• Am Sonntag, den 09.03.2025 erfolgt in den USA und Kanada die Umstellung auf Sommerzeit. Deswegen beginnt der Haupthandel ab Montag in den USA und Kanada bereits um 14:30 MEZ und endet um 21:00 MEZ. Bei uns findet die Zeitumstellung am 30.03.2025 statt. Dann haben wir wieder die "normalen" Handelszeiten.

Rohstoffthread (Archiv)

Für weitere Antworten geschlossen.
:shock: :shock:
Und weiter wird gekauft wie verrückt!
Sparton resources

Was ist denn da los? Da werden nur so die 100k-Pakete gekauft!
Also Cannacord hat heute fett reingelangt bei Sparton, hier muss etwas spektakuläres kommen!
Schade, dass Fischi nicht da ist!!
Auf jeden Fall halten, wenn da was kommt,- und davon gehe ich fest aus, gehts weiter!
Hätte man hier zu früh Gewinne mitgenommen,- wär man wie bei Blue Pearl in den verlängerten
Rücken gekniffen.

House Positions for V : SRI from 20070712 to 20070712
Ex House Bought $Value Ave Sold $Value Ave Net $Net
V 33 Canaccord 2,405,000 1,161,122 0.48 844,759 412,522 0.49 1,560,241 -748,600
V 7 TD Sec 370,200 174,220 0.47 320,100 156,561 0.49 50,100 -17,659
V 81 HSBC 15,000 7,650 0.51 0 15,000 -7,650
V 44 Jones Gable 10,000 5,100 0.51 0 10,000 -5,100
V 5 Penson 28,000 14,445 0.52 19,500 10,100 0.52 8,500 -4,345
V 19 Desjardins 60,500 28,184 0.47 52,500 25,237 0.48 8,000 -2,947
V 11 Orion 23,000 9,660 0.42 20,000 10,000 0.50 3,000 340
V 98 NBC 1,000 480 0.48 0 1,000 -480
V 36 Latimer 1,059 452 0.43 200 78 0.39 859 -374
V 95 Wolverton 10,000 5,100 0.51 10,000 4,950 0.50 0 -150
V 124 Questrade 0 2,500 1,075 0.43 -2,500 1,075
V 14 ITG 0 4,000 1,920 0.48 -4,000 1,920
V 59 PI 0 8,500 3,400 0.40 -8,500 3,400
V 58 Nomura 0 10,000 4,600 0.46 -10,000 4,600
V 79 CIBC 47,500 24,272 0.51 57,600 27,067 0.47 -10,100 2,795
V 80 National Bank 46,500 22,607 0.49 58,000 25,662 0.44 -11,500 3,055
V 9 BMO Nesbitt 22,000 11,630 0.53 44,000 21,160 0.48 -22,000 9,530
V 2 RBC 2,000 930 0.47 24,000 10,720 0.45 -22,000 9,790
V 62 Haywood 0 35,500 17,955 0.51 -35,500 17,955
V 85 Scotia 15,000 7,700 0.51 54,400 20,664 0.38 -39,400 12,964
V 89 Raymond James 0 40,000 19,200 0.48 -40,000 19,200
V 1 Anonymous 232,000 100,649 0.43 525,500 255,334 0.49 -293,500 154,685
V 83 Research Cap 244,500 122,250 0.50 559,500 278,600 0.50 -315,000 156,350
V 88 E-TRADE 80,000 35,955 0.45 922,700 425,601 0.46 -842,700 389,646
Total 3,613,259 1,732,406 0.48 3,613,259 1,732,406 0.48 0 0
Also Cannacord hat heute fett reingelangt bei Sparton, hier muss etwas spektakuläres kommen!
Schade, dass Fischi nicht da ist!!
Auf jeden Fall halten, wenn da was kommt,- und davon gehe ich fest aus, gehts weiter!
Hätte man hier zu früh Gewinne mitgenommen,- wär man wie bei Blue Pearl in den verlängerten
Rücken gekniffen.


bin mit mini stücken seit 2 wochen dabei .. aber wenn die sich ver10facht oder ver 1000facht sind die Stücke nicht mehr so mini .. siehe A6R :D
61% PLUS !

