• Am Sonntag, den 09.03.2025 erfolgt in den USA und Kanada die Umstellung auf Sommerzeit. Deswegen beginnt der Haupthandel ab Montag in den USA und Kanada bereits um 14:30 MEZ und endet um 21:00 MEZ. Bei uns findet die Zeitumstellung am 30.03.2025 statt. Dann haben wir wieder "normalen" Handelszeiten.

Rohstoffthread (Archiv)

Für weitere Antworten geschlossen.

G2JA Anaconda 150K in Canada weggefräst, hier wird bald was kommen, ik hör dir schon trapsen! :evil:
Bei Globex habs nach meinem ersten Schnäppchen Posting 1€ zu verdienen. Wird noch weiter steigen.
8) 8) @dukezero - hab mich mal ein bissl eingelesen bei Starcore - sehr interessant; was war gestern das Problem? die Zahlen waren doch nicht schlecht?
Special invitation to meet with Sparton's management at the Company's:

Annual General and Special Meeting of Shareholders
The Ontario Club, 1 King Street West,
3rd Floor- Melinda Gallery, Toronto, Ontario
Thursday, June 21, 2007 at 11 AM

We will provide an update of the Company's projects including Non-Conventional Sources of Uranium which have been
receiving a great deal of interest.

A. Lee Barker
President & CEO
Sparton Resources Inc.

Quelle: EMail und http://www.spartonres.ca/
Trade Winds drills five m of 5.17 g/t Au at Detour Lake

2007-06-20 05:14 ET - News Release

Mr. Ian Lambert reports


Trade Winds Ventures Inc. has released additional results from its 13,000-metre 2007 winter diamond drill program on block A at Detour Lake, Ontario. Block A is being explored as a 50/50 joint venture between Detour Gold (50 per cent) and Trade Winds (50 per cent), the operator during the exploration phase.

The company has received further encouraging results from five holes, TWDDH-208, TWDDH-211, TWDDH-213, TWDDH-215 and TWDDH-216, on Section 15820E. These five holes are within one of 12 step-out sections, drilled near surface, to determine the continuity of the M zone structural corridor. Management continues to be pleased with the results of this program, as it continues to define the near-surface zone. A gold-bearing quartz zone was intercepted at a vertical depth of 17 metres with a grade of 4.1 grams per tonne (g/t) over 4.8 metres. The M zone is believed to extend up to the surface to bedrock with the amount of overburden being approximately five metres in these sections. The gold-bearing M zone structural corridor has a strike length of over four kilometres, continuing west onto the 100-per-cent-owned Gowest property.

Diamond drill hole TWDDH-213 returned 8.01 grams per tonne over three metres at a vertical depth of 42 metres, including 11.1 grams per tonne over one metre and 4.65 grams per tonne over 3.5 metres, including 29.2 grams per tonne over 0.5 metre.

Diamond drill hole TWDDH-208 returned 4.1 grams per tonne over 4.8 metres at a vertical depth of 17 metres, 5.17 grams per tonne gold over five metres, including 28.7 grams per tonne over 0.5 metre and 12.5 grams per tonne over 0.5 metre, and 11.05 grams per tonne gold over 0.5 metre.

Diamond drill hole TWDDH-211 returned seven grams per tonne over one metre.

Diamond drill hole TWDDH-215 returned 19.65 grams per tonne over one metre.

Diamond drill hole TWDDH-216 returned 5.58 grams per tonne over four metres, including 30.7 grams per tonne over 0.5 metre at a vertical depth of 51 metres.
Engpässe bei Kapazitäten bleiben wichtigstes Problem im Molybdänmarkt

• Die Molybdänpreise sind stabil geblieben
(nach einem Anstieg zu Beginn von 2007).
auf einem Niveau von 70 US$/kg.
• Es gibt gewisse Lieferprobleme, da nicht
genügend Molybdänoxide verfügbar sind.
Oxide zur Weiterverarbeitung zu FeMo
werden in einem Röstverfahren hergestellt.
Aber diese Röstkapazitäten sind weltweit
zu gering.
• Die Fusion zwischen PhelpsDodge
(Climax) und Freeport McMoran ist
durchgeführt worden zu 88 US$ in Cash
und 0.67 von Freeport McMoran Anteilen
pro PhelpsDodge-Anteil
• China Molybdenum wird bald in Hongkong
an der Börse gelistet werden, um Mittel für
weitere Investitionen zu erlangen. Aber
diese neuen Kapazitäten werden nicht vor
2010 verfügbar sein.
• Es wird erwartet, dass die Produktion von
von Mo-Erzen von 410 Mio. Lbs (185 kt)
2006 auf 460 Mio. Lbs (210 kt) bis 2009
steigen wird. Dies ist ein Anstieg von 12%,
der andeutet, dass der Markt für einige
Zeit knapp bleiben wird.

Der Markt hat gedreht – jetzt ist der stagnierende Bedarf der entscheidende

• Die INSG prognostiziert jetzt ein Überangebot an Nickel von 70.000 t in
2007 (nach einem Defizit in 2006 von 30,000 t)
• Die Schlüsselfrage ist momentan, wann diese Neuigkeiten eine
Wirkung auf die LME haben (wenn überhaupt). Seit einem Jahr
(Anfang 2006) hat die LME ihre Funktion verloren, den Nickelbedarf
und –verbrauch abzubilden. SIe ist seitdem zu einem Werkzeug für
spekulative und manipulative Kräfte geworden.
• Diese Kräfte sind in der Lage die tatsächlichen Lagerbestände an
Nickel, von den sichtbaren Beständen der LME fernzuhalten.
• Der Nickelverbrauch geht zurück, hauptsächlich weil europäische und
amerikanische Rostfreihersteller die Produktion kürzen, um auf den
Lagerabbau bei den Händlern zu reagieren.
• Wir erwarten eine Erholung des Nickelverbrauches im 4.Quartal 2007,
wenn der Lagerabbau enden wird und die Lagerhalter wieder in den
Markt zurückkehren.
• die LME-Bestände, ein wichtiger Faktor für die Ni-Verfügbarkeit, fielen
in den vergangenen Wochen wieder auf unter 5,000 t. Es bleibt
abzuwarten, ob die Nickelindustrie in der Lage ist, über die gesamt
Sommerperiode die Bestände niedrig zu halten (und die Preise hoch).
• Chinesische Firmen bauen gegenwärtig die Produktion von Nickelpigs
aus, um eine kostengünstige Alternative zu Primärnickel anzubieten.
Solange der LME-Preis über 20,000 US$/t liegt, bleiben Nickelpigs
• Es ist gegenwärtig ein Bieterkrieg zwischen Norilsk und Xstrata um
LionOre entbrannt. Xstrata hat das erste Angebot deutlich verbessert,
man bietet nun 5.6 Mrd. Can$, nachdem Norilsk zuvor ein
Gegenangebot eingereicht hatte.
• Der Streik bei den Vertragsarbeitern bei Inco (Voisey‘s Bay) ist nicht
gelöst. Allerdings hat der Streik laut Inco keinen Einfluß auf die
Nickel Produktion.

