• Am Sonntag, den 09.03.2025 erfolgt in den USA und Kanada die Umstellung auf Sommerzeit. Deswegen beginnt der Haupthandel ab Montag in den USA und Kanada bereits um 14:30 MEZ und endet um 21:00 MEZ. Bei uns findet die Zeitumstellung am 30.03.2025 statt. Dann haben wir wieder die "normalen" Handelszeiten.

Rohstoffthread (Archiv)

Für weitere Antworten geschlossen.
Sparton ist ja da Hammer...!! :juchu:

Leider geht es mir so wie michi2k5 und vielen anderen bestimmt auch ... :(
wäre man mal bloß nicht so vorsichtig gewesen...:gruebel:

Danke an dukezero und etc, die sich die ständige Arbeit mit den News und sonstigen Informationen machen. :up:

Habt ihr ein Stopkurs gesetzt um die Gewinne abzusichern oder ist der Wert in euren Augen zu volatil?

Ein schönes Wochenende euch allen !

Sparton wird nach den Gewinnmitnahmen ganz smart nach oben weiter laufen, volatil da nur 48% der Aktien gehandelt werden, der Rest ist beim Management und Fonds.! :evil:

aus dem Rohstoff-Spiegel Ausgabe 14/2007 :

Kobex Resources meldete am 6. Juli, dass man von der TSX die Genehmigung für den mit U.S. Energy Corp., Crested Corp und U.S. Moly Corp. geschlossenen Vertrag zur Entwicklung des Mount Emmons-Projekts (Lucky Jack) erhalten hat. Alleine für die kommenden 12 Monate sind 14,2 Mio. USD eingeplant, mit denen man die alten Stollen instandsetzen, Definitionsbohrungen durchführen und ingenieurtechnische Studien anfertigen will. Thyssen Mining Construction wurde mit der Instandsetzung beauftragt. Ein Betriebsplan wird gerade vorbereitet, um dann der US- Forstbehörde noch im 4. Quartal vorgelegt zu werden. Die Durchführbarkeitsstudie soll im 1. Quartal 2008 anlaufen. Fundamental sieht alles sehr gut aus, das Projekt ist vielen anderen haushoch überlegen, nur die Aktie kommt nicht vom Fleck. In den kommenden Wochen sollte sich die Aktie, begleitet von besserer Unternehmenskommunikation, wieder beleben. Geduld ist hier gefragt.
Bin mal gespannt ob Fischi am Wochenende reinschau!! :juchu:

tut er, hab erst gedacht, bei Sparton hätte ich eine falsche Anzeige, sehr nett, long bleiben! 8)

und Mexivada ist auch bereits 30% seit K ins Basket vorne

Jo, hallo, läuft alles wie geschmiert!!

Duke, vielen Dank für Deine ganze Arbeit! :up:

Mods, ändert mal den Titel in "langfristige Rohstoffinvests mit @Dukezero und @Fischlaender" :)
ein ganz heißer Uran Wert wird der Basket Wert Bluerock Resources werden, lest mal die ganzen News durch, MK inkl. der angedachten Finanzierung (Meldung vom 03.07.) fd ca. 45mio shares also ca. 23mio CAD

July 12, 2007 Bluerock Resources Announces Expanded Drilling Program On Mongolian JV Uranium Exploration Projects
July 03, 2007 Bluerock Resources Announces Aggressive Exploration On Eight Uranium Projects
June 21, 2007 Bluerock Resources Begins Drilling Program At The Andrew Lloyd Uranium Mine, Garfield County, Utah
June 18, 2007 Bluerock Resources Adds Claims To Tramp Uranium Mine Project
June 14, 2007 Bluerock Resources Reports On On-Going Drilling And Development Programs At The Tramp Uranium Mine
June 14, 2007 Bluerock Resources Reports On On-Going Drilling And Development Programs At The Tramp Uranium Mine
May 23, 2007 Bluerock Resources Signs Two Agreements on Urvan District Uranium Projects
May 14, 2007 Bluerock Resources Announces the Start of the 2007 Field Season in Mongolia and the Exercise of Warrants
interessant auch für die nächsten Tage und Wochen Lateegra

1. bohren die wirklich gute Werte in ihrem Mexico-Projekt
2. Aurelian bohrt auf El Tigre, ein paar hundert Meter von Lateegrs El Condor Liegenschaft in Ecuador, wenn auf El Tigre auch nur ansatzweise ähnliches gefunden wird, wie auf Fruta del Norte, sitzt Lateegra mit seinem kleinen Claim genau zwischen zwei Strikes und hat damit mit ziemlicher Sicherheit ähnliches auf dem Claim, hohes Auskaufpotential!
wieder sehr interessant auf momentanem Niveau Grenville Gold

da stehen mehrere Rseourcenupdates an, kann aufgrund der geringen MK und geringen verfügbaren Shares fix gehen (siehe Sparton), hab am Freitag ein paar gelonged
ebenfalls long gegangen bin ich bei Colombia Goldfields

wenn die an der TSX ihr Listing durchhaben ein vollkommen unterbewerteter Goldplayer, ebenso wie Trade Winds, die sitze ich aus!
Fischländer´s 2 Jährige Basketcaseübersicht Stand 15.07.07

<table border="1" style="font-size: 12px; border-color:#000000; border-width:1px;border-style:solid;">
<th style="height:14px;">Aktienname</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Stückzahl</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Kaufdatum</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Kaufkurs</th>
<th style="height:14px;">KK-Kosten</th>
<th style="height:14px;"> VK- Kurs</th>
<th style="height:14px;"> VK- Netto</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Aktuell</th>
<td> Southern Arc </td>
<td>550 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 1,21 €</td>
<td> Vangold </td>
<td>500 €</td>
<td> VK- Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,450 €</td>
<td> Mexivada </td> 
<td>470 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,600 €</td>
<td> Alexandria </td>
<td>470 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td>0,230 €</td>
<td> Bluerock </td>
<td>420 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,333 €</td>
<td> Cornerstone </td>
<td>440 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,488 €</td>
<td> Int. PBX </td>
<td>430 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,385 €</td>
<td> Sparton </td>
<td>510 €</td>
<td>VK- Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,422 €</td>
<td> Largo </td>
<td>570 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert </td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,590 €</td>
<td> Purepoint </td>
<td>620 €</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,630 €</td>

*ohne Gewähr ;) hoffe es sind keine Fehler drinnen :oops:
Fischländer´s 2 Jährige Basketcaseübersicht Stand 08.07.07

<table border="1" style="font-size: 12px; border-color:#000000; border-width:1px;border-style:solid;">
<th style="height:14px;">Aktienname</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Stückzahl</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Kaufdatum</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Kaufkurs</th>
<th style="height:14px;">KK-Kosten</th>
<th style="height:14px;"> VK- Kurs</th>
<th style="height:14px;"> VK- Netto</th>
<th style="height:14px;">Aktuell</th>
<td> Southern Arc </td>
<td>550 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 1,24 €</td>
<td> Vangold </td>
<td>500 €</td>
<td> VK- Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,473 €</td>
<td> Mexivada </td> 
<td>470 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,424</td>
<td> Alexandria </td>
<td>470 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td>0,225 €</td>
<td> Bluerock </td>
<td>420 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,354 €</td>
<td> Cornerstone </td>
<td>440 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,50 €</td>
<td> Int. PBX </td>
<td>430 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,41 €</td>
<td> Sparton </td>
<td>510 €</td>
<td>VK- Wert</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,25 €</td>
<td> Largo </td>
<td>570 €</td>
<td> VK-Wert </td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,60 €</td>
<td> Purepoint </td>
<td>620 €</td>
<td> VK- Kurs</td>
<td> 0,52 €</td>

*ohne Gewähr ;) hoffe es sind keine Fehler drinnen :oops:
Fischländer gw zu deinem Depot hat schon gute 10% Wertzuwachs :D :up:
Fischländers Basket:

Southern Arc Minerals http://www.southernarcminerals.com/s/Home.asp
nächste Bre-Ex oder nächste Lihir (tippe auf Lihir kichern), multi-mio Oz Potential in Indonesien, Partner von Newmont
Alexandria Minerals http://www.azx.ca/
Top aufgestellter Junior in Kanada, so viel Gelände, dass da mind. eine 1 mio Oz Mine bei rumkommt!