Das is wahnsinn .. wie hoch is die MCAP von SParton eigentlich .. gibts hier irgendwo im thread ne Zusammenfassung zu dem Wert ?
61% PLUS !

Das is wahnsinn .. wie hoch is die MCAP von SParton eigentlich .. gibts hier irgendwo im thread ne Zusammenfassung zu dem Wert ?

2xUran in Canada (Bohrprogramm dieses Jahr)
2xGold in Nevada (erste Bohrergebnisse der Phase 2 stehen aus)
1xGold in China (30% Anteil, bereits 300.000 Oz Au festgestellt)
ev. 1xGold in der Mongolei (gerade in Verhandlung über Ankauf von 2 produzierenden Projekten, 1xheap leach 1x Mine mit zusammen momentan 15.000 Oz Au und 40.000 Oz Ag Jahresproduktion -> Cash Flow!
1xGas offshore Canada (NPV 0,40 CAD für einen 10% Anteil an einem JV mit Exxon und Shell)


der Hidden Value mit Blue Sky Potential:


Uranextrahierung aus Kohleasche von Kraftwerksrückständen, zu Weltmarktpreisen Potential für 25-30mio USD Cash-Flow von einem Kraftwerkszentrum!!!
In China geht es Schlag auf Schlag, Bulk Sampling hat begonnen, Vereinbarung mit der nationalen Atomenergiebehörde über den Ankauf des U steht!

Bereits JV mit einem erprobten australischem Unternehmen (Wild Horse Energy), um dieses Verfahren in Europa einzusetzen.

Dieses ganze Paket gibt es momentan bei 0,3 CAD für schlappe 18mio CAD fully diluted!!!

float 25mio shares
management und funds halten

jetzt 0,58 cad 35,5 mio cad mk
61% PLUS !

Das is wahnsinn .. wie hoch is die MCAP von SParton eigentlich .. gibts hier irgendwo im thread ne Zusammenfassung zu dem Wert ?

Meines Wissens nicht und das macht das Ganze noch toller!
Du findest hier im Thread die letzten Nachrichten, in den Bullboards steht auch einiges und dann natürlich auf der Sparton Homepage.

Wie ich sehe bist Du auch in Kanada aktiv! :up:
Das sieht ja rosig aus, und komplett unendeckt in Deutschland !

hab leider echt nur pipi Stücke .. bei nem Rücksetzer verdoppel ich nochmal meine Position
61% PLUS !

Das is wahnsinn .. wie hoch is die MCAP von SParton eigentlich .. gibts hier irgendwo im thread ne Zusammenfassung zu dem Wert ?

2xUran in Canada (Bohrprogramm dieses Jahr)
2xGold in Nevada (erste Bohrergebnisse der Phase 2 stehen aus)
1xGold in China (30% Anteil, bereits 300.000 Oz Au festgestellt)
ev. 1xGold in der Mongolei (gerade in Verhandlung über Ankauf von 2 produzierenden Projekten, 1xheap leach 1x Mine mit zusammen momentan 15.000 Oz Au und 40.000 Oz Ag Jahresproduktion -> Cash Flow!
1xGas offshore Canada (NPV 0,40 CAD für einen 10% Anteil an einem JV mit Exxon und Shell)


der Hidden Value mit Blue Sky Potential:


Uranextrahierung aus Kohleasche von Kraftwerksrückständen, zu Weltmarktpreisen Potential für 25-30mio USD Cash-Flow von einem Kraftwerkszentrum!!!
In China geht es Schlag auf Schlag, Bulk Sampling hat begonnen, Vereinbarung mit der nationalen Atomenergiebehörde über den Ankauf des U steht!