Trade Winds drills five m of 5.17 g/t Au at Detour Lake

Fette News,- speziell über diese Flächen!Das Deposit nimmt langsam Grösse an! :juchu:
:sorry: bitte antworten...........bitte
8) 8) @dukezero - hab mich mal ein bissl eingelesen bei Starcore - sehr interessant; was war gestern das Problem? die Zahlen waren doch nicht schlecht?

Sorry, war heute früh von Hausstrom abgeklemmt (neuer Haussicherungskasten etc...) nur über
Schlepptop online. Ich tippe mal darauf, das einige Anleger die Kostenstruktur zu stark in den Vordergrund gerückt haben,- anders ist das nicht erklärbar.

Ich nehme mal die Analyse von Neono als Antwort ( Von WO) hier mit rein,der das sehr gut beschreibt:

Included in these charges were non-cash expenses relating to the calculations of the fair values of the debt warrants issued pursuant to the Acquisition financing of $5.44 million and stock based compensation charges on stock option awards of $1.52 million.

Das allein sind 7mio Dollar, die sich rein auf den Erwerb der Mine, in diesem Fall das Financing (ich schätze mal finders fee) beziehen. Bei einem net loss von rund 6mio Dollar bleiben in den nächsten Quartalen, so diese denn gleich laufen, 1mio Dollar über.

Im übrigen solltest du auch mal darauf hinweisen, dass dies nichts mit dem ersten Quartal der Produktion zu tun hat. Deine Anmerkung, "negative Zahlen zu schreiben - was im ersten Produktionsquartal ja nicht weiter schlimm ist dann aber vorrechnet, daß eigentlich doch ein Gewinn angefallen sei.", ist schlicht irreführend.

Der angefallene Verlust hat rein gar nichts mit dem Betrieb der mine (dem ersten Produktionsquartal) zu tun, sondern ergibt sich, wie oben bereits angemerkt, aus Begleitumstände, wie zum Beispiel die Kosten für die Finanzierung.

Sie produzieren sehr profitabel Gold und das lässt die Kriegskasse wachsen. Alles was sie so an Cash reinbekommen, brauchen sie in
Zukunft nicht für gewisse Vorhaben zu finanzieren.

Du magst gerne argumentieren, dass in der Bilanz ein Verlust ausgeworfen wird. Da streiten wir auch nicht drüber. Man sollte aber dann auch erwähnen, dass dies auf einmaligen Kosten gründet, die so nicht mehr anfallen. Schliesslich möchtest Du die Sache doch objektiv beleuchten Zwinkern

Um das Ganze jetzt auch noch subjektiv zu beurteilen sage ich mal, dass es toll ist, dass sie schon im ersten Quartal einen operativen Gewinn aus der Goldproduktion erzielen, der mit steigender Produktion und Optimierung des Produktionsprozesses wachsen wird.

Hand aufs Herz Du alter Unternehmer. Würdest Du die einmalig angefallenen Kosten in Deine zukünftigen Berechnungen mit berücksichtigen? Haben diese in zukunft einen Einfluss auf die Wirtschaftlickeit des Projektes? Denn es ist doch die Frage nach der Wirtschaftlichkeit, die wir uns bei einem Produzenten stellen.

Wann kauft man solche Aktien? Richtig, bevor es soweit ist und nicht erst wenn es im filing steht.
:juchu: DANKE!
:sorry: bitte antworten...........bitte
8) 8) @dukezero - hab mich mal ein bissl eingelesen bei Starcore - sehr interessant; was war gestern das Problem? die Zahlen waren doch nicht schlecht?

Sorry, war heute früh von Hausstrom abgeklemmt (neuer Haussicherungskasten etc...) nur über
Schlepptop online. Ich tippe mal darauf, das einige Anleger die Kostenstruktur zu stark in den Vordergrund gerückt haben,- anders ist das nicht erklärbar.

Ich nehme mal die Analyse von Neono als Antwort ( Von WO) hier mit rein,der das sehr gut beschreibt:

Included in these charges were non-cash expenses relating to the calculations of the fair values of the debt warrants issued pursuant to the Acquisition financing of $5.44 million and stock based compensation charges on stock option awards of $1.52 million.

Das allein sind 7mio Dollar, die sich rein auf den Erwerb der Mine, in diesem Fall das Financing (ich schätze mal finders fee) beziehen. Bei einem net loss von rund 6mio Dollar bleiben in den nächsten Quartalen, so diese denn gleich laufen, 1mio Dollar über.

Im übrigen solltest du auch mal darauf hinweisen, dass dies nichts mit dem ersten Quartal der Produktion zu tun hat. Deine Anmerkung, "negative Zahlen zu schreiben - was im ersten Produktionsquartal ja nicht weiter schlimm ist dann aber vorrechnet, daß eigentlich doch ein Gewinn angefallen sei.", ist schlicht irreführend.

Der angefallene Verlust hat rein gar nichts mit dem Betrieb der mine (dem ersten Produktionsquartal) zu tun, sondern ergibt sich, wie oben bereits angemerkt, aus Begleitumstände, wie zum Beispiel die Kosten für die Finanzierung.

Sie produzieren sehr profitabel Gold und das lässt die Kriegskasse wachsen. Alles was sie so an Cash reinbekommen, brauchen sie in
Zukunft nicht für gewisse Vorhaben zu finanzieren.