Mexivada Mining http://www.mexivada.com/s/Home.asp
halten ev. den weltweit letzten unerforschten Greenstone Belt, Potential 15-20mio Oz Au in der Rep. Kongo (nicht Zaire!!!), zudem etliche potentielle multi-mio Oz Gelände in Nevada neben den Majors

Int. PBX http://www.internationalpbx.com/
haben in Chile das wahrscheinlich das größte Moly Vorkommen der Welt, zudem ausgezeichnete Rhenium Werte, das fast so teuer ist wie Gold

Largo Minerals http://www.largoresources.com/
haben in Canada das größte unerschlossene Moly-Tungsten Depot der Welt, allle drei seltenen Metalle sind in der Stahlindustrie von strategischem Interesse als Härter/Veredeler, Zusatzpotential durch Platin und Palladium in Brasilien

Vangold Resources http://vangold.ca/
halten über 40.000 km2 Öl-Explorations/Produktionsanteils-Lizenzen in Burundi, Kenya, Armenien, ev. Nickel Player in Uganda, multi mio Oz Au Potential in PNG, zwei Spin-offs in Arbeit

Bluerock Resources http://www.bluerockresources.com/s/Home.asp
Uran Micro-Cap, haben etliche ex-Minen in den USA mit bestehenden Produktionslizenzen(!!!) aufgesammelt
Purepoint Uranium http://www.purepoint.ca/
bevorzugter Explorer für Cameco, die alle verfügbaren Resourcen auf die Wiederherstellung der Cigar Lake Mine verwenden müssen, Purepoint wird imho in 2-3 Jahren von Cameco übernommen

Sparton Resources www.spartonres.ca
Gold in China mit Regierungsbeteiligung, Gold in Nevada, Urangebiete, die eigentliche Phantasie steckt in dem Uranextrahierungsverfahren aus Kohleasche

Cornerstone Capital http://www.cornerstoneresources.com/s/Home.asp
Beteiligung und JVs an an die 50 Geländen und Projekten in Canada und Ecuador mit Top-Partnern

Grüsse an Fischi! :juchu:
Vielen Dank Duke für die Arbeit und die vielen Infos :juchu: :up:
:D SK 0,455 +7,1% am Freitag - die Erholung setzt sich fort........lecker Chart
:juchu: :juchu: Sparton - echt KLasse! - Millstream Mines kommt auch so langsam, gestern + 6,9%
8) 8) hab neu in mein Langfristdepot eine erste Posi von Millstream Mines (NJD, TSX-V:MLM)
- wie ich finde auch extrem undervalued + sehr chancenreich
- Riskoabsicherung nach unten durch kleine Goldproduktion ab Ende des Jahres
- bei Interesse - siehe WO, hab nen Thread eröffnet
schöne Werte! - für Mexivada gab´s letzte Woche auch ne Kaufempfehlung zu Eric Hommelberg

und bei Trade Winds denke ich das sich das aussitzen doch bald auszahlt - alleine die Phantasie :
letzte News:
""....Our drill program has been very successful and at present we are awaiting 48 holes to be released from our latest drill program on Block A..."
ebenfalls long gegangen bin ich bei Colombia Goldfields

wenn die an der TSX ihr Listing durchhaben ein vollkommen unterbewerteter Goldplayer, ebenso wie Trade Winds, die sitze ich aus!

Ausschnitt aus dem Artikel:

"A safe-money bet? Think Canada": On July 10, Thompson Creek Metals (TCMRF.O) upped its estimates of the reserves at its Endako molybdenum mine in British Columbia. The new estimates, part of a redesign of the mine, increase proven reserves to 112 million tonnes from 22 million and probable reserves to 164 million tonnes from 52 million. The estimated life of the mine goes to 27 years from the prior six. I added Thompson Creek Metals to Jubak's Picks on June 26. The company, until recently named Blue Pearl Mining, is the second-largest publicly traded producer of molybdenum in the world. During the first quarter of 2007, the company produced 3.8 million pounds of molybdenum at a cost of US$5.63 a pound. Molybdenum, which in the high-purity form produced by Thompson Creek is mainly used as a lubricant in the oil and gas industry, at that time sold for a realized price of US$25.74 a pound.
What I like about Thompson Creek -- even more than that spread -- is the plan to increase production by designing a mill, increasing mining activity at its existing mines and opening the new Davidson project to mining in late 2008. All these steps would increase production to 29 million pounds in 2009 from a projected 21 million pounds in 2007. As of July 13, I'm raising my target price for Thompson Creek Metals to Jubak's Picks to US$25 a share by December 2007 from the prior target of US$20.20. (Full disclosure: I own shares of Thompson Creek Metals in my personal portfolio.)
Editor's note: Please note that recommendations in Jubak's Picks are for a 12- to 18-month time horizon. E-mail Jim Jubak at jjmail@microsoft.com.
At the time of publication, Jim Jubak owned or controlled shares of the following equities mentioned in this column: American International Group and Thompson Creek Metals. He did not own short positions in any stock mentioned in this column.
CCG Salazar Resources von Fristeven neben Neono einer der weis worüber er schreibt:

Wie versprochen habe ich nochmal folgendes Thema aufgegriffen: Die 13,9 Mio. CAD $ Finanzierung!!!!!!

Die Übernahme bzw. Einbringung von Curimining in Salazar Resource wurde offiziell am 08.03.2007 abgewickelt.
(On March 8, 2007 (the “Effective Date”), the Company completed all of the transactions contemplated under
the Acquisition. The completion of the Acquisition resulted in the Curimining Shareholders holding the
majority of the Company’s combined issued and outstanding common shares.)

Ich habe mir nun mal die Mühe gemacht und mal zusammen getragen, welche Finanzierungen seit dem gelaufen sind und was die Konkurrenz in den letzten Monaten so dahin gebracht hat.

Soll heißen: Salazar hat als quasi “Start-Up” Explorer im absoluten Frühstadium Gelder seit der Übernahme am 08.03.2007 in Höhe von 13.901.000 CAD besorgt, was absolut rekordverächtig ist!!!!. Ich kenne keinen Explorer in solch einem Frühstadium, welcher soviel Geld von großen Investoren los eisen konnte. Die meisten kleineren Explorer bekommen mal 500.000 CAD oder 2 Mio. CAD – und das ist dann schon viel. Aber einen 2-stelligen Millionenbetrag bekommen doch meist nur die Explorer von Institutionellen Anlegern, welche auch schon etwas vorweisen können (Resourcen nach NI 43-101, erste Bohrergebnisse etc.) - siehe Aurelian, Goldmarca und Dynasty (nachfolgend aufgeführt)

Bei Salazar war das bisher absolut anders – was ebenfalls für mich ein wichtiger Punkt in dem ganzen Mosaik ist.

Mal im Vergleich folgende Firmen:

Aurelian: (Webseite – sehr gut)
Ergebnisse siehe Faktenthread.
Projekte: Fruta del Norte – Hauptprojekt.
Weitere: El Tigre, Bonza – Las Penas, Aguas Mesas.

133,2 Mio. Aktien x 7,49 CAD = 997,6 Mio. CAD! (Aktiensplitt vor kurzem, daher der niedrige Kurs und die vielen Aktien.
Full diluted: lediglich 145,2 Mio.
Marktkapitalisierung am Hochpunkt bei 40 CAD bzw. Nun 10 CAD – rd. 1,3 Mrd. CAD!!!

Nachdem Aurelian dann erste Bohrerfolge am 05.04.2006 vermeldete, konnten sie eine Finanzierung mit Canaccord und Dundee über 20 Mio. CAD abschließen. Salazar hat aktuell schon 13,9 Mio. CAD Platzierungen vor zu weisen – ohne das wirklich etwas gebohrt wurde!!
Sonstige wesentliche Finanzierungen vor dem Goldfund habe ich nicht bei Sedar gefunden!

