• Am Sonntag, den 09.03.2025 erfolgt in den USA und Kanada die Umstellung auf Sommerzeit. Deswegen beginnt der Haupthandel ab Montag in den USA und Kanada bereits um 14:30 MEZ und endet um 21:00 MEZ. Bei uns findet die Zeitumstellung am 30.03.2025 statt. Dann haben wir wieder "normalen" Handelszeiten.

Rohstoffthread (Archiv)

Für weitere Antworten geschlossen.
Ist mir ab liebsten, da ich mich langsam von allen hier gehypten Werten, bis auf wenige Ausnahmen verabschieden werde!

Und leider in D kaum Umsatz.schrieb Bömbchen.

Tjo, wenn man CAN handeln kann, kann es einem natürlich egal oder fast Recht sein.

Bei E-trade wird es in Kürze eine neue Global Trading Plattform geben. Trades in canada 13 €! (wenn die Info stimmt)
War mir beim Chartsuchen auch aufgefallen. Die Historie hier beginnt beim Kauf der Mine Anfang 2007.

Was war denn da wohl in der Vergangenheit mal los?


Und leider in D kaum Umsatz.
War mir beim Chartsuchen auch aufgefallen. Die Historie hier beginnt beim Kauf der Mine Anfang 2007.

Was war denn da wohl in der Vergangenheit mal los?

Und leider in D kaum Umsatz.

Hm, da ist auch ein Zeitraum ohne Handel. Vielleicht haben die irgendeinen Börsenmantel übernommen statt sich neu zu listen oder so.

Darauf tippe ich auch, wie Venture Capital ja schon aussagt.
Kinners, nehmt doch mal die Charts raus, das ist ja ein Gescrolle, dass einem Angst und Bange wird!
Rohstoff-Bulle: Boom dauert noch mindestens 18 Jahre
09.06.07 08:52
Rainer Hahn

Das Lager der Rohstoff-Superbullen hat einen neuen prominenten Fürsprecher erhalten. Es handelt sich um niemand Geringeren als um Mitchell Hooke, den Chef des Minerals Council of Australia. Seiner Meinung nach befinde sich die Welt am Beginn eines noch nie da gewesenen Nachfrage-Schubes. Dieser habe das Potential, noch gute 15 bis 20 Jahre anzuhalten.

Wie der Branchen-Experte auf einer Fachkonferenz in Manila darlegte, würden die Schwellenländer heute für rund die Hälfte der globalen Wirtschaftsaktivität stehen. Zugleich würden dort zwei Drittel des weltweiten Wachstums generiert. Der Verbrauch an Industriemetallen pro Kopf stelle in diesem Ländern aber immer noch erst einen kleinen Bruchteil des Bedarfs in den Industrienationen dar. In den kommenden Jahren werde es hier unweigerlich zu einer Angleichung mit nachhaltigen Folgen kommen.

Mit steigendem Einkommen, so Hooke, wachse auch der Bedarf nach Industriemetallen. Bereits jetzt befinde sich dieser auf einem Niveau, wie es noch nie jemand erlebt habe. Die Hälfte der Erde mache derzeit einen rasanten Industrialisierungs-Prozess durch, wie er etwa in den USA in den 1890er Jahren oder in Japan in der Nachkriegszeit stattgefunden habe. Gleichzeitig erhole sich auch die Nachfrage in den klassischen Industrienationen. Vor allem in Japan, der zweitgrößten Volkswirtschaft der Welt, finde derzeit geradezu eine „Re-Industrialisierung“ statt.

Den Rohstoffanbietern werde es laut Hooke in der kommenden Dekade kaum gelingen, mit der Nachfrage Schritt zu halten. Daran würden auch die enormen Investitionen in neue Minen-Projekte kaum etwas ändern. Vielmehr sorge der Investitions-Boom bei den Rohstoffgesellschaften zur Zeit zusätzlich für Preissteigerungen. Schließlich habe diese Entwicklung die Branche relativ unvorbereitet getroffen. Dementsprechend würden derzeit sowohl die Entwicklungs- als auch die Betriebskosten inklusive Maschinen und Löhne stark steigen. Jene Volkswirtschaften, die diesen Preisentwicklungen am besten entgegentreten könnten, würden aus dem globalen Wettbewerb um Rohstoffe künftig als Sieger hervorgehen.

Hooke stellte klar, dass der derzeitige Rohstoff-Boom seiner Meinung nach gut und gern noch 18 Jahre Bestand haben werde. Zwar würden zahlreiche Metalle wie Kupfer und Nickel bereits jetzt zu Rekordkursen gehandelt. Der Nachfrage-Boom sei dennoch erst rund zwei Jahre alt. Die zugrundeliegenden fundamentalen Faktoren hätten sich erst vor Kurzem spürbar auszuwirken begonnen. Diese Entwicklung sei nun aber nicht mehr rückgängig zu machen.

EMFIS empfiehlt Anlegern, die von dieser Entwicklung profitieren wollen, den Einstieg in das „Dresdner Bank Open End Zertifikat auf den S-BOX EM Rohstoff & Industriemetall Performance Index“. Dieses bildet den S-BOX EM Rohstoff & Industriemetall-Index der Börse Stuttgart ab. Der Index enthält die Aktien von 20 Öl- und Minengesellschaften aus den Emerging Markets, die von einer robusten Nachfrage nach Rohstoffen besonders profitieren sollten. Wertpapier-Kennnummer: DR5XT3

Rainer Hahn ist Gründer und Geselleschafter vom www.emfis.com und Chefredakteur des ASIA und Südamerika EMFISIZER.
Sie lesen Finanznachrichten und Wirtschaftsmeldungen auf ad-hoc-news.de, ein Presseportal der trading-house.net AG. Weitere Börsennachrichten finden Sie unter www.ad-hoc-news.de & http://www.trading-house.net.
Risikohinweis Redaktion: ad-hoc-news.de
8) 8) nebenan keine Meinungen erhalten, deshalb doch mal hier:

wollte auch mal wieder einen Middl/Long - Wert hier vorstellen: Silber,Zink....

