• Am Sonntag, den 09.03.2025 erfolgt in den USA und Kanada die Umstellung auf Sommerzeit. Deswegen beginnt der Haupthandel ab Montag in den USA und Kanada bereits um 14:30 MEZ und endet um 21:00 MEZ. Bei uns findet die Zeitumstellung am 30.03.2025 statt. Dann haben wir wieder die "normalen" Handelszeiten.

Rohstoffthread (Archiv)

Für weitere Antworten geschlossen.
Glaube bei -LR8- LARGO RESOURCES......

ist es bald soweit und sie bricht nach oben aus! Wieder gute Umsätze heute und die Taxen ziehen schön an in Übersee. Zudem dürfte die Newspipeline stark gefüllt sein. :whistle:

Bin weiter LONG! ;)
Meiner Einschätzung nach sind da mindestens 100 % drin bis April/Mai 2008!

Und darüberhinaus natürlich noch deutlich mehr Phantasie. Mein Anlagehorizont liegt aber zunächst bei weiteren +- 6 Monaten. Einfach klasse aufgestellt der Explorer und für mich einer der weinigen Selbstläufer in dem Sektor! ;)

Glaube bei -LR8- LARGO RESOURCES......

ist es bald soweit und sie bricht nach oben aus! Wieder gute Umsätze heute und die Taxen ziehen schön an in Übersee. Zudem dürfte die Newspipeline stark gefüllt sein. :whistle:

Bin weiter LONG! ;)

Sobald ich Geld "frei bekommen" wandert da wohl auch ein wenig rein ... :up:

Hab mir in Frankfurt ein paar Sterling Mining reingelegt. Werden nächstes Jahr Silber Produzent.
Im Umfeld von Coeur d´Alene!


1) 43-101 Machbarkeitsstudie über die Sunshine Mine, Big Creek, die am 24-09-2007 veröffentlicht wurde: http://www.sterlingmining.com/i/pdf/43-101_20070618.pdf
2) Produktionsbeginn 1. Quartal 2008
3) Wert absolut unbekannt! Man sieht es an dem leicht planlosen Kursverlauf (Marktkap zur Zeit nur: 124Mio USD)
4) Die wollen voraussichtlich 3.000.000 Unzen im Jahr produzieren! Spätestens wenn die Quartalsberichte kommen wird der Wert meiner Meinung nach das 5-Fache notieren
5) 35.000.000 Unzen in der Sunshine Mine, die rausgeholt werden wollen!!

Unter Instruments kann man sich den Silberkurs im Live Streaming reinladen!!
Danke Dukezero! - Scorpio läuft auch langsam an! naja bei dem Silberpreis haben die ne Menge Aufholpotential!
Um hier auch nochmal einen eher unbekannten - aber meiner Meinung nach top - Silberwert vorzustellen.

Silver Eagle Mines (SEG).

So wie Orko Silver auch in Mexiko tätig (dort wo eigentlich fast alle beheimatet sind, im Miguel Auza Property; Goldcorp, Great Panther, First Majestic, Mag Silver, Pan American Silver, Gammon Lake, Minefinders, Palmajero, Alamos Gold, ECU Silver, Agnico-Eagle und und und). Hat unlängst erst die Ressourcen um 500%! auf rd. 30 Mio. Oz erhöht. Es laufen 24/7 3 Rigs und man hat noch gut 20 Mio. Cash. Zusätzlich läuft auch schon ein Probebetrieb bzw. die Bulk-Samples werden verkauft, was ebenso erfolgreich verläuft.


Das ganze gibts für eine MK von rd. 35 Mio. Euro (also Schnäppchen!).

