• Am Sonntag, den 09.03.2025 erfolgt in den USA und Kanada die Umstellung auf Sommerzeit. Deswegen beginnt der Haupthandel ab Montag in den USA und Kanada bereits um 14:30 MEZ und endet um 21:00 MEZ. Bei uns findet die Zeitumstellung am 30.03.2025 statt. Dann haben wir wieder die "normalen" Handelszeiten.

Rohstoffthread (Archiv)

Für weitere Antworten geschlossen.
;) mit dabei!

Western Potash gets potash permits in Saskatchewan

2008-06-04 10:59 ET - News Release - die News gestern war ge.l - mal sehen was die draus machen,obwohl ich unsicher über den Veröffentlichungszeitpunkt bin.......10:59 oder wirklich 10 Min vor ende......... :)

Mr. J. Patricio Varas reports


Western Potash Corp. has been granted its first potash permits in southeastern Saskatchewan. The three contiguous permits, KP-407, KP-408 and KP-409, granted by the Saskatchewan Ministry of Energy and Resources, comprise a total of 123,948 acres.

The newly acquired potash permits are immediately adjacent to potash permits held by BHP-Billiton, Kennecott Canada Exploration and Potash One. The three permits are located approximately 30 kilometres south and southeast of Regina, and to the southeast of the Mosaic Co.'s Belle Plaine KL-106-R mining lease, which hosts one of the largest producing potash solution mines in the world.

[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=414985#414985 schrieb:
Fischlaender schrieb am 05.06.2008, 14:19 Uhr[/url]"]wer einen guten relativ konservativen Potash Wert im Depot haben moechte, Anlagehorizont 3-5 Jahre mit dem Potential auf einen Vervielfachung des Einstands, der kann sich mal

Western Potash

ansehen, schoener Wert imho, ich bin da langfristig long zu 1,1 CAD
Canasia picks China-owned firm to build India plant
:eek: :D

2008-06-05 08:31 ET - News Release

Mr. Joe Verlezza reports


Canasia Power Corp. has selected China National Electric Equipment Corp. (CNEEC) as the turnkey equipment, procurement, construction (EPC) contractor for its Jawaharpur supercritical thermal power plant, to be built at Etah, in the state of Uttar Pradesh, India.

An agreement to design, engineer and build the power plant on an aggressive time frame was reached between the senior management of Canasia and CNEEC, in Beijing, China, last week.

CNEEC is a major government-of-China-owned EPC company, that is ranked amongst the top such companies in China. After conducting extensive due diligence on international contractors, Canasia selected CNEEC for this important assignment. In determining the advanced stage of the project and the amount of development work completed, CNEEC is keen to collaborate with Canasia to design, build and commission the over-$1-billion Jawaharpur supercritical thermal power plant in India.
Jun 05, 2008 08:30 ET
East Asia Minerals Encounters 14.0 Metres of 9.41 g/t Gold in Miwah Trench Sampling, Indonesia
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - June 5, 2008) - East Asia Minerals Corporation (TSX VENTURE:EAS) reports that recent trench sampling at its Miwah Project located in Aceh Province, North Sumatra, Indonesia has encountered significant gold mineralization, including 14.0 metres of 9.41 g/t gold. These results are from a virtually un-drilled breccia target located west of the principal area drill tested by a previous explorer in the 1990's.

Miwah Project

Diamond sawn channel sampling in trenches at the Miwah gold-copper Project has focused on an area measuring 200 metres x 150 metres located in the southwest corner of the property (view map at www.EAminerals.com). Here vuggy silica-alunite-sulphide altered volcanic rock has returned the following results from continuous chip channel sampling:

