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Wartum ist das Angebot an Uran so gering?
von Miriam Kraus

Warum das Angebot an Uran gegenwärtig so gering ist!

Uran ist ein Spurenelement, welches mit 4mg/kg in der Erdkruste und einer durchschnittlichen Konzentration von 3,3 Mikrogramm pro Liter im Meerwasser eigentlich recht häufig vorkommt.

Das Problem ist der wirtschaftlich rentable Abbau!

Bei Gewinnnungskosten von bis zu 130 US Dollar pro kg Natururan liegen die bekannten Reserven zwischen 1,7 und 9,4 Millionen Tonnen.

Was die Produzenten benötigen...

sind folglich konstant hohe Preise um teurere Abbaumethoden überhaupt erst einmal rentabel zu machen.

Dass die Produzenten offenbar nur auf steigende Preise warten zeigt sich in ihrer gegenwärtigen Taktik. Anstatt neue Vorkommen zu explorieren, haben sie damit angefangen sich gegenseitig zu übernehmen: Aflease kaufte Uranium Southern Cross und formierte SXR Uranium One, um erst kürzlich wieder mit UrAsia zu fusionieren. Denison Mines ging mit International Uranium zusammen und Paladin erwarb Valhalla Uranium.

Die Exploration überlassen sie statt dessen den, wie Pilze aus dem Boden schießenden, Junior Explorern, von denen die Hälfte vermutlich genau so schnell wieder verschwinden wird.

(Bei der Investition in Uranexplorer heißt es aufpassen, konkrete Empfehlungen auf der Aktienseite erhalten Sie im Börsenbrief Tiger & Dragon, sowie durch weitere durch den Investor Verlag angebotene Börsenbriefe)

Angebot und Nachfrage

Gegenwärtig liegt die weltweite Nachfrage nach Uran durch die 436 Kernreaktoren bei 68 000 Tonnen pro Jahr. Und die Nachfrage wird noch steigen. Allein China hat das ehrgeizige Ziel einmal 100 Reaktoren am Netz zu haben.

Man geht davon aus, dass ab 2010 pro Jahr etwa 10 neue Reaktoren ihren Dienst antreten. Wir haben also noch ein wenig Luft, könnte man sich denken. Doch das Gegenteil ist der Fall. Neue Reaktoren benötigen eine Anfangsladung von mindestens 1 Million Pfund Uran, bevor sie überhaupt in Produktion gehen können. Die Zeit in der der Reaktor auf seinen Dienstantritt vorbereitet wird beträgt etwa 2 – 3 Jahre. Die Reaktoren die 2010 ans Netz wollen, müssen also schon jetzt anfangen Uran zu kaufen.

Die Angebotsseite dagegen sieht äußerst knapp aus. Gegenwärtig produzieren die Minen weltweit etwa 43 000 Tonnen pro Jahr.

Die Differenz wird aus Lagerbeständen und recycelten Atomwaffen, hier allen voran russischer Herkunft ausgeglichen.

Aber im Jahre 2012 läuft der Vertrag über die Zerlegung der russischen Kernwaffen aus. Überdies ist Herr Putin inzwischen auch gar nicht mehr so glücklich über die „einseitige“ russische Abrüstung. Es ist daher sehr unwahrscheinlich, dass die Russen diesen Vertrag verlängern werden. Im Gegenteil, Putin- und mit großer Wahrscheinlichkeit auch sein Nachfolger- versuchen die alte Stärke des russischen Bären wieder herzustellen und der Welt ein Grinsen mit Zähnen zu offerieren. Da liegt eine Aufrüstung näher als eine Abrüstung.
Nachdem mit Cigar Lake der Traum einer weiteren gegenwärtig rentablen, „konventionellen“ Mine ertrunken und die Ranger Mine inzwischen halb abgesoffen ist, warten die Produzenten auf nichts sehnlicher als stabil hohe Preise um das Angebot wieder zu vergrößern.

Die Future Kontrakte spielen dagegen das Spiel nach anderen Regeln und könnten einer der größten Gefahrenfaktoren für eine anstehende Blasenbildung sein.

So long liebe Leser...was halten Sie davon, wenn wir uns alle zusammenschließen, den Rohstoff Daily Hedgefonds bilden und uns ein bisschen Uran kaufen ?!... ;-)

Ihre Miriam Kraus
8) 8) Jun 14, 2007 08:00 ET
Trade Winds Drills 9.90 g/t Gold Over 6.11 Metres Within 50 Metres of Surface at Detour Lake, Ontario
TIMMINS, ON--(Marketwire - June 14, 2007) - Trade Winds Ventures (TSX VENTURE: TWD) (FRANKFURT: TVR) is pleased to announce additional results from its 13,000 metre 2007 winter diamond drill program on Block A at Detour Lake, Ontario. Block A is being explored as a 50/50 Joint Venture between Detour Gold Corporation (TSX: DGC) (50%) and Trade Winds (50%), the operator during the exploration phase.

The Company has received further encouraging results from two holes, TWDDH-196 and TWDDH-198, on Section 15780E. These two holes are within one of twelve step-out sections, drilled near surface, to determine the continuity of the M Zone structural corridor. Management continues to be pleased with the results of this program, as it continues to prove up the near surface zone. The M Zone was intercepted at a vertical depth of 30 metres and is believed to extend up to the surface to bedrock. The amount of overburden in these sections is approximately 5 metres. The gold bearing M Zone structural corridor has a strike length of over four kilometers, continuing west onto the 100% owned Gowest property.

Diamond drill hole TWDDH-198 returned 9.90 grams/tonne over 6.11 metres, at a vertical depth of 50 Metres including 9.89 grams/tonne over 0.83 metres, and 6.21 grams/tonne over 1.00 metre.

Diamond drill hole TWDDH-196 returned 3.92 grams/tonne over 3.10 metres, including 11.30 grams/tonne over 1.00 metre, from the hanging wall M Zone ultramafic unit, and 2.68 grams/tonne over 2.00 metres from the footwall quartz zones.

Section 15780E has been drilled from near surface to -380 metres below surface at 20 and 40 metre spacings. Previous drilling on this section also returned excellent results as follows:

Diamond drill hole TWDDH-184 returned 3.35 grams/tonne over 6.00 metres, including 22.40 grams/tonne over 0.50 metres from the hanging wall M Zone ultramafic unit.