:up: :up: :up:
mal ein Auszug aus der letzten Candente Praesentation (Ende Oktober)

sehr interessant fuer den mittel- langfristig orientierten Anleger, da sieht man, dass Werte die bereits gut geaufen sind haeufig erst am Anfang einer noch besseren Entwicklung stehen.

solche Werte sind momentan im Cu Sektor Norsemont, Candente, Zaruma, ev. auch Nevada Copper wobei ich die wegen der Pusherei persoenlich nicht mag

Nov 07, 2007 05:00 ET
Candente Appoints Vice President, Finance and Corporate Development
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Nov. 7, 2007) - Candente Resource Corp. (TSX:DNT)(BVL:DNT)(WKN:GW4) ("Candente") is pleased to announce that W. John DeCooman, Jr. is joining Candente's team of professionals as Vice President, Finance and Corporate Development. John will be responsible for arranging financing for the Canariaco copper project, enhancing investor relations and evaluating growth opportunities, amongst other duties.

John has 10 years of mining finance and advisory-related experience while at Deutsche Banc Alex Brown and Standard Bank Plc. Prior to his recent banking experience, he worked in business development and exploration at Echo Bay Mines from 1995 to 1997. John has a Bachelor of Science, Mineral Economics from the Pennsylvania State University and a Master of Science, Mineral Economics from the Colorado School of Mines.

Candente is a diversified exploration company with copper, gold, silver, and zinc projects in Peru and Mexico. Candente subscribes to principles, which ensure that its exploration and development activities are beneficial to the local communities.

Candente's Canariaco copper project in the Department of Lambayeque, Peru continues to set itself apart from many other current copper development projects due to the increasing resource, higher grade starter pit, large percentage of chalcocite, low stripping ratio and good infrastructure in the form of existing, accessible grid power, roads and water.

This news release may contain forward-looking statements including but not limited to comments regarding the timing and content of upcoming work programs, geological interpretations, receipt of property titles, potential mineral recovery processes, etc. Forward-looking statements address future events and conditions and therefore involve inherent risks and uncertainties. Actual results may differ materially from those currently anticipated in such statements. Candente relies upon litigation protection for forward-looking statements
mal ein Auszug aus der letzten Candente Praesentation (Ende Oktober)

sehr interessant fuer den mittel- langfristig orientierten Anleger, da sieht man, dass Werte die bereits gut geaufen sind haeufig erst am Anfang einer noch besseren Entwicklung stehen.

solche Werte sind momentan im Cu Sektor Norsemont, Candente, Zaruma, ev. auch Nevada Copper wobei ich die wegen der Pusherei persoenlich nicht mag

» zur Grafik

Das ist super, da hier der typische Kursverlauf von Explorer zu Produzent gut abgebildet wird.
mal ein Auszug aus der letzten Candente Praesentation (Ende Oktober)

sehr interessant fuer den mittel- langfristig orientierten Anleger, da sieht man, dass Werte die bereits gut geaufen sind haeufig erst am Anfang einer noch besseren Entwicklung stehen.

solche Werte sind momentan im Cu Sektor Norsemont, Candente, Zaruma, ev. auch Nevada Copper wobei ich die wegen der Pusherei persoenlich nicht mag

» zur Grafik

Das ist super, da hier der typische Kursverlauf von Explorer zu Produzent gut abgebildet wird.

so ist es, der Clou ist natuerlich die Explorer zu finden, die eine hohe Aussicht auf Produzentenstatus haben, das sind weniger als 10% der Werte die kursieren

SEG hatten wir bei der News (Resourcebupgrade) als Trade gecovered, ich war aber bei dr kurzfristig schlechten Performance wieder ausgestiegen, mittel- langfristig hat der Wert aber die Chance unter die o.g. 10% zu fallen :)
First Majestic

- La Parrilla Silver Mine - 1.8 million ounces of Silver per year

- San Martin Silver Mine - with an annualized production of approximately 1.8 million ounces of silver.