Du magst gerne argumentieren, dass in der Bilanz ein Verlust ausgeworfen wird. Da streiten wir auch nicht drüber. Man sollte aber dann auch erwähnen, dass dies auf einmaligen Kosten gründet, die so nicht mehr anfallen. Schliesslich möchtest Du die Sache doch objektiv beleuchten Zwinkern

Um das Ganze jetzt auch noch subjektiv zu beurteilen sage ich mal, dass es toll ist, dass sie schon im ersten Quartal einen operativen Gewinn aus der Goldproduktion erzielen, der mit steigender Produktion und Optimierung des Produktionsprozesses wachsen wird.

Hand aufs Herz Du alter Unternehmer. Würdest Du die einmalig angefallenen Kosten in Deine zukünftigen Berechnungen mit berücksichtigen? Haben diese in zukunft einen Einfluss auf die Wirtschaftlickeit des Projektes? Denn es ist doch die Frage nach der Wirtschaftlichkeit, die wir uns bei einem Produzenten stellen.

Wann kauft man solche Aktien? Richtig, bevor es soweit ist und nicht erst wenn es im filing steht.
Salazar Resources Limited


Jun 20, 2007 08:30 ET
Salazar Announces Finding of New Anomaly 5.5 km South West From El Gallo, Ecuador: 68m at 2.6 g/t Gold and 82 g/t Silver
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(June 20, 2007) - Salazar Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:SRL)(FRANKFURT:CCG) announces further results from the ongoing exploration program at the El Lobo anomaly.

Significant results include:

- 68 meters at an average of 2.6 g/t gold and 82 g/t silver; including 5 meters at an average of 8.5 g/t gold and 304 g/t silver

A total of 92 rock chip samples were sampled with lengths varying between 1 and 5 meters (31 trench samples, 53 outcrop samples and 8 manual pit samples of 1 to 4 meters depth). Values ranged form 0.01 to 16.65 g/t gold and 0.01 to 604 g/t silver (to see Table 1 please click on: http://www.ccnmatthews.com/docs/srl0620Table1.pdf).

Thirty-four soil samples were also collected; 32 along road slopes (mainly Type A soil) and 2 auger samples with depths between 1 and 4 meters. The soil sampling identified a restricted gold and silver anomaly with coincident copper and lead near 892775mE and between 0849425mN and 0849400mN. There are other areas with base metal enrichment but do not have associated anomalous gold and silver (to see Table 2 and Figure 9 please click on: http://www.ccnmatthews.com/docs/srl0620Table2andFig9.pdf).

The Sesmo Sur Anomaly, which contains the El Lobo Anomaly, lies within the Jordan 2 mining concession and is located 5.5 km south west of El Gallo (to see Figure 1 please click on: http://www.ccnmatthews.com/docs/srl0620Fig1.pdf). The alteration zone is more than 100 meters wide and consists of silicified and pyritized hydrothermal volcanic breccia. Gold and silver mineralization is hosted within a hydrothermal breccia with a matrix of barite and poly-sulphides (silver minerals are contained within galena, sphalerite and chalcopyrite) (to see Figure 2 please click on: http://www.ccnmatthews.com/docs/srl0620Fig2.pdf).

Mr. Salazar, President, states, "While we remain in the early stages of our exploration program, the results to date demonstrate many positive indications that this could be an exploration area with potential to discover significant gold and silver mineralization."

Rocks and soil geochemistry and geology are currently being analyzed in further detail. Future work will concentrate on testing the 5.5 km long area between El Gallo Anomaly and Sesmo Sur to search for new indications of gold and silver mineralization. The next phase at the Sesmo Sur Anomaly will be geochemistry, geology and geophysics (magnetometry and induced polarization) to define new anomalies within the Sesmo Sur zone.

To see all Figures and Tables accompanying this press release, please click on: http://www.ccnmatthews.com/docs/srl0620all.pdf

Dr. Howard Lahti, P. Geo, the Qualified Person (QP) for the Company has reviewed this news release and is responsible for its accuracy.

Samples preparation was performed by ALS Chemex Quito, Ecuador, using standard industry practices (Sample prep -32). Analytical work was carried out at the ALS Chemex Laboratory in Vancouver, Canada, using fire assay methods for gold (Au-25 procedure). Standard samples, blanks and duplicate check samples were randomly inserted to the sample lot to ensure quality control.

To view maps and photos related to the Curipamba Project please visit www.salazarresources.com.


Fredy Salazar, President & CEO

Salazar Resources Limited

Salazar Resources Ltd. is a publicly-listed (TSX VENTURE:SRL) mineral resource company engaged in the exploration and development of new highly prospective areas of Ecuador. Led by a senior Ecuadorian management team and most notably by its namesake Fredy Salazar, this team has been instrumental in other major discoveries throughout Ecuador, including Aurelian's Fruta del Norte discovery, IAMGold's Quimsacocha Deposit, Mozo Deposit, Ex Newmont's Cangrejos Project and International Minerals Rio Blanco and Gaby Deposit. Being an Ecuadorian based company gives us a strategic advantage enabling us to complete exploration at a rapid pace, with over sixty personnel on the ground, including twelve geologists. With an excellent property portfolio (4 projects - 131,300 hectares), good geopolitical positioning and a number of strategic corporate and financial partnerships, Salazar has positioned itself to be a strategic player in Ecuador.

The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or the accuracy of this release.

For more information, please contact

Salazar Resources Limited
Fredy Salazar
President & CEO
Email: fsalazar@salazarresources.com


Salazar Resources Limited
Nick DeMare
Director & Secretary
(604) 685-9316
(604) 683-1585 (FAX)
Email: ndemare@chasemgt.com


Empire Communications Inc.
Jeff Tindale
Investor Relations
(604) 484-0066
Email: info@salazarresources.com
Website: www.salazarresources.com

Fett!!!!!!!!!!! :) Die wird extrem abgehen.
Corriente Resources Inc.: Panantza Copper Resources Continue to Grow

Scoping Study For A Combined Panantza-San Carlos Project Advances

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - June 20, 2007) - Corriente (TSX:CTQ)(AMEX:ETQ) announces that an updated resource estimation has been completed for the company's Panantza project in the Corriente Copper Belt in southeast Ecuador, which utilizes results from the most recent drilling program.