Goldmarca: (Webseite – nicht besonders gut – ausgelagert / extern)
a) Ergebnisse/Projekte:
Hauptprojekt: Condor Gold Projekt – Eigentum zu 90%, mit der letzten Finanzierung wurde der Anteil von 70% auf 90% aufgestockt – bzw. soll aufgestockt werden; Weitere Projekte: San Nicolas, Amapa, Afrodita und welche in Peru und Brasilien.
2007: (weitere Ergebnisse aus 2005/6 siehe Sedar)
16.01.2007: 1,96 g/t über 124 M;
21.03.2007: 3,1 g/t über 52 M und 2 g/t über 72 M

b) Marktkapitalisierung:
Shares Outstanding: 190,000,000!!!!! x aktueller Kurs (v. 13.07.) 0,45 CAD = 85,5 Mio. CAD.
(eventl. kommen hier noch 22 Mio. Aktien hinzu aus dem PP vom 10.07.2007).
Fully-Diluted: 270,000,000!!!! x 0,45 CAD = 121,5 Mio. CAD

c)Finanzierungen: Am 11.07.2007: 11 Mio. USD.

July 10, 2007 - Toronto, ON - Goldmarca Limited (TSX-V: GML) (Frankfurt: GDQ)
(“Goldmarca”) announces that it has closed its previously announced non-brokered private placement offering of 22,000,000 units at a price of CDN$0.50 per unit (the "Units"), for gross proceeds of CDN$11,000,000. Each Unit is comprised of one common share and one-half of a common share purchase warrant. Each full warrant shall entitle the holder to purchase an additional share, at a price of CDN$0.75 per share, for up to 12 months from July 10, 2007

Weitere aus 2006:
3,7 Mio. Aktien für 0,17 CAD
523 K für 0,22 CAD
23 Mio. Aktien für 0,45 CAD

Lateegra: (Webseite nicht aktuell)
Es wird gebohrt. Bisher aber nur unspektakuläre Ergebnisse!
El Condor (Hauptprojekt)
Auripamba, M10, Picacho (Mex), La Guadalupana (Mex)

27,6 Mio. Aktien (ca.) x 0,46 CAD = nur 12,7 Mio. CAD. Die Aktie ist wie auch Goldmarca u. Plexmar abgestürzt.
full diluted: ca. 46 Mio.

Finanzierungen: (bis zum 31.03.2007)
3,57 Mio. Aktien zu 0,70 CAD
2,88 Mio. Aktien zu 1,25 CAD. Und einige andere – siehe unter SEDAR – aber nichts im 2stelligen Mio-Bereich.

Plexmar: (überwiegend in Peru unterwegs)
bisher keine Bohrungen – nur Samples.Die “Samplen” jetzt schon seit mehr als einem Jahr herum – ohne zu bohren.
Projekte: Bolsa del Diablo, Peru (Hauptprojekt), Cascajal u. Marilia (beides Peru) und
Escondida, Ecuador.

Aktien: ca. 130 Mio. X 0,35 CAD = 45 Mio. CAD
Davon halten Insider/Management lediglich 8 Mio. Aktien.

07.05.2005: PP 150.000 CAD
22.09.2005: PP 328.000 CAD
08.12.2005: PP 663.500 CAD
26.01.2006: PP 1.250.000 CAD
14.07.2006: PP 2.100.000 CAD

Dynasty Metals: (nach Aurelian u. natürlich Salazar einer der
interessantesten Werte!)
Inzwischen sind bereits 4,6 Mio. Unzen Gold nachgewiesen.
Erste gute Ergebnisse erzielte man in 2004.
Projekte: Jerusalem,Zaruma, Dynasty

26,3 Mio. Aktien x 6,75 CAD = 177 Mio. CAD!
full diluted: 30,1 Mio.

11.03.2004 – 500.000 CAD
19.04.2004 – 187.500 CAD
Am 01.11.2004 wurden 660.000 Unzen Gold nach NI 43-101 definiert. Seit dem sind die PP Beträge gestiegen:
15.12.2004: 3,85 Mio. CAD
17.05.2006: 10 Mio. CAD
21.12.2006: 8,5 Mio. CAD
15.06.2007: 6 Mio. CAD (durch Sprott – diese halten inzwischen 12,3% an Dynasty Metals!)

Das alles läßt eigentlich nur einen Schluss zu. Man ist sich 100% sicher, dass Salazar sehr gute Bohrergebnisse erzielen wird – und man will auf gar keinen Fall die 2. Aurelian bzw. eine Aktie verpassen, die noch besser als Aurelian werden könnte und die vom besten Geologen von Ecuador geleitet wird!
Ausserdem ist bekannt, dass Fredy Salazar das Frute del Norte Projekt an Aurelian vermittelt hat. Er hat mit Sicherheit nicht sein bestes Projekt weiter gegeben und bohrt nun im “Niemandsland” herum.

Es ist davon auszugehen, dass die Investoren die bisher eingestiegen sind und sich an den PP beteiligt haben mit sehr guten Infos vom Management versorgt worden sind.

Von Canaccord sind viele mit an Board (Mitarbeiter u. Management – sowie Canaccord selbst), Dundee, der Pinetree CEO und SPROTT (lt. IR)! Also das who is who der Szene.

Quelle: Homepage, Stockhouse und Sedar.

Dieser Beitrag stellt keine Kauf/Verkaufsempfehlung dar.


Nochmal zur Komplettierung die Finanierungen von SALAZAR RESOURCES:

09.03.2007: Privat Placement, 1,5 Mio. Aktien für 1 CAD. und 1,5 Mio. Warrants für 1,50 CAD einzulösen bis zum 08.02.2009.
Diese 1,5 Mio. Aktien haben sich u.a. Peter Brown – Chef von Canaccord und Sheldon Inventash von Pinetree Capital unter den Nagel gerissen. Beide waren damals bei den Anfängen von Aurelian auch mit dabei!!!

NEWS RELEASE March 9th, 2007
Salazar Resources Limited (formerly Consolidated Kookaburra Resources Ltd.) (the “Company”) is
pleased to announce that it has closed the acquisition of Curimining S.A. (“Curimining”) pursuant to its
agreement (the "Agreement") dated September 20, 2006 with Curimining, Fredy Salazar and
Pablo Acosta, pursuant to which the Company acquired all of the issued shares of Curimining in
exchange for 15,000,000 common shares of the Company (the “Transaction Shares”).
Under the Agreement, the Company must reimburse Mr. Salazar for US$970,000 of acquisition costs
incurred with respect to Curimining’s properties, and the Company will pay US$ 635,000 of this amount
and will pay the balance from subsequent financings. In addition up to 7 million additional common
shares may be issued on an earn-out basis. To fully earn these additional shares, a total of 11.2 million
ounces of gold in an "indicated category", as reported in an independently prepared National Instrument
43-101 ("NI 43-101") technical report, must be identified within a period of four years. The Transaction
Shares have been deposited into escrow pursuant to a surplus escrow agreement under which they will be
released in tranches over six years. The Company has also issued 500,000 common shares to Auspan
Corporation S.A. as a finder’s fee (the “Finder’s Fee Shares”) The Transaction Shares and the Finder’s
Fee Shares are subject to a four month hold period expiring on July 9, 2007.
Effective after the close of market on March 8, 2007, the Company changed its name to Salazar
Resources Limited. In addition, Harvey Lim and Donald Rotherham have resigned as directors of the
Company, and Fredy Salazar, Pablo Acosta and Etienne Walter have been appointed as directors of the
Company. Mr. Salazar has been appointed as President and CEO, Mr. Acosta has been appointed as CFO
and Nick DeMare has been appointed as Secretary for the Company. Please refer to the Company’s
Filing Statement dated December 29, 2006 and filed on SEDAR for background information for each
member of the Board and each officer of the Company.
The TSX Venture Exchange has notified the Company that effective as of the open of the market today,
the Company’s listing will transfer from NEX to the TSX Venture Exchange, the Company’s Tier
classification will change from NEX to Tier 2 and the trading symbol for the Company will change from
Pursuant to the terms of the convertible debentures (the “Convertible Debentures”) issued on December
22, 2006, the Convertible Debentures have been converted into 2,458,000 common shares of the
Company and 1,229,000 share purchase warrants (a “Debenture Warrant”), with each Debenture Warrant
being exercisable until December 22, 2008 to purchase an additional common share at a price of $1.40
per common share. In addition, the Company has also closed the non-brokered private placement of
1,500,000 units at a price of $1.00 per unit that was announced on February 26, 2007. Each unit is
comprised of one common share of the Company (a “Private Placement Share”) and one transferable
common share purchase warrant (a “Private Placement Warrant”) with each Private Placement Warrant
being exercisable until March 8, 2009 to purchase an additional common share at a price of $1.50 per
Salazar Resources Limited
News release, March 9, 2007 Page 2 of 2
V28788\VAN_LAW\ 294736\2
common share. Each Private Placement Share and Private Placement Warrant are subject to a four month
hold period expiring on July 9, 2007.

