• Am Sonntag, den 09.03.2025 erfolgt in den USA und Kanada die Umstellung auf Sommerzeit. Deswegen beginnt der Haupthandel ab Montag in den USA und Kanada bereits um 14:30 MEZ und endet um 21:00 MEZ. Bei uns findet die Zeitumstellung am 30.03.2025 statt. Dann haben wir wieder "normalen" Handelszeiten.

Rohstoffthread (Archiv)

Für weitere Antworten geschlossen.
TOP board hier ... top recherchiert ... mal sehen wo wir hier in 2 jahren stehen ...

reg. tw :old:
Hallo Peketec Gemeinde

wollte mich kurz vorstellen (bin neu hier) ^^
Bin 18 Jahre alt und handle ungefähr seit 1 Jahr mit Rohstoffwerten,
also bin ich noch ein Neuling in dem Geschäft. :cry:

Lese schon seit einiger Zeit hier im Portal mit und habe seit Donnerstag in den Wert SPARTON RESOURCES INC investiert.

Könnt ihr euch das stark angezogene Volumen an der TSX erklären???
^^(sind vielleicht News angekündigt)^^

würde mich über eine Antwort freuen.

PS: Danke an den Fischländern für die sehr gut recherchierten Werte!
Die Anlageidee ist genial !!! :up:
Erstmal Willkommen hier!!:)

BEIJING (XFN-ASIA) - China is expected to allow foreign and private domestic companies to invest in nuclear power plants, the official China Securities Journal reported, citing an official from the country's Commission of Science Technology and Industry For National Defense (COSTIND.)

The newspaper quoted Wang Yiren, head of the second Department of System Engineering of COSTIND, as saying that foreign and private domestic companies will not be allowed to hold a controlling stake in any project.

The government is revising its nuclear laws and the proposal will be subject to approval by the state council, the newspaper said.

China is expected to construct more than three new nuclear plants a year over the next decade, increasing its total installed capacity to 40 gigawatts by 2020.


Hallo Peketec Gemeinde

wollte mich kurz vorstellen (bin neu hier) ^^
Bin 18 Jahre alt und handle ungefähr seit 1 Jahr mit Rohstoffwerten,
also bin ich noch ein Neuling in dem Geschäft. :cry:

Lese schon seit einiger Zeit hier im Portal mit und habe seit Donnerstag in den Wert SPARTON RESOURCES INC investiert.

Könnt ihr euch das stark angezogene Volumen an der TSX erklären???
^^(sind vielleicht News angekündigt)^^

würde mich über eine Antwort freuen.

PS: Danke an den Fischländern für die sehr gut recherchierten Werte!
Die Anlageidee ist genial !!! :up:
Sparton Increases Interest in Secondary Uranium Recovery Program in China
TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - June 4, 2007) - Sparton Resources Inc. (TSX VENTURE:SRI) (the "Company") and its China based partner Beijing John Hanseng Investment Consulting Company ("BJH") reported today that they have signed a Memorandum of Understanding ("MOU") with ARCN, the Airborne Remote Sensing Institute branch of the China National Nuclear Corporation ("CNNC"), to increase their current joint interest in the secondary uranium recovery program in China from 60% to 80%.

Under the original agreement (see news release dated April 6, 2006) Sparton had agreed to invest a minimum of CAD$100,000 dollars in the initial research program to identify and do initial field sampling of prospective waste ash and phosphate rock deposits or products in PRC. The Company has now exceeded this obligation and with the advanced testing program underway on ash from the Xiaolontang power station in Yunnan, a much higher level of expenditures is anticipated, leading to bulk sampling and prefeasibility level activities.

ARCN has indicated it does not wish to participate financially in this phase of the program but will continue to support the work with infrastructure, staff, and coordinated support from CNNC. As a consequence, ARCN has agreed to reduce its future commercial interest in the program from 40% to 20%. After completion of the bulk sampling phase and ongoing program activities and commissioning of a bankable feasibility study (Phase 2) ARCN will however, have the option to regain the diluted 20% interest by paying Sparton 2.5 times its total expenditures incurred in Phase 2 or remain a 20% interest holder. It is estimated that the Phase 2 program will cost approximately USD$500,000 and will be completed prior to year end 2007.

All the signatories to the MOU further agreed to allow Sparton to assign its joint 80% interest with BJH to its British Virgin Islands registered subsidiary, Sparton Resources International Inc.