Diamond drill hole TWDDH-048 returned 20.54 grams/tonne over 0.95 metres, including 37.80 grams/tonne over 0.50 metres, from a hanging wall quartz zone.

Diamond drill hole TWDDH-049 returned 19.00 grams/tonne over 0.50 metres from a hanging wall quartz zone. TWDDH-049 also returned 4.75 grams/tonne over 1.00 metre from the M Zone ultramafic unit.

Diamond drill hole TWDDH-050 returned 16.10 grams/tonne over 0.50 metres from a hanging wall quartz zone.

Diamond drill hole TWDDH-051 returned 4.59 grams/tonne over 0.90 metres from the M Zone ultramafic unit.

Diamond drill hole TWDDH-052 returned 2.52 grams/tonne over 2.00 metres from the M Zone ultramafic unit.

Diamond drill hole TWDDH-053 returned 3.05 grams/tonne over 5.00 metres, including 13.45 grams/tonne over 1.00 metre, from a hanging wall quartz zone. TWDDH-053 also returned 20.35 grams/tonne over 6.30 metres, including 497 grams/tonne over 0.25 metres, from the M Zone ultramafic unit.

Diamond drill hole 464-100 returned 3.84 grams/tonne over 4.92 metres from a footwall zone.

Details of significant fire assay results received for recent holes completed on Section 15780E are as follows:

(m.) (m.) Vertical(m.) (m.) (g/tonne gold) (g/tonne gold)
TWDDH-196 14 15 11 1.00 2.71

34 35 28 1.00 5.61

38 40 31 2.00 1.32

43 44 35 1.00 3.19

91 92 75 1.00 2.33

93 94 77 1.00 2.27

98 101.71 80 3.71 1.44

110.9 114 95 3.10 3.92
Including 113 114 1.00 11.30

120.6 123 99 2.40 1.88
Including 120.6 121.1 0.50 7.07

148 149 122 1.00 4.56

157 158 130 1.00 3.46

158 159 1.00 1.89 2.68

TWDDH-198 28 30 23 2.00 0.976 2.03

36 42 30 6.00 1.84
Including 36 37 1.00 6.60

TWDDH-198 59.72 65.83 50 6.11 9.90
Including 60.79 61.29 0.50 96.50
Including 65 65.83 0.83 9.89

111 112 91 1.00 6.21
True Width is estimated to be between 65-75% of core length. Trade Winds has now reported on the first 17 of 53 diamond drill holes completed from this winter's near surface M Zone program. A drawing for Section 15780E is available on the Company's website
Diamond drill hole locations and final depths for the M Zone diamond drill program are as follows:

Section Hole# Northing Easting Azimuth Dip Length(m.)
15780E TWDDH-048 20738.28 15779.65 180 -55 449.0
TWDDH-049 20536.34 15776.90 180 -55 212.0
TWDDH-050 20580.55 15777.58 180 -56 218.0
TWDDH-051 20701.84 15778.70 180 -55 362.0
TWDDH-052 20619.85 15778.74 180 -56 305.0
TWDDH-053 20658.80 15776.79 180 -55 356.0
TWDDH-184 20480.12 15783.39 180 -55 156.0
TWDDH-196 20514.05 15781.71 180 -55 192.0
TWDDH-198 20464.87 15784.18 180 -55 117.0
Block A, using a cut-off of 1.0 grams/tonne, has an indicated resource of 14,158,000 tonnes grading 1.77 grams Au/t containing 804,321 ounces of gold and an inferred mineral resource of 24,796,000 tonnes grading 1.88 g Au/t containing 1,499,552 ounces of gold. The resource estimation work was completed in October 2006 and is based on information contained within the Technical Report prepared by Golder Associates Ltd. on Trade Winds behalf and filed on SEDAR.
The objective of Phase 1 2007 winter drilling program was to explore the mineralization of this new zone discovered in 2006 along a 480 metre strike length between Sections 15380E and 15860E at 40 metres intervals, while Phase 2 focused on in-fill drilling of the near surface M Zone mineralization from Sections 15900E to 16740E. Drilled on a 40 metre by 40 metre spacing, both vertically and horizontally, these new holes are part of the drilling done to the west of the area encompassing the previously published NI 43-101 indicated resource. The 2007 drill program was designed to potentially add new gold ounces to the resource estimate, and upgrade the near surface inferred gold ounces, already included in the current resource estimate, to the indicated category.

Management is looking to increase shareholder value by working towards the completion of the spin-off of its Tuole Gold/Copper and the Silu Zinc/Lead projects, located in the Peoples Republic of China, to a wholly owned subsidiary. Western China Mining ("WCH") proposes to list on a Canadian stock exchange following an Initial Public Offering (IPO) to raise up to a maximum of $7,500,000 to fund the development programs for these projects. It is expected that TWD would own approximately 60% of WCH prior to the distribution to shareholders.

TWD has indicated that it will look at similar spin-out strategies for its other Canadian projects, which include a 60% option in the Birch Lake, Ontario gold project and its 100% interests in the Turner Lake, Nunavut project and its Treasure Mountain and Dardanelles gold properties in B.C. These spin-out strategies are being designed to improve the identification and valuation of each specific TWD property and to enable TWD to separately finance and develop its various assets, selectively reducing stock dilution.

Mr. Alex Burton, P. Eng., P. Geo., is the qualified person for Trade Winds' projects at Detour Lake and has reviewed the information contained herein. Trade Winds, as operator of the projects, has implemented a quality control program to ensure best practice in the sampling and analysis of the drill core. All fire assay results are being provided by ALS Chemex.

WARNING: The Company relies upon litigation protection for "forward-looking" statements.

(NCU - TSXV $2.10) Target: U/R
Market Capitalization (Basic) $75 Million
High Grades at Pumpkin Hollow…
Nevada Copper Corp. is a junior mining company focused on the exploration and development of the Pumpkin Hollow copper-iron project (100% owned; subject to a 6% NSR at current copper prices) located in the Yerington district of west-central Nevada. The Company acquired the rights to the project in December 2005 and completed a reverse-takeover for its listing in August 2006. Since then, it has carried out a drilling program consisting of infill and step-out drilling with two drill rigs operating around the clock.
In addition to the Company’s efforts, previous operators – beginning with US Steel in 1960 and thereafter Anaconda Copper, CONOCO, Plexus Resources and Cyprus Exploration – have collected voluminous data including that from over 180,000 metres of drilling. These
companies focussed on the potential for the property to support fundamentally different operations: US Steel considered an open pit primarily-iron mine while Anaconda Copper, CONOCO, and Cyprus considered an open pit copper mine.

