• Am Sonntag, den 09.03.2025 erfolgt in den USA und Kanada die Umstellung auf Sommerzeit. Deswegen beginnt der Haupthandel ab Montag in den USA und Kanada bereits um 14:30 MEZ und endet um 21:00 MEZ. Bei uns findet die Zeitumstellung am 30.03.2025 statt. Dann haben wir wieder die "normalen" Handelszeiten.

Rohstoffthread (Archiv)

Für weitere Antworten geschlossen.
Sterling Mining SMX ebenfalls stark. 2,94€ :)
Nov 07, 2007 09:50 ET
Silverstone Announces Underwritten $50 Million Financing
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Nov. 7, 2007) -


Silverstone Resources Corp. ("Silverstone")(TSX VENTURE:SST) is pleased to announce it has entered into an agreement for a private placement with a syndicate of underwriters led by Scotia Capital Inc. and including PI Financial Corp. pursuant to which the underwriters have agreed to purchase 17,250,000 common shares of Silverstone at a price of $2.90 per share for aggregate gross proceeds of approximately $50.0 million. Capstone Mining Corp. has indicated that it will purchase 3,577,670 common shares of Silverstone in the offering. The underwriters also have been granted an option to purchase an additional 3,450,000 common shares of Silverstone at the issue price for additional gross proceeds to the company of $10,005,000. The offering is being completed on a private placement basis subject to certain conditions including, but not limited to, the execution of a definitive underwriting agreement and the receipt of all necessary approvals including the approval of the TSX Venture Exchange. The offering is expected to close on or about November 27, 2007.

Net proceeds from the offering will be used to repay debt and for general corporate purposes including potential acquisitions of silver production.

The securities being offered have not, nor will they be registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and may not be offered or sold within the United States or to, or for the account or benefit of, U.S. persons absent U.S. registration or an applicable exemption from the U.S. registration requirements. This release does not constitute an offer or sale of securities in the United States.


Silverstone is a Canadian based public silver mining company with 100% of its revenue from silver production. More information is available online at: www.silverstonecorp.com.
Nov 07, 2007 11:54 ET
East Asia Minerals Drills 0.18% Uranium Over 9.3 Metres in First 2007 Follow-Up Hole at Enger, Mongolia
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Nov. 7, 2007) - East Asia Minerals Corporation (TSX VENTURE:EAS) reports it has intersected high grade uranium mineralization in its initial follow-up drilling to promising assays encountered during the Company's 2006 drilling of its Enger project, located 150 kilometres southeast of Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.

This second pass drill program was designed to continue fences drilled in 2006 and to explore for extensions to the uranium mineralization. Previous East Asia drilling had confirmed the existence of uranium mineralization recorded from historical Soviet work. Results from the initial EAS drill holes significantly improved on grades and widths of the mineralization reported by the Soviets, and demonstrated that the mineralization remains open to the east, west and at depth.

Hole EN-2007-11, the initial hole of the 2007 campaign, was collared 36 metres south along section and up-dip of EN-2006-12. The hole was completed at 211.17 metres depth and encountered 0.180% Uranium over 9.3 metres, including 0.574% Uranium over 2.0 metres, 0.143% Uranium over 1.4 metres, and 0.282% Uranium over 0.8 metres. Uranium mineralization occurs in Lower Cretaceous lignite bearing sediments and as sub-horizontal horizons in rhyolite associated with fracture zones. The section remains open up-dip to the south where it was tested by hole EN-2007-13.

----------------------------------------------------------------------Drill Hole From (m) To (m) Interval (m) Uranium (%)----------------------------------------------------------------------EN-2007-11 90.4 92.9 2.5 0.038----------------------------------------------------------------------And 104.5 113.8 9.3 0.180----------------------------------------------------------------------Incl. 105.2 107.2 2.0 0.574----------------------------------------------------------------------Incl. 107.8 109.2 1.4 0.143----------------------------------------------------------------------Incl. 111.8 112.6 0.8 0.282----------------------------------------------------------------------

Hole EN-2007-13 was drilled to 151.7 metres. Down hole radiometrics and geological logging demonstrate the upper uranium target was encountered between 33.37 to 60.72 metres depth as sub-horizontal mineralized units within rhyolite, associated with a fracture zone. Assays are pending.

Hole EN-2007-14 was collared in the southeast area of the mineralized zone to test the remaining up-dip extension to multiple and strong uranium intersections encountered along section EN-2006-01, 02 and 03. These include 2.5 metres of 0.232 U3O8 in hole ENDD002 (June 26, 2006 news release) and 2.5 metres of 0.410 U3O8 in hole ENDD003 (July 6, 2006 news release). Although assays are pending, visual indications and radiometrics indicate that the mineralization may have been faulted off between EN-2007-14 and nearest hole EN-2006-03. The mineralization continues down dip and remains open to the north of this four-hole section.

The last hole of the follow-up program, EN-2007-15, was collared in the southwest area of the mineralized zone to test the south and up-dip extension to EN-2006-08. Results are pending.

The above reported uranium mineralization remains open, and following receipt of all assays and detailed compilation further drilling will be proposed. Additionally, there remain two untested radiometric anomalies, in particular a south-southeast structural response extending from the current drilling area, and a localized strong radiometric response in the northeast quadrant of the property.

Michael Hawkins, President and CEO of East Asia Minerals Corporation, commented that, "Although Enger is similar to the structural environment of Western Prospector's Gurvanbulag deposit (22,679,160 lbs at 0.25% U3O8), preliminary modeling demonstrates that Enger's rhyolite and sedimentary setting compares well to the Streltsovka caldera hosted uranium environment in eastern Russia's Transbaikkalia region, near the Chinese-Mongolia border." Streltsovka hosts the world's largest uranium deposits associated with a volcanic setting and is one of Russia's largest resources of uranium metal. Over 600 million pounds of U3O8 have been produced and current resources in 20 deposits averages 0.2%. Like Enger, the uranium occurs primarily in altered rhyolite as veins, and also (like Enger) stratigraphically in sediments.

Elsewhere in the East Asia Minerals' uranium portfolio, results have been received for the last two holes of the Ulaan Nuur property where the Company reported multiple mineralized sections up to 0.205% Uranium in drill hole UN002 (October 23, 2007 news release). The Company is very pleased that the initial programs at the Ingiin Nars and Ulaan Nuur projects have validated the historic Soviet reporting of significant in-situ-leach (ISL) amenable uranium mineralization at both properties (refer to October 23, 2007 news release).

----------------------------------------------------------------------Drill Hole From (m) To (m) Interval (m) Uranium (%)----------------------------------------------------------------------UN003 257.5 258.8 1.3 0.029----------------------------------------------------------------------And 263.9 264.7 0.8 0.177----------------------------------------------------------------------UN004 222.5 223.8 1.3 0.095----------------------------------------------------------------------

Samples reported were assayed at ACTLABS in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. Lionel Martin, P.Geo., the designated QP within the meaning of 43-101, has reviewed and approves the content of this release.

About East Asia Minerals Corporation

East Asia Minerals is an Asian-based, Canadian mineral exploration company with uranium, gold and copper assets in Mongolia and Indonesia. The Company owns the Ingiin-Nars, Ulaan Nuur and Enger uranium properties and a 75% interest in the Khok Adar copper oxide discovery in Mongolia. In Indonesia, it has a 70 to 85% interest in five advanced gold and gold-copper projects located in Aceh Province in Sumatra and North Sulawesi. East Asia currently has 55,185,372 shares outstanding. Its shares are listed for trading on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol "EAS".

Forward Looking Statements - This News Release contains forward looking information within the meaning of the Ontario Securities Act and the Alberta Securities Act, which involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of the Company, or industry results, to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties which could cause actual events or results to differ from those reflected in the forward-looking statements, including, without limitation, risks and uncertainties relating to the interpretation of drill results and the estimation of mineral resources and reserves, the geology, grade and continuity of mineral deposits, the possibility that future exploration, development or mining results will not be consistent with our expectations, metal recoveries, accidents, equipment breakdowns, title matters and surface access, labour disputes or other unanticipated difficulties with or interruptions in production, the potential for delays in exploration or development activities or the completion of new or updated feasibility studies, the inherent uncertainty of production and cost estimates and the potential for unexpected costs and expenses, commodity price fluctuations (including uranium, fuel, steel and construction items), currency fluctuations, failure to obtain adequate financing on a timely basis and other risks and uncertainties. Should one or more of these risks and uncertainties materialize, or should underlying assumptions prove incorrect, actual results may vary materially from those described in forward-looking statements. Accordingly, readers are advised not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. The words anticipate, believe, estimate and expect and similar expressions, as they relate to us or our management, are intended to identify forward looking statements relating to the business and affairs of the Company. Except as required under applicable securities legislation, we undertake no obligation to publicly update or revise forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

To receive or stop receiving EAS news via email, please email Info@EAminerals.com and state your preference in the subject line.

The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

Air Show! :juchu:
Mexivada Mining Corp. nimmt Aktionärs-Rechteplan an

Vancouver, 06. November 2007. Der Vorstand der Mexivada Mining Corp. (TSX: MNV, WKN: A0H 0QJ) hat entschieden, einen Aktionärs-Rechteplan anzunehmen, der den Aktionären bei der Hauptversammlung des Unternehmens am 3. Dezember 2007 zur Ratifizierung vorgelegt wird.

