• Am Sonntag, den 09.03.2025 erfolgt in den USA und Kanada die Umstellung auf Sommerzeit. Deswegen beginnt der Haupthandel ab Montag in den USA und Kanada bereits um 14:30 MEZ und endet um 21:00 MEZ. Bei uns findet die Zeitumstellung am 30.03.2025 statt. Dann haben wir wieder "normalen" Handelszeiten.

Rohstoffthread (Archiv)

Für weitere Antworten geschlossen.
Basket Update:

Name K-Kurs Stück Wert 22.06 Kurs. Wert
Southern Arc 1,08 500 540 1,68 840
Vangold 0,49 1000 490 0,42 420
Mexivada 0,46 1000 460 0,427 427
Alexandria 0,23 2000 460 0,24 480
Bluerock 0,41 1000 410 0,427 427
Cornerstone 0,43 1000 430 0,489 489
Int. PBX 0,42 1000 420 0,42 420
Sparton 0,2 2500 500 0,26 650
Largo 0,56 1000 560 0,426 426
Purepoint 0,61 1000 610 0,61 610

Wert Depot Kauf 4.880 22.06.2007 5.189 +6,33%
Moin fischi,
danke für dein update :up:
Ist dein Basket eigentlich für eine bestimmte Zeit fest oder sind auch Austäusche möglich?
Ist dein Basket eigentlich für eine bestimmte Zeit fest oder sind auch Austäusche möglich?

das sind Werte, die ich tendenziell 2 Jahre halten würde, wenn sich zwischendrin einer schon derart gut entwickelt oder aber ev. auch einer pleite geht, dann würde ich was ändern
z.B. Southern Arc, wenn die weiter so schnell steigen und sich vom Einstand verdoppeln, dann nehme ich da die Hälfte des Einstandes (den Gewinn) raus und investier das in den nächsten junior, damit kommt ein Elfter ins Spiel und der Basket wird breiter und diversifizierter
Alles klar,
tusen takk :blumen:
Ist dein Basket eigentlich für eine bestimmte Zeit fest oder sind auch Austäusche möglich?

das sind Werte, die ich tendenziell 2 Jahre halten würde, wenn sich zwischendrin einer schon derart gut entwickelt oder aber ev. auch einer pleite geht, dann würde ich was ändern
z.B. Southern Arc, wenn die weiter so schnell steigen und sich vom Einstand verdoppeln, dann nehme ich da die Hälfte des Einstandes (den Gewinn) raus und investier das in den nächsten junior, damit kommt ein Elfter ins Spiel und der Basket wird breiter und diversifizierter
Basket Update:

Name K-Kurs Stück Wert 22.06 Kurs. Wert
Southern Arc 1,08 500 540 1,68 840
Vangold 0,49 1000 490 0,42 420
Mexivada 0,46 1000 460 0,427 427
Alexandria 0,23 2000 460 0,24 480
Bluerock 0,41 1000 410 0,427 427
Cornerstone 0,43 1000 430 0,489 489
Int. PBX 0,42 1000 420 0,42 420
Sparton 0,2 2500 500 0,26 650
Largo 0,56 1000 560 0,426 426
Purepoint 0,61 1000 610 0,61 610

Wert Depot Kauf 4.880 22.06.2007 5.189 +6,33%

Auch wenn ich es bis jetzt nicht in Anspruch nehme: Sehr schönes Update und deine Arbeit hier ist wirklich aller erste Klasse!!! :up:
Bitte weiter so!
@ Fischländer: Top Job den du hier machst! :up:
Ich werde mal bei Gelegenheit mal einen Mod installieren, das du deine Basketübersicht tabellarisch verfassen kannst.
@ Fischländer: Top Job den du hier machst! :up:
Ich werde mal bei Gelegenheit mal einen Mod installieren, das du deine Basketübersicht tabellarisch verfassen kannst.

Danke für die ganzen Blumen, aber das macht hier einfach Spaß miteinander zu arbeiten! :oops: :danke:
Lob auch an Duke!
Empfehlung: Setzt Euch mal Kimberley Diamonds auf Eure Watch-Liste. (Nicht den spekulativen Wert Central Kimberley!)
Es beginnt, Geschaftsjahr 2008 jetzt mit dem 1. 7, ! es steht an - Kim ist bereits Producer

1. Alle Vorbereitungen sind getroffen, die Produktion auf 600. 000 ct/anno zu erhöhen.
Das bedeutet 120 MIo AUD Umsatz/anno, bei geschätzen Gewinn von 40 MIO AUD!

