• Am Sonntag, den 09.03.2025 erfolgt in den USA und Kanada die Umstellung auf Sommerzeit. Deswegen beginnt der Haupthandel ab Montag in den USA und Kanada bereits um 14:30 MEZ und endet um 21:00 MEZ. Bei uns findet die Zeitumstellung am 30.03.2025 statt. Dann haben wir wieder die "normalen" Handelszeiten.

Rohstoffthread (Archiv)

Für weitere Antworten geschlossen.
Tach zusammen,

ist mein erstes Posting hier im Board aber ich lese hier länger mit.
Ist ein Top Board mit Klasse Leuten.

Erstmal kompliment an Fischländer für die Top Explorer.

Jetzt komm ich auch zu meiner Frage zu Kobex:

Die Story klingt ja ganz gut und erinnert mich stark an Blue Pearl Minin vor 1 1/2 Jahren
als RSR sie vorgestellt hat und der 65% Anteil an geschätzten 950 Pfund Moly (lt. Homepage aber aus
1970 nicht nach den NI-43-101 Vorschriften)ist ja besser als TCM´s Davidson Project.
Deshalb glaube ich das Kobex auf Jünfjahressicht eine gleiche Performance wie TCM macht bzw. aktuell hat.

Jetzt zu den einzigen was für mich noch im Raum steht (neben der Lizenz für die Verarbeitung der 6000 to pro Tag die aber kein Problem seien dürfte) was Kostet es eine Verarbeitungsanlage für das Erz zu errichten? Wo sie bei TCM her kommt ist ja bekannt und ich denke gehört zuhaben die Verarbeitungsanlage so wie sie ist, heute zu bauen würde 500 Mio. US$ + kosten. Kennt sich da jemand aus? Eine Finanzierung über eine Bank ist ja bei gleich bleibenden Moly-Preis sicher kein Problem. Auch wenn die Produktion erst 2013 los geht. Es bleibt also genügend Zeit um "einzusammeln" wenn alles passt!

Wenn mir einer eine etwa Zahl für den Bau nennen würde, wäre Klasse.

Besten Dank

und nochmal ist wirklich ein Top Board hier mit Top Leuten wo man immer klasse imformiert wird!
Was herrscht denn heute bei Kobex für ein reges Treiben?
Kennt man ja gar nicht


Lucky Jack project starts public chats

Each Wednesday from 2:30 to 4 p.m., Gillespie will be at the Brick Oven Pizzeria in Crested Butte, offering pizza and soft drinks to participants.

“This gives the community a chance to talk about any aspect of the project they'd like to discuss,” Gillespie says.

Kaum bekommen die Pizza und Coke, da kaufen se schon oder wie? :lol:

Ich denke ,dass wir hier sehr schnell steigende Kurse sehen, Kobex macht das sehr clever und einvernehmich vor Ort, die haben zwar nichts zu sagen aber es macht sich gut! :)
Hidden Value Play Pelangio entwickelt sich weiter nach Plan


zur Erinnerung: die halten 20mio shares von Detour Gold Corp (dem 50/50 JV Partner von Trade Winds Partner bei deren Detour Project), DGC notiert bei 7 CAD momentan

Pelangio Market Cap 125mio as of now, damit immer noch 15mio geringer, als alleine der Wert der Beteiligung an DGC, LOL!!!

und Pelangio hat ja noch eigene Projekte, u.a. eines in Ghana

July 09, 2007
Pelangio Starts Drilling At Obuasi Property In Ghana


und weitere Gelaende in Canada

Pelangio controls a number of early-stage properties in Ontario and Quebec, mostly in areas with active and historic mining activities. In 2007, Pelangio will be conducting exploration work, including a drilling program, on its 100% owned Seeley Lake and Black Township properties located in Ontario.

ausserdem steckt Pelangio noch bei einem an und fuer sich aussichtsreichen TWD Projekt drin, da muss TWD bis Ende Juli mit einer Idee kommen, wie es weitergehen soll...

Birch Lake, Ontario
The property comprises 28 contiguous unpatented mining claims (1,120 acres) located in the Keigat Lake area, approximately 120 kilometres northeast of Red Lake, Ontario. In July 2003, Pelangio granted an option on the Birch Lake gold property to Trade Winds Ventures ("Trade Winds"). Under the terms of the option agreement, Trade Winds has the right to acquire a 60% interest in the property by spending $1.7 million in exploration expenditures on the property, paying a total of $145,000 and issuing a total of 200,000 common shares at specified dates before July 31, 2007. Should Trade Winds fail to meet the aforementioned commitments, Pelangio shall maintain its 100% interest in the property. The option between Trade Winds and Pelangio is in good standing but Trade Winds is required to complete a further $500,000 of exploration expenditures by July 31, 2007. The companies are in discussion regarding a request from Trade Winds for an extension.
i.Z.m. PLG muss man auch mal wieder TWD nennen, was da passiert kann man rational nur folgendermassen erklaeren:

die letzte Financing News ist lange her, wahrscheinlich kommt da demnaechst was und ich koennte mir vorstellen, dass die beteiligten Broker das Ding hedgen, uebrigens weit verbreitet bei den Juniors

das geht folgendermassen:

ein Junior Explorer dessen burn-rate bekannt ist steht kurz vor knapp mit Ebbe in der Kasse, die Aktie wird massiv durch Shortselling der Instis gedrueckt, bzw. auf aktuellem Niveau trotz herausragender Ergebnisse gehalten. Der von uns Kleinanlegern sehnsuechtig erwartete Runup aufgrund des Short Covering bleibt aus, denn dieselben Shortseller beteiligen sich jetzt an dem Financing zu idR 20-30%unter ihrem V-Kurs ausgehandelten Bedingungen PLUS sie sacken umsonst die Warrants ein, so laeuft das Spiel, meine Herren!

DASS so etwas immer wieder passiert kann man daran merken, wenn ein umfangreiches Financing bei einem Junior erfolgte und anschliessend keine Meldung auf SEDAR durch die Instis erfolgt, dass sie soundsoviel Aktien einer Firma gekauft haben.