- La Encantada Silver Mine - being be ramped up to produce 1,400,000 ounces of silver in 2007

Fördermenge: 5Mio Unzen im Jahr

Silberbestand komplett inkl. Bestätigte und unbestätigte Ressourcen: 128 285 971 unzen, alle Minen nach 43-101

Durchschnittlicher Silbergehalt aller Proben, bestätigter und unbestätigter Ressourcen: 278,33g/t

Marktkap: 282,48 CAD


Sterling Silver

- Sunshine Mine – production estimated 3 Mio ounces per year

Geplante Fördermenge: 3Mio Unzen im Jahr

Silberbestand komplett inkl. bestätigte und unbestätigte Ressourcen: 286 169 365 unzen, Sunshine Mine nach 43-101

Durchschnittlicher Silbergehalt aller Proben, bestätigter und unbestätigter Ressourcen: 1382,25g/t

Marktkap: 150,51CAD

Daten von User:mrbk1234
First Majestic

- La Parrilla Silver Mine - 1.8 million ounces of Silver per year

- San Martin Silver Mine - with an annualized production of approximately 1.8 million ounces of silver.

- La Encantada Silver Mine - being be ramped up to produce 1,400,000 ounces of silver in 2007

Fördermenge: 5Mio Unzen im Jahr

Silberbestand komplett inkl. Bestätigte und unbestätigte Ressourcen: 128 285 971 unzen, alle Minen nach 43-101

Durchschnittlicher Silbergehalt aller Proben, bestätigter und unbestätigter Ressourcen: 278,33g/t

Marktkap: 282,48 CAD


Sterling Silver

- Sunshine Mine – production estimated 3 Mio ounces per year

Geplante Fördermenge: 3Mio Unzen im Jahr

Silberbestand komplett inkl. bestätigte und unbestätigte Ressourcen: 286 169 365 unzen, Sunshine Mine nach 43-101

Durchschnittlicher Silbergehalt aller Proben, bestätigter und unbestätigter Ressourcen: 1382,25g/t

Marktkap: 150,51CAD

Daten von User:mrbk1234

Tja, hat wohl einen (wie man oben schön sieht) Grund, warum First M.S. nicht so steigt wie RSR schon lange schreibt.

Sterling sieht gut aus; v.a. die hohen Ressourcen und der durchschnittliche Silbergehalt sind ja der Hammer für die MK!!! Wow ...
Wir sollten mal ein paar Explorer zusammenstellen, die im nächsten Jahr in Produktion gehen!
Tja, hat wohl einen (wie man oben schön sieht) Grund, warum First M.S. nicht so steigt wie RSR schon lange schreibt.

Sterling sieht gut aus; v.a. die hohen Ressourcen und der durchschnittliche Silbergehalt sind ja der Hammer für die MK!!! Wow ...

Ich hab mir mal den gesamten Kursverlauf von Sterling angesehen. Was mich daran stört ist, dass die 2004 schon mal auf 13,7 USD standen und das in einem Rutsch von 0,13 (also 10.000%). Danach gings aber irgendwie nur runter bzw. seitwärts.

Irgendwas stimmt doch hier nicht ... ? :scratch:

Rochester Resources Ltd.: Drift Development Results at Tajos Cuates Confirm Extension of High Grade Gold/Silver Vein System

2007-11-07 07:00 ET - News Release


Rochester Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE: RCT)(OTCBB: RCTFF)(FRANKFURT: R5I):

Dr. Alfredo Parra, President, is pleased to advise that the Company has completed a 95 metre drift at level 976 which interesected the extension of the Tajos Cuates vein system to the northwest of the existing drift development workings. This appears to be part of the same vein system that from surface sampling and old workings is believed to extend for a further 1.5 kilometers to the northwest. A vertical raise of 8 meters was completed at the intersection of the Tajos Cuates vein which confirmed the existence of two additional parallel high grade gold/silver veins. These veins pinch and swell and are between two and eight metres apart from one another. Both parallel veins are open vertically and open along strike.

Samples were collected from the two newly discovered veins at six intervals along the raise. Many of the intervals sampled produced very high grades. Examples include:

- Sample 12353 assayed at 14.8 grams/ton of gold and 1.14 kilograms of silver;

- Sample 12354 assayed at 30.6 grams of gold and 758 grams/ton of silver;

- Sample 12363 assayed at 8.3 grams of gold and 833 grams/ton of silver.

