rio Tinto and B2Gold in similar rocks and similar mineralization to those we found at Esmeralda," said Dr. Waldo Perez, Senior VP of Exploration.

Latin American Minerals' property is located in the Cauca Department of Southern Colombia, a major gold camp reporting current and historical alluvial gold production and lode gold production dating from the 15th Century. Esmeralda is located on the Romeral fault system (see Map 1: Regional Setting) which hosts the Marmato Gold Project (7.0 million ounces) discovered by Colombia Goldfields and the B2Gold Gramalote Project (2.12 million ounces). The discovery of gold-bearing porphyries at Esmeralda is significant given the many similarities to other major deposits along the Romeral fault. La Colosa, a 12.9 million ounce discovery recently announced by Anglo Gold Ashanti, is 300 kilometres northeast of Esmeralda and is indicative of the gold production potential of region.

Three distinct gold bearing porphyries have been discovered by Latin American Minerals at Esmeralda: Tunnel, Amatista and Los Planes (please see Map 2: Lithology). All are of Tertiary age and have similar geologic settings as the major deposits mentioned above. A total of 1016 rock-chip samples have been collected covering the Property and 57% of them have detectable gold. A total of 280 stream sediment samples were collected and 42% of them have detectable gold.
keine Sorge das die beiden erstmal leicht korregieren nach den PP´s? :gruebel:
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=413794#413794 schrieb:
Fischlaender schrieb am 04.06.2008, 14:09 Uhr[/url]"]Leute, kauft Triangle und Contact!!!

ich geh jetzt auch wieder T6P long, zusaetzlich zu meiner CEX Posi

beide haben innerhalb weniger Tage umfangreiche Financings durchgeboxt, CEX jetzt gerade ueber 10mio zu 0,65 CAD mit Canaccord (News von heute frueh!), obwohl die erst seit ein paar Tagen zu diesem Preis gehandelt werden!!!

Die werden in den naechsten Tagen ein T6P/CEX 70/30 JV Drillprogramm fuer ddas New Brunswick Gas Shale Projekt verkuenden (69tcf gas in place Potential)
...zu Obama und McCain aus der heutigen BILD...

KLIMAWANDEL Egal, wer gewinnt: Die Wahl dürfte eine Wende in der Klimapolitik der USA bringen. Obama und McCain befürworten beide ein aktives Vorgehen des Staates gegen die Erderwärmung und wollen die USA - anders als die jetzige Regierung - in ein verbindliches internationales Abkommen zum Klimaschutz einbinden. Sie wollen umweltfreundliche Energiequellen und ein System des globalen Emissionshandels fördern. Obama will den Ausstoß des Treibhausgases CO2 in den USA bis 2050 um 80 Prozent im Vergleich zu 1990 senken, McCain strebt bis dahin eine Senkung um 60 Prozent an. Die Klimapolitik von Bush tadelte er als „diplomatisches Versagen“.
wenn ueberhaupt, dann nur ganz kurz
bei T6P war die Sorge, dass die aufgrund ihrer misesn Bilanz (ueberschuldet durch Schuldverschreibungen) ihren Anteil durch farm-out oder JV runterschrauben mussen

bei CEX war die leichte Sorge, dass sie wenn sie sich nicht an den Bohrungen beteiligen weiter runter dilutiert werden, da T6P jetzt bereits die Voraussetzungen fuer 70% erfuellt hatte

die 5-6 Locher kosten um die 25 mio

CEX hat ueber 10mio geraised
T6P hat ueber 30 mio geraised

damit kann das Programm locker finanziert werden und T6P kann seine Debitors bedienen
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=413817#413817 schrieb:
greenhorn schrieb am 04.06.2008, 14:20 Uhr[/url]"]keine Sorge das die beiden erstmal leicht korregieren nach den PP´s? :gruebel:
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=413794#413794 schrieb:
Fischlaender schrieb am 04.06.2008, 14:09 Uhr[/url]"]Leute, kauft Triangle und Contact!!!

ich geh jetzt auch wieder T6P long, zusaetzlich zu meiner CEX Posi

beide haben innerhalb weniger Tage umfangreiche Financings durchgeboxt, CEX jetzt gerade ueber 10mio zu 0,65 CAD mit Canaccord (News von heute frueh!), obwohl die erst seit ein paar Tagen zu diesem Preis gehandelt werden!!!