Scorpio Mining Corp. - TSX-V: SPM; FFM: SZ7


- 4 Projkete
- super Bohrergebnisse am laufenden Bande; fast jede Woche mit sehr hohen Silbergehalten
- Near Term Produktion auf Nuestra Senora (silver-zinc project, Mexico)

-Anfang Juni (diese Woche kommt die Veröffentlichung; neue NI43-101+ PFS!) ist die Pre-Feasibility geliefert und wird veröffentlicht! :

New NI 43-101 Reserve/Resource - reserve/resource study reporting both reserves in the proven and probable categories and resources in the measured and indicated categories. Inferred resources will not be included in the report as they cannot, under NI 43-101, be included in studies of mine economics.

Mining Operations - information and assumptions concerning the mining method(s), metallurgical processes and production forecast.

Recoverability - information concerning results of all tests and operating results relating to the recoverability of the metal commodities and amenability of the mineralization to the proposed processing methods.

Markets - information concerning the markets for the company's forecast production.
Environmental Considerations - a discussion of environmental bond posting (if required), remediation and reclamation.

Capital and Operating Cost estimates - capital and operating cost estimates with major cost components broken out.

Economic Analysis - an economic analysis with cash flow forecasts on an annual basis using proven and probable mineral reserves only, and sensitivity analyses with variants in metal prices, grade, capital, operating costs and payback period of capital.
Mine Life - a discussion of the expected mine life and exploration potential.

-die Goldprojekte werden demnächst ausgegliedert

-ein in meinen Augen sehr sehr interssanter Wert; vom breiten Markt fast unbemerkt
-sicherlich kein Penny mehr , aber trotzdem mit enormen Upside-Potential wenn die Studie gefällt....

mein kurzfristiges Ziel liegt bei mind. 2,00-2,30 Can$ - langfristig deutlich mehr oder sogar Übernahme

Letzte News:

Thunder Bay , ON June 07, 2007

FSC / Press Release


Thunder Bay , Ontario CANADA, June 07, 2007 /FSC/ - Benton Resources Corp. (TSX - VX: BTC), ("Benton") and its partner Teck Cominco Limited ("Teck Cominco") have received a final report from Aeroquest Limited on the recently completed airborne survey at the King Lake Nickel project in Labrador, located 60 km north of the world class Voisey's Bay nickel deposit. The King Lake nickel project is host to numerous, high-grade nickel-copper showings that have returned up to 6.8% copper and 1.9% nickel. The airborne geophysical survey located several strong electromagnetic anomalies on the property including a large conductive zone which measures greater than 400 metres wide by 1000 metres long. This large conductive zone is coincident with a moderate magnetic anomaly, a rusty gossanous outcrop, and many nickel-copper-cobalt lake sediment anomalies similar to those in the vicinity of the Voisey's Bay deposit. The conductive zone is also spatially related to the outer rim of a large intrusion and east-west oriented structures, comparable to the environment noted at the Voisey's Bay deposit.

Benton is excited about the results and believes the conductors could represent possible nickel-rich and copper-rich sulphide zones. Ground follow-up efforts are scheduled to begin in mid to late June. Airborne survey maps which demonstrate the similarities between King Lake and Voisey's Bay can be found on Benton's website at www.bentonresources.ca/.

Clinton Barr (P.Geo.), V.P. Exploration for Benton Resources Corp., is the qualified person responsible for this release.

On behalf of the Board of Directors of Benton Resources Corp.
"Stephen Stares"
Stephen Stares, President

THE TSX VENTURE EXCHANGE HAS NOT REVIEWED AND DOES NOT ACCEPT RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE ADEQUACY OR ACCURACY OF THIS RELEASE. Forward-looking statements in this release are made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities.

For further information contact Stephen Stares @
3290 Willard Ave
Thunder Bay, Ont.
P7E 6J7
Phone (807)475-7474
Fax (807)475-7200

Investor relations:
In Canada:
First Canadian Capital
Daniel Boase
Phone (416) 742 5600
Fax (416) 742 6410

In U.S.A:
The Windward Agency
Kelly Boatright
Phone (704) 588 8600

Auchmal strong watch! Bei Rücksetzer greife ich zu. Kauf dann in Canada.
8) 8) ist schön hier - du läufst ja richtig zu Hochform auf! - danke für deine Klasse-Arbeit!
Letzte News:

Thunder Bay , ON June 07, 2007

FSC / Press Release


Jo, finde ich auch,- so entspanntes Geldverdienen ohne Staraktien.:kichern:
Benton ist ein Tipp von Fischi.

Hier warte ich mal bis der Kurs unter 1,40 Cad fällt um nach dem starken Anstieg eine erste Position zu bekommen.
Jun 12, 2007 00:05 ET
Trade Winds Drills 11.10 g/t Gold Over 11.00 Metres Within 55 Metres of Surface at Detour Lake, Ontario
TIMMINS, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - June 12, 2007) - Trade Winds Ventures (TSX VENTURE:TWD)(PINK SHEETS:TWDIF)(FRANKFURT:TVR) is pleased to announce additional results from its 13,000 metre 2007 winter diamond drill program on Block A at Detour Lake, Ontario. Block A is being explored as a 50/50 Joint Venture between Detour Gold Corporation (TSX:DGC) (50%) and Trade Winds (50%), the operator during the exploration phase.