Bereits JV mit einem erprobten australischem Unternehmen (Wild Horse Energy), um dieses Verfahren in Europa einzusetzen.

Dieses ganze Paket gibt es momentan bei 0,3 CAD für schlappe 18mio CAD fully diluted!!!

float 25mio shares
management und funds halten

jetzt 0,58 cad 35,5 mio cad mk

bei management und funds muss es heissen: halten 42 %,- d.h. der Hebel ist wie bei einem OS

Auch T5Q Tenajon einer der zukünftigen Moly Big Player läuft hoch.
Sparton Resources SRI 0,60 CAD und Fischi ist im Nirgendwo äh Kosowo. :oops:
Da Moly der Burner im Moment ist, sollte T5Q Tenajon (TJS Canada) bald wieder die 1 CAD erreichen!
Zu Sparton SRI:

The TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing the company's proposal to issue 271,449 shares to settle outstanding debt for $75,000 (U.S.)

Now debt free
Last few trades

:59:34 V 0.60 +0.24 500 5 Penson 7 TD Sec K

15:59:34 V 0.60 +0.24 9,500 5 Penson 89 Raymond James K

15:59:17 V 0.60 +0.24 500 33 Canaccord 89 Raymond James K

15:59:17 V 0.60 +0.24 5,000 33 Canaccord 2 RBC K

15:59:17 V 0.60 +0.24 3,000 33 Canaccord 85 Scotia K

15:59:17 V 0.60 +0.24 30,000 33 Canaccord 88 E-TRADE K

15:59:16 V 0.58 +0.22 4,000 33 Canaccord 36 Latimer K

15:57:39 V 0.60 +0.24 5,000 80 National Bank 80 National Bank K

15:56:53 V 0.58 +0.22 4,000 33 Canaccord 9 BMO Nesbitt K
Die Machbarkeitsstudie zum Davidsonprojekt wird, was man so liest im August fertig sein.

Thompson Creek wird somit weiteres Auswärtspotential haben.Da eine Produktionsverdopplung
auf dem Weg ist, generiert TCM 2 MIO Dollar Cash pro Tag,- 750 Mio Dollar im Jahr mindestens.
Steigender Molypreis noch nicht berücksichtigt!!!
:juchu: :juchu: Sparton - echt KLasse! - Millstream Mines kommt auch so langsam, gestern + 6,9%
8) 8) hab neu in mein Langfristdepot eine erste Posi von Millstream Mines (NJD, TSX-V:MLM)
- wie ich finde auch extrem undervalued + sehr chancenreich
- Riskoabsicherung nach unten durch kleine Goldproduktion ab Ende des Jahres
- bei Interesse - siehe WO, hab nen Thread eröffnet
Bin mal gespannt ob Fischi am Wochenende reinschau!! :juchu:
München (aktiencheck.de AG) - Die Experten von "FOCUS-MONEY" empfehlen bei der Aktie von Mindoro Resources (ISIN CA6029131050/ WKN 906167) einen Stoppkurs zu platzieren. Wie die Experten berichten würden, zeige der Kursverlauf des auf den Philippinen aktiven kanadischen Explorationsunternehmens Mindoro Resources deutlich, warum kleine Rohstofftitel als spekulativ einzustufen seien. Eine Verdopplung oder Halbierung des Wertes innerhalb weniger Wochen sei schnell möglich. Die Kanadier hätten aber nun scheinbar tatsächlich ein neues Niveau auf ihrem Weg nach oben erreicht. Die ehemaligen Hochpunkte aus den Jahren 2005 und 2009, die Widerstände knapp unter 1 Kanadischen Dollar, hätten sich somit zu einer kräftigen Unterstützung gewandelt. Diese bilde das Plateau, von dem aus Mindoro neue Kursziele erreichen könne. Allerdings müsse die Aktie zuerst den Ausbruch über die alten Hochpunkte bestätigen. Ein Rückfall unter das 1-Dollar-Niveau wäre ein sehr bedenkliches Zeichen. Vor diesen Hintergründen raten die Experten von "Der Aktionär" bei der Mindoro Resources-Aktie einen Stopp bei 0,92 Dollar zu platzieren. (Ausgabe 29) (12.07.2007/ac/a/a)