Dieses Szenario laeuft imho momentan z.B. bei Zaruma, GlenCore will da ja 22mio debt financing zum Luz del Cobre Cu Projekt beisteuern, das ganze kostet aber 25-30io, d.h. Zaruma muss ein Financing durchfuehren. GlenCore, Canaccord oder wer auch immer verkauft jetzt zwischen 0,17 und 0,22 CAD 40mio shares, die sie dann billiger zu in etwa 0,12-0,14 CAD wieder reinbekommen, damit die Short Posi schliessen und zusaetzlich die Warrants zu Vorzugskonditionen (a la 0,20 Cent bis 2009) bekommen
bei Int. PBX unbedingt dabeibleiben, da soll nach Aussagen des CEO bis Ende Juli die erste Resourcenschaetzung auf Basis der Ergebnisse des ersten 10.000m Bohrprogrammes kommen. Dieses Programm hat lediglich 1/3 der bekannten Mineralisierung auf Copaquire erfasst und dabei auch nur den moly, nicht aber den Rhenium Teil!

kann sowas in der Richtung um 400 mio t a 0,1% Moly geben, waeren ca. 900 mio Pfund bis dato!


Mexivada Mining MNV hat ein Kaufsignal!! 0,96 CAD.In Erwartung neuer News!
Jul 23, 2007 09:30 ET
Alexandria Minerals Corp. Retains Cronus Capital Markets for Strategic Consulting
TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - July 23, 2007) - Alexandria Minerals Corp. (TSX VENTURE:AZX) has retained CCM Consulting, a division of Cronus Capital Markets (CCM) Inc., to assist the company with information-based strategies to increase public awareness and overall liquidity.

The services to be provided by CCM will include arrangement and coordination of research coverage through CCM Research, a division of Cronus Capital Markets, ongoing media coverage, web-based and live investor presentations, and distribution and dissemination of research reports. Alexandria Minerals Corp. will be paying $45,000 for these services over the next 12 months.

There is no prior relationship between Alexandria Minerals Corp. and CCM, nor is there any prior direct or indirect interest in Alexandria Minerals Corp. or its securities, or any right to acquire such an interest, on the part of CCM.


Alexandria Minerals is a junior resource company focused on acquiring and exploring high-potential properties situated in the world-class mining camps of Ontario and Quebec, Canada. The Company is aggressively exploring several advanced gold projects in the Val d'Or mining camp of northwestern Quebec. Prospective gold targets are being tested as part of a first-pass assessment of a land package that now covers more than 25km of the prolific gold-bearing Cadillac-Larder Lake Break.

Alexandria shares trade in Canada on The TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol AZX and received a secondary listing on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange under the symbol A9D. The Company's website can be accessed at: http://www.azx.ca.


Cronus Capital Markets (www.cronuscapitalmarkets.com), with offices in Toronto and New York, assists companies, in a wide variety of industries and emerging growth sectors, create and execute information-based strategies to overcome market inefficiencies that are commonplace for the vast majority of public companies; such as share illiquidity and stagnant market presence. The head office of Cronus Capital Markets is located at Suite 206, 116 Spadina Avenue, Toronto, Ontario M5V 2K6.

The TSX Venture Exchange has neither approved nor disapproved the contents of the press release.
Jul 23, 2007 12:24 ET
Mindoro QAQC Procedures Ensure Complete Integrity of All Assay Results
EDMONTON, ALBERTA--(Marketwire - July 23, 2007) - It is timely for Mindoro Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:MIO)(FRANKFURT:WKN 906167) to outline and state its Quality Assurance and Quality Control (QAQC) procedures, and overall security procedures applied in the handling and processing of all drilling materials from its projects, including the Kay Tanda gold-silver project where a NI 43-101 resource estimate is in progress. Mindoro applies rigorous QAQC and security programs in all drilling material handling and assay procedures, and all results are reported with complete confidence in their integrity.

All projects are directly under the control and supervision of Tony Climie, P. Geo., a qualified person and President of Mindoro. Mr. Climie is a field-oriented geologist who performs close, hands-on supervision of projects and conducts frequent site visits. The sampling protocol for the Reverse Circulation (RC) drilling program at Kay Tanda (147 drill holes) was designed by Mr. Gary Powell, MAustIMM, and a qualified person, with a great deal of advanced gold project evaluation in Australia. QAQC procedures for core drilling were set up by Mindoro under the direction of Bruce Rohrlach, BSc. (Hons), Ph.D, M.AusIMM, also a qualified person who personally observed the drilling and sampling procedures closely during site visits to Kay Tanda.

At Kay Tanda, drilling is carried out under the direct supervision of a team of permanent Mindoro geologists and engineers. The team ensures that all samples are under the control of trained personnel at all times from the rig to the laboratory. To ensure drill site quality control, a geologist and a drill supervisor were assigned permanently on site during all of the RC drilling. The geologist, assisted by the drilling supervisor, acted as overall supervisor of the operation including the RC sampling protocol from splitting to bagging. They also supervised transport of samples from the site to the Lobo Project Office. The large volume of RC samples remaining after the assay sub-sample has been collected are then trucked to the Lobo Project Office where they are stored for future reference.

For the diamond drilling, two mining engineers and two drill supervisors were assigned permanently on site for both the day and night shifts. They supervised the retrieval of the drill core from the core tubes, placement in core boxes, security strapping of the core boxes, and transport to the core shack. Core boxes at the rig were mechanically tightly-sealed by heavy-duty polyurethane plastic packing bands, then transported to the Archangel Field Camp, and then to Lobo Project Camp for photography, logging and sample processing.

The samples are received by Mindoro's Core House Manager at Lobo, who is also a geologist and permanently assigned to manage the sample preparation and dispatch to McPhar Laboratories, as well as archiving of field duplicates. Sample preparation protocols are strictly followed by all core house personnel, including splitting packaging, labeling and recording; and carried out under the direct supervision of senior geological personnel. Core samples are split for assay using a diamond saw and half of the core retained for later reference or assay checks.