The total average from this eight metre raise was 3.25 grams/ton of gold and 396 grams/ton of silver. (See Table 1 and Figure 1 at http://www.ccnmatthews.com/docs/rochesterchalata.pdf)

Surface work has also identified two new mineralized vein systems in the Tajos Cuates area, called Tomas and El Crudo. Preliminary surface channel sampling has returned widths of 2.10 metres grading 3.7 g/t gold and 137 g/t silver from Tomas, and 0.70 metres grading 4.9 g/t gold and 106 g/t silver from El Crudo.

"These results support our decision to embark on an aggressive exploration and development program at Tajos Cuates which we are hopeful will establish a more broadly based mining complex, with the capacity to increase gold and silver production well above existing levels." commented Dr. Alfredo Parra, President.

As is typical with epithermal vein systems, grades and width vary throughout the Tajos Cuates structure. The Tajos Cuates vein system is located 1 kilometre southwest of the Florida Mine site and is a primary target in the near term to outline additional potential ore sources for the existing milling operation. The vein system is a robust low sulphidation epithermal vein which has been traced on surface over 1.8 kilometres. Known workings and one historical drill intercept has defined a vertical horizon of minimally 200 metres. The mineralization is silver-rich compared to the Florida triple vein system - a 1.70 metre wide sample collected by Victor Jaramillo P.Geo. from the Chalata Adit assayed 2.7 g/t gold and 1300 g/t silver. Three drill holes completed in 2006 provided confirmation that the mineralized vein structure continues to depth and established a base of the mineralized horizon near the 900 metre level. Drill hole No. 800-7-04 intersected 2.42 metres (estimated true width 1.5 metres) of mineralization which assayed 4.9 grams/tonne of gold and 310 grams/tonne of silver at the 915 metre elevation.

Recent work has extended road access to Tajos Cuates, and initial underground rehabilitation work is underway to allow exploration and bulk sampling of the vein system in detail. The multiple vein systems at Tajos Cuates are the primary target for expansion of our mining operations.

All assays quoted were carried out by the Durango, Mexico, branch of SGS Laboratories, a certified and independent laboratory. The exploration program is under the direction of Hector Chavez, a Mexican professional geologist who has extensive experience in Mexican epithermal deposits, and supervised by Dr. Alfredo Parra, who is a QP as defined in NI 43-101.


Dr. Alfredo Parra, President and CEO

Forward Looking Statements

This Company Press Release contains certain "forward-looking" statements and information relating to the Company that are based on the beliefs of the Company's management as well as assumptions made by and information currently available to the Company's management. Such statements reflect the current risks, uncertainties and assumptions related to certain factors including, without limitations, competitive factors, general economic conditions, customer relations, relationships with vendors and strategic partners, the interest rate environment, governmental regulation and supervision, seasonality, technological change, changes in industry practices, and one-time events. In addition, the Company has not conducted an independent feasibility study on the Mina Real project which may increase the risk that the planned operations are not economically viable. Should any one or more of these risks or uncertainties materialize, or should any underlying assumptions prove incorrect, actual results may vary materially from those described herein.

The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or the accuracy of this release.

Empire Communications Inc.
Investor Information
Email: info@rochesterresourcesltd.com
Website: www.rochesterresourcesltd.com
bei Rochester waer ich jetzt vorsichtig

Cooper habe ich gestern einen Teil gegeben und dafuer weitere Dajin und Latin American gelonged
bei Rochester waer ich jetzt vorsichtig

Cooper habe ich gestern einen Teil gegeben und dafuer weitere Dajin und Latin American gelonged

Rochester wurde hier bei 1,61€ empfohlen, bin seit 1,51€ dabei. Jetzt einzusteigen ist natürlich
unsinnig ausser für BB Jünger die immer einen Kaufbefehl brauchen. Latin American habe ich auch gekauft.
Wer zu faul ist zu recherchieren bezahlt eben fett mehr.
November 7, 2007
Aquila Resources Inc.: Step Out Drilling Continues to Expand Pinwheel Massive Sulfide
Intercepts Include 21.7 Meters of 6.5% Zinc and 6.8 Meters of 11.6% Zinc

TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Nov. 7, 2007) - AQUILA RESOURCES INC. (TSX:AQA)(FRANKFURT:JM4A) ("Aquila" or the "Company") today announced results from nine additional step out holes on the Pinwheel massive sulfide zone at its Back Forty project in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. The drill holes were part of two fans of holes located 75 and 100 meters southwest of Pinwheel step out holes reported previously (Sept. 6, 2007). Further results are pending from 14 step out holes on the Pinwheel Zone drilled along strike for another 200 meters to the southwest.