Using a 0.4% copper cut-off, the inferred copper resources at Panantza are now estimated at 463 million tonnes, containing approximately 6.7 billion pounds of copper at a grade of 0.66% copper. This estimate represents an increase of almost a billion pounds of contained copper in comparison to the company's most recent disclosure for Panantza (please see current district copper totals in the table at the end of this release).

This increase is a result of additional mineralization that was discovered along the south margin of the Panantza deposit during the course of drilling. The next phase of drilling planned for Panantza is in the order of 24 holes, totaling over 7500 metres of coring. This drilling program will attempt to delineate the full extent of the Panantza copper mineralization that is still open to the south, north and at depth. The Qualified Person for this disclosure is John Drobe (P.Geo) of Corriente and the 43-101 Technical Report that details this work will be posted to SEDAR and the company's website within 45 days.

The company is also well advanced on a Preliminary Assessment ("Scoping Study") for a combined Panantza and San Carlos project, given their close proximity (4 km apart) to each other. Corriente has engaged a team of engineering consultants, including Merit Consultants International Inc., Hoffert Processing Solutions Inc. and Knight Piesold Ltd. to complete this scoping work. The Scoping Study will consider a large central milling facility having a capacity of up to 90,000 tonnes per day and a project life of twenty years. An operation of this size and project length is estimated to process a combined copper resource from the Panantza and San Carlos deposits in excess of 600 Million tonnes, from an estimated total copper resource for these two deposits that is in excess of 1.1 billion inferred tonnes at a grade of 0.63% Cu. The milling process is forecast to produce an average of over 400,000,000 pounds of copper per year. This Scoping Study is planned to be completed later this summer and will be released as soon as it is available.

Management recognizes that the size of the combined Panantza - San Carlos project is better suited to the capabilities of a large integrated copper mining company in partnership with Corriente. Consequently, discussions have begun with several parties who are interested in a mining operation of large scale, which will enable the company to stay focused on development of the Mirador project as a priority.

Corriente CEO, Ken Shannon commented, "Advancing two large mining projects in one district presents a unique opportunity to significantly improve the economic stability of the region and would provide thousands of high-paying jobs as an alternative to their current subsistence economy. We remain committed to working with local communities, indigenous supporters and the government to continue to develop responsible mining in Ecuador and look forward to the resumption of our activities following a lifting of the suspension of field work at Mirador."

Mirador Concession Block
Proj- Cate- Au Ag
ect gory Tonnes Cu% Cu (lbs)(ppb) Au oz ppm Ag oz
Mira- Meas-
dor ured 52,610,000 0.65 753,000,000 210 360,000 1.6 2,770,000
ated 385,060,000 0.60 5,134,000,000 190 2,380,000 1.5 18,760,000
Meas. &
Indic. 437,670,000 0.61 5,887,000,000 190 2,740,000 1.5 21,530,000
rred 235,400,000 0.52 2,708,000,000 170 1,250,000 1.3 9,900,000
TOTAL 673,070,000 0.58 8,595,000,000 184 3,990,000 1.4 31,430,000
Norte Indic-
ated 171,410,000 0.51 1,921,000,000 89 489,000 - -
rred 45,820,000 0.51 513,000,000 68 101,000 - -
TOTAL 217,230,000 0.51 2,434,000,000 85 590,000 - -
ined 890,300,000 0.56 11,029,000,000 162 4,580,000

Northern Concession Block
Proj- Cate-
ect gory Tonnes Cu% Cu (lbs)
tza Infe-
(i) rred 463,000,000 0.66 6,737,000,000
los Infe-
(ii) rred 657,000,000 0.61 8,864,000,000
ined 1,120,000,000 0.63 15,601,000,000

Tonnes Cu% Cu (lbs)
For Infe-
Belt rred 2,010,300,000 0.60 26,630,000,000

(i) does not include copper oxide mineralized material that was previously
included in resource estimate
(ii) resources are tabulated at 0.4 Cu cut-off as compared to the
previously released resources in June 2001 at a 0.65% Cu cut-off


Corriente is moving towards construction of a starter operation at its Mirador copper-gold operation. Mirador is one of the few new, sizeable copper projects available for near-term production. Corriente controls a 100% interest in over 50,000 hectares located within the Corriente Copper Belt, Ecuador. The Belt currently contains three copper and copper-gold porphyry deposits: Mirador, Panantza and San Carlos, as well as the Mirador Norte prospect currently under development. Additional exploration activities are ongoing, as six additional copper and copper-gold exploration targets have been identified in the Corriente Copper Belt to date.

Kenneth R. Shannon, CEO

Certain statements contained in this News Release constitute forward-looking statements. Such forward-looking statements involve a number of known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of the company's plans to materially differ from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date the statements were made, and readers are advised to consider such forward-looking statements in light of the risks set forth in the company's continuous disclosure filings as found at www.sedar.com.

Disclosure statements as required by National Instrument 43-101 are available at our website www.corriente.com.
JUNE 20, 2007 - 08:30 ET

Mindoro Resources Ltd.: Greatly Increased Exploration Target for Agata Nickel Laterite

EDMONTON, ALBERTA--(Marketwire - June 20, 2007) - Mindoro Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:MIO)(FRANKFURT:WKN 906167) is pleased to advise that it has significantly increased its Exploration Target for the northern nickel laterite area on the Agata Project, Surigao District, Mindanao. Mindoro had initially defined an Exploration Target sufficient for 3-5 years production of direct shipping ore at a rate of 500,000 to 700,000 wet metric tones (WMT) per year (see release dated March 13, 2007), and commenced defining that Exploration Target with five core rigs. As a result of the encouraging drill results to date, as well as geological mapping of the extent of the northern laterite and the current high demand and prices for nickel and ferro-nickel feedstock, Mindoro is now evaluating the global potential of the project, and enhanced value options via on-site or local processing alternatives.

