• Am Sonntag, den 09.03.2025 erfolgt in den USA und Kanada die Umstellung auf Sommerzeit. Deswegen beginnt der Haupthandel ab Montag in den USA und Kanada bereits um 14:30 MEZ und endet um 21:00 MEZ. Bei uns findet die Zeitumstellung am 30.03.2025 statt. Dann haben wir wieder die "normalen" Handelszeiten.

Rohstoffthread (Archiv)

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Flight to Quality Key to Junior Mining Investing: Vikas Ranjan


Source: Zig Lambo of The Gold Report (11/9/12)

Vikas Ranjan While the junior mining sector has not seen the benefits of higher gold prices, there is reason for optimism, says Vikas Ranjan, managing director and principal of Ubika Research. In this Gold Report interview, Ranjan lays out his case for why juniors with quality projects should bump up and names some companies poised to benefit.


Source: Zig Lambo of The Gold Report (11/9/12)

VR: We're also covering a West African story in Ghana called Abzu Gold Ltd. (ABS:TSX.V; ABZUF:OTCQX), which has a joint venture with Kinross Gold Corp. (K:TSX; KGC:NYSE) on its open-pit potential Nangodi project. Ghana is probably the best place for gold mining in Africa, at least in my opinion. Abzu has several projects there, but this is the focus. Its management did a smart thing, which many juniors should take a lesson from. It obtained a $2.5M strategic investment from a company called Stonehouse Construction, a mining equipment and operations company that builds mines. Stonehouse has taken the responsibility to build the open pit and become the operator. If Abzu can define a target resource in the range of 0.75–1 Moz, that is good enough for Stonehouse to then define the pit and, we believe, even provide the off-balance sheet financing for construction.

The stock was as high as $0.80/share in the last 12–14-months. Now it's at $0.09/share. This is an example of people ignoring good assets in a bad market. Abzu has a clear focus to advance the project. As it takes the story back to the Street to show the drill results and the plan to get to production with Stonehouse's help within two years, I think it will resonate well in the market.

[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=1314886#1314886 schrieb:
ixilon. schrieb am 29.10.2012, 20:27 Uhr[/url]"]Insiderkäufe - Abzu Gold
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[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=1313618#1313618 schrieb:
ixilon. schrieb am 25.10.2012, 01:37 Uhr[/url]"]Abzu Announces Closing of Non-Brokered Private Placement and Announces Shares for Debt Transaction
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=1304906#1304906 schrieb:
ixilon. schrieb am 28.09.2012, 19:23 Uhr[/url]"]1 Jahreschart
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[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=1279556#1279556 schrieb:
ixilon. schrieb am 27.07.2012, 03:34 Uhr[/url]"]4 Jahreschart
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Christos Doulis Uses Cash Flow and a Good Story to Find the Next Midtier Producer


Source: Alec Gimurtu for The Gold Report (11/9/12)

Christos Doulis Christos Doulis is a mining analyst with Stonecap Securities covering emerging precious metals producers with market capitalizations under $1 billion. He combines financial modeling of current and future cash flows with detailed first-hand analysis to find out what is really going on at smaller producers, some of which he believes will outperform the market. Could one or more of these companies become the next big midtier producer? The future darlings of Wall Street need to start somewhere. One starting point is cash flow and a good story. In this Gold Report interview, Doulis discusses several companies that have both.

Silver Cleared For Take-Off

Morris Hubbartt
Weekly Market Update Excerpt
posted Nov 9, 2012






Rohstoffe: Kupfer fällt auf 8-Wochentief

(shareribs.com) London 09.11.12 - Zum Wochenschluss liegen die Industriemetalle an der London Metal Exchange wieder deutlich unter Druck. Die Sorgen um die US-Konjunktur und die europäische Wirtschaft belasten, während die positiven Impulse aus China kaum durchdringen.

Die Sorgen um die europäische Wirtschaft haben die Kupferpreise in London heute auf ein 8-Wochentief geschickt. Die Einschätzung, dass sich die Rezession in der Euro-Zone weiter verschärft, manifestierte sich heute in den jüngsten Daten aus der Gemeinschaft. In Frankreich sank die Industrieproduktion im September um 4,8 Prozent gegenüber dem Vorjahr, in Griechenland brach diese um 7,3 Prozent ein, nachdem hier im Vormonat noch ein überraschender Anstieg verzeichnet wurde. Diese Daten untermauern das Bild, welches die deutsche Industrie mit dem, in dieser Woche verkündeten, scharfen Einbruch zeigte. Je tiefer der Rückgang ist, desto unwahrscheinlicher wird ein schneller Rebound in den kommenden drei Monaten. Untermalt wird dies von EZB-Präsident Mario Draghi, der bei der Finanzierung Griechenlands die Euro-Staaten in der Pflicht sieht.