We view a re-examination of the potential for an open pit operation, based upon the copper mineralization with possible credits coming from a by-product iron concentrate, as having merit in the context of current and long term projected metal prices. We caution clients that in such a scenario, we would look for the copper to carry the operating costs as metallurgical testing has not yet demonstrated a saleable iron concentrate. In any case, we are primarily
focussed on the potential for a high-grade underground bulk-mineable operation, at least as an initial means of getting Pumpkin Hollow into production.

Resources at Pumpkin Hollow, as released by the Company in June 2006, stand at 312 million tons at 0.44% copper and 12.3% iron in the measured and indicated categories from six mineralized zones. Additional inferred resources amount to a further 454 million tons at 0.37% copper and 8.2% iron. Clearly, a very large mineralized system exists at Pumpkin Hollow.

Within this mineralized system, we direct client’s attention to the Northwest zone and particularly the East and E-2 zones, which may ultimately prove to be part of a single, larger zone of mineralization. Using a 0.75% copper cut-off grade, the Northwest zone contains total resources of 13.9 million tons at 1.45% copper, the East zone contains 12.1 million tons at 1.45% copper, and the E-2 zone contains 11.0 million tons at 1.50% copper.

Recent drilling suggests that both the tonnage and grade of these zones may increase in future estimates. We would look for, in particular, the East and E-2 zones to be connected by similar
holes as NC06-03, which was drilled 300 metres north of the E-2 zone and 500 metres south of the East and intersected 16.5 metres of 2.00% copper. Step-out holes, such as NC07-02 (which intersected 30.5 metres of 2.16% copper, 30 metres to the east of KM-18, which in turn
intersected 28.9 metres of 3.98% copper) and NC07-05 (which intersected 12.3 metres of 4.1% copper and 17.6 metres of 3.4% copper, 30 metres to the northeast of historic drill hole KM-12,
which in turn intersected 17.4 metres of 2.3% copper), will expand the resources regardless.

Recommendation With Report To Follow
In light of our expectation for continued positive drilling results from the Pumpkin Hollow project, and more particularly from the Northwest, East and E-2 zones, we are initiating coverage on Nevada Copper Corp. with a SPECULATIVE BUY recommendation. We look forward
to continued drilling to potentially establish continuity between the East and E-2 zones and an improved resource estimate in Q4. Following a site visit and detailed review of the deposit block model, we will publish a more detailed report.

(NCU - TSXV $2.10) Target: U/R
Market Capitalization (Basic) $75 Million
High Grades at Pumpkin Hollow…
Nevada Copper Corp. is a junior mining company focused on the exploration and development of the Pumpkin Hollow copper-iron project (100% owned; subject to a 6% NSR at current copper prices) located in the Yerington district of west-central Nevada. The Company acquired the rights to the project in December 2005 and completed a reverse-takeover for its listing in August 2006. Since then, it has carried out a drilling program consisting of infill and step-out drilling with two drill rigs operating around the clock.
In addition to the Company’s efforts, previous operators – beginning with US Steel in 1960 and thereafter Anaconda Copper, CONOCO, Plexus Resources and Cyprus Exploration – have collected voluminous data including that from over 180,000 metres of drilling. These
companies focussed on the potential for the property to support fundamentally different operations: US Steel considered an open pit primarily-iron mine while Anaconda Copper, CONOCO, and Cyprus considered an open pit copper mine.

We view a re-examination of the potential for an open pit operation, based upon the copper mineralization with possible credits coming from a by-product iron concentrate, as having merit in the context of current and long term projected metal prices. We caution clients that in such a scenario, we would look for the copper to carry the operating costs as metallurgical testing has not yet demonstrated a saleable iron concentrate. In any case, we are primarily
focussed on the potential for a high-grade underground bulk-mineable operation, at least as an initial means of getting Pumpkin Hollow into production.

Resources at Pumpkin Hollow, as released by the Company in June 2006, stand at 312 million tons at 0.44% copper and 12.3% iron in the measured and indicated categories from six mineralized zones. Additional inferred resources amount to a further 454 million tons at 0.37% copper and 8.2% iron. Clearly, a very large mineralized system exists at Pumpkin Hollow.

Within this mineralized system, we direct client’s attention to the Northwest zone and particularly the East and E-2 zones, which may ultimately prove to be part of a single, larger zone of mineralization. Using a 0.75% copper cut-off grade, the Northwest zone contains total resources of 13.9 million tons at 1.45% copper, the East zone contains 12.1 million tons at 1.45% copper, and the E-2 zone contains 11.0 million tons at 1.50% copper.

Recent drilling suggests that both the tonnage and grade of these zones may increase in future estimates. We would look for, in particular, the East and E-2 zones to be connected by similar
holes as NC06-03, which was drilled 300 metres north of the E-2 zone and 500 metres south of the East and intersected 16.5 metres of 2.00% copper. Step-out holes, such as NC07-02 (which intersected 30.5 metres of 2.16% copper, 30 metres to the east of KM-18, which in turn
intersected 28.9 metres of 3.98% copper) and NC07-05 (which intersected 12.3 metres of 4.1% copper and 17.6 metres of 3.4% copper, 30 metres to the northeast of historic drill hole KM-12,
which in turn intersected 17.4 metres of 2.3% copper), will expand the resources regardless.

Recommendation With Report To Follow
In light of our expectation for continued positive drilling results from the Pumpkin Hollow project, and more particularly from the Northwest, East and E-2 zones, we are initiating coverage on Nevada Copper Corp. with a SPECULATIVE BUY recommendation. We look forward
to continued drilling to potentially establish continuity between the East and E-2 zones and an improved resource estimate in Q4. Following a site visit and detailed review of the deposit block model, we will publish a more detailed report.