Der Plan wurde angenommen, um eine faire Behandlung aller Aktionäre im Falle einer Übernahmeangebots für die Aktien von Mexivada sicherzustellen. Er ist so darauf angelegt, den Aktionären ausreichend Zeit zu verschaffen, ein Übernahmeangebot mit ausreichend Zeit und ohne zeitliche Zwänge beurteilen zu können. Außerdem wird er dem Vorstand weitere Zeit verschaffen, um ein unerwünschtes Angebot zu prüfen und, falls notwendig, nach Alternativen zu suchen.

Der Rechteplan wurde nicht als Antwort auf einen Antrag zur Übernahme der Kontrolle des Unternehmens angenommen.

Über Mexivada Mining Corp.

Mexivada ist ein diversifiziertes kanadisches Mineral-Explorationsunternehmen, das sich auf die Identifizierung, Übernahme, Betrieb und Joint-Ventures von hochgradigen Gold-Silber-, Molybdän-, Diamant- und Seltene-Metalle-Explorationsprojekten in Mexiko, Nevada und der Republik Kongo fokussiert. Mexivada wird von erfahrenen und erfolgreiche Vorstandsmitgliedern und Beratern geleitet, ist gut finanziert und hat keine Schulden. Für weitere Informationen, darunter Lagepläne und Fotos, besuchen Sie bitte unsere Webseite www.mexivada.com.

Im Namen des Vorstands

Richard R. Redfern
Meiner Meinung nach Knaller-News bei LARGO -LR8-: :juchu:


Largo Reports Measured and Indicated Resource Estimate Including Significant Vanadium Pentoxide High Grade Zone (2% V2O5) at Maracas, Brazil

Measured and Indicated Mineral Resource of 17.3 million tonnes grading 1.44% V2O5 at $3.50/lb V2O5 and using a cut off grade of 0.66%

TORONTO, ONTARIO, Nov 07, 2007 (MARKET WIRE via COMTEX News Network) --
Largo Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE: LGO) is pleased to announce a new NI 43-101 compliant mineral resource at its 2,000 hectare Maracas Vanadium-PGM property located 250 kilometres west of Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. The Company has completed a revised block model and updated mineral resource estimate for the Gulcari "A" deposit incorporating the drilling from the 2007 drill program, including 45 holes totalling 11,196 metres. The Gulcari "A" deposit is one of four known prospects hosted at Maracas along a strike length of eight kilometres in the Jacare River Intrusion.

At $3.50/lb vanadium pentoxide (V2O5) and a cut off grade of 0.66%, the Measured and Indicated mineral resource at Gulcari "A" is estimated to be 17.3 million tonnes grading 1.44% vanadium pentoxide (V2O5) and 0.30 g platinum and palladium per tonne. This includes a high-grade magnetite-rich zone of 8.4 million tonnes grading 2.0% V2O5. This high grade zone is very consistent along strike and down-dip. There are no inferred resources included in the estimate.

Largo President & CEO Mark Brennan commented: "Our drilling program has significantly upgraded and expanded the mineral resource confirming the excellent potential for Maracas to meet or potentially exceed the mine operation contemplated in the preliminary economic assessment. The new resource estimate will form the basis for a revision of the previously released economic assessment prepared by Micon International Limited ("Micon"), including platinum and palladium and the previously reported results of metallurgical testwork. This study will form the basis for a decision on proceeding with the preparation of a bankable feasibility study".

The updated mineral resource estimate is based on the assumptions reported in the preliminary economic assessment (see press release June 7, 2007) prepared by Micon International, with the exception of the cut off grade which has been changed to 0.66%. In the preliminary economic assessment, Micon International estimated the inferred mineral resources to be 15,030,000 at a grade of 1.35% V2O5 at a cut off grade of 0.35%. The resources would be mined by open pit methods at 2,000 tonnes/day, milled at an onsite facility and 65% of the contained V2O5 metal value is projected to be payable after processing charges. This scenario results in the production of approximately 5,000 tonnes per year (tpa) of 80% ferrovanadium alloy over the first ten years of mine life, after which production decreases to approximately 2,000 tpa. The current price of vanadium pentoxide is approximately US$7.80/lb and ferro vanadium is approximately US$19/lb.

Cautionary Statement: Mineral resources that are not mineral reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability. This preliminary assessment is preliminary in nature; it includes inferred mineral resources that are considered too speculative geologically to have the economic considerations applied to them that would enable them to be categorized as mineral reserves, and there is no certainty that the results of the preliminary assessment will be realized.

"Our focus at Gulcari "A" has been on definition drilling to bring the inferred resource into the measured and indicated category, which has been very successful. The deposit remains open along strike and at depth so there is excellent potential for further expansion of the resource." stated Andy Campbell, P.Geo., Largo's Vice President of Exploration. He further commented that "While higher grade PGM values are associated with the magnetite-rich zone, drilling at Gulcari 'A" was focussed primarily on vanadium hence it is not clear if this drilling optimally tested the PGM potential. We are now re-focussing our program on PGMs to better assess their nature and distribution as well as outline additional higher grade areas."

Table 1 outlines the Measured and Indicated mineral resource for the Gulcari "A" deposit at a cut-off grade of 0.66% V2O5. Whittle software was used to define a pit shell based on relevant technical and economic parameters. The reported resource is entirely within the pit shell and represents a potential open pittable resource.

Table 1. Measured and Indicated Mineral Resource Estimate for Gulcari "A"deposit at a cut-off of 0.66% V2O5---------------------------------------------------------------------------Category Tonnes V2O5 Pt Pd PGM V2O5 Contained % g/t g/t g/t (tonnes) V2O5 (lbs)---------------------------------------------------------------------------Measured---------------------------------------------------------------------------Magnetite zone 2,450,000 2.17 0.39 0.15 0.54 53,300 117,300,000---------------------------------------------------------------------------Indicated---------------------------------------------------------------------------Magnetite zone 5,920,000 1.90 0.23 0.11 0.34 112,700 247,900,000---------------------------------------------------------------------------TOTAL 8,370,000 2.00 0.28 0.12 0.40 166,000 365,200,000------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Measured---------------------------------------------------------------------------Magnetite- Pyroxenite Zone 3,410,000 0.92 0.20 0.06 0.26 31,400 69,100,000---------------------------------------------------------------------------Indicated---------------------------------------------------------------------------Magnetite- Pyroxenite Zone 5,480,000 0.93 0.12 0.07 0.19 50,900 112,000,000---------------------------------------------------------------------------TOTAL 8,890,000 0.93 0.15 0.07 0.22 82,300 181,100,000------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------GRAND TOTAL 17,260,000 1.44 0.21 0.09 0.30 248,300 546,300,000---------------------------------------------------------------------------
The resources were reported from a block model with Gemcom software and a pit shell optimized with Whittle 4X software using a $US42.23/tonne operating cost (processing and G&A costs).

Table 2 below highlights the potential tonnage of the resource at different cut off grades. Consistent with the preliminary economic assessment, the measured and indicated resource has a cut off grade of 0.66 at a V205 price of $3.50 per pound. V2O5 at $5 is consistent with a cut off grade of 0.459 and at $7.50 is consistent with a cut off grade of 0.306. The current price of vanadium pentoxide is approximately US$7.80/lb.

Table 2. Sensitivity of Maracas Gulcari "A" deposit to cut off grade---------------------------------------------------------------------------Cut-off Tonnes Contained Pt PdGrade (000) Grade Grade V2O5 V2O5 (g/t) (g/t)---------------------------------------------------------------------------(% V2O5) (%) % Tonnes Pounds (000)---------------------------------------------------------------------------0.36 22,998 1.25 287,000 632,700 0.20 0.08---------------------------------------------------------------------------0.46 22,534 1.27 286,000 630,500 0.20 0.08---------------------------------------------------------------------------0.56 21,172 1.32 279,000 615,100 0.21 0.09---------------------------------------------------------------------------0.66 17,260 1.44 248,300 546,300 0.21 0.09---------------------------------------------------------------------------0.76 15,289 1.57 240,000 529,100 0.25 0.10---------------------------------------------------------------------------0.86 13,329 1.69 225,000 496,000 0.27 0.11---------------------------------------------------------------------------0.96 11,576 1.82 211,000 465,200 0.29 0.12---------------------------------------------------------------------------1.06 10,547 1.9 200,000 440,900 0.30 0.12---------------------------------------------------------------------------1.50 7,604 2.14 163,000 359,400 0.33 0.14---------------------------------------------------------------------------2.00 4,477 2.35 105,000 231,500 0.36 0.13---------------------------------------------------------------------------2.50 1,077 2.74 29,500 65,040 0.44 0.10---------------------------------------------------------------------------3.00 130 3.19 4,100 9,030 0.48 0.08---------------------------------------------------------------------------The mineral resource estimate has been reviewed and confirmed byB. Terrence Hennessey, P.Geo. of Micon International Limited. Mr.Hennessey, who is an independent qualified person as defined under NationalInstrument 43-101, visited the site from June 26 to 29, 2006 and April 15to 16, 2007. The resource estimation procedures and classification usedwill be outlined in a technical report by Mr. Hennessey that will be filedon SEDAR.
Parameters used in estimating the mineral resource are as follow:

- Database consists of 95 diamond drill holes and 21 trenches. Drill hole workspace in Gemcom database includes different tables for drill holes and trenches.