Locus Money versucht sich wieder als Rohstoffexperte! :wallbash:

Null Ahnung.
Pinnacle Digest: Exclusive Rights for China Based Group to Process Ash: Sparks Review
Jul 13, 2007 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX News Network) --

To read this article in its entirety, visit us at www.pinnacledigest.com.

Sparton Resources Inc. (TSX-V: SRI) experienced an explosion in share value Thursday, soaring 66.67% coupled with over 4.2 million shares traded. On July 10th it was reported that they have secured exclusive rights for its China based group to process all coal ash produced by, or in storage at the Guodian Xiaolongtang Thermal Power Plant in central Yunnan Province PRC. This has spurred a review by our team at PinnacleDigest as we have decided to evaluate this company in respect to the uranium sector which is influencing their success. To read this article in full and to learn more about our expanding, multi-purpose online financial magazine, visit us at www.pinnacledigest.com.

Let’s turn our focus back to Sparton Resources Inc. and learn more about their recent news, current objectives and direction moving forward. It has been reported that Sparton and its China partners, ARCN along with Beijing Sparton Minerals Company, have been given exclusive rights to utilize existing waste piles of ash, and ash produced at the XLT power plant for processing for uranium extraction. We view this as positive news and will be awaiting further development.

anmelden lohnt sich!!

Winfield Resources Limited: Ethanol Production From Cellulose
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA, Apr 23, 2007 (CCNMatthews via COMTEX News Network) --

Winfield Resources Limited (TSX VENTURE:WWF) -

The current crisis of global warming is largely due to the release of greenhouse gases from man-made sources into the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide generated from the consumption of fossil fuels in motor vehicles is one of the major culprits. The use of biologically derived fuels or biofuel in vehicle engines diminishes the accumulation of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and, therefore, reduces the impacts of global warming. Fuel-grade ethanol is an important biofuel. Winfield Resources is committed to developing fuel-grade ethanol facilities to supply the rapidly expanding north american markets, currently standing at 2 billion USG per year. To this end, Winfield will be constructing a fuel-grade ethanol facility in High Level, Alberta. The plant will utilize conventional technology and locally grown cereal grains, such as wheat and barley, as the feedstock.

President G.W. Bush is calling for a ten-fold increase in biofuel production to combat global warming. Such an increase in production from food sources, notably corn and wheat, would initiate an intolerable escalation in the prices of these vital food sources. Currently, about 1/2 of all the corn production in the USA is dedicated to ethanol production and is already leading to alarming increases in prices. A ten-fold increase in the consumption of these food sources would be intolerable. An alternative feedstock for the production of fuel-grade ethanol is urgently needed and Winfield is, therefore, turning its attention to the abundant low-cost sources of biomass from plant material. Biomass is largely composed of cellulose, which can be converted to ethanol. Substantial research activity is underway directed at the development of a commercial process.

Because there is no commercially viable process for the conversion of cellulose to ethanol, Winfield's priority is to participate in the R&D of a suitable technology under development and, thereby, secure a commanding technical position for the early construction of a plant. Three promising proprietary technologies have been identified and discussions are underway with the process developers. The first option employs a high temperature and pressure dissolution of the biomass in a solvent. The process steps recover lignin suitable for use in producing a binder for use in the production of oriented strand board and plywood. The sugars remaining in solution are converted to ethanol using conventional fermentation techniques and a high value sugar substitute currently sold in North America.

