• Am Sonntag, den 09.03.2025 erfolgt in den USA und Kanada die Umstellung auf Sommerzeit. Deswegen beginnt der Haupthandel ab Montag in den USA und Kanada bereits um 14:30 MEZ und endet um 21:00 MEZ. Bei uns findet die Zeitumstellung am 30.03.2025 statt. Dann haben wir wieder die "normalen" Handelszeiten.

Rohstoffthread (Archiv)

Für weitere Antworten geschlossen.
Jul 16, 2007 13:42 ET
Winfield Resources Limited: Ax Energy Letter of Interest
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - July 16, 2007) - WINFIELD RESOURCES LIMITED (TSX VENTURE:WWF) is pleased to announce that they have received a non-binding Letter of Interest from AX ENERGY HOLDINGS LTD. to debt finance WINFIELD's proposed new refinery project in the Republic of Tunisia.

AX ENERGY HOLDINGS LTD. has reviewed WINFIELD's proposal to Engineer, Procure, Construct and Manage (EPCM) a new 300,000 barrel per day oil refinery at the Port of Zarzis, Tunisia, on a build, own and operate basis.

Upon subject removal, AX ENERGY HOLDINGS LTD. and its principal Bank: Barclays Bank PLC, have a US$4 Billion Dollar lending capacity.

This US$4 Billion Dollar lending capacity is in addition to the US$4 Billion Dollar lending facility Letter of Interest directed to WINFIELD RESOURCES proposed new oil Refinery in the Great Jamahiriya of Libya, as mentioned in our news release of July 4, 2007.

In furtherance to the LETTER of INTEREST, all parties will negotiate specific terms and conditions which will be ratified by the Boards of WINFIELD RESOURCES LIMITED and AX ENERGY HOLDINGS LTD. and form the basis of a Definitive Agreement.

Cautionary note: financing by any debt instrument requires the preparation of a full Feasibility Report AND acceptance by the Lender, prior to any access to funds.

AX ENERGY HOLDINGS LTD. is involved in the Sale and Purchase of Refined Oil Products, the Processing of Crude Oil and the Development of Oil Refineries.

The Tunisian Authorities have requested three confirmations from WINFIELD RESOURCES LIMITED; 1/. Financial Capacity, 2/. Feedstock Arrangements and
3/. Subcontracting Engineering and Construction References.

The AX ENERGY HOLDINGS LTD. Letter of Interest answers Financial Capacity. WINFIELD RESOURCES LIMITED is presently negotiating a crude oil feedstock arrangement with the National Oil Company of Libya.

On behalf of the Board

Robert Michael Foley, President and CEO

The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


8) 8) @dukezero - Winfield ! :D :anbet:
Uranerz Energy Corporation: Mongolian Joint Venture Update


Uranerz Energy Corporation (AMEX: URZ)(FRANKFURT: U9E) is pleased to report that we have been informed by our joint venture partner, Bluerock Resources Ltd., that they have started drilling on our Ulaan Nuur uranium projects in Mongolia. The drilling program is focused on three separate licenses located south of Ulaanbaatar in the Ulaan Nuur Depression. Based on Phase I geological data and discussions with on site geologists, Bluerock has increased the planned metres of drilling from 3,000 metres to 4,000 metres.


Drilling on the Khavtsal License is to focus on expanding the known uranium mineralization to the north and south of the historic Khavtsal mineralization. Geophysical surveys, completed in the first phase of the 2007 program, defined deeper basinal targets and interpreted fault structures that present newly defined targets for this expansion drilling.


Drilling on the Tolgod License will focus on untested basinal targets associated with radiometric anomalies in both geophysical surveys and ground water studies.

Khudgiin Us:

Drilling on the Khudgiin Us License is designed to locate the northern extension of known uranium mineralization in the Ulaan Nuur historic uranium anomaly. Results of 2007 geophysical surveys completed by Bluerock have been incorporated into the drill planning for the project to ensure full coverage of the basinal targets.

Following the completion of the Khudgiin Us program the drill rigs and camp will be moved to our Central Gobi uranium projects and the continuation of Bluerock's 2007 Mongolian JV uranium exploration program.

Samples from the 2007 Mongolian drilling programs will be prepared and analysed by Activation Laboratories, (Actlabs) of Ancaster Ontario, at their lab in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. Rock preparation will consist of crushing and pulverising to 85% passing 75 micron mesh. Uranium results will be analysed by XRF. All samples of interest, plus 10% of the remainder are planned to be shipped to Canada by Actlabs, for ICP-MS verification at their Ancaster facility.

Bluerock Resources Ltd. is Uranerz Energy Corporation's joint venture partner for the eight Mongolian exploration licenses. Under the terms of the amended agreement, Bluerock has the option to acquire an undivided 70% interest in the properties, but Uranerz Energy has retained the right to acquire back a 21% interest in the joint venture, exercisable within 120 days following receipt by the parties of a feasibility study on the Mongolian properties.

Uranerz Energy Corporation has expertise in in-situ recovery mining and holds projects in Wyoming with uranium-mineralized sandstone. These Powder River Basin uranium properties are advanced, and the Company has initiated environmental licensing and mine planning for the development of two of these projects.

Most projects controlled by Uranerz Energy that are outside of the Powder River Basin are joint ventured to other companies as a means of reducing our exploration risk. These projects are operated and funded by our joint venture partners.


Glenn Catchpole, President and CEO

Contacts: Uranerz Energy Corporation Dennis Higgs Investor Relations (604) 644-6579 or 1-800-689-1659

SOURCE: Uranerz Energy Corporation

Wer bitte verkauft Sparton in Frankfurt so unter pari?? :wallbash:
Wer bitte verkauft Sparton in Frankfurt so unter pari?? :wallbash:

Richtig Pari wäre 0,35. Bescheuert der Typ. :lol:
Für Langfrister jetzt eigentlich gute Kaufkurse in Canada. Die Aktie ist, da knapp die Hälfte am Markt
volatil,- heisst aber auch bei jeder neuen News geht es steil nach oben.
Wird ein fetter Vervielfacher.
Das schöne ist, der Kurs wird gottseidank nicht in Deutschland gemacht.Kein BB weit + breit! 8)
Info zu Zaruma ZMR:

The warrants were issued Feb. 28, 2006 and had a 2 year expiry date.
969,338 were exercisable at $0.12, and 6,050,000 warrants were exercisable $0.13. Since all of them are in the money, they could have been exercised and then the shares sold in the market. The financing done in May of this year has a hold period till September of this year.
Starcore to complete 3-D model of San Martin

Starcore International Ventures Ltd (C:SAM)
Shares Issued 60,590,789
Last Close 7/10/2007 $0.78
Wednesday July 11 2007 - News Release

Mr. Robert Eadie reports


Starcore International Ventures Ltd.'s common shares have been approved for listing on the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX) under the stock symbol SAM. The company's common shares will be listed and posted for trading on the TSX with the opening of trading on Wednesday, July 11, 2007. Starcore's common shares will be delisted from the TSX Venture Exchange on July 11, 2007, upon commencement of trading on the Toronto Stock Exchange.

President and chief executive officer, Robert Eadie, stated: "This is a significant milestone for Starcore. Our listing on the Toronto Stock Exchange is a reflection of the company's growth and development, and recognizes Starcore's success in becoming a mining producer. The acquisition of the San Martin mine was the culmination of Starcore's efforts to join the mining world's gold and silver producers with strong cash flow and an excellent working capital position."

San Martin mine update

On June 25, 2007, three guest geologists attended the first annual geological exploration summit, along with San Martin mine staff, in Queretaro, Mexico. During the three-day summit, they reviewed historical mine data and current production, and formulated their recommendations for the orderly and systematic geological exploration of the San Martin mine. The company's first step for exploration will be to complete a 3-D model of the mine to determine the best areas for step-out drilling. The company intends to conduct a geological exploration summit annually.

In other news, a total of 2.6 million incentive stock options have been granted to directors, key employees and consultants at an exercise price of 78 cents per share. The options are exercisable for a period of five years, ending on July 9, 2012, and are subject to the requirements of the Toronto Stock Exchange.

© 2007 Canjex Publishing Ltd.

EDMONTON, Alberta; 13. Juli, 2007 - Mindoro Resources Ltd. (TSXV: MIO; Frankfurt: WKN 906167) freut sich bekanntzugeben, dass die Tochtergesellschaft MRL Gold Phils, Inc. auf den Phillipinnen Bergbauingenieure als Schlüssel zum Vorantreiben des Agata Nickel-Laterit Projekts auf die Produktion zu, eingestellt hat. Hr. Dallas Cox, B.E. (Bergbau), wurde angeworben, um die Tagebaumine zu entwerfen und die anfängliche Scoping-studie durchzuführen. Hr. Romeo Rebadomia, Jr. wurde zum Leiter der Agata Mine ernannt und wird beim Entwerfen und Entwickeln der Tagebaumine mithelfen.

Hr. Cox hat 26 Jahre Erfahrung in technischen Dienstleistungen für Tagebauminen, Minenbetrieb und Minenleitung in China, Indonesien und auf den Philippinen. Zu seiner Erfahrung als Ingenieur, Minenentwerfer und Entwickler auf den Philippinen zählen das Rusina Mining (ASX, AIM) Acoje Nickel Projekt, das Platinum Group Metals Corp. (nicht angeführt) Caga Nickel Projekt, sowie das Filminera Resources und Thistle Mining (TSX) Masbate Goldprojekt. Die Erfahrungen des Hrn. Cox im Entwurf von Tagebau-Goldminen werden ebenfalls von der Firma im Vorantreiben des Kay Tanda Goldprojekts angewandt werden.

Hr. Rebadomia, Jr. ist ein Bürger der Philippinen und ein geprüfter Bergbauingenieur mit 22 Jahren Erfahrung im Bergbau und als Minenleiter. Vor seinem Eintritt in die Firma war Hr. Rebadomia der Minenleiter vorort für das ACT Nickel Projekt der Surigao Integrated Resources, CTP Construction, und der Manila Mining Corporation. Hr. Rebadomia war für die Vorbauphase, die Bauphase, den Betrieb und die Ausbeutungsphase des ACT Nickel Projekts verantwortlich. Weiters war Hr. Rebadomia acht Jahre beim Bergbau- und Geowissenschaftsbüro (MGB) der Phillipinen tätig, wo er sich ausführlich mit Umwelt- und Sozialmanagementangelegenheiten des MGB befasst hat.

Fünf Kernbohrstationen sind im Augenblick beim Agata Nickel-Laterit Projekt mit dem Ziel im Einsatz, eine ausreichende Ressource, laut NI 43-101, zu definieren, um anfänglich für die Produktion von drei bis fünf Jahren, bei einer Fördermenge von 500.000 bis 700.000 feucht Metertonnen an direkt auslieferbarem, potenten Material pro Jahr, für die grosse Nachfrage an den Eisen-Nickelmärkten Chinas, Indiens und Koreas, zu sorgen. Mindoro wurde bereits von mindestens 15 Agenturen bezüglich des Interesses am Ankauf von Nckel-Laterit Erz kontaktiert. Mindoro hat für das erste Halbjahr 2008 ein fix ausgelegtes Produktionsdatum, mit dem Ziel, die jährliche Produktion bis 2010 auf eine Million nasser Metertonnen zu erhöhen. Das momentane Bohrprogramm erschliesst weniger als zehn Prozent der bis dato bei Agata kartographierten Gegend mit Nickel-Laterit Mineralisierung. Am 20. Juni, 2007, hat Mindoro eine überarbeitete globale Ausbeutungszielsetzung für den nördlichen Teil des Agata Projekts veröffentlicht (siehe unten “Über das Agata Nickel-Laterit Projekt”).