- The resource estimation used a new set of cross- sections constructed in Gemcom every 25m, as appropriate for the drill hole density. These cross-sections are perpendicular to strike of the deposit and parallel with rotated local resource grid to avoid any rotation of block model. New set of plan views also constructed every 10m between 100m elevation and 300m elevation.

- Five major geological domains have been identified for Gulcari A deposit. Geological domains for magnetite, magnetite-pyroxenite and pegmatite entirely constructed within the mineralized portion of the sections. Surrounding gabbro and pyroxenite were partly modeled. Magnetite and magnetite-pyroxenite comprise more than 98% of the deposit. Pegmatite and gabbro are internal waste materials.

- All the solids (geological domains) extended 50m beyond the existing drill holes down dip. In some sections when there were not adequate drill holes, the boundary extends to be geologically compatible with previous and next sections.

- An average of specific gravity calculated for different rock types from 140 intervals in massive and banded magnetite (SG equals 4.45), 202 intervals in magnetite-pyroxenite (SG equals 3.57) and 7 intervals in gabbros (3.09) and pyroxenites (3.40).

- An assay top cut of 3.8 % V2O5 was chosen based on probability plot analysis for the magnetite domain. A top cut of 2.0 % V2O5 was chosen based on the probability plots for the magnetite-pyroxenite domain. For Pt and Pd top cuts were 1000 ppb and 550 ppb respectively in magnetite domain and 620 and 350 in magnetite-pyroxenite domain.

- All assay data composited starting at the collar using cut data from grade capping. All drill hole and trench assay data composited in 5m intervals then updated domain intersections.

- The resource estimates for the magnetite and magnetite-pyroxenite domains were prepared by block model technique using Ordinary Kriging grade interpolation method. The lower cut off grade estimated at 0.66% V2O5 is based on the preliminary economic assessment for the production of Vanadium Pentoxide flake.

- The block size used was 5x5x5m based on drill data spacing and likely requirements for open pittable mine blocks for Gulcari "A" deposit. The model has dimensions of 625m east (125x5 meter blocks), 450 m north (90x5 meter blocks) and 375m vertically (75x5 meter blocks).

- The search volume limits for indicated resource along the X, Y and Z axes were set at ranges of 100, 100 and 60 meters, respectively for V2O5 in magnetite domain and 100, 100 and 55 meters for V2O5 in magnetite-pyroxenite domain.

- The search volume limits for measured resource along the X, Y and Z axes were set at ranges of 35, 20 and 20 meters, respectively for V2O5 in magnetite domain and 33, 33 and 16 meters for V2O5 in magnetite-pyroxenite domain.

Analytical work for the 2007 drill program was carried out by SGS Minerals Laboratory in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, an ISO 9001-2000 certified laboratory. Largo employs a systematic industry standard QA/QC program including standards, duplicates and blanks. The samples were analysed for FeO, Fe2O3, SiO2, TiO2 and V2O5 by the XRF method. Andy Campbell, P. Geo., Largo's Vice President of Exploration, is the Qualified Person responsible for the scientific and technical work for the program as defined under National Instrument 43-101 and has reviewed this press release. Security is maintained at the core logging and sampling facility in a locked warehouse onsite located nearby the town of Maracas.


Largo Resources shall be providing investors with an update of its operations at Maracas, Brasil and Northern Dancer, Yukon, at 11:00AM (EST) on Friday November 9th.

The conference call information is as follows: Local # 416-850-2050 North America# 1-866-850-2050 International# +1-416-850-2050 and the code is: 497425#

About Largo

Largo Resources is a Canadian natural resource development and exploration company with two advanced stage projects: the Northern Dancer Tungsten-Molybdenum deposit in the Yukon and the Maracas Vanadium-PGM deposit in Brazil. Largo also has a large (60,000 hectare) land position and prospective gold exploration properties in Ecuador. The company is listed on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol LGO.


Certain statements contained in this news release may contain forward-looking information within the meaning of Canadian securities laws. Such forward-looking information is identified by words such as "estimates", "intends", "expects", "believes", "may", "will" and include, without limitation, statements regarding the company's plan of business operations, production levels and costs, estimates regarding mineral resources, projections regarding mineral prices anticipated revenues and projected expenditures. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate; actual results and future events could differ materially from such statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially include, among others, metal prices, risks inherent in the mining industry, financing risks, labour risks, uncertainty of mineral resource estimates, equipment and supply risks, title disputes, regulatory risks and environmental concerns. Most of these factors are outside the control of the company. Investors are cautioned not to put undue reliance on forward-looking information. Except as otherwise required by applicable securities statutes or regulation, the company expressly disclaims any intent or obligation to update publicly forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.


Contacts: Largo Resources Ltd. Mark Brennan President & CEO (416) 861-5886 Email: mbrennan@largoresources.com Largo Resources Ltd. Tony LaMantia VP, Corporate Development (416) 861-5882 Email: tlamantia@largoresources.com Website: www.largoresources.com

SOURCE: Largo Resources Ltd.
Largo Reports Measured and Indicated Resource Estimate Including Significant Vanadium Pentoxide High Grade Zone (2% V2O5) at Maracas, Brazil
Measured and Indicated Mineral Resource of 17.3 million tonnes grading 1.44% V2O5 at $3.50/lb V2O5 and using a cut off grade of 0.66%

TORONTO, ONTARIO, Nov 07, 2007 (MARKET WIRE via COMTEX News Network) --

Largo Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE: LGO) is pleased to announce a new NI 43-101 compliant mineral resource at its 2,000 hectare Maracas Vanadium-PGM property located 250 kilometres west of Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. The Company has completed a revised block model and updated mineral resource estimate for the Gulcari "A" deposit incorporating the drilling from the 2007 drill program, including 45 holes totalling 11,196 metres. The Gulcari "A" deposit is one of four known prospects hosted at Maracas along a strike length of eight kilometres in the Jacare River Intrusion.

At $3.50/lb vanadium pentoxide (V2O5) and a cut off grade of 0.66%, the Measured and Indicated mineral resource at Gulcari "A" is estimated to be 17.3 million tonnes grading 1.44% vanadium pentoxide (V2O5) and 0.30 g platinum and palladium per tonne. This includes a high-grade magnetite-rich zone of 8.4 million tonnes grading 2.0% V2O5. This high grade zone is very consistent along strike and down-dip. There are no inferred resources included in the estimate.

Largo President & CEO Mark Brennan commented: "Our drilling program has significantly upgraded and expanded the mineral resource confirming the excellent potential for Maracas to meet or potentially exceed the mine operation contemplated in the preliminary economic assessment. The new resource estimate will form the basis for a revision of the previously released economic assessment prepared by Micon International Limited ("Micon"), including platinum and palladium and the previously reported results of metallurgical testwork. This study will form the basis for a decision on proceeding with the preparation of a bankable feasibility study".

The updated mineral resource estimate is based on the assumptions reported in the preliminary economic assessment (see press release June 7, 2007) prepared by Micon International, with the exception of the cut off grade which has been changed to 0.66%. In the preliminary economic assessment, Micon International estimated the inferred mineral resources to be 15,030,000 at a grade of 1.35% V2O5 at a cut off grade of 0.35%. The resources would be mined by open pit methods at 2,000 tonnes/day, milled at an onsite facility and 65% of the contained V2O5 metal value is projected to be payable after processing charges. This scenario results in the production of approximately 5,000 tonnes per year (tpa) of 80% ferrovanadium alloy over the first ten years of mine life, after which production decreases to approximately 2,000 tpa. The current price of vanadium pentoxide is approximately US$7.80/lb and ferro vanadium is approximately US$19/lb.

Cautionary Statement: Mineral resources that are not mineral reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability. This preliminary assessment is preliminary in nature; it includes inferred mineral resources that are considered too speculative geologically to have the economic considerations applied to them that would enable them to be categorized as mineral reserves, and there is no certainty that the results of the preliminary assessment will be realized.

"Our focus at Gulcari "A" has been on definition drilling to bring the inferred resource into the measured and indicated category, which has been very successful. The deposit remains open along strike and at depth so there is excellent potential for further expansion of the resource." stated Andy Campbell, P.Geo., Largo's Vice President of Exploration. He further commented that "While higher grade PGM values are associated with the magnetite-rich zone, drilling at Gulcari 'A" was focussed primarily on vanadium hence it is not clear if this drilling optimally tested the PGM potential. We are now re-focussing our program on PGMs to better assess their nature and distribution as well as outline additional higher grade areas."

Table 1 outlines the Measured and Indicated mineral resource for the Gulcari "A" deposit at a cut-off grade of 0.66% V2O5. Whittle software was used to define a pit shell based on relevant technical and economic parameters. The reported resource is entirely within the pit shell and represents a potential open pittable resource.