Sparton's international exploration and evaluation programs are being carried out under the direct supervision of A. Lee Barker, P. Eng., P Geol., the Company's President and CEO who is a Qualified Person under National Instrument 43-101.

The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for adequacy or accuracy of the content of the information

Könnte auch ein schönes Langfristteil werden, deshalb setze ich das gute Stück mal hierein. Ist glaube ich auch auf Fischländers watch,- wenn nicht sogar gebunkert.(Wenn ich mich recht erinnere!)

Letzte News:

Jun 05, 2007 09:00 ET
Salazar Reports 10 Meters at 7.63 g/t Gold and 291 g/t Silver and Exceptional Samples With Results of Up to 2.7 % Cu and 34.9 % Zinc From the New Cade Sur Anomaly in Ecuador
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - June 5, 2007) - Salazar Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:SRL)(FRANKFURT:CCG) announces further results from the Company's 2007 exploration program at the Curipamba Project in Ecuador. The exploration program at Curipamba has focused in the southern portion of the property within the Las Naves concession. The Company has received assay results from the work carried out at Cade Sur which is located 550 meters northwest of the El Gallo Anomaly and 250 meters southeast from Cade 1 Anomaly.

Within the mineralized zone the most significant results from 9 rock chip samples include:

- 10 meters of 7.63 grams per tonne gold and 291 grams per tonne silver;

- 1.3 meters at an average of 5.03 grams per tonne gold, 376 grams per tonne silver, 2.74 percent copper and 19.6 percent zinc and

- a selective sample of the mineralized blocks that ranged from 0.1 to 1.0 meters in diameter that graded 50.9 g/t gold, 706 g/t silver, 2.7 % copper, 1 % lead and 34.9 % zinc.

To view Figure 2 please click on: http://www.ccnmatthews.com/docs/srl0604fig2.jpg

The mineralization at Cade Sur is hosted within in a hydrothermal breccia with silica poly-sulphide clasts (silver mineralization with sphalerite and galena), in an argilic-disseminated pyrite matrix.

The total chip composite and channel sampling covered a length of approximately 40 meters and a total 9 samples at 1 to 4 meter spacing were collected. Within the mineralized zone, samples ranged from 0.05 g/t to 50.9 g/t gold; 0.3 g/t to 706 g/t silver; 0.004 % to 2.7 % copper and from 0.006 % to 34.9 % zinc.

--------------------------------------------------------------------Sample No. Width (m) Au (g/t) Ag (g/t) Cu (%) Pb (%) Zn (%)--------------------------------------------------------------------N34 2.00 0.07 0.3 0.02 0.01 0.01-------------------------------------------------------------------- less less than thanN35 2.00 0.05 2.5 0.001 0.001 0.01--------------------------------------------------------------------N6332 1.30 5.03 376.0 2.74 1.0 19.65--------------------------------------------------------------------N6342 4.00 1.18 197.0 0.14 0.49 0.53--------------------------------------------------------------------N6343 3.20 15.70 408.0 0.03 0.30 0.15-------------------------------------------------------------------- less less less than than thanN6344 1.00 0.07 3.0 0.001 0.001 0.001-------------------------------------------------------------------- less thanN6346 1.00 0.16 6.9 0.66 0.001 0.49--------------------------------------------------------------------N6347 1.50 0.08 7.1 0.08 0.08 0.03--------------------------------------------------------------------N6348 selective 50.90 706.0 2.65 5.12 34.9--------------------------------------------------------------------

Mr. Salazar, President, stated, "We continue to be pleased with the results we are receiving from our ongoing sampling programs. As there is significant surficial cover within the area we believe we may have sampled only a small portion of the mineralized structure at Cade Sur. Although this structure has not been fully delineated we consider it could be the northern extension of El Gallo Anomaly and the south extension of Cade 1 Anomaly. We will test the extent and depth of this structure with a diamond drill program planned for August."

The Company will continue with geological, geophysical and geochemical work to determine the continuity of the mineralized structures. Grid lines are being cut every 50 meters and soils samples are being collected every 25 meters. Numerous channel samples will be taken from outcrops located within the grid.

To view Figures 1 to 5 please click on: http://www.ccnmatthews.com/docs/srl0604allfigs.pdf

Dr. Howard Lahti, P. Geo, the Qualified Person for the company as defined in Canadian National Instrument 43-101, has reviewed this news release for accuracy.