The other two processes under evaluation both begin with a high temperature gasification of the biomass to syngas. Syngas is composed of hydrogen, carbon monoxide, and carbon dioxide. These two process options utilize the syngas to produce ethanol by different routes. One uses a catalyst operated at high temperature and pressure while the second employs a low temperature fermentation step for the conversion.

During the next month, Winfield will be selecting one or two of the three options for detailed evaluation and preliminary negotiations with the owners of the technology. An investment will be made in one of the R&D programs to fund the construction and operation of a pilot plant. Winfield has engaged TDI Technology to undertake the evaluation of the three options and represent winfield in the piloting phase.

Sixty million dollars in the form of a segragated capital pool is available to winfield resources limited on a draw down basis, subject to acceptance of a full feasibility report.

On behalf of the Board

Robert Michael Foley, President and CEO

SOURCE: Winfield Resources Limited

Badshah Communications Anwar Badshah (604) 408-7522 or Toll Free North America: 1-866-857-7522 Email: anwar@badshahcommunications.com
Copyright (C) 2007 CCNMatthews. All rights reserved.

Winfield Resources Limited: June Update
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA, Jun 13, 2007 (CCNMatthews via COMTEX News Network) --

Winfield Resources Limited (TSX VENTURE:WWF) wishes to confirm that the Company's management is unaware of any material change in Winfield's operations that would account for the recent increase in market activity.

Winfield is an energy company focused on the acquisition of utilization of advanced ethanol technology and for the development of oil and gas operations, with its primary area of interest being Alberta, British Columbia, Libya and adjacent countries. Winfield has identified projects that meet the Company's acquisition criteria and has initiated discussions and evaluations.

On behalf of the Board

Robert Michael Foley, President and CEO

This news release may contain assumptions, estimates, and other forward-looking statements regarding future events. Such forward-looking statements involve inherent risks and uncertainties and are subject to factors, many of which are beyond the Company's control that may cause actual results or performance to differ materially from those currently anticipated in such statements.

We seek safe harbour.

SOURCE: Winfield Resources Limited

Winfield Resources Limited Robert Michael Foley President and CEO (604) 895-7463 (604) 688-1320 (FAX) Email: foley@winfieldresources.com Badshah Communications Anwar Badshah (604) 408-7522 Email: anwar@badshahcommunications.com
Copyright (C) 2007 CCNMatthews. All rights reserved.

Unter Beobachtung, wann nach dem fetten Anstieg ein Einstieg möglich ist!!!!
:shock: :D Umsatz hier in D - 10.000 zu 0,306!
:juchu: :juchu: Sparton - echt KLasse! - Millstream Mines kommt auch so langsam, gestern + 6,9%
8) 8) hab neu in mein Langfristdepot eine erste Posi von Millstream Mines (NJD, TSX-V:MLM)
- wie ich finde auch extrem undervalued + sehr chancenreich
- Riskoabsicherung nach unten durch kleine Goldproduktion ab Ende des Jahres
- bei Interesse - siehe WO, hab nen Thread eröffnet
July 12, 2007 - Toronto, ON

Cuervo Resources Inc. (CNQ:IRON, FWB:CRR, "Cuervo" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that the Company's Category "C" Environmental Assessment has been accepted by the Ministerio de Energía y Minas del Perú, The Assessment covers areas of proposed exploration work on its Cerro Ccopane iron ore prospect, located 65 km south of Cuzco, Perú.

The Company will now coordinate the immediate mobilization and commencement of a program of diamond drilling on the property. This program will target areas of known mineralization on surface and geophysical anomalies identified by recently completed magnetic and gravimetric surveys. Cuervo anticipates carrying out approximately 4,000 m of drilling in the coming months.

Cuervo is focused on the exploration for iron ore in Perú and currently holds a 100% interest in over 7,000 ha of prospective mineral exploration lands in that country through its wholly owned subsidiary, Minera Cuervo S.A.C.