Table 1. Measured and Indicated Mineral Resource Estimate for Gulcari "A
"deposit at a cut-off of 0.66% V2O5
Category Tonnes V2O5 Pt Pd PGM V2O5 Contained
% g/t g/t g/t (tonnes) V2O5 (lbs)
Magnetite zone 2,450,000 2.17 0.39 0.15 0.54 53,300 117,300,000
Magnetite zone 5,920,000 1.90 0.23 0.11 0.34 112,700 247,900,000
TOTAL 8,370,000 2.00 0.28 0.12 0.40 166,000 365,200,000
Pyroxenite Zone 3,410,000 0.92 0.20 0.06 0.26 31,400 69,100,000
Pyroxenite Zone 5,480,000 0.93 0.12 0.07 0.19 50,900 112,000,000
TOTAL 8,890,000 0.93 0.15 0.07 0.22 82,300 181,100,000
GRAND TOTAL 17,260,000 1.44 0.21 0.09 0.30 248,300 546,300,000

The resources were reported from a block model with Gemcom software and a pit shell optimized with Whittle 4X software using a $US42.23/tonne operating cost (processing and G&A costs).

Table 2 below highlights the potential tonnage of the resource at different cut off grades. Consistent with the preliminary economic assessment, the measured and indicated resource has a cut off grade of 0.66 at a V205 price of $3.50 per pound. V2O5 at $5 is consistent with a cut off grade of 0.459 and at $7.50 is consistent with a cut off grade of 0.306. The current price of vanadium pentoxide is approximately US$7.80/lb.

Table 2. Sensitivity of Maracas Gulcari "A" deposit to cut off grade
Cut-off Tonnes Contained Pt Pd
Grade (000) Grade Grade V2O5 V2O5 (g/t) (g/t)
(% V2O5) (%) % Tonnes Pounds (000)
0.36 22,998 1.25 287,000 632,700 0.20 0.08
0.46 22,534 1.27 286,000 630,500 0.20 0.08
0.56 21,172 1.32 279,000 615,100 0.21 0.09
0.66 17,260 1.44 248,300 546,300 0.21 0.09
0.76 15,289 1.57 240,000 529,100 0.25 0.10
0.86 13,329 1.69 225,000 496,000 0.27 0.11
0.96 11,576 1.82 211,000 465,200 0.29 0.12
1.06 10,547 1.9 200,000 440,900 0.30 0.12
1.50 7,604 2.14 163,000 359,400 0.33 0.14
2.00 4,477 2.35 105,000 231,500 0.36 0.13
2.50 1,077 2.74 29,500 65,040 0.44 0.10
3.00 130 3.19 4,100 9,030 0.48 0.08
The mineral resource estimate has been reviewed and confirmed by
B. Terrence Hennessey, P.Geo. of Micon International Limited. Mr.
Hennessey, who is an independent qualified person as defined under National
Instrument 43-101, visited the site from June 26 to 29, 2006 and April 15
to 16, 2007. The resource estimation procedures and classification used
will be outlined in a technical report by Mr. Hennessey that will be filed

Parameters used in estimating the mineral resource are as follow:

- Database consists of 95 diamond drill holes and 21 trenches. Drill hole workspace in Gemcom database includes different tables for drill holes and trenches.

- The resource estimation used a new set of cross- sections constructed in Gemcom every 25m, as appropriate for the drill hole density. These cross-sections are perpendicular to strike of the deposit and parallel with rotated local resource grid to avoid any rotation of block model. New set of plan views also constructed every 10m between 100m elevation and 300m elevation.

- Five major geological domains have been identified for Gulcari A deposit. Geological domains for magnetite, magnetite-pyroxenite and pegmatite entirely constructed within the mineralized portion of the sections. Surrounding gabbro and pyroxenite were partly modeled. Magnetite and magnetite-pyroxenite comprise more than 98% of the deposit. Pegmatite and gabbro are internal waste materials.

- All the solids (geological domains) extended 50m beyond the existing drill holes down dip. In some sections when there were not adequate drill holes, the boundary extends to be geologically compatible with previous and next sections.

- An average of specific gravity calculated for different rock types from 140 intervals in massive and banded magnetite (SG equals 4.45), 202 intervals in magnetite-pyroxenite (SG equals 3.57) and 7 intervals in gabbros (3.09) and pyroxenites (3.40).

- An assay top cut of 3.8 % V2O5 was chosen based on probability plot analysis for the magnetite domain. A top cut of 2.0 % V2O5 was chosen based on the probability plots for the magnetite-pyroxenite domain. For Pt and Pd top cuts were 1000 ppb and 550 ppb respectively in magnetite domain and 620 and 350 in magnetite-pyroxenite domain.

- All assay data composited starting at the collar using cut data from grade capping. All drill hole and trench assay data composited in 5m intervals then updated domain intersections.

- The resource estimates for the magnetite and magnetite-pyroxenite domains were prepared by block model technique using Ordinary Kriging grade interpolation method. The lower cut off grade estimated at 0.66% V2O5 is based on the preliminary economic assessment for the production of Vanadium Pentoxide flake.

- The block size used was 5x5x5m based on drill data spacing and likely requirements for open pittable mine blocks for Gulcari "A" deposit. The model has dimensions of 625m east (125x5 meter blocks), 450 m north (90x5 meter blocks) and 375m vertically (75x5 meter blocks).

- The search volume limits for indicated resource along the X, Y and Z axes were set at ranges of 100, 100 and 60 meters, respectively for V2O5 in magnetite domain and 100, 100 and 55 meters for V2O5 in magnetite-pyroxenite domain.

- The search volume limits for measured resource along the X, Y and Z axes were set at ranges of 35, 20 and 20 meters, respectively for V2O5 in magnetite domain and 33, 33 and 16 meters for V2O5 in magnetite-pyroxenite domain.

Analytical work for the 2007 drill program was carried out by SGS Minerals Laboratory in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, an ISO 9001-2000 certified laboratory. Largo employs a systematic industry standard QA/QC program including standards, duplicates and blanks. The samples were analysed for FeO, Fe2O3, SiO2, TiO2 and V2O5 by the XRF method. Andy Campbell, P. Geo., Largo's Vice President of Exploration, is the Qualified Person responsible for the scientific and technical work for the program as defined under National Instrument 43-101 and has reviewed this press release. Security is maintained at the core logging and sampling facility in a locked warehouse onsite located nearby the town of Maracas.


Largo Resources shall be providing investors with an update of its operations at Maracas, Brasil and Northern Dancer, Yukon, at 11:00AM (EST) on Friday November 9th.

The conference call information is as follows: Local # 416-850-2050 North America# 1-866-850-2050 International# +1-416-850-2050 and the code is: 497425#

About Largo

Largo Resources is a Canadian natural resource development and exploration company with two advanced stage projects: the Northern Dancer Tungsten-Molybdenum deposit in the Yukon and the Maracas Vanadium-PGM deposit in Brazil. Largo also has a large (60,000 hectare) land position and prospective gold exploration properties in Ecuador. The company is listed on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol LGO.


Certain statements contained in this news release may contain forward-looking information within the meaning of Canadian securities laws. Such forward-looking information is identified by words such as "estimates", "intends", "expects", "believes", "may", "will" and include, without limitation, statements regarding the company's plan of business operations, production levels and costs, estimates regarding mineral resources, projections regarding mineral prices anticipated revenues and projected expenditures. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate; actual results and future events could differ materially from such statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially include, among others, metal prices, risks inherent in the mining industry, financing risks, labour risks, uncertainty of mineral resource estimates, equipment and supply risks, title disputes, regulatory risks and environmental concerns. Most of these factors are outside the control of the company. Investors are cautioned not to put undue reliance on forward-looking information. Except as otherwise required by applicable securities statutes or regulation, the company expressly disclaims any intent or obligation to update publicly forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.


Contacts: Largo Resources Ltd. Mark Brennan President & CEO (416) 861-5886 Email: mbrennan@largoresources.com Largo Resources Ltd. Tony LaMantia VP, Corporate Development (416) 861-5882 Email: tlamantia@largoresources.com Website: www.largoresources.com

SOURCE: Largo Resources Ltd.

mailto:mbrennan@largoresources.com mailto:tlamantia@largoresources.com http://www.largoresources.com
Copyright 2007 Market Wire, All rights reserved.
Na Deine Einschätzung?

Erhöhung des Cut-Off von 0,35 auf 0,66 !!! :juchu:
Largo Reports Measured and Indicated Resource Estimate Including Significant Vanadium Pentoxide High Grade Zone (2% V2O5) at Maracas, Brazil
Measured and Indicated Mineral Resource of 17.3 million tonnes grading 1.44% V2O5 at $3.50/lb V2O5 and using a cut off grade of 0.66%

TORONTO, ONTARIO, Nov 07, 2007 (MARKET WIRE via COMTEX News Network) --

Largo Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE: LGO) is pleased to announce a new NI 43-101 compliant mineral resource at its 2,000 hectare Maracas Vanadium-PGM property located 250 kilometres west of Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. The Company has completed a revised block model and updated mineral resource estimate for the Gulcari "A" deposit incorporating the drilling from the 2007 drill program, including 45 holes totalling 11,196 metres. The Gulcari "A" deposit is one of four known prospects hosted at Maracas along a strike length of eight kilometres in the Jacare River Intrusion.