Prepared samples are transported to McPhar Laboratory in Manila using company-owned vehicles and accompanied by either a geologist or a core house geotechnician. Counting and cross-checking of samples vis-a-vis the McPhar Submission Form are done by McPhar supervisors and witnessed by the Mindoro personnel. Secured sample bags are opened by McPhar supervisors only.

McPhar Geoservices (Philippines) Inc. carries out high quality sample preparation and assay procedures. It is an ISO 9002-certified laboratory and has been providing assay laboratory services to both local and foreign exploration and mining companies for the past 33 years.

The McPhar Laboratories in Manila ensures a Quality Assurance/Quality Control program incorporated in their sample preparation and analysis procedures. Every tenth sample and samples with "anomalous" results, i.e., samples having abnormally high or low results within a sample batch, are routinely checked. Variations were within acceptable limits. McPhar also inserts its own Certified Reference Materials and blanks.

External checks were carried out by Mindoro by including one standard sample and one reagent blank sample in every 20-25 sample charges.

To further ensure the integrity of the assay results, pulp rejects for both rock chips and drill cores are sent by Mindoro to Australian-owned Intertek Testing Services (ITS), an internationally reputed laboratory in Jakarta, Indonesia for re-assay. Intertek-Jakarta is the only ISO 17025-accredited mineral laboratory in Indonesia. Moreover, field duplicates, coarse duplicates and pulp rejects were re-sampled and subsequently sent to McPhar for re-assay. Overall results of all rechecks are within acceptable limits.

Moreover, a preliminary geostatistical study was undertaken by Golder Associates Pty Ltd. of Australia, using Median Indicator Kriging (MIK). This independent consulting group employed statistical analyses to carry out independent checks on the Kay Tanda datasets, checking for logical errors and limitations, including extreme assay values. No significant discrepancies or problems were noted. To provide information for evaluating the short-scale continuity of mineralization Golder recommended some close-spaced (12.5 m) drilling in a small area. Mindoro conducted such drilling and which, as recently reported, has been returning excellent results and is confirming short-scale continuity.

Mindoro also notes that its results are entirely consistent with gold-silver mineralization encountered in wide-spaced reconnaissance core drilling conducted by Western Mining Corporation, an Australian major, in 1989, and with thirteen reconnaissance RC holes completed by Canadian junior Chase Resources Ltd. in 1997. Previously reported detailed alteration, structural and petrological studies carried out by independent consultants and experts have confirmed that Kay Tanda is a robust gold-silver mineral system.
Jul 24, 2007 03:01 ET
Mineralized Zone at Million Mountain Continues to Expand to the South and East; Intervals Include 31.25 Meters @ 2.23 G/T Au

VANCOUVER, BC--(Marketwire - July 24, 2007) - SACRE-COEUR MINERALS, LTD. (TSX VENTURE: SCM) (FRANKFURT: SSN) (the "Company") today announced that it has received assays from Loring Laboratories Inc. of Georgetown Guyana for thirteen additional drill holes at its Million Mountain Project located in the Middle Puruni River region of Guyana. The holes reported herein tested a strip spanning 400 meters West to East, and approximately 150 meters North to South across the Southern edge of the main mineralized zone. The four Western-most of these holes including MM5907 - MM6207 yielded gold values with reported intercepts ranging from 0.5 g/t Au (assumed cut-off) to 1.29 g/t Au. However, progressively to the East, the holes yielded intercepts of increasing gold values culminating with hole MM7407 which produced a 31.85 meter zone grading 2.23 g/t Au, including an 11.96 meter interval grading 3.54 g/t Au. Several of the holes in the Eastern portion of the area tested exhibited numerous short intervals grading between 5 - 10 g/t Au, with a few grading +10 g/t Au. Gold mineralization in these holes is substantially more continuous than the holes to the West.

Currently, eight more holes in this area have been completed and assays are pending. The rock type exhibited in these cores is brecciated quartz monzonite similar to the rock hosting the high grade intercepts to the Northwest. Visible gold was observed in core from several of these holes.


Drill Hole From(m) To(m) Interval(m) Assay(g/t Au)
MM5907 35.62 57.55 21.93 0.72
MM5907 61.03 66.80 5.77 1.33
MM5907 83.00 88.00 5.00 0.53
MM6007 28.32 37.09 8.77 1.29
MM6007 136.15 140.72 4.57 0.94
MM6007 186.57 190.65 4.08 0.54
MM6107 94.30 99.48 5.18 0.61
MM6107 219.10 226.67 7.57 0.53
MM6307 3.00 202.85 199.85 0.51
MM6407 11.10 155.40 144.30 0.71
MM6507 0.00 4.50 4.50 4.84
MM6607 0.00 18.95 18.95 0.68
MM6607 23.70 48.60 24.90 0.90
MM6607 61.30 72.40 11.10 0.60
MM6607 144.85 154.45 9.60 0.51
MM6607 167.35 173.55 6.20 0.50
MM6707 0.00 21.70 21.70 0.64
MM6707 34.05 53.30 19.25 0.50
MM6707 65.95 73.90 7.95 0.62
MM6707 79.65 84.30 4.65 0.67
MM6807 23.35 28.00 4.65 0.51
MM6807 62.75 88.15 25.40 0.73
MM7207 3.00 57.63 54.63 1.43
MM7207 61.88 84.90 23.02 0.50
MM7307 3.06 23.50 20.44 1.30
MM7307 56.90 76.66 19.76 0.77
MM7307 157.00 163.85 6.85 1.24
MM7407 54.15 86.00 31.85 2.23
Including 63.50 75.46 11.96 3.54
MM7407 117.83 122.37 4.54 0.66

Notes: 1) Intercepts are not resolved to true width. 2) Assays are uncut, though no significant statistical outliers occur in the sample population.

No mineralized intervals of less than 4 meters have been reported in the table above, though many short intervals of greater than 0.5 g/t Au occur between the more significant intervals presented in the table of selected results. Hole MM6207, the furthest hole to the Southwest, contained no significant mineralization. Assay results for holes MM6907, MM7007, and MM7107 are pending.