------------------------------------------------------------------Reference Length (metres) Gold (g/t) Silver (g/t)------------------------------------------------------------------Trench 1 14.0 9.41 2.00------------------------------------------------------------------Trench 2 38.7 0.90 8.63------------------------------------------------------------------Trench 3 10.0 0.45 4.09------------------------------------------------------------------Trench 4 20.0 0.85 3.22------------------------------------------------------------------Trench 5 6.0 5.23 24.82------------------------------------------------------------------Trench 6 6.0 6.62 23.28------------------------------------------------------------------Trench 7 19.0 0.17 1.24------------------------------------------------------------------Trench 8 10.0 3.35 7.23------------------------------------------------------------------Trench 9 14.0 3.85 13.11------------------------------------------------------------------Trench 10 20.0 0.30 0.32------------------------------------------------------------------Trench 11 10.0 0.86 4.12------------------------------------------------------------------Trench 12 10.0 0.65 4.45------------------------------------------------------------------Trench 13 9.0 0.09 0.71------------------------------------------------------------------Trench 14 8.0 0.56 3.50------------------------------------------------------------------Trench 15 6.0 2.00 10.35------------------------------------------------------------------
Note: results for trenches 16 to 19 are outstanding. Copper content wasgenerally less than 500ppm and accordingly is not regarded as significantfor inclusion in the table above.

Higher grade intervals such as 14.0 metres at 9.41 g/t gold (Trench 1), 6.0 metres at 6.62 g/t gold (Trench 6) and 6.0 metres at 5.23 g/t gold (Trench 5) are related to north-northeast-trending structurally controlled breccia zones that remain essentially untested by drilling. These higher grade structures or feeder zones are enveloped by broad areas of lower grade gold mineralization up to 100 metres wide.

Miwah is located within the same arc as the Martabe high sulphidation gold deposit in North Sumatra (Resources: 6MOz of gold and 60MOz of silver; Average grade: 1.9 g/t gold and 24.9 g/t silver).The Miwah property also contains a large high sulphidation epithermal alteration and mineralization system measuring 800 metres by 1000 metres that is geologically similar to Martabe. It was partially defined by approximately 3000 metres of drilling in eleven holes by a previous explorer in the 1990s. All holes drilled during this program intersected significant alteration and mineralization with intercepts including 71 metres at 1.4 g/t gold and 58 metres at 1.1 g/t gold. Previous explorers suggested potential for 100 Mt at 1.1 to 1.2 g/t gold, however a review of the historical data indicates that early drilling was clearly parallel to higher grade (greater than 5 g/t gold) structures at surface, and hence significantly higher overall grades are anticipated from better oriented drill holes.

Integration of recent encouraging trench results and historical work, combined with ongoing detailed surface mapping and sampling will form the basis for selecting optimum drill targets which are anticipated to be drill tested later in the year.

Samples reported were assayed at Intertech assay laboratories in Jakarta. David Royle, B.Sc. (Hons), FAusIMM, CP, the designated QP within the meaning of 43-101, has reviewed and approves the content of this release. East Asia has not verified the classification of the resource references and is not treating them as a NI 43-101 defined resources verified by a QP. Although the references of resources are relevant to recognizing the potential of the Miwah project, they should not be relied upon.
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=415013#415013 schrieb:
greenhorn schrieb am 05.06.2008, 14:41 Uhr[/url]"]Canasia picks China-owned firm to build India plant
:eek: :D

2008-06-05 08:31 ET - News Release

Mr. Joe Verlezza reports


Canasia Power Corp. has selected China National Electric Equipment Corp. (CNEEC) as the turnkey equipment, procurement, construction (EPC) contractor for its Jawaharpur supercritical thermal power plant, to be built at Etah, in the state of Uttar Pradesh, India.

An agreement to design, engineer and build the power plant on an aggressive time frame was reached between the senior management of Canasia and CNEEC, in Beijing, China, last week.

CNEEC is a major government-of-China-owned EPC company, that is ranked amongst the top such companies in China. After conducting extensive due diligence on international contractors, Canasia selected CNEEC for this important assignment. In determining the advanced stage of the project and the amount of development work completed, CNEEC is keen to collaborate with Canasia to design, build and commission the over-$1-billion Jawaharpur supercritical thermal power plant in India.


heisst aber eigentlich Canasia Industries. Könnte ein Fehler sein.
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=415061#415061 schrieb:
Fischlaender schrieb am 05.06.2008, 15:05 Uhr[/url]"]das ist eine andere Canasia

Ist so, trotzdem sieht es für CAJ heute gut aus!! Gestern weiter sehr stark. :)
das hier betrifft Canasia Ind.