Das Nickel-Laterit-Vorkommen ist Teil des Agata-Projekts im Goldgebiet Surigao, im noerdlichen Mindanao (Philippinen). Es gibt einige Nickel-Laterit Lagerstätten im Gebiet Surigao, die sich bereits in der Produktionsphase befinden und deren Erz direkt zu den Märkten und Verarbeitungsanlagen in China, Japan, Korea und Australien verschifft wird. Die geologische Ausdehnung des Nickel-Laterit-Vorkommens von Agata in ein angrenzendes Grundstück, einen Kilometer südlich von Agata, ist ebenfalls in Produktion und wird zu den Märkten in China verschifft. Mindoros Ausbeutungsziele für diverse Laterithorizonte im nördlichen Lateritabschnitt lauten wie folgt:

Kombiniertes eisenhaltiges Deckgestein, Limonit- und Saprolithorizonte: 50 bis 60 Millionen feucht Metertonnen (WMT) mit einem Gehalt von 0,9 bis 1,1 Prozent an Nickel und 28 bis 32 Prozent an Eisen. Es umfasst die folgende Aufteilung der Tonnagen zwischen der Deckschicht/dem Limonithorizont und dem Saprolithorizont:
1 Kombiniertes eisenhaltiges Deckgestein und Limonithorizonte: 30 bis 35 Millionen WMT des Materials, bei einem Gehalt von 0,9 bis 1,1 Prozent an Nickel und 40 bis 44 Prozent an Eisen.
2 Darunterlagernder Saprolithorizont: 20 bis 25 Millionen WMT des Materials bei einem Gehalt von 1,0 bis 1,4 Prozent an Nickel und 8 bis 10 Prozent an Eisen.

Die nördliche Nickel-Laterit Mineralisierung erstreckt sich ungefähr über 340 Hektar. In dieser Gegend wurden bis dato mehr als 90 Bohrlöcher fertiggestellt. Um das überarbeitete Ausbeutungsziel zu erreichen wurden durchschnittliche Dicken und Gehalte angetroffen, sowie eine spezifische Anziehung von 1,5 Gramm pro Kubikzentimeter. Im Ausbeutungsziel nicht enthalten sind die signifikanten Dicken des niedrig-gradigen, teilweise lateritisierten Saprolitgesteins, mit einem Gehalt von 0,6 bis 0,8 Prozent an Nickel, welches auch Marktpotential hat. Ebenfalls nicht enthalten sind die zusätzlichen Abschnitte mit Nickel-Laterit Mineralisierung weiter im Süden des Agata Projekts.

Das Bohrprogramm wurde, mit dem Vorsatz, das überarbeitete Ausbeutungsziel zu definieren, ausgeweitet. Diese überarbeitete Ausbeutungszielsetzung wird die Grundlage zur Einschätzung einiger attraktiver zusätzlichen Verarbeitungsmöglichkeiten darstellen, welche den Bau eines Hochofens bzw. elektrischen Industrieofens zur Nickel-Roheisenproduktion umfasst. Zwischenzeitlich wird Mindoro den Bereich des Erz-Direktversands weiter zügig vorantreiben, um 2008 den Produktionsbeginn zu erreichen.

Die hohe Nachfrage nach Ferro-Nickel-Rohmaterial für die Produktion von rostfreien Stahl in der Asien-Pazifik-Region sowie die hohen Nickel-Preise stellen eine großartige Chance dar, mit dem Agata-Projekt bald in Produktion zu gehen und somit für schnelle Gewinne zu sorgen. Ein Tagebau, der das Erz direkt verschifft, kann mit geringen Kapitalkosten entwickelt werden und bringt einen schnellen Cashflow.

Der Leser wird darauf hingewiesen, dass die Menge des Potenzials und der Gehalt des beschriebenen Explorations-Ziels nur ein Konzept darstellt, dass noch zu wenige Explorationen stattgefunden haben, um eine Mineralressource zu erkunden, und dass es nicht gewiss ist, ob weitere Explorationen zu Zielen führen, die als Mineralressourcen beschrieben werden. Bis zum Abschluss einer Machbarkeitsstudie besteht keine Gewissheit, ob das Vorhaben des Unternehmens wirtschaftlich realisierbar ist.

Die Programme werden unter Aufsicht von Tony Climie, P.Geol., President von Mindoro und qualifizierte Person gemäß National Instrument 43-101, durchgeführt. Die Probenaufbereitung und -untersuchung erfolgen im McPhar Laboratory in Manila, einem ISO 9001/2000-zertifizierten Labor. Untersuchungen auf Ni, Co, Fe, MgO und Al2O3 werden von AAS nach einem HCl-HNO3-HClO4-Extrakt, und Untersuchungen auf SiO2 durch gravimetrische Methoden durchgeführt. Normale Qualitätskontrollen und Qualitätssicherung erfolgen über ein System mit Doppel-, Standard- und Leerproben.


Mindoro ist ein Tier 1-Unternehmen, das an der TSX Venture Exchange (MIO) und der Frankfurter Börse (WKN 906167) notiert ist. Zusätzlich zum Agata Nickel-Laterit-Projekt führt Mindoro ein größeres Ressourcenausblockungsprogramm auf seinem Gold-Silber-Projekt in Kay Tanda durch. Das Unternehmen identifizierte auch 22 Kupfer-Gold-Ziele auf den Philippinen und verfolgt eine intensive Strategie, welche für das Jahr 2007 mehrere Bohrziele vorsieht.

Registrieren Sie sich hier für den Mindoro Aktionärsnewsletter:


Penny Gould, Executive Vice President
Tel.: 780.413.8187
Fax: 780.426.2716
E-Mail: penny@mindoro.com
Website: www.mindoro.com
8) 8)
Jul 17, 2007 07:54 ET
Tenajon Announces $4.56 Million Private Placement

Funds to Advance Molybdenum Exploration Programs
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - July 17, 2007) -


Tenajon Resources Corp. (TSX VENTURE:TJS) (the "Company") is pleased to announce that it has entered into a letter of engagement with Dundee Securities Corporation and Canaccord Capital Corporation (the "Underwriters") under which the Underwriters have agreed to purchase on a bought deal private placement basis 3,600,000 flow-through common shares (the "Flow-Through Shares") of Tenajon at a price of $0.85 per Flow-Through Share and 2,000,000 units (the "Units") at a price of $0.75 per Unit for total gross proceeds to Tenajon of $4,560,000. Each Unit consists of one common share of Tenajon plus one half of one transferable common share purchase warrant with each whole purchase warrant exercisable into a common share at a price of $1.00 for a period of 24 months from closing. Under the agreement, the Underwriters have an over-allotment option to purchase an additional 2,000,000 Units for $1.5 million in gross proceeds.

In connection with the Offering, the Underwriters will receive a cash commission equal to 7% of the gross proceeds raised under the Offering plus broker warrants (the "Broker Warrants") equal to 7% of the number of Flow-Through Shares and Units sold under the offering. The Broker Warrants will be exercisable into common shares at a price of $0.75 per Broker Warrant for a period of 24 months from closing.

Closing of the offering is scheduled to occur on or about August 14, 2007. All securities issued will be subject to a four month hold period. The offering is subject to a number of conditions, including, without limitation, receipt of all regulatory approvals.

Net proceeds from the financing will be used for general corporate purposes and to further the Company's molybdenum exploration programs on its Ajax, Moly Brook, and Burn projects.

Tenajon Resources Corp. (the "Company") is a Canadian exploration company with a principle focus of exploring and developing molybdenum deposits in Canada. Tenajon also has two advanced exploration gold projects in its property portfolio, the Kansas Claim and Summit Lake. Joint venture partners Pinnacle Mines Ltd. and Mountain Boy Minerals Ltd. are successfully advancing Tenajon's Kansas Claim.

These securities have not been and will not be registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "U.S. Securities Act") and may not be offered or sold in the United States or to U.S. persons (as defined in Regulation S under the U.S. Securities Act) absent registration or an applicable exemption from registration requirements.

On Behalf of the Board of Directors


D. Bruce McLeod, President
Tenajon Announces $4.56 Million Private Placement !

Aha , deswegen ist der Kurs wieder nach unten gegangen. Preis aber am bzw. über dem Markt.
Schonmal gut! Dundee + Cannacord erste Adressen! 8)
Jul 17, 2007 09:00 ET
Mindoro Resources Ltd.: Excellent Final Metallurgical Results from Kay Tanda
EDMONTON, ALBERTA--(Marketwire - July 17, 2007) - Mindoro Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:MIO)(FRANKFURT: WKN 906167) today reported it has received excellent final results from extensive metallurgical testwork of drill core composites for two different crush sizes from both oxide and mixed (transitional) oxide and sulphide mineralized material from the Kay Tanda gold-silver prospect, Philippines. The independent metallurgical consultant noted that "the heap leach results are remarkably good in all cases, with recoveries (of the coarse crush) only approximately 10% below the maximum gold recovery achievable by grinding to a fine size."

Results to date indicate that both composites are highly amenable to heap leaching. It appears that most of the gold occurs in the cracks and fissures in the rocks and is readily accessible to the cyanide solution. Gold dissolution is rapid and high gold recoveries have been obtained from both composites, and with low cyanide consumption.

Kay Tanda is being evaluated for its open-pit, heap-leach potential. Preliminary bottle roll metallurgical test work on reverse circulation cuttings was largely positive (reported on January 14, 2004). A second round of testing was carried out on a small bulk sample of oxidized mineralized material from a pit and gave excellent results (reported on December 2, 2005). The current test had the objective of evaluating heap leach characteristics of near-surface oxide mineralization, as well as deeper mixed oxide/sulphide (transition) mineralization. Samples were collected by large diameter (PQ) core drilling and submitted to Metcon Laboratories, in Australia. The program was designed and supervised by an independent consultant, Peter J. Lewis and Associates of Australia. A summary table of results appears below. The full report will be posted on the Mindoro website in the near future.

Column tests (heap leach tests) were performed on a crush size of minus 12.7mm, i.e. 1/2 inch, which is close to the lower size limit normally used for heap leaching. Gold recovery from the oxide material after 29 days of leaching was 82.4% and for silver 32%. Silver recoveries are normally low and in this range for heap leach operations. Gold recovery from the transition material after 23 days was 78.3%, and silver 42%. Both composites are highly amenable to heap leaching.

Because of the encouraging results a further test was commenced at a very coarse crush size of 50mm (2 inches), since the coarser the crush, the lower the processing costs. Gold recovery from the coarse oxide material after 70 days was still a very high 80.7% and 29% silver. Gold recovery from the transition material after 70 days was 80.1% and for silver 56%. Since the transition sample contained a high proportion of sulphide-related mineralization, and leached very well, a test is also being carried out on deeper, entirely sulphide-related gold and silver mineralization as well.

Mindoro management is most encouraged by the results from Kay Tanda to date and considers them a strong basis for further evaluation of the project's economic potential. Preliminary work on a National Instrument 43-101 resource estimate has commenced, to be followed by a scoping study.

The program is carried out under the supervision of J.A. Climie, P.Geol., President of Mindoro and a "qualified person" as defined by National Instrument 43-101. Metallurgical reports will be posted on Mindoro's website on completion of all testwork.