2. Resourcenupdates werden erwartet

3. Konservative Kursempfehlung lautet: 1,40€ auf Jahressicht (gegenwärtiger Kurs 0,48!)

(am Freitag wurden 200.000 Stk mit einem Trade in Frankfurt geordert.)
Tax-sell-off Termin in Australien endet am 30.6.!
Hallo george,
hw bei peketec :blumen:
Scheint momentan einen Boden zu bilden, sieht über ,80 AUD prima aus.
Empfehlung: Setzt Euch mal Kimberley Diamonds auf Eure Watch-Liste. (Nicht den spekulativen Wert Central Kimberley!)
Es beginnt, Geschaftsjahr 2008 jetzt mit dem 1. 7, ! es steht an - Kim ist bereits Producer

1. Alle Vorbereitungen sind getroffen, die Produktion auf 600. 000 ct/anno zu erhöhen.
Das bedeutet 120 MIo AUD Umsatz/anno, bei geschätzen Gewinn von 40 MIO AUD!

2. Resourcenupdates werden erwartet

3. Konservative Kursempfehlung lautet: 1,40€ auf Jahressicht (gegenwärtiger Kurs 0,48!)

(am Freitag wurden 200.000 Stk mit einem Trade in Frankfurt geordert.)
Tax-sell-off Termin in Australien endet am 30.6.!
Zaruma Resources reports on First Quarter 2007
TORONTO, May 11, 2007 (Canada NewsWire via COMTEX News Network) --

(in United States dollars)

Zaruma Resources Inc., (TSX-ZMR) today reported on its activity for the three months ended March 31, 2007. The quarterly report to shareholders will be available later today on SEDAR, www.sedar.com and on the Company's website.

As reported on April 27, the Company successfully completed four months of additional geological modelling and metallurgical testing since the filing of the Technical Report on the feasibility of the wholly owned Luz del Cobre copper project, San Antonio, Sonora, Mexico, on November 10, 2006. The ore body was methodically reviewed to determine whether the model of the deposit created in 2006 could be further optimized. The ore body was found to be open ended to the South, (not included in the reserves), and some material at the bottom of the pit will likely have a lower than average leach recovery.

New trenches in near surface oxidized copper mineralization, and historic underground workings were re-opened, geologically mapped and sampled. Six more column leach tests of oxidized and mixed material from different locations in the ore body, plus bottle roll tests and 307 sequential copper analysis tests of drill pulps from the 2006 verification drilling and from current surface and underground samples were carried out.

The new information has confirmed the parameters used in the 2006 Technical Report, and is being used for operational mine planning, but has not changed the overall plan for the project, to produce 15 million pounds of cathode copper per year for an initial five years, through an open pit mining, heap leach, solvent extraction, electro-winning operation. The 2006 Report projected an average annual cash flow from operations of $19.4 million assuming a copper price of $2.235, and a project capital cost of $24.4 million. The trailing 24 month average copper price in April was $2.51 per pound, which represents a revenue increase of $4 million per year.

The emphasis now is on the financing of the project.

Costs incurred in the quarter on the Luz del Cobre project totaled $415,000 compared with $175,000 in the first quarter of 2006.

The net loss for the period was $392,000 compared to $436,000 in the first quarter of 2006, including exploration and project evaluation costs written off. The loss per share is $0.004 and $0.006 per share, respectively.

Zaruma Resources Inc. is a pre-production mineral exploration company listed on The Toronto and Frankfurt Stock Exchanges (symbol: ZMR). Common shares outstanding: 102,781,912.

This News Release contains forward-looking statements which are typically preceded by, followed by or include the words "believes", "expects", "anticipates", "estimates", "intends", "plans" or similar expressions. Forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance as they involve risks, uncertainties and assumptions, including, but not limited to securing additional funding to continue its development programs.

SOURCE: Zaruma Resources Inc.

Zaruma Resources Inc., 20 Toronto Street, 12th Floor, Toronto ON, M5C 2B8, Canada, Fax: (416) 367-3638, info@zaruma.com, www.zaruma.com; Dr. Thomas Utter, President and CEO, Tel.: (416) 777-1781, thomas.utter@zaruma.com; Frank van de Water, CFO and Secretary, Tel.: (416) 869-0772, fvandewater@on.aibn.com
Copyright (C) 2007 CNW Group. All rights reserved.

Top Of Our Radar: Zaruma Resources Announces Financing
Jun 22, 2007 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX News Network) --

Market Gainer is quickly emerging as the one stop shop for international small-cap investors looking to stay a step ahead of the markets. Activity on the Toronto market has brought this company to the attention of our research team. Zaruma Resources Inc., (TSX-ZMR), is responding to the attention of investors. Our goal is to create a community of international investors who consistently and effectively capitalize on the enormous gains the small-cap Canadian and American exchanges offer.

June 20 - Zaruma Resources Inc., (TSX-ZMR) is pleased to announce that in recent discussions with Glencore International AG, Glencore confirmed its intent to provide US $22 million as debt financing for the capital requirements of the Luz del Cobre copper project, and also confirmed its interest in participating in the proposed copper exploration program on the 9,764 hectare property, which includes the Trion area, 1000 metres to the west of Luz del Cobre, where a previously undefined oxide copper target zone has been delineated. In consideration of Glencore's provision of the loan, and financing the exploration and development of Trion, Glencore shall have the right to offtake 100 per cent of all base metal production from Luz del Cobre and Trion, based on London Metal Exchange market prices.