Exploration Target for the various laterite horizons in the northern laterite area is as follows:

Combined ferruginous overburden, limonite and saprolite horizons: 50 to 60 million WMT at a grade of 0.9 to 1.1 percent nickel and 28 to 32 percent iron. This includes the following division of tonnage between the overburden/limonite horizon and the saprolite horizon:

- Combined ferruginous overburden and limonite horizons: 30 to 35 million WMT of material at a grade of 0.9 to 1.1 percent nickel and 40 to 44 percent iron.

- Underlying saprolite horizon: 20 to 25 million WMT of material at a grade of 1.0 to 1.4 percent nickel and 8 to 10 percent iron.

The northern nickel laterite mineralization covers approximately 340 hectares. A total of over 90 drill holes have been completed to date within this area. Average thicknesses and grades encountered and a specific gravity of 1.5 grams per cubic centimeter were used to arrive at the revised Exploration Target. The Exploration Target does not include significant thicknesses of low-grade, partially lateritized saprolitic rock, grading in the 0.6 to 0.8 percent nickel range, that also has market potential. Nor does it include additional areas of nickel laterite mineralization further south on the Agata Project.

The drilling program has been extended with the objective of defining the revised Exploration Target. This revised Exploration Target will form the basis for evaluating several attractive value-added processing options, which includes constructing a local blast or electric furnace for nickel pig iron production. In the meantime, Mindoro will continue to fast-track the direct shipping ore scenario with the objective of achieving production in 2008.

The reader is cautioned that the potential quantity and grade of the Exploration Target described is conceptual in nature, that there has been insufficient exploration to define a mineral resource and that it is uncertain if further exploration will result in the target being delineated as a mineral resource. Until a feasibility study has been completed there is no certainty that the Company's projections will be economically viable.


Several areas of nickel laterite mineralization occur on the Agata Project, Surigao Gold District, northern Mindanao, Philippines. There are a number of nickel laterite mines already in production in the Surigao Gold District, providing direct shipping-grade ore to markets and processing plants in China, Japan, Korea and Australia. The geological extension of the Agata nickel laterite mineralization into an adjacent property, one kilometer south of Agata, is in production and product is being shipped to markets in China.

The very high demand for ferro-nickel feedstock for nickel pig iron production in the Asia-Pacific region, and high nickel prices, presents an excellent opportunity to get the Agata Project into production fast, and to generate early cash flow. Uniquely, direct shipping grade nickel laterite deposits have a low-capital cost and offer a rapid route to production and cash-flow.

As reported on March 13, 2007, five coring drill rigs are operating on the Agata nickel laterite project, with the objective of defining a NI 43-101 compliant resource adequate, initially, for three to five years of production at a rate of 500,000 to 700,000 wet metric tonnes per annum of direct shipping-grade material for the very high demand ferro-nickel markets of China, India and Korea. Mindoro has a target production date of the first half of 2008. The drilling is being conducted on 50 meter centers. This initial drill program covers less then ten percent of the area of nickel laterite mineralization mapped to date at Agata.

Initial drill results were reported on June 6, 2007, for eleven drill holes on two sections (10,050N and 10,150N); the limonite horizon averages 1.21 percent nickel and 41.07 percent iron over an average thickness of 6.27 meters. The underlying saprolite horizon averages 1.13 percent nickel over an average thickness of 5.75 meters.

Results of a further two sections (10,000N and 10,100N) were reported on June 18, 2007; the limonite horizon averages 1.15 percent nickel and 44.77 percent iron over an average thickness of 6.63 meters. The underlying saprolite horizon averages 1.13 percent nickel over an average thickness of 7.01 meters.

These grades exceed current requirements for direct shipping grade ferro-nickel feedstock for nickel containing pig iron production in the Asia-Pacific region.

Results are exceeding initial expectations and Mindoro management considers they form a sound basis for fast-tracking the project. Haul road designs have been completed, and the Environmental Compliance Certificate is in progress. Mindoro has been approached by many interested consumers with whom discussions are ongoing.

Programs are carried out under the supervision of Tony Climie, P.Geol., president of Mindoro, who is a qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101. Sample preparation and assaying is being performed by McPhar Laboratory of Manila, an ISO 9001/2000 accredited laboratory. Ni, Co, Fe, MgO and Al2O3 assays are performed by AAS after an HCl-HNO3-HClO4 digest, and SiO2 by gravimetric method. Normal Quality Control and Quality Assurance procedures are being carried out, using a system of duplicate, standard and blank samples.


Mindoro is a Tier 1 Issuer trading on the TSX Venture Exchange (MIO) and the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (WKN 906167). In addition to advancing the Agata nickel laterite project towards production, Mindoro is carrying out a major resource delineation program on its Kay Tanda gold-silver project. The company has also identified 22 porphyry copper-gold prospects in the Philippines and has an aggressive strategy of drilling multiple targets in 2007.

This release may contain forward-looking statements including management's assessments of future plans and operations, and expectations of future production. These statements are based on current expectations that involve a number of risks and uncertainties, which could cause actual results to differ materially from those anticipated. These risks include, but are not limited to, the risks associated with the mining and exploration industry (e.g. operational risks in development, exploration and production; delays or changes in plans with respect to exploration or development projects or capital expenditures; the uncertainty of reserve estimates; the uncertainty of estimates and projections relating to production). The assumptions used in the preparation of such statements, although considered reasonable at the time of preparation, may prove to be imprecise and, as such, undue reliance should not be placed on forward-looking statements.

The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
JUNE 20, 2007 - 08:30 ET

Purepoint Uranium Group Inc.: Outlines Summer Drill Program

TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - June 20, 2007) - Purepoint Uranium Group Inc. (TSX VENTURE:PTU) today released the details of their summer 2007 drill program in Canada's Athabasca Basin. Drill permits have now been issued for drilling at Purepoint's Hook Lake and Smart Lake projects.

"This summer represents the launch of a major drill campaign by Purepoint across the Basin and the progression of three projects to a new stage of advanced exploration" said Scott Frostad, Purepoint's Vice President Exploration. "We've spent considerable time and money developing the best drill targets possible. It is our intention to operate with two drills this summer and complete 6,000 metres of initial diamond drilling with more than 10,000 metres to follow this winter".