At $3.50/lb vanadium pentoxide (V2O5) and a cut off grade of 0.66%, the Measured and Indicated mineral resource at Gulcari "A" is estimated to be 17.3 million tonnes grading 1.44% vanadium pentoxide (V2O5) and 0.30 g platinum and palladium per tonne. This includes a high-grade magnetite-rich zone of 8.4 million tonnes grading 2.0% V2O5. This high grade zone is very consistent along strike and down-dip. There are no inferred resources included in the estimate.

Largo President & CEO Mark Brennan commented: "Our drilling program has significantly upgraded and expanded the mineral resource confirming the excellent potential for Maracas to meet or potentially exceed the mine operation contemplated in the preliminary economic assessment. The new resource estimate will form the basis for a revision of the previously released economic assessment prepared by Micon International Limited ("Micon"), including platinum and palladium and the previously reported results of metallurgical testwork. This study will form the basis for a decision on proceeding with the preparation of a bankable feasibility study".

The updated mineral resource estimate is based on the assumptions reported in the preliminary economic assessment (see press release June 7, 2007) prepared by Micon International, with the exception of the cut off grade which has been changed to 0.66%. In the preliminary economic assessment, Micon International estimated the inferred mineral resources to be 15,030,000 at a grade of 1.35% V2O5 at a cut off grade of 0.35%. The resources would be mined by open pit methods at 2,000 tonnes/day, milled at an onsite facility and 65% of the contained V2O5 metal value is projected to be payable after processing charges. This scenario results in the production of approximately 5,000 tonnes per year (tpa) of 80% ferrovanadium alloy over the first ten years of mine life, after which production decreases to approximately 2,000 tpa. The current price of vanadium pentoxide is approximately US$7.80/lb and ferro vanadium is approximately US$19/lb.

Cautionary Statement: Mineral resources that are not mineral reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability. This preliminary assessment is preliminary in nature; it includes inferred mineral resources that are considered too speculative geologically to have the economic considerations applied to them that would enable them to be categorized as mineral reserves, and there is no certainty that the results of the preliminary assessment will be realized.

"Our focus at Gulcari "A" has been on definition drilling to bring the inferred resource into the measured and indicated category, which has been very successful. The deposit remains open along strike and at depth so there is excellent potential for further expansion of the resource." stated Andy Campbell, P.Geo., Largo's Vice President of Exploration. He further commented that "While higher grade PGM values are associated with the magnetite-rich zone, drilling at Gulcari 'A" was focussed primarily on vanadium hence it is not clear if this drilling optimally tested the PGM potential. We are now re-focussing our program on PGMs to better assess their nature and distribution as well as outline additional higher grade areas."

Table 1 outlines the Measured and Indicated mineral resource for the Gulcari "A" deposit at a cut-off grade of 0.66% V2O5. Whittle software was used to define a pit shell based on relevant technical and economic parameters. The reported resource is entirely within the pit shell and represents a potential open pittable resource.

Table 1. Measured and Indicated Mineral Resource Estimate for Gulcari "A
"deposit at a cut-off of 0.66% V2O5
Category Tonnes V2O5 Pt Pd PGM V2O5 Contained
% g/t g/t g/t (tonnes) V2O5 (lbs)
Magnetite zone 2,450,000 2.17 0.39 0.15 0.54 53,300 117,300,000
Magnetite zone 5,920,000 1.90 0.23 0.11 0.34 112,700 247,900,000
TOTAL 8,370,000 2.00 0.28 0.12 0.40 166,000 365,200,000
Pyroxenite Zone 3,410,000 0.92 0.20 0.06 0.26 31,400 69,100,000
Pyroxenite Zone 5,480,000 0.93 0.12 0.07 0.19 50,900 112,000,000
TOTAL 8,890,000 0.93 0.15 0.07 0.22 82,300 181,100,000
GRAND TOTAL 17,260,000 1.44 0.21 0.09 0.30 248,300 546,300,000

The resources were reported from a block model with Gemcom software and a pit shell optimized with Whittle 4X software using a $US42.23/tonne operating cost (processing and G&A costs).

Table 2 below highlights the potential tonnage of the resource at different cut off grades. Consistent with the preliminary economic assessment, the measured and indicated resource has a cut off grade of 0.66 at a V205 price of $3.50 per pound. V2O5 at $5 is consistent with a cut off grade of 0.459 and at $7.50 is consistent with a cut off grade of 0.306. The current price of vanadium pentoxide is approximately US$7.80/lb.

Table 2. Sensitivity of Maracas Gulcari "A" deposit to cut off grade
Cut-off Tonnes Contained Pt Pd
Grade (000) Grade Grade V2O5 V2O5 (g/t) (g/t)
(% V2O5) (%) % Tonnes Pounds (000)
0.36 22,998 1.25 287,000 632,700 0.20 0.08
0.46 22,534 1.27 286,000 630,500 0.20 0.08
0.56 21,172 1.32 279,000 615,100 0.21 0.09
0.66 17,260 1.44 248,300 546,300 0.21 0.09
0.76 15,289 1.57 240,000 529,100 0.25 0.10
0.86 13,329 1.69 225,000 496,000 0.27 0.11
0.96 11,576 1.82 211,000 465,200 0.29 0.12
1.06 10,547 1.9 200,000 440,900 0.30 0.12
1.50 7,604 2.14 163,000 359,400 0.33 0.14
2.00 4,477 2.35 105,000 231,500 0.36 0.13
2.50 1,077 2.74 29,500 65,040 0.44 0.10
3.00 130 3.19 4,100 9,030 0.48 0.08
The mineral resource estimate has been reviewed and confirmed by
B. Terrence Hennessey, P.Geo. of Micon International Limited. Mr.
Hennessey, who is an independent qualified person as defined under National
Instrument 43-101, visited the site from June 26 to 29, 2006 and April 15
to 16, 2007. The resource estimation procedures and classification used
will be outlined in a technical report by Mr. Hennessey that will be filed

Parameters used in estimating the mineral resource are as follow:

- Database consists of 95 diamond drill holes and 21 trenches. Drill hole workspace in Gemcom database includes different tables for drill holes and trenches.

- The resource estimation used a new set of cross- sections constructed in Gemcom every 25m, as appropriate for the drill hole density. These cross-sections are perpendicular to strike of the deposit and parallel with rotated local resource grid to avoid any rotation of block model. New set of plan views also constructed every 10m between 100m elevation and 300m elevation.

- Five major geological domains have been identified for Gulcari A deposit. Geological domains for magnetite, magnetite-pyroxenite and pegmatite entirely constructed within the mineralized portion of the sections. Surrounding gabbro and pyroxenite were partly modeled. Magnetite and magnetite-pyroxenite comprise more than 98% of the deposit. Pegmatite and gabbro are internal waste materials.

- All the solids (geological domains) extended 50m beyond the existing drill holes down dip. In some sections when there were not adequate drill holes, the boundary extends to be geologically compatible with previous and next sections.

- An average of specific gravity calculated for different rock types from 140 intervals in massive and banded magnetite (SG equals 4.45), 202 intervals in magnetite-pyroxenite (SG equals 3.57) and 7 intervals in gabbros (3.09) and pyroxenites (3.40).

- An assay top cut of 3.8 % V2O5 was chosen based on probability plot analysis for the magnetite domain. A top cut of 2.0 % V2O5 was chosen based on the probability plots for the magnetite-pyroxenite domain. For Pt and Pd top cuts were 1000 ppb and 550 ppb respectively in magnetite domain and 620 and 350 in magnetite-pyroxenite domain.

- All assay data composited starting at the collar using cut data from grade capping. All drill hole and trench assay data composited in 5m intervals then updated domain intersections.

- The resource estimates for the magnetite and magnetite-pyroxenite domains were prepared by block model technique using Ordinary Kriging grade interpolation method. The lower cut off grade estimated at 0.66% V2O5 is based on the preliminary economic assessment for the production of Vanadium Pentoxide flake.

- The block size used was 5x5x5m based on drill data spacing and likely requirements for open pittable mine blocks for Gulcari "A" deposit. The model has dimensions of 625m east (125x5 meter blocks), 450 m north (90x5 meter blocks) and 375m vertically (75x5 meter blocks).

- The search volume limits for indicated resource along the X, Y and Z axes were set at ranges of 100, 100 and 60 meters, respectively for V2O5 in magnetite domain and 100, 100 and 55 meters for V2O5 in magnetite-pyroxenite domain.

- The search volume limits for measured resource along the X, Y and Z axes were set at ranges of 35, 20 and 20 meters, respectively for V2O5 in magnetite domain and 33, 33 and 16 meters for V2O5 in magnetite-pyroxenite domain.

Analytical work for the 2007 drill program was carried out by SGS Minerals Laboratory in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, an ISO 9001-2000 certified laboratory. Largo employs a systematic industry standard QA/QC program including standards, duplicates and blanks. The samples were analysed for FeO, Fe2O3, SiO2, TiO2 and V2O5 by the XRF method. Andy Campbell, P. Geo., Largo's Vice President of Exploration, is the Qualified Person responsible for the scientific and technical work for the program as defined under National Instrument 43-101 and has reviewed this press release. Security is maintained at the core logging and sampling facility in a locked warehouse onsite located nearby the town of Maracas.


Largo Resources shall be providing investors with an update of its operations at Maracas, Brasil and Northern Dancer, Yukon, at 11:00AM (EST) on Friday November 9th.