Aber auch die Angst vor einer Rezession in den USA beunruhigt die Investoren. Die fiskalische Klippe, die Steuererhöhungen und automatische Ausgabenkürzungen mit sich bringt, könnte den zaghaften Aufschwung schnell zunichtemachen. Präsident Obama wird und muss nun mit dem Kongress zusammenarbeiten, um eine erneute Rezession zu verhindern.

Dem gegenüber stehen die jüngsten Daten aus China. Dort ist die Industrieproduktion im Oktober um 9,6 Prozent gestiegen, 9,2 Prozent waren es im Vormonat. Der Einzelhandelsumsatz stieg um 14,5 Prozent und auch die Investitionen wuchsen mit 20,7 Prozent deutlich schneller als erwartet. Dies unterstützt die These, dass sich die chinesische Wirtschaft stabilisiert hat. Zudem fiel die Inflation in China im Oktober geringer aus, als erwartet wurde, so dass die neue Regierung Spielraum für weitere Lockerungsmaßnahmen erhält.

Dass dies nötig werden könnte, lässt sich an der anhaltend geringen Kupfernachfrage in China ablesen. Diese wird flankiert von einer steigenden Verfügbarkeit von Kupfer was die Preise mittelfristig unter größeren Abgabedruck setzen könnte.

Kupfer korrigiert aktuell um 1,4 Prozent auf 7.543 USD, Aluminium gibt 0,7 Prozent auf 1.922 USD ab, Blei sackt heute um 3,3 Prozent auf 2.148 USD nach unten, Nickel gibt 0,7 Prozent auf 16.061 USD ab und Zinn verliert 0,7 Prozent auf 20.242 USD.

Quelle: shareribs.com, Autor: (cs)
The following list of companies is comprised of all the components of the XAU, HUI, GOX, JSE Gold, and TSX Gold indexes.

Investment activity in Canadian coal has rebounded - PwC

A PwC/Coal Association of Canada report has found Canada's coal industry is a positive contributor to the country's trade balance, as almost 40% of Canadian coal is exported internationally

Author: Dorothy Kosich - Posted: Friday , 09 Nov 2012


Balmoral Intersects 7.94 g/t Gold Over 19.70 Metres BL Footwall Zone, Martiniere Property, Quebec

-- High-grade core of intercept yields 21.18 g/t (0.62 oz/t) gold over 6.45 metres (21.16 feet)

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Nov. 9, 2012) - Balmoral Resources Ltd. ("Balmoral" or the "Company") (TSX VENTURE:BAR)(OTCQX:BALMF) reported today results from the first 3 of 20 holes drilled in the Bug Lake area of its Martiniere Property during the recently completed Fall 2012 drill program. Results include further confirmation of the very high grade nature of the Bug Lake Footwall Zone. Hole MDE-12-65 returned anomalous gold mineralization over an interval of 81.00 metres, including a high-grade Footwall intercept of 7.94 g/t gold over 19.70 metres. As with other previous intercepts from the Footwall Zone, this broader interval contains a sulphide-rich core which returned 21.18 g/t gold (0.62 oz/ton) over 6.45 metres (21.16 feet). The core of this intercept occurs at approximately 50 metres vertical depth.

"With a shallow, high value target like the Footwall Zone continuing to expand in proximity to several other high-grade zones of gold mineralization, today's results further demonstrate the potential of the Martiniere gold system," said Darin Wagner, President and CEO of Balmoral. "While others are attempting to add, or access, high-grade ounces at considerable depth we are doing so in the near surface, on multiple fronts, in one of the best mining jurisdictions on the planet."

The Footwall Zone is one of three high-grade gold zones which occur within the 100+ metre wide Bug Lake Fault corridor on the Company's Martiniere Property in Quebec. The Martiniere Property forms part of Balmoral's 82 kilometre long Detour Gold Trend Project located along the Sunday Lake deformation zone in Central Quebec adjacent to the developing Detour Gold deposit in Ontario.