The Company has received further notable results from holes TWDDH-210 and TWDDH-212 on Section 15660E. These two holes are within one of twelve step-out sections, drilled near surface, to determine the continuity of the M Zone structural corridor. Management is very pleased with the results of this program, as it continues to define the near surface zone. The M Zone was intercepted at a depth of 26 metres and is believed to extend up to the surface to bedrock. The amount of overburden in this section is approximately 5 metres. The gold bearing M Zone structural corridor has a strike length of over four kilometers, continuing onto the 100% owned Gowest property.

Diamond drill hole TWDDH-212 returned 11.10 grams/tonne over 11.00 metres, including 44.00 grams/tonne over 1.00 metre and 28.50 grams/tonne over 1.00 metre.

Diamond drill hole TWDDH-210 returned 3.73 grams/tonne gold over 7.00 metres, including 18.95 grams/tonne over 1.00 metre and 7.85 grams/tonne gold over 1.00 metre.

Block A, using a cut-off of 1.0 grams/tonne, has an indicated resource of 14,158,000 tonnes grading 1.77 grams Au/t containing 804,321 ounces of gold and an inferred mineral resource of 24,796,000 tonnes grading 1.88 g Au/t containing 1,499,552 ounces of gold (resource calculation completed by Golder Associates Ltd. in Oct 2006).

Also management is looking to increase shareholder value via spin-offs of the Tuole Gold/Copper and the Silu Zinc/Lead projects, located in the Peoples Republic of China. TWD will look at similar spin-out strategies for its other Canadian projects, which include a 60% option in the Birch Lake (Red Lake), Ontario gold project and its 100% interests in the Turner Lake, Nunavut project and its Treasure Mountain and Dardanelles gold properties in B.C. For more information on please visit our Website at www.tradewindsventures.com and click on May 31/07 press release.

Mr. Alex Burton, P. Eng., P. Geo., is the qualified person for Trade Winds' projects at Detour Lake and has reviewed the information contained herein.

WARNING: The Company relies upon litigation protection for "forward-looking" statements.

The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of the content of this press release.

For more information, please contact
Trade Winds Ventures Inc.
Ian D. Lambert
(604) 742-2522


Trade Winds Ventures Inc.
Terry McGee
Investor Relations
Toll Free: 1-877-811-4518 ext 228 or (604) 742-2531
Email: info@tradewindsventures.com
Website: www.tradewindsventures.com

FETT :juchu:
Auch bei Globex Mining Schnäppchenpreise! :)
DJ SENTIMENT/Vermögensverwalter bullish für DAX - Nicht für Dow

2007-06-12 13:20:49

Die unabhängigen Vermögensverwalter sind optimistisch für den
Wie der Verband unabhängiger Vermögensverwalter (VuV) nach einer
Umfrage unter
den 130 Mitgliedern mitteilte, erwarten rund 90% für die kommenden
zwölf Monate
höhere Kurse bei den europäischen Standardwerten. Bei den
internationalen Aktien
erwarten dagegen nur 51,4% steigende Kurse. Das hänge mit der negativen
Einschätzung der Mitglieder gegenüber US-Aktien zusammen, meint der
VuV zur
Begründung. Lediglich 2,3% der Befragten sähen die USA als attraktiv
an. Als
weiteres Ergebnis der Umfrage stellt der VuV heraus, dass die Mitglieder auf
Sicht von zwölf Monaten Finanzwerte favorisierten. Auf Sicht von drei bis
Jahren werde dagegen Pharma- und Rohstoffwerten das größte Potenzial


(END) Dow Jones Newswires

June 12, 2007 07:20 ET (11:20 GMT)

Copyright (c) 2007 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.

061207 11:20 -- GMT

Trade Winds TWD vorbörslich stark! Mal schauen.
Jun 12, 2007 09:01 ET
International PBX Ventures Ltd.; Drill Results: Copaquire Molybdenum-Copper Porphyry, Chile
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - June 12, 2007) - International PBX Ventures Ltd. (TSX VENTURE Zunge rausstrecken BX) is pleased to report continuing excellent results from the molybdenum-copper resource definition program comprising 10,000 metres of diamond drilling.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------- From To WidthHole # (m) (m) (m) % Mo % Cu Comments---------------------------------------------------------------------------CQ 50 11.2 175.3 164.2 0.037 0.14 On ridge of Cerro Moly--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11.2 110.0 98.9 0.046 0.19---------------------------------------------------------------------------
---------------------------------------------------------------------------CQ 51 1.5 37.8 36.3 0.022 0.32 S of Cerro Moly, hole lost in fault---------------------------------------------------------------------------
---------------------------------------------------------------------------CQ 52 14.8 289.5 274.7 0.025 0.08 On ridge of Cerro Moly--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14.8 156.0 141.3 0.034 0.12---------------------------------------------------------------------------
---------------------------------------------------------------------------CQ 53 9.4 165.8 156.5 0.056 0.19 S of Cerro Moly, hole lost in fault---------------------------------------------------------------------------including 9.4 100.0 90.7 0.017 0.28---------------------------------------------------------------------------including 100.0 165.8 65.8 0.109 0.05---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Note 0.1% Mo equals 2 lb/short ton1% copper equals 20 lb/short tonHole locations are posted on www.internationalpbx.com

All analyses were carried out at ALS Patagonia Laboratories, Coquimbo, Chile using the atomic absorption spectro photogrametric (AA) technique following hot four-acid digestion.

Tor Bruland, MSc,PGeo is the qualified person under National Instrument 43-101 in charge of the program. The results should be considered preliminary exploration data.

Copaquire is located in northern Chile on the west fissure which hosts some of the largest copper-molybdenum porphyry mines in the world. It is the last well-exposed major porphyry system in Chile yet to be fully explored. The company has an option to purchase a 100 per cent interest in the property.


Dr. Gary Medford, P.Geo., President and CEO

The company relies on "forward-looking" statement litigation protection.

TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
Pelangio Mines PLG (Kürzel Canada) ebenfalls stark! 1,56 Cad. :) mit Druck zu weiteren Hochs.
Jun 13, 2007 01:00 ET
Globex's Updates Financial Prospects for Next 12 Months
ROUYN-NORANDA, QUEBEC--(Marketwire - June 13, 2007) - GLOBEX MINING ENTERPRISES INC. (TSX:GMX)(FRANKFURT, STUTTGART, BERLIN, MUNICH, XETRA:G1M)(PINK SHEETS:GLBXF). At the request of several shareholders, Globex is providing a financial projection of expected near term revenue streams.

First of all, business is going extremely well, with the cash and shares held by Globex providing Globex with sufficient capital to advance our projects and grow. As to development and exploration expenditures on Globex properties or royalty properties, Globex expects somewhere in the order of $125,000,000 to be spent over the next 12 months with no investment by Globex.

The following is a synopsis of cash and shares held by Globex as of noon June 12, 2007:

Cash on hand (approximate) $3,000,000
Shares at market value $4,070,000
Net receivable (approximate) $650,000
Sub-total CAD $7,720,000

In addition, prior to year end, Globex anticipates the receipt of the following cash and shares.

Note: Share prices at delivery may vary due to market conditions.

First Metals Inc. (3,200,000 shares @ $1.25) plus $250,000 $4,250,000
Silver Capital (400,000 shares @ 2.50 Euros) $1,415,000
Sub-total CAD $5,665,000

Globex also expects to receive significant royalties and net profit interests from at least 2 projects starting this year, generating some $7.5 Million annually, at current metal prices.

The first will be from the zinc mines in Tennessee held by Strategic Resource Acquisition Corporation. The mines are projected to enter production in the fourth quarter of 2007. Globex is slated to receive, based on today's zinc price, 1.4% of all contained zinc production at no cost to Globex. Zinc is presently quoted at CAD$1.78/lb.

Globex also receives a 2% Gross Metal Royalty from the Fabie Bay copper deposit being brought to production by First Metals Inc. Copper is currently trading at CAD$ 3.44/lb. In addition, Globex is to receive 10% of the Net Profits generated by the Fabie Bay copper mine and later by the Magusi River copper, zinc, gold, silver mine, after recoupment of up to CAD$10,000,000 of capital cost.

Globex also anticipates a royalty stream to start this year from the Russian Kid Gold Mine which is now shipping material for processing at the Xstrata Horne smelter (not included in the following summary).

Two other smaller scale projects may also generate cash this year, the Rousseau Gold Deposit and the Lyndhurst #1 Zone silica-copper zone.

Lastly, Globex anticipates continuing to receive option revenue in cash and shares from other partners. Calculating a reliable revenue estimate is difficult as we do not know which cash payments will be made and if share payments are made, what their unit value will be. Considering this, no amount has been projected for 2007 option payments which, in 2006, grossed $1,900,000.


All in all, we are extremely pleased with our projected financial position, especially considering the small number of Globex shares issued (16,680,950 common shares) and the fact that junior exploration companies are not expected to be self-sufficient and generate cash flow.


Current Cash & Shares $7,720,000

Anticipated within next 12 months
Cash and Shares $5,665,000
Royalties $2,220,250
NPI Revenue $2,000,000
Total CAD $17,605,250

We Seek Safe Harbour. Foreign Private Issuer 12g3 - 2(b)
CUSIP Number 379900 10 3

Forward Looking Statements

Except for historical information this News Release may contain certain "forward looking statements". These statements may involve a number of known and unknown risks and uncertainties and other factors that may cause the actual results, level of activity and performance to be materially different from the Company's expectations and projections.

The information in this press release has been prepared as at June 12, 2007. Certain statements contained in this press release constitute "forward-looking statements" and forward looking information under the provisions of Canadian provincial securities laws. When used in this document, the words "anticipates or anticipated", "approximate", "projected," "slated," "possible" "expects" and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements or information.

Such statements and information include without limitation: statements regarding timing and other assumptions; estimates of future mineral production and sales; statements and information as to the projected development of certain ore deposits, and estimates of the timing of such development and production or decisions with respect to such development and production; the anticipated timing of events with respect to the Company's royalties; statements and information regarding the sufficiency of the Company's cash resources; and other statements and information regarding anticipated trends with respect to the Company's capital resources and results of operations. Such statements and information reflect the Company's views as at the date of this press release and are subject to certain risks, uncertainties and assumptions, and undue reliance should not be placed on such statements and information.

Many factors, known and unknown could cause the actual results to be materially different from those expressed or implied by such forward looking statements and information. Such risks include, but are not limited to: the volatility of prices of gold and other metals; uncertainty of mineral reserves, mineral resources, mineral grades and mineral recovery estimates; uncertainty of future production, and other costs; currency fluctuations; mining risks; risks associated with governmental and environmental regulation; the volatility of the Company's stock price and the price of shares held by the Company.

The Company does not intend, and does not assume any obligation, to update these forward-looking statements and information. Certain of the foregoing statements, primarily related to projects, are based on preliminary views of the Company with respect to, among other things, grade, tonnage, processing, mining methods, capital costs, and location of surface infrastructure and actual results and final decisions may be materially different from those currently anticipated.

16,680,950 shares issued and outstanding

For more information, please contact
Jack Stoch, P.Geo, Q.P.
President & CEO
819-797-1470 (FAX)

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ich will es nochmal wiederholen , heute oder morgen kommt das neue Ressourcenupdat + PreFS!
gestern schonmal einen schönen Intradayreverse hingelegt, da mußte/wollte wohl noch jemand mit dabei sein.........

lest euch mal die letzten BE´s durch, könnte eine schöne Überraschung werden!

8) 8) nebenan keine Meinungen erhalten, deshalb doch mal hier:

wollte auch mal wieder einen Middl/Long - Wert hier vorstellen: Silber,Zink....