Int. Samuel ist der JV Partner fuer die an VMS angrenzenden Reed Lake Projekte

International Samuel Exploration Corp.: Historical Data Indicates Conductors at Reed Lake Project in Manitoba

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA, Jun 5, 2008 (Marketwire via COMTEX News Network) --
International Samuel Exploration Corp. (TSX VENTURE:SAZ), International Samuel and Canasia Industries announce that they have received interpretation of historical data obtained on their jointly-owned Reed Lake property. Previous geophysical data has indicated there is a minimum of 6 conductors on the property. Company representatives have just returned from Reed Lake and, while there, met with all the related parties needed to advance the project including line cutting, ground geophysics, permitting and drilling.

Conrad Swanson, President of International Samuel, says that this is a positive step towards drilling on the project.

We seek safe harbour.


[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=415064#415064 schrieb:
dukezero schrieb am 05.06.2008, 15:07 Uhr[/url]"]
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=415063#415063 schrieb:
dukezero schrieb am 05.06.2008, 15:06 Uhr[/url]"]
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=415061#415061 schrieb:
Fischlaender schrieb am 05.06.2008, 15:05 Uhr[/url]"]das ist eine andere Canasia

Ist so, trotzdem sieht es für CAJ heute gut aus!! Gestern weiter sehr stark. :)
:oops: Sorry.............wollte nich verwirren
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=415088#415088 schrieb:
greenhorn schrieb am 05.06.2008, 15:23 Uhr[/url]"]:oops: Sorry.............wollte nich verwirren

:bissig: :haue: :punish:
:old: :peitsche:

ich hab am Anfang auch gedacht, nanu, was machen die denn in Indien... :kichern:
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=415104#415104 schrieb:
Fischlaender schrieb am 05.06.2008, 15:37 Uhr[/url]"]
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=415088#415088 schrieb:
greenhorn schrieb am 05.06.2008, 15:23 Uhr[/url]"]:oops: Sorry.............wollte nich verwirren

:bissig: :haue: :punish:
:old: :peitsche:

ich hab am Anfang auch gedacht, nanu, was machen die denn in Indien... :kichern:

Na ja bin auch rein mit einer neuen Starterposi!! Ein Pickel muss vom Avatar entfernt werden! :lol: :beer: :friends:
0,46 :)
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=415080#415080 schrieb:
Fischlaender schrieb am 05.06.2008, 15:19 Uhr[/url]"]das hier betrifft Canasia Ind.

Int. Samuel ist der JV Partner fuer die an VMS angrenzenden Reed Lake Projekte

International Samuel Exploration Corp.: Historical Data Indicates Conductors at Reed Lake Project in Manitoba

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA, Jun 5, 2008 (Marketwire via COMTEX News Network) --
International Samuel Exploration Corp. (TSX VENTURE:SAZ), International Samuel and Canasia Industries announce that they have received interpretation of historical data obtained on their jointly-owned Reed Lake property. Previous geophysical data has indicated there is a minimum of 6 conductors on the property. Company representatives have just returned from Reed Lake and, while there, met with all the related parties needed to advance the project including line cutting, ground geophysics, permitting and drilling.

Conrad Swanson, President of International Samuel, says that this is a positive step towards drilling on the project.

We seek safe harbour.


[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=415064#415064 schrieb:
dukezero schrieb am 05.06.2008, 15:07 Uhr[/url]"]
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=415063#415063 schrieb:
dukezero schrieb am 05.06.2008, 15:06 Uhr[/url]"]
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=415061#415061 schrieb:
Fischlaender schrieb am 05.06.2008, 15:05 Uhr[/url]"]das ist eine andere Canasia

Ist so, trotzdem sieht es für CAJ heute gut aus!! Gestern weiter sehr stark. :)
von mir.......? :sorry:
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=415111#415111 schrieb:
dukezero schrieb am 05.06.2008, 15:41 Uhr[/url]"]
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=415104#415104 schrieb:
Fischlaender schrieb am 05.06.2008, 15:37 Uhr[/url]"]
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=415088#415088 schrieb:
greenhorn schrieb am 05.06.2008, 15:23 Uhr[/url]"]:oops: Sorry.............wollte nich verwirren

:bissig: :haue: :punish:
:old: :peitsche:

ich hab am Anfang auch gedacht, nanu, was machen die denn in Indien... :kichern:

Na ja bin auch rein mit einer neuen Starterposi!! Ein Pickel muss vom Avatar entfernt werden! :lol: :beer: :friends:
So nochmal nach vorne geholt!