Holes MDE-12-64 to 66 were collared from the same location, in the footwall east of the Bug Lake Zone, and were drilled at down hole angles of -45, -56 and -67 degrees. The intersection point of the Footwall Zone in hole MDE-12-65 is at approximately 50 metres vertical depth below surface and approximately 25 metres above/12 metres north of previously released hole MDE-12-63 (22.89 g/t gold over 4.10 metres, see NR12-29, October 31, 2012). Drilling continues to indicate that the very high-grade core of the Footwall Zone forms a moderate to steeply plunging body consistent with the typical geometry of high-grade gold zones in the Abitibi.

Quality Control
Mr. Darin Wagner (P.Geo.), President and CEO of the Company, is the non-independent qualified person for the technical disclosure contained in this news release. Mr. Wagner has supervised the work programs on the Martiniere Property, visited the property on multiple occasions, examined the drill core and/or photographs from the holes summarized in this release, discussed and reviewed the results with senior on-site geological staff and reviewed the available analytical and quality control results.

Balmoral has implemented a quality control program for all of its drill programs, to ensure best practice in the sampling and analysis of the drill core, which includes the insertion of blind blanks, duplicates and certified standards into sample stream. NQ sized drill core is saw cut with half of the drill core sampled at intervals based on geological criteria including lithology, visual mineralization and alteration. The remaining half of the core is stored on-site at the Company's Martiniere field camp in Central Quebec. Drill core samples are transported in sealed bags to ALS Minerals Val d'Or, Quebec analytical facilities. Gold analyses are obtained via industry standard fire assay with atomic absorption finish using 30 g aliquots. For samples returning greater than 5.00 g/t gold follow-up fire assay analysis with a gravimetric finish is completed. The Company has also requested that any samples returning greater than 10.00 g/t gold undergo screen metallic fire assay. Following receipt of assays visual analysis of mineralized intercepts is conducted and additional analysis may be requested to ensure the accurate representation of mineralized zones. ALS Minerals is ISO 9001:2008 certified and the Val d'Or facilities are ISO 17025 certified for gold analysis.

About Balmoral Resources Ltd. - www.balmoralresources.com
Balmoral is a Vancouver-based precious metal exploration and development company focused on district scale gold opportunities in North America. With a philosophy of creating value through the drill bit and with a focus on proven productive precious metal belts, Balmoral is following an established formula with a goal of maximizing shareholder value through discovery.

On behalf of the board of directors of
Darin Wagner, President and CEO
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=1315720#1315720 schrieb:
ixilon. schrieb am 31.10.2012, 19:48 Uhr[/url]"]Balmoral Confirms and Expands Three High-Grade Gold Zones in Bug Lake Area, Martiniere Property, Quebec
1 Jahreschart
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[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=1313059#1313059 schrieb:
ixilon. schrieb am 23.10.2012, 23:42 Uhr[/url]"]Balmoral Resources Corporate Presentation with President & CEO Darin Wagner
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=1309995#1309995 schrieb:
ixilon. schrieb am 15.10.2012, 22:26 Uhr[/url]"]Balmoral Continues to Expand Martiniere Gold System, Intersects 139 g/t (4.05 oz/t) Gold Over 1.00 Metre (3.28 Feet) in ME-16/23 Area
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=1298789#1298789 schrieb:
ixilon. schrieb am 12.09.2012, 16:09 Uhr[/url]"]All Data
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Fri Nov 9, 2012
Palladon Ventures -- CML Update
Vancouver, British Columbia: Palladon Ventures Ltd. ("Palladon" or the "Company") (TSX-V: PLL.V) announces the following update from CML Holdings, Inc.
CML Holdings Shareholder Update November 9, 2012

Dear Shareholder,

We are pleased to provide you with the following shareholder update regarding CML Holdings, Inc. ("CML" or "the Company").

Capital Structure
On September 28, 2012, the Company made an unscheduled $40 million principal payment that paid off in full the Company's remaining outstanding balance under its term debt facility. The Company originally entered into the $45 million debt facility in February 2011 to finance the construction of the concentrate plant. The facility has now been cancelled by the Company and CML has no outstanding debt and cash on its balance sheet.