Robert Schiesser P 42,000 – Canaccord - Officer
Peter Brown P 150,000 – Canaccord – Officer & Director !
Heidi Kaiser P 21,000 - ?
Dirk C. Lohrisch P 14,000 - ?
Rob Bruggeman P 20,000 – TD Securities - Officer
Robert W. Anderson (RRSP) P 100,000 – Canaccord - Salesperson
Robert W. Anderson P 100,000 – Canaccord - Salesperson
Eric Hoesgen P 14,000 – Börsenbriefherausgeber – Resource World
Dennis Hoesgen P 14,000 – Börsenbriefherausgeber – Resource World

Short Offering mit Canaccord! 2 Mio. Aktien für 1 CAD + Warrant 0,5 Warrants einzulösen bei 1,50 CAD bis zum 19.03.2009.

NEWS RELEASE March 19th, 2007
Salazar Resources Limited (formerly Consolidated Kookaburra Resources Ltd.) (the
“Company”) is pleased to announce that it has closed its financing by way of Short Form
Offering Document (the “Offering”) with Canaccord Capital Corporation (“Canaccord”),
announced on February 26, 2007, for total gross proceeds of $2,000,000. The Company issued
an aggregate of 2,000,000 units (each a “Unit”) at a purchase price of $1.00 per Unit. Each Unit
consists of one common share and one-half of one transferable common share purchase
warrant (each a “Warrant”). Each whole Warrant entitles the holder to acquire one additional
common share at a purchase price of $1.50 per share until March 19, 2009. The Company has
obtained conditional approval from the TSX Venture Exchange (the “Exchange”) to list and post
the Warrants for trading on the Exchange, and the Company will be applying to the Exchange
for final approval.
In consideration for its services with respect to the closing of the Offering, Canaccord received a
cash commission equal to 8% of the gross proceeds of the sale of Units and agent’s units
(“Agent’s Units”) equal to 10% of the aggregate number of Units sold in the Offering. Each
Agent’s Unit consists of one common share and one-half of one common share purchase
warrant (“Agent’s Warrant”). Each whole Agent’s Warrant will be exercisable to acquire a
common share at a price of $1.00 per share until March 19, 2009. Canaccord was also paid an
administration fee of $5,000 and a corporate finance fee of 125,000 units (the “Corporate
Finance Units”) having the same terms as the Agent’s Units.
The securities comprising the Agent’s Units and the Corporate Finance Units are subject to a
four month hold period expiring on July 20, 2007.

Bought Deal (fest) – Canaccord - 2 Mio. Aktien zu 3 CAD = 6 Mio CAD; + jeweils ein Warrant für 4 CAD bis zu 24 Mon.;
Weitere 1,5 Mio. Aktien können innerhalb von 48 Stunden gezeichnet werden für 3 CAD; Das wurde von Canaccord auch noch dankend angenommen! Offering wurde am 31.05.2007 geschlossen. Insgesamt 3,5 Mio. Aktien wurden für 3 CAD platziert = 10,5 Mio. CAD. Das Placement war 10-fach überzeichnet und nach 10 Minuten dicht!!!!!!!

Salazar Announces C$6 Million “Bought Deal” Financing
Vancouver, BC – May 11, 2007. Salazar Resources Ltd. (TSXV: SRL, FSX: CCG) is pleased to
announce that it has entered into an agreement with a syndicate led by Canaccord Capital
Corporation (the “Underwriters”), which has agreed to purchase, on a bought deal private
placement basis, 2,000,000 Units of the Company at a price of C$3.00 per Unit, for
aggregate gross proceeds of C$6,000,000. Each Unit will consist of one common share and
one common share purchase warrant. Each warrant, expiring 24 months from closing, will
entitle the holder to subscribe for one additional common share at a price of C$4.00.
The Underwriters will also have the option to purchase up to an additional 1,000,000 Units
at the issue price for a period of up to 48 hours prior to closing for additional gross proceeds
of up to C$3,000,000. The Company plans to use the net proceeds of this financing to
continue exploration on the Company’s mineral properties and for general working capital
The offering is scheduled to close on or about May 31, 2007 and is subject to certain
conditions including, but not limited to, the receipt of all necessary approvals including the
approval of the TSX Venture Exchange. The securities to be issued under this offering will be
offered by way of private placement exemptions in all the provinces of Canada, offshore and
in the United States on a private placement basis pursuant to an exemption from the
registration requirements of the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended.

31.05.2007 Bought Deal v. 11.05.07 wurde geschlossen: Canaccord + Dundee!
Insgesamt wurden 10,4 Mio. CAD erlöst; Ausgegebene Aktien: 3.467.000 für 3 CAD.
Die Aktien sind bis zum 01.10.2007 zu halten – Sperrfrist. Warum wohl? Bis dahin werden die ersten Bohrergebnisse vorliegen!!!
An jeder Aktie hängt ein Warrant, welcher bis zum 31.05.2009 für 4 CAD eingelöst werden kann!
Dann fließen Salazar weitere 13,86 Mio. CAD zu!

NEWS RELEASE May 31, 2007
Salazar Resources Limited (the “Company”) has closed its financing by way of a bought deal private
placement (the “Offering”) led by Canaccord Capital Corporation (“Canaccord”) and including Dundee
Securities Corporation (collectively, the “Underwriters”), announced on May 11, 2007, for total gross
proceeds of Cdn$10,401,000. The Company issued an aggregate of 3,467,000 units at a purchase price of
Cdn$3.00 per unit. Each unit consists of one common share and one transferable common share purchase
warrant. Each warrant entitles the holder to acquire one additional common share at a purchase price of
Cdn$4.00 per share until May 31, 2009. The Company also issued an additional 33,000 units on a nonbrokered
The Company plans to use the net proceeds from the Offering to continue exploration on the Company’s
mineral properties in Ecuador and for general working capital purposes.
In consideration for its services with respect to the closing of the Offering, the Underwriters received a
cash commission equal to 7% of the gross proceeds of the sale of units and 242,690 broker warrants, each
broker warrant entitling the holder to purchase one common share at a price of $3.50 per share until
May 31, 2009. Canaccord was also paid a corporate finance fee of common shares, warrants and cash.
All securities issued in this offering are subject to a four month hold period expiring on October 1, 2007.

Könnte schnell die alten ATH´s testen! Moly brummt. Potenzieller Vervielfacher. 8)

T5Q Tenajon
On Thursday July 5th, 2007, Tenajon Resources Corp released news to investors, reporting that drilling has commenced at its 100% owned Ajax Molybdenum Deposit located 16 km north of Kitsault, northwestern British Columbia.

The purpose of the initial 3,500 metre drill program is threefold:

1. Improving confidence in near surface high-grade mineralized zones within a potential starter pit that could host approximately 37 million tonnes of the deposit at a 2.33:1 stripping ratio;

2. Convert resources from the inferred to the measured and indicated category;

3. Test a proposal put forth by Dr. Nicholas Carter, P. Eng., one of Canada's foremost experts on porphyry molybdenum deposits, which suggests that the grade of the deposit may have been underreported due to the orientation of most of the drill holes completed during previous drilling campaigns.