Sample preparation was performed by ALS Chemex Quito, Ecuador using standard industry practices (Sample prep -32). Analytical work was carried out at the ALS Chemex Laboratory in Vancouver, Canada using fire assay methods for gold (Au-25 procedure). A QC program was used whereby of every 10 samples one was sent for reanalysis at BSI Inspectorate Lab; as were several samples with values higher than 5 g/t gold. Standard samples, blanks and duplicate check samples were randomly inserted into the sample lot to ensure quality control.

To view maps and photos related to the Curipamba Project please visit www.salazarresources.com.


Fredy Salazar, President & CEO

Salazar Resources Limited

Salazar Resources Ltd. is a publicly-listed (TSX VENTURE:SRL) mineral resource company engaged in the exploration and development of new highly prospective areas of Ecuador. Led by a senior Ecuadorian management team and most notably by its namesake Fredy Salazar, this team has been instrumental in other major discoveries throughout Ecuador, including Aurelian's Fruta del Norte discovery, IAMGold's Quimsacocha Deposit, Mozo Deposit, Ex Newmont's Cangrejos Project and International Minerals' Rio Blanco and Gaby Deposit. Being an Ecudorian based company gives us a strategic advantage enabling us to do the exploration at a rapid pace, having over sixty personnel on the grounds, including twelve geologists. With an excellent property portfolio (4 projects - 131,300 hectares), good geopolitical positioning and a number of strategic corporate and financial partnerships, Salazar has positioned itself to be a strategic player in Ecuador.

The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or the accuracy of this release.

For more information, please contact

Salazar Resources Limited
Fredy Salazar
President & CEO
Email: fsalazar@salazarresources.com


Salazar Resources Limited
Nick DeMare
Director & Secretary
(604) 685-9316
(604) 683-1585 (FAX)
Email: ndemare@chasemgt.com


Empire Communications Inc.
Jeff Tindale
Investor Relations
(604) 484-0066
Email: info@salazarresources.com
Website: www.salazarresources.com Click here to see all recent news
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Jun 06, 2007 08:40 ET
Alexandria Drills 3.35 g/t Gold Over 10.80 m on Sleepy, Val d'Or; Mobilizes Second Drill Rig to Begin Second Phase Drill Progamme
TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - June 6, 2007) - Alexandria Minerals Corporation (TSX VENTURE:AZX)(FRANKFURT:A9D) reports that it has intersected significant gold values in the first of two holes recently drilled on the Sleepy Zone, Val d'Or camp. The total intersection yielded 2.39 g/t gold over 16.00 meters drilled width, including 3.35 g/t gold over 10.80 meters.

Located 20 km east of the Orenada property, where the Company announced drill intersections of 21.37 g/t Au over 4.05 m in diamond drill hole (DDH) AAX-07-12 and 1.09 g/t Au over 89.10 m in DDH AAX-07-11 (press releases March 29, 2007 and April 25, 2007), the Sleepy Zone is an historic gold deposit discovered in the late 1980's by Cambior Inc. (now IAMGOLD Corp.) characterized by disseminated gold in the Vicour gabbro sill, a distinctive gabbro and tonalite layer which also hosts gold at the past producing Sigma 2 Mine (see Figure 1).

A9D Alexandria Minerals
Jun 06, 2007 08:40 ET
Alexandria Drills 3.35 g/t Gold Over 10.80 m on Sleepy, Val d'Or; Mobilizes Second Drill Rig to Begin Second Phase Drill Progamme
TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - June 6, 2007) - Alexandria Minerals Corporation (TSX VENTURE:AZX)(FRANKFURT:A9D) reports that it has intersected significant gold values in the first of two holes recently drilled on the Sleepy Zone, Val d'Or camp. The total intersection yielded 2.39 g/t gold over 16.00 meters drilled width, including 3.35 g/t gold over 10.80 meters.

Located 20 km east of the Orenada property, where the Company announced drill intersections of 21.37 g/t Au over 4.05 m in diamond drill hole (DDH) AAX-07-12 and 1.09 g/t Au over 89.10 m in DDH AAX-07-11 (press releases March 29, 2007 and April 25, 2007), the Sleepy Zone is an historic gold deposit discovered in the late 1980's by Cambior Inc. (now IAMGOLD Corp.) characterized by disseminated gold in the Vicour gabbro sill, a distinctive gabbro and tonalite layer which also hosts gold at the past producing Sigma 2 Mine (see Figure 1).