Die werden in den naechsten Tagen ein T6P/CEX 70/30 JV Drillprogramm fuer ddas New Brunswick Gas Shale Projekt verkuenden (69tcf gas in place Potential)

So mal schauen wo ich wieder einsteige! :evil:
Rohstoffe-Go - Stuttgart Eine Einschätzung zum Ölmarkt von Dr. Frank Schallenberger, BW-Bank.


Die Hausse an den Ölmärkten hält mittlerweile bereits seit fast eineinhalb Jahren an und hat den Preis für ein Barrel der Nordseesorte Brent im Mai 2008 bis auf den Preis von 135 US-Dollar klettern lassen. Zuletzt haben eine Reihe von Faktoren den Preis wieder etwas abbröckeln lassen. So hat beispielsweise der in den letzten Tagen wieder etwas festere US-Dollar zu fallenden Ölnotierungen geführt. Auch die Ölnachfrage in den USA entwickelt sich erwartungsgemäß eher verhalten. Im März 2008 lag die Nachfrage auf dem niedrigsten Niveau, das für den Monat März in den letzten fünf Jahren gemessen wurde. Im Vergleich zum Vorjahr wurden etwa 0,8 Mio. Barrel pro Tag (mbpd) weniger nachgefragt. Auch die anhaltenden Diskussionen um die Anhebung der staatlich regulierten Benzin- und Dieselpreise in Ländern wie China, Indien oder Indonesien haben sich in fallenden Preisen niedergeschlagen, da die Nachfragedynamik in diesen Ländern damit etwas gebremst werden könnte.

Kurzfristig weitere Preisabschläge möglich

Kurzfristig könnte sich die Preiserosion durchaus noch in den Bereich von 115 US-Dollar fortsetzen. Dafür spricht zum einen, dass die extreme Abkoppelung der Energierohstoffe vom Gesamtmarkt nur ein temporäres Phänomen sein dürfte. Seit Anfang März 2008 haben sich die Preise für Agrarrohstoffe, Edel- und Basismetalle gemessen an den GSCI-Subindizes deutlich ermäßigt. Dagegen hat der GCSI-Subindex Energie ein Plus von über 20 % verzeichnet. Dieses Gap dürfte sich in den nächsten Wochen wieder einengen. Zum anderen signalisiert die Abweichung des Ölpreises von der 200-Tage-Linie weiterhin eine starke Überkauftheit des Marktes. Mitte Mai erreichte die Abweichung den Rekordwert von 41 US-Dollar. Mittlerweile liegen der 200-Tage-Duchschnitt und der Spotpreis noch rund 35 US-Dollar auseinander, was immer noch ein Indikator für eine starke Überhitzung ist.

Mittelfristiger Trend dennoch intakt

Trotz möglicher kurzfristiger Preisdämpfer dürfte der mittelfristige Trend beim Ölpreis dennoch weiter nach oben gehen. Denn die Angebotsseite bleibt weiter knapp. Von notorischen Wackelkandidaten wie Nigeria oder Venezuela (Nr. 6 und Nr. 8 der weltweit größten Ölexporteure) sind auf absehbare Zeit keine großen Sprünge bei der Förderung zu erwarten. Auch Russland als weltweit zweitgrößter Ölexporteur kämpft mit Förderproblemen. Im Mai wurde bereits der fünfte monatliche Förderrückgang in Folge gemeldet. Zudem hält die OPEC die Angebotsseite knapp. Bei der Nachfrage dürfte die Abschwächung in den USA durch andere Regionen ausgeglichen werden. Denn der Ölhunger Asiens ist weiter ungebremst. Unter dem Strich sollte die zusätzliche Nachfrage aus China, Indien und Co. den möglichen Rückgang in den USA sogar deutlich überkompensieren. Damit dürfte der weltweite Ölmarkt im laufenden Jahr weiterhin ein Angebotsdefizit von rund -1 mbpd ausweisen. Erst wenn die OPEC den Ölhahn weiter aufdreht, dürfte die Sorge um kurzfristige Lieferprobleme nachlassen.