Ajax is one of North America's largest undeveloped molybdenum deposits. At a 0.040% Mo cut-off the deposit hosts inferred resources of 448.8 million tonnes grading 0.063% Mo (623.4 million pounds) and an indicated mineral resource of 38.8 million tonnes averaging 0.064% Mo (56.4 million pounds). The estimate was prepared by Giroux Consultants Ltd., an independent consulting firm. The current price of molybdenum is approximately US $32.125/lb.

Infrastructure is very good with both tidewater access and hydroelectric power situated at Kitsault. In addition, there are plans to construct a hydro line 5 km to the west of the deposit.

In Carter's study he states with regards to Ajax that "As currently defined, molybdenum grades of 0.05% and greater occur within a circular zone measuring 600 x 650 metres in diameter, extending from surface at an elevation of about 1050m to depths of greater than 1,000 metres as indicated by the 2006 drilling." He also states, "The previous work on the Ajax Property suggest an area of enhanced grade may be related to an east-northeast trending fault zone near the northern limits of the current molybdenum zone."

According to Carter this concept was originally proposed by Newmont geologist in 1966. Furthermore he concludes, "Most of the holes completed on the Ajax Property have been inclined holes drilled on west southwest orientations essentially parallel to zones thought to contain enhanced molybdenum grades. A review of the results to date suggests that intervals of better molybdenum grade are contained in holes drilled within 100 metres of the east northeast fault zone."

Tenajon Resources Corp. is part of The Northair Group of Companies. Tenajon has a strong technical and management team, with a successful track record in mineral exploration through to production.

Aus streetinvesting.com
8) 8)

Jul 16, 2007 09:13 ET
Market Regulation Services Inc.: Halt, Winfield Res Ltd., Lagasco Corp.
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - July 16, 2007) - The following issue(s) have been halted on the TSXV today:

Company: Winfield Res Ltd.TSXV Symbol: WWFReason: Company request pending newsHalt Time: 9:00 est
Company: Lagasco Corp.TSXV Symbol: LCOReason: Company request pending newsHalt Time: 9:00 est
ein ganz heißer Uran Wert wird der Basket Wert Bluerock Resources werden, lest mal die ganzen News durch, MK inkl. der angedachten Finanzierung (Meldung vom 03.07.) fd ca. 45mio shares also ca. 23mio CAD

July 12, 2007 Bluerock Resources Announces Expanded Drilling Program On Mongolian JV Uranium Exploration Projects
July 03, 2007 Bluerock Resources Announces Aggressive Exploration On Eight Uranium Projects
June 21, 2007 Bluerock Resources Begins Drilling Program At The Andrew Lloyd Uranium Mine, Garfield County, Utah
June 18, 2007 Bluerock Resources Adds Claims To Tramp Uranium Mine Project
June 14, 2007 Bluerock Resources Reports On On-Going Drilling And Development Programs At The Tramp Uranium Mine
June 14, 2007 Bluerock Resources Reports On On-Going Drilling And Development Programs At The Tramp Uranium Mine
May 23, 2007 Bluerock Resources Signs Two Agreements on Urvan District Uranium Projects
May 14, 2007 Bluerock Resources Announces the Start of the 2007 Field Season in Mongolia and the Exercise of Warrants


Erste Posi long! :)
www.streetinvesting.com: Bluerock Resources Ltd. Receives Attention
Jun 22, 2007 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX News Network) --

Please visit www.Streetinvesting.com for the full report, additional research and related articles on the company mentioned herein.

Wall Street could not send the bears to hibernate for long as Wednesday's sellout indicated. The succinct reign the bulls had, was wholly eclipsed by growing fears that Treasury yields will keep on rising. Raising yields has a heaving effect on borrowing costs and can tuck corporate profits, which in turn bring investors' sentiment to the brink. Another factor sending a tremor of concern in investors' mind right now is that jobless benefit claims has peaked to a two-month high sparkling apprehension that there could be a job scarcity. The dwindling Real Estate sector will also be a major center of attention this Thursday as investors signal a second day of bearish assault. Major indexes are already showing a downtick performance as the final economic readings of the week are still pending. Bluerock Resources Ltd. (TSX-V: BRD) closed at $0.63 with a trading volume of 55,000 on this Thursday.

Focusing wholly on the Canadian Juniors our research team has been devoting a lot of quality time studying and providing analytic views on those companies making the headlines and showing promising trading patterns. From the list we have compiled, Bluerock Resources Ltd. (the Company) is our selection of the moment as we look forward to see their reaction to the upcoming Conference Board's May index of leading economic indicators.

On Thursday 21st June, 2007, Bluerock Resources Ltd. announced in a press release that it has received BLM and State permits to conduct a drilling program at the Andrew Lloyd Uranium Mine, PSC Project, in the Orange Cliffs Mining District, south central Utah, U.S.A. and has mobilized a drill rig to project. Two additional drill permits for the PSC Project (the Rainbow and Recapture claims) have been submitted to the BLM and State authorities.

The Phase I Drill Program consists of 10 holes targeting the channel extension of the Andrew Lloyd Uranium Mine where historic (i) production graded 0.17% U3O8. Due diligence and verification sampling by Company geologists sampled at the Andrew Lloyd Uranium Mine underground workings returned grades of 0.12 to 1.22% U3O8 with an average grade of 0.54% U3O8.

The PSC Project consists of 35 claims in five distinct claim blocks, in the Orange Cliffs Uranium District of Utah. The Project encompasses two past producing mines, the Silver Bell Uranium Mine and the Andrew Lloyd Uranium Mine, along with two historic (i) drill outs, and the one grass roots prospect. The Orange Cliffs District is a Chinle Formation Uranium Camp located less than 50 miles (80km) to the north east of Uranium One's Shootaring Canyon uranium mill.

President Michael Collins commented: "With the initiation of drilling at the PSC Project and the on-going campaign at the Tramp Mine Project, Bluerock expects to see an active summer of project assessment. With a solid exploration presence in Utah, Bluerock continues to look for opportunities to add to our project base there and move forward to develop resources in these highly prospective historic uranium camps."

Due Diligence samples were analyzed at Energy Labs Inc. of Casper, Wyoming, a well respected and utilized uranium assay lab. Energy Labs Inc. utilized a chemical analysis with a strong mineral acid digest on a 1-gram subsample of the pulverized sample material. Uranium analysis (and other metals) was performed on the solution by Inductively Coupled Argon Plasma (ICP) emission spectroscopy against certified commercial standards.

Bluerock Resources Ltd. is a uranium exploration company focused on discovering tomorrow's energy today through the acquisition and development of conventional uranium resources.

As the bears set another foothold in the Street, breaching the fragile gain of confidence that only started to bridge the banks of the ever-flowing market, investors are keeping their fingers crossed so that an avalanche of sturdy corporate earnings might continue and provide fuel to push stocks higher. Bluerock Resources Ltd. will be playing its future in the midst of the numerous strategic battles opposing the bears and the bulls. We will be keeping you informed of the press releases and news that the company would be throwing in the coming weeks or months. We, however, encourage you to log on our website, www.streetinvesting.com, for any future data and reports on Bluerock Resources Ltd.
Bluerock Resources Announces Expanded Drilling Program on Mongolian JV Uranium Exploration Projects
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA, Jul 12, 2007 (CCNMatthews via COMTEX News Network) --

Bluerock Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:BRD) (the Company) announces drilling has started on the Ulaan Nuur uranium projects in Mongolia. The drilling program is focused on three separate licenses located south of Ulaanbaatar in the Ulaan Nuur Depression. Based on Phase I geological data and discussions with on site geologists, the Company has increased the planned metres of drilling to 4,000 metre from 3,000 metre.