Zaruma is committed to fund any capital cost overruns and will source the remaining estimated amount of the project cost, estimated to be US $3 million.

The Technical Report on the project, in compliance with NI 43-101 standards, was filed in November, 2006, indicating estimated reserves of 4.4 million tonnes of ore with an average grade of 1% Cu, and based on producing 15 million pounds of copper per year, the pre-tax net operational cash flow was estimated to average US$19.4 million per year. Adjusting the projected price of copper to a more recent trailing average price over 24 months of US$2.51 would add over $4 million the annual cash flow.

The project capital cost is currently estimated at US$25 million, and the estimated time to first production is 12-15 months from the date an engineering, procurement and construction management ("EPCM") contract is awarded. Cost estimates will be more accurately defined as the engineering and procurement work proceeds.

The selection of the EPCM contractor will be done while the legal agreements on the financing are being completed.

At today's Annual Meeting of Shareholders, the directors proposed by management for election, Peter Lorange, Michael Power, Michael Richings, Thomas Utter and Frank van de Water were re-elected.

Zaruma Resources Inc. is listed on The Toronto and Frankfurt Stock Exchanges, (symbol: ZMR). Common shares outstanding: 108,296,912.

At the time of writing shares are up 17% to $0.16 with over 6 million in volume. The Market Gainer Research Team will continue to gauge the short and long term affects that this announcement will have on the company

For a complimentary subscription to the newest and most exciting online financial newsletter on the market, visit www.marketgainer.com. This article is available for viewing in the featured articles section on our website. No Credit Card information needed.

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All material herein was prepared by based upon information believed to be reliable. The information contained herein is not guaranteed by Market Gainer to be accurate, and should not be considered to be all-inclusive. The companies that are discussed in this opinion have not approved the statements made in this opinion. This opinion contains forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties. This material is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as an offer or solicitation of an offer to buy or sell securities. Market Gainer is not a licensed broker, broker dealer, market maker, investment banker, investment advisor, analyst or underwriter. Please consult a broker before purchasing or selling any securities viewed on or mentioned herein.

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Zu Zaruma ZMR:


Bei Alexandria Minerals A9D ist was im Busch,- tippe auf Drill updates. 380000 St. auf der 0,25!
Jun 25, 2007 10:39 ET
Alexandria Drills Anomalous Gold on Joannes Property
TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - June 25, 2007) - Alexandria Minerals Corporation (TSX VENTURE:AZX)(FRANKFURT:A9D) has intersected scattered anomalous gold testing the Cadillac Break and subsidiary fault zones, including 5.19 g/t gold over 0.7m in hole JAX-07-01.

The Joannes property, located in Joannes Township, Quebec about 20 km east of Noranda, is situated 10 km west of the Bousquet Mine, which produced 3 million ounces of gold, and is adjacent to the Joanna property of Aurizon Mines Ltd., where they recently announced a near-surface Indicated Resource of 5.4 million tonnes grading 1.8 g/t gold containing 309,000 ounces, and an Inferred Resource of 21.8 million tonnes grading 1.6 g/t gold containing 1.1 million ounces (May 11, 2007).

Diamond drill hole JAX-07-01, the first hole Alexandria drilled on the property, intersected the Cadillac Break from 60.4 meters to 90.8 meters depth with attendant quartz-carbonate veins and 1%-2% pyrite and arsenopyrite. The better results are presented in the table below:

-----------------------------------------------------------Hole From (m) To(m) Au g/t Drilled True Width (m) Width (m)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------JAX-07-1 24.2 26.45 1.16 2.3 1.99----------------------------------------------------------- Incl. 24.2 24.85 3.35 0.7 0.57----------------------------------------------------------- 59.55 61.7 0.93 2.2 1.86----------------------------------------------------------- 115.5 116.2 5.19 0.7 0.68----------------------------------------------------------- 117.2 119.65 1.08 2.5 2.37----------------------------------------------------------- 121.5 123.3 1.69 1.8 1.74----------------------------------------------------------- 138.65 139 3.26 0.4 0.34----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------JAX-07-3 29.45 36.6 0.21 7.2 5.06----------------------------------------------------------- 60.45 65.15 0.39 4.7 4.26----------------------------------------------------------- 93.6 96 0.58 2.4 2.26-----------------------------------------------------------

Two Drills Turning on Cadillac Break Properties

In other activities, as part of its second phase drilling program on the Cadillac Break properties in Val d'Or, the Company continues to drill on the Orenada and Airport properties with two drill rigs. Four holes have been completed at Orenada since the beginning of this program in early June, testing extensions of the Orenada #4 and #2 zones, where Alexandria announced a high grade intersection of 12.55 m grading 7.90 g/t gold (Mar 29, 2007) and 89.1 m grading 1.09 g/t gold (April 25, 2007). In an effort to minimize environmental impact, this rig is being supported by helicopter. Assay results for these holes and four holes on the Airport property are pending.