Drill Hole Survey Data

Drill UTM Grid East North Collar Elev. Azimuth Inclination
Hole No. (m) (m) (m) (true N)
MM5907 21N 241,067.99 697,023.93 69.48 286 -45
MM6007 21N 241,068.67 697,093.79 69.48 286 -60
MM6107 21N 240,996.29 696,952.58 74.48 286 -45
MM6207 21N 240,996.96 696,952.34 74.45 286 -60
MM6307 21N 241,122.25 697,061.70 64.86 286 -45
MM6407 21N 241,123.08 697,061.50 64.87 286 -60
MM6507 21N 241,093.80 697,118.40 65.40 286 -45
MM6607 21N 241,163.67 697,040.15 65.15 286 -45
MM6707 21N 241,164.44 697,039.83 65.15 286 -60
MM6807 21N 241,150.59 696,993.23 70.23 286 -45
MM7207 21N 241,375.73 696,919.21 61.52 286 -45
MM7307 21N 241,376.52 696,918.92 61.49 286 -60
MM7407 21N 241,287.13 697,028.89 62.25 286 -45

According to Irwin Olian, CEO of the Company, "We are encouraged by the rapid progress of drilling to expand the perimeters of the mineralized gold-bearing zone at Million Mountain. The host rock being encountered together with observation of visible gold on the eastern perimeter certainly suggests the possibility that we may identify a new high grade zone as drill results from this new area become available."

Assay Data

The Company uses preliminary results from Loring Laboratories - Guyana, a subsidiary of Loring Laboratories, Ltd. of Calgary Alberta qualitatively to help guide its ongoing drilling program because of expedient availability of data, but relies on ALS Chemex for final results as Chemex is an ISO certified facility. The results presented herein are produced by Loring. These results are inclusive of the assay of the coarse metallic fraction composited with the assay for the -200 mesh pulp to produce a total contained gold assay. The results reported herein are produced by Loring Laboratories - Guyana, and are therefore considered preliminary. Final assays determined by ALS Chemex, will only be reported if they differ significantly from the preliminary results determined by Loring.


Drilling reported herein was completed utilizing the Company's Atlas Copco CS 14 core drill operated by Company employees. All holes were continuously cored utilizing HQ equipment through the saprolite and then reduced to NQ for coring un-weathered rock. Core recovery in saprolite has remained in excess of 90%, and approaches 100% in un-weathered rock.

Technical Staff

The Company's exploration program is overseen by Gregory B. Sparks, P. Eng., Senior Vice President Mining and Exploration for the Company, along with the project geologic staff including Henry Salvado, Senior Project Geologist, Alan Davies, P. Eng., P. Geo., Senior Project Geologist, and Joseph Calpito, Senior Project Geologist, with assistance from Dr. Hendrikus Aarden, P. Geo., Senior Geologic Consultant. Mr. Sparks, Mr. Davies and Dr. Aarden are all Qualified Persons under NI 43-101. Mr. Ardito Martohardjono, a Director of the Company and laboratory specialist, provides assistance establishing lab protocols and sample handling and assay quality control.

About Sacre-Coeur

The Company is engaged in the acquisition, exploration and development of properties for the potential mining of gold, metals and diamonds in South America, initially focussing on exploration for gold on its properties in Guyana. The Company presently has an interest in approximately 1,000 square miles of mineral properties in Guyana, including the Million Mountain Property. The Company has offices in Vancouver, Canada and Georgetown, Guyana. More information about the Company is available at www.scminerals.com.


"Gregory B. Sparks"
Gregory B. Sparks, P. Eng.
Sr VP Mining & Exploration
Jul 24, 2007 03:00 ET
Sprott Asset Management Acquires 9.8% of Canadian Zinc Corporation
$10 Million Financing Closed
TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - July 24, 2007) - Canadian Zinc Corporation (TSX:CZN)(OTCBB:CZICF) is pleased to report that it has closed the previously announced private placement financing with Sprott Asset Management Inc. for 11,765,000 Units at a price of $0.85 per Unit for total proceeds of $10,000,250. Each Unit consists of one common share and one-half share purchase warrant, each full warrant exercisable at a price of $1.20 per share for two years.

As a result of this transaction Sprott Asset Management on behalf of accounts managed by Sprott now owns 11,765,000 shares representing approximately 9.8% of the Canadian Zinc's outstanding shares. Sprott has stated that the securities are being held for investment purposes and depending on market and other conditions, Sprott may from time to time in the future increase or decrease its ownership, control or direction over the shares of Canadian Zinc Corporation, through market transactions, private agreements or otherwise.

At June 30, 2007 Canadian Zinc had approximately $25 million in cash, which following the closing this financing has now been increased to approximately $35 million. The funds will be used for the ongoing surface exploration and underground definition drilling programs on Canadian Zinc's Prairie Creek property.

Canadian Zinc has 120,207,950 shares outstanding and is listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol "CZN".

About Canadian Zinc Corporation:

Canadian Zinc's 100% owned Prairie Creek (zinc/silver/lead) Project, located in the Northwest Territories, includes a partially developed underground mine with an existing 1,000 ton per day mill and related infrastructure and equipment. The Prairie Creek Property hosts a major mineral deposit containing a historically estimated resource of 3.6 million tonnes (measured and indicated) grading 11.8% zinc; 9.7% lead; 0.3% copper and 141.5 grams silver per tonne and 8.3 million tonnes (inferred) grading 12.8% zinc; 10.5% lead and 0.5% copper and 169.2 grams silver per tonne, with significant exploration potential. The deposit contains an estimated, in situ 3 billion pounds of zinc, 2.2 billion pounds of lead and approximately 70 million ounces of silver.