The conference call information is as follows: Local # 416-850-2050 North America# 1-866-850-2050 International# +1-416-850-2050 and the code is: 497425#

About Largo

Largo Resources is a Canadian natural resource development and exploration company with two advanced stage projects: the Northern Dancer Tungsten-Molybdenum deposit in the Yukon and the Maracas Vanadium-PGM deposit in Brazil. Largo also has a large (60,000 hectare) land position and prospective gold exploration properties in Ecuador. The company is listed on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol LGO.


Certain statements contained in this news release may contain forward-looking information within the meaning of Canadian securities laws. Such forward-looking information is identified by words such as "estimates", "intends", "expects", "believes", "may", "will" and include, without limitation, statements regarding the company's plan of business operations, production levels and costs, estimates regarding mineral resources, projections regarding mineral prices anticipated revenues and projected expenditures. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate; actual results and future events could differ materially from such statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially include, among others, metal prices, risks inherent in the mining industry, financing risks, labour risks, uncertainty of mineral resource estimates, equipment and supply risks, title disputes, regulatory risks and environmental concerns. Most of these factors are outside the control of the company. Investors are cautioned not to put undue reliance on forward-looking information. Except as otherwise required by applicable securities statutes or regulation, the company expressly disclaims any intent or obligation to update publicly forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.


Contacts: Largo Resources Ltd. Mark Brennan President & CEO (416) 861-5886 Email: mbrennan@largoresources.com Largo Resources Ltd. Tony LaMantia VP, Corporate Development (416) 861-5882 Email: tlamantia@largoresources.com Website: www.largoresources.com

SOURCE: Largo Resources Ltd.

mailto:mbrennan@largoresources.com mailto:tlamantia@largoresources.com http://www.largoresources.com
Copyright 2007 Market Wire, All rights reserved.
In den Bullboards ist die Rede von einer Top Empfehlung für Largo am gestrigen Abend!

Fraser Mackenzie soll Largo mit dem Rating -Strong Buy- und einem Kursziel von minimum 2 $ innerhalb der nächsten 12 Monate empfohlen haben! :juchu:

gibt es bei fieldex was neues ? :) kommt net mehr so richtig hoch
Oh hab glaub etwas schnell gelesen...

Resourcen-Erhöhung von 15,03 auf 17,3 Mio :up:

Cut-Off 0,35 auf 0,66 (also höherer Ausschuss als zuvor berechnet)

Neu entdeckte Hig-Grade-Zone mit 8,4 Mio t ! :up:
Na Deine Einschätzung?

Erhöhung des Cut-Off von 0,35 auf 0,66 !!! :juchu:
Largo Reports Measured and Indicated Resource Estimate Including Significant Vanadium Pentoxide High Grade Zone (2% V2O5) at Maracas, Brazil
Measured and Indicated Mineral Resource of 17.3 million tonnes grading 1.44% V2O5 at $3.50/lb V2O5 and using a cut off grade of 0.66%

TORONTO, ONTARIO, Nov 07, 2007 (MARKET WIRE via COMTEX News Network) --

Largo Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE: LGO) is pleased to announce a new NI 43-101 compliant mineral resource at its 2,000 hectare Maracas Vanadium-PGM property located 250 kilometres west of Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. The Company has completed a revised block model and updated mineral resource estimate for the Gulcari "A" deposit incorporating the drilling from the 2007 drill program, including 45 holes totalling 11,196 metres. The Gulcari "A" deposit is one of four known prospects hosted at Maracas along a strike length of eight kilometres in the Jacare River Intrusion.

At $3.50/lb vanadium pentoxide (V2O5) and a cut off grade of 0.66%, the Measured and Indicated mineral resource at Gulcari "A" is estimated to be 17.3 million tonnes grading 1.44% vanadium pentoxide (V2O5) and 0.30 g platinum and palladium per tonne. This includes a high-grade magnetite-rich zone of 8.4 million tonnes grading 2.0% V2O5. This high grade zone is very consistent along strike and down-dip. There are no inferred resources included in the estimate.

Largo President & CEO Mark Brennan commented: "Our drilling program has significantly upgraded and expanded the mineral resource confirming the excellent potential for Maracas to meet or potentially exceed the mine operation contemplated in the preliminary economic assessment. The new resource estimate will form the basis for a revision of the previously released economic assessment prepared by Micon International Limited ("Micon"), including platinum and palladium and the previously reported results of metallurgical testwork. This study will form the basis for a decision on proceeding with the preparation of a bankable feasibility study".

The updated mineral resource estimate is based on the assumptions reported in the preliminary economic assessment (see press release June 7, 2007) prepared by Micon International, with the exception of the cut off grade which has been changed to 0.66%. In the preliminary economic assessment, Micon International estimated the inferred mineral resources to be 15,030,000 at a grade of 1.35% V2O5 at a cut off grade of 0.35%. The resources would be mined by open pit methods at 2,000 tonnes/day, milled at an onsite facility and 65% of the contained V2O5 metal value is projected to be payable after processing charges. This scenario results in the production of approximately 5,000 tonnes per year (tpa) of 80% ferrovanadium alloy over the first ten years of mine life, after which production decreases to approximately 2,000 tpa. The current price of vanadium pentoxide is approximately US$7.80/lb and ferro vanadium is approximately US$19/lb.

Cautionary Statement: Mineral resources that are not mineral reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability. This preliminary assessment is preliminary in nature; it includes inferred mineral resources that are considered too speculative geologically to have the economic considerations applied to them that would enable them to be categorized as mineral reserves, and there is no certainty that the results of the preliminary assessment will be realized.

"Our focus at Gulcari "A" has been on definition drilling to bring the inferred resource into the measured and indicated category, which has been very successful. The deposit remains open along strike and at depth so there is excellent potential for further expansion of the resource." stated Andy Campbell, P.Geo., Largo's Vice President of Exploration. He further commented that "While higher grade PGM values are associated with the magnetite-rich zone, drilling at Gulcari 'A" was focussed primarily on vanadium hence it is not clear if this drilling optimally tested the PGM potential. We are now re-focussing our program on PGMs to better assess their nature and distribution as well as outline additional higher grade areas."

Table 1 outlines the Measured and Indicated mineral resource for the Gulcari "A" deposit at a cut-off grade of 0.66% V2O5. Whittle software was used to define a pit shell based on relevant technical and economic parameters. The reported resource is entirely within the pit shell and represents a potential open pittable resource.

Table 1. Measured and Indicated Mineral Resource Estimate for Gulcari "A
"deposit at a cut-off of 0.66% V2O5
Category Tonnes V2O5 Pt Pd PGM V2O5 Contained
% g/t g/t g/t (tonnes) V2O5 (lbs)
Magnetite zone 2,450,000 2.17 0.39 0.15 0.54 53,300 117,300,000
Magnetite zone 5,920,000 1.90 0.23 0.11 0.34 112,700 247,900,000
TOTAL 8,370,000 2.00 0.28 0.12 0.40 166,000 365,200,000
Pyroxenite Zone 3,410,000 0.92 0.20 0.06 0.26 31,400 69,100,000
Pyroxenite Zone 5,480,000 0.93 0.12 0.07 0.19 50,900 112,000,000
TOTAL 8,890,000 0.93 0.15 0.07 0.22 82,300 181,100,000
GRAND TOTAL 17,260,000 1.44 0.21 0.09 0.30 248,300 546,300,000

The resources were reported from a block model with Gemcom software and a pit shell optimized with Whittle 4X software using a $US42.23/tonne operating cost (processing and G&A costs).

Table 2 below highlights the potential tonnage of the resource at different cut off grades. Consistent with the preliminary economic assessment, the measured and indicated resource has a cut off grade of 0.66 at a V205 price of $3.50 per pound. V2O5 at $5 is consistent with a cut off grade of 0.459 and at $7.50 is consistent with a cut off grade of 0.306. The current price of vanadium pentoxide is approximately US$7.80/lb.

Table 2. Sensitivity of Maracas Gulcari "A" deposit to cut off grade
Cut-off Tonnes Contained Pt Pd
Grade (000) Grade Grade V2O5 V2O5 (g/t) (g/t)
(% V2O5) (%) % Tonnes Pounds (000)
0.36 22,998 1.25 287,000 632,700 0.20 0.08
0.46 22,534 1.27 286,000 630,500 0.20 0.08
0.56 21,172 1.32 279,000 615,100 0.21 0.09
0.66 17,260 1.44 248,300 546,300 0.21 0.09
0.76 15,289 1.57 240,000 529,100 0.25 0.10
0.86 13,329 1.69 225,000 496,000 0.27 0.11
0.96 11,576 1.82 211,000 465,200 0.29 0.12
1.06 10,547 1.9 200,000 440,900 0.30 0.12
1.50 7,604 2.14 163,000 359,400 0.33 0.14
2.00 4,477 2.35 105,000 231,500 0.36 0.13
2.50 1,077 2.74 29,500 65,040 0.44 0.10
3.00 130 3.19 4,100 9,030 0.48 0.08
The mineral resource estimate has been reviewed and confirmed by
B. Terrence Hennessey, P.Geo. of Micon International Limited. Mr.
Hennessey, who is an independent qualified person as defined under National
Instrument 43-101, visited the site from June 26 to 29, 2006 and April 15
to 16, 2007. The resource estimation procedures and classification used
will be outlined in a technical report by Mr. Hennessey that will be filed

Parameters used in estimating the mineral resource are as follow:

- Database consists of 95 diamond drill holes and 21 trenches. Drill hole workspace in Gemcom database includes different tables for drill holes and trenches.