Highlights of the nine drill holes reported herein include:

- Expansion of the zinc rich Pinwheel Zone massive sulfides for approximately 175 meters down dip in addition to the strike extension reported above.

- Significant gold values in Pinwheel Zone drilling including 32.3 meters of 2.6 grams per tonne (g/t) gold, and 21.5 meters of 3.6 g/t gold in massive sulfides and underlying stringer zones.

- Multiple mineralized intercepts in LK-202PE which encountered three zones of mineralization including the Pinwheel; deep intercepts of probable Main Zone South Limb (including 6.4 meters of 16.2% zinc) , and Deep Zone mineralization with 18.5 meters of 3.2 g/t gold and 0.49% copper.

- A new massive sulfide horizon intersected in two holes (with widths of 15.9 and 26.3 meters) located below the Pinwheel Zone.

- Multi-ounce silver values in several of the mineralized horizons.

Drill results are summarized below:

in Meters Est.
---------- True g/t g/t % % %
Hole # From To Width Au Ag Cu Pb Zn Description
LK-185PE 63.4 85.3 19.5 1.36 18.43 0.38 0.33 3.14 Pinwheel
includes 63.9 72.0 7.2 1.05 17.79 0.36 0.37 7.88 Pinwheel
LK-187PE 49.7 82.0 28.1 2.59 17.58 0.48 0.15 0.63 Pinwheel
Massive and
Semi Massive
includes 70.5 80.5 8.7 5.28 27.76 0.31 0.30 0.21 Pinwheel
Massive and
Semi Massive
LK-188PE 53.0 62.0 9.0 3.49 15.70 1.27 15.75 5.70 Pinwheel
includes 57.7 62.0 4.3 1.07 16.53 0.82 0.15 11.70 Pinwheel
76.5 98.0 21.5(i) 3.62 9.97 0.31 0.04 0.14 Sulfides
LK-189PE 68.0 77.1 3.0 2.84 75.51 0.35 1.25 0.25 Tuffaceous
77.1 121.5 14.7 0.76 13.34 0.55 0.09 6.29 Pinwheel
includes 77.1 91.1 4.6 0.54 17.33 0.48 0.21 17.67 Pinwheel
LK-191PE No significant values Rhyolite
Crystal Tuff

in Meters Est.
---------- True g/t g/t % % %
Hole # From To Width Au Ag Cu Pb Zn Description
LK-198PE 28.2 49.9 21.7 1.94 18.52 0.35 0.89 6.48 Pinwheel
includes 28.2 35.5 7.3 0.80 30.57 0.30 2.33 14.17 Pinwheel
61.0 68.5 7.5(i) 5.01 12.37 0.25 0.17 0.19 Semi Massive
98.5 114.4 15.9(i) 0.97 7.56 0.23 0.12 0.38 Massive
Sulfides -
Unknown Zone
LK-199PE 33.3 52.1 17.8 0.58 4.66 0.11 0.53 4.48 Pinwheel
includes 33.3 40.5 6.8 0.56 11.37 0.18 1.16 11.58 Pinwheel
79.4 80.0 0.6(i) 6.32 461.42 0.11 2.02 0.21 Sheared
Crystal Tuff
136.0 162.3 26.3(i) 1.59 9.07 0.31 0.14 0.75 Massive
Sulfides -
Unknown Zone
LK-200PE 63.0 66.0 3.0(i) 2.72 46.59 0.07 0.38 0.04 Altered
Crystal Tuff
69.0 72.0 3.0(i) 6.71 16.71 0.01 0.03 0.01 Altered
Crystal Tuff
82.5 88.5 6.0(i) 3.10 72.28 0.08 0.64 0.11 Altered
Crystal Tuff
LK-202PE 22.1 40.4 15.6 0.33 55.22 0.45 1.97 4.60 Pinwheel
includes 22.1 29.5 6.4 0.19 67.63 0.50 4.55 9.88 Pinwheel
49.1 52.0 2.9(i) 4.29 88.22 0.06 0.13 0.02 Stringer
249.3 262.3 13.0(i) 1.97 29.67 0.23 0.16 8.71 South Limb
sulfides and
includes 255.0 261.5 6.4(i) 1.66 12.41 0.15 0.11 16.20 South Limb
sulfides and
383.5 402.0 18.5(i) 3.16 29.06 0.49 0.23 0.29 Deep Zone
sulfides and
(i) Drilled thickness, true thickness unknown
Within each fan of holes reported above, distances between intercepts ranged from 16 to 46 meters and have resulted in an expansion of Pinwheel massive sulfides for approximately 175 meters down dip and 100 meters along strike. Additionally, another 14 step out holes (assays pending) have been completed to the southwest for a total of a 300 meter strike extension.