The results presented in this press release are exploratory in nature and have been reviewed by the company's Qualified Person, Eddy Canova, PGeo. The drilling program employs a Quality Assurance/Quality Control program consistent with NI 43-101 and industry best practices. Drill core is NQ-sized, and is logged, sampled and split at the Company's Val d'Or office, in intervals of 0.3 meters to a maximum of 1.5 meters. The samples are recorded, bagged and sent to Bourlamaque Assay Lab in Val-d'Or for assay. Samples are analyzed for Au, Ag, Cu and Zn, via a 30 gram pulp by FAA for Au and AA for Ag, Cu and Zn. Re-assays by FA gravimetric finish are performed on samples assaying greater than 1.0 g/t Au and re-assays greater than 5.0 g/t Au are checked a second time by FA gravimetric finish.

WARNING: The Company relies upon litigation protection for "forward-looking" statements. This News Release may contain forward-looking statements including but not limited to comments regarding the timing and content of up-coming work programs, geological interpretations, receipt of property titles, potential mineral recovery processes, etc. Forward-looking statements address future events and conditions and therefore involve inherent risks and uncertainties. Actual results may differ materially from those currently anticipated in such statements. Alexandria Minerals Corporation relies upon litigation protection for forward-looking statements.

The TSX Venture Exchange does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


Bei Alexandria Minerals A9D ist was im Busch,- tippe auf Drill updates. 380000 St. auf der 0,25!
Jun 25, 2007 10:23 ET
Sparton Issues Incentive Stock Options to Directors and Consultants
TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - June 25, 2007) - Sparton Resources Inc. (TSX VENTURE:SRI) (the "Company") reported that it granted today, June 25, 2007, new stock options to Directors and Consultants of the Company to purchase up to 575,000 shares of Sparton. The options are exercisable at $0.395 per share and expire on June 25, 2012.

The grant of these options is subject to approval by the TSX Venture Exchange.

The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for adequacy or accuracy of the content of the information contained herein.

Der Preis ist okay! Korrekt gegenüber den Aktionären.

76,5 Mio. Pfund Uran (jetzt 43-101 nachgewiesen !!!!!) und unter 80 Mio. € Market Cap !! :eek:

Der helle Wahnsinn!!


TSX-CZQ / Dtld. C4A / WKN

Aktuell 2.54 CAD$ / 1.80 € LONG


NI 43-101 Technical Report Being Filed Today

June 22, 2007 - TORONTO, ONT. Further to the news releases of May 10, 2007, May 18, 2007 and May 25, 2007 issued by Continental Precious Minerals Inc. (TSX-CZQ) (the "Company" or
"Continental") respecting the Company's multi-metal sediment ("MMS") Viken Licence in Sweden, Gerald A. Harron ("Harron"), of G.A. Harron & Associates Inc., a "qualified person"
within the meaning of National Instrument 43-101, has completed his technical report on the MMS Viken Licence and the report is being filed on SEDAR today and will be available under the Company's profile at www.sedar.com.

The technical report contains the following estimates of inferred resources, which are nearly identical to what was published in the Company's press releases for uranium oxide, slightly lower for nickel and vanadium and slightly higher for molybdenum due to rounding errors.

Metal/Oxide Grade (lbs / ton) Tons Q uantity (lbs)
U3O8 0.37 pounds per ton 207,000,000 76,500,000
Ni 0.71 pounds per ton 207,000,000 147,440,000
V2O5 6.06 pounds per ton 207,000,000 1,253,891,000
MoO3 0.81 pounds per ton 207,000,000 168,554,000

The drill information used for the inferred resource estimate pertains to a small area (approximately 6 percent) of the MMS Viken Licence. - das ist der Hammer

The methodology used to estimate the inferred resource involved generating plans and sections to verify both geological and grade continuity between drill holes. Lower assay cut-offs were
0.23 pounds per ton for U3O8, 0.3 pounds per ton for MoO3, 2.0 pounds per ton for V2O5 and 0.4 pounds per ton for nickel, which represents natural breaks in the spectra of assay values. In a few cases assay values less than those listed above were included in composite samples in order to maintain geological and assay continuity between drill holes. The resource estimation using Gemcom software considered polygons with a 300 metre search radius confined by geological considerations and "nearest neighbour" considerations. The diamond drill spacings vary from 25 metres to 300 metres. Assays were performed by ALS Chemex in Öjebyn and ALS Analytica in Luleå, Sweden.

The Company expects to have three diamond drills operating on the MMS Viken Licence and surrounding licences throughout this summer and, together with assay results from drill holes already completed but not yet received by the Company, expects to be able to substantially increase the resource estimate for all four metals.

Gerald Harron, of G.A. Harron & Associates Inc., a qualified person under National Instrument 43-101, is responsible for the technical disclosure contained in this news release.
Ich schau mal bei Sedar nach zu CZQ. habe da so einen Verdacht! :evil:
Sage nur Warrants,- bezieht sich auf den Kursrutscher Anfang Mai.
Ich schau mal bei Sedar nach zu CZQ. habe da so einen Verdacht! :evil:
Sage nur Warrants,- bezieht sich auf den Kursrutscher Anfang Mai.