- The resource estimation used a new set of cross- sections constructed in Gemcom every 25m, as appropriate for the drill hole density. These cross-sections are perpendicular to strike of the deposit and parallel with rotated local resource grid to avoid any rotation of block model. New set of plan views also constructed every 10m between 100m elevation and 300m elevation.

- Five major geological domains have been identified for Gulcari A deposit. Geological domains for magnetite, magnetite-pyroxenite and pegmatite entirely constructed within the mineralized portion of the sections. Surrounding gabbro and pyroxenite were partly modeled. Magnetite and magnetite-pyroxenite comprise more than 98% of the deposit. Pegmatite and gabbro are internal waste materials.

- All the solids (geological domains) extended 50m beyond the existing drill holes down dip. In some sections when there were not adequate drill holes, the boundary extends to be geologically compatible with previous and next sections.

- An average of specific gravity calculated for different rock types from 140 intervals in massive and banded magnetite (SG equals 4.45), 202 intervals in magnetite-pyroxenite (SG equals 3.57) and 7 intervals in gabbros (3.09) and pyroxenites (3.40).

- An assay top cut of 3.8 % V2O5 was chosen based on probability plot analysis for the magnetite domain. A top cut of 2.0 % V2O5 was chosen based on the probability plots for the magnetite-pyroxenite domain. For Pt and Pd top cuts were 1000 ppb and 550 ppb respectively in magnetite domain and 620 and 350 in magnetite-pyroxenite domain.

- All assay data composited starting at the collar using cut data from grade capping. All drill hole and trench assay data composited in 5m intervals then updated domain intersections.

- The resource estimates for the magnetite and magnetite-pyroxenite domains were prepared by block model technique using Ordinary Kriging grade interpolation method. The lower cut off grade estimated at 0.66% V2O5 is based on the preliminary economic assessment for the production of Vanadium Pentoxide flake.

- The block size used was 5x5x5m based on drill data spacing and likely requirements for open pittable mine blocks for Gulcari "A" deposit. The model has dimensions of 625m east (125x5 meter blocks), 450 m north (90x5 meter blocks) and 375m vertically (75x5 meter blocks).

- The search volume limits for indicated resource along the X, Y and Z axes were set at ranges of 100, 100 and 60 meters, respectively for V2O5 in magnetite domain and 100, 100 and 55 meters for V2O5 in magnetite-pyroxenite domain.

- The search volume limits for measured resource along the X, Y and Z axes were set at ranges of 35, 20 and 20 meters, respectively for V2O5 in magnetite domain and 33, 33 and 16 meters for V2O5 in magnetite-pyroxenite domain.

Analytical work for the 2007 drill program was carried out by SGS Minerals Laboratory in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, an ISO 9001-2000 certified laboratory. Largo employs a systematic industry standard QA/QC program including standards, duplicates and blanks. The samples were analysed for FeO, Fe2O3, SiO2, TiO2 and V2O5 by the XRF method. Andy Campbell, P. Geo., Largo's Vice President of Exploration, is the Qualified Person responsible for the scientific and technical work for the program as defined under National Instrument 43-101 and has reviewed this press release. Security is maintained at the core logging and sampling facility in a locked warehouse onsite located nearby the town of Maracas.


Largo Resources shall be providing investors with an update of its operations at Maracas, Brasil and Northern Dancer, Yukon, at 11:00AM (EST) on Friday November 9th.

The conference call information is as follows: Local # 416-850-2050 North America# 1-866-850-2050 International# +1-416-850-2050 and the code is: 497425#

About Largo

Largo Resources is a Canadian natural resource development and exploration company with two advanced stage projects: the Northern Dancer Tungsten-Molybdenum deposit in the Yukon and the Maracas Vanadium-PGM deposit in Brazil. Largo also has a large (60,000 hectare) land position and prospective gold exploration properties in Ecuador. The company is listed on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol LGO.


Certain statements contained in this news release may contain forward-looking information within the meaning of Canadian securities laws. Such forward-looking information is identified by words such as "estimates", "intends", "expects", "believes", "may", "will" and include, without limitation, statements regarding the company's plan of business operations, production levels and costs, estimates regarding mineral resources, projections regarding mineral prices anticipated revenues and projected expenditures. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate; actual results and future events could differ materially from such statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially include, among others, metal prices, risks inherent in the mining industry, financing risks, labour risks, uncertainty of mineral resource estimates, equipment and supply risks, title disputes, regulatory risks and environmental concerns. Most of these factors are outside the control of the company. Investors are cautioned not to put undue reliance on forward-looking information. Except as otherwise required by applicable securities statutes or regulation, the company expressly disclaims any intent or obligation to update publicly forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.


Contacts: Largo Resources Ltd. Mark Brennan President & CEO (416) 861-5886 Email: mbrennan@largoresources.com Largo Resources Ltd. Tony LaMantia VP, Corporate Development (416) 861-5882 Email: tlamantia@largoresources.com Website: www.largoresources.com

SOURCE: Largo Resources Ltd.

mailto:mbrennan@largoresources.com mailto:tlamantia@largoresources.com http://www.largoresources.com
Copyright 2007 Market Wire, All rights reserved.
Vanadium ist nicht so der bekannte Rohstoffe - wie sind da so die Markpreise und zu welchen Kosten will Largo fördern?
In den Bullboards ist die Rede von einer Top Empfehlung für Largo am gestrigen Abend!

Fraser Mackenzie soll Largo mit dem Rating -Strong Buy- und einem Kursziel von minimum 2 $ innerhalb der nächsten 12 Monate empfohlen haben! :juchu:

Vanadium ist nicht so der bekannte Rohstoffe - wie sind da so die Markpreise und zu welchen Kosten will Largo fördern?
In den Bullboards ist die Rede von einer Top Empfehlung für Largo am gestrigen Abend!

Fraser Mackenzie soll Largo mit dem Rating -Strong Buy- und einem Kursziel von minimum 2 $ innerhalb der nächsten 12 Monate empfohlen haben! :juchu:


Laut aktueller News:

The current price of vanadium pentoxide is approximately US$7.80/lb and ferro vanadium is approximately US$19/lb.
und wieviel kostet es ca. das "Zeug" aus der Erde zu holen?
Vanadium ist nicht so der bekannte Rohstoffe - wie sind da so die Markpreise und zu welchen Kosten will Largo fördern?
In den Bullboards ist die Rede von einer Top Empfehlung für Largo am gestrigen Abend!

Fraser Mackenzie soll Largo mit dem Rating -Strong Buy- und einem Kursziel von minimum 2 $ innerhalb der nächsten 12 Monate empfohlen haben! :juchu:


Laut aktueller News:

The current price of vanadium pentoxide is approximately US$7.80/lb and ferro vanadium is approximately US$19/lb.
Largo beschränkt sich in Sachen Projektportfolio NICHT nur auf das Vanadium/Platin Projekt in Brasilien.

Den genau kalkulierten Preis mit dem Largo für die Vanadiumproduktion rechnet habe ich nicht. Die Bankable Feasibilty Studie wird aber nun wie in den News angekündigt erstellt. Jedoch plant man mit einem Open-Pit Abbau der als der wohl kostengünstigste einzuschätzen ist! ;)

Des Weiteren hat man dort Platin im Portfolio dessen Preis in den letzten Monaten extrem gestiegen ist und man von weiteren Preissteigerungen ausgeht. :whistle:

Zusätzlich hat Largo mit dem Northern Dancer Projekt eine weltklasse Moly/Tungsten Liegenschaft von der weitere News in der Pipeline sind!! ;)

Hier die Projekt-Übersicht:

Current Projects:

Largo Resources is a Canadian-listed company focused on natural resource development and exploration with two advanced-stage assets in the Yukon Territory and Brazil; and one very large, prospective land package in Ecuador

Northern Dancer (tungsten/molybdenum), Yukon Territory
World’s largest undeveloped tungsten-molybdenum project
Widespread mineralization
Recent successful drill program to form basis of NI 43-101
compliant resource estimate

Maracas (Vanadium/Platinum), Bahia State, Brazil
Advanced-stage high grade Vanadium - PGE deposit
Can be quickly brought to feasibility
One of the world’s highest grade known deposits

Macuchi Gold-Copper project, Ecuador
Promising 5,000 hectare VMS epithermal belt
Optioned to AUR Resources Inc. (TSX.AUR)
Total LGO land package in Ecuador is over 60,000 hectares

und wieviel kostet es ca. das "Zeug" aus der Erde zu holen?
Vanadium ist nicht so der bekannte Rohstoffe - wie sind da so die Markpreise und zu welchen Kosten will Largo fördern?
In den Bullboards ist die Rede von einer Top Empfehlung für Largo am gestrigen Abend!

Fraser Mackenzie soll Largo mit dem Rating -Strong Buy- und einem Kursziel von minimum 2 $ innerhalb der nächsten 12 Monate empfohlen haben! :juchu:


Laut aktueller News:

The current price of vanadium pentoxide is approximately US$7.80/lb and ferro vanadium is approximately US$19/lb.
Largo beschränkt sich in Sachen Projektportfolio NICHT nur auf das Vanadium/Platin Projekt in Brasilien.