A plan view map showing the location of announced and pending drill holes is posted on the Aquila website at http://www.aquilaresources.com/map.

Expansion of Main Zone South Limb

Deeper mineralization intersected in LK-202PE (13.0 meters of 8.71% zinc, 1.97 g/t gold and 29.67 g/t silver) represents a potentially significant expansion of the Main Zone South Limb. LK-206PE (assays pending) also encountered this horizon approximately 60 meters from the intercept in LK-202PE. A drill is now focusing on this developing zone to establish its relationship to the South Limb.

Other Drilling at Back Forty Ongoing

In the eastern portion of the Back Forty resource, drilling targeting PM Gold mineralization has encountered unexpected massive sulfides south of the porphyry intrusion hosting the PM Gold Zone. This intercept is a likely extension of the East Zone massive sulfide on the south side of the porphyry - an area with no previous drilling. Follow up drilling in this area has also identified siliceous sediments with mineralization visually similar to the 90 Gold Zone located approximately 300 meters to the southwest.

Ongoing drilling will target continuing Pinwheel expansion, expansion and definition of the deep South Limb intercepts, step out drilling around the new massive sulfide south of the East Zone and step out drilling at the 90 Gold Zone. Three drills continue to operate at the project.

Termination of TSX Venture Exchange Escrow Agreement

Aquila also announced today that as a result of its listing on the TSX and subject to the approval of the TSX Venture Exchange, the escrow agreement pertaining to escrowed shares held under the TSX Venture Exchange Value Escrow will terminate. A total of 8,285,211 common shares will be released from the escrow agreement.

For more information about Aquila Resources Inc. please visit the Aquila website at www.aquilaresources.com.

Certain information regarding the Company contained herein may constitute forward-looking statements under applicable securities laws. Such statements are subject to known or unknown risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results to differ materially from those anticipated or implied in the forward-looking statements. The securities being offered have not and will not be registered in the United States under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "1933 Act") or any state securities laws, and may not be offered or sold within the United States or to or for the account of benefit of U.S. persons absent U.S. registration or an applicable exemption from U.S. registration requirements. This news release does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to purchase securities in the United States.

Shares Outstanding: 70,109,478
was sagt ihr dazu?

Exploration mit Hindernissen:
Corriente Resources kann Mirador-Mine frühestens 2010 in Betrieb nehmen
Wechselbad der Gefühle: Aktien von Corriente zeigen sich volatilWechselbad der Gefühle: Aktien von Corriente zeigen sich volatil
Wechselbad der Gefühle: Aktien von Corriente zeigen sich volatil

Der kanadische Rohstoff-Explorer Corriente Resources will die Arbeit am Kupfer- und Gold-Projekt Mirador in Ecuador fortsetzen. Die Exploration war 2006 nach Protesten durch Einheimische unterbrochen worden und ist bis auf Weiteres ausgesetzt. Wie das kanadische Investmenthaus Canaccord berichtet, haben Gespräche zwischen der sozialistischen Regierung und Corriente nun zu einer Teillösung geführt. Zunächst soll die Arbeit an einem Umweltgutachten fortgesetzt werden. Corriente hatte bereits 2006 die Zustimmung für ein Umweltgutachten erhalten, Änderungen an der geplanten Mine machen allerdings eine neue Fassung des Gutachtens nötig.