China und Indien als wichtigste Preisfaktoren

China (4,0 mbpd) und Indien (2,5 mbpd) dürften im laufenden Jahr zusammen etwa 6,5 mbpd Rohöl importieren. Beide Länder zusammen waren 1985 noch Nettoexporteur von Öl. Im Jahr 1995 beanspruchten sie rund 4 % der weltweit verfügbaren Ölexporte, im Jahr 2008 dürfte dieser Wert auf 17 % und im Jahr 2010 auf 20 % ansteigen. Sollte Indien in den nächsten Jahren nur annähernd dieselbe Dynamik wie China aufweisen, sind damit weitere Steigerungen des Ölpreises bereits vorprogrammiert.


Aufgrund der Tatsache, dass die OPEC die Angebotsseite unverändert knapp hält, ist weiterhin nicht mit einem nachhaltigen Rückgängen beim Ölpreis zu rechnen. Der ungebremste Ölhunger aus Asien dürfte den Ölbullen mittelfristig weiter in die Hände spielen. Fundamentale Modelle wie der Zusammenhang zwischen Ölpreis und den chinesischen Ölimporten signalisieren momentan ein "faires" Niveau für das schwarze Gold von ca. 120 US-Dollar. Die starre Haltung der OPEC, das hohe Aufholpotenzial von Indien im Vergleich zu China sowie die stark gestiegenen Kosten der Exploration rechtfertigen einen Aufschlag von 20-25 USD pro Barrel. Vor diesem Hintergrund sehen wir den Preis für Brentöl in drei Monaten bei 130 US-Dollar. Die Prognose in 12 Monaten liegt bei 145 US-Dollar.

Dr. Frank Schallenberger

Jun 04, 2008 09:15 ET

Cadan's T'Boli Assays Return High Gold and Silver Values
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - June 4, 2008) -

Highlights: 58 g/t Gold & 159 g/t Silver and 61 g/t Gold & 35 g/t Silver

32.44 g/t Gold & 182.45 g/t Silver and 17.30 g/t Gold & 190.14 g/t Silver

CADAN RESOURCES CORPORATION (TSX VENTURE:CNF) (the "Company") is pleased to announce the results from ongoing underground vein sampling at the T'Boli epithermal gold silver deposit. NI 43-101 Inferred Mineral Resource (2.4Mt @ 5.5g/t gold and 21 g/t silver) for some 420,000 ounces of gold and 1,600,000 ounces of silver.

The veins, ranging in widths from 40 cm to 150 cm, are all located within an area of the northern vein system now identified for near term bulk testing to determine gold and silver grades as part of a possible larger underground resource. In addition, the walls were assayed as part of the potential bulk mining analysis from this large, multiple vein system. Sampling of the multiple veins and walls in this area continues.
bei LAT gab es uebrigens Ende Mai eine Analystentour auf Tendal und Paso Yobai, da rechne ich in denkommenden Tagen/Wochen mit ein paar netten Empfehlungen kanadischer Newsletter
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=413798#413798 schrieb:
Fischlaender schrieb am 04.06.2008, 14:10 Uhr[/url]"]Jun 04, 2008 08:00 ET

Latin American Minerals Reports Three Gold Discoveries at Esmeralda, Colombia

TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - June 4, 2008) - Latin American Minerals Inc. (TSX VENTURE:LAT) announces that its initial sampling and mapping program on its wholly-owned 14,089 ha Esmeralda property in Colombia have resulted in three gold discoveries.

"Esmeralda is part of the same belt that is becoming one of the most exiting exploration plays in South America: the Colombia Romeral Fault System. Over 20 million ounces were discovered in this emerging belt in less than 3 years by such companies as Anglo Gold Ashanti, Rio Tinto and B2Gold in similar rocks and similar mineralization to those we found at Esmeralda," said Dr. Waldo Perez, Senior VP of Exploration.

Latin American Minerals' property is located in the Cauca Department of Southern Colombia, a major gold camp reporting current and historical alluvial gold production and lode gold production dating from the 15th Century. Esmeralda is located on the Romeral fault system (see Map 1: Regional Setting) which hosts the Marmato Gold Project (7.0 million ounces) discovered by Colombia Goldfields and the B2Gold Gramalote Project (2.12 million ounces). The discovery of gold-bearing porphyries at Esmeralda is significant given the many similarities to other major deposits along the Romeral fault. La Colosa, a 12.9 million ounce discovery recently announced by Anglo Gold Ashanti, is 300 kilometres northeast of Esmeralda and is indicative of the gold production potential of region.

