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Für weitere Antworten geschlossen.

laeuft auch wieder hoch

neue HP ist endlich geschaltet

welche Bedeutung der Markt diesem neuen Rare Earth und Beryllium Wert beimisst zeigt sich an der momentanen MK

120mio shares fd
10mio CAD Cash

MK fd momentan 84mio CAD

und die Firma gibt es erst seit November in dieser Form!!!

ein strategischer Kauf!!!

die MK beträgt nach meiner Info nicht 84 Mio sondern beim aktuellen Kurs genau 60,62 Mio CAD

ich rechne immer fully diluted, das ist das fd

dann passt aber der Cash-Bestand nicht mehr dazu. Zu den 10 Mio Cash passen nur die 60,62 Mio

leichte polemik - aber wo er recht hat, hat er recht
neue HP ist endlich geschaltet

welche Bedeutung der Markt diesem neuen Rare Earth und Beryllium Wert beimisst zeigt sich an der momentanen MK

120mio shares fd
10mio CAD Cash

MK fd momentan 84mio CAD

und die Firma gibt es erst seit November in dieser Form!!!

ein strategischer Kauf!!!

die MK beträgt nach meiner Info nicht 84 Mio sondern beim aktuellen Kurs genau 60,62 Mio CAD

ich rechne immer fully diluted, das ist das fd

dann passt aber der Cash-Bestand nicht mehr dazu. Zu den 10 Mio Cash passen nur die 60,62 Mio

leichte polemik - aber wo er recht hat, hat er recht

nur bedingt, zu dem Zeitpunkt, wo die Warrants eingeloest werden hat die Firma auch weniger Cash durch die fortgeschrittene Exploration

Ich kann mich momentan nicht des Eindrucks erwehren, das Sternchen als neuer User geschaltet wurde, um dem Fisch an die Kiemen zu gehen...

neue HP ist endlich geschaltet

welche Bedeutung der Markt diesem neuen Rare Earth und Beryllium Wert beimisst zeigt sich an der momentanen MK

120mio shares fd
10mio CAD Cash

MK fd momentan 84mio CAD

und die Firma gibt es erst seit November in dieser Form!!!

ein strategischer Kauf!!!

die MK beträgt nach meiner Info nicht 84 Mio sondern beim aktuellen Kurs genau 60,62 Mio CAD

ich rechne immer fully diluted, das ist das fd

dann passt aber der Cash-Bestand nicht mehr dazu. Zu den 10 Mio Cash passen nur die 60,62 Mio

leichte polemik - aber wo er recht hat, hat er recht

nur bedingt, zu dem Zeitpunkt, wo die Warrants eingeloest werden hat die Firma auch weniger Cash durch die fortgeschrittene Exploration

Ich kann mich momentan nicht des Eindrucks erwehren, das Sternchen als neuer User geschaltet wurde, um dem Fisch an die Kiemen zu gehen...


hihi, den eindruck hatte ich auch zuerst, da sternchen per gestern original 3 postings hatte und siehe da, alle 3 waren grätenkritik :lol:

Ich kann mich momentan nicht des Eindrucks erwehren, das Sternchen als neuer User geschaltet wurde, um dem Fisch an die Kiemen zu gehen...


hihi, den eindruck hatte ich auch zuerst, da sternchen per gestern original 3 postings hatte und siehe da, alle 3 waren grätenkritik :lol:

wie Du schon bemerkt hattest, hat er ja in allen Punkten bedingt recht...

aber der Eindruck ist ein anderer :whistle:

Ich kann mich momentan nicht des Eindrucks erwehren, das Sternchen als neuer User geschaltet wurde, um dem Fisch an die Kiemen zu gehen...


hihi, den eindruck hatte ich auch zuerst, da sternchen per gestern original 3 postings hatte und siehe da, alle 3 waren grätenkritik :lol:

wie Du schon bemerkt hattest, hat er ja in allen Punkten bedingt recht...

aber der Eindruck ist ein anderer :whistle:

der nick "sternchen" erinnert mich auch irgendwie an eine Meinungsverschiedenheit, die ich da mal mit "trendigen Investoren" auf einem anderen Board hatte... :bissig:
Ich werde da immer ganz hellhörig,- auch bei Postern, die bei Börsenbriefen angestellt sind oder
der Chef sind!!
alles korrekte Infos, nur wenn man dann weiss, dass Firebird Funds mit einem Invest von deutlich ueber 25% drinsteckt (d.h. ich nehme jetzt die Position des Fonds und die des Vorstandes privat zusammen, da wiss ich naemlich aus erster Hand wieviel der haelt...)