March 10, 2010
April 6, 2010
April 12, 2010
October 7, 2010
April 25, 2011
July 7, 2011
July 19, 2011

Stock options and warrants expired
nun - das hat ja noch Zeit - was mich ein wenig irritiert ist die Hompage - viel Geld scheinen die da nich reinzustecken..........und die News - entweder irren die im Datum oder haben sich verschrieben...
Ich schau mal bei Sedar nach zu CZQ. habe da so einen Verdacht! :evil:
Sage nur Warrants,- bezieht sich auf den Kursrutscher Anfang Mai.

March 10, 2010
April 6, 2010
April 12, 2010
October 7, 2010
April 25, 2011
July 7, 2011
July 19, 2011

Stock options and warrants expired

R5I Rochchester Resources arbeitet sich nach den kleinen technischen Problemen mit ihrer Erzmühle
klammheimlich nach oben.

Auch Sparton Resources SRI wieder sehr stark in Canada nach den internen News.
UNE 25, 2007 - 12:20 ET

Salazar Resources Ltd. Retains Cronus Capital Markets for Strategic Consulting

TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - June 25, 2007) - Salazar Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:SRL) (FRANKFURT:CCG) has retained CCM Consulting, a division of Cronus Capital Markets (CCM) Inc., to assist the company with information-based strategies to increase public awareness and overall liquidity for Salazar Resources Ltd.

The services to be provided by CCM will include arrangement and coordination of research coverage through CCM Research, a division of Cronus Capital Markets, ongoing media coverage, web-based as well as live investor presentations, and distribution and dissemination of research reports. Salazar Resources Ltd. will be paying $42,500 for these services over the next 12 months.

There is no prior relationship between Salazar Resources Ltd. and CCM, nor is there any prior direct or indirect interest in Salazar Resources Ltd. or its securities, or any right to acquire such an interest, on the part of CCM.

Mr. Michael Soni, President and CEO of Cronus Capital Markets will have primary responsibility for implementing this program. Prior to founding Cronus Capital Markets, Mr. Soni gained international experience in the venture capital and hedge fund arenas. During the 90's, Mr. Soni was a leading member of a top ranked money management team at Scotia McLeod, with $250 million dollars in assets, where he was primarily responsible for equity research, trading, and investment strategy.


Salazar Resources Ltd. is a publicly-listed (TSX VENTURE:SRL) mineral resource company engaged in the exploration and development of new highly prospective areas of Ecuador. Led by a senior Ecuadorian management team and most notably by its namesake Fredy Salazar, this team has been instrumental in other major discoveries throughout Ecuador, including Aurelian's Fruta del Norte discovery, IAM Gold's Quimsacocha Deposit, Mozo Deposit, Ex Newmont's Cangrejos Project and International Minerals Rio Blanco and Gaby Deposit. Being an Ecudorian based company gives us a strategic advantage enabling us to do the exploration at a rapid pace. With an excellent property portfolio, good geopolitical positioning and a number of strategic corporate and financial partnerships, Salazar has positioned itself to be a strategic player in Ecuador.


Cronus Capital Markets (www.cronuscapitalmarkets.com), with offices in Toronto and New York, assists companies in a wide variety of industries and emerging growth sectors, creates and executes information-based strategies to overcome market inefficiencies that are commonplace for the vast majority of public companies; such as share illiquidity and stagnant market presence. The head office of Cronus Capital Markets is located at Suite 206, 116 Spadina Avenue, Toronto, Ontario M5V 2K6.

The TSX Venture Exchange has neither approved nor disapproved the contents of the press release.

Trade Winds TWD könnte charttechnisch einen Move nach oben machen.
26.06.2007 13:38
IRW-News: Alexandria Minerals Corp.

IRW-PRESS: Alexandria Minerals Corp. (Nachrichten) : Alexandria bohrt anomale Goldvorkommen auf der Liegenschaft Joannes

Alexandria bohrt anomale Goldvorkommen auf der Liegenschaft Joannes

Toronto, Ontario 25. Juni 2007 Alexandria Minerals Corporation (TSX-V: AZX; Frankfurt: A9D) durchschnitt gestreute anomale Goldvorkommen bei der Prüfung des Cadillac Break und der zugehörigen Störungszonen, darunter 5,19 g Gold/T in einem 0,7 m mächtigen Horizont in Bohrloch JAX-07-01.

Die Liegenschaft Joannes liegt in Joannes Township, Quebec, etwa 20 km östlich von Noranda und 10 km westlich der Mine Bousquet, in der bisher 3 Mio. Feinunzen Gold gefördert wurden, und unmittelbar neben dem Grubenfeld Joanna der Aurizon Mines Ltd., die kürzlich neue oberflächennahe gefolgerte Vorkommen von 5,4 Mio. Tonnen mit einem Goldgehalt von 1,8 g/T (entspricht 309.000 Feinunzen) sowie gefolgerte Vorkommen von 21,8 Mio. Tonnen mit einem Goldgehalt von 1,6 g/T bzw. 1,1 Mio. Feinunzen meldete (11. Mai 2007).