Scorpio Mining Corp. - TSX-V: SPM; FFM: SZ7


- 4 Projkete
- super Bohrergebnisse am laufenden Bande; fast jede Woche mit sehr hohen Silbergehalten
- Near Term Produktion auf Nuestra Senora (silver-zinc project, Mexico)

-Anfang Juni (diese Woche kommt die Veröffentlichung; neue NI43-101+ PFS!) ist die Pre-Feasibility geliefert und wird veröffentlicht! :

New NI 43-101 Reserve/Resource - reserve/resource study reporting both reserves in the proven and probable categories and resources in the measured and indicated categories. Inferred resources will not be included in the report as they cannot, under NI 43-101, be included in studies of mine economics.

Mining Operations - information and assumptions concerning the mining method(s), metallurgical processes and production forecast.

Recoverability - information concerning results of all tests and operating results relating to the recoverability of the metal commodities and amenability of the mineralization to the proposed processing methods.

Markets - information concerning the markets for the company's forecast production.
Environmental Considerations - a discussion of environmental bond posting (if required), remediation and reclamation.

Capital and Operating Cost estimates - capital and operating cost estimates with major cost components broken out.

Economic Analysis - an economic analysis with cash flow forecasts on an annual basis using proven and probable mineral reserves only, and sensitivity analyses with variants in metal prices, grade, capital, operating costs and payback period of capital.
Mine Life - a discussion of the expected mine life and exploration potential.

-die Goldprojekte werden demnächst ausgegliedert

-ein in meinen Augen sehr sehr interssanter Wert; vom breiten Markt fast unbemerkt
-sicherlich kein Penny mehr , aber trotzdem mit enormen Upside-Potential wenn die Studie gefällt....

mein kurzfristiges Ziel liegt bei mind. 2,00-2,30 Can$ - langfristig deutlich mehr oder sogar Übernahme
:juchu: :juchu: das sind die NEWS:

Scorpio Mining Corporation Receives Positive Results from the Pre-Feasibility Study on the Nuestra Senora Project

VANCOUVER, Jun 13, 2007 (Canada NewsWire via COMTEX News Network) --

Scorpio Mining Corporation (TSX:SPM) is pleased to announce its receipt of robustly positive results from the independent Pre-Feasibility Study ("PFS") completed on June 8th, 2007 on its 100% owned Nuestra Senora silver-zinc project located in the Sinaloa State of Mexico. The results of the PFS which was completed by Genivar, an independent qualified engineering company with the participation of other Qualified Persons and companies, demonstrate that an underground bulk mining operation at Nuestra Senora is economically viable. The study projects that the cash cost of producing silver at the Nuestra Senora project, after accounting for by-product credits, will be a negative US$0.98 per ounce produced using discounted metal prices.

das heißt durch die zusätzlichen Metalle (Zink,Blei etc.) kostet die Produktion einer Unze Silber nichts!!! sondern bringt sogar noch nen knappen Dollar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Peter J. Hawley, Chairman, CEO comments, "The PFS shows that the Nuestra Senora project has robust economics with potential to increase mineral reserves and resources. We are particularly pleased that the by product credits more than cover the operating costs using discounted metal prices which allows us to produce silver ounces at virtually no cost. If we were to use current prices the project would become much more profitable with respect to the silver spectrum. Company's management views this as a very conservative study with opportunities to optimize the results going forward. We will aggressively advance the project towards production in March of 2008."

Key project parameters within the study are as follows:

- Metal Prices - Metal prices used are below the current market prices.

- Dilution - A mining dilution factor of 10% with a US$30 value per
tonne mined was applied to the Main Zone and 15% dilution with a
US$30 per tonne value applied to the Hoag and Sept 9 Zones for the
purpose of reserve estimation.

- December 2007 to March 1, 2008 is the projected mill commissioning

- From the beginning of the production period, the mill will run
three months at 500 tonnes per day (TPD) and then increase to
1,000 TPD.

- The Net Present Value ("NPV") and Internal Rate of Return ("IRR") are
based on current mineral reserves outlined over the life of mine
(LOM) as of April 22, 2007 and do not include additional conversion
of Resources to Reserves or additional delineation of resources. The
Company currently has five drills operating on the project.

- Definition of the mineral Reserves and Resources in the PFS were
subject to more stringent parameters for an "Ore Reserve"
calculation. The differences are mainly due to a higher percentage of
"ore" samples required for a cell to be classified as "ore", shorter
ellipsoid search radius, an interpolation of specific gravity, a
1 metre length of composites rather than 3 metres, an enhancement in
the cut-off grade, and the exclusion of over 5,800 underground chip

Filing of the final PFS report on SEDAR is expected within 14 days.
Scorpio Mining Corporation will provide notice of a conference call to discuss
these results and answer any questions.

Study Highlights

- From May 2007 until the end of LOM operations, currently projected in
late 2013, a little less than 6 years, an after tax net cash flow of
US$59.5 million. Using June 5, 2007 metal prices, this figure would
increase to US$105.76 million. The entire production period does not
count possible future production resulting from the additional
resources outlined in Table 2.

- The Base Case Net Present Value ("NPV"), after tax, of
US$14.3 million and an Internal Rate of Return ("IRR") is 26.2%
(using US$11.00 per oz. for silver, US$1.25 per lb. for zinc,
US$0.50 for lead, US$2.25 for copper, 10% real discount rate,
$40.30/tonne operating costs (the operating costs include a
contingency factor of 7.5%).

- Current Metal Price NPV, after tax, of US$46.2 million and an IRR
of 60.7% (using a 10% real discount rate and $40.30/tonne operating
costs). Metal prices as of June 5, 2007, are US$13.63 per oz. for
silver, US$1.67 per lb. for zinc, US$1.04 per lb for lead,
US$3.26 per lb for copper.