zweitens ist es bei fast allen Firmen usus, erst eine Exploration Licence zu ebkommen und dann irgendwann eine production license zu beantragen

kein Kanada Explorer hat mit der Explo-Lizenz die Prod-Lizenz gleichzeitig, davor stehen feasability, UVP, usw. usw.

ja, damit hast Du sicher Recht. Aber man muß doch nach Studium der von IBC selbst gemachten Angaben zu den Gebieten in Uganda und Brasilien die Farge stellen, wie man in diesem frühen Stadium dazu kommt, zu behaupten, dass... ich zitiere...
IB haelt mit den Minen in Uganda und Brasilien angeblich deutlich ueber 10% der Weltreserven (eigene informelle Aussagen)
das ist aus meiner Sicht nicht seriös. Zumindest nicht demgegenüber, der auf öffentlich zugängliche Informationen vertraut.

Mit den deutlich über 25% Anteil von Firebird hast Du auch Recht, es sind genau... 64,49%
Collectively, FGMF II and its joint actors have ownership and control over an aggregate
of 54,688,621 common shares and 3,273,621 warrants to acquire the same number of
common shares in the share capital of IBC representing 63.15% of the outstanding
common shares of IBC (or 64.49% assuming the exercise by FGMF II of the said
warrants, including the common shares deemed to be acquired pursuant to the exercise of
neue HP ist endlich geschaltet

ich kann mich momentan nicht des Eindrucks erwehren, das Sternchen als neuer User geschaltet wurde, um dem Fisch an die Kiemen zu gehen...


hihi, den eindruck hatte ich auch zuerst, da sternchen per gestern original 3 postings hatte und siehe da, alle 3 waren grätenkritik :lol:

also... es geht hier doch nicht um Grätenkritik oder sonst was. Alle drei Postings betrafen IBC und dazu wurden falsche Angaben gemacht. Diese habe ich korrigiert und mit nachlesbaren Fakten dargestellt. Ich bin weder persönlich geworden, noch sonst irgend wie daneben. Wenn wieder etwas Falsches geschrieben wird, berichtige ich das gerne... ebenso sachlich wie vorher. Jeder mag das bewerten, wie er gerne mag.
:eek: sehr Fett!

Jan 14, 2008 11:36 ET
Chariot Announces Drill Cu Sulphide Intercepts as High as 6.61% Cu Over 10 Metres and Cu Oxide Intercepts as High as 6.36% Cu Over 6 Metres
40.0M @ 2.56%Cu (126m to 166m) including 10.0M @ 6.61%Cu; and 34M @ 2.09% Cu (102m to 136m) including 6.0M @ 6.36% Cu

TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Jan. 14, 2008) - Chariot Resources Limited ("Chariot") (TSX:CHD) announces significant new drill results from its 2007 drilling campaign at the Marcona Copper Property. Results reported today are from the Copper 40 zone which has been identified as a potential sulphide starter pit area, and from the Western Pit Extension area. All results released today will be incorporated into a new resource estimate for Mina Justa that is presently planned to start on February 1, 2008.

Cu 40 Zone:

The Copper 40 zone, or as it was previously called the Cu 40 zone, is located in part in the south western part of the Mina Justa ultimate open pit. The copper sulphide mineralization tends to occur in multiple layers or bands and the zone contains some of the highest gold values found at Mina Justa.

Previous drill results from the Copper 40 zone were released on December 18, 2007. The results released today are from around hole MJV-07-090 near the southern extension of the Cu 40 zone which demonstrate that the zone is still open to the south; and from around hole MJV-07-190 which demonstrate that this zone has been extended at least another 150m to the east and that the zone is still open to the east.