News 2:

Jun 14, 2007 09:00 ET
Nevada Copper Corp.: Intersects High Grade Copper Zone at Shallow Depth

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - June 14, 2007) - Nevada Copper Corp. (TSX VENTURE:NCU)(FRANKFURT:ZYT) ("Nevada Copper") is pleased to announce additional high grade copper results from on-going drilling at its 100% owned Pumpkin Hollow Copper Development Property located in Nevada. Drilling in the open pittable South Deposit intersected a large width of high grade copper mineralization at a relatively shallow depth.

NC07-18, a reverse circulation drill hole was designed to test the southwestern extension of the South Deposit. NC07-18 encountered a continuous high grade copper-gold zone starting at 43.5 meters (143 ft) below surface of 70.1 meters (230 ft) averaging 1.6% copper, 0.19 g/t gold, 8.4 g/t silver and 41.6% iron. NC07-18 was designed to offset the mineralization in nearby S93-14 (28.9 meters averaging 3.98% copper). The South Deposit mineralization continues to be open to the southwest. Prior to the start of this drilling program Nevada Copper reported a NI 43-101 compliant open pittable measured and indicated resource for the South Deposit of 37 million tons of 0.44% copper, in addition to 31 million tons of 0.42% copper of inferred resource at a 0.3% cutoff.

Other drill results reported include NC07-11 which targeted the northern extension of the E-2 mineralization. NC07-11 intersected 27.7 meters (91 ft) averaging 1.39% copper, 0.29 g/t gold and 9.4 g/t silver. Mineralization continues to be open to the north in the E-2 deposit. Also in the open pittable North Deposit, drilling of NC07-09 encountered copper mineralization which defines the southwestern boundary of the North deposit.

A plan map and cross sections for the deposits are available at Drill results announced here represent true thicknesses.

SOUTH DEPOSIT - Assays greater than 0.3% Cu----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Drill From To Length Length Copper Gold Silver IronHole # (m) (m) (m) (ft) (%) (g/t) (g/t) (%)--------------------------------------------------------------------------NC07-18 38.1 44.2 6.1 20 0.94 0.17 4.1 8.5--------------------------------------------------------------------------(-70 degrees) 50.3 120.4 70.1 230 1.60 0.19 8.4 41.6--------------------------------------------------------------------------
E-2 DEPOSIT - Assays greater than 1% Cu----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Drill From To Length Length Copper Gold Silver IronHole # (m) (m) (m) (ft) (%) (g/t) (g/t) (%)--------------------------------------------------------------------------NC07-11 394.3 395.6 1.3 4.5 5.50 0.019 23.1 5.5-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 575.5 603.2 27.7 91 1.39 0.290 9.4 28.6-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 614.2 615.7 1.5 5 1.07 0.045 2.1 2.7-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 620.3 621.8 1.5 5 1.38 0.088 4.9 5.1--------------------------------------------------------------------------
NORTH DEPOSIT - Assays greater than 0.3% Cu----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Drill From To Length Length Copper Gold SilverHole # (m) (m) (m) (ft) (%) (g/t) (g/t)--------------------------------------------------------------------NC07-09 338.9 340.5 1.5 5 0.36 0.002 0.8-------------------------------------------------------------------- 356.6 366.1 9.5 31 1.00 0.062 3.2--------------------------------------------------------------------Including 357.5 359.0 1.5 5 3.50 0.008 1.0--------------------------------------------------------------------Including 364.5 366.0 1.5 5 1.52 0.113 5.2--------------------------------------------------------------------

Based on the very successful step-out drilling results to date the drilling program has been expanded further to over 18,000 meters. The initial drilling program consisted of 12,000 meters.

To date, 30 holes have been drilled for a total of 15,000 meters. Of the 30 holes, results from 16 holes have been released to date. Future drilling results will be released as they become available.

These drilling results will be incorporated into an updated resource estimate to commence later in the month. The drilling program includes in-fill and step-out holes designed to both upgrade the current resource classifications for purposes of the feasibility study planned for 2007 and to test for further resource expansion down dip and along strike in areas where the deposits remain open.

About Nevada Copper

Nevada Copper is a well financed emerging copper company, responsibly developing the Pumpkin Hollow copper-iron property located in Western Nevada. In June 2006, a National Instrument 43-101 compliant resource estimate for the advanced-stage Pumpkin Hollow property was completed, as previously announced: At a 0.2% copper cutoff grade, the measured and indicated copper resource is 2.7 billion pounds of copper, contained in 312 million tons grading 0.44% copper and 12.3% iron. An additional inferred copper resource of 3.4 billion pounds of copper is contained in 454 million tons grading 0.37% copper and 8.2% iron.

Within these large resources is a significant high grade copper resource. Using a 0.75% copper cutoff grade, the measured and indicated resources contain 700 million pounds of copper in 25 million tons of material grading 1.45% copper and, in addition, the inferred resource contains 500 million pounds of copper within 17 million tons grading 1.5% copper. Over half of this high grade copper mineralization is contained in the East and E-2 deposits.

Nevada Copper has embarked on a systematic fast-track program to develop its advanced stage Pumpkin Hollow Property into Nevada's next copper mine. Concurrent with the resource delineation drilling program, metallurgical, geotechnical, hydrological and environmental baseline data is being processed. The current drilling program will support an updated resource estimate and economic feasibility study scheduled to commence in late 2007.

The Pumpkin Hollow project is under the supervision of Gregory French, CPG #10708, a Qualified Person as defined in Canadian National Instrument 43-101, who is responsible for the preparation of the technical information in this news release. All assaying and whole rock geochemistry is processed at the American Assay Laboratories (AAL) in Reno, Nevada. Samples are delivered from the project core logging facility to AAL by Nevada Copper or AAL personnel. A Quality Assurance and Quality Control Assay Protocol have been implemented whereby blanks and standards are inserted into the assay stream and check samples are sent to Chemex-Reno and Inspectorate-Reno laboratories.

Nevada Copper has 35.5 million shares outstanding and is well financed with no debt. For additional information about Nevada Copper please visit our website at


Giulio T. Bonifacio, President & CEO

This news release includes certain statements that may be deemed "forward-looking statements". All statements in this release, other than statements of historical facts, including the likelihood of commercial mining and possible future financings are forward-looking statements. Although the Company believes the expectations expressed in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results or developments may differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in forward-looking statements include unsuccessful exploration results, changes in metals prices, changes in the availability of funding for mineral exploration, unanticipated changes in key management personnel and general economic conditions. Mining is an inherently risky business. Accordingly the actual events may differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements. For more information on the Company and the risks and challenges of its business, investors should review the Company's annual filings that are available at

The TSX Venture Exchange has neither approved nor disapproved of the contents of this news release.