- In anticipation of these accelerating programs Purepoint has seed financed two new drilling companies, and secured a first right of refusal on 60,000 metres of drilling;

- At Red Willow 2,000 metres of diamond drilling are scheduled on the Petrel and Osprey target zones. Crews will operate out of Purepoint's Lasby Lake camp;

- A year round camp has been constructed by Purepoint on Patterson Lake in the southern region of the Hook Lake project. The Carter and Patterson corridor target zones are scheduled to be tested with 2,500 metres of diamond drilling;

- A new road has been completed to the Smart Lake camp site and a new camp is currently under construction. 1,500 metres of diamond drilling are scheduled to be completed before the end of the summer season.

Red Willow Project

The Red Willow project consists of eight claims on the eastern edge of the Athabasca Basin where 11 priority drill target areas have been delineated to date. Five major uranium deposits, JEB, Midwest, Cigar Lake, McArthur River and Millennium, are located along a NorthEast to SouthWest mine trend that extends through the Red Willow Project.

Purepoint's 100% owned Red Willow project adjoins to the west of AREVA Resource Canada Inc.'s claim group that contains the JEB, Sue and McClean deposits to the west. To the south, Red Willow adjoins UEX's Hidden Bay project that contains the Raven-Horseshoe deposits and surrounds Cameco's Rabbit Lake, Collins Bay and Eagle Point deposits. Boulder sampling by Purepoint at Red Willow succeeded in extending the historic Long Lake boulder train zone further up-ice and returned assays up to 1.30% U3O8.

Hook Lake Project

In February, 2007, Purepoint entered into an agreement with UEM Inc. to form a joint venture in the ongoing exploration of UEM's Hook Lake uranium project in the Athabasca Basin. The agreement permits Purepoint, as operator, to acquire up to 50% of this large project. UEM Inc. is a company 50% owned by each of Cameco Corporation and AREVA Resources Canada Inc.

The Hook Lake Project was staked by UEM in 1997 and consists of six claims totaling 26,051 hectares situated in the southwestern Athabasca Basin approximately 80 kilometers southeast of the former Cluff Lake mine. The depth to unconformity is very shallow, ranging from zero to 350 metres. Uranium mineralization was encountered on the property by SMDC in 1978 with an intersection averaging 0.24% U3O8 over 2.5 metres of diamond drilling.

Smart Lake Project

In January 2007, Purepoint entered into an agreement with Cameco Corporation to form a joint venture in the ongoing exploration of Cameco's Smart Lake uranium project in the Athabasca Basin. The agreement permits Purepoint, as operator, to acquire up to 50% of the project.

The Smart Lake property is 100% owned by Cameco and includes two claims with a total area of 9,800 hectares situated in the southwestern portion of the Athabasca Basin, approximately 60 km south of the Cluff Lake mine. Depth to the unconformity ranges from zero to 350 metres in depth. Aeromagnetic and electromagnetic patterns at Smart Lake resemble those observed underlying the Shea Creek deposits that are located under deeper sandstone cover 55 km north of the property.

About Purepoint

Purepoint Uranium Group Inc. is focused on the precision exploration of more than 42 defined target areas on its seven 100% owned projects in the Canadian Athabasca Basin, and its two Basin projects joint ventured with Cameco Corporation and AREVA Resources Canada Inc. Established in the Basin well before the resurgence in uranium, Purepoint is actively advancing this large portfolio of multiple drill targets in the world's richest uranium region.

Scott Frostad BSc, MASc, PGeo, Purepoint's Vice President, Exploration, is the Qualified Person responsible for technical content of this release.

Nach den weitern guten News Trade Winds TWD in Canada sehr stark. (0,40 cad)
Ebenso PTU Purepoint Uranium Group Inc. . (0,88Cad)

Erstes Kursziel nach dem Resourcenupdate 5,10 CAD. FMV First Majestic Silver in D.

Auf Jahressicht sollten die alten ATH kein Thema sein.
Guten Tag,

gestern schöne Käufe von Haywood - haben alles auf der 0,33 CAD eingesammelt. Die 38 Tage Linie wurde mal gestreift - könnte mit der nächsten News wieder einen Sprung machen.

8) 8)
Jun 21, 2007 09:00 ET
Sparton to Evaluate Uranium Extraction Possibilities From Waste Material in South Africa With Akanani Investment Corporation

TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - June 21, 2007) - Sparton Resources Inc. (TSX VENTURE:SRI)(the "Company") reported today that it has signed an Exclusivity and Confidentiality Agreement (the "ECA") with Akanani Investment Corporation (Proprietary) Limited ("AIC") to cooperate jointly and exclusively with AIC in a long term program for the evaluation of the possibility of extracting uranium and other valuable metals from waste coal ash and other deposits of high metal content waste material in the Republic of South Africa, and elsewhere on the African continent.

Sparton will supply its technical expertise and experience in evaluating extraction of uranium and other metals from such materials using technology developed by its strategic process engineering partner Lyntek Inc. of Denver Colorado USA. AIC will assist in the procuring of suitable waste deposits, licences, permits and authorizations necessary for the advancement of the program. AIC will also provide financial consulting services to assist in identifying suitable investors for commercialization of production from such deposits and liason with the appropriate South African regulatory agencies having jurisdiction over such activities.

The ECA provides for the Company and AIC to enter into one or more comprehensive agreements specifying additional technical and commercial details for the program on or before August 31, 2007. It is planned to jointly incorporate a new JV Company to oversee and finance the program with initial ownership in this company as to AIC 51%, and Sparton 49%, with project investment contributions and the JV Company's intellectual and capital assets owned pro rata by the Company and AIC.


AIC is a South African-based private company holding (directly or indirectly) interests in a range of mining, commercial and industrial enterprises, which is owned, managed and controlled by commercially astute and experienced persons who are classified as historically disadvantaged South Africans (within the meaning of the South African Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act, No 28 of 2002) ("MPRDA"). AIC is accordingly qualified in terms of South African Black Economic Empowerment ("BEE") criteria and applicable policies to contribute significantly to the future establishment in South Africa of a viable business utilising the technology provided by Sparton for the exploitation of mineral-rich waste dumps and tailings, as well as assisting financially and by way of the introduction of Sparton to other potential investors, including (but not limited to) the South African government.