Den genau kalkulierten Preis mit dem Largo für die Vanadiumproduktion rechnet habe ich nicht. Die Bankable Feasibilty Studie wird aber nun wie in den News angekündigt erstellt. Jedoch plant man mit einem Open-Pit Abbau der als der wohl kostengünstigste einzuschätzen ist! ;)

Des Weiteren hat man dort Platin im Portfolio dessen Preis in den letzten Monaten extrem gestiegen ist und man von weiteren Preissteigerungen ausgeht. :whistle:

Zusätzlich hat Largo mit dem Northern Dancer Projekt eine weltklasse Moly/Tungsten Liegenschaft von der weitere News in der Pipeline sind!! ;)

Hier die Projekt-Übersicht:

Current Projects:

Largo Resources is a Canadian-listed company focused on natural resource development and exploration with two advanced-stage assets in the Yukon Territory and Brazil; and one very large, prospective land package in Ecuador

Northern Dancer (tungsten/molybdenum), Yukon Territory
World’s largest undeveloped tungsten-molybdenum project
Widespread mineralization
Recent successful drill program to form basis of NI 43-101
compliant resource estimate

Maracas (Vanadium/Platinum), Bahia State, Brazil
Advanced-stage high grade Vanadium - PGE deposit
Can be quickly brought to feasibility
One of the world’s highest grade known deposits

Macuchi Gold-Copper project, Ecuador
Promising 5,000 hectare VMS epithermal belt
Optioned to AUR Resources Inc. (TSX.AUR)
Total LGO land package in Ecuador is over 60,000 hectares

und wieviel kostet es ca. das "Zeug" aus der Erde zu holen?
Vanadium ist nicht so der bekannte Rohstoffe - wie sind da so die Markpreise und zu welchen Kosten will Largo fördern?
In den Bullboards ist die Rede von einer Top Empfehlung für Largo am gestrigen Abend!

Fraser Mackenzie soll Largo mit dem Rating -Strong Buy- und einem Kursziel von minimum 2 $ innerhalb der nächsten 12 Monate empfohlen haben! :juchu:


Laut aktueller News:

The current price of vanadium pentoxide is approximately US$7.80/lb and ferro vanadium is approximately US$19/lb.
-A9D- Alexandria Minerals

Die Aktie gehört zu "unseren" Topfavoriten und ist auch in Fischländers Basket!! :up:

Ich persönlich rechne bei A9D mit nem baldigen Ausbruch nach oben! Top Projekte und im Vergleich zu SCHLECHTER aufgestellten Werten wie z.b. einer Bravo Venture drastisch unterbewertet... :whistle:

hallo freunde!

mir gefällt alexandria auf diesem niveau sehr gut, chance risiko sollte passen!
seht ihr das auch so????

Olli - bin ma Largo Long! ;)
Der Goldpreis treibt die Platinmetalle

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, FAZ / mho (07.11.07) - Wenn sich die Unsicherheit an den Börsen breit macht, dann greifen die Anleger gerne wieder zu etwas, was sie auch in der hand halten können. Vorzugsweise ist das Gold, andere Edelmetalle kommen weit weniger zum Zug.

So ist das zumindest üblicherweise. In den vergangene Monaten war Gold auch durchaus gefragt, Silber nicht, dafür warfen die Investoren aber auch begehrliche Blicke auf Platinmetalle. Auch diese erleben derzeit Höhenflüge. Iridium notiert mit 425 Dollar je Unze unweit seines Fünf-Jahres-Hochs vom Jahres-Anfang und Rhodium ist mit 6.425 Dollar seit mindestens fünf Jahren nicht so teuer gewesen.

Palladium: „Spitzen-“Metall

Viel interessanter sind natürlich die in größeren Mengen gehandelten Zwillinge Platin und Palladium. Gerade Platin sorgt derzeit für Furore, erlebt der Preis doch praktisch jeden Tag ein neues Allzeithoch, aktuell bei 1.474 Dollar je Unze. Palladium hat es da nicht so leicht. Nach einer völligen Überbewertung, die den Preis im Jahr 2001 bis auf 1.090 Dollar nach oben schießen ließ, so dass das Metall sogar teuer war als das viel seltener Platin, vegetierte dieser lange in der Baisse um 200 Dollar.

Dabei erlebte er immer wieder kurzfristige Spitzen. 2004 trieb es ihn zwei Monate lang bis auf 325 Dollar, im vergangene Jahr von dem schon erhöhten Grundniveau von 325 Dollar für zwei Monate bis auf 392,50 Dollar.

Aktuell dümpelt der Preis auf abermals erhöhtem Niveau zwischen 365 und 375 Dollar wieder einmal vor sich hin, nachdem er sich von einem drastischen Einbruch im August erholt hat, der ihn bis auf 318 Dollar nach unten getrieben hatte.

Schmucke Legenden

Ursächlich war ein allgemeines Nachgeben der Edelmetallkurse, nach dem die Maßnahmen der Notenbanken den Dollar kurzfristig gestärkt hatten. Dieser trieb den Palladiumpreis stärker als Gold und Platin nach unten, weil die fundamentalen Daten für Palladium am schwächsten sind.

Die Verwendungsmöglichkeiten für Platinmetalle sind grundsätzlich sehr ähnlich, zum einen in der Schmuckindustrie, zum anderen in den Katalysatoren der Automobilindustrie. Als Schmuck hat Platin grundsätzlich einen simplen Vorteil: Es ist bekannter und geschätzter.

Immer wieder wird berichtet, dass Palladium, das auch fast so aussieht wie Platin, diesem den Rang ablaufe und als Schmuckmetall stärker gefragt sei. Indes ist Palladiumschmuck keineswegs eine Neuheit, die Schmuckkäufer sehr konservativ und zahlen für Platinschmuck auch durchaus mehr.

Zwar steigt nach Berichten von Johnson Matthey, einem der weltweit führenden Hersteller und Raffineure von Edelmetallen, das Interesse an Palladiumschmuck tatsächlich - doch Platinschmuck ist - insbesondere als Rahmen für wieder gefragte Diamanten - begehrter. Das liegt nicht zuletzt daran, dass Palladium im Unterschied zu Platin ein Polieren nicht so gut verträgt und tendiert im Zeitablauf matt zu werden. Der Vorteil ist der niedriger Preis und das geringere spezifische Gewicht. Am beliebtesten ist es jedoch als Legierung mit Gold, als Weißgold eben.


Eine zweiter periodisch auftretender Antrieb für den Palladiumpreis ist die seit Jahren immer wieder zu lesende Meldung, es könne das teure Platin in Katalysatoren ablösen. Auch dies hat sich immer wieder als voreilig erwiesen. Neue Verwendungsmöglichkeiten für das Metall gibt es immer wieder. Zuletzt gelang es etwa einer deutschen Forschergruppe der TU Darmstadt mithilfe von Palladium die Lösungsmitteleigenschaften von Wasser deutlich zu verbessern.

Andererseits hat die amerikanische Biotechfirma Cell Therapeutics unter Verwendung von Platin in prä-klinischen Studien bei der Tumorbekämpfung erreicht. Neue Einsatzmöglichkeiten werden laufend entdeckt. Solange keine davon weltumwälzend wirkt, wird sich die Stellung von Palladium nicht verbessern.

Momentan wird der Edelmetallmarkt nach Ansicht der Analysten der Standard Bank vor allem von der starken Goldnachfrage getrieben. Dabei wird Platin aufgrund seiner Wertschätzung am ehesten mitgerissen.

Öl und Gold als Treiber

Eine nicht zu unterschätzende Rolle spielt zwar auch der Ölpreis, der die Nachfrage nach Dieselfahrzeugen und entsprechenden Katalysatoren fördert. Der Edelmetallverarbeiter Heraeus in Hanau berichtet, im Vorfeld der Autoausstellung in Tokio habe sich der Eindruck verstärkt, dass sich der Dieselmotor zunehmend auch in Japan durchsetze.

Auch die Investmentbank UBS vermutete zuletzt, dass immer mehr Amerikaner auf sparsamere Dieselfahrzeuge umsteigen werden. Johnson Matthey schätzt, dass allein die Nachfrage für Dieselmotoren künftig 6 Prozent des verfügbaren Angebots an Platin abdecken wird. Dies käme auch abermals mehr Platin als Palladium zugute.

Andererseits war die Resonanz auf ein Programm des Bundesstaates Texas zur Förderung des Einbaus von Platin-Katalysatoren in Firmenflotten gering, obwohl den Unternehmen eine Abgabe droht.

Wolfgang Wrzesniok-Rossbach von Heraeus schätzt, dass es in diesem Jahr eine „massive Lücke“ zwischen der Neuproduktion von Platin und der Nachfrage geben wird. „Wir erwarten, dass die Nachfrage mindestens um 10 000 Tonnen (320 000 Unzen) über der Neuproduktion liegen wird. Damit wird die Lücke zwischen Angebot und Nachfrage im Jahr 2007 so hoch sein wie zuletzt im Jahr 2003“, sagt Wrzesniok-Rossbach.
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