For more information, please contact

Longview Capital Partners Incorporated
Eugene Toffolo
(604) 681-5755 or Toll Free: 1-877-687-5755


Nevada Copper Corp.
Susan L. Wilson
Corporate Communications
(604) 688-7508
(604) 681-0122 (FAX)

Eine gute News nch der anderen!!

ZYT Nevada Copper

Was haltet ihr von Premier Gold Mines?
Was haltet ihr von Premier Gold Mines?

Spin-out from Wolfden Resources
TSX trading symbolG
58.9M shares O/S; 60.5M including warrants & options
Last financing non-brokered (NB) $1.2M @ $0.95 with ½warrants @ $1.20 until April/08; NB flow-thru $6.3M @ $1.15
Option & warrant dilution cash: $1,639,000
Market Cap ~ CAD$121M (Mar 09/07)
Daily trading volume/3M rolling avg: 340,000 shares
Cash on hand: ~$7.0 million @ Mar 01/07

Shareholder Structure:

Inmet Mining Corporation 15.6%
Goldcorp Inc 6.9%
Premier Management & Insiders 4.6%
Sabina Silver Corporation 3.3%
Tocqueville Gold Fund 1.6%
American Century Global Gold Fund 1.5%
Van Eck International Investors Gold Fund 0.9%
US Global Investors World Precious Metals 0.8%
USAA Precious Metals & Minerals 0.8%
AGF Precious Metals Fund <0.8%
Gesamt 36,5%

Premier-Goldcorp intersect Wilmar Horizon at depth - Second drill mobilized to Red Lake joint venture
THUNDER BAY, ON Jun 13, 2007 (Canada NewsWire via COMTEX News Network) --

Shares Issued: 68,089,741

Premier Gold Mines Limited (TSX:PG) is pleased to announce that drilling has intersected the Wilmar Mine stratigraphy at a depth of approximately 1150 meters. Additionally, a second surface diamond drill has been mobilized to the Red Lake District "Rahill-Bonanza Project". The Project is being operated under a 50/50 exploration joint venture with Red Lake Gold Mines, a subsidiary of Goldcorp Inc. (TSX:G, NYSE:GG). The second drill will be targeting the Wilmar West Granodiorite Zone at depth.

The first diamond drill began drilling on May 7, 2007 and is targeting the Wilmar gold deposit down dip and plunge at depth, approximately 500 meters below the mine workings in an area where no historical diamond drilling has been completed. This drilling will consist of a "mother" hole with numerous wedge holes to test the deposit at depth and to infill a 500 m stratigraphical "gap" between the Follansbee North Zone to the south, and the Wilmar Mine workings to the north. During the final years of mining at the adjacent Cochenour Gold Mine, the Wilmar deposit was developed with 203,256 tons being mined at an average grade of at least 0.3 oz/ton Au (10.3 g/t Au). Historical data from the Wilmar Mine indicates that the deposit contains numerous intervals with high-grade gold mineralization and that the deposit remains open along strike and at depth. The initial hole has reached target depth and has intersected several mineralized alteration and vein zones hosted within a similar stratigraphy to that recorded at the Wilmar Mine, including several ultramafic horizons. These features are also recognized at Goldcorp's Red Lake Gold Mines located approximately 3 kilometres to the east where the prolific "High Grade Zone" was discovered.

The second surface drill is targeting the Wilmar West Granodiorite Zone ("WGZ"), a second deposit contained on the Wilmar horizon and located on the Project area. The current hole is targeting the depth extension of the WGZ approximately 500 meters below any previous work in this area.

As recently announced, a third drill has started drilling onto the joint venture Project by collaring on the 41 Level (approximately 1,875 meters or 6150 feet below surface) of the Campbell Complex (formerly Campbell Mine) of Red Lake Gold Mines. This drilling is testing for possible extensions and/or repetitions of fault structures, key rock types and vein material on the project area along strike to the west of the current mine workings.

Matt Long, P. Geo., Red Lake Exploration Manager of Premier, is the Qualified Person for the information contained in this press release and is a Qualified Person within the meaning of National Instrument 43-101. Core is sent to Accurassay Laboratories for preparation and analysis - 2 assay-tonne fire assay with an AA finish on split NQ-sized drill core.

Premier Gold Mines Limited is a Canadian-based mineral exploration and development company with diverse property holdings that include several projects and deposits in Northwestern Ontario and a joint venture in Mexico. In the Red Lake gold mining camp, two of these are operated in joint venture with Goldcorp Inc. (TSX:G). A strategic project is also located on the main Musselwhite Gold Mine trend (Goldcorp-Kinross).

The statements made in this Press Release may contain forward-looking statements that may involve a number of risks and uncertainties. Actual events or results could differ materially from the Company's expectations and projections.

%SEDAR: 00024152E

SOURCE: Premier Gold Mines Limited

Ewan Downie, President & CEO, Phone: (807) 346-1390, Fax: (807) 345-0284, e-mail:, Web

Topp Leute, und Deposits, die substanziell immer fetter werden. Teurer Abbau, da in grossen Tiefen
gebohrt wird aber bis dato hohe Grades. In den nächsten Wochen sollen ja News kommen.
Ist klar langfristig 2-3 Jahre zu sehen.
8) 8) eine klarere Ansage wohin die Reise geht gibts eigentlich nicht! das ist meine allerbeste LONGPosi seit 2004/5............ :yahoo: und für mich ist das die canadische Aurelian.........also weiter Strong LOng

der Kurs in Canada war gestern 11,55 Can$................ :dance:

IRW-PRESS: Osisko: Osisko meldet Flow-Through-Finanzierung von $ 25 Millionen
Leser des Artikels: 21

Osisko meldet Flow-Through-Finanzierung von $ 25 Millionen

MONTREAL, QUEBEC ? 14. Juni 2007) - Osisko Exploration Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:OSK; FRANKFURT:EWX) freut sich, den Abschluss eines nicht vermittelten Finanzierungsabkommens mit zwei Fonds, zugelassenen Investoren, Insidern und Angestellten zur Emission von Flow-Through-Aktien von bis zu C$ 25.000.000, bekannt zu geben. Die Privatplatzierung wird aus maximal 1.666.667 Flow-Through-Aktien bestehen, die zu einem Preis von $ 15,00 pro Aktie emittiert werden.