Die Diamantbohrung JAX-07-01 ist die erste Bohrung, die Alexandria im Grubenfeld niederbrachte. Sie durchschnitt den Cadillac Break in einer Tiefe zwischen 60,4 und 90,8 m mit Quarzkarbonat-Erzgängen sowie 1 bis 2 % Pyrit und Arsenopyrit. Die besten Ergebnisse sind in der folgenden Tabelle zusammengefasst:

----------------------------------------------------------- Bohrloch Von (m) Bis(m) Au g/T Bohr- tatsächl. breite (m) Breite (m) ----------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- JAX-07-1 24,2 26,45 1,16 2,3 1,99 ----------------------------------------------------------- Inkl. 24,2 24,85 3,35 0,7 0,57 ----------------------------------------------------------- 59,55 61,7 0,93 2,2 1,86 ----------------------------------------------------------- 115,5 116,2 5,19 0,7 0,68 ----------------------------------------------------------- 117,2 119,65 1,08 2,5 2,37 ----------------------------------------------------------- 121,5 123,3 1,69 1,8 1,74 ----------------------------------------------------------- 138,65 139 3,26 0,4 0,34 ----------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- JAX-07-3 29,45 36,6 0,21 7,2 5,06 ----------------------------------------------------------- 60,45 65,15 0,39 4,7 4,26 ----------------------------------------------------------- 93,6 96 0,58 2,4 2,26 -----------------------------------------------------------

Fortsetzung der Bohrungen mit zwei Bohranlagen auf den Cadillac Break Liegenschaften Im Rahmen ihres Bohrprogramms der zweiten Phase auf den Liegenschaften Cadillac Break in Val d'Or bohrt das Unternehmen außerdem mit zwei Bohranlagen auf den Projekten Orenada und Airport. Seit Beginn dieses Programms Anfang Juni wurden in Orenada bisher 4 Bohrungen abgeschlossen, mit denen Ausläufer der Zonen Orenada Nr. 4 und Nr. 2 überprüft werden sollen, bei denen Alexandria einen reichen Bohrschnitt von 12,55 m Mächtigkeit mit 7,90 g Gold/T (29. März 2007) und von 89,1 m Mächtigkeit mit einem Goldgehalt von 1,09 g/T (25. April 2007) meldete. Um die Umweltbeeinflussungen zu minimieren, wird diese Bohranlage mit einem Helikopter bedient. Die Analyseergebnisse aus diesen Bohrungen und den vier Bohrungen auf dem Grubenfeld Airport stehen noch aus.

Die Ergebnisse in dieser Pressemitteilung sind vorläufig und beziehen sich nur auf den Explorationsstatus, wurden aber von dem qualifizierten Sachverständigen des Unternehmens, Eddy Canova, PGeo., geprüft. Im Rahmen des Bohrprogramms wird ein Qualitätssicherungs- und Qualitätskontrollprogramm entsprechend der nationalen Vorschrift NI 43-101 und entsprechend den bewährten Verfahren der Branche eingeführt. Die Bohrkerne haben die Größe NQ, und werden protokolliert; es werden Proben genommen und in der Niederlassung Val d'Or des Unternehmens geteilt, wobei die Intervalle zwischen 0,3 und maximal 1,5 m liegen. Die Proben werden protokolliert, verpackt und zur Analyse an das Labor Bourlamaque Assay in Val-d'Or eingeschickt. Die Proben werden als 30 Gramm-Schlämmungen nach dem FAA-Verfahren auf Gold und nach dem AA-Verfahren auf Kupfer, Silber und Zink analysiert. Nachanalysen mit dem FA-Gravimetrieverfahren werden bei Proben durchgeführt, die Goldwerte über 1,0 Gramm pro Tonne ergeben; Proben mit mehr als 5,0 g Au pro Tonne werden nochmals mit dem FA-Gravimetrieverfahren analysiert.

ACHTUNG: Die Gesellschaft beruft sich bei zukunftsbezogenen Aussagen auf den Ausschluss des Rechtsweges. Dieser News Release enthält möglicherweise zukunftsbezogene Aussagen, darunter beispielsweise Zeitpunkt und Inhalt von bevorstehenden Arbeitsprogrammen, geologische Interpretationen, der Erhalt von Grundstücksrechten, potentielle Erzabbauprozesse usw. Zukunftsbezogene Aussagen beziehen sich auf zukünftige Ereignisse und Zustände und bringen daher inhärente Risiken und Unsicherheiten mit sich. Die tatsächlichen Ergebnisse können wesentlich von denen abweichen, die in diesen Aussagen vorausgesagt worden sind. Alexandria Minerals Corporation beruft sich bei zukunftsbezogenen Aussagen auf den Ausschluss des Rechtsweges.