As of June 30, 2007, the Company has 21,151,000 shares outstanding (33,566,000 fully diluted).

For further information, please contact Mr. John M. Siriunas, P. Eng., a director and President of the Company at 416-203-3957 x4700. Additional information about Cuervo can be found at the Company's website at www.cuervoresources.com.

The Canadian Trading and Quotation System Inc. has neither approved nor disapproved of the contents of this press release.

Cuervo Resources Inc.
65 Queen Street West, Suite 520,
Toronto, ON, M5H 2M5 Canada
Tel. 416-203-3957 . Fax 416-203-4197
A9D Alexandria Minerals:

Insiders 6,000,000
Bolder 4,000,000
Mavrix 1,200,000
Stone Asset 922,000
Sodomex 1,250,000
HAYWOOD 5,000,000
Cannacord 4,000,000
Mineral Fields 8,000,000
Jones Gable 2,000,000
Sprott 1,500,000
Northern Precious Metals 900,000

Warrants : 27,000,000
Options: 3,100,000

Mehr als 50% in Händen von Insidern! :evil:
ich rechne mit mind. 60% - du und ich und manch anderer hält doch auch! :boss:
A9D Alexandria Minerals:

Insiders 6,000,000
Bolder 4,000,000
Mavrix 1,200,000
Stone Asset 922,000
Sodomex 1,250,000
HAYWOOD 5,000,000
Cannacord 4,000,000
Mineral Fields 8,000,000
Jones Gable 2,000,000
Sprott 1,500,000
Northern Precious Metals 900,000

Warrants : 27,000,000
Options: 3,100,000

Mehr als 50% in Händen von Insidern! :evil:
Etwas älter:

Sparton may well inspire wannabees to copy what Mr. Barker has undertaken....when they see the overwhelming success in China and elsewhere, the coal ash technology will spread like a grassfire....

WHE.AX is an aggressive, well managed Aussie co. that can be bought as WHELF.PK [quote @ Yahoo]...

WildHorse and Sparton study coal ash
25 May 2007

WildHorse Energy has signed a joint agreement with Sparton Resources to study the extraction of uranium from coal ash from European thermal power plants. It has also been granted uranium exploration permits in Poland.

Australia's WildHorse Energy has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Canada's Sparton Resources to undertake and fund a one-year program to identify and evaluate the possibility of extracting commercial quantities of uranium from waste coal ash produced by thermal power plants in several central European countries. These plant burn lignitic or brown coals with high uranium content.

Europe produces more than 50 million tonnes of coal ash each year, some of which could potentially be developed into a significant supply of uranium. The uranium content of coal ash can vary from 100-300 parts per million (ppm) uranium oxide (U3O8). WildHorse sees the extraction of uranium from coal ash as a low cost and fast track path to uranium production.

The initial phase of the program will involve identification, sampling and leach testing of various types of ash samples from a number of power plants. WildHorse and Sparton will contribute up to A$500,000 ($410,000) for this phase, which is expected to take about six months. Afterwards, scoping studies and pre-feasibility reports to develop process engineering flow sheets and uranium recovery plant design would be commissioned.

WildHorse has already started evaluating one specific opportunity in Europe which will be reviewed as part of the activities planned under the MoU. Analyses on this material done between 1992 and 1995 indicate the ash contains between 90 and 150 ppm U3O8.

Sparton Resources is currently evaluating the large ash deposits stockpiled, and being produced at the Xiaolongtang Guodian Power Company in central Yunnan Province in China. This work has been ongoing for over 12 months and currently involves a three-phase program which is at the advanced bench scale testing stage. Bulk sample testing and actual test production of small amounts of U3O8 are expected to be completed by the end of 2007.

Meanwhile, WildHorse has been granted prospecting and exploration permits covering 198,000 ha in three blocks in the Sudetes Mountains of southwestern Poland. Twelve underground uranium mines were developed in the area during the Soviet era. The permits granted to WildHorse are valid for six years cover most of these former mines. In addition to two uranium projects - Sweetwater and Bison Basin - in Wyoming, USA, the company has three projects - Pecs, Dinnyeberki and Bataszek - in the Western Mecsek Mountains of southern Hungary.