Im August geplante Produktionsaufnahme!! :)

[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=413512#413512 schrieb:
Ollinho schrieb am 04.06.2008, 11:03 Uhr[/url]"]Aus dem Swingthread mal hierher geholt:

Nachtrag zum Thema "underground drilling at bucko":

aus dem Update Anfang Mai:

Underground Development
The new portal for the underground ramp is progressing with completion expected by the end of May.

Two diamond drills are currently underground undertaking definition and delineation drilling on the 1,000 foot level. It is expected that the geotechnical information and assay results from this drilling should assist in optimizing the geotechnical design and upgrading the mineable reserve. The development underground on the 1,000 foot level has progressed to the point that the larger mining equipment is ready to be transported underground and then assembled to finish the remaining work on that level and the ramps to other levels.

Ollinho schrieb am 04.06.2008, 08:38 Uhr
Moin MD!

Hier noch die aktuelle Entwicklung der Insti-Käufe

% Shares Owned: 45.90% # New Positions: 12
# of Holders: 18 # Closed Positions: 0
Total Shares Held: 115,342,733 # Increased Positions: 0
3 Mo. Net Change: 69,010,625 # Reduced Positions:-9,924,108
# Net Buyers: 12

Insti Anteil auf 45,90% gestiegen!


Ollinho schrieb am 03.06.2008, 22:40 Uhr
MDstyle schrieb am 02.06.2008, 15:49 Uhr
Olli liegt demnächst was an bei CMI ?

Sorry für die späte Antwort! Hab aktuell viel zu tun und komme nicht in gewohnten Maße an den PC.

-CMI- Crowflight Minerals

Nachdem Crowflight am 20.05. die Resultate des Winterbohrprogramms von Halflake, M11A, Apex etc. geliefert hat kann man von einem baldigen RE-Update dieser Bereiche ausgehen.
Laut IR Abteilung sollte umgehend nach den Bohrergebnissen an einem RE Update für diese Zonen gearbeitet werden.
Für diese Zonen hat Crowflight neben dem Haupt-Minen-Projekt Bucko Lake auch schon erste NI 43-101 konforme Berichte durchgeführt mit wirklich ansprechenden Ergebnissen. Hier kann man nun nach den neuerlichen Ergebnissen mit einem erfolgreichen RE-Update für diese Zonen rechnen.
Für Crowflight wäre dadurch sicher eine rosige Zukunft zu erwarten, da sie mit dem erwarteten Cash Flow von Bucko die weiteren Projekte erschließen könnten!

Somit ist in absehbarer Zeit mit diesem markanten RE-Update zu rechnen. Ein Zeitfenster kann ich nicht nennen, da ich nicht weiß welche Vorarbeiten durchgeführt wurden etc.; die neuen Bohrergebnisse liegen nun erst 2 Wochen vor.

Was natürlich ansteht sind die entscheidenden Arbeiten für den geplanten Produktionsbeginn im Laufe des August für die Bucko Lake Mine. Hier könnte fast täglich was kommen. Außer einem allgemeinen Update wurde da nichts weiteres kommuniziert.

Positiv überraschen könnten auch folgende Arbeiten:

2008 Summer Drilling Program at Manibridge

Crowflight and Pure Nickel plan to commence drilling nickel exploration targets identified close to the past-producing Manibridge Mine in early June. Results from this program will be released through the summer and early fall of 2008 as they become available.

Underground Drilling at Bucko

Crowflight continues to conduct underground drilling from the 1,000 foot level of the Bucko Lake Nickel Project, with the intent of obtaining further geotechnical information on the deposit and upgrading the mineral resource and reserve estimates. It is expected that results from this program will be released through the late spring and fall of 2008 as they become available.