Osisko muss eine Vermittlungsprovision von 2,4% des Bruttogewinns der Transaktion bezahlen. Die Privatplatzierung soll am oder um den 10. Juli 2007 herum abgeschlossen sein und unterliegt regulativen Bewilligungen. Die im Rahmen dieser Privatplatzierung ausgegebenen Wertpapiere unterliegen einer viermonatigen Halteperiode ab dem Schlusstag.

Sean Roosen, President und CEO von Osisko, kommentierte die Transaktion wie folgt: "Aufgrund der jüngsten Explorationserfolge plant Osisko nun die intensive Durchführung zusätzlicher Bohrungen auf Zielen außerhalb des Gebietes der Hauptlagerstätte. Diese neue Finanzierung hilft uns dabei, das Tempo unserer Explorationstätigkeit zu erhöhen und somit unserem Ziel, Osisko als mittelständischen kanadischen Goldproduzenten zu etablierten, einen Schritt näher zu kommen.

Die Goldlagerstätte Canadian Malartic sowie die angrenzenden Gebiete werden für einen umfangreichen Tagebau mit einer Minenproduktion von tonnenweise Schüttgut in Malartic, Quebec, evaluiert. Eine vorläufige Inferred Goldressourcenschätzung gemäß NI 43-101 an der Hauptlagerstätte wurde am 6. Dezember 2006 veröffentlicht; der vollständige Bericht ist auf SEDAR erhältlich.

Die TSX Venture Exchange übernimmt keine Verantwortung für die Richtigkeit oder Genauigkeit dieser Pressemitteilung.
Osisko, ein absoluter TOP-Wert Übernahmekandidat!

Scorpio, sehr gutes konservatives Investment, ungehyped

Sparton, die Drill Results sind saustark, das waren die ersten Bohrungen, wenn derartige Werte auf einem größeren Gelände festgestellt werden sind das leicht 500k bis 1mio Oz, was die aktuelle MK bereits ohne die anderen Projekte als viel zu gering erscheinen ließe

Trade Winds, man könnte fast den Eindruck bekommen, dass das ein Scam ist, glaub ich aber nicht, wird immer unterbewerteter, jedes Drill Hole trifft, und das sind alles Step Outs! Der 100% TWD Claim GoWest ist da genauso wenig mit berücksichtigt, wie die geplanten Spin-Offs!
Halten und in 24 Monaten einen ver-X-facher im Depot haben!

Bluerock Resources, gute Ergebnisse, massig Upside Potential, niiiiiiiiiiiedrige MK

PBX, bastelt weiter an den Moly-Bergen

Benton wird zum Ni-Player

Corriente läuft wieder an, paar long, ev. haben die doch alles richtig gemacht

Southern Arc hab ich ein paar wieder reingekauft zu 1,35 CAD

bei Alexandria könnten auch mal wieder paar Umsätzes reinkommen. Hält sich ja aber ein paar gute neue Geschichten könnten schon kommen. Die ist doch noch im Spiel hier oder?

A9D wird auf 2-Jahressicht ein Renner!

und kurzfristig hat die 0,3 im Chart gehalten
Merci - mal sehen was die nächsten Bohrungen bringen, die ja seit ein paar Tagen laufen mit zwei Geräten. Sehe ich auch so - die CAD 0,30 hält und wird auch gestützt. PP war ja auch rd. 10% - 15% drüber. Bei guten News gings auch immer schnell auf 0,42 CAD - wäre nett wenn es sich dort oben mal stabilisieren könnte. Mal sehen

abwarten :)
A9D wird auf 2-Jahressicht ein Renner!

und kurzfristig hat die 0,3 im Chart gehalten
Ganze kurze frage kann man bei Sparton in nächster Zeit weiter mit gutem Newsflow rechnen ?
Meine Frage bezieht sich auf den Text von Fischländer (das waren die ersten Bohrungen) sind weitere Ergebnisse angekündigt ? :)

Was halt ihr von Sunwin ?^^ bin am Freitag rein denke mal hier geht in den nächsten Wochen die Post ab !

Ich wünschen allen einen angenehmen Sonntag

Ps: Danke an dukezero für die vielen Infos zu Sparton (verstehe leider nur die hälfte da mein English sehr schnell seine Grenzen erreicht ) deswegen auch immer die dummen Fragen ^^ :sorry:
Bei Sparton rechne ich speziell beim Thema Uranextrahierung mit weiteren News. Die sind ja in Europa + speziell Deutschland unterwegs um Kohleschlacken auf Uran zu überprüfen,- und natürlich auch in China!!
Dumme Fragen gibt es nicht,- nur dumme Antworten. :)

Sunwin ist kein Explorer, Para weiß da im Hauptthread besser Bescheid

Sparton wird die Drills jetzt auswerten und daraufhin ein Phase II Programm beginnen, da stehen erst mal keine weiteren Ergebnisse dieses Programmes aus, aber es gibt ja auch noch 2 konventionelle Uran-Projekte, bei denen Field Work im Gange ist, die mögliche Akquisition produzierender Assetts in der Mongolei, Gold in China, ev. verkaufen sie auch ihren Anteil an dem Gasprojekt (wäre mir am liebsten, dann hätten sie schön Cash).