Calculated Residue % consumptions
Head grade Recovery (kg/t)
Crush Leach ---------- ---------- --------- -----------------
size time g/t g/t g/t g/t Cyan-
Ore Type (mm) (days) Au Ag Au Ag Au Ag Cement ide NaOH
Oxide minus
12.7 29 1.14 3 0.20 2 82.4 32 2 1.43 0.46
50 70 1.09 3 0.21 2 80.7 29 2 1.42 0.35
Transition minus
12.7 23 1.06 2 0.23 1 78.3 42 3 1.47 2.69
50 70 0.95 1 0.19 0.5 80.1 56 6 1.57 0.62


Calculated Head Residue grade % Recovery (kg/t)
--------------- -------------- ----------- ---------------
Ore Type g/t Au g/t Ag g/t Au g/t Ag Au Ag Lime Cyanide
Oxide 1.14 4.3 0.075 0.7 93.4 83.7 1.90 1.13
Transition 1.05 2.3 0.12 0.3 88.6 87.0 3.09 1.59


Epithermal gold-silver mineralization at Kay Tanda is associated with extensive and intense quartz stockworks, veins and hydrothermal breccias, with accompanying base metal sulphides. Kay Tanda is reflected by an induced polarization chargeability anomaly that is about 1.5 kilometers by 1.4 kilometers in extent, which is part of a much larger chargeability anomaly which extends over six kilometers along strike to the northeast. To date, drilling has been conducted only on the Kay Tanda part of the trend.

Mindoro has completed over 150 reverse circulation (RC) and twenty core drill holes at Kay Tanda. Almost all holes have encountered near-surface, generally flat-lying to gently-dipping blanket-like low-grade stockwork mineralization. This is strongly to partially oxidized to depths of 40 to 160 meters and non-oxide below this. Drilling, especially at deeper levels, has encountered at least five steeply-dipping, much higher-grade zones with bonanza grades to 246 g/t gold and over 1,000 g/t silver, which are interpreted as structurally controlled upflow, or "feeder" zones. Further drilling and structural studies are in progress to determine the nature and controls of the high-grade zones. The high-grade mineralization appears to occur preferentially at elevations below 150 meters (ASL) within a boiling zone. Few holes have penetrated to this depth to date. Such upflow zones can be associated with bonanza mineralization and constitute some of the world's best epithermal gold-silver deposits.

At a cut-off at 0.3 grams per tonne (g/t) gold, the immediate Exploration Target is from 35 to 40 million tonnes of open-pitable material at a grade of 0.76 to 0.80 g/t gold and 2.4 to 2.8 g/t silver, containing between 860,000 and 1,000,000 ounces of gold and 2.7 million to 3.6 million ounces of silver. This Exploration Target may be revised upwards at a later date as extension drilling continues with two diamond drill rigs at Kay Tanda. At a cut-off at 0.5 g/t gold, the immediate Exploration Target is from 15 to 20 million tonnes of open-pitable material at a grade of 1.1 to 1.4 g/t gold and 3.0 to 3.4 g/t silver, containing from 530,000 to 900,000 ounces of gold and from 1.45 to 2.2 million ounces of silver.

Kay Tanda is being evaluated for its open-pit, heap leach potential. Initial metallurgical test work has produced excellent results. Kay Tanda is interpreted as intermediate to low sulphidation epithermal quartz-carbonate-gold-silver-base-metal mineralization telescoped into the top of an underlying porphyry copper-gold system.

Programs are carried out under the supervision of Tony Climie, P.Geol., who is a qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101. Sample preparation and assaying is performed by McPhar Laboratory of Manila, an ISO 9001/2000 accredited laboratory. Gold assays were by 50 gm fire assay fusion; where gold assays greater than 3 ppm were by gravimetric finish, and by AAS where the gold values were less than that threshold. Silver was determined by AAS after an HCl-HNO3-HClO4 digest. Normal Quality Control and Quality Assurance procedures are being carried out, using a system of duplicate, standard and blank samples.

The reader is cautioned that the potential quantity and grade of the Exploration Target described is conceptual in nature, that there has been insufficient exploration to define a mineral resource and that it is uncertain if further exploration will result in the target being delineated as a mineral resource. Until a feasibility study has been completed there is no certainty that the Company's projections will be economically viable.


Mindoro is a Tier 1 Issuer trading on the TSX Venture Exchange (MIO) and the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (WKN 906167). The Company is carrying out three major drill programs: resource delineation and expansion drilling on the Kay Tanda epithermal gold-silver prospect where a NI 43-101 compliant resource estimate is in progress; reconnaissance drilling on the Calo porphyry copper-gold prospect; and advancing a significant nickel laterite prospect towards early production; in addition to holding another 22 identified porphyry copper-gold prospects in the Philippines.

This release may contain forward-looking statements including management's assessments of future plans and operations, and expectations of future production. These statements are based on current expectations that involve a number of risks and uncertainties, which could cause actual results to differ materially from those anticipated. These risks include, but are not limited to, the risks associated with the mining and exploration industry (e.g. operational risks in development, exploration and production; delays or changes in plans with respect to exploration or development projects or capital expenditures; the uncertainty of reserve estimates; the uncertainty of estimates and projections relating to production). The assumptions used in the preparation of such statements, although considered reasonable at the time of preparation, may prove to be imprecise and, as such, undue reliance should not be placed on forward-looking statements.

The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

Interview Ian McDonald aktuell:


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R5I Rochester Resources gaaaaaaaanz langsam nach oben! :evil:

Mexivada MNV Wert aus dem Basket,- Einstieg verpasst. WL :evil:

Mexivada Intersects 22.3 g/t Gold, 1,640 g/t Silver and High Grade Zinc-Lead Mineralization at Yecora, Sonora, Mexico
TSX-V: MNV OTC: MXVDF Frankfurt: M2Q

VANCOUVER, May 16, 2007 /PRNewswire-FirstCall via COMTEX News Network/ --

Mexivada Mining Corp. is pleased to announce results from the last 13 holes of its 19-hole Phase 1 core drilling program at its Yecora gold-silver-zinc-lead project that include significant gold-silver mineralization along with significant values of zinc, lead, and copper.

The Yecora area has mineralization exposed along an 11-kilometre long trend, located in the Mulatos-Ocampo sector of the Sierra Madre Occidental mineral province in Sonora, Mexico. Mexivada has received drilling assay results from the southern part of the project area at Yecora. Drill core from the northern gold/silver-rich part of this area contains uncut assay grades of up to 22.3 grams per tonne (g/t) gold (0.65 ounces per ton Au) and 1,640 g/t silver (47.9 ounces per ton Ag) over a 0.5 metre drill core interval, which represents a Gold Equivalent of 57.55 g/t Au. The main interval at Lupe Alma was 22 metres long, and contained a high-grade core-length intercept with 6 metres that averaged 4.58 g/t Au, 282.7 g/t Ag, and 0.28% lead, starting at 60 metres, a Gold Equivalent of 10.79 g/t Au.

A 23.5 metre drill core interval at the Cumbrita-4 target area yielded 1.12 g/t Au, 54.4 g/t Ag, 0.12% lead, and 0.22% zinc, starting at 170 metres, a Gold Equivalent of 2.75 g/t Au. The Cumbrita-4 hole contained a high-grade core-length intercept with 2 metres that averaged 5.97 g/t Au, 282.7 g/t Ag, 0.38% lead, and 0.39% zinc, a Gold Equivalent of 12.21 g/t Au.

Besides the significant gold-silver mineralization, Mexivada encountered significant base metal rich parts of the system that yielded drill intercepts with up to 5.13% zinc, 5.74% lead and 26.1 g/t silver over a 2 metre drill core interval in the Puerto Rico sector of the Yecora property, a Gold Equivalent of 16.5 g/t Au. This southernmost part of the project area may contain a skarn or replacement zinc-lead-silver target along the margin of the dioritic body that cored the center of the domed Yecora Caldera. High values of molybdenum of up to 0.19% MoS2 also are present locally in this area.

The assay results are interpreted to indicate two different generations of metal systems at Yecora:

1. Gold-silver- rich vein systems that are low in base metals, and 2. Veins and possible base metal skarn and replacement massive sulfide mineralization that are enriched in zinc, lead, and lesser copper, gold, silver, and molybdenum. Background:

Mexivada's Yecora Gold/Silver project is located in the Mulatos-Ocampo sector of the Sierra Madre Occidental mineral province in Sonora, Mexico and has mineralization exposed along an 11-kilometre long trend. Mexivada believes that significant target potentials exist on the Yecora property for both types of these metal systems, but insufficient drilling has been conducted to date to enable definition of the nature of the metal resources or the geometries of the base metal rich rock bodies.

Epithermal mineralization at the nearby Ocampo Mine extends to depths of approximately 700 metres and many of the target areas at Yecora are believed to be near the tops of the original mineral systems, at the exposed contacts of the Upper Rhyolites with the Lower Andesites.

Assay results:

The assays in the first table below are from holes drilled in 2007, south of the open cut/underground San Francisco gold-silver-lead-zinc mine, which is controlled by Bolnisi Gold, N.L., whose concessions totally surround and lie partly within Mexivada's 1,109 hectare property position at Yecora. Coeur d'Alene Mines (NYSE:CDE) recently made an offer to purchase all of the outstanding shares of Bolnisi Gold.

Hole Zone From To Length Au Ag Pb Zn Cu equiv.
# (m) (m) (m) (g/t) (g/t) (%) (%) (%) (g/t)
LA-1 Lupe Alma 50 72.0 22.0 1.94 98.1 0.13 0.14 0.02 3.51
incl. 60 66.0 6.0 4.58 282.7 0.28 0.04 0.09 10.79
incl. 61.5 62.0 0.5 22.30 1640 0.18 0.04 0.77 57.55
incl. 63.5 64.0 0.5 14.35 538 0.24 0.03 0.05 25.54
LM-1 La Morena 74 76 2.0 0.06 20.7 0.01 0.03 0.00 0.54
93 94 1.0 0.19 7.2 0.02 0.05 0.00 0.44
LR-1 La Rubia 30 32 2.0 0.08 2.4 0.01 0.04 0.01 0.24
162 164 2.0 0.04 3.1 0.03 0.09 0.00 0.30
C4-1 Cumbrita-4 170 193.5 23.5 1.12 54.4 0.12 0.22 0.01 2.75
incl. 176 178 2.0 1.79 29.9 0.13 0.22 0.02 2.97
incl. 182 193.5 11.5 1.84 95.3 0.21 0.36 0.02 4.66
incl. 182 184 2.0 5.97 255.0 0.38 0.39 0.02 12.21
incl. 188 189 1.0 3.27 57.0 0.14 0.32 0.01 5.16
incl. 191.5 192.5 1.0 1.80 58.2 0.65 0.58 0.07 4.85
CU-1 Cumbrita 162 166 4.0 0.02 0.5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03
LT-2 Las Tapias 29 35.0 6.0 0.19 2.8 0.06 0.27 0.02 0.85
incl. 32 32.5 0.5 0.75 4.6 0.11 0.10 0.02 1.19
PR-1 Puerto Rico 149.0 152.0 3.0 0.33 9.3 0.15 0.64 0.16 1.48
153.5 154.0 0.5 0.75 8.6 0.15 0.30 0.11 1.94
154.0 156.0 2.0 0.07 26.1 5.74 5.13 0.34 16.50
156.0 161.0 5.0 0.15 1.7 0.36 0.78 0.02 2.02
HR-1 Hornitos 14 17 3.0 1.25 6.2 0.63 1.55 0.08 5.04
incl. 14 15 1.0 3.52 10.7 0.55 0.87 0.15 6.28
35 39 4.0 2.27 2.3 0.16 0.36 0.02 3.19

The following final drilling assay results are from portions of the 4 holes that were drilled in 2006 in the northern part of the Yecora property whose complete assay results were not received in time to be reported in Mexivada's previous Yecora press release:



Hole Zone From To Length Au Ag Pb Zn Cu equiv.