Das Corriente-Management rechnet in diesem Fall mit keinerlei Problemen. Die Analysten von Canaccord sehen durch die Aussetzung der Arbeiten am Mirador-Projekt allerdings einem frühstmöglichen Produktionsstart im ersten Quartal 2010. Neben der Zustimmung der Regierung zur Wiederaufnahme der Arbeiten am Projekt muss Corriente Details zur Besteuerung und zur Finanzierung in einem Vertrag (”stability agreement”) mit der ecuadorianischen Regierung vereinbaren. Schließlich gilt es, mit diesen Erkenntnissen Investoren für den Bau der Mine zu finden.

Neben den Gesprächen über Mirador war auch ein kupferhaltiger Bereich aus Lavagestein, der sich nördlich des bestehenden Projekts befindet, Thema zwischen Corriente und der Regierung. Die Behörden ließen verlauten, dass jedes Projekt, das in enger Zusammenarbeit mit dem Staat und den Anwohnern geplant wird und Rücksicht auf die Umwelt nimmt, grundsätzlich in Produktion gehen könne. Erfüllt Corriente diese Anforderungen, sollten die Arbeiten am Mirador-Projekt wieder aufgenommen werden - noch hat Corriente trotz des hohen Cashbestandes von 100 Millionen kanadischen Dollar (CAD) bis zur Produktion jedoch einige Hürden zu nehmen.
Aquila - m.M. eine sehr sehr gute News!!!
irgendwas iss bei Scorpio am köcheln - heute sehr viel Umsatz, größere Pakete :gruebel:
jemand ne Ahnung?
Nov 07, 2007 09:02 ET
Exeter Resource Corporation: Caspiche Gold Property Metallurgical Testwork Indicates Potential for Heap Leaching of Oxide Mineralization
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Nov. 7, 2007) - Exeter Resource Corporation (TSX VENTURE:XRC)(AMEX:XRA)(FRANKFURT:EXB) ("Exeter" or the "Company") reports that preliminary metallurgical testwork has confirmed that the supergene, oxide, and transition porphyry mineralization intersected earlier this year at its Caspiche gold property in Chile appears to be amenable to heap leaching. The testwork was conducted on composite samples taken from CSDH_013 which averaged 0.9 g/t gold (0.026 oz/ton) over a length of 304 metres (1,000 feet).

Exeter contracted SGS Minerals Services ("SGS") in Santiago, Chile, to conduct the testwork on 15 composite samples of mineralization, each representing, on average, 20 metres of down-hole length. The testing involved 72 hour bottle roll leach tests conducted on uncrushed material, with samples taken at regular intervals to review the speed of dissolution.

Mineralization encountered in the first 200 metres down-hole, which was essentially oxidized throughout, provided rapid gold dissolution rates and recoveries more normally seen in grinding testwork. With production-level heap leaching, especially over short-term periods (up to 3 months from the start of leaching), significantly lower dissolution rates would be expected. Primary ore (sulphide bearing), located below a depth of 200 metres, leached more slowly and less completely, most probably due to the elevated copper content.

Detailed Test Results

Heap leaching tests are typically carried out in columns on crushed samples of diamond drill core, or on large bulk samples excavated from surface or mine openings. CSDH_13 was a reverse circulation percussion drill hole; consequently samples were comprised of chips and powder much smaller than crushed core. The simple bottle-roll leach tests that were commissioned at SGS can indicate when ores are not amenable to heap leaching but can not be used to predict heap recoveries, which will inevitably be much lower. The tests were carried out on 15 uncrushed down-hole composites and leached at 33% solids for 72 hours in 1%NaCN solution at pH 11.0.