Cautionary Statement - Forward Looking Information:

This press release contains certain forward-looking information. This forward looking information includes, or may be based upon, estimates, forecasts, and statements as to management's expectations with respect to, among other things, the issue of permits, the size and quality of the company's mineral resources, future trends for the company, progress in development of mineral properties, future production and sales volumes, capital and mine production costs, demand and market outlook for metals, future metal prices and treatment and refining charges, the outcome of legal proceedings and the financial results of the company. The Company does not currently hold a permit for the operation of the Prairie Creek Mine. Mineral resources that are not mineral reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability. Inferred mineral resources are considered too speculative geologically to have economic considerations applied to them that would enable them to be categorized as mineral reserves. There is no certainty that mineral resources will be converted into mineral reserves.
8) 8) Morjen du Fleissbiene - dukezero, wie bewertest du die Ergebnisse von SACRE-COEUR MINERALS? - ich für meinen Teil bin schon recht positiv gestimmt...........? :gruebel:
8) 8) Morjen du Fleissbiene - dukezero, wie bewertest du die Ergebnisse von SACRE-COEUR MINERALS? - ich für meinen Teil bin schon recht positiv gestimmt...........? :gruebel:

440 qkm Land in Guayana, alles open pit, wird wenn die mit ihren 6 Geologen Teams alles erkundet
haben eine Multi Millionen Dollar Mine. Aber klar Langfristinvestment mit fettem Potential. :)
Interfax China meldet das ab dem 1.ten August eine Exportsteuer auf Kupfer, Blei, Zink + Wolfram erhoben wird!! Preiserhöhung Steuer bei 1ner t Wolframerz von 0,06 Dollar auf 1,19 Dolllar!!

Da sollte man auf Largo Resources achten. Projekt Northern Dancer!!!!!!!!!

Quelle der Aktionär.
finde nix zu eventl. geplanter 1.NI43-101 Schätzung, bzw. überhaupt von wieviel Unzen man mind.ausgeht etc? hast du da genauere Zahlen?
Dank! :danke:
8) 8) Morjen du Fleissbiene - dukezero, wie bewertest du die Ergebnisse von SACRE-COEUR MINERALS? - ich für meinen Teil bin schon recht positiv gestimmt...........? :gruebel:

440 qkm Land in Guayana, alles open pit, wird wenn die mit ihren 6 Geologen Teams alles erkundet
haben eine Multi Millionen Dollar Mine. Aber klar Langfristinvestment mit fettem Potential. :)
Dass dieses Projekt sich in einer äußerst vielversprechenden Gegend befindet, beweist die unmittelbare Nachbarschaft zu Guyana Goldfields. Dieser Goldexplorer hat in der Nachbarschaft exzellente Ergebnisse vermeldet und ist mit rund dem Zehnfachen(!) von Sacre-Coeur Minerals an der Börse bewertet. Daraus lässt sich das immense Kurspotential der Aktie erkennen. Die Resultate der letzten Bohrungen erhärten die Vermutung, dass Sacre-Coeur Minerals direkt auf einem oberflächennahen Goldvorkommen sitzt.
Die Geologen gehen davon aus, dass die Bohrungen einen 500m langen, 400m breiten und 80-100m tiefen Erzkörper bestätigen werden, der in drei Richtungen offen ist. Der Goldgehalt lag hier im Durchschnitt bei 1,05 Gramm je Tonne, also wirtschaftlich abbaubar. In der Spitze wurden sogar hochgradige Mineralisierungen von bis zu 15 Gramm(!) pro Tonne nachgewiesen.

Das wird noch dauern, bis da was NI conformes kommt, aber alle Ergebnisse bestätigen fette Resourcen . Hier nur eines der Felder.
finde nix zu eventl. geplanter 1.NI43-101 Schätzung, bzw. überhaupt von wieviel Unzen man mind.ausgeht etc? hast du da genauere Zahlen?
Dank! :danke:
8) 8) Morjen du Fleissbiene - dukezero, wie bewertest du die Ergebnisse von SACRE-COEUR MINERALS? - ich für meinen Teil bin schon recht positiv gestimmt...........? :gruebel:

440 qkm Land in Guayana, alles open pit, wird wenn die mit ihren 6 Geologen Teams alles erkundet
haben eine Multi Millionen Dollar Mine. Aber klar Langfristinvestment mit fettem Potential. :)
jepp - hab auf der HP gestöbert, auch die "älteren" Ergebnisse sind ja ne Wucht für OpenPit.
erinnert mich an Osisko.........nen bissl ;)
allerdings muß Infrastrukturtechnisch noch ne Menge bewegt werden - wie sieht deine persönl. Einschätzung aus? NI43-101 bis 1.Hlabjahr 2008 oder früher?
sorry wenn ick nerve.....
Dass dieses Projekt sich in einer äußerst vielversprechenden Gegend befindet, beweist die unmittelbare Nachbarschaft zu Guyana Goldfields. Dieser Goldexplorer hat in der Nachbarschaft exzellente Ergebnisse vermeldet und ist mit rund dem Zehnfachen(!) von Sacre-Coeur Minerals an der Börse bewertet. Daraus lässt sich das immense Kurspotential der Aktie erkennen. Die Resultate der letzten Bohrungen erhärten die Vermutung, dass Sacre-Coeur Minerals direkt auf einem oberflächennahen Goldvorkommen sitzt.
Die Geologen gehen davon aus, dass die Bohrungen einen 500m langen, 400m breiten und 80-100m tiefen Erzkörper bestätigen werden, der in drei Richtungen offen ist. Der Goldgehalt lag hier im Durchschnitt bei 1,05 Gramm je Tonne, also wirtschaftlich abbaubar. In der Spitze wurden sogar hochgradige Mineralisierungen von bis zu 15 Gramm(!) pro Tonne nachgewiesen.

Das wird noch dauern, bis da was NI conformes kommt, aber alle Ergebnisse bestätigen fette Resourcen . Hier nur eines der Felder.
finde nix zu eventl. geplanter 1.NI43-101 Schätzung, bzw. überhaupt von wieviel Unzen man mind.ausgeht etc? hast du da genauere Zahlen?
Dank! :danke:
8) 8) Morjen du Fleissbiene - dukezero, wie bewertest du die Ergebnisse von SACRE-COEUR MINERALS? - ich für meinen Teil bin schon recht positiv gestimmt...........? :gruebel:

440 qkm Land in Guayana, alles open pit, wird wenn die mit ihren 6 Geologen Teams alles erkundet
haben eine Multi Millionen Dollar Mine. Aber klar Langfristinvestment mit fettem Potential. :)
Bei der Grösse des Projektes eher später, Ende 2008 vielleicht.
Ja! Beim Basket von Fischi auch, nachdem ich mich ausführlich eingelesen habe.
Hallo zusammen!