# (m) (m) (m) (g/t) (g/t) (%) (%) (%) (g/t)




ZB-3 Zanja B 39 42 4.0 0.14 42.0 0.04 0.09 0.01 1.21


BC-1 Brecha Colon 55 58 3.0 0.35 15.4 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.68

56 56.5 0.5 1.77 34.2 0.00 0.02 0.00 2.49




Notes: (m) = Metres. Length is reported in metres of drilled

core and is not necessarily the "true" width. Au and Ag g/t: Gold and silver grades are reported in units of grams per tonne gold and silver.

Note: Metal Prices for Gold Equivalent in USD: $600/oz. Gold,

$12/oz. Silver, $1.60/lb Zinc, & $0.85/lb Lead

Note: All sample preparation and assays were performed by ALS Chemex

Laboratories in Hermosillo, Sonora and Vancouver, BC using
standard fire assaying protocols. Silver and base metal values
were determined by using 4-acid, near total digestions and
induction-coupled plasma geochemical analyses (ME-MS61).

Phase 1 Exploration Objectives Achieved

Exploration targets were reached in 8 of the 9 holes drilled in 2007 along a 7 kilometre length of the exposed vein systems. The vein- and breccia mineralization intersected by Mexivada had core lengths of 0.5 to 23.5 metres. Certain of the drill holes may not have been deep enough to test base metal targets in the southern portion of the 2007 work area, as these targets were discovered during the course of this drilling program. Mexivada will now study the geology revealed by the new drilling to generate new drilling targets for future work on the Yecora property.

Mexivada's objective in its 2006/07 program was to drill test the 11 Km. strike length and down-dip extensions of known, fault-controlled gold-silver mineralization and possible skarn-replacement zones of precious metal- and zinc-lead-silver-(gold-copper-molybdenum) enriched mineralization demonstrated by earlier mining and by surface exploration conducted by Mexivada and others. Mexivada's goal for the Phase 1 drilling project at Yecora was to define the location of significant bodies of mineralization that could be proven up by later Phase 2 drilling to develop ore targets. New gold-silver processing and extraction facilities have been set up recently at the nearby Palmarejo, Ocampo, Mulatos and Dolores properties, by Bolnisi, Gammon Lake Resources, Alamos Gold, and Minefinders Corp.

The Company has implemented a quality assurance and control (QA/QC) program to ensure sampling and analysis of all exploration work is conducted in accordance with the best possible practices. The drill core is sawn in half with half of the core samples shipped to ALS Chemex Laboratory Services in Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico for sample preparation and analysis. The other half of the core is retained in secure custody at the Mexivada office in Yecora for future assay verification. The company QA/QC policy includes the chain of custody monitoring, insertion of blanks, standards and duplicates in the initial samples submitted. The laboratory provides an additional internal control program.

The Company's President and CEO, Richard R. Redfern, M.Sc. and Certified Professional Geologist, is a 'qualified person' for the purposes of National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Properties and has verified the data (including sampling, analytical and test data) and has supervised the preparation of the information contained in this news release.

About Mexivada Mining Corp.


Mexivada is a Canadian mineral exploration company focused on identifying, acquiring, advancing, and joint venturing high-grade Gold-Silver, Diamond, and Rare Metal exploration projects in Mexico, Nevada, and the Republic of Congo (Brazzaville). For further information, including area maps and photos, please visit our web site at www.mexivada.com or contact us by e-mail at info@mexivada.com.



Richard R. Redfern

Contact: LionsGate Communication Corp.
Telephone: (866) 922-6774 or (604) 866-7700
info@mexivada.com, www.mexivada.com

The TSX Venture Exchange does not accept responsibility for the adequacy
or accuracy of this release.

Caution Concerning Forward-Looking Statements

This news release and related texts and images on Mexivada's website contain certain "forward-looking statements" including, but not limited to, statements relating to interpretation of mineralization potential, drilling assay results, future exploration work, and the expected results of this work. Forward looking statements are statements that are not historical facts and are subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties which could cause actual events or results to differ materially from those reflected in the forward-looking statements, including, without limitation: risks related to fluctuations in metals and diamond prices; uncertainties related to raising sufficient financing to fund the planned work in a timely manner and on acceptable terms; changes in planned work resulting from weather, logistical, technical, governmental, social, or other factors; the possibility that results of work will not fulfill expectations and realize the perceived potential of the company's projects; uncertainties involved in the interpretation of sampling and drilling results and other tests; the possibility that required permits may not be obtained in a timely manner; risk of accidents, equipment breakdowns or other unanticipated difficulties or interruptions; the possibility of cost overruns or unanticipated expenses in these work programs.

Forward-looking statements contained in this release are based on the beliefs, estimates, and opinions of management on the date the statements are made. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove accurate. Actual results may differ materially from those anticipated or projected. Mexivada Mining Corp. undertakes no obligation to update these forward-looking statements if management's beliefs, estimates, opinions, or other factors, should change.

SOURCE Mexivada Mining Corp.

LionsGate Communication Corp., Telephone: (866) 922-6774, or (604) 866-7700, info@mexivada.com, www.mexivada.com http://www.prnewswire.com
Copyright (C) 2007 PR Newswire. All rights reserved

Mexivada Drills Altered and Mineralized Volcanics to 1400 Foot Depth at Gold Junction; Moly Dome Geophysics Initiated
VANCOUVER, Jul 16, 2007 (Canada NewsWire via COMTEX News Network) --



Frankfurt: M2Q

VANCOUVER, July 16 /CNW/ -

Gold Junction Drilling Project, Round Mountain District, Nevada: Mexivada Mining Corp. has successfully completed the first 2 holes of a 3-hole Phase 1 flooded-reverse-circulation drilling program at its Gold Junction, Nevada property with its contractor, Lang - Boart Longyear Drilling. The drill holes were designed to test for Round Mountain/Gold Hill type open pittable volcanic-hosted epithermal gold targets similar to the nearby +12,000,000 ounce Round Mountain open pit mine of Kinross and Barrick. The drill samples are being picked up and assayed by ISO-certified ALS Chemex Laboratories in Reno, Nevada.

The first drillhole at Gold Junction was designed for an 800 foot (244 metre, "m") depth. It tested the north-central core of a gravity high on the western, downdropped side of the Round Mountain - Gold Hill Connector Fault, which is interpreted to be a gold feeder at Round Mountain and possibly also at the Gold Hill mine. This fault system bounds the eastern caldera margin at Round Mountain and cuts the Gold Hill Mine deposit. Mexivada's hole GJ-07-1 intersected a variably silicified, iron oxide-bearing, and pyritized cap sequence of tuffaceous sandy claystones, limestones and calcareous sandstones between 111 and 155 metres, below the pediment gravels. Variably altered and silicified and sulfidized felsic tuffs and ignimbrites then were intersected down to a depth of 1400 feet (426.8 m), where the hole was terminated due to a lack of additional drill rods. The rock sequence perhaps represents a thick tuff section in the Moores Creek Caldera or in a previously unrecognized caldera hidden by pediment gravels. Basement rocks were never intersected. Mexivada will test the lateral extent of this mineral system to the south in hole GJ-07-3. Assays will be reported when received.

Drillhole GJ-07-2 was completed to a depth of 244 m (800 feet). A sequence of argillized tuffaceous volcanic rocks was intersected below pediment gravels. The drilling of hole GJ-07-3 is now underway. Mexivada will study the geologic and assay results of the three Gold Junction drillholes and formulate a program of further work.

Moly Dome, Nevada, Molybdenum-Copper-Gold Project: Mexivada's geophysical contractor, Durango Geophysical Operations, is now conducting a dipole-dipole induced polarization survey of Mexivada's Moly Dome property in Elko County, Nevada. The survey is designed to evaluate molybdenum, copper, and gold mineralization found on the property, and the possibility of finding a large porphyry system associated with this mineralization. Mexivada today is submitting a Notice of Intent to Conduct Exploration diamond core drilling at Moly Dome to the U.S. Bureau of Land Management. It is expected that this drilling will be conducted at Moly Dome in fall 2007.

This press release and its contents have been reviewed by Richard R. Redfern, Mexivada's President, who is a Certified Professional Geologist and Qualified Person as defined under National Instrument 43-101.

About Mexivada Mining Corp.


Mexivada is a diversified Canadian mineral exploration company focused on identifying, acquiring, advancing, and joint venturing high-grade Gold-Silver, Molybdenum, Diamond, and Rare Metal exploration projects in Mexico, Nevada, and the ROC Republic of Congo. Managed by experienced and successful board members and advisors, Mexivada is well financed with no debt. For further information, including area maps and photos, please visit our web site at www.mexivada.com or contact us by e-mail at info@mexivada.com.



Richard R. Redfern

8) 8)

Jul 18, 2007 03:00 ET
Canadian Zinc Announces $10 Million Private Placement with Sprott Asset Management Inc.
TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - July 18, 2007) - Canadian Zinc Corporation (TSX:CZN)(OTCBB:CZICF) is pleased to announce it has agreed to a private placement financing, subject to regulatory approval, with Sprott Asset Management Inc. on behalf of accounts managed by Sprott for $10,000,250 in Units, at a price of $0.85 per Unit, for 11,765,000 Units with each Unit consisting of one common share and one half share purchase warrant, each full warrant exercisable at a price of $1.20 per share for two years.

Upon completion of the financing, accounts managed by Sprott Asset Management Inc. will hold approximately 9% of the Company shares. Sprott has stated that the securities are being held for investment purposes and depending on market and other conditions, Sprott may from time to time in the future increase or decrease its ownership, control or direction over the shares of Canadian Zinc Corporation, through market transactions, private agreements or otherwise.

The proceeds from the private placement will be added to the Company's working capital and used for the ongoing exploration and development of the Prairie Creek Mine Project where the Company is currently driving a new exploration decline alongside the main vein that is advancing to the north and where 42 holes of underground drilling totaling 8,217 metres on seven 50 metre sections took place in Phase One over the past six months. The high-grade results, encountered in the drilling of these sections may be reviewed in previous news releases issued over the past six months and filed on SEDAR. (See press releases dated January 9, March 5, March 22, April 24, June 43 and July 5, 2007). The following are selected highlights:

--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hole #22 - 4.92 metres @ 15.44% Pb; 19.75% Zn and 282 Ag/t Hole #32 - 4.89 metres @ 25.83% Pb; 9.13% Zn and 561 Ag/t Hole #40 - 5.17 metres @ 24.35% Pb; 7.72% Zn and 242 Ag/t---------------------------------------------------------------------------

This drilling will increase confidence in tonnage and grade, and will enable a NI 43-101 report to be generated that will include a new resource estimate. Minefill Services Inc. has been commissioned to prepare the report.

During Phase Two of the 2007 underground exploration programme, which will commence shortly, the decline tunnel will be extended within the hanging wall of the vein a further 250 metres to establish an additional five drill stations. In preparation for this decline extension underground ventilation, electrical, ground support and equipment are now being upgraded and mining of the decline extension will recommence in mid July 2007, with underground drilling of the next five sections expected to recommence about September 2007.

Concurrent with the underground exploration program, the Company has initiated an aggressive, 3000 metre helicopter-mounted surface drilling program to explore surface mineralized zones along the strike of mine mineralization. (See press release July 12, 2007) These zones, largely undrilled, extend over a strike length of 16 kilometres, and have returned significant zinc, lead and silver values, including last year's skid-mounted drill hole PC06-167 on Zone 8, located approximately five kilometers south of the Prairie Creek mine site, that recorded 2.7 metres of 18.36% lead, 14.68% zinc, and 297 gpt silver.