Interessant auch die Entwicklung der Instis bei Crowflight:

Alleine von März - April wurden über 30 Mio Aktien zugekauft!!!

% Shares Owned: 31.67%
# of Holders: 16
Total Shares Held: 79,387,233
3 Mo. Net Change: 33,070,125

Die letzten Tage brachte der Nickelpreis-Rutsch etwas Druck in die Aktie. Aber ich denke unter 9,50 $ wird der nicht fallen und die Tage eher wieder anziehen. Zur Info: Crowflight hat in seinen Machbarkeitsstudien eine gute Profitabilität bei 8 $ Nickelpreis aufweisen können.

Gruß Olli
Jo, sieht gut aus! Ist im Depot!
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=415233#415233 schrieb:
Ollinho schrieb am 05.06.2008, 16:33 Uhr[/url]"]:up: ;)

[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=415218#415218 schrieb:
MDstyle schrieb am 05.06.2008, 16:26 Uhr[/url]"]Duke CMI /CML legt langsam los
jo hab mir mal paar von deinen A3T geholt nachdem ich gestern das Tief um 1 cent verfehlt hab .
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=415246#415246 schrieb:
dukezero schrieb am 05.06.2008, 16:37 Uhr[/url]"]Jo, sieht gut aus! Ist im Depot!
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=415233#415233 schrieb:
Ollinho schrieb am 05.06.2008, 16:33 Uhr[/url]"]:up: ;)

[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=415218#415218 schrieb:
MDstyle schrieb am 05.06.2008, 16:26 Uhr[/url]"]Duke CMI /CML legt langsam los
Bei der wahren Canasia gerade 2.te Posi geholt!

Canasia Industries Corporation: Conductors Indicated on Reed Lake Prospect
6/5/2008 9:48:13 AM - Market Wire

Canasia Industries Corporation (TSX VENTURE: CAJ) (PINK SHEETS: CANSF) (FRANKFURT: 45C) ("Canasia") announces that it has been notified by the operator that interpretation of historical data has been obtained on the Reed Lake Prospect. Previous geophysical data has indicated there is a minimum of six conductors on the property. A compliant National Instrument 43-101 report will completed by Canasia in the future. Readers should note that the information on historic work performed on the property disclosed on this release was completed prior to implementation of National Instrument 43-101, therefore the results spoken of do not comply with modern reporting standards and should not be relied upon until such time as additional work is completed on the property.

Joint venture representatives have just returned from Reed Lake and while there met with parties needed to advance the project including line cutting, ground geophysics, permitting and drilling.

Graeme Sewell, a director of Canasia stated, "Management is moving forward toward establishing high-priority drill targets on the Reed Lake Prospect. Drilling is anticipated to commence this summer on this prospect. This prospect is directly contiguous to a recent discovery announced by VMS Ventures (May 22, 2008), with intercepts including 18.99 metres (62.3 feet) of 7.10 per cent copper and 0.17 per cent zinc."

If you would like to be added to Canasia's news distribution list, please send your email address to info@canasiaind.com.

Graeme Sewell, Director
:lol: also bei der einzig wahren............... :up:
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=415329#415329 schrieb:
dukezero schrieb am 05.06.2008, 17:18 Uhr[/url]"]Bei der wahren Canasia gerade 2.te Posi geholt!
un 05, 2008 12:36 ET
Hard Creek Begins 2008 Field Season at Turnagain
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - June 5, 2008) - Mark Jarvis, President of Hard Creek Nickel Corp. (TSX VENTURE:HNC) announced today that crews have been mobilized to site to continue with development and exploration activities for the 2008 field season of the Company's 100% owned Turnagain Project, located 70 km east of Dease Lake in Northern British Columbia. A total of 5,830 metres of drilling is planned in 27 holes with the first hole scheduled to start on Monday, June 9, 2008.

"Our drill program this year has been designed to achieve two separate goals," said Mr. Jarvis. "First, seventy five percent of our holes will be infill holes designed to increase the confidence level of the higher grade nickel resource in the projected starter pit area of the Horsetrail deposit. Moving a significant portion of these blocks from an indicated to a measured resource category would increase the certainty of being able to attain projected grades during the early life of the mine. Effectively, we are reducing an important element of the project risk."