- Drilling on the Khavtsal License will focus on expanding the known uranium mineralization to the north and south of the historic Khavtsal Deposit. Geophysical surveys, completed in the first phase of the 2007 program, defined deeper basinal targets and interpreted fault structures that present newly defined targets for the expansion of the historic(i) Khavtsal deposit.


- Drilling on the Tolgod License will focus on untested basinal targets associated with radiometric anomalies in both geophysical surveys and ground water studies.

Khudgiin Us:

- Drilling on the Khudgiin Us License is designed to locate the northern extension of known uranium mineralization in the Ulaan Nuur historic uranium anomaly. Results of 2007 geophysical surveys completed by the Company have been incorporated into the drill planning for the project to ensure full coverage of the basinal targets.

Following the completion of the Khudgiin Us program the drill rigs and camp will be moved to the Company's Central Gobi Uranium Projects and the continuation of the Company's 2007 Mongolian JV uranium exploration program.

President Michael Collins commented: "The management of Bluerock is looking forward to the results of these drill programs to expand the mineralization at the Khavtsal project and delineate potential uranium mineralization on the two associated uranium projects. This drilling represents the second stage of Bluerock's uranium exploration work in Mongolia this summer. The Company looks forward to a steady stream of uranium results from work on the Mongolian JV projects as well as our uranium exploration and development projects in the US south west."

Samples from the 2007 Mongolian Drilling programs will be prepared and analysed by Activation Laboratories, (Actlabs) of Ancaster Ontario, at their lab in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. Rock preparation will consist of crushing and pulverising to 85% passing 75 micron mesh. Uranium results will be analysed by XRF. All samples of interest, plus 10% of the remainder are planned to be shipped to Canada by Actlabs, for ICP-MS verification at their Ancaster facility.

Paul D. Gray, P.Geo. is the Qualified Person with respect to the Mongolian JV properties and has reviewed and approved this press release.

Bluerock Resources Ltd. is a uranium exploration company focused on discovering tomorrow's energy today through the acquisition and development of conventional uranium resources.


Michael Collins, CEO, President and Director
Zu Thema Uran:

"..we talked to Michael Collins, chief executive of Blue Rock Resources.

Handel am besten nur Canada!!!!!!!

Blue Rock’s lead project is the Tramp uranium mine in Montrose County, Colorado. It is about 130 miles from the White Mesa mill.

Collins agreed with Steele about the Denison ore buying program. “It’s not the route we would like to take,” Collins told StockInterview.com. Collins is now putting together his plan of operation to present to the U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and is planning on raising about C$4.5 million to help develop the project.

He told us the average grades at the Tramp mine are 0.3 percent U3O8 and between 1.5 and 1.7 percent V2O5. The project could host 300,000 pounds U3O8. “We are aiming to define one million pounds,” Collins said. If he does proceed with the Denison program, Collins believes his company could stockpile about 100 thousand tons over the next 18 months.

Denison’s Hochstein confirmed that his company was talking with Energy Fuels, Blue Rock and others about milling agreements.

During our telephone conversation with Collins, we calculated his benefit in using the Denison ore buying program. According to Collins’ calculations, he would receive a little less than US$250 for each ton of uranium/vanadium ore his company shipped to White Mesa for milling.

Collins estimated mining the ore would cost about $65/ton. To ship his ore the 130-mile distance to Blanding would cost between $35 and $40/ton. His infrastructure and development costs would add up to about $9/pound. He told us it was too early to estimate his administrative and other expenses, but Collins gave us the impression he runs a lean operation.

However, his company’s disadvantage is the royalty paid for the Tramp uranium mine. For each ton of ore Blue Rock mines, the company would have to pay a US$90 royalty. Collins said, “The royalty is paid on the spot uranium price.”

Adding up the all-in costs, according to Collins’ estimates, it would cost Blue Rock about US$200/ton, perhaps more, to bring the ore to Denison. Each ton of Blue Rock’s ore would pay out on the order of US$48 to $50/ton, after expenses. Collins told us he would get six pounds U3O8 per ton with his grades. After all is said and done, Blue Rock might only be getting between US$8 and $8.50 per pound for uranium.

As for building a uranium mill for the Tramp mine and his company’s other three projects in the area, Collins told us, “A new uranium mill could take over seven years to permit in Colorado.”

The underground Tramp Mine is the focus of Blue Rock Resources. It has previously been operated in previous uranium bull markets.
Clearly, he was disappointed with the Denison program, saying, “It’s as bad as I could have hoped for.” But he is not ruling out some future agreement with Denison. Collins told us he was still hoping to secure a toll milling contract for 100 thousand tons. “We’ll finance for a year and stockpile the ore,” Collins said. Fortunately, Blue Rock has other encouraging uranium projects which Collins hopes to develop in conjunction with the Tramp mine.

Under a toll milling agreement, a miner would pay on the order of 20 percent above the milling costs. Instead of getting only $250/ton from Denison to purchase his ore, Collins would obtain a higher payout and retain ownership of the ore.

Who Owns the Ore?
Also at stake is ownership of the ore, after it is brought to Denison. The miner no longer owns the ore. There is a risk factor for both parties on this item. Both Energy Fuels and Blue Rock told us they wanted to keep the U3O8 after it was milled.

Ron Hochstein told StockInterview, “We will keep it.”

Under the Denison agreement, the company will purchase the ore now and pay out after the samples have been assayed. But, the ore won’t get milled until sometime in 2008. White Mesa is going through a $15 million refurbishment program now. Hochstein said, “We will open in March 2008.”

In reviewing the Denison materials on this program, it doesn’t appear publicly traded companies are the target audience for this program. On the company’s website, we found this notice:

The White Mesa mill Ore Buying Program provides an opportunity for independent miners to sell their uranium and uranium/vanadium ore to Denison Mines (USA) Corp., the operators of the White Mesa mill, located near Blanding, Utah.

We asked Hochstein who would supply the mill feed. “There are many small miners in the Uravan district,” he said. “They’ve built up stockpiles, and we will get them cash flow.” Hochstein was excited by the initial reaction to his company’s news release. “We got a good number of phone calls,” he said. “Some are asking for ‘just uranium’ milling agreements.”

Under the terms for small miners, Denison will only buy in lots of one thousand tons. “In the past miners would drive up to the mill with the ore in a pick up truck,” he explained. “But we require they use licensed transportation contractors now.” Unlike Steele or Collins, he estimated shipping costs would run about fifteen cents per ton.

“They can make some pretty good money,” he told us. For companies such as Energy Fuels and Blue Rock, Hochstein said, “We will negotiate on deals in 100 thousand tons minimum.” He said the payout would have a slight permutation. “We are still working with Energy Fuels, Blue Rock and others,” Hochstein told us.

He did caution, though, “After we buy the ore, it’s Denison’s, not someone else’s.”"
Etwas älter:

Bluerock Resources (TSX: V.BRD; 47 cents)

There are several very good companies out there so this week's introduction of Bluerock (TSX: V.BRD, BullBoards) is only one of many strong alternatives. We have chosen them because they have a diverse portfolio of properties throughout the United States, have only 20 million shares outstanding, and trade near the bottom of a six-month chart after hitting $1.38 last November.

Typically such strength in the commodity should be reflected in the junior miners, but we are a long ways from that. If uranium continues to do well and the hedge funds get involved, the juniors should come back into vogue. The other determining factor for companies like BRD will be further acquisitions and drill results on programs currently underway or throughout the next couple quarters. A summary of their projects is below.

1) Skull Creek, Colorado

This has a historical resource (requires independent verification) of 44.1 million pounds of U3O8 at a grade of 0.3% in 10.6 million tons of Lignite, and 3,940 acres with uranium mineralization in steeply dipping lignite beds.

According to a 1956 geologic report by Geological Services of Moab, Utah, uranium mineralization is contained in three of seven lignite and carbonaceous shale seams separated by much thicker sandstone beds. Bluerock holds 10.1 miles of the 12-mile mineralized strike length documented in the report on its mineral claims and has been granted Colorado State Leases for an additional two miles.

The first few holes drilling on this project did not validate historical numbers so much more work is required.