About Canadian Zinc Corporation

Canadian Zinc's 100% owned Prairie Creek (zinc/silver/lead) Project, located in the Northwest Territories, includes a partially developed underground mine with an existing 1,000 ton per day mill and related infrastructure and equipment. The Prairie Creek Property hosts a major mineral deposit containing a historically estimated resource of 3.6 million tonnes (measured and indicated) grading 11.8% zinc; 9.7% lead; 0.3% copper and 141.5 grams silver per tonne and 8.3 million tonnes (inferred) grading 12.8% zinc; 10.5% lead and 0.5% copper and 169.2 grams silver per tonne, with significant exploration potential. The deposit contains an estimated, in situ 3 billion pounds of zinc, 2.2 billion pounds of lead and approximately 70 million ounces of silver.

At June 30, 2007 the Company held cash of approximately $25 million and has 108,442,950 common shares outstanding which trade on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol "CZN".

Cautionary Statement - Forward Looking Information:

This press release contains certain forward-looking information. This forward looking information includes, or may be based upon, estimates, forecasts, and statements as to management's expectations with respect to, among other things, the issue of permits, the size and quality of the company's mineral resources, future trends for the company, progress in development of mineral properties, future production and sales volumes, capital and mine production costs, demand and market outlook for metals, future metal prices and treatment and refining charges, the outcome of legal proceedings and the financial results of the company. The Company does not currently hold a permit for the operation of the Prairie Creek Mine. Mineral resources that are not mineral reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability. Inferred mineral resources are considered too speculative geologically to have economic considerations applied to them that would enable them to be categorized as mineral reserves. There is no certainty that mineral resources will be converted into mineral reserves.

- bin Long gegangen und habe einen Teil meiner Aquila getauscht
-Sprott beteiligt sich leicht über aktuellem Marktpreis und Warrantausübung frühestens in 2 Jahren
-i.M. hält Sprott damit 9% an Canadian mit Option auf mehr
-für mich ein "Ritterschlag"
-aktuelle MK 88,5 Mio Can$ - wenn man die 3 Mrd Pfund Zinc, die ca. 70 Mill UNzen Silber und den Rest dagegen hält undervalued
-sind in der Entwicklung wesentlich weiter als Aquila, dafür halt kein Gold
.................mal sehen wer besser läuft; Aquila oder Canadian Zinc........................
Jul 18, 2007 08:51 ET
Aurelian Intersects 172.70 Metres Grading 7.71 g/t of Gold in Infill Drilling and 158.64 Metres Grading 8.13 g/t of Gold at the Eastern Edge of FDN
TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - July 18, 2007) - Aurelian Resources Inc. (TSX:ARU) today announced results from 10 additional drill holes from the buried epithermal gold-silver discovery at Fruta Del Norte (FDN) on its wholly-owned Condor Project in south-eastern Ecuador. These include 172.70 metres grading 7.71 g/t of gold ("Au") and 8.2 g/t of silver ("Ag") in infill drill hole CP-07-130 and 158.64 metres grading 8.13 g/t Au and 11.3 g/t Ag in CP-07-126 at the eastern edge of the deposit. The drill holes are from sections 9583300N and 9583200N respectively.

"We've had good success in this most recent round of drilling. The results confirm the geometry and grade of known zones of FDN, while also adding new mineralisation at depth and to the east," says Patrick F.N. Anderson, Aurelian's President and CEO. "Drilling is now complete for the inferred resource estimate and once all the assays are in from the lab, our independent engineers, Micon International, will finalise their interpretation."

Mr. Anderson adds, "Drilling will continue at FDN as we build on the initial resource by targeting open areas of the deposit to the south, north and east. Meanwhile, a separate regional exploration team is continuing to drill at the El Tigre gold target and preparing other gold targets for drilling along strike from FDN."

A table containing more complete intercepts from the 10 drill holes is listed below while maps, cross sections, photos and full gold and silver assay data from this and previous press releases may be viewed at www.aurelian.ca.

FDN Results

Results are summarized in the tables below. Intervals containing high grade assays have also been re-calculated using a top cut of 105 g/t of gold.

Uncut data
Cross Drill From To Interval
section hole (metres) (metres) (metres) Au g/t Ag g/t
9582700N CP-07-117 358.10 388.88 30.78 1.02 6.2
CP-07-117 397.88 589.44 (EOH) 191.56 1.84 11.9
CP-07-124 376.00 502.00 126.00 1.72 5.0
CP-07-124 513.64 538.00 24.36 2.70 6.1
CP-07-124 547.00 557.60 10.60 15.86 6.3
9582900N including 555.20 555.70 0.50 311.00 84.2
CP-07-124 563.71 611.00 47.29 15.19 12.6
including 563.71 564.85 1.14 59.90 70.6
and 591.20 591.60 0.40 1535.00 643.0
CP-07-124 619.00 625.50 (EOH) 6.50 5.05 59.0
CP-07-126 215.00 373.64 158.64 8.13 11.3
including 235.00 247.10 12.10 14.51 15.3
9583200N and 341.47 344.62 3.15 256.81 208.6
CP-07-126 566.12 568.12 2.00 22.40 19.2
CP-07-127 369.00 374.00 5.00 1.03 3.0
9583300N CP-07-130 250.00 422.70 172.70 7.71 8.2
including 252.00 293.40 41.40 22.32 11.2
CP-07-128A 425.80 503.80 78.00 2.73 31.8
9583400N including 453.10 489.10 36.00 4.68 49.6
CP-07-128A 551.60 595.40 43.80 0.96 21.3
9583500N CP-07-121 443.50 448.15 4.65 1.02 2.1
CP-07-120 150.70 423.50 272.80 5.79 8.0
including 239.79 256.80 17.01 11.18 9.8
9583600N and 269.35 308.60 39.25 8.06 8.0
and 318.50 332.05 13.55 21.26 17.9
and 356.50 368.00 11.50 22.88 15.1
9583700N CP-07-123 No significant intercepts
9583900N CP-07-122 No significant intercepts
Note: intervals are calculated using a lower cut of 0.5 g/t Au and no top
cut, they include a maximum of 5 metres internal waste.

Intervals with a top cut of 105g/t Au
Cross Drill From To Interval
section hole (metres) (metres) (metres) Au g/t Ag g/t
9582900N CP-07-124 547.00 557.60 10.60 6.14 6.3
CP-07-124 563.71 611.00 47.29 3.10 12.6
9583200N CP-07-126 215.00 373.64 158.64 4.75 11.3
9583300N CP-07-130 250.00 422.70 172.70 7.53 8.2
Note: intervals are calculated using a lower cut of 0.5 g/t Au and a 105
g/t Au top cut, they include a maximum of 5 metres internal waste.

CP-07-117 (azimuth 095/dip -65) was drilled on section 9582700N to test the south-southeast trend of the system towards the Bonza-Las Penas epithermal deposit 500 metres further south. The drill hole intersected quartz sinter buried below the Suarez formation sediments at 350 metres before drilling into a well-developed epithermal stockwork assaying 30.78 metres at 1.02 g/t Au and 6.2 g/t Ag, followed by 191.56 metres at 1.84 g/t Au and 11.9 g/t Ag to end of hole at 589.44 metres.

On section 9582900N, infill drill hole CP-07-124 (azimuth 95/dip -62) intersected epithermal stockwork veining and narrow veins. The initial zone of stockwork was a 126 metre interval assaying 1.72 g/t Au, followed at depth by less intense stockwork and narrow veins, but containing some significant visible gold. Assays from this zone include 0.4 metres grading 1535 g/t Au and 643 g/t Ag from stockwork veining and 0.5 metres grading 311 g/t Au and 84.2 g/t Ag and 1.14 metres grading 59.90 g/t Au and 70.6 g/t Ag from narrow-banded epithermal veins.

Two holes have been completed on section 9583200N, with CP-07-126 (azimuth 90/dip -58) intersecting a zone of intense epithermal mineralisation at 215 metres below the Suarez formation sediments. Mineralisation weakened down hole but still returned 158.64 metres at 8.13 g/t Au and 11.3 g/t Ag, including 12.10 metres at 14.51 g/t Au and 15.3 g/t Ag and a narrow high grade vein assaying 3.15 metres at 256.81 g/t Au and 208.6 g/t Ag. The intercept is east of previously released drill holes on this section.

Further east again, drill hole CP-07-127 (azimuth 90/dip -58) intersected only weak mineralisation, with best assays of 5.00 metres at 1.03 g/t Au and 3.0 g/t Ag.

CP-07-130 (azimuth 88/dip -54) was drilled as an infill hole on section 9583300N but was also angled to test the eastern extent of the system. The hole intersected very intense stockwork veining, returning 172.70 metres at 7.71 g/t Au and 8.2 g/t Ag, with the upper part including an interval assaying 41.40 metres at 22.32 g/t Au and 11.2 g/t Ag.

Further north on section 9583400N, hole CP-07-128A (azimuth 100/dip -61) was completed to test the system at depth. The hole successfully intersected epithermal stockwork veining below previous drilling. The best interval assayed 78 metres at 2.73 g/t Au and 31.8 g/t Ag which includes 36 metres at 4.68 g/t Au and 49.6 g/t Ag.

From the same drill platform drill hole CP-07-121 was angled north (azimuth 76/dip -66) to test the system at depth on section 9583500N. The hole dropped significantly from the collar orientation, resulting in the hole intersecting the system below where it is truncated by the west fault. The best intercept returned was 4.65 metres at 1.02 g/t Au and 2.1 g/t Ag.

A scissor hole CP-07-120 (azimuth 270/dip -75) was completed on section 9583600N and was designed to help define where the system intersects the west fault. The drill hole intersected the top of the mineralised FDN block at 150.70 metres down hole and stayed in mineralisation until hitting the west fault at 423.50 metres, the interval assaying 272.80 metres at 5.79 g/t Au and 8.0 g/t Ag.

Two holes were completed at the north end of the FDN deposit to close off the system to the east for the upcoming resource modeling. Holes CP-07-123 (azimuth 91/dip -50) and CP-07-122 (azimuth 90/dip -50) were drilled on sections 9583700N and 9583900N respectively. Both holes intersected only weak, low grade mineralisation without significant assays, as anticipated.

Results from 74 diamond drill holes have been released for the FDN prospect to date. Further drill results will be released as analytical data are received, validated and compiled.

The FDN target is interpreted to be an intermediate sulphidation epithermal gold-silver system. The deposit is buried by dominantly post-mineralisation basin infill sediments (Suarez Formation) of Jurassic age within a pull-apart basin. The hydrothermal system is characterized by a combination of multiphase quartz-carbonate-sulphide stock work veining and hydrothermal brecciation within intensely silicified andesitic volcanic rocks that underlie the basin.

Drilling at the FDN deposit has outlined a mineralised envelope that is traceable continuously for over 1200 metres along strike, exceeds 100 metres in width through the central and southern portions, dips moderately westward through to vertical and has a vertical extent of over 250 metres. Drill holes intersect this envelope at an angle and therefore drill hole intercept widths reported in this press release are not true widths.

Samples consist of half NQ, NTW and BTW-size diamond core that are split by diamond saw on site, prepared at the ALS Chemex laboratory in Quito, and assayed by 50g fire assay with an AAS or gravimetric finish at the ALS Chemex Lima Laboratory. The quality assurance-quality control (QA-QC) program of Aurelian includes the insertion of certified standards of known gold content every 20 samples, blanks at least every 20 samples and field or lab duplicates every 20 samples. Samples from significant drill intercepts are sent to two additional laboratories to verify gold and silver analyses. Metallic screen fire analyses for gold are also regularly run as additional QA-QC checks. The remaining half core is retained for verification and reference purposes.

Stephen Leary (MAusIMM), Aurelian's Exploration Manager, is acting as Qualified Person in compliance with National Instrument 43-101 with respect to this release. He has reviewed the contents for accuracy.