Wollte eigentlich einen speziellen Dhanoa-Thread erstellen. Da dies nicht möglich ist, störe ich hier mal kurz mit einer Frage zu einem Wert, der hier aktuell nicht diskutiert wird: Dhanoa.

Hatte in den letzten Wochen schöne Trades gefahren, bin aber momentan nicht investiert, da mir Chart und offizielle Meldungslage zu konträr auseinanderlaufen. Vielleicht gibt es hier ja Meinungen dazu.

Laut offiziellen PR-News hat die Goldproduktion begonnen und es winkt eine glänzende Zukunft. Das erhärtende SEC-Filing bzgl. Minenübernahme ist aber schon recht lange überfällig. WOanders gibt es, wie üblich, begeisterte Befürworter mit vollem Depot und Kurszielen "Dausend" und Basher mit teils ernstzunehmenden Warnungen bis hin zu abstrusen News-Fakes bis hin zur angeblichen Insolvenz.

Ich persönlich warte mal das aktuelle Geschehen v.a. in Amerika ab, wo momentan allerdings ebenso wenig Umsatz stattfindet, das BID in den letzten Tagen extrem dünn war und gestern der Hauptumsatz auf 0,61/0,62 stattfand und der SK unterschiedlich angegeben wird, je nach Quelle 0,62 oder 0,65.

Es droht ein Test der Supportzone 0,60 / 0,55 USD. Wenn es zu einem ernsthaften Test kommt, sollte man wissen, wie man sich verhält. Ist es dann nur ein SL-Abfischen oder ein echtes VK-Signlal? Die Indikatoren eher positiv im Moment, würden natürlich bei Kursen unter 0,55 auch abdrehen. ???

Man muß dann halt ganz genau hinschauen.


Ich habe letzte Woche Salazar angemailt und ein paar Fragen gestellt, heute kam die Antwort:

Ich fragte, ob noch News kommen bevor sie das Bohren beginnen:

Yes you should see more samples assays as well as other related news before drilling......(Darauf hin, habe ich heute noch 2 mal zugeschlagen)

Welche Arbeiten werden gerade durchgeführt?

There are over 100 people on the grounds right now doing sampling, trenching, gridwork..........

Hier ist die Mailadresse von Salazar:


aus WO:


Man achte auf Tenajon bei den jetzt bekannten Molyreserven! :whistle:
Mindoro Resources Ltd.: Bonanza Zone Extended at Kay Tanda
EDMONTON, ALBERTA, Jul 24, 2007 (CCNMatthews via COMTEX News Network) --

Mindoro Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:MIO)(FRANKFURT:WKN 906167) is pleased to report that it has drilled another bonanza-grade intercept from the Kay Tanda epithermal gold-silver prospect, Archangel Project, the Philippines. Core hole KTDH-24 intersected 99.2 meters of 2.72 grams per tonne (g/t) from 1.8 to 101.0 meters, which includes one meter of 192.09 g/t gold from 47.0 to 48.0 meters. This is believed to be the extension of bonanza mineralization previously reported on June 15, 2007, from KTDH-20, 12.5 meters along strike to the southeast, which intersected 61 meters grading 5.12 g/t gold from 3.0 to 64.0 meters, including one meter of 246.41 g/t gold from 25.0 to 26.0 meters. The bonanza intercepts enhance overall grades and will be reduced by cutting in the final resource estimate. Mindoro applies rigorous quality assurance, quality control and security programs in all drilling material handling and assay procedures and all results are reported with complete confidence in their integrity.

KTDH-24 was the final hole in an infill program recommended by Golder Associates in their geostatistical overview of Kay Tanda (see release dated June 11, 2007). Golder recommended close-spaced drilling (12.5 by 12.5 meters) over a small portion of the deposit to provide information on the short-scale continuity of the mineralization. It is anticipated that more such bonanza zones will be encountered within the large area of mineralization outlined to date at Kay Tanda, and this second intercept provides excellent information on the structural controls and orientation of the bonanza zone (northwest strike and 65 degrees northeast dip).

Hole KTDH-24 completed the current phase of drilling, which had the objective of the Exploration Target defined below (About Kay Tanda). A NI 43-101 resource estimate is in progress. The mineralization is still open in several directions and to depth and, at a later date, further resource extension drilling is planned. In the meantime, the focus is on evaluating and advancing Kay Tanda as an open-pit, heap-leach operation. A mining engineer, Mr. Dallas Cox BE (Min), with a great deal of open-pit gold mining experience in the SW Pacific region, is carrying out preliminary planning and scoping work. Community relations programs and environmental base line studies are being accelerated.


The table below summarizes results of core hole KTDH-24 (based on a cut-off grade of 0.3 g/t gold).

9909N : 9928E Direction: 140 degrees Incl: 70 degrees
1.8 101 99.2 2.72 N/R
Including 35 47 12 1.40 N/R
& including 47 48 1 192.09 N/R
& including 48 53 5 2.38 N/R
N/R: not yet received


Epithermal gold-silver mineralization at Kay Tanda is associated with extensive and intense quartz stockworks, veins and hydrothermal breccias, with accompanying base metal sulphides. Kay Tanda is reflected by an induced polarization chargeability anomaly that is about 1.5 kilometers by 1.4 kilometers in extent, which is part of a much larger chargeability anomaly which extends over six kilometers along strike to the northeast. To date, drilling has been conducted only on the Kay Tanda part of the trend.