Aber wenn Du von Newsflow in "nächster Zeit" sprichst, dann gehe ich davon aus, dass Du die nächsten 12-24 Monate meinst, in diesem Anlagezeitraum bewegen wir uns in diesem Thread. ;)

Bezüglich der Uran-Extrahierung ist aber laufend mit News zu rechnen, in China ist man dabei, weitere Projekte ausfindig zu machen und in Europa mit dem JV-Partner Wildhorse Energy in Rumänien, Bulgarien, Polen, Tschechei und Ungarn.
In D wird sich das nicht lohnen, da die Kohle hierzulande zu hochwertig ist. Das Uran ist auch nicht von Anfang an in der Kohleasche, sondern wird quasi im Verbrennungsprozess im Kraftwerk konzentriert. Umweltgefährdende und v.a. wirtschaftliche Konzentrationen gibt es aber nur bei der Verbrennung von minderwertiger Kohle mit hohem Anteil an mineralischen Fremdstoffen.
Zusätzlich ist man gerade in Verhandlungen mit einem möglichen JV Partner Afrika, da kann auch News kommen (v.a. Südafrika).
Aurelian kann man sich mal wieder auf die Long-List nehmen, die Gerüchte über die angebliche Steuer in Ecuador sind verstummt und ARU wird demnächst einen 1 zu 4 Split vornehmen, damit wird die Aktie optisch deutlich billiger, Kursziel der Analysten liegt nach wie vor bei 50-75 CAD, vom momentanen Niveau 1-200%
@ Fischländer & Dukezero

Danke für eure Bemühungen.. ! :up: (kann man ja sehr gespannt sein wie es weiter geht...!) :)
Der Anlagezeitraum ist mir durchaus bewusst befinden sich auch in meinem Long –Investment-Depot ... :evil:

Einen schönen Abend noch.
It has a property in British Columbia with an inferred resource of 448,780,000 tonnes at 0.063% moly, with an indicated resource of 38,800,000 tonnes at 0.064% moly (NI 43-101 compliant). The property is called Ajax and is about 15 kms south of Alice Arm, BC. It is 16 km from existing power and deep water access.

Hosts 623.4 million pounds of inferred moly and 56.4 million pounds of indicated moly. That is a massive in ground dollar value to say the least.

Stock closed on Friday at $0.67, with a 52 week high/low of $1.26/
$0.20. This was on volume of 301,500 shares on that day.

Bei Tenajon T5Q sollte man auch ein Auge drauf haben. Fettestes Deposit!! Machen die mal eine NI conforme
Studie, haben wir eine neue Blue Pearl.
8) 8) habe mir für mein Longdepot vor einigen Tagen sowohl Alexandria Min.als auch NioGold geholt.

habe für beide Werte die gleichen Aussichten/Ansichten wie Fischländer - Osisko macht vor was in der Gegend möglich ist!

einen Aspekt dazu möchte ich auch mal hier publik machen: der Bundesstaat Quebec beteiligt sich an den Explorationskosten! - knapp die Hälfte jedes investierten Can$ wird nachträglich erstattet!!!!!

d.h. die Firmen können deutlich aggressiver explorieren !
It has a property in British Columbia with an inferred resource of 448,780,000 tonnes at 0.063% moly, with an indicated resource of 38,800,000 tonnes at 0.064% moly (NI 43-101 compliant). The property is called Ajax and is about 15 kms south of Alice Arm, BC. It is 16 km from existing power and deep water access.

Hosts 623.4 million pounds of inferred moly and 56.4 million pounds of indicated moly. That is a massive in ground dollar value to say the least.

Stock closed on Friday at $0.67, with a 52 week high/low of $1.26/
$0.20. This was on volume of 301,500 shares on that day.

Bei Tenajon T5Q sollte man auch ein Auge drauf haben. Fettestes Deposit!! Machen die mal eine NI conforme
Studie, haben wir eine neue Blue Pearl.

Denkt Fischi das auch? In seinem Basket ist sie ja nicht...
Fischi hat Tenajon glaube ich auchmal im Vergleich zu Blue Pearl in Spiel gebracht.Stichwort gehypte Werte. Dieser Wert muss aber wie gesagt erstmal Ni conform gemacht werden.Das Deposit ist
wenn ich das richtig sehe grösser wie das von Blue Pearl von Kobex möchte ich garnicht reden.
Er wird, da ich ihn nicht interpretieren möchte, sicher was ergänzendes dazu sagen.
Aus Posting 85 hier. Morgen kommen Zahlen, mal schauen ob mein Pick hier zieht. Mit Globex waren ja auch locker 70 Cent in der Spitze zu verdienen. (Wollte ich auchmal sagen)

Was soll ich zu Starcore International Ventures sagen? Sie ist ein kleines Juwel, mit guten Leuten an der Spitze und soliden Projekten.

Der Laden produziert profitabel Gold aus der ehemaligen Goldcorp Mine San Martin in Mexiko, hat ein 10 - 20 Jahre Minelife, wird weiter wachsen und kam durch das letzte PP zu 50ct unter Druck. Produziert werden sollen bei voller Auslastung 50,000 Unzen im Jahr. Das dürfte eine Marketcap, ohne andere Projekte, ohne Explorationspotenzial, von mindestens 150mio Dollar rechtfertigen. Damit wäre sie ein klarer Verdoppler von hier weg.

Da ich persönlich mit stark steigenden Preisen für Edelmetalle in naher Zukunft rechne, ist es Zeit, sich einen kleinen, wachstumsorientierten Producer ins Depot zu holen. Sie erinnert stark an Endeavour und hat meiner Meinung nach ein ebenso enormes Kurspotential.

Bevor ich mir hier nen Wolf tippe, lass ich die Experten sprechen:
By David J. DesLauriers
28 May 2007 at 12:48 PM GMT-04:00
Bob Moriarty
Dec 31, 2006

Lawrence Roulston

John Embry von Sprott sagte im National TV über Starcore:
"Wenn ein Junior seinen Businessplan erfüllen kann, dann ist es Starcore!"
In meinen Augen ein gutes Long - Investment ist die Aktie
scheint den Boden gefunden zu haben, habe mir mal paar zugelegt... 8)
weiß nicht ob ihr euch schon mal mit dieser Aktie beschäftigt habet es existiert ein Faktenterad bei wo:

Wer will kann ja mal reinschauen und seine Meinung kundgeben würde mich Interessieren

Starter Posi im Depot. Strongest watch,- wenn die Drillings losgehen. CCG Salazar Resources.

Kursziel oberes Bollinger. ZYT Nevada Copper.
8) 8) Candente (GW4) macht sich wohl endlich schick für den Ausbruch:

zu Sparton:

Sparton Resources Inc. (SRI) As of June 17th, 2007
Filing Date Transaction Date Insider Name Ownership Type Securities Nature of transaction # or value acquired or disposed of Unit Price
Jun 13/07 Jun 07/07 Barker, Alan Lee Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 11,000 $0.390

Alles zu Kobex. :boss:
Aus Posting 85 hier. Morgen kommen Zahlen, mal schauen ob mein Pick hier zieht. Mit Globex waren ja auch locker 70 Cent in der Spitze zu verdienen. (Wollte ich auchmal sagen)

Was soll ich zu Starcore International Ventures sagen? Sie ist ein kleines Juwel, mit guten Leuten an der Spitze und soliden Projekten.