Further information

Sparton Resources
WildHorse Energy

WNA's Naturally-Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM) information paper

WNN: CNNC looks for new sources of uranium
WNN: Project to extract uranium from coal ash
WNN: WildHorse seeks uranium in Hungary
Sparton SRI nach dem gestrigen 68% Anstieg, sehr stabil!! bei 0,51 Cad bin ich leider zum Aufstocken
meiner Posi nicht zum Zuge gekommen!
Aktuell 0,56 cad.
Jul 13, 2007 12:06 ET
Mindoro Resources Ltd.: Key Mining Engineers Acquired to Advance Agata Nickel Laterite
EDMONTON, ALBERTA--(Marketwire - July 13, 2007) - Mindoro Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:MIO)(FRANKFURT:WKN 906167) is pleased to announce that the company's Philippine subsidiary, MRL Gold Phils., Inc., has hired key mining engineers to advance the Agata nickel laterite project towards production. Mr. Dallas Cox, BE (Min), has been commissioned to design the open pit mine and prepare an initial scoping study. Mr. Romeo Rebadomia, Jr. has been appointed Agata Mine Manager and will assist with the open pit mine design and development.

Mr. Cox has 26 years of experience in open pit mine technical services, mine operations and management in China, Indonesia and the Philippines. His engineering, mine design and development experience in the Philippines includes the Rusina Mining (ASX, AIM) Acoje nickel project, the Platinum Group Metals Corp. (unlisted) Caga nickel project, and the Filminera Resources and Thistle Mining (TSX) Masbate gold project. Mr. Cox's experience with designing open pit gold mines will also be utilized as the company continues to advance the Kay Tanda gold project.

Mr. Rebadomia, Jr. is a Philippine citizen and a licensed mining engineer with 22 years of engineering and mine management experience. Prior to joining the company, Mr. Rebadomia held the position of Resident Mine Manager for the ACT nickel project of Surigao Integrated Resources, CTP Construction, and Manila Mining Corporation. Mr. Rebadomia was responsible for the pre-construction, construction, operation and exploitation stages of the ACT nickel project. He also spent eight years with the Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB) of the Philippines where he was extensively involved with environmental and social management issues for the MGB.

Five coring drill rigs are currently operating on the Agata nickel laterite project, with the objective of defining a NI 43-101 compliant resource adequate, initially, for three to five years of production at a rate of 500,000 to 700,000 wet metric tonnes per annum of direct shipping-grade material for the very high demand ferro-nickel markets of China, India and Korea. Mindoro has been contacted by at least 15 agencies interested in purchasing nickel laterite ore. Mindoro has a target production date of the first half of 2008 with the objective of increasing annual production to one million wet metric tones by 2010. The current drill program covers less then 10 percent of the area of nickel laterite mineralization mapped to date at Agata. On June 20, 2007, Mindoro released a revised global Exploration Target for the northern part of the Agata Project (see "About The Agata Nickel Laterite Project" below).


The nickel laterite prospect is situated on the Agata Project, Surigao Gold District, northern Mindanao, Philippines. There are several nickel laterite mines already in production in the Surigao District, providing direct shipping-grade ore to markets and processing plants in China, Japan, Korea and Australia. The geological extension of the Agata nickel laterite mineralization into an adjacent property, one kilometer south of Agata, is in production and product is being shipped to markets in China. Mindoro's Exploration Target for the various laterite horizons in the northern laterite area is as follows:

Combined ferruginous overburden, limonite and saprolite horizons: 50 to 60 million wet metric tones (WMT) at a grade of 0.9 to 1.1 percent nickel and 28 to 32 percent iron. This includes the following division of tonnage between the overburden/limonite horizon and the saprolite horizon:

- Combined ferruginous overburden and limonite horizons: 30 to 35 million WMT of material at a grade of 0.9 to 1.1 percent nickel and 40 to 44 percent iron.