NOTE: To view "Figure 1. Location map of current and historic drill holes, Sleepy Property, Val d'Or, with inset map showing regional location.", please click the following link: http://www.ccnmatthews.com/docs/azx0606.pdf

The Sleepy deposit, estimated in the late 1990's by Cambior Inc. to contain a pre 43-101 resource of 152,000 tonnes grading 5.2 g/t gold (GEOSPEX, 1998), is defined by a zone of gold mineralization which is a minimum of 300 meters long and 250 meters deep, open on all sides. Historic drill hole values ranging from 2.4 g/t gold over 5.5 m to 5.2 g/t gold over 9.3m and 6.9 g/t gold over 3.8 m (estimated true widths). Please note that the resource estimate is not a current resource as defined in National Instrument 43-101, and cannot be relied upon at this time. Further work on this target, and verification by a Qualified Person, will be required to bring these data into compliance. Alexandria currently views the Sleepy Zone as an advanced stage exploration target.

Alexandria's DDH IAX-07-14 intersected the deposit about 200 meters vertical depth in the western half of the deposit, 80 meters below previously known gold mineralization, where there has been limited prior drilling. A longitudinal section of the Sleepy Zone can be viewed by visiting the Company's website at www.azx.ca or with the link http://www.azx.ca/currentdrilling.asp.

The table below summarizes the drill results:

Drill True
Hole Number From (m) To (m) Au (g/t) Width (m) Width (m)
IAX-07-1 203.90 219.90 2.39 16.00 12.26
Incl 206.40 217.20 3.35 10.80 8.27

Alexandria has recently signed a Letter of Intent with IAMGOLD Corp. to purchase a 100% interest in the Sleepy and three other properties in its Cadillac Break portfolio. The Company has begun an aggressive second phase drilling programme on these properties with the arrival of one drill rig on June 5, 2007, and the scheduled arrival of a second rig on June 7. The first rig will initially test strong exploration targets on a number of the claim groups, beginning with the Airport property, located 5 km west of the Orenada property. The second drill rig will be dedicated to the Orenada Zones, initially testing down plunge mineralization identified in the first phase drill programme.

The results presented in this press release are exploratory in nature and have been reviewed by the company's Qualified Person, Eddy Canova, PGeo. The drilling program employs a Quality Assurance/Quality Control program consistent with NI 43-101 and industry best practices. Drill core is NQ-sized, and is logged, sampled and split at the Company's Val d'Or office, in intervals of 0.3 meters to a maximum of 1.5 meters. The samples are recorded, bagged and sent to Bourlamaque Assay Lab in Val-d'Or for assay. Samples are analyzed for Au, Ag, Cu and Zn, via a 30 gram pulp by FAA for Au and AA for Ag, Cu and Zn. Re-assays by FA gravimetric finish are performed on samples assaying greater than 1.0 g/t Au and re-assays greater than 5.0 g/t Au are checked a second time by FA gravimetric finish.

WARNING: The Company relies upon litigation protection for "forward-looking" statements. This News Release may contain forward-looking statements including but not limited to comments regarding the timing and content of up-coming work programs, geological interpretations, receipt of property titles, potential mineral recovery processes, etc. Forward-looking statements address future events and conditions and therefore involve inherent risks and uncertainties. Actual results may differ materially from those currently anticipated in such statements. Alexandria Minerals Corporation relies upon litigation protection for forward-looking statements.

The TSX Venture Exchange does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

For more information, please contact
Coal Harbor Communications
Dale Paruk
(604) 662-4505 or Toll Free: 1-877-642-6200
(604) 662-4547 (FAX)
Email: dale@coal-harbor.com


Alexandria Minerals Corporation
Eric Owens
(416) 363-9372
Email: info@azx.ca
Website: www.azx.ca
Click here to see all recent news
mal wieder was für die konservativen Value Hunter, damit hatte ich schon mal 30% gemacht und dieselbe Chance bietet sich gerade erneut, wenn nicht sogar auf mehr:

Trade Winds TWD
Detour Gold DGC
Pelangio Mines PLG

die sind alle miteinander verbandelt:

Pelangio hat den A Block seines Detour Lake Projektes an Trade Winds optioniert (Option auf 50%).
TWD hat dann soviel gebohrt, dass eine erste Ni-konforme Resourcenschätzung von 2,4 mio Oz Au inferred und indicated erstellt wurde.
Dann hat Pelangio sein gesamtes Detour Projekt als Spin-Off ge-IPO-ed und dafür 20mio DGC Aktien plus 5mio Cash bekommen.