As part of its portfolio of mineral holdings AIC and its two BEE partners are in the process of selling their 26% interest in the Platreef platinum group metals project through Akanani Mining (Pty) Ltd. This project, located in northern South Africa, was originally evaluated by AfriOre Limited (until early 2007, a Canadian listed entity) and subsequently acquired by Lonmin PLC in a transaction valued at over $3 Billion.


Research by Sparton has shown there are very large waste deposits of coal ash in South Africa produced by the burning of large amounts of low grade lignitic or brown coals for electric power generation. Coal fired power stations produce most of the electrical energy used in South Africa. Very little of the waste ash material produced is recycled into reusable products. Information available on one power generating organization alone indicates approximately 30 million tonnes of waste ash are produced annually and only about 5% of this material is recycled. Additional research on uranium and other heavy metal contents for the waste ash deposits is currently underway but initial studies have provided chemical analysis information on some lignitic coals having up to 400 parts per million uranium (approximately 1 pound per tonne U308).

This research work will continue, and lead to an extensive sampling program of various waste ash deposits in the coming months.


The current agreement between Sparton and Akanani is believed to be unique in South Africa and both AIC and the Company are optimistic that significant amounts of high uranium waste ash will be identified early in the technical program. Sparton is pioneering the evaluation of non conventional sources of uranium on an international scale and now has agreements in place to participate in these programs in seven countries around the world (see news releases dated June 4, 2007 and May 24, 2007). With its strong background and success in the mineral industry in this region, AIC is an ideal partner for Sparton to jointly advance this project in South Africa, and elsewhere on the African continent.

Sparton's exploration and non conventional uranium extraction programs in China, Central Europe and South Africa are carried out under the direct supervision of A. Lee Barker, P. Eng., P Geol., the Company's President and CEO who is a Qualified Person under National Instrument 43-101.

The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for adequacy or accuracy of the content of the information contained herein
Ich werde Sparton in einigen Stunden ne Mail mit einigen Fragen schreiben. Falls noch jemand etwas wissen will einfach melden, ich schreibe es dann hinzu. Die Antworten werden ich hier posten.
Tenajon Reports Positive Metallurgical Test Results for the Ajax Molybdenum Project

Recoveries of 86.5% Molybdenum Achieved
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - June 21, 2007) - Tenajon Resources Corp. (TSX VENTURE:TJS) (the "Company") is pleased to report results from preliminary metallurgical test work completed for its Ajax Molybdenum project. The metallurgical program was conducted by Westcoast Mineral Testing Inc. of North Vancouver, BC and was successful in determining that rougher stage molybdenum recoveries in excess of the reported 86.5% can be achieved.

Ajax, one of North America's largest undeveloped molybdenum deposits, is located 14 km north of Alice Arm in northwestern British Columbia. Infrastructure in the area is very good with both tidewater access and hydro electric power situated at Kitsault 16km to the south. At a 0.040% Mo cut-off, the Ajax Deposit hosts a 43-101 compliant inferred mineral resource of 448.8 million tonnes grading 0.063% molybdenum (623.4 million pounds) and an indicated mineral resource of 38.8 million tonnes grading 0.064% molybdenum (56.4 million pounds).

"We are very pleased with these early stage results," said Bruce McLeod, President & CEO of Tenajon. "While testing to date is very preliminary in nature, Westcoast Mineral Testing is confident that rougher stage molybdenum recovery of greater than 90% can be achieved at a coarse grind and with uncomplicated reagent additions. In addition, tests indicate that the Ajax deposit contains a very low content of minerals that could potentially impact molybdenite flotation."

The 2007 testing program was undertaken on single equal weight composites all from drill hole 06-04 assay rejects. Thirty four rejects were included to produce a composite that grades 0.065% molybdenum.

Four bench scale tests were completed using DF250 (Dowfroth 250) as the frother and diesel fuel as the collector.

The 2007 drill program will include the drilling of one or more metallurgical test holes so that future metallurgical test work can be conducted at the recommended size of 10 - 20 kg charges. Larger scale bench tests will assist in further optimization of Molybdenum recovery and concentrate grades. The objective of the 2007 drill program, consisting of 3,500 metres of diamond drilling, is to further define near surface high-grade mineralized zones within a potential starter pit.

Quality Assurance

The technical information in this news release has been prepared in accordance with Canadian regulatory requirements set out in National Instrument 43-101 and reviewed by Bruce McLeod, P. Eng., President & CEO for Tenajon Resources Corp. The metallurgical testing on the Ajax samples was carried out under the supervision of Gary Hawthorne, P.Eng. of Westcoast Mineral Testing Inc. of North Vancouver, B.C. Gary Hawthorne is a Qualified Person under National Instrument 43-101 and has reviewed the content of this press release.

Dave Visagie, P. Geo. Northair Group Exploration Manager is the Qualified Person as defined by NI 43-101 for the Ajax Property.

On Behalf of the Board of Directors


D. Bruce McLeod, President
Antwort von Lee Barker eben angekommen.

Die Testanlage für die Uran-Gewinnung aus Kohle Asche soll wahrscheinlich in China gebaut werden. Desweiteren soll sie transportabel sein um so zu Testzwecken auch in anderen Regionen genutzt werden zu können. Zeithorizont bis zu fertigstellung 8-9 Monate, wenn nichts schief geht.

Das Chabucto Gas Feld steht trotz einiger Anfragen nicht zum Verkauf. Wann es in Produktion geht ist alleridngs offen, wahrscheinlich aber wenn das Nachbarfeld versiegt.

Blizzard Uranium deposit sieht auch gut aus. Boss Power wird die Finanzierung bewerkstelligen und sich um die Abbaugenehmigung kümmern.

Alles in allem sehr netter Kontakt, der M. Barker kann auch französisch für den den es interessiert.
8) 8) @ Dukezero and all - bei Starcore ist ja heute ordentlich Action hier in D, gabs ne Empfehlung oder sammelt da einer ?

In Germany gabs kurzzeitig heute Schnäppchenkurse! :) T5Q Tenajon

Fettes Deposit!!! Wenn NI-conform gemacht,- dann ab richtung Norden!
8) 8) net schlecht!