- Underlying saprolite horizon: 20 to 25 million WMT of material at a grade of 1.0 to 1.4 percent nickel and eight to 10 percent iron.

The northern nickel laterite mineralization covers approximately 340 hectares. A total of over 90 drill holes have been completed to date within this area. Average thicknesses and grades encountered and a specific gravity of 1.5 grams per cubic centimeter were used to arrive at the revised Exploration Target. The Exploration Target does not include significant thicknesses of low-grade, partially lateritized saprolitic rock, grading in the 0.6 to 0.8 percent nickel range, that also has market potential. Nor does it include additional areas of nickel laterite mineralization further south on the Agata Project.

The drilling program has been extended with the objective of defining the revised Exploration Target. This revised Exploration Target will form the basis for evaluating several attractive value-added processing options, which includes constructing a local blast or electric furnace for nickel pig iron production. In the meantime, Mindoro will continue to fast-track the direct shipping ore scenario with the objective of achieving production in 2008.

The very high demand for ferro-nickel feedstock for nickel pig iron production in the Asia-Pacific region, and high nickel prices, present a great opportunity to get the Agata Project into production fast, and to generate early cash flow. Uniquely, direct shipping grade nickel laterite deposits have a low-capital cost and offer a rapid route to production and cash-flow.

The reader is cautioned that the potential quantity and grade of the Exploration Target described is conceptual in nature, that there has been insufficient exploration to define a mineral resource and that it is uncertain if further exploration will result in the target being delineated as a mineral resource. Until a feasibility study has been completed there is no certainty that the Company's projections will be economically viable.

Programs are carried out under the supervision of Tony Climie, P.Geol., president of Mindoro, who is a qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101. Sample preparation and assaying is being performed by McPhar Laboratory of Manila, an ISO 9001/2000 accredited laboratory. Ni, Co, Fe, MgO and Al2O3 assays are performed by AAS after an HCl-HNO3-HClO4 digest, and SiO2 by gravimetric method. Normal Quality Control and Quality Assurance procedures are being carried out, using a system of duplicate, standard and blank samples.


Mindoro is a Tier 1 Issuer trading on the TSX Venture Exchange (MIO) and the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (WKN 906167). In addition to advancing the Agata nickel laterite project towards production, Mindoro is carrying out a major resource delineation program on its Kay Tanda gold-silver project. The company has also identified 22 porphyry copper-gold prospects in the Philippines and has an aggressive strategy of drilling multiple targets in 2007.

This release may contain forward-looking statements including management's assessments of future plans and operations, and expectations of future production. These statements are based on current expectations that involve a number of risks and uncertainties, which could cause actual results to differ materially from those anticipated. These risks include, but are not limited to, the risks associated with the mining and exploration industry (e.g. operational risks in development, exploration and production; delays or changes in plans with respect to exploration or development projects or capital expenditures; the uncertainty of reserve estimates; the uncertainty of estimates and projections relating to production). The assumptions used in the preparation of such statements, although considered reasonable at the time of preparation, may prove to be imprecise and, as such, undue reliance should not be placed on forward-looking statements.

The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
Sparton ist ja da Hammer...!! :juchu:

Leider geht es mir so wie michi2k5 und vielen anderen bestimmt auch ... :(
wäre man mal bloß nicht so vorsichtig gewesen...:gruebel:

Danke an dukezero und etc, die sich die ständige Arbeit mit den News und sonstigen Informationen machen. :up:

Habt ihr ein Stopkurs gesetzt um die Gewinne abzusichern oder ist der Wert in euren Augen zu volatil?

Ein schönes Wochenende euch allen !
Für weitere Antworten geschlossen.
Oben Unten