"The second area of focus will be in identifying the potential of the Cliff zone to add a platinum-palladium component to our mine development plan," continued Mr. Jarvis. "Last field season we drilled long intercepts with nickel grades similar to the Horsetrail deposit in the Cliff zone but with much higher platinum and palladium values than characteristic of the Horstrail (see Press Release Dec. 19, 2007). Our drill program this year is designed to methodically test this new area for continuity to evaluate whether we can develop a meaningful tonnage of this type of material."

"At this time we are not focusing on adding any further resources in the immediate area of the Horsetrail Deposit. Our past drilling programs have already identified one of the largest undeveloped sulphide deposits in the world with an estimated mine life of 29 years (see Press Release Dec. 10, 2007). Given that the Horsetrail Deposit is still open to the northeast we are very confident that more step-out drilling could easily add several more years of mine life to the Turnagain Project."

This press release uses the terms "measured" and "indicated" resources. We advise U.S. investors that while those terms are recognized and required by Canadian regulations, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission does not recognize them. U.S. investors are cautioned not to assume that any part or all of mineral deposits in these categories would ever be converted to reserves.

This press release contains "forward looking statements". Such forward-looking statements involve a number of known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of the company's plans to materially differ from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Known risks include, but are not limited to, financing risks, commodity price risks, scheduling risks and engineering risks. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date the statements were made, and readers are advised to consider such forward-looking statements in light of the risks set forth in the company's continuous disclosure filings as found at www.sedar.com.

This news release has been reviewed and approved by Neil Froc, P. Eng, a Qualified Person consistent with NI 43-101.

MARK JARVIS, President

The TSX Venture Exchange does not accept responsibility for the accuracy or adequacy of this n
das denke ich auch! :)
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=415558#415558 schrieb:
dukezero schrieb am 05.06.2008, 21:17 Uhr[/url]"]
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=415135#415135 schrieb:
dukezero schrieb am 05.06.2008, 15:51 Uhr[/url]"]» zur Grafik

Da sind Volumen drin!! Das wird ein no brainer! :eek:
:juchu: einfach spitze!

nun wäre langsam mal Tenajon fällig :evil:
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=415430#415430 schrieb:
Ollinho schrieb am 05.06.2008, 18:51 Uhr[/url]"]Largo Resources!!! :juchu:

Longposition knapp 140 % vorne :D :)
:) staune das bei WPX der Anstieg anders verläuft........als zum Beispiel bei PON, die haben gestern nochmal +44% gemacht
dachte Potash iss Potash und die News bei WPX fand ich besser als die von PON.... :scratch:
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=415011#415011 schrieb:
greenhorn schrieb am 05.06.2008, 14:39 Uhr[/url]"];) mit dabei!

Western Potash gets potash permits in Saskatchewan

2008-06-04 10:59 ET - News Release - die News gestern war ge.l - mal sehen was die draus machen,obwohl ich unsicher über den Veröffentlichungszeitpunkt bin.......10:59 oder wirklich 10 Min vor ende......... :)

Mr. J. Patricio Varas reports


Western Potash Corp. has been granted its first potash permits in southeastern Saskatchewan. The three contiguous permits, KP-407, KP-408 and KP-409, granted by the Saskatchewan Ministry of Energy and Resources, comprise a total of 123,948 acres.

The newly acquired potash permits are immediately adjacent to potash permits held by BHP-Billiton, Kennecott Canada Exploration and Potash One. The three permits are located approximately 30 kilometres south and southeast of Regina, and to the southeast of the Mosaic Co.'s Belle Plaine KL-106-R mining lease, which hosts one of the largest producing potash solution mines in the world.

[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=414985#414985 schrieb:
Fischlaender schrieb am 05.06.2008, 14:19 Uhr[/url]"]wer einen guten relativ konservativen Potash Wert im Depot haben moechte, Anlagehorizont 3-5 Jahre mit dem Potential auf einen Vervielfachung des Einstands, der kann sich mal

Western Potash

ansehen, schoener Wert imho, ich bin da langfristig long zu 1,1 CAD
Für weitere Antworten geschlossen.
Oben Unten