- The Production Capital Expenditure (Cap Ex) is estimated to be
US$26.5 million incurred between May 2007 and the end of February
2008. The Cap Ex indicates a payback of nearly 3 years at a
production rate of 1,000 TPD.

- Mill throughput rate is projected at 350,000 tonnes per year with
average grades of 127.0 g/t silver, 2.97% zinc, 0.42% copper, 1.42%
lead and 0.12 g/t gold.

- Milling facility will have the possibility of easily increasing
throughput to 2,000 TPD if required.

- Estimated average annual production of 1.1 million ounces of silver,
18.0 million pounds of zinc, 1.80 million pounds of copper,
9.0 million pounds of lead at a rate of 1,000 TPD as per metals
payable contained in the concentrates.

- Production is expected to begin in March of 2008.

- Mineral Resource and Reserve estimates included in the PFS are up
to April 22, 2007. Since then, Scorpio has drilled an additional
6,300 metres, which will be included in a future updated reserve/
resource estimate.

- Only the Nuestra Senora and Hoag/Sept 9 Zones were used in the study,
which does not include resources from the Santa Teresa, Santo
Domingo, Candelaria systems.

- The deposit(s) remain open and the Company is aggressively exploring
for additional resources and delineating current resources to convert
them into reserves.

- Currently the Company is looking at various commercial smelter terms
which could improve the net smelter returns received.

Estimated Reserves and Resources

Table 1: Mineral Reserves

Probable Tonnes Silver Zinc Lead Copper
Reserves (metric) (g/t) (%) (%) (%)

Main Zone 1,067,709 167 3.24 0.98 0.55
Hoag Zone 598,284 71 2.52 1.97 0.23
Sept 9 Zone 220,776 81 2.87 2.09 0.28
Total: 1,886,769 127 2.97 1.42 0.42

Note 1: The cut-off in situ value used to estimate the Mineral Reserve
above was US$80 per tonne.
Note 2: The Mineral Reserves were estimated after allowing for the
following factors: Dilution: 10% for the Main Zone and 15% for
the Hoag/Sept 9 Zones; Ore recovery: 75% for the Main Zone, 85%
for the Hoag and 95% for the Sept 9 Zone and this recovery takes
into account the pillars left in place.
Note 3: Average ore densities were estimated at 3.15 t/m3.
Note 4: The effective date of the Mineral Reserve estimate described
above is April 22, 2007.

Table 2: Remaining Estimated Mineral Resources after Reserves

Resources Tonnes Silver Zinc Lead Copper
Category (metric) (g/t) (%) (%) (%)

Measured 369,352 325 4.93 2.21 0.90
Indicated 361,441 315 5.04 2.33 0.80
Total: 730,793 320 4.99 2.27 0.85
Inferred 816,851 194 3.28 1.75 0.49

Note 1: The effective date of the Mineral Resources estimate described
above is April 22, 2007.
Note 2: The above mineral resources are exclusive of the Mineral Reserves
quoted in table 1 above.
Note 3: Under NI 43-101, Inferred Resources are not included in studies
of mine economics.
Note 4: Mineral resources are not reserves and do not have demonstrated
economic viability.

Estimation Methodology

- Estimated Resources

For the purpose of the mineral Resources in the PFS more stringent
parameters than those previously calculated were applied. This includes:

- Base case metal values used were, US$11.00 per oz. for silver,
US$1.25 per lb. for zinc, US$0.50 for lead, US$2.25 for copper.

- All calculations were made using Gemcom software, MS Access, Sages

- Capping grade factors were applied and a US$80 per tonne cut-off
grade applied to determine the qualification of "ore" - waste.

- The sample composites were at a length of 1 metre with respect of
qualification ("ore" - waste) before interpolation.

- A block model with cell sizes of 2 x 2 x 5 metre was interpolated
using the inverse of the square of the distance using samples in the
research ellipsoids. The closest composite within a range of
10 metres was classified as Measured, the closest composite between
10 and 20 metres was classified as Indicated and closest sample from
20 to 30 metres classified as Inferred.

- A specific gravity overall of 3.15 t/m3 was applied to all

- All known underground excavations material was subtracted from the
gross calculated material resource.

- Estimated Reserves

The Resource block model was then submitted to a team of specialists with
the mandate to identify recoverable resources, mining method, dilution factor,
pillar location etc. This includes:

- All calculations were made using Gemcom software, MS Access, Sages
2001, Promine and NCSS.

- The team used an US$80 per tonne cut-off.

The resource estimate for the PFS was prepared by Denis Boivin, P.Geo., and was supervised and validated by independent Qualified Person Christian d'Amours, Eng., President of Géopointcom Inc. It is an update from the estimate contained in the Company's technical report dated February 5th 2007 prepared by independent Qualified Person, Denis Boivin. It was prepared using data available up to April 22nd, 2007. As of April 22nd 2007, a total of 74,169 metres of diamond drilling had been performed on the property. Since April 22nd, a further 6,300 metres of diamond drilling has been performed.

Michel Garon, Eng. and Christian d'Amours P.Geo., are the Qualified Persons who have reviewed and approved the technical information in this news release on behalf of the Company.

Scorpio intends to file a National Instrument 43-101 technical report regarding the pre-feasibility study within 14 days.