Repayment was made primarily through the liquidation of a portion of CML's iron ore forward contracts, which had gained significantly in value due to the decline in iron ore prices in the August/September time period. During the final weeks of August and the initial weeks of September, during which time the spot price of iron ore ranged from approximately $86 per ton to $100 per ton, CML opportunistically liquidated forward contracts covering 995,000 tons of iron ore, generating cash proceeds of approximately $38.8 million, or approximately $39 per ton. The remainder of the $40 million bank debt repayment was made with cash on hand. Currently the Company has forward contracts in place for approximately 490,000 tons of iron ore at strike prices ranging from $128 to $140 per ton that will settle in varying amounts between now and the middle of 2014.

CML completed construction of the concentrate plant in early 2012 and then started the process of bringing the plant on line in February. Shortly after introducing iron ore into the plant, CML began to experience performance issues relating to certain de-watering equipment (the "filter presses"). The filter presses experienced frequent mechanical breakdowns resulting in a product with too much moisture. In addition, other equipment issues were created within the concentrate plant due to the problems encountered with the filter presses. The net result of the filter press issues was lower production, greater water usage and material inefficiencies within the plant operations.

Given ongoing issues with the filter presses and with the decline in iron ore prices in August, CML decided to take the plant offline and suspend further shipments. This down time allowed CML to make important modifications to the plant in late August and September. As a result of CML's modifications to the existing filter presses, additional belt presses, and an additional water source, CML brought the concentrate plant back online in early October and is now producing a concentrate averaging approximately 64% Fe at nearly 100,000 tons per month. CML believes with steady state production it will be able to further improve the grade of its concentrate to an approximate 66% - 67% Fe level. Additionally, after an exhaustive search, CML believes it has now identified the optimal long term solution to the dewatering issues which will involve the replacement of some current equipment and the installation of some new equipment. These changes will take place as the requisite equipment becomes available and is integrated into the production process. The equipment changes will allow CML to steadily improve its production performance toward reaching the initial goal of a 2 million ton annual production rate. In conjunction with the plant modifications and the recent recovery in the price of iron ore, CML has resumed production and shipment of iron ore concentrate. The Company expects a ship to leave the west coast today.

Resource Development
CML has completed the drilling of nine twin holes to a maximum depth of approximately 1,200 feet in the Rex deposit for purposes of verifying the historic resource. The Company believes that the drilling results will be consistent with historical data. CML is also conducting a feasibility study on the Rex deposit, which is expected to be completed in the first half of 2013.

CML is now debt free and has resumed the production and shipment of iron ore concentrate. CML expects production levels of concentrate to continue to increase throughout the coming months to reach the original 2 million tons per annum run rate. CML is continuing to invest time and money in growing production beyond those levels.

CML Holdings, Inc.
This update includes "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the safe harbor provisions of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such statements may include, but are not limited to, statements relating the current and future expected production capacity of the concentrate plant, the iron ore content of the concentrate produced by the concentrate plant, the efficacy of modifications made to the concentrate plant in response to failures of the filter presses, future shipments of product, and other statements that are not historical facts. Such statements are subject to risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results, performance or developments to differ materially from those contained in the statements. No assurance can be given that any of the events anticipated by the forward-looking statements will occur or, if they do occur, what benefits CML will obtain from them. Such statements are based upon the current beliefs, estimates, expectations and assumptions of CML management and are subject to significant risks and uncertainties. Actual results may differ from those set forth in the forward-looking statements. A number of risks and uncertainties could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements, including: (1) continuing economic difficulties domestically and internationally, (2) the inherent uncertainties and speculative nature associated with mineral exploration and production, (3) a decreased demand for minerals, (4) any delay or cessation of exploration and development of CML's property interests, such as environmental liabilities, weather, mechanical failures, safety concerns and labor problems; (5) the inability of CML to execute its business plan, (6) the inability of CML to retain key employees, (7) the inability of CML to finance operations and growth, and (8) other factors beyond CML's control. These forward-looking statements are made as of the date of this update and, except as required by law, CML assumes no obligation to update these forward-looking statements, or to update the reasons why actual results differed from those projected in the forward-looking statements.

John Cutler, CEO of Palladon, commented: "We are very impressed that CML has repaid all of its debt. We are encouraged by their progress in dealing with start-up issues at the plant. We look forward to future updates confirming initial production goals and other initiatives."