Der Laden produziert profitabel Gold aus der ehemaligen Goldcorp Mine San Martin in Mexiko, hat ein 10 - 20 Jahre Minelife, wird weiter wachsen und kam durch das letzte PP zu 50ct unter Druck. Produziert werden sollen bei voller Auslastung 50,000 Unzen im Jahr. Das dürfte eine Marketcap, ohne andere Projekte, ohne Explorationspotenzial, von mindestens 150mio Dollar rechtfertigen. Damit wäre sie ein klarer Verdoppler von hier weg.

Da ich persönlich mit stark steigenden Preisen für Edelmetalle in naher Zukunft rechne, ist es Zeit, sich einen kleinen, wachstumsorientierten Producer ins Depot zu holen. Sie erinnert stark an Endeavour und hat meiner Meinung nach ein ebenso enormes Kurspotential.

Bevor ich mir hier nen Wolf tippe, lass ich die Experten sprechen:
By David J. DesLauriers
28 May 2007 at 12:48 PM GMT-04:00
Bob Moriarty
Dec 31, 2006

Lawrence Roulston

John Embry von Sprott sagte im National TV über Starcore:
"Wenn ein Junior seinen Businessplan erfüllen kann, dann ist es Starcore!"

Starcore Reports Financial Results of Its First Quarter of Production
Monday June 18, 4:56 pm ET

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(CCNMatthews - June 18, 2007) - Effective February 1, 2007, Starcore International Ventures Ltd. (the "Company") (TSX VENTURE:SAM - News) completed the acquisition (the "Acquisition") of Compania Minera Pena de Bernal, S.A. de C.V. ("Bernal"), the owner of the San Martin Mine in Queretaro, Mexico, from Luismin, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Goldcorp Inc. In connection with the Acquisition, the Company paid US$24 million and issued 4,729,000 common shares to Luismin. With the completion of the Acquisition, Bernal became a subsidiary of the Company's subsidiary, Starcore Mexicana, S.A. de C.V. and Starcore is now, through its wholly-owned subsidiary, the owner of producing mining assets in Mexico.

The Company has filed the results for third financial quarter ended April 30, 2007 and the first quarter of its mining operations of the San Martin Mine. Starcore had revenues from metal sales of $9.27 million, earnings from mining operations of $3.05 million, and a net loss of $5.99 million for the quarter ended April 30, 2007 or $6.87 million for the nine months then ended, due largely to the costs of completing the Acquisition and the related financing. Included in these charges were non-cash expenses relating to the calculations of the fair values of the debt warrants issued pursuant to the Acquisition financing of $5.44 million and stock based compensation charges on stock option awards of $1.52 million. As a result, the basic loss per share for the quarter ended April 30, 2007 was $0.10/share and $0.24/share for the nine months then ended.

The earnings from mining operations of $3.05 million, which is calculated as gross revenue less mine cash operating costs, purchased ore costs, reclamation costs and cost of amortization and depletion, was equivalent to a basic earnings per share (EPS) of $0.05 for the quarter ended April 30, 2007 or $0.11 for the nine months then ended, and does not include administrative expenses, other items and income taxes of the Company. Management believes that this non-GAAP measure of EPS illustrates the specific performance of the mining operations in evaluating the recent Acquisition, due to the fact it is based on earnings from mining operations solely. Administrative and other items excluded from the earnings from mining operation are corporate office expenses, fees and salaries, shareholder relations, travel, regulatory, professional fees, stock based compensation, future income tax, investment and interest income, foreign exchange gain and write-off of mineral properties, as well as the cost of completing the Acquisition and the related financing, which includes the non-cash expenses discussed above. The Company also had positive cash flow from operations of $979,000 for the quarter and $714,000 for the nine months ended April 30, 2007.

The following table contains selected highlights from Starcore's consolidated income statement and consolidated balance sheet for the three and nine month periods ended April 30, 2007 and April 30, 2006:

For the three months For the nine months
ended April 30, 2007 ended April 30, 2007
000's 000's
----------------------- ----------------------
2007 2006 2007 2006
Total Revenue $ 9,267 -- $ 9,267 --
Operating Profit $ 3,054 -- $ 3,054 --
Net income (loss) $ (5,985) $ (190) $ (6,872) $ (560)
Net income (loss)
per share $ (0.10) $ (0.02) $ (0.24) $ (0.05)
Total assets $ 0,614 N/A $ 50,614 N/A

The quarter ended April 30, 2007, represents the Company's first quarter of mining operations and San Martin's 14th year of production.

The following table is selected information of mine production statistics for the San Martin mine for the first fiscal quarter of operations under Starcore.

Actual results for
3 months ended
(Unaudited) Unit of measure April 30, 2007
Production of Gold thousand ounces 6.7
Production of Silver thousand ounces 61.3
Equivalent ounces of Gold(i) thousand ounces 7.9

Mined thousands of tonnes 60.2
Milled thousands of tonnes 55.5

Operating Cost per
Equivalent Ounce US dollars/tonne 244
(i) assuming a 50:1 silver to gold equivalency ratio

Chief Executive Officer Robert Eadie stated, "The acquisition of the San Martin Mine was the culmination of our efforts to make Starcore a producer. The results of our first quarter of production are a strong demonstration of our long-term growth strategy."

Full financial statements are available on SEDAR at and on Starcore's website at


Robert Eadie, Chief Executive Officer and Director

This news release does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to sell any of the securities in the United States. The securities have not been and will not be registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "U.S. Securities Act") or any state securities laws and may not be offered or sold within the United States or to U.S. Persons unless registered under the U.S. Securities Act and applicable state securities laws or an exemption from such registration is available.

The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed nor does it accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this press release.

Robert Eadie
Starcore International Ventures Ltd.
(604) 602-4935 or Toll Free: 1-866-602-4935
(604) 602-4936 (FAX)

Source: Starcore International Ventures Ltd.
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