About Aurelian:

Aurelian Resources Inc. is a publicly-listed (TSX:ARU) resource company engaged in the business of exploring, discovering and developing mineral wealth in Ecuador. The Fruta del Norte discovery lies at the heart of the Condor Project properties, located in south-eastern Ecuador and consisting of 38 mining concessions totaling approximately 95,000 hectares. Aurelian is committed to working with the government and people of Ecuador to achieve a modern, sustainable mining industry, which will play an important role in the future growth of the country. Visit www.aurelian.ca for more information.

Forward Looking Statement:

Some of the statements contained herein may be forward-looking statements which involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties. Without limitation, statements regarding potential mineralisation and resources, exploration results, and future plans and objectives of the Company are forward looking statements that involve various degrees of risk. The following are important factors that could cause the Company's actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward looking statements: changes in the world wide price of mineral commodities, general market conditions, risks inherent in mineral exploration, risks associated with development, construction and mining operations, the uncertainty of future profitability and the uncertainty of access to additional capital.
Sparton Receives Second Payment for Sale of Share Interest in Luxi Gold Project; $1.67 Million Dollars Added to Working Capital
TORONTO, ONTARIO, Jul 18, 2007 (MARKET WIRE via COMTEX News Network) --

Sparton Resources Inc. (TSX VENTURE: SRI) (the "Company") announced today that it has received the second payment of 11.972 million RMB (C$1.67 million dollars) from Starry Ltd. for the purchase of a 41% share interest in SRI's 80% owned Yunnan Sparton Minerals Company Limited ("YSM"). Please see Company news release dated November 21, 2006 for details of the terms of the transaction.

YSM is the owner of all the Luxi Gold Project Exploration Licences and project assets in Yunnan Province. SRI will retain 39% of the shares in YSM. In the same agreement SRI's partner in YSM, Yunnan Nuclear Exploration Team 201 ("201") has also received a second payment of RMB 2.92 million (C$407,591) for the sale of 10% of its YSM shares to Starry. The total purchase price for a 51% share interest in YSM to be paid by Starry is RMB 24,480,000 or approximately $C3.5 million dollars.

The total amount payable to SRI for 41% of the shares is RMB 19,680,000 or approximately $C2.9 million dollars and the amount payable to 201 is RMB 4,800,000 or approximately $C690,000 dollars. The currency of the transaction is in Chinese RMB and the dollar amount of funds received is calculated based on currency rates on the dates of bank transfers.

The amount received in this payment represents the completion of the second and third parts of the transaction, namely the approval of the YSM share transfer to Starry by the Yunnan Government and the transfer of the Deep Exploration Licence (the "DEL") under the Guanlingpo Mine to YSM.

SRI received the first payment of RMB 3,772,000 or approximately $C540,000 dollars in late November, 2006.

The remaining payment of RMB 3,396,000 (approximately $C485,140) owed to SRI will be made within 7 days of cancellation of the 25% participation right (see News Release dated June 10 , 2004) held by the Luxi Gold Mine in the DEL, or a new agreement satisfactory to all YSM shareholders is made with the holder of the Luxi Gold Mine Mining Licence for the disposition of this 25% participation right.

Operating expenses for YSM are now paid as to 57% by Starry and 43% by SRI. The new cost sharing percentages are as a result of the 10% share interest held by 201 being a non-contributing, carried interest in YSM.

It is important to note that all funds received by Sparton in this transaction have been paid directly into the Company's Canadian bank account and are available for its working capital.

"We are very pleased to have successfully advanced this agreement with Starry," stated A. Lee Barker Sparton's President and CEO. "Starry is fully supported by one of China's largest integrated gold producers and ongoing exploration at Luxi, including further evaluation of the various new targets in the area will be organized and executed by a Joint Working Committee with representatives of all the Luxi stakeholders. Once again we have shown our ability to operate successfully in China having repatriated over 60% of our investment in Luxi to the Company treasury, while retaining a 39% equity interest and a strong technical participation in the project," Barker concluded.

(i) Note currency exchanges used are: RMB 7.621 equals US $1.0 : C $1.0 equals US $0.94

The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for adequacy or accuracy of the content of the information contained herein.

Contacts: Sparton Resources Inc. A. Lee Barker President and CEO (416) 366-3551 (416) 366-7421 (FAX) Email: info@spartonres.ca Sparton Resources Inc. Charles Ge Director int'l +86 10 8559 0034 int'l +86 10 8559 0034 (FAX) Email: Charlesge@vip.163.com Website: www.spartonres.ca

SOURCE: Sparton Resources Inc.

mailto:info@spartonres.ca mailto:Charlesge@vip.163.com http://www.spartonres.ca
Copyright 2007 Market Wire, All rights reserved.

Stark in canada 0,55 cad! 8)
Bei Mexivada MNV bin ich dabei. Im Newsletter anmelden lohnt sich, die sprechen deutsch! :)

And i speak english! :lol: Die Aktie hat sich auch direkt entschlossen zu steigen! :dog:
Mexivada Mining - MNV.V $0.80

Gold Junction "OP" gold target mineralized till 1400 foot - Discovery in the making?

shares issued: 26 million
market cap: $18 million

current rating: 'BUY'

Last week we send out a TGDL break-out ALERT/Update on our TGDL TOP-20 stock Mexivada. The stock broke out on the news concerning the acquisition of the La Republica Mine property in Chihuahua, Mexico, 12 kilometres south of Mexivada's Yécora property. Furthermore we noted that Mexivada is currently drilling its near surface open pit gold target at Gold Junction, Nevada.

Now Mexivada has already completed two of the three planned drill holes at Gold Junction (the third hole is in progress) and despite the fact no assay results have been received yet Mexivada put out a press release this morning saying significant mineralization has been encountered down to a depth of 1400 feet.

Now what does that mean?

Well, first of all these drill holes were designed to test Mexivada's "OP" Target Area for Round Mountain/Gold Hill type open pittable volcanic-hosted epithermal gold targets similar to the nearby +12,000,000 ounce Round Mountain open pit mine of Kinross and Barrick.

Now could the Gold Junction project morph into a similar open pittable gold target like the Round Mountain Mine indeed? Mexivada's CEO Rick Redfern sounds very upbeat hence the press release this morning. Unfortunately this press release is hard to digest by the average investor since they aren't geologists. Therefore I asked Rick Redfern to explain in simple terms why he's so excited about this Gold Junction project and for how much longer investors have to wait before the assay results come out.

EH: The press release talks about mineralization till 1400 foot. Are you talking about gold mineralization? Could you comment on that?

RR: Hi Eric. We found four things in the first drillhole in the "OP" Target Area that are positive signs that we may have intersected a new, very large Round Mountain-type gold system:

1) The thickness of altered, mineralized rock found in hole one is as great as found in the nearby world-class +12,000,000 ounce Round Mountain Mine.

2) We have a favorable cap rock of limestone above the main altered and pyritized body of volcanic tuffs below; this could have focused and precipitated gold in the system, better than at Round Mountain or at the +1,000,000 ounce Gold Hill Mine.

3) We see strongly altered (clay alteration and sericite mica) throughout our first hole, and this is associated with the Round Mountain gold mine.

4) We see pyritic sulfides throughout much of these rocks in hole 1, which could be indicative of gold mineralization here. We didn't yet see any visible gold in the drill cuttings, though, so we will need to wait for the assay reults, which could be returned in approximately 4 weeks.

EH: You said that the drill program was designed to test for Round Mountain/Gold Hill type open pittable volcanic-hosted epithermal gold targets similar to the nearby +12,000,000 ounce Round Mountain open pit mine of Kinross and Barrick. When you talk about similar, do you mean similar in structure? Similar in size?

RR: Yes, potentially both. The Round Mountain gold mine is one of the world's largest gold mines, though, so it would be highly presumptive of me to make size comparisons at this point. The structure of the volcanic caldera (basin) may be similar to Round Mountain, since both lie on the west side of the â?oConnectorâ?￾ fault, and ours was hidden by surface â?opedimentâ?￾ gravels. The Round Mountain Mine was partially concealed by pediment gravels before it was developed into the current huge open pit gold mine. Many large, hidden gold deposits may still be present in the Round Mountain mining district, and that is why we have our largest groups of claimblocks in Nevada in this area. The potential is so huge there! Mexivada has the largest number of claims here, other than Kinross, Barrick, and Newmont.

Both deposits could have been "fed" by gold-bearing solutions coming up along the Connector fault. We don't know how far to the west, north, or south that our alteration and mineralization extends for. Our current drillhole (GJ-07-3) is testing the south extension of the "OP" Target Area. Hole GJ-07-2 tested a different area, east of the Connector fault, and is not associated with this mineral system. I will say, and this is highly speculative, that there is enough space available in our "OP" target area to accomodate a 5,000,000 ounce gold deposit. Whether we have something will have to await the arrival of our sample assays.

EH: Your drilling program only consists out of three holes. Why only three holes? Is it sufficient to tell the whole story?

RR: No, it isn't, but money is spent so fast with these drilling programs, that we wanted time to digest the data and formulate a good future program. Also, perhaps one of the major gold companies may wish to come in and be our partner with Gold Junction. That would gain Mexivada some really good exposure in the mining industry and its investment circles!

EH: Do you expect serious interest from major producers if Gold Junction turns out to be what you expect?

RR: Yes. We will need to be wary of hostile takeovers if this turns out to be a mine!

EH: When will the investor know if Gold Junction is a hit or not?

RR: We should finish our third drillhole at Gold Junction by the middle of this week, which will give us further insights into the size of this mineral system. We should have some gold assays back within four weeks, and we may send out a few samples for rush gold assays, which would arrive back to us rapidly.

RR: We should finish our third drillhole at Gold Junction by the middle of this week, which will give us further insights into the size of this mineral system. We should have some gold assays back within four weeks, and we may send out a few samples for rush gold assays, which would arrive back to us rapidly.

Zu Mexivada aus dem untenstehenden Artikel!!!

Dazu von WOanders:

User Micky Mouse

Ich habe heute mit Rick Redfern gemailt.

Er sagte dass das 3. Loch, das es heute Nacht oder Morgen fertig wird. Danach kann man vielleicht etwas mehr sagen.

Endgültiges wird erst das Labor bringen.

Rick Redfern ist sich aber seiner Sache sehr sicher und er weis, das er mit dem Interview das Spiel mit dem Feuer gewagt hat.
Hat er Recht mit der Interpretation der Bohrung, dann handelt es sich um eine Goldmine mit +10.000.000 Oz Gold und die ganze Welt liegt ihm zu Füssen, hat er Unrecht, sinkt auf jedenfall erst einmal der shareprice und zukünftig wird man mit seinen Äusserungen vorsichtiger umgehen.
Genial wäre es wenn jetzt beim 3. Loch sichtbares Gold wäre, denn dann wäre seine Vermutung bestätigt.
Wenn dies verkündet würde, würde die Aktie keinen Halt mehr kennen.
Dann sehen wir innerhalb von Minuten einen Kurs von mehreren Dollarn, davon bin ich überzeugt. Aber egal, wenn nicht müssen wir ein paar Wochen auf die Ergebnisse warten. Das macht die Sache umso spannender.

LR8 Largo Resources ebenfalls gekauft!

July 10, 2007


Focus is on further defining the limits of the higher-grade tungsten and higher-grade molybdenum zones outlined during the 2006 drill program

17:15 EDT Monday, July 09, 2007

TORONTO, ONTARIO--(CCNMatthews - July 9, 2007) - Largo Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:LGO) announces that a 5,000-metre diamond drill program has begun on the Company's 1,500 hectare Northern Dancer Tungsten-Molybdenum property which straddles the Yukon-British Columbia border 290 kilometres east of Whitehorse. The project lies 115 kilometres east of Adnac Moly Corp.'s Ruby Creek Porphyry Molybdenum Deposit.