Peter J. Hawley

Chairman & CEO

This news release includes certain statements that may be deemed "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and applicable Canadian securities legislation. Forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, statements with respect to the future price of silver, zinc, copper, lead and gold, the timing of exploration activities, the mine life of the Nuestra Senora Project, the economic viability and estimated internal rate of return of the Nuestra Senora Project, the estimation of mineral reserves and mineral resources, the results of drilling, estimated future capital and operating costs, projected mineral recovery rates and Scorpio Mining Corporation's commitment to, and plans for developing the Nuestra Senora Project. Generally, these forward-looking statements can be identified by the forward-looking terminology such as "plans", "expects"' or "does not expect", "is expected", "budget", "scheduled", "estimates", "projects", "intends", "anticipates", or "does not anticipate", or "believes", or "variations of such words and phrases or state that certain actions, events or results "may", "can", "could", "would", "might", or "will" be taken", "occur" or "be achieved". Forward-looking statements are subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the actual results, level of activity, performance or achievements of Scorpio Mining Corporation to be materially different from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements, including but not limited to: risks related to the exploration and potential development of the Nuestra Senora Project, risks related to international operations, the actual results of current exploration activities, conclusions of economic evaluations, changes in project parametres as plans continue to be refined, future prices of silver, zinc, copper, lead and gold, as well as those factors discussed in the sections relating to risk factors of our business filed in Scorpio Mining Corporation's required securities filings on SEDAR, including its Annual Information Form date March 27, 2007. Although Scorpio Mining Corporation has attempted to identify important factors that could cause results to differ materially from those contained in forward-looking statements, there may be other factors that cause results to be materially different from those anticipated, described, estimated, assessed or intended.

There can be no assurance that any forward-looking statements will provide accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. Scorpio Mining Corporation doses not undertake to update any forward-looking statements that are incorporated by reference herein, except in accordance with applicable securities laws.

SOURCE: Scorpio Mining Corporation

Glenn Little, Jackson Little Holdings Ltd: (604) 930-4375, 1-888-930-4375, Email: jlconsulting@telus.net; Rich Kaiser, YES International: 1-800-631-8127, (757) 306-6090 (outside North America), Email: yes@yesinternational.com

Copyright (C) 2007 CNW Group. All rights reserved.

ich will es nochmal wiederholen , heute oder morgen kommt das neue Ressourcenupdat + PreFS!
gestern schonmal einen schönen Intradayreverse hingelegt, da mußte/wollte wohl noch jemand mit dabei sein.........

lest euch mal die letzten BE´s durch, könnte eine schöne Überraschung werden!

8) 8) nebenan keine Meinungen erhalten, deshalb doch mal hier:

wollte auch mal wieder einen Middl/Long - Wert hier vorstellen: Silber,Zink....

Scorpio Mining Corp. - TSX-V: SPM; FFM: SZ7


- 4 Projkete
- super Bohrergebnisse am laufenden Bande; fast jede Woche mit sehr hohen Silbergehalten
- Near Term Produktion auf Nuestra Senora (silver-zinc project, Mexico)

-Anfang Juni (diese Woche kommt die Veröffentlichung; neue NI43-101+ PFS!) ist die Pre-Feasibility geliefert und wird veröffentlicht! :

New NI 43-101 Reserve/Resource - reserve/resource study reporting both reserves in the proven and probable categories and resources in the measured and indicated categories. Inferred resources will not be included in the report as they cannot, under NI 43-101, be included in studies of mine economics.

Mining Operations - information and assumptions concerning the mining method(s), metallurgical processes and production forecast.

Recoverability - information concerning results of all tests and operating results relating to the recoverability of the metal commodities and amenability of the mineralization to the proposed processing methods.

Markets - information concerning the markets for the company's forecast production.
Environmental Considerations - a discussion of environmental bond posting (if required), remediation and reclamation.

Capital and Operating Cost estimates - capital and operating cost estimates with major cost components broken out.

Economic Analysis - an economic analysis with cash flow forecasts on an annual basis using proven and probable mineral reserves only, and sensitivity analyses with variants in metal prices, grade, capital, operating costs and payback period of capital.
Mine Life - a discussion of the expected mine life and exploration potential.

-die Goldprojekte werden demnächst ausgegliedert

-ein in meinen Augen sehr sehr interssanter Wert; vom breiten Markt fast unbemerkt
-sicherlich kein Penny mehr , aber trotzdem mit enormen Upside-Potential wenn die Studie gefällt....

mein kurzfristiges Ziel liegt bei mind. 2,00-2,30 Can$ - langfristig deutlich mehr oder sogar Übernahme
zu TWD Trade Winds aus Stockhouse Bullboards:

Trade Winds will be offering a minimum of 2 IPO's in 2007. Current holders of TWD will be fortunate enough to receive free shares in the new companies based on their minimum TWD holdings. So if you're in and out, your minimum balance of TWD shares during a certain time period will be used for the calculation. Note that the free new company shares you receive, will not affect the number of TWD shares you hold. Nor is the value of TWD shares anticipated to go down as a result of the IPO's since the properties being spun off are not currently reflected in the price anyway.

Here is what is projected for IPO' in 2007. Looks very favourable for the mining sector. Focus on the last paragraph!!!!!

The PwC survey shows that Canadian IPOs fell in the first quarter of 2007 to 20 from 34 in the 2006 first quarter, while total proceeds of $300 million were 85% below the $2 billion raised a year earlier.

Ross Sinclair, national leader for PwC's IPO and income trust services, says this sharp decline reflects the federal government's policy to stop corporations from converting into income trusts.

"The Canadian IPO market has averaged about $6 billion in recent years, with income trusts accounting for about 60% of the total market," he says. "Without any new income trusts in 2007 or any new equivalent, the 2007 IPO market could move down to less than $3 billion."

While this trend may not be good news for large corporations that had hoped to convert into income trusts, mining companies stand to regain a stronger presence in the IPO capital markets in the years ahead, given the continued strength of most metals and commodities and the impressive returns of recent mining IPOs.