Three distinct gold bearing porphyries have been discovered by Latin American Minerals at Esmeralda: Tunnel, Amatista and Los Planes (please see Map 2: Lithology). All are of Tertiary age and have similar geologic settings as the major deposits mentioned above. A total of 1016 rock-chip samples have been collected covering the Property and 57% of them have detectable gold. A total of 280 stream sediment samples were collected and 42% of them have detectable gold.
Cadan - WOW!

Triangle und Contact werde ich mich auch mal auf die Lauer legen :evil:

Die wird bei 3 Cad drehen,wenn nichts vorher an News kommt!
-CAJ- Canasia, GAP ist geschlossen und nun kann es wieder sauber UP gehen................. :)
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=413922#413922 schrieb:
dukezero schrieb am 04.06.2008, 15:15 Uhr[/url]"]» zur Grafik
So mal schauen wo ich wieder einsteige! :evil:

wir auch langsam was handefestes........... :)
Jun 04, 2008 11:51 ET
Columbia Yukon Explorations Inc.: Drilling Advances to Further Expand the Storie Moly Deposit
WEST VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - June 4, 2008) - Columbia Yukon Explorations Inc. (the "Company" or "Columbia Yukon") (TSX VENTURE:CYU) is pleased to report that core drilling is proceeding on schedule at the Company's Storie molybdenum deposit. As previously reported, the Company plans to core drill up to 40,000 metres as part of its 2008 drilling program.

To date, core drill hole ST08-97 has been completed and drill hole ST08-98 is now underway. Drilling and assay results will be announced as soon as they are received. Also, during drill pad construction, an outcrop containing significant molybdenite mineralization was discovered. Pictures of the outcrop discovery can be viewed on the Company's website photo gallery at www.columbiayukon.com.

This news release has been reviewed and approved by John Kowalchuk, P. Geo., who is acting as Qualified Person for the Company's Storie Property Project in accordance with regulations under NI 43-101.

About Columbia Yukon Explorations Inc.:

Columbia Yukon is a Canadian mineral exploration company focused on the development of its Storie Molybdenum Property deposit located in northern British Columbia, 5km south of the Hwy from the former Cassiar Mine townsite.

Columbia Yukon Explorations Inc.

Ronald A. Coombes, President & CEO
The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed this news release and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

Jun 04, 2008 13:04 ET
Alexandria Minerals Appoints Ed Stuart to Board of Directors
TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - June 4, 2008) - Alexandria Minerals Corporation (TSX VENTURE:AZX)(FRANKFURT:A9D) is pleased to announce that it has appointed Ed Stuart, formerly an executive with Aur Resources Inc. ("Aur"), to the Board of Directors. Mr. Stuart brings more than 27 years of mining and exploration experience to Alexandria's team.

In 1984 Mr. Stuart joined Aur Resources Inc., where he initiated its Val d'Or exploration activities. He oversaw Aur's gold mining operations in Quebec, as well as the start-up of the world-class Louvicourt copper-zinc-gold-silver mine in Val d'Or and the Andacollo open pit copper mine in Chile. He was also responsible for bringing Aur's Duck Pond base metal mine into production in 2007.

Mr. Stuart held various positions with Aur until 2007, when Teck Cominco Limited amalgamated with Aur: Chief Mines Geologist; President, North and Central America Division; and, most recently, Vice-President, Development Projects.

Eric Owens, President of Alexandria states: "Ed is an excellent addition for our governance and technical activities. He complements a talented group of directors and will be of much help during this period of growth for the Company."

Prior to his activities at Aur, Mr. Stuart was involved in the development and implementation of Eastern Canadian exploration programmes for Derry, Michener and Booth, followed by a position as underground mine geologist at Patino/Northgate's copper-gold operations in Chibougamau, Quebec.

Mr. Stuart obtained a BSc from University College, Dublin, and an MSc from Michigan Technological University. He is a member of the Association of Professional Geoscientists of Ontario, a national member of the Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, a member of the Toronto branch of the CIM and a member of the Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada.

In other matters, subject to shareholder and stock exchange approval, the company has granted an aggregate of 380,000 incentive stock options exercisable at a price of $0.21. Of these 370,000 are exercisable for a period of 5 years, of which 300,000 are to the Company's directors, the remainder issued to employees. The remaining 10,000 stock options, which are exercisable for 3 years are to be issued to employees of the Company.