2) Tramp Mine Project, Colorado

The Tramp Mine Project consists of eight claims encompassing the underground Tramp Mine and mine site, with an additional 51 claims staked immediately adjacent to the mine site. The Project is located in the historic Urvan Uranium/Vanadium Mineral Belt. The mine is currently permitted for mining operations, and its joint venture partner holds a prospecting permit for 50 exploration drill holes.

The Tramp Mine has been operated in various phases from the 1950's to the early 1980's, with historic production reported as grading 0.28% to 0.32% U3O8. Vanadium credits averaged 1.5% to 1.7% V2O5. Historically, Tramp Mine production has been conducted by small mine operators, with production and exploration focused close to development; therefore there has been no serious effort to block out an ore reserve.

Historic work on the project has identified three high priority targets for drilling that are proximal to historic workings, have the potential to be drilled off and, if economically feasible, developed quickly. The prospecting permit in place allows the company to immediately drill within the original eight claims that comprise the Tramp Mine Permit area. Ground conditions and mine access afford relatively low infrastructure costs associated with the reactivation of mining.

Drilling started a couple weeks ago.

3) Hidden Splendor Mine, Utah

This has been mined intermittently since discovery in 1952. Randy Mecham, the current owner, was involved in mining the deposit in the 1970's until market conditions caused a cessation of operations. Historical production at the Hidden Splendor Mine graded 0.20% U3O8 (4.4 lb per ton of yellow cake). Mineralization is open on strike of the deposit and is the primary exploration target.

Before the mine closure in the late 1970's a lower lens of mineralization was identified in the course of normal production activities. About 10,000 tons of ore was produced from this zone at a grade of 0.30 % U3O8. This lens remains untested and represents a second target for the company's exploration.

4) PSC Project, Utah

The project consists of 35 claims in five distinct claim blocks, which encompass one past producing mine (the Silver Bell Mine), the strike extension of the Andrew Lloyd Mine, two historic drill outs, and the one additional prospect. Historic production from the Silver Bell and Andrew Lloyd Mines graded 0.40% U3O8 and 0.17% U3O8, respectively. The company has also purchased the Andrew Lloyd Mine (held within two BLM claims), which is located internally to one of the five PSC Project claim blocks.

As part of the due diligence process, company geologists have identified 40 prospective drill targets at depths of less than 150 feet (48m). The company has completed cultural and environmental surveys and has initiated drill permit applications for these sites.

5) Khavtsal Property, Mongolia

Eight separate land packages were selected on the basis of existing mineralization and potential to host an economic resource of uranium mineralization. These properties (together forming more than 280,000 ha.) are primarily located in Cretaceous Basinal settings in four (4) distinct project areas in the central and eastern part of Mongolia.

Disclosure: Danny Deadlock owns 10,000 shares of Bluerock Resources (TSX: V.BRD)

Quelle: http://www.stockhouse.com/shfn/editorial.asp?edtID=19684

09.03.2006 08:56
IRW-Press: URANERZ ENERGY: URANERZ: Jointventure für Mongolei-Projekte; Anmietung eines Büros in Wyoming
Die Uranerz Energy (Nachrichten) Corporation (“Uranerz”) freut sich, die Unterzeichnung eines Vertrags mit Bluerock Resources Ltd. (“Bluerock”) über ein Jointventure für die acht mongolischen Explorationslizenzen des Unternehmens bekannt zu geben.

Die acht Lizenzen beziehen sich auf geologisch günstige Gebiete und umfassen eine Fläche von ca. 284.815 Hektar. Es wird davon ausgegangen, dass sie eine der acht Explorationslizenzen - das Zielgebiet von Khavtsal - aufgrund von abgeschlossenen historischen Arbeiten, über die in der russisch-mongolischen Studie des Jahres 1987 berichtet wurde, in einem fortgeschrittenen Explorationsstadium befindet. Ein zusammenfassender russischer Explorationsbericht für Khavtsal geht aufgrund von Grabungen mit einem Volumen von 3046 Kubikmetern und Bohrungen von 1808 Metern (44 Bohrlöcher mit einer durchschnittlichen Tiefe von 41 Metern) von einer “wahrscheinlichen Ressource” von 2000 Tonnen Uran aus. Dieser "Ressource" wurde unter Zugrundelegung eines Cut-Offs von 0,010%, eines Tonnagenfaktors von 2t/m3, einer durchschnittlichen Dicke von 1,8 Metern und einer Oberflächenprojektion von 1,46 Quadratkilometern ein durchschnittlicher Uran-Grad von 0,038% zugeordnet. In demselben Bericht wird das Explorationspotenzial für das größere Gebiet der Ulaan Nuur-Senke, in der Khavtsal liegt, auf 4000 Tonnen Uran geschätzt. Die Schätzung wird in dem Bericht in die Kategorie “P2” eingestuft, eine Klassifizierung, die normalerweise für “spekulative unentdeckte Ressourcen” verwendet wird. Diese Ergebnisse müssen durch zusätzliche Grab- und Bohrarbeiten bestätigt werden.

Die anderen sieben Lizenzgebiete zeichnen sich durch Merkmale aus, die auf sedimentäre (Roll front), oberflächennahe Uranvorkommen schließen lassen, darunter die Nähe zu bekannten Sandstein-Uranvorkommen, wie sie in der russisch-mongolischen Studie angeführt wurden, radiometrische Anomalien und/oder günstige geologische Verhältnisse.

Bluerock beabsichtigt, im Zielgebiet von Khavtsal ein aggressives Bohr- und Grabungsprogramm durchzuführen, während bei den anderen sieben Lizenzen weitere Erkundungsaktivitäten durchgeführt werden sollen. Man hofft, dass das Bohr- und Grabungsprogramm die historischen Aktivitäten bestätigen und ein klareres Bild des wirtschaftlichen Potenzials des Khavtsal-Projekts zeichnen wird. Das Explorationsteam, dem Mitarbeiter und Berater sowohl von Bluerock und Uranerz angehören werden, wird die Stärken beider Unternehmen in sich vereinen, um ein effektives und effizientes Explorationsprogramm zu entwickeln.

Laut den Bedingungen des Vertrags, der noch behördlich genehmigt werden muss, wird Bluerock 150.000 Bluerock Resources Ltd.-Aktien an Uranerz ausgeben und im Lauf der vierjährigen Earn-in-Phase Barzahlungen von US $205.000 leisten. Bluerock verfügt über die Option, durch die Zahlung von US $ 3.000.000 für die Zielgebiete über vier Jahre hinweg eine 55%ige Beteiligung an diesen Projekten zu erwerben. Das Arbeitsprogramm wird während dieser Zeit von Bluerock betrieben werden. Uranerz behält das Recht, durch die Zahlung von US $ 300.000 6% des Jointventures zurück zu erwerben, wonach ein Jointventure mit Uranerz gebildet würde, an dem Uranerz mit 51% und Bluerock mit 49% beteiligt wäre.

Die Gründung eines Explorations-Jointventures für diese mongolischen Projekte wird es Uranerz ermöglichen, sich auf seine fortgeschritteneren Projekte in Wyoming zu konzentrieren, von denen viele über bekannte Uranressourcen verfügen und eventuell mit dem kostengünstigen In situ-Auslaugverfahren bearbeitet werden können.

Uranerz freut sich auch, die Unterzeichnung eines Vertrags mit der Nerd Gas Company über die Anmietung eines Büros im Hauptbürogebäude von Nerd in Casper, Wyoming, bekannt zu geben. Das Büro, das derzeit renoviert wird, wird voraussichtlich am 1. April 2006 bezugsbereit sein. Die Nerd Gas Company ist eine bekannte, höchst erfolgreiche private Öl-&Gasgesellschaft, die hauptsächlich in Wyoming aktiv ist.