Kontaktinformationen: Coal Harbor Communications Alexandria Minerals Corporation Suite 701, 555 Jervis Street Dr. Eric Owens (416) 363.9372 Vancouver BC Canada V6E 4N1 E-Mail: info@azx.ca


Tel: 1+ (604) 662-4505 Fax: 1+ (604) 662-4547 Gebührenfrei: 1+ (877) 642-6200

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The belated spring rally has begun
April 6, 2007
As I write this commentary, the weather in southeastern Ontario is very much winterish. Temperatures are below freezing and there are strong winds and some snow flurries. You would think we are in the middle of winter. Just like the spring that is late in arriving, the stock market rally in resource stocks had also been delayed. In last week's commentary I wrote that you all should get ready for the long awaited rally to begin. I have noticed an ever increasing number of companies moving up more than 10% for the day. Some have moved more than 200% in 1 trading day! There is one stock that really got the spring fever! It went up more than 1000% intraday and closed up more than 538%. I will not mention the company because it should never have happened considering that the news released was that they just discovered that their property could contain nickel deposits, and that they staked a very large area around their initial property. The key word here is "could".
Notwithstanding that isolated freak occurance of "irrational exubarance", the market is poised to do what it should have done a few months ago! I guess it's better late than never.
It is good that not all stocks move up at the same time, otherwise most of you who are reading my commentary and who take "the wait and see attitude", would have to scramble to get in. I would like to reiterate: The Spring Rally is Upon Us! Thus, it is no time to nonchalantly go about your daily routine, as if nothing of significance is happening. You must act Now with some urgency, because the window of opportunity is short. Gold has moved up above $673.00 even though the Iran crisis relating to the capture of the english sailors has been resolved. One of the reasons gold is moving up is that most fiat currencies are inflating, and the US is the main culprit. The IMF has suggested that the US dollar must be depreciated so that the US Trade Gap can be lowered. The US current account trade deficit is equal to about 6.5% of the GDP. It's the opinion of the IMF that there would have to be a 10% depreciation of the US dollar for every 1% point drop of the US Trade Gap. This study suggests that substantial further declines in the value of the US dollar relative to currencies of major trading partners will be required to bring the deficit to a more sustainable level. According to Fred Bergsten, who leads Peterson Institute of International Economics, the current account deficit needs to fall to about 3% to 3.5% of GDP to stabilize the U.S. net foreign debt position. Since the trade deficit is about 6.5% of GDP, it means that a substantial depreciation of the U.S. dollar will be required. That does not mean that it will happen within a short period of time, but it has to happen.
As this depreciation is being implemented, the gold price will be rising in terms of the U.S. dollar and to a lesser extent in other currencies. Remembering that other world currencies have been inflating as well, the price of gold will rise in relation to those currencies in proportion to the fiat creation/inflation. This is not going to be a straight line up. There may be pauses and retreats at times. For the next little while, it is possible for gold to break the $730.00 high set last year before it pauses, consolidates and then marches to break through the all time high.
The stocks that we follow are: Goldmarca Ltd., (GML.V), Osisko Exploration Ltd, (OSK.V), Aurelian Resources Inc., (ARU.TO), Trade Winds Ventures, (TWD.V), Detour Gold, (DGC.TO), Alexis Minerals Corporation, (AMC.V), and Goldstake Explorations, (GXP.TO). Most of these have held most of the gains from last week. For this week I will concentrate on two of these stocks.