Pelangio hat momentan eine MK von 95mio CAD
DGC hat momentan einen Aktienkurs von 5,5 CAD

d.h. der Aktienanteil von DGC im Portfolio PLG's ist 110mio Wert und wird größer durch die sich ständig erweiternde Resourcenbasis des:
a) 100% DGC Detour Projektes
b) 50% DGC-TWD Projektes

PLG hat noch ein sehr aussichtreiches Goldprojekt in Ghana

deshlab K PLG in Canada bis 1,50 CAD!

ein No-Brainer!

Noch zu 1,46 CAD reingehüft! Guter Pick! Vom Chart ganz zu schweigen!Chapeau :up:

Pelangio Mines

Sparton dampft auch wieder los!
Name K-Kurs Stück Wert € 07.06 Kurs. 07.06. Wert %
Southern Arc 1,08 500 540 1,13 565
Vangold 0,49 1000 490 0,46 460
Mexivada 0,46 1000 460 0,455 455
Alexandria 0,23 2000 460 0,228 456
Bluerock 0,41 1000 410 0,37 370
Cornerstone 0,43 1000 430 0,503 503
Int. PBX 0,42 1000 420 0,40 400
Sparton 0,2 2500 500 0,288 720
Largo 0,56 1000 560 0,495 495
Purepoint 0,61 1000 610 0,639 639
Wert Depot 4.880 5.063
Name K-Kurs Stück Wert € 07.06 Kurs. 07.06. Wert %
Southern Arc 1,08 500 540 1,13 565
Vangold 0,49 1000 490 0,46 460
Mexivada 0,46 1000 460 0,455 455
Alexandria 0,23 2000 460 0,228 456
Bluerock 0,41 1000 410 0,37 370
Cornerstone 0,43 1000 430 0,503 503
Int. PBX 0,42 1000 420 0,40 400
Sparton 0,2 2500 500 0,288 720
Largo 0,56 1000 560 0,495 495
Purepoint 0,61 1000 610 0,639 639
Wert Depot 4.880 5.063

da muss mir mal jemand sagen, wie ich eine Word oder Excel Tabelle einfüge
Sparton gegen den Markt heute mit geringen Umsätzen schön vorne:

neuer absolut unterbewerteter Wert als Mittelfristanlage mit dem Ziel mind. 1 CAD ist Trade Winds

das ist dermaßen unverständlich, was da abgeht, wenn eine hier von den BB gepushte Dhanoa oder Hy Lake oder sonstige KLITSCHE derartige Grades geliefert hätte, stünden wir auf einer MK von 150mio Euro!

Ni-konform hat TWD bereits 1,2mio Oz Au

die ganzen letzten Ergebnisse waren Step-Outs! d.h. die Resource vergrößert sich kontinuierlich, dicht an der Oberfläche, 10m a 20g/t entsprechen 2 g/t auf 100m, das sind Osisko Werte!

Ich rechne bei einer nächsten Ni-Berechnung mit mind. 2mio Oz für TWD alleine!

Sparton Resources Inc. Amendment to Agreement SBD Gold Project,

TORONTO, ONTARIO--(CCNMatthews - June 7, 2007) - Sparton Resources Inc.
(TSX VENTURE:SRI) (the "Company") reported today that it has signed an
Amending Agreement with Crescent Valley Minerals Inc., Aquarian Mining
Exploration Inc., and William Fyvie Holdings Ltd. ("WFHL"), regarding the
original assignment agreement for the lease of the SBD claims in the
Battle Mountain area of Nevada. The Amending Agreement provides for
Sparton to have, annually, the right to satisfy the obligation to make
annual Advance Royalty Payments of US$75,000 to the Vendors, by issuing
common shares of the Company equal in value to the Advance Royalty Payment
cash amount determined by the weighted average trading price of Sparton's
common shares listed on the TSX Venture Exchange for the period of five
trading days ending on the due date of such Advance Royalty Payments.