Das Büro in Casper wird die Hauptbasis von Uranerz für seine U.S.-Aktivitäten bilden und dem Unternehmen auch als Außenbüro für die Aktivitäten in Wyoming dienen. Anfangs wird Uranerz etwas über 90 m² Bürofläche mieten und darüber hinaus Zugang zu den Gemeinschaftsbereichen wie zum Beispiel einem großen Konferenzraum haben. In der derzeitigen Konfiguration wird das Büro Platz für bis zu fünf Mitarbeiter bieten. In dem Gebäude stehen bei Bedarf angrenzende Räumlichkeiten zur Verfügung. Derzeit werden Mitarbeiter für das Büro in Casper eingestellt.

Die Uranerz Energy Corporation ist ein Rohstoffunternehmen, das sich mit Erwerb, Exploration und Entwicklung von Uranfeldern befasst. Das Unternehmen beschäftigt ein erfahrenes Team an Bergbauexperten, viele davon ehemalige hochrangige Manager und Mitarbeiter der ursprünglichen Uranerz Exploration and Mining-Unternehmensgruppe. Der Verwaltungsrat des Unternehmens besteht zur Gänze aus leitenden ehemaligen Mitarbeitern von Uranerz Exploration and Mining. Uranerz Exploration and Mining wurde 1998 von Cameco übernommen.

Weitere Informationen erhalten Sie beim Unternehmen unter den Telefonnummern 604-689-1659 oder 877-662-8308 oder auf der Firmenwebsite unter www.uranerz.com.

Im Namen des Aufsichtsrats

„Glenn Catchpole”

Glenn Catchpole, Präsident und CEO

Diese Presseveröffentlichung kann neben Informationen der Vergangenheit, Prognosen für die Zukunft im Sinne des Abschnitts 27 a des Wertpapiergesetzes der USA von 1933 in der geltenden Fassung und im Sinne des Abschnitts 21 e des Wertpapierbörsengesetzes von 1934 in der geltenden Fassung enthalten. Diese Aussagen stützen sich auf Erwartungen und Überzeugungen des Managements und sind mit Risiken und Unsicherheiten behaftet. Diese Aussagen können bekannte und unbekannte Risiken und Unsicherheiten enthalten; auch andere Faktoren können dazu führen, dass die tatsächlichen Ergebnisse wesentlich von den hier prognostizierten Ergebnissen abweichen. Wichtige Faktoren, die dazu führen können, dass die tatsächlichen Ergebnisse wesentlich von den Beschreibungen in den Prognosen abweichen, sind:

(i) die Unfähigkeit des Unternehmens, den Erwerb von Anrechten an neuen Grundstücken zur Mineralexploration abzuschließen; (ii) die Unfähigkeit des Unternehmens, die erforderliche Finanzierung zur Durchführung der Exploration neuer Minerallagerstätten durchzuführen; (iii) die Unfähigkeit des Unternehmens, die erforderlichen Finanzmittel aufzubringen, um die Exploration oder Erschließung seiner Grundstücke durchzuführen; und (iv) die Existenz einer kommerziell interessanten Mineralisierung in seinen Grundstücken.



Quelle: Dow Jones

zu Kobex: :)



Den wichtigsten Satz sagte aber der Direktor des Sonoran Instituts:

Jim Spehar, director of the Central Rockies office of the Sonoran Institute, a non-profit organization that helps communities make decisions that respect the land and the people, explained that sometimes extractive operations like Lucky Jack are inevitable-but communities can negotiate for better conditions and social benefits.

"Extractive operations" (in dem Fall Mining) sind UNVERMEIDLICH (inevitable) aber die Gemeinden können bessere Konditionen und sozialen Nutzen daraus ziehen.

Noch mal, sollte sich in Crested Butt eine Entscheidung, zum Beispiel durch eine Bürgerbefragung durchsetzen, die positiv zu einer Mine auf Lucky Jack ausfallen würde, dann fliegt die Kuh. Das wird sicherlich noch dauern, aber zeichnet sich meiner Meinung nach immer mehr ab.

WO Thread Neono
Re: News Release - Thursday, July 12, 2007
Crowflight -- Xstrata Nickel Complete Transfer Of Bucko Lake
Mining Lease To Crowflight

CROWFLIGHT MINERALS INC. (Crowflight, the Company) (TSX Venture
Exchange: CML) is pleased to announce that the Company and Xstrata
Nickel have concluded the transfer of the 5.5 square kilometre Mining
Lease 031, which surrounds and includes the Bucko Lake Nickel Deposit,
from Xstrata Nickel to Crowflight. Crowflight completed all of its
earn-in commitments, including the expenditure of $7.5 million on a
Bankable Feasibility Study of a technical standard acceptable to a bank
for financing such a project's development and signed all documents for
the transfer of ownership of Mining Lease 031 to Crowflight.

Thomas Atkins, President and CEO of Crowflight, commented on the
transfer, stating: "It is gratifying that after almost three years of
hard work that the Company has accomplished this milestone, having
earned a 100% interest in an asset as attractive and with as much
potential as Mining Lease 031. We remain confident of our ability to
continue to enhance the value of this asset in the future through
additional exploration and project development efforts. Construction of
the Bucko Lake mine is progressing well and we continue to build our
management and operating team to begin nickel production in
approximately 12 months time."

Under the terms of the jointly signed Mining Lease Transfer Agreement
(refer to press release dated January 31, 2007), Crowflight had the
right to earn a 100% interest in Mining Lease 031 by completing its
expenditure commitments and having completed a Bankable Feasibility
Study. In connection with the closing of the lease transfer, Crowflight
has issued 2,000,000 common shares to Xstrata Nickel. These shares are
subject to a four month statutory hold period from the date of issue.

Crowflight Minerals -- Canada's Next Nickel Producer

Crowflight Minerals Inc. is a Canadian junior mining exploration and
development company listed on the TSX Venture Exchange. The Company is
focused on nickel, copper and Platinum Group Mineral ("PGM") projects
and currently owns or has under option approximately 600 square
kilometres of exploration and development properties in the Thompson
Nickel Belt ("TNB") in the province of Manitoba and Sudbury Basin in

In the Thompson Nickel Belt, Manitoba, these properties include: (1)
the Bucko Lake Nickel Deposit; (2) an earn-in option with Xstrata
Nickel on 400 square kilometres in 11 highly prospective properties
within the TNB South Project Area (located within 30 kilometres of the
Bucko Deposit) and the TNB North Project Area (immediately adjacent to
CVRD-Inco's nickel operations at Thompson, Manitoba); and (3) a 100%
interest in the Clarke Lake property comprising approximately 100
square kilometres of recently staked ground south and adjacent to the
TNB South Project Area that surround the formerly producing Manibridge

In the Sudbury Basin, Ontario these properties include: (1) the 100%
owned AER Kidd Project adjacent to Inco's Totten Deposit (10.1 million
tonnes grading 1.5% nickel, 2.0% copper and 4.8 g/t PGM's); (2) the
100% owned Peter's Roost Property, being explored under a joint venture
agreement with Wallbridge Mining Co. Ltd.; and (3) the Airport Property
(a 50/50 joint venture with Millstream Mines Ltd.) located 4 kilometres
south, and on-strike, with Falconbridge's Nickel Rim South Deposit
(13.2 million tonnes grading 1.7% nickel, 3.5% copper and 4.1 g/t

Further information is available on the Company's web site at

Statements in this release that are not historical facts are
"forward-looking statements" within the meaning of applicable
securities laws. Readers are cautioned that any such statements are not
guarantees of future performance and that actual developments or
results may vary materially from those in these "forward-looking
statements". The Company cautions investors that the projections for
increases to the Indicated Resources are based on Inferred Resources.
There is no certainty that these projections will be added to the
Indicated Resources or that they will be economically viable.

Thomas Atkins
President and CEO
Tel: (416) 861 - 5900

Heather Colpitts
Manager Investor & Public Relations
Tel: (416) 861 - 5803

Rory Quinn
Ascenta Capital
Tel: (604) 684 - 4743 ext 226

Copyright (c) 2007 CROWFLIGHT MINERALS INC. (CML) All rights reserved.
For more information visit our website at http://www.crowflight.com/
or send mailto:info@crowflight.com
Message sent on Mon Jul 16, 2007 at 12:12:51 PM Pacific Time
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