Mindoro has completed 147 reverse circulation (RC) and twenty six core drill holes at Kay Tanda. Almost all holes have encountered near-surface, generally flat-lying to gently-dipping blanket-like low-grade stockwork mineralization. This is strongly to partially oxidized to depths of 40 to 160 meters and non-oxide below this. Drilling, especially at deeper levels, has encountered at least five steeply-dipping, much higher-grade zones with bonanza grades to 246 g/t gold and over 1,000 g/t silver, which are interpreted as structurally controlled upflow, or "feeder" zones. Structural studies are in progress to determine the nature and controls of the high-grade zones, and the latest hole (KTDH-24) has helped considerably in this regard. The high-grade mineralization appears to occur preferentially at elevations below 250 meters (ASL) interpreted to be a paleo-boiling zone. Few holes have penetrated to this depth to date. Such upflow zones can be associated with bonanza mineralization and constitute some of the world's best epithermal gold-silver deposits.

At a cut-off 0.3 grams per tonne (g/t) gold, the immediate Exploration Target is from 35 to 40 million tonnes of open-pitable material at a grade of 0.76 to 0.80 g/t gold and 2.4 to 2.8 g/t silver, containing between 860,000 and 1,000,000 ounces of gold and 2.7 million to 3.6 million ounces of silver. This Exploration Target may be revised upwards at a later date as extension drilling continues with two diamond drill rigs at Kay Tanda. At a cut-off at 0.5 g/t gold, the immediate Exploration Target is from 15 to 20 million tonnes of open-pitable material at a grade of 1.1 to 1.4 g/t gold and 3.0 to 3.4 g/t silver, containing from 530,000 to 900,000 ounces of gold and from 1.45 to 2.2 million ounces of silver.

Kay Tanda is being evaluated for its open-pit, heap leach potential. Initial metallurgical test work has produced excellent results. Kay Tanda is interpreted as intermediate to low sulphidation epithermal quartz-carbonate-gold-silver-base-metal mineralization telescoped into the top of an underlying porphyry copper-gold system.

Programs are carried out under the supervision of Tony Climie, P.Geol., who is a qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101. Sample preparation and assaying is performed by McPhar Laboratory of Manila, an ISO 9001/2000 accredited laboratory. Gold assays were by 50 gm fire assay fusion; where gold assays greater than 3 ppm were by gravimetric finish, and by AAS where the gold values were less than that threshold. Silver was determined by AAS after an HCl-HNO3-HClO4 digest. Normal Quality Control and Quality Assurance procedures are being carried out, using a system of duplicate, standard and blank samples.

The reader is cautioned that the potential quantity and grade of the Exploration Target described is conceptual in nature, that there has been insufficient exploration to define a mineral resource and that it is uncertain if further exploration will result in the target being delineated as a mineral resource. Until a feasibility study has been completed there is no certainty that the Company's projections will be economically viable.


Mindoro is a Tier 1 Issuer trading on the TSX Venture Exchange (MIO) and the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (WKN 906167). The Company is carrying out three major drill programs: resource delineation and expansion drilling on the Kay Tanda epithermal gold-silver prospect where a NI 43-101 compliant resource estimate is in progress; reconnaissance drilling on the Calo porphyry copper-gold prospect; and advancing a significant nickel laterite prospect towards early production; in addition to holding another 22 identified porphyry copper-gold prospects in the Philippines.

This release may contain forward-looking statements including management's assessments of future plans and operations, and expectations of future production. These statements are based on current expectations that involve a number of risks and uncertainties, which could cause actual results to differ materially from those anticipated. These risks include, but are not limited to, the risks associated with the mining and exploration industry (e.g. operational risks in development, exploration and production; delays or changes in plans with respect to exploration or development projects or capital expenditures; the uncertainty of reserve estimates; the uncertainty of estimates and projections relating to production). The assumptions used in the preparation of such statements, although considered reasonable at the time of preparation, may prove to be imprecise and, as such, undue reliance should not be placed on forward-looking statements.

SOURCE: Mindoro Resources Ltd.
Jul 24, 2007 08:30 ET
Mindoro Resources Ltd.: Bonanza Zone Extended at Kay Tanda
EDMONTON, ALBERTA--(Marketwire - July 24, 2007) - Mindoro Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:MIO)(FRANKFURT:WKN 906167) is pleased to report that it has drilled another bonanza-grade intercept from the Kay Tanda epithermal gold-silver prospect, Archangel Project, the Philippines. Core hole KTDH-24 intersected 99.2 meters of 2.72 grams per tonne (g/t) from 1.8 to 101.0 meters, which includes one meter of 192.09 g/t gold from 47.0 to 48.0 meters. This is believed to be the extension of bonanza mineralization previously reported on June 15, 2007, from KTDH-20, 12.5 meters along strike to the southeast, which intersected 61 meters grading 5.12 g/t gold from 3.0 to 64.0 meters, including one meter of 246.41 g/t gold from 25.0 to 26.0 meters. The bonanza intercepts enhance overall grades and will be reduced by cutting in the final resource estimate. Mindoro applies rigorous quality assurance, quality control and security programs in all drilling material handling and assay procedures and all results are reported with complete confidence in their integrity.

KTDH-24 was the final hole in an infill program recommended by Golder Associates in their geostatistical overview of Kay Tanda (see release dated June 11, 2007). Golder recommended close-spaced drilling (12.5 by 12.5 meters) over a small portion of the deposit to provide information on the short-scale continuity of the mineralization. It is anticipated that more such bonanza zones will be encountered within the large area of mineralization outlined to date at Kay Tanda, and this second intercept provides excellent information on the structural controls and orientation of the bonanza zone (northwest strike and 65 degrees northeast dip).

Hole KTDH-24 completed the current phase of drilling, which had the objective of the Exploration Target defined below (About Kay Tanda). A NI 43-101 resource estimate is in progress. The mineralization is still open in several directions and to depth and, at a later date, further resource extension drilling is planned. In the meantime, the focus is on evaluating and advancing Kay Tanda as an open-pit, heap-leach operation. A mining engineer, Mr. Dallas Cox BE (Min), with a great deal of open-pit gold mining experience in the SW Pacific region, is carrying out preliminary planning and scoping work. Community relations programs and environmental base line studies are being accelerated.


The table below summarizes results of core hole KTDH-24 (based on a cut-off grade of 0.3 g/t gold).