The Advance Royalty Payment which was due on March 17, 2007 shall be
satisfied by the issuance of 271,449 common shares of Sparton calculated
by the value of the cash amount of US$75,000 divided by the Discounted
Market Price (as defined under TSX Venture Exchange rules) of Sparton's
common shares as of June 7, 2007 (being Cdn$0.295 per share), and divided
by the Cdn$ - US$ exchange rate as of June 6, 2007 (being Cdn$1.00 equals
US$0.9446). Issuance of the shares in satisfaction of the advance royalty
payment is subject to regulatory approval.

Sparton's international exploration and evaluation programs are being
carried out under the direct supervision of A. Lee Barker, P. Eng., P
Geol., the Company's President and CEO who is a Qualified Person under
National Instrument 43-101.

(Quelle ist das Bullboard, auf der Sparton-Homepage steht noch nichts.)

G1M Globex Mining Kaufkurse einer intelligenten Rohstoffbeteiligungsgesellschaft, die in über 70 Projekten
mitmischt und fett Cash generiert! Eine echte Perle, die weit höher bewertet erden müsste!
Globex ist prima, wie ein Fonds, langfristig ein Gewinner!
Cornerstone verfolgt ein ähnliches Konzept, nur sind die noch im Entwicklungsstadium

Bei Sparton kann man natürlich spekulieren, warum sich die Battle mountain Eigentümer lieber in Shares bezahlen lassen...

vor allem wenn noch drill results ausstehen...


Trade Winds Intersects 20.70 Grams/Tonne Gold Over 10.10 Metres Within 70 Metres of Surface in the Gold Bearing M Zone at Detour Lake, Ontario
TIMMINS, ONTARIO, Jun 07, 2007 (MARKET WIRE via COMTEX News Network) --

Trade Winds Ventures (TSX VENTURE: TWD)(FRANKFURT: TVR) is pleased to announce additional results from its 13,000 metre 2007 winter diamond drill program on Block A at Detour Lake, Ontario. Block A is being explored as a 50/50 Joint Venture between Detour Gold Corporation (TSX: DGC) (50%) and Trade Winds (50%), the operator during the exploration phase. (87)

The Company has received impressive results from holes TWDDH-195 and TWDDH-197 on Section 15420E. These two holes represent one of twelve step-out sections drilled near surface to determine the continuity of the M Zone structural corridor. The M Zone ultramafic and numerous other gold bearing structures were intersected in both holes, with gold mineralization ranging from approximately 68 metres to 113 metres below surface.

Drill hole TWDDH-197 returned 20.70 grams/tonne over 10.10 metres from the hanging wall M Zone ultramafic. Diamond drill hole TWDDH-195 returned 9.39 grams/tonne over 9.60 metres from the hanging wall M Zone ultramafic unit.

Please visit our Website at www.tradewindsventures.com to view schematic and full details on drill holes as well as detailed company information.

Mr. Alex Burton, P.Eng., P.Geo., is the qualified person for Trade Winds' projects at Detour Lake and has reviewed the information contained herein. All fire assay results are being provided by ALS Chemex.

The Company has entered into an Investor Relations contract with A. Schwab & Associates for a period of three months at a rate of $6,000 per month.

WARNING: The Company relies upon litigation protection for "forward-looking" statements.

The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of the content of this press release.

Contacts: Trade Winds Ventures Inc. Ian D. Lambert CEO/President (604) 742-2522 Trade Winds Ventures Inc. Terry McGee Investor Relations (604) 742-2531 or Toll Free: 1-877-811-4518 ext 228 Email: info@tradewindsventures.com Website: www.tradewindsventures.com

SOURCE: Trade Winds Ventures Inc.

mailto:info@tradewindsventures.com http://www.tradewindsventures.com
Copyright 2007 Market Wire, All rights reserved.

Mal zusammen mit der letzten Meldung.
Globex ist prima, wie ein Fonds, langfristig ein Gewinner!
Cornerstone verfolgt ein ähnliches Konzept, nur sind die noch im Entwicklungsstadium

Bei Sparton kann man natürlich spekulieren, warum sich die Battle mountain Eigentümer lieber in Shares bezahlen lassen...

vor allem wenn noch drill results ausstehen...


Dann gehen die von guten Ergebnissen aus,- und generieren einen Mehrwert! :whistle:
Was haltet ihr von Crowflight Minerals?