Holes near Hole MJV-07-90 (Southern Extension Of Zone Cu 40):
Notable highlights from the drilling at Copper 40 zone near hole MJV-07-090are (all results are copper sulphide mineralization):
- MJV-07-201 19.4 metres at 1.82% Cu (128m to 147.4m), including 3.4 metres at 3.48% Cu (130m to 133.4m), and
24.9 metres at 2.74% Cu ( 304.1m to 329m), including 8.0 metres at 6.13% Cu (308m to 316m)
- MJV-07-255 24.0 metres at 2.93% Cu ( 308m to 332m), including 14.0 metres at 4.12% (314m to 328m)
- MJV-07-288 16.0 metres at 2.12% Cu (128m to 144m), including 4.0 metres at 5.03% Cu (134m to 138m); and
32.0 metres at 1.58% Cu (338m to 370m), including 12.0 metres at 3.08% Cu (352m to 364m)
- MJV-07-289 28.0 metres at 1.36% Cu (374m to 402m), including 4.0 metres at 5.11% Cu (390m to 394m)
Holes near Hole MJV-07-190 (Eastern Extension of Zone Cu 40):
Notable highlights from the drilling at Copper 40 zone near hole MJV-07-190are (all results are copper sulphide mineralization):
- MJV-07-308 10.0 metres at 2.19% Cu (244m to 254m), and
26.0 metres at 0.99% Cu (322m to 348m), including 4.0 metres at 3.10% Cu (326m to 330m), and
10.0 metres at 1.11% Cu (352m to 362m)
- MJV-07-312 54.0 metres at 1.41% Cu (256m to 310m), including 4.0 metres at 4.41% Cu (272m to 276m) 4.0 metres at 2.41% Cu (284m to 288m) 4.0 metres at 3.21% Cu (290m to 294m)
- MJV-07-319 54.0 metres at 2.63% Cu (192m to 246m), including 12.0 metres at 2.96% Cu (202m to 214m) 16.0 metres at 5.29% Cu (224m to 240m)

Western Pit Extension: The Western Pit Extension area is situated within the Mina Justa ultimate pit. The results released today are part of the in-fill drilling program which has better defined the distribution of both the copper oxide and copper sulphide mineralization in this area. Drill results from the Western Pit Extension area were previously released on June 26, 2007.

Notable highlights from the drilling at the Western Pit Extension zone are (results for holes 244 and 242 are copper oxide mineralization, the other holes are all copper sulphide mineralization):

- MJV-07-232 36.0 metres at 0.98 % Cu (140m to 176m), including
4.0 metres at 2.64% Cu (166m to 170m)

- MJV-07-234 28.0 metres at 1.24% Cu (134m to 162m), including
2.0 metres at 2.30% (150m to 152m)

- MJV-07-242 36.0 metres at 0.92% Cu (24m to 60m), including
6.0 metres at 1.32% Cu (44m to 50m)

- MJV-07-244 34.0 metres at 2.09% Cu (102m to 136m), including
6.0 metres at 6.36% Cu (102m to 108m)

- MJV-07-246 40.0 metres at 2.56% Cu (126m to 166m), including
10.0 metres at 6.61% Cu (140m to 150m)

A map showing the drill hole locations is attached.

Mr. Ulli Rath, President and CEO, said "The drill results reported today from the Cu 40 zone further demonstrate that it is still very much open to the south and along its eastern flank; and support our hypothesis that this zone maybe connected to the South East Extension zone". He went on to add that "the results from the Westen Pit Extesion area, in particular Hole 246 demonstrate that the zone contains high-grade copper sulphide mineralization as well as areas of high-grade copper oxide mineralization."

All intersections were determined using a rolling 0.25% Cu cut-off and up to 2 metres of internal waste. High-grade intersections in copper oxide mineralization were calculated using a rolling 1% Cu cut-off and up to 2 metres of internal waste. Higher-grade intersections in copper sulphide mineralization were determined using a rolling 2% Cu cut-off. All intercepts are down-hole length and intersection true widths have not been calculated.

Sampling procedures for the current drilling program are the same as previously reported. All RC chips are logged at the Mina Justa project site. Holes are sampled in their entirety in two metres runs and split at the drill site. A 1/8 split or approximately 5 kilograms of a two metres sample is submitted to the on-site SGS Lakefield Research ("SGS") preparation facility where samples are crushed to 95% passing 10 mesh and riffle split from which a 250 gram sub-sample is taken. The sub-sample is submitted to SGS, in Lima, for analysis. The coarse sample prep reject is bagged and stored on site and following analysis, the analytical pulp sample is returned to Chariot for on-site storage.

All samples are analyzed for copper (Cu) using sequential leach, resulting in four Cu analyses per sample (Cu total, Cu soluble in sulphuric acid, Cu soluble in sodium cyanide and a Cu residual). Gold is sampled using a 30 gram Fire Assay with an AA finish. Sulphide samples are submitted for 38 element ICP analysis with aqua-regia digest. Quality control procedures include insertion of certified project standards at the drill site (1 in 30), field, crush and pulp duplicate samples (1 in 30 each), laboratory duplicates (1 in 30) and reagent blanks and reference material (1 in 30 each).