About Palladon Ventures Ltd.
Palladon owns a significant minority interest in CML, which is focused on advancing the Iron Mountain project, an iron ore mine located west of Cedar City, Utah.

Information Contact
John W. Cutler -- Chief Executive Officer
Telephone: 801.521.5252
Facsimile: 604.681.4760
Email: info@palladonventures.com
Website: www.palladonventures.com

3 Jahreschart

[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=1251171#1251171 schrieb:
ixilon. schrieb am 19.05.2012, 01:51 Uhr[/url]"]Palladon Ventures-CML and Kings Canyon Update
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=1243872#1243872 schrieb:
ixilon. schrieb am 03.05.2012, 04:54 Uhr[/url]"]6 Monatschart
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2 Jahreschart
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[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=1209718#1209718 schrieb:
ixilon. schrieb am 09.02.2012, 18:26 Uhr[/url]"]Palladon Ventures-Amended Joint Venture
Im Plant Construction
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=1203033#1203033 schrieb:
ixilon. schrieb am 25.01.2012, 20:32 Uhr[/url]"]» zur Grafik» zur Grafik
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=1197616#1197616 schrieb:
ixilon. schrieb am 13.01.2012, 01:01 Uhr[/url]"]Palladon Ventures - CML Update
Palladon Ventures Ltd. ("Palladon" or the "Company") (TSX-V: PLL.V) announces the following update from Dale Gilbert, CEO of CML Holdings Inc.
Quelle: http://www.palladonventures.com/s/PressReleases.asp?ReportID=501429&_Type=Press-Releases&_Title=Palladon-Ventures-CML-Update
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3 Jahreschart
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Website CML Metals: http://www.cmlmetals.com/
The Iron Mountain Project: http://www.cmlmetals.com/im-general-info/
Picture Galleries > Iron Mountain: http://www.cmlmetals.com/pictures/iron-mountain/
Picture Galleries > IM Plant Construction: http://www.cmlmetals.com/pictures/im-plant-construction/
Picture Galleries > Railroad: http://www.cmlmetals.com/pictures/railroad/
Picture Galleries > Ports and Ships: http://www.cmlmetals.com/pictures/ports-and-ships/
TV - Trevali Mining

Dennis da Silva: “it is capable of doubling”

[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=1317595#1317595 schrieb:
ixilon. schrieb am 07.11.2012, 02:23 Uhr[/url]"]Trevali Enters Into a US$20-Million Working Capital Facility With Glencore International for Santander Mine
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=1317593#1317593 schrieb:
ixilon. schrieb am 07.11.2012, 02:15 Uhr[/url]"]Trevali Closes Acquisition of Maple Minerals to Acquire Modern 3,000 Tonne-Per-Day Caribou Mill Complex and Mine in New Brunswick
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=1306596#1306596 schrieb:
ixilon. schrieb am 04.10.2012, 14:53 Uhr[/url]"]Trevali Appoints Mr. David Huberman to Board of Directors
[url=http://peketec.de/trading/viewtopic.php?p=1298993#1298993 schrieb:
ixilon. schrieb am 13.09.2012, 03:35 Uhr[/url]"]2 Jahreschart
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JF Research

Goldindikatoren Teil 19 - Johannes Forthmann

Intellektueller Wirtschaftsjournalismus – eine neue Gattung geistiger Armut?

Das Fachwissen von einigen deutschen Wirtschaftsjournalisten, was das Thema Gold und Silber angeht, nimmt in den letzten Wochen peinliche Formen an. So konnte man kürzlich in renommierten Zeitungen herablassende Kommentare lesen, die eine gewisse Verachtung gepaart mit fachlicher Inkompetenz offensichtlich werden lassen. Wer als Wirtschaftsjournalist solch minderqualifizierte und undifferenzierte Artikel schreibt braucht sich nicht zu wundern, wenn er demnächst einmal selbst in die berufliche Kategorie von Hartz 4 fällt: What goes round, comes around.

Russlands Seltene Erden
Russland will im Markt für Seltene Erden Fuß fassen, der heute von China dominiert wird. Bis Februar 2013 soll dazu ein Förderungs- und Produktionsprogramm für Metalle der Seltenen Erden vorliegen. [...]
„Selbst wenn Russland, Amerika, Europa und Afrika gleichzeitig entsprechende Maßnahmen ergreifen, wird die Nachfrage in nächster Zukunft nicht gedeckt werden können.
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