Jun 22, 2007 08:45 ET
Nevada Copper Corp.: Confirms Continuation of High Grade Copper Zone on East Deposit
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - June 22, 2007) - Nevada Copper Corp. (TSX VENTURE:NCU)(FRANKFURT:ZYT) ("Nevada Copper") is pleased to announce the results of a step-out hole drilled 60 meters (200 ft) to the northeast of the high-grade East deposit at its 100% owned Pumpkin Hollow Copper Property located in Nevada. Hole NC07-21 confirms the northeast continuation of a relatively flat high grade copper zone that now exceeds 245 meters (800 ft) in length, 60 meters (200 ft) to 215 meters (700 ft) wide, with a combined thicknesses of 20 meters (70 ft) to 40 meters (130 ft). Within this large zone, copper grades average over 3.0%. This high grade zone in the East deposit remains open to the north.

NC07-21 encountered multiple high grade copper-gold zones. The two largest zones include 27 meters (88 ft) averaging 2.76% copper, 0.37 g/t gold, 8.8 g/t silver and 17 meters (56 ft) averaging 4.34% copper, 0.42 g/t gold, 11.3 g/t silver. NC07-21 was designed to offset the mineralization in NC07-05 (12.3 meters averaging 4.1% copper; 17.6 meters of 3.4% copper and 3.2 meters of 5% copper). Also drilled in the East Deposit was NC07-10 which bounded mineralization along the Eastern edge of the deposit.

Results from NC07-21 and previously announced drilling results in the East zone are expected to significantly expand the copper resource. Additional drilling is planned to further test the open extent of this high grade copper zone.

In the open pittable North Deposit, drill hole NC07-13 was designed to infill an area where drilling was wide spaced. NC07-13 successfully encountered several large zones of open pit grade mineralization, establishing good continuity. The largest mineralized zone intersected in NC07-13 was 62.5 meters (205 ft) averaging 0.43% copper, 0.079 g/t gold and 2.1 g/t silver.

A plan map and cross sections for the deposits are available on the homepage at www.nevadacopper.com. Drill results announced here represent true thicknesses.

EAST DEPOSIT - Assays greater than 1% Cu---------------------------------------------------------------------------Drill From To Length Length Copper Gold Silver IronHole # (m) (m) (m) (ft) (%) (g/t) (g/t) (%)---------------------------------------------------------------------------NC07-21 452.6 458.7 6.1 20.0 2.10 0.422 4.6 38.2--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 468.5 469.1 0.6 2.0 2.03 0.368 5.2 16.1--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 478.8 483.4 4.6 15.0 2.24 0.538 6.1 32.1--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 494.1 495.3 1.2 4.0 1.17 0.039 1.9 3.5--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 498.0 499.6 1.6 5.0 1.96 0.295 4.4 4.8--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 503.0 506.0 3.0 10 1.99 0.908 6.1 5.3--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 516.5 543.2 26.7 87.5 2.76 0.365 8.8 8.3--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 547.1 564.2 17.1 56 4.34 0.424 11.3 6.8--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 571.0 573.5 2.5 8 4.59 0.221 42.2 8.3---------------------------------------------------------------------------NC07-10 498.5 501.4 2.9 9.5 3.76 0.370 10.4 13.1--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 556.1 557.8 1.7 5.5 1.09 0.152 8.9 29.6---------------------------------------------------------------------------
NORTH DEPOSIT - Assays greater than 0.3% Cu--------------------------------------------------------------------Drill From To Length Length Copper Gold SilverHole # (m) (m) (m) (ft) (%) (g/t) (g/t)--------------------------------------------------------------------NC07-13 167.8 178.8 11.0 36 0.36 0.028 1.0-------------------------------------------------------------------- 186.1 218.1 32.0 105 0.54 0.056 1.7--------------------------------------------------------------------Including 196.3 203.2 6.9 22.8 1.15 0.099 3.5-------------------------------------------------------------------- 233.6 271.3 37.7 123.5 0.53 0.082 1.9-------------------------------------------------------------------- 305.7 368.2 62.5 205 0.43 0.079 2.1--------------------------------------------------------------------Including 357.7 359.2 1.5 4.8 1.33 0.129 5.2--------------------------------------------------------------------

To date, 31 holes have been drilled for a total of 16,000 meters. Of the 31 holes, results from 19 holes have been released to date. Future drilling results will be released as they become available.

Joe Kircher, Chief Operating Officer, commented, "We set out several months ago with a 12,000 meter drilling program designed specifically for purposes of converting a majority of our current inferred copper resource into the measured and indicated category in advance of the feasibility study. We believe our initial program has successfully accomplished this goal. Additionally on the basis of our successful step-out drilling we have increased the drill program to 18,000 meters and we have been extremely pleased with the results and the anticipated resulting positive impact on the property's total resource."

The Pumpkin Hollow project is under the supervision of Gregory French, CPG #10708, a Qualified Person as defined in Canadian National Instrument 43-101, who is responsible for the preparation of the technical information in this news release. All assaying and whole rock geochemistry is processed at the American Assay Laboratories (AAL) in Reno, Nevada. Samples are delivered from the project core logging facility to AAL by Nevada Copper or AAL personnel. A Quality Assurance and Quality Control Assay Protocol have been implemented whereby blanks and standards are inserted into the assay stream and check samples are sent to Chemex-Reno and Inspectorate-Reno laboratories.

Nevada Copper has 35.5 million shares outstanding and is well financed with no debt. For additional information about Nevada Copper please visit our website at www.nevadacopper.com.


Giulio T. Bonifacio, President & CEO

This news release includes certain statements that may be deemed "forward-looking statements". All statements in this release, other than statements of historical facts, including the likelihood of commercial mining and possible future financings are forward-looking statements. Although the Company believes the expectations expressed in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results or developments may differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in forward-looking statements include unsuccessful exploration results, changes in metals prices, changes in the availability of funding for mineral exploration, unanticipated changes in key management personnel and general economic conditions. Mining is an inherently risky business. Accordingly the actual events may differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements. For more information on the Company and the risks and challenges of its business, investors should review the Company's annual filings that are available at www.sedar.com.

The TSX Venture Exchange has neither approved nor disapproved of the contents of this news release
ZYT geht ab in Canada. NCU Nevada Copper. Hier schon 1,68 €.

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