The testwork results are summarized in the following table:

------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sample Head Grade Analysis ----------------------------------Sample Geological Assay Calculated Gold Recovery %Number Ore Type g/t gold g/t gold g/t gold 72 hours-------------------------------------------------------------------------1 supergene 0.62 0.53 0.63 79.9-------------------------------------------------------------------------2 oxide 1.17 1.18 1.20 92.6-------------------------------------------------------------------------3 oxide 0.93 1.02 1.14 86.0-------------------------------------------------------------------------4 oxide 0.85 0.83 0.94 84.5-------------------------------------------------------------------------5 oxide 0.88 0.92 1.00 90.3-------------------------------------------------------------------------6 oxide 1.52 1.38 1.74 92.8-------------------------------------------------------------------------7 oxide 0.82 0.83 0.91 93.6-------------------------------------------------------------------------8 transition 0.60 0.71 0.75 81.8-------------------------------------------------------------------------9 sulphide 0.78 0.74 0.69 88.3-------------------------------------------------------------------------10 sulphide 0.82 0.83 0.94 49.0-------------------------------------------------------------------------11 sulphide 1.03 1.00 1.08 60.4-------------------------------------------------------------------------12 sulphide 0.77 0.80 0.73 64.3-------------------------------------------------------------------------13 sulphide 0.90 0.89 0.92 65.2-------------------------------------------------------------------------14 sulphide 0.87 0.95 0.96 64.7-------------------------------------------------------------------------15 sulphide 0.89 0.93 0.92 70.9-------------------------------------------------------------------------

Resumption of Drilling at Caspiche

The Company is attempting to secure at least two drill rigs to test the gold porphyry mineralization at Caspiche with a view to completing some 10,000 metres over the next five months. The Company previously reserved drilling rigs with a major drilling company in Chile, however those rigs are no longer available and although rig availability is extremely tight, the Company expects to commence drilling after the Christmas break.

Quality Control and Assurance

Jerry Perkins, a "Qualified Person" within the definition of that term in National Instrument 43-101, Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects, has supervised the preparation of the technical information contained in this report.

About Exeter

Exeter Resource Corporation is a Canadian mineral exploration company focused on the discovery and development of gold and silver properties in South America.

At Cerro Moro (100% Exeter), one of 12 epithermal gold and silver properties that constitute a strategic agreement with Cerro Vanguardia S.A., drilling will continue through 2007-2008. Our focus at Cerro Moro is to establish a high grade gold-silver resource amenable to open pit mining.

In Chile, the Company is preparing for a major drilling program on the Caspiche gold porphyry project, located between the Refugio mine (Kinross Mining) and the giant Cerro Casale gold project (Barrick Gold and Kinross Mining). Exeter has an option to acquire 100% of Caspiche from Minera Anglo American Chile Limitada and Empressa Minera Mantos Blancos S.A. ("Anglo") by spending US$2.55 million on the project over five years, including 15,500 metres of drilling. Anglo will retain a 3% net smelter return in the project.

In southern Chile, Exeter is prospecting 48 gold, silver and base metal targets under a strategic agreement with Rio Tinto Mining and Exploration Limited.

As a result of recent political developments in Mendoza Province, Argentina, the further development of the advanced Don Sixto Gold Project has been put on hold. The Company recently filed suit in the Mendoza Courts challenging the constitutionality of the new legislation which has the effect of banning conventional mining in the province. The Company will, however, continue to work with authorities in Mendoza, and with representatives of other mining companies, to effect legislative amendment.

You are invited to visit the Exeter web site at www.exeterresource.com.


Bryce Roxburgh, President and CEO

Safe Harbour Statement - This news release contains "forward-looking statements", within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, including the Company's belief as to future metallurgical recoveries and the timing of the commencement and completion of its drilling programs. These statements reflect the Company's current belief and are based upon currently available information. Actual results could differ materially from those described in this news release as a result of numerous factors, some of which are outside of the control of the Company.

The TSX Venture Exchange does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this News Release.
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