Data contained in this news release was validated and intersections calculated by John D. Kapusta, P. Geo, Vice-President Exploration and Geological Services, Chariot Resources Limited, the designated Qualified Person as defined in National Instrument 43-101.

Forward-Looking Statements: Statements in this document that are forward-looking statements are subject to various risks and uncertainties concerning the specific factors disclosed under the heading "Risk Factors" and elsewhere in the Company's periodic filings with Canadian Securities Regulators. Such information contained herein represents management's best judgment as of the date hereof based on information currently available. The Company does not assume the obligation to update any forward-looking statement.

Chariot Resources Limited (TSX:CHD) is developing its 70% owned Marcona Copper Property in Peru. With exceptional infrastructure, a significant resource and strong financial and commercial partners, the Mina Justa project is scheduled to be a mid-tier copper producer.

Additional details about Chariot can be viewed at the Company's website,


Ulrich (Ulli) Rath, President & CEO

To view a map of "Marcona Joint Venture - Mina Justa Area", please visit the link below:
neue HP ist endlich geschaltet

ich kann mich momentan nicht des Eindrucks erwehren, das Sternchen als neuer User geschaltet wurde, um dem Fisch an die Kiemen zu gehen...


hihi, den eindruck hatte ich auch zuerst, da sternchen per gestern original 3 postings hatte und siehe da, alle 3 waren grätenkritik :lol:

also... es geht hier doch nicht um Grätenkritik oder sonst was. Alle drei Postings betrafen IBC und dazu wurden falsche Angaben gemacht. Diese habe ich korrigiert und mit nachlesbaren Fakten dargestellt. Ich bin weder persönlich geworden, noch sonst irgend wie daneben. Wenn wieder etwas Falsches geschrieben wird, berichtige ich das gerne... ebenso sachlich wie vorher. Jeder mag das bewerten, wie er gerne mag.

Mein Posting mit Ernst bitte nicht überbewerten - sachlich konstruktive Postings sind m.M. IMMER willkommen, so wie DU hier: WILLKOMMEN STERNCHEN :blumen:
neue HP ist endlich geschaltet

ich kann mich momentan nicht des Eindrucks erwehren, das Sternchen als neuer User geschaltet wurde, um dem Fisch an die Kiemen zu gehen...


hihi, den eindruck hatte ich auch zuerst, da sternchen per gestern original 3 postings hatte und siehe da, alle 3 waren grätenkritik :lol:

also... es geht hier doch nicht um Grätenkritik oder sonst was. Alle drei Postings betrafen IBC und dazu wurden falsche Angaben gemacht. Diese habe ich korrigiert und mit nachlesbaren Fakten dargestellt. Ich bin weder persönlich geworden, noch sonst irgend wie daneben. Wenn wieder etwas Falsches geschrieben wird, berichtige ich das gerne... ebenso sachlich wie vorher. Jeder mag das bewerten, wie er gerne mag.


war ja auch alles mehr oder auch minder korrekt, nur musst Du mir meine Ironie verzeihen, wenn ein neuer User mit einem Namen, der mich an die ein oder andere Streiterei mit trendigen Investoren erinnert, in seinen ersten drei Postings direkt nur auf mein Posting eingeht.

LOI alles korrekt, meine falsche Ausdrucksweise
Explo-Lizenz nicht gleich Prod-Lizenz, voellig normal
MK fd schreib ich immer, Cash schreib ich nicht dazu, weil das wie bereits beschrieben zum Ausuebungszeitpunkt der Warrants nicht bestimmbar ist

Zaruma Resources: Drill Results Expand Copper Mineralization at Luz del Cobre
TORONTO, Jan. 14, 2008 (Canada NewsWire via COMTEX News Network) --

Zaruma Resources Inc., (TSX-ZMR) is pleased to report that results from drilling in the Trion-Luz del Cobre area, located in the Company's San Antonio project (Sonora, Mexico), continue to expand the copper mineralization of the Luz del Cobre ore body. In addition, nearby exploration drilling has shown very encouraging copper intercepts at the recently discovered Calvario target and has revealed near surface copper mineralization 500 metres west of Luz del Cobre in the Trion area.