Northern Dancer hosts widespread tungsten-molybdenum porphyry style mineralization, the core of which has been partially delineated by 68 diamond drill holes and 496 metres of underground workings. This work was done by AMAX Minerals Exploration from 1977 to 1980 and by Largo Resources which completed a 17-hole diamond drill program in 2006. On April 2, 2007 Largo announced a NI 43-101 compliant inferred resource of 242.0 million tonnes grading 0.10% WO3 and 0.047% MoS2 containing 508.1 million lbs. tungsten (WO3) and 151.0 million lbs. molybdenum (Mo) (see April 2, 2007 press release). This resource includes a higher grade Mo zone of 36.8 million tonnes of 0.085% MoS2; more drilling is required to define a higher grade tungsten resource.

The minimum 25-hole diamond drill program will further define the extent of the higher-grade tungsten and molybdenum zones intersected in the 2006 program. This will be done through a series of angled drill hole fences across the deposit to test the higher-grade zones. Historical drill holes were vertical to subvertical and did not adequately test the typically steeply dipping quartz-scheelite veins with which higher tungsten grades are associated. The program is expected to take three to four months to complete with results from the first holes expected to be received in about 4 to 6 weeks.

The Northern Dancer deposit is one of the world's largest known tungsten-molybdenum porphyry systems. The mineralization is hosted in fractures and veins associated with a northeast-trending sheeted vein system in calc-silicate (skarn) rocks and spatially related to a felsic intrusion (quartz-feldspar porphyry). The deposit, which has been tested by drilling for 750 metres along strike, 500 metres vertically and 600 metres in width, remains open along strike to both the northeast and southwest as well as at depth. Tungsten and molybdenum mineralization are concentrated in two zones which partially overlap. In the core of the deposit, there is a higher-grade molybdenum zone where molybdenite occurs within and adjacent to the felsic intrusion. Surrounding and partially overlapping the molybdenum zone is a much more extensive tungsten zone where scheelite occurs in northeast-trending sheeted quartz veins in skarn.

Assaying will be carried out by Acme Analytical Laboratories Ltd. in Vancouver, British Columbia. The samples will be crushed to 70% passing 10 mesh, split to 250 g and pulverized to 95% passing 150 mesh. A 5-gram split is analyzed for Mo and W using a phosphoric acid leach followed by ICP-emission spectrometry. Then a second 5-gram split is analyzed for 36 elements by ICP-mass spectrometry using a hot (95 degrees centigrade) aqua regia leach. Routine check assays will be performed at SGS Minerals in Lakefield, Ontario on sample rejects. Andy Campbell, P. Geo., Largo's Vice President of Exploration, is the Qualified Person responsible for the scientific and technical work for the program as defined under National Instrument 43-101. Mr. Campbell has verified the scientific and technical information in this press release.

Update on Macuchi

In connection with Largo's exercise of its option to purchase the remaining 49% interest in the Macuchi property that it does not already own, Largo is to make a US$1 million cash payment and issue common shares valued at US$500,000 in scheduled tranches. Subject to Exchange approval, Largo intends to issue presently 86,170 common shares to satisfy its current share obligations.

About Largo

Largo Resources is a Canadian natural resource development and exploration company with two advanced stage projects: the Northern Dancer Tungsten-Molybdenum deposit in the Yukon and the Maracas Platinum-Vanadium deposit in Brazil. Largo also has a large (60,000 hectare) land position and prospective gold exploration properties in Ecuador; one of which, the 5,000 hectare Macuchi property, is under option to Aur Resources Inc.. The company is listed on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol LGO.


Statements in this release that are not historical facts are "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of applicable securities laws. Readers are cautioned that any such statements are not guarantees of future performance and those actual developments or results may vary materially from those in these "forward-looking statements".


Largo Resources Ltd.
Mark Brennan
President & CEO
(416) 861-5886

June 19, 2007


• Thickness and grade of mineralized zone increasing with depth
• Drill results continue to confirm, upgrade and significantly extend the known mineralization.
• PGMs continue to be a significant component of the mineralization

Largo Resources Ltd. (TSXV:LGO) is pleased to provide an update on the exploration drilling program in progress on the Company’s 2,000 hectare Maracas Vanadium-PGM (platinum group metals) property located 250 kilometres west of Salvador, Bahia, Brazil.

To date, 37 diamond drill holes totalling 8,440 metres have been completed. 33 of 37 holes have intersected massive magnetite layers which hosts the Vanadium-PGM mineralization and the previously announced inferred mineral resource of 15.0 million tonnes grading 1.37% Vanadium Pentoxide (V2O5) (see press release November 22, 2006). Largo has received results from an additional ten (10) drill holes and one previously reported hole (FGA58) that has some additional sampling, totalling 1460 samples. Significant results are shown in Table 1.

Highlights from the new results include:

• FGA58 – A second deeper zone 22.0 metres true width at 2.15% V2O5 and 0.66 g PGM/t incl. a higher grade PGM zone 5.0 metres true width grading 1.93% V2O5, and 1.60 g PGM /t (1.27 g Pt/t and 0.33 g Pd/t)

• FGA59 – 72.0 metres true width grading 2.02% V2O5, and 0.65 g PGM/t incl. a higher grade zone 8.0 metres true width grading 2.65% V2O5, and 1.02 g PGM/t (0.92 g Pt/t and 0.10 g Pd/t)

• FGA61 – 32.0 metres true width grading 2.31% V2O5, and 0.57 g PGM/t incl. a higher grade zone 10.0 metres true width grading 2.64% V2O5, and 0.78 g PGM/t (0.57 g Pt/t and 0.21 g Pd/t)

• FGA62 – 42.0 metres true width grading 1.77% V2O5, and 0.46 g PGM/t incl. a higher grade zone 20.0 metres true width grading 2.13% V2O5, and 0.70 g PGM/t (0.36 g Pt/t and 0.34 g Pd/t)

• FGA64 – 40.0 metres true width grading 1.42% V2O5, and 0.46 g PGM/t incl. a higher grade zone 16.0 metres true width grading 2.03% V2O5, and 0.70 g PGM/t (0.37 g Pt/t and 0.33 g Pd/t)

• FGA66 – 43.0 metres true width grading 1.75% V2O5, and 0.55 g PGM/t incl. a higher grade zone 23.0 metres true width grading 2.03% V2O5, and 0.70 g PGM/t (0.39 g Pt/t and 0.31 g Pd/t)

• FGA67 – 46.0 metres true width grading 2.10% V2O5, and 0.61 g PGM/t incl. a higher grade Pt zone 10.0 metres true width grading 2.72% V2O5, and 0.78 g PGM/t (0.67 g Pt/t and 0.11 g Pd/t) and 10.0 metres true width grading 2.24% V2O5, and 0.83 g PGM/t (0.57 g Pt/t and 0.26 g Pd/t)

• FGA68 – 40.0 metres true width grading 1.80% V2O5, and 0.50 g PGM/t incl. a higher grade Pt zone 10.0 metres true width grading 2.24% V2O5, and 0.77 g PGM/t (0.44 g Pt/t and 0.33 g Pd/t) (additional assays are pending for this hole)

Andy Campbell, P.Geo., Vice President, Exploration commented: “The intersections in 8 out of 11 drill holes reported in this press release significantly exceed the average resource grade of 1.37% V2O5 with 7 of these holes intersecting much thicker true widths than the average of the resource (25 metres). Significant and consistent PGM values with high platinum (Pt) to palladium (Pd) ratios have been returned throughout all of the holes. The recent 100-metre step out and down dip holes continue to confirm, upgrade and significantly expand the known mineral resources. The magnetite-rich zone remains open along strike and down dip.”

The deposit as outlined from historic drilling on which the inferred resource is based, extends 325 metres in length to a vertical depth of 150 metres with true widths ranging from 11 to 100 metres with an average width of 25 metres. The current program has already extended the mineralized zone for a strike length of 400 metres to a vertical depth of 300 metres. Recent drilling results indicate that both the thickness and grade of the zone is increasing with depth.

Analytical work was carried out by SGS Minerals in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, an ISO 9001-2000 certified laboratory. Largo employs a systematic QA/QC program including standards, duplicates and blanks. Andy Campbell, P. Geo., Largo’s Vice President of Exploration, is the Qualified Person responsible for the scientific and technical work for the program as defined under National Instrument 43-101 and has verified the scientific and technical information in this news release.

About Largo
Largo Resources is a Canadian natural resource development and exploration company with two advanced stage projects: the Northern Dancer Tungsten-Molybdenum deposit in the Yukon and the Maracas Vanadium-PGM deposit in Brazil. Largo also has a large (60,000 hectare) land position and prospective gold exploration properties in Ecuador; one of which, the 5,000 hectare Macuchi property, is under option to Aur Resources Inc. The company is listed on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol LGO.
For more information please refer to Largo's website: www.largoresources.com.

Statements in this release that are not historical facts are “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of applicable securities laws. Readers are cautioned that any such statements are not guarantees of future performance and those actual developments or results may vary materially from those in these “forward-looking statements”.

Mark Brennan
President & CEO
(416) 861-5886


Table 1: Summary of Significant Assay Results – Maracas Property, Brazil

Hole Number From To V2O5
% Pt (g/t) Pd (g/t) PGM
(g/t) Interval (metres) True thickness (m)
FGA58 61.30* 120.00 2.22 0.45 0.11 0.56 58.70 54.00
incl. 79.00* 103.00 2.55 0.44 0.11 0.55 24.00 21.00
136.00 158.00 2.15 0.45 0.21 0.66 22.00 22.00
incl. 136.00 141.00 1.93 1.27 0.33 1.60 5.00 5.00
FGA59 50.00 122.00 2.02 0.56 0.09 0.65 72.00 72.00
incl. 65.00 73.00 2.65 0.92 0.10 1.02 8.00 8.00
FGA60 75.00 91.00 0.82 0.12 0.13 0.25 16.00 16.00
FGA61 84.00 118.00 2.31 0.46 0.11 0.57 34.00 32.00
incl. 95.00 106.00 2.64 0.57 0.21 0.78 11.00 10.00
FGA62 62.00 104.00 1.77 0.24 0.22 0.46 42.00 42.00
incl. 83.00 103.00 2.13 0.36 0.34 0.70 10.00 10.00
and 160.00 191.00 1.13 0.08 0.11 0.19 31.00 31.00
FGA63 54.47 70.00 0.90 0.20 0.11 0.31 15.53 15.00
FGA64 74.00 116.00 1.42 0.25 0.21 0.46 42.00 40.00
incl. 96.87 114.34 2.03 0.37 0.33 0.70 17.47 16.00
and 238.05 262.40 1.27 0.44 0.28 0.72 24.35 23.00
FGA65 129.08 155.52 1.09 0.18 0.08 0.26 26.44 25.00
FGA66 136.91 182.80 1.75 0.32 0.23 0.55 45.89 43.00
incl. 156.94 182.00 2.03 0.39 0.31 0.70 25.06 23.00
FGA67 30.00 76.00 2.10 0.44 0.17 0.61 46.00 46.00
incl. 32.00 42.00 2.72 0.67 0.11 0.78 10.00 10.00
incl. 63.00 73.00 2.24 0.57 0.26 0.83 10.00 10.00
and 137.00 154.00 1.42 0.13 0.10 0.23 17.00 17.00
FGA68** 105.00 147.00 1.80 0.36 0.14 0.50 42.00 40.00
incl. 135.00 147.00 2.24 0.44 0.33 0.77 12.00 10.00
* Results in upper part of Hole FGA58 previously reported
**Partial results only for Hole FGA68; additional assay results pending
All diamond drill core is NQ size