IN CAN is da dick Umsatz drin mit teilweise fetten Käufen
Was soll ich zu Starcore International Ventures sagen? Sie ist ein kleines Juwel, mit guten Leuten an der Spitze und soliden Projekten.

Der Laden produziert profitabel Gold aus der ehemaligen Goldcorp Mine San Martin in Mexiko, hat ein 10 - 20 Jahre Minelife, wird weiter wachsen und kam durch das letzte PP zu 50ct unter Druck. Produziert werden sollen bei voller Auslastung 50,000 Unzen im Jahr. Das dürfte eine Marketcap, ohne andere Projekte, ohne Explorationspotenzial, von mindestens 150mio Dollar rechtfertigen. Damit wäre sie ein klarer Verdoppler von hier weg.

Da ich persönlich mit stark steigenden Preisen für Edelmetalle in naher Zukunft rechne, ist es Zeit, sich einen kleinen, wachstumsorientierten Producer ins Depot zu holen. Sie erinnert stark an Endeavour und hat meiner Meinung nach ein ebenso enormes Kurspotential.

Bevor ich mir hier nen Wolf tippe, lass ich die Experten sprechen:
By David J. DesLauriers
28 May 2007 at 12:48 PM GMT-04:00

Bob Moriarty
Dec 31, 2006

Lawrence Roulston

John Embry von Sprott sagte im National TV über Starcore:
"Wenn ein Junior seinen Businessplan erfüllen kann, dann ist es Starcore!"

Charttechnisch gesehen, kann man fast keinen besseren Zeitpunkt erwischen. Es scheint sich ein fester Boden um die 70ct Marke zu bilden. Der MACD und Stochi liefern gerade ein Kaufsignal. Die Aktie ist überverkauft und sollte jetzt drehen. Man beachte auch das steigende Volumen.


Outstanding Shares: 59,887,789
Marketcap: 41,4mio Dollar (75mio Fully diluted)
Warrants and Options 47,007,519 (Warrants 0,80)
Fully diluted: 106,895,308
Homepage: http://www.starcore.com

Gute Jagd und fette Beute

PS: Das KGV aus der Überschrift ist aus dem Artikel des Resourceinvestors abgeleitet, die dort von "Cashflow 25ct pro Aktie" reden. Always do your own DD!

auch hier nochmal die Ergänzung:
zu dem Artikel http://www.resourceinvestor.com/pebble.asp?relid=32297
gibt es noch einen Vorgänger beim Resource Investor:


Explorer mit Star im Kürzel haben ja im Moment keinen guten Ruf. Die Zusammenstellung und Recherche kommt von Neono von WOanders, der sehr gut und sorgfältig recherchiert,- und dessen Empfehlungen ich auch sehr schätze!

Strong watch!!
zu International PBX Ventures Ltd. :


Ist mir ab liebsten, da ich mich langsam von allen hier gehypten Werten, bis auf wenige Ausnahmen verabschieden werde!

Und leider in D kaum Umsatz.schrieb Bömbchen.
Was haltet ihr von Crowflight Minerals?

IN CAN is da dick Umsatz drin mit teilweise fetten Käufen

im Peer relativ teuer, 233mio shares out, MK 250mio CAD
sind ev. ein Übernahmekandidat, aber viel bewegen werden die sich jetzt bis zum Start eine Mine nicht mehr.

welcher Nickelwert ist denn günstiger?

am billigsten ist immer noch Hard Creek Nickel

da lassen sich nur viele durch die geringen grades blenden, aber das ist am Ende vollkommen egal, wenn das Zeug raffiniert aus dem Prozess herauskommt

Victory Nickel ist noch relativ günstig

bis vor kurzem war es auch noch Starfield Resources, aber die haben sich leider seit Ende April verfünffacht

ich würde eher auf Grassroot-Player setzen, z.B. eine kleine Posi GGL Diamonds, man stelle sich vor, die bohren da irgendwo auf diesem Riesenclaim tatsächlich irgendwo Ni

Benton Resources ist top, die haben auch noch andere gute Sachen im Köcher

Cornerstone hat ein paar interessante ni Sachen, Celtic Minerals

Crowflight ist schon ein guter Wert und kann sich mittelfristig in den nächsten 2-3 Jahren auch noch verdoppeln und verdreifachen, nur wird der sich aufgrund seiner Größe nicht mehr so fix bewegen, als Trade nix, imho
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