Trade Winds Ventures, (TWD.V) released results for 3 holes from the current drill phase with a very muted reaction by investors. It was as though the ones that have been watching this stock were comatose. Here is a stock that is on its way to a multi-million ounce resource and investors are in apathy. Get out of your coma NOW! Do you comprehend what a screaming value this is? I really don't understand how some people decide what to buy and when. The example at the begining of my commentary comes to mind of how some people at just hearing the word "prospect" will jump in with both feet and will drive a stock up more than 1000% in one day, and yet in another instance, of more substantial news will do nothing at all. That to me is incomprehensible. I hope I have been able to arouse your interest in TWD, because your success will be reflected back to me. Thus, I am rooting for your success. Trade Winds Ventures should not be trading at this level, considering how advanced they are in this project. It has been alluded that they may seek a listing of the shares on the Toronto Stock Exchange. I think they have all the qualifications for such a listing. Some people may feel that they will need to have a financing deal done soon. I don't believe that this is necessary at his time. It's true that they did raise a lot of money to fund their exploration commitments in the past, and this contributed to a lower price due to the anticipation of more financing deals and the dilution. The reason they needed to do the financing packages was because they accelarated the exploration program for Block A. They earned the 50% option in Block A, about a year ahead of schedule! Now that they have met their obligation of the earn in for Block A, the exploration expenses are shared 50/50 with their joint venture partner, Detour Gold Corporation, (DGC.To). Thus, from now on expenditures will be at a reduced rate. I reiterate that TWD represents a sreaming bargain!
Goldstake Explorations, (GXP.TO), has moved up to $0.175 on higher than normal volume. Mr. Cleaver returned recently from Australia and I had the opportunity to speak to him a couple of days ago. I hope to write up a more detailed report on Goldstake next week. For now I would like to say that the Home of Bullion 3D model of the mine points to mistakes made in the last drill campaign and the reason most holes missed the mineralized zone. But the drill holes that did encounter mineralization, were incredible! Hole 13 had an intercept of 4.7 metres from 53m to 57.70m 6.22% Cu., 3.8% Zn.,,1.4% Pb., 0.60 grams per tonne Au., and 78.7 grams per tonne Ag. Hole # 7 and 2 had Cu. values of 4.79%. Even a 3% copper/tonne resource would put a value of a tonne of ore to over $200.00 for the copper alone! Considering that there are many copper producers with less than 2% copper grades, Home of Bullion is an incredible deposit! Needless to say, this stock could and should move by more than 500% in a very short time. I will have more to write about it next week. Be sure to read it the moment I post my commentary.
Once again I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for visiting and to ask you to show your support by telling your friends about my web page. Seeing an ever increasing number of visitors will give me the incentive to continue this weekly commentary. For easier access, please bookmark this page. Thanks again and have a profitable week.
Time to consider some stocks to add to your portfolio
June 16, 2007
The time has come when you should start your due diligence to add some resource stocks to your portfolio. And what better time than when most investors are focused away from stocks? Last week I had a list of stocks that showed the best time to invest is after the sell-off that usually occurs in May. That period is between June and September. So, I would like to bring to your attention two stocks that warrant a closer examination. Fjordland Exploration, (FEX.V), has a 60% interest in the Woodjam gold-copper project in the Cariboo region of British Columbia. There they have identified three gold-copper mineralized zones. The Megabuck, Takom and Spellbound. These mineralized zones are associated to a large alkalic gold-copper porphyry system. In 2004, Fjordland had intersected 275 meters, grading 1.03 grams per tonne gold and 0.14% copper. Some of the advantages of Woodjam: It is at a low elevation, road accessible, and it can be worked year-round. The Woodjam project is about 35 kilometers south of Imperial Metals' Mt. Polley mine. Fjordland has recently appointed Tom Shroeter as its president. Mr. Shroeter has more than 30 years experience as a government geologist focused on British Columbia. Thus he has a good understanding of the geology in British Columbia.

Fjordland has recently entered into a joint venture agreement with Serengeti Resources, (SIR.V) on the Tezz property in northern British Columbia. Government geologists had identified strong gold-copper values in stream samples on the property. This property adjoins ground recently staked by Nova Gold Resources.
In July 2006, the company optioned an 80% interest in the Olympic-Rob IOCG deposit in the Yukon. Commander Resources conducted a drill program in 1997 and tested only 6 of the many targets that have been identified in this property. High grade copper values have been encountered in surface trenching. A $600,000 drill program is being conducted this summer. The shares have traded recently in the 30+ cent range. I would try to accumulate on weakness in the 25 to 30 cent range.

Gold Summit Corporation, (GSM.V) has been exploring in Nevada for high grade gold vein systems. Over the past 3 years, the company has assembled an enviable portfolio of epethermal, bonanza grade properties with drill ready targets. In fact, their fagship property, the Monte Cristo, has a 69,000 ounce gold resource. The company believes that there are many high grade deposits in this 11 km long prospective area. It has similar characteristics to the historic Comstock Lode that produced about 8.0 million ounces of gold and about 200.0 million ounces of silver. In mid-2006, an agreement was reached to obtain a 60% interest in the southern extension of the district, with options to increase their interest to 70 and to 80% by completing a feasibility study and placing a mine into production, respectively.

The company recently acquired the Saluda and Bear Creek properties in the Carolinas. These properties have been optioned to Astral Mining Company, (AST.V), to acquire a 51% interest in any of the properties by spending US $300,000. Astral can increase their interest to 80% in a designated prospect, by placing a mine into production. The shares have been trading in the 14 to 15 cents lately. Volume has been low because few want to part with their shares at 15 cents. There has been an ever increasing bid to buy the shares. You may have to pay a few pennies more to get some. The shares are a real bargain, considering that there are many drill ready targets with high potential for discoveries. The company recently announced that they are going to do a huge financig package to speed up the exploration of Monte Cristo and their other properties.

Trade Winds Ventures, (TWD.V), announced more drill results on Thursday, June 14. Although the shares have not appreciated as much, there has been an improvement from the low of 30 cents to the 40 cent range. That was more than enough to push the shares above the 50 and 200 day moving averages. This has set a bulish trend in place. At the 40 cent range, they are grossly undervalued compared to other juniors and even their partner. TWD has a market capitalization of $24.0 million. The project value in the Detour Block A property alone, is worth close to $60.0 million right now, without taking into account the new resource estimate to be released later on in the year. The other properties in Canada and China add to this value. The spin-offs announced recently, make this an attractive investment opportunity. Still a great bargain!

Once again thanks for visiting and have a profitable week.
TWD has a market capitalization of $24.0 million. The project value in the Detour Block A property alone, is worth close to $60.0 million right now, without taking into account the new resource estimate to be released later on in the year.

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