--------------------------------------------------------------------------KTDH 24 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM TO SAMPLE LENGTH (m) Au g/t Ag g/t--------------------------------------------------------------------------9909N : 9928E Direction: 140 degrees Incl: 70 degrees-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.8 101 99.2 2.72 N/R--------------------------------------------------------------------------Including 35 47 12 1.40 N/R--------------------------------------------------------------------------& including 47 48 1 192.09 N/R--------------------------------------------------------------------------& including 48 53 5 2.38 N/R--------------------------------------------------------------------------N/R: not yet received --------------------------------------------------------------------------


Epithermal gold-silver mineralization at Kay Tanda is associated with extensive and intense quartz stockworks, veins and hydrothermal breccias, with accompanying base metal sulphides. Kay Tanda is reflected by an induced polarization chargeability anomaly that is about 1.5 kilometers by 1.4 kilometers in extent, which is part of a much larger chargeability anomaly which extends over six kilometers along strike to the northeast. To date, drilling has been conducted only on the Kay Tanda part of the trend.

Mindoro has completed 147 reverse circulation (RC) and twenty six core drill holes at Kay Tanda. Almost all holes have encountered near-surface, generally flat-lying to gently-dipping blanket-like low-grade stockwork mineralization. This is strongly to partially oxidized to depths of 40 to 160 meters and non-oxide below this. Drilling, especially at deeper levels, has encountered at least five steeply-dipping, much higher-grade zones with bonanza grades to 246 g/t gold and over 1,000 g/t silver, which are interpreted as structurally controlled upflow, or "feeder" zones. Structural studies are in progress to determine the nature and controls of the high-grade zones, and the latest hole (KTDH-24) has helped considerably in this regard. The high-grade mineralization appears to occur preferentially at elevations below 250 meters (ASL) interpreted to be a paleo-boiling zone. Few holes have penetrated to this depth to date. Such upflow zones can be associated with bonanza mineralization and constitute some of the world's best epithermal gold-silver deposits.

At a cut-off 0.3 grams per tonne (g/t) gold, the immediate Exploration Target is from 35 to 40 million tonnes of open-pitable material at a grade of 0.76 to 0.80 g/t gold and 2.4 to 2.8 g/t silver, containing between 860,000 and 1,000,000 ounces of gold and 2.7 million to 3.6 million ounces of silver. This Exploration Target may be revised upwards at a later date as extension drilling continues with two diamond drill rigs at Kay Tanda. At a cut-off at 0.5 g/t gold, the immediate Exploration Target is from 15 to 20 million tonnes of open-pitable material at a grade of 1.1 to 1.4 g/t gold and 3.0 to 3.4 g/t silver, containing from 530,000 to 900,000 ounces of gold and from 1.45 to 2.2 million ounces of silver.

Kay Tanda is being evaluated for its open-pit, heap leach potential. Initial metallurgical test work has produced excellent results. Kay Tanda is interpreted as intermediate to low sulphidation epithermal quartz-carbonate-gold-silver-base-metal mineralization telescoped into the top of an underlying porphyry copper-gold system.

Programs are carried out under the supervision of Tony Climie, P.Geol., who is a qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101. Sample preparation and assaying is performed by McPhar Laboratory of Manila, an ISO 9001/2000 accredited laboratory. Gold assays were by 50 gm fire assay fusion; where gold assays greater than 3 ppm were by gravimetric finish, and by AAS where the gold values were less than that threshold. Silver was determined by AAS after an HCl-HNO3-HClO4 digest. Normal Quality Control and Quality Assurance procedures are being carried out, using a system of duplicate, standard and blank samples.

The reader is cautioned that the potential quantity and grade of the Exploration Target described is conceptual in nature, that there has been insufficient exploration to define a mineral resource and that it is uncertain if further exploration will result in the target being delineated as a mineral resource. Until a feasibility study has been completed there is no certainty that the Company's projections will be economically viable.


Mindoro is a Tier 1 Issuer trading on the TSX Venture Exchange (MIO) and the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (WKN 906167). The Company is carrying out three major drill programs: resource delineation and expansion drilling on the Kay Tanda epithermal gold-silver prospect where a NI 43-101 compliant resource estimate is in progress; reconnaissance drilling on the Calo porphyry copper-gold prospect; and advancing a significant nickel laterite prospect towards early production; in addition to holding another 22 identified porphyry copper-gold prospects in the Philippines.

This release may contain forward-looking statements including management's assessments of future plans and operations, and expectations of future production. These statements are based on current expectations that involve a number of risks and uncertainties, which could cause actual results to differ materially from those anticipated. These risks include, but are not limited to, the risks associated with the mining and exploration industry (e.g. operational risks in development, exploration and production; delays or changes in plans with respect to exploration or development projects or capital expenditures; the uncertainty of reserve estimates; the uncertainty of estimates and projections relating to production). The assumptions used in the preparation of such statements, although considered reasonable at the time of preparation, may prove to be imprecise and, as such, undue reliance should not be placed on forward-looking statements.

The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

Man achte auf Tenajon bei den jetzt bekannten Molyreserven! :whistle:
Kann in der Liste Kobex gar nicht finden.

Die müssen ihre Resourcen erstmal nach den neuen Zertifizierungen bestätigen. Die letzte
Schätzung von Phelbs Dogde ist aus den 70ger Jahren.
Achso, daran liegt's. Update soll im Herbst kommen, richtig?

Man achte auf Tenajon bei den jetzt bekannten Molyreserven! :whistle:
Kann in der Liste Kobex gar nicht finden.

Die müssen ihre Resourcen erstmal nach den neuen Zertifizierungen bestätigen. Die letzte
Schätzung von Phelbs Dogde ist aus den 70ger Jahren.
Achso, daran liegt's. Update soll im Herbst kommen, richtig?


Jul 24, 2007 08:30 ET
Mindoro Resources Ltd.: Bonanza Zone Extended at Kay Tanda

A NI 43-101 resource estimate is in progress.

Dieser kleine Satz sollte dem Kurs von Mindoro Resources OLM Beine machen!!
Erstes Kursziel oberes Bollinger.

zu Mindoro Resources
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