Drill Hole Information - Maracas Property, Brazil
Hole Number Northing Easting Elevation Azimuth Dip
FGA58 8,486,124 318,353 294.96 290° -70°
FGA59 8,486,151 318,358 294.76 290° -45°
FGA60 8,486,032 318,360 297.52 290° -50°
FGA61 8,486,162 318,364 296.29 290° -60°
FGA62 8,486,074 318,332 296.09 290° -50°
FGA63 8,486,038 318,334 293.09 290° -50°
FGA64 8,486,074 318,332 295.09 290° -65°
FGA65 8,486,020 318,402 299.25 290° -50°
FGA66 8,486,073 318,409 299.18 290° -65°
FGA67 8,486,090 318,296 301.09 290° -45°
FGA68 8,486,111 318,405 297.73 290° -65°
ein ganz heißer Uran Wert wird der Basket Wert Bluerock Resources werden, lest mal die ganzen News durch, MK inkl. der angedachten Finanzierung (Meldung vom 03.07.) fd ca. 45mio shares also ca. 23mio CAD

July 12, 2007 Bluerock Resources Announces Expanded Drilling Program On Mongolian JV Uranium Exploration Projects
July 03, 2007 Bluerock Resources Announces Aggressive Exploration On Eight Uranium Projects
June 21, 2007 Bluerock Resources Begins Drilling Program At The Andrew Lloyd Uranium Mine, Garfield County, Utah
June 18, 2007 Bluerock Resources Adds Claims To Tramp Uranium Mine Project
June 14, 2007 Bluerock Resources Reports On On-Going Drilling And Development Programs At The Tramp Uranium Mine
June 14, 2007 Bluerock Resources Reports On On-Going Drilling And Development Programs At The Tramp Uranium Mine
May 23, 2007 Bluerock Resources Signs Two Agreements on Urvan District Uranium Projects
May 14, 2007 Bluerock Resources Announces the Start of the 2007 Field Season in Mongolia and the Exercise of Warrants


Erste Posi long! :)

Ganz langsam auch hier nach oben. 0,57 CAD! :evil:
:juchu: + 17% , sehr schön..............
8) 8)

Jul 18, 2007 03:00 ET
Canadian Zinc Announces $10 Million Private Placement with Sprott Asset Management Inc.
TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - July 18, 2007) - Canadian Zinc Corporation (TSX:CZN)(OTCBB:CZICF) is pleased to announce it has agreed to a private placement financing, subject to regulatory approval, with Sprott Asset Management Inc. on behalf of accounts managed by Sprott for $10,000,250 in Units, at a price of $0.85 per Unit, for 11,765,000 Units with each Unit consisting of one common share and one half share purchase warrant, each full warrant exercisable at a price of $1.20 per share for two years.

Upon completion of the financing, accounts managed by Sprott Asset Management Inc. will hold approximately 9% of the Company shares. Sprott has stated that the securities are being held for investment purposes and depending on market and other conditions, Sprott may from time to time in the future increase or decrease its ownership, control or direction over the shares of Canadian Zinc Corporation, through market transactions, private agreements or otherwise.

The proceeds from the private placement will be added to the Company's working capital and used for the ongoing exploration and development of the Prairie Creek Mine Project where the Company is currently driving a new exploration decline alongside the main vein that is advancing to the north and where 42 holes of underground drilling totaling 8,217 metres on seven 50 metre sections took place in Phase One over the past six months. The high-grade results, encountered in the drilling of these sections may be reviewed in previous news releases issued over the past six months and filed on SEDAR. (See press releases dated January 9, March 5, March 22, April 24, June 43 and July 5, 2007). The following are selected highlights:

--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hole #22 - 4.92 metres @ 15.44% Pb; 19.75% Zn and 282 Ag/t Hole #32 - 4.89 metres @ 25.83% Pb; 9.13% Zn and 561 Ag/t Hole #40 - 5.17 metres @ 24.35% Pb; 7.72% Zn and 242 Ag/t---------------------------------------------------------------------------

This drilling will increase confidence in tonnage and grade, and will enable a NI 43-101 report to be generated that will include a new resource estimate. Minefill Services Inc. has been commissioned to prepare the report.

During Phase Two of the 2007 underground exploration programme, which will commence shortly, the decline tunnel will be extended within the hanging wall of the vein a further 250 metres to establish an additional five drill stations. In preparation for this decline extension underground ventilation, electrical, ground support and equipment are now being upgraded and mining of the decline extension will recommence in mid July 2007, with underground drilling of the next five sections expected to recommence about September 2007.

Concurrent with the underground exploration program, the Company has initiated an aggressive, 3000 metre helicopter-mounted surface drilling program to explore surface mineralized zones along the strike of mine mineralization. (See press release July 12, 2007) These zones, largely undrilled, extend over a strike length of 16 kilometres, and have returned significant zinc, lead and silver values, including last year's skid-mounted drill hole PC06-167 on Zone 8, located approximately five kilometers south of the Prairie Creek mine site, that recorded 2.7 metres of 18.36% lead, 14.68% zinc, and 297 gpt silver.

About Canadian Zinc Corporation

Canadian Zinc's 100% owned Prairie Creek (zinc/silver/lead) Project, located in the Northwest Territories, includes a partially developed underground mine with an existing 1,000 ton per day mill and related infrastructure and equipment. The Prairie Creek Property hosts a major mineral deposit containing a historically estimated resource of 3.6 million tonnes (measured and indicated) grading 11.8% zinc; 9.7% lead; 0.3% copper and 141.5 grams silver per tonne and 8.3 million tonnes (inferred) grading 12.8% zinc; 10.5% lead and 0.5% copper and 169.2 grams silver per tonne, with significant exploration potential. The deposit contains an estimated, in situ 3 billion pounds of zinc, 2.2 billion pounds of lead and approximately 70 million ounces of silver.

At June 30, 2007 the Company held cash of approximately $25 million and has 108,442,950 common shares outstanding which trade on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol "CZN".

Cautionary Statement - Forward Looking Information:

This press release contains certain forward-looking information. This forward looking information includes, or may be based upon, estimates, forecasts, and statements as to management's expectations with respect to, among other things, the issue of permits, the size and quality of the company's mineral resources, future trends for the company, progress in development of mineral properties, future production and sales volumes, capital and mine production costs, demand and market outlook for metals, future metal prices and treatment and refining charges, the outcome of legal proceedings and the financial results of the company. The Company does not currently hold a permit for the operation of the Prairie Creek Mine. Mineral resources that are not mineral reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability. Inferred mineral resources are considered too speculative geologically to have economic considerations applied to them that would enable them to be categorized as mineral reserves. There is no certainty that mineral resources will be converted into mineral reserves.

- bin Long gegangen und habe einen Teil meiner Aquila getauscht
-Sprott beteiligt sich leicht über aktuellem Marktpreis und Warrantausübung frühestens in 2 Jahren
-i.M. hält Sprott damit 9% an Canadian mit Option auf mehr
-für mich ein "Ritterschlag"
-aktuelle MK 88,5 Mio Can$ - wenn man die 3 Mrd Pfund Zinc, die ca. 70 Mill UNzen Silber und den Rest dagegen hält undervalued
-sind in der Entwicklung wesentlich weiter als Aquila, dafür halt kein Gold
.................mal sehen wer besser läuft; Aquila oder Canadian Zinc........................
:juchu: Dank an Fischi, der mit Nachdruck empfohlen hat sich ein paar zuzulegen, wenn man die Tbellen List , der helle Wahnsinn!!!! WOW - denke Aurelain wird die Tage an die 10$ laufen

dukezero schrieb am 18.07.2007, 15:14"ul 18, 2007 08:51 ET
Aurelian Intersects 172.70 Metres Grading 7.71 g/t of Gold in Infill Drilling and 158.64 Metres Grading 8.13 g/t of Gold at the Eastern Edge of FDNTORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - July 18, 2007) - Aurelian Resources Inc. (TSX:ARU) today announced results from 10 additional drill holes from the buried epithermal gold-silver discovery at Fruta Del Norte (FDN) on its wholly-owned Condor Project in south-eastern Ecuador. These include 172.70 metres grading 7.71 g/t of gold ("Au") and 8.2 g/t of silver ("Ag") in infill drill hole CP-07-130 and 158.64 metres grading 8.13 g/t Au and 11.3 g/t Ag in CP-07-126 at the eastern edge of the deposit. The drill holes are from sections 9583300N and 9583200N respectively.

"We've had good success in this most recent round of drilling. The results confirm the geometry and grade of known zones of FDN, while also adding new mineralisation at depth and to the east," says Patrick F.N. Anderson, Aurelian's President and CEO. "Drilling is now complete for the inferred resource estimate and once all the assays are in from the lab, our independent engineers, Micon International, will finalise their interpretation."

Mr. Anderson adds, "Drilling will continue at FDN as we build on the initial resource by targeting open areas of the deposit to the south, north and east. Meanwhile, a separate regional exploration team is continuing to drill at the El Tigre gold target and preparing other gold targets for drilling along strike from FDN."

A table containing more complete intercepts from the 10 drill holes is listed below while maps, cross sections, photos and full gold and silver assay data from this and previous press releases may be viewed at www.aurelian.ca.
8) 8) so, noch was interssantes: Trade Winds - seit einigen Tagen kauft verstärkt Canaccord größere Päckchen.........- gestern wieder, und immer kurz vor Handeslende

15:51:39 V 0.36 +0.015 23,000 33 Canaccord 59 PI K

15:51:39 V 0.36 +0.015 15,000 33 Canaccord 7 TD Sec K

15:51:39 V 0.36 +0.015 12,000 33 Canaccord 88 E-TRADE K

15:44:47 V 0.35 +0.005 2,500 33 Canaccord 7 TD Sec K

15:35:13 V 0.33 +0.005 438 59 PI 44 Jones Gable E

15:34:54 V 0.35 +0.005 500 33 Canaccord 44 Jones Gable K

15:34:40 V 0.355 +0.01 10,000 58 Nomura 7 TD Sec K

15:20:52 V 0.35 +0.005 2,000 33 Canaccord 1 Anonymous K

15:20:07 V 0.35 +0.005 5,000 33 Canaccord 1 Anonymous K

15:20:07 V 0.35 +0.005 25,000 33 Canaccord 1 Anonymous K
Bei Mexivada aufpassen, da kommt was in Kürze!!!!!!!!!! :evil:
:gruebel: :gruebel: hier auch; seit Tagen kauft Canaccord fast alles auf was kommt - und immer auf der 0,80; denke auch da kommt bald was

15:52:55 T 0.79 -0.01 500 80 National Bank 2 RBC K

15:52:55 T 0.80 - 2,000 1 Anonymous 2 RBC K

15:51:18 T 0.80 - 500 1 Anonymous 79 CIBC K

15:51:18 T 0.80 - 500 27 Dundee 79 CIBC K

12:51:22 T 0.80 - 35 27 Dundee 74 GMP E

12:47:15 T 0.80 - 37,000 33 Canaccord 74 GMP K

12:45:56 T 0.80 - 50,000 33 Canaccord 74 GMP K

12:42:51 T 0.80 - 50,000 33 Canaccord 74 GMP K

12:39:17 T 0.80 - 50,000 33 Canaccord 74 GMP K

12:38:41 T 0.80 - 29,000 33 Canaccord 74 GMP K

Posting 3245/3795, Verfasst am: 13.07.2007, 09:57 Titel:


Soso, Cannacord kauft.........

Golden China's Beyinhar drill hole BYD142 intersects 77m @ 4.1g/t

TORONTO, Jul 10, 2007 (Canada NewsWire via COMTEX News Network) --
Golden China Resources Corporation (GCX: TSX, ASX)
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