Sollte nach Zahlen + Ausblick fett nach oben laufen.
zu Globex aus den News,- und das muss man sich auf der Zunge zergehen lassen:

Die Entwicklungs-, und Explorationsinvestitionen über die nächsten 12 Monate auf den Globex Projekten und Royalty-Projekten werden von Globex auf ca. $ 125,000,000 geschätzt, wobei hier für Globex keine Investitionskosten anfallen. Ding dong!!!!!! :)

Der Kracher schlechthin.
:sorry: Die Kursreaktionen auf die News von Scorpio Mining kann ich beim besten Willen nicht nachvollziehen...
Sparton Reports Encouraging Drill Results From Initial Drilling Program SBD Gold Project, Nevada
Wednesday June 13, 1:17 pm ET
Highlights Include 10.7m at 1.91g/t Gold in Hole SBD O7-03 and 33 Metres of 1.12g/t Gold in Hole SBD 07-05

TORONTO, ONTARIO--(CCNMatthews - June 13, 2007) - Sparton Resources Inc. (TSX VENTURE:SRI - News; the "Company") reported today initial assay results from the seven hole drill program recently completed at the SBD Gold Project in the Battle Mountain Area of Nevada, USA. The results are regarded as very encouraging and confirm earlier results reported from SBD drill programs by previous operators.

Seven reverse circulation drill holes totalling approximately 1370 metres were completed in this initial work. Two holes were drilled on each of the North, West, and South Gold Zones and one hole tested a new geophysical target located in the central east part of the 29 claim (240 ha.) property. All holes intersected gold mineralization in the North West and South Zones in excess of 0.5g/t over widths of from 7 to 33 metres. For reference, the historical reported grades for the past and current production from the nearby Trenton Canyon (Newmont) and Marigold (Barrick) Mines are about 1.13 g/t and 0.90 g/t respectively.

All holes in the North, West and South zones were angle holes ranging from -55 to -70 degrees in dip, and were drilled eastwards against the indicated dips of the structural and alteration zones interpreted to control the gold mineralization in the various targets. As such, most of the intersections are interpreted to represent close to true widths. Hole SBD 07 -07, designed to test a new geophysical target to the east was drilled at -80 degrees in a south westerly direction to test a new magnetic and resistivity anomaly. None of the holes actually duplicated previous holes but were positioned to intersect the interpreted location of structural zones representing the mineralization located in the earlier work. The strike extensions of the intersections reported here are open for distances of up to 300 metres or more from the current hole locations.

Analyses were done by ALS Chemex Laboratories in Reno, Nevada and incorporated appropriate chain of custody, and use of standards, duplicates, and blank, analyses for quality control.


HoleNo.-Dip Zone From-To G/T Gold Remarks
----------- ---- ------- -------- -------
07-01, -55deg West 16.4-27.9m 0.53g/t /11.5m
------------- ---- ---------- --------------
07-02, -70deg West 23-36m 0.57g/t /13m Same location as 07-01
------------- ---- ------ ------------ ----------------------
07-03, -55deg North 62.5-82m 1.37g/t / 19.5m Includes 1.91g/t /11m
------------- ----- -------- --------------- ---------------------
07-03, " North 116.5-133m 1.72g/t / 16.5m Second zone
-------- ----- ---------- --------------- -----------
07-04, -60deg North 189-195m 0.46g/t / 6m Hole is approx 50m N
------------- ----- -------- ------------ --------------------
of 07-03
07-05, -55deg South 126-159m 1.12g/t / 33m Includes 9.5g/t / 1.6m
------------- ----- -------- ------------- ----------------------
07-05, " South 175-178m 0.45g/t / 3m Second deeper zone
-------- ----- -------- ------------ ------------------
07-06, -70deg South 137-141.5m 0.69g/t / 4.6m Same location as 07-05
------------- ----- ---------- -------------- ----------------------
07-06, " South 148-149.5m 0.59g/t / 1.5m " " "
-------- ----- ---------- -------------- -----
07-06, " South 161.5-177m 0.37g/t / 15.5m Hole not completed to
-------- ----- ---------- --------------- ---------------------
full depth
07-07 New 88.4-89.9m 0.84g/t / 1.5m New mineralization not
----- --- ---------- -------------- ----------------------
previously known


These results are considered very encouraging as they have confirmed the existence of wide widths of gold mineralization similar in grade to that currently being mined, and historically produced from operations now controlled by Newmont and Barrick in the immediate area of the SBD Property. The current holes were designed to follow up the past intersections using a structural model for control of the gold mineralization and the results reported here confirm this interpretation. The location of new mineralization in a portion of the claims previously unexplored, also opens up a completely new area for exploration.

A comprehensive follow up drilling program will be organized later this summer after the current results are compiled with the past data into a three dimensional model of all known gold intersections at SBD. The new drilling work will be designed to identify overall size and gold grade distribution in the known zones and further explore the new area identified in Hole 07-07.

Sparton's international exploration and evaluation programs are being carried out under the direct supervision of A. Lee Barker, P. Eng., P Geol., the Company's President and CEO who is a Qualified Person under National Instrument 43-101.

The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for adequacy or accuracy of the content of the information contained herein.

A. Lee Barker
Sparton Resources Inc.
President and CEO
(416) 366-3551
(416) 366-7421 (FAX)
Mobile: (416) 716-5762
Email: info@spartonres.ca

Edward G. Thompson
Sparton Resources Inc.
(416) 366-6083
(416) 366-2713 (FAX)
Email: egt@interlog.com
Website: www.spartonres.ca

Source: Sparton Resources Inc.
Zu Sparton aus Stockhouse:

Managing direstor of Wildhorse Energy, Mr. Pearce, E-mailed me. Sparton and Wildhorse have contributed $250,000 each to identify high potential utility sites(of coal ash containing uranium) in Central and Eastern Europe with the plan to complete intial testwork on these high potential targets this year with a view of moving ahead with pilot programs in 2008. I'm curious to see with ARCN reducing their positon but still contributing the staff and infrastructure to carry out the bulk testing of the Xiaoluntang Power station's fly ash containing uranium, if results can still be expected within the next 4 to 6 weeks. Has anybody heard if results will be delayed?
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