Alexandria Minerals Corp. is a Toronto-based mineral exploration and development company, currently focused on the exploration for precious metals on mineral properties located in Northern Ontario and Quebec. The Company's management has extensive global experience with small to large mining companies, from grass-roots exploration to the exploitation of mineral deposits. The Company is a reporting issuer in the provinces of British Columbia, Alberta and Ontario.
na bitte, da kam der Ausbruch - aber erstmal mit 3/4 wieder raus zu 1,10 :)
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=411088#411088 schrieb:
greenhorn schrieb am 30.05.2008, 17:19 Uhr[/url]"]da geht aber ganz gut was um heute in Canada - mal ne Posi genommen zum glatten 1,-Cad
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=408944#408944 schrieb:
greenhorn schrieb am 28.05.2008, 15:23 Uhr[/url]"]Jepp - das denke ich auch , bleibt auf WL - wobei die MOngolen wesentlich besser drauf sind als die anderen da aus Equador....... :kichern:
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=408939#408939 schrieb:
Fischlaender schrieb am 28.05.2008, 15:21 Uhr[/url]"]kenne ich, aber da ist der Mongolei Unsicherheitsfaktor

an und fuer sich ein schoener Langfristwert, gute Share Structure, um die 8mio Cash
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=408932#408932 schrieb:
greenhorn schrieb am 28.05.2008, 15:16 Uhr[/url]"]kennt ihr die? - habe auch ein JV mit Xstrata Coal - also auch ein Kohleprojekt.................... :gruebel:

May 28, 2008 08:37 ET
Erdene Receives its First NI 43-101 Compliant Resource Estimate for Zuun Mod Molybdenum Project
Announces 453 Million Pounds of Contained Molybdenum Metal in Measured and Indicated Categories
:coffee: Juten Tach , erstmal - will ja nich unhöflich sein :kichern:

-Kinbauri, KNB - sehr nett gestern , gute Umsätze - die könnten heute dran sein mit nem Ausbruch
hatten ja auch sehr gute News die Tage! :)
Chart ein paar Beiträge weiter unten

@duke - NOT , das lief ja nach Plan und auf TH geschlossen wenn ich das so früh am Morgen richtig sehe!

-CAJ- GAP gestern geschlossen und wieder UP, Super.........und das beste: dickes Kaufsignal geliefert da über 0,41 geschlossen!!!!! SK 0,425 :)

bis später.........

Gestern den Neueinstieg verpennt,- kommt noch!! :evil:
@duke - NOT , das lief ja nach Plan und auf TH geschlossen wenn ich das so früh am Morgen richtig sehe!

-CAJ- GAP gestern geschlossen und wieder UP, Super.........und das beste: dickes Kaufsignal geliefert da über 0,41 geschlossen!!!!! SK 0,425 :)

Lief alles nach plan und ich schau zu! :lol:

Nächste Chance garantiert!! :evil:
Jun 04, 2008 13:29 ET
Vangold Releases Q1 2008 Results
VANCOUVER, BC--(Marketwire - June 4, 2008) - Vangold Resources Ltd. (TSX-V: VAN) ("Vangold") published its 2008 first quarter unaudited consolidated financial and operating results on May 30, 2008. Complete financial statements may be reviewed at www.vangold.ca or www.sedar.com.

A summary of comparisons for the periods ending March 31, 2007 and March 31, 2008 are as follows:

March 31, 2007($) March 31, 2008($)

Assets 15,143,787 19,890,809
Working Capital 5,938,452 10,356,247
Cash and Cash Equivalents 5,734,036 10,230,510
Expenses 665,143 478,324
Revenue* 568,038 279,766
Net Loss** 218,996 198,588

* Revenues decreased $288,272 as a result of the sale of the Killam North
** Net loss per share for the period ending March 31, 2008 was $0.002
compared with a loss of $0.003 per share for the same period in 2007.
During the quarter highlights include the following:

-- Closed Tranche II of a private placement raising $1.29M;
-- Acquired one half of the economic interest for petroleum exploration
of 3,600km2 in southern Armenia;
-- Completed the drill program at the Feni Islands project;
-- Coppermoly Limited listed on the Australian Stock Exchange;
-- Acquired 400,000 bonus and 400,000 bonus warrants of New Guinea Gold
Corporation together with full repayment of a $2M loan;
-- Drill program established to drill Kafunjo property in Uganda;
-- Exploration continued with GPS relocation of the occurrences
geological mapping, prospecting and sampling at the Kilembe and West Nile
licenses in Uganda;
-- International Beryllium Corporation, of which Vangold holds 25.6M
shares, acquired Freedom Alloys, Inc. a US based manufacturer and supplier
of beryllium, beryllium copper and beryllium containing alloy products.
To find out more about Vangold Resources Ltd. please visit our website at www.vangold.ca or contact Dal Brynelsen at 604-684-1974 or by email brynelsen@vangold.ca.

On Behalf of the Board of

"Dal Brynelsen"

Dal Brynelsen, President and CEO
Western Prospector Reports Gurvanbulag Power Line Operational
Supports Near-Term Production Strategy
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - June 5, 2008) - Western Prospector Group Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:WNP) ("Western") today reported its Gurvanbulag project in Mongolia is now operating on electric power supplied through the recently completed 120 kilometre power line from the thermal power station at Choibalsan, Mongolia.

"Completion of the power line project represents a key infrastructure milestone for Western," said Eric Bohren, President and CEO. "It eliminates time and cost uncertainties in providing power for production and will result in significantly lower operating costs."

The power line project represents an investment of over $7 million by the joint venture of Western and XinXin Mining ("XXM"), which is developing a mine seven kilometres from Gurvanbulag. The project began in 2006 with joint venture discussions, engineering design, environmental studies, construction planning and permitting. In 2007, the power line and substations were built, and in 2008 it was tested and cleared for operation.

The power line, which has a transmission capacity of 30 megawatts and 110,000 volts, ensures a low cost, predictable electricity supply to support full scale production at Gurvanbulag (see Figure 1). The cost savings are significant; at its peak last winter, Western was spending approximately $200,000 per month in diesel fuel for Gurvanbulag exploration, camp operations, and dewatering activities. Costs for an equivalent level of electricity over the power line are estimated to be approximately $50,000 per month.

The power line extends 120 kilometres from the Mongolian town of Choibalsan to the Gurvanbulag site. From the Gurvanbulag substation, the joint venture has constructed an internal distribution network to supply power to Western's camp site and deposit site. The design allows for incorporation of additional facilities to expand the power distribution to all the locations that will eventually serve an operating mine and processing plant.

To view Figure 1 please visit the following link:


Western's decision to move ahead with the power line project was based partly on the need for sufficient electrical capacity to sustain future operations. Beyond the 10 megawatts of power committed to each of Western and XXM, there is no substantive additional capacity at the existing power plant in Choibalsan. Without a costly and lengthy process to expand the Choibalsan plant, Western believes there would be insufficient electrical capacity to support a major expansion of its project or to support another mine in the district.

Through its joint venture, Western and XXM have agreed to allocate the estimated one megawatt of surplus power capacity to the local communities of Bayandun-soum, Dashbalbar-soum, and Gurvanzagal-soum, which will be connected to the electric grid for the first time. These connections will be made under a Mongolian government program of funding for rural electrification. With severe winters in northeast Mongolia, these communities will be able to switch from high cost diesel powered generators to lower cost electric power, which will substantially reduce the cost of living.

"The power line represents a major infrastructure milestone for Western in that it clears the path to production, eliminates the risk of securing electrical power capacity in Choibalsan and reduces exposure to uncertain diesel fuel costs in the future," said Gerald Harper, Senior Vice President of Western. "Along with the benefits to three local communities, it also provides Western with substantial experience with local contractors that will enable us to execute the other large-scale technical projects in our production plan."

Western has pushed forward to build a production ready infrastructure that includes the power line, a 200-person camp, a cellular phone connection to the national network and various Mongolian-national training programs and scholarships. Western has spent over $71 million to date in project exploration, development and infrastructure investments.

Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements
wer einen guten relativ konservativen Potash Wert im Depot haben moechte, Anlagehorizont 3-5 Jahre mit dem Potential auf einen Vervielfachung des Einstands, der kann sich mal

Western Potash

ansehen, schoener Wert imho, ich bin da langfristig long zu 1,1 CAD
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