The first phase of drilling in the Trion-Luz del Cobre area, completed December 10, included 3,957 metres of core drilling in 41 holes. Results from the first nine holes were previously reported (News Release November 12, 2007), and of the remaining 32 holes, all but three intercepted intervals grading 0.3% copper or higher, with assays still pending for the final hole.

On the southwest end of Luz del Cobre, a total of 10 holes have been drilled with very encouraging results. In addition to the previously reported five holes, results from four more holes are now available, with assays pending for the final hole. The holes are systematic 25 metre step out tests along section lines also spaced at 25 metres and continue to expand the limits of the copper mineralization to the south, currently by at least 50 meters along a 100 metre front. Results of the four available holes are:

Drill Drill ID From, m. To, m. True Copper
Section width, m.
100 NE LUZ07-50 45.8 59.4 13.6 1.31%
75 NE LUZ07-51 54.4 66.7 12.3 0.99%
50 NE LUZ07-52 45.8 74.0 28.2 0.55%
125 NE LUZ07-53* 58.8 61.0 2.2* 0.83*
50 NE LUZ07-54 Results not yet available
*LUZ07-53 abandoned in fault zone at top of projected ore zone

Very encouraging results were also received from an additional five holes
drilled in the Calvario target, located approximately 150 metres west of Luz
del Cobre. Current results, along with the previously reported three holes,
confirm Calvario to be a very exiting copper target of similar character to
Luz del Cobre with potential to add to the mineable resources. Drilling at
Calvario is along lines spaced at 25 metre intervals, with holes now located
on four of the drill sections, with results as follows:

Drill Drill ID From, m. To, m. Intersected Copper
Section width, m.
25N LUZ07-46 51.8 77.2 25.4 1.31%
and 84.6 91.4 6.8* 0.66%
50N LUZ07-47 57.0 61.7 4.68 1.42%
50N LUZ07-48 42.7 57.9 15.2 0.31%
75N LUZ07-49 24.4 27.4 3.0 1.40%
*LUZ07-46 bottomed in mineralization

With the encouraging results from the completed drilling, a second phase
drill programme has commenced to continue the expansion of the existing ore
reserves at Luz del Cobre and to develop resources at Calvario.
The remaining 21 drill holes from the first phase programme were drilled
along the Trion trend, a northeasterly directed and geochemically anomalous
structural zone extending for roughly one kilometer to the southwest from the
Calvario target. Drilling has been completed along the length of the zone with
the objective of locating areas for future delineation of resources that could
be processed in the Luz del Cobre facilities. Interpretation of the assay
data, which have just been received, is ongoing, but the widespread occurrence
of copper is very encouraging. The results, in particular from holes TR07-43,
44 and 45, in an area referred to as Central Trion, suggest potential
locations of additional copper resources. Significant results, here defined as
cumulative copper bearing intervals in excess of 5 metres, for drilling along
the Trion trend are as follows, with location given along pre-existing
30 metre spaced drill section lines continued into the area from previous work
to the west:

Drill Drill ID From, m. To, m. Intersected Copper
Section width, m.
70E TR07-24 108.4 120.4 12.0 0.25%
68E TR07-25 6.3 8.5 2.2 0.38%
and 14.0 19.5 5.5 0.61%
and 71.4 73.9 2.5 0.45%
and 85.6 88.4 2.8 0.38%
and 92.4 96.9 4.5 0.47%
60E TR07-27 55.0 60.4 5.4 0.41%
and 132.7 140.4 7.7 0.34%
60E TR07-28 6.1 12.5 6.4 1.34%
and 42.7 43.7 1.0 2.18%
and 95.4 101.4 6.0 0.31%
and 105.8 108.8 3.0 0.34%
58E TR07-29 32.5 57.9 25.4 0.36%
51E TR07-31 36.6 39.6 3.0 0.32%
and 44.6 46.5 1.9 0.45%
and 50.4 55.0 4.6 0.66%
51E TR07-32 11.4 20.0 8.6 0.29%
60E TR07-36 0.0 5.0 5.0 0.31%
and 19.8 41.1 21.3 0.56%
57E TR07-39 28.8 34.1 5.3 0.29%
64E TR07-43 12.4 21.9 9.5 0.32%
and 45.8 50.8 5.0 0.35%
and 75.2 96.6 21.4 0.96%
63E TR07-44 64.0 79.2 15.2 0.59%
including 64.0 67.0 3.0 1.41%
and 76.2 79.2 3.0 1.19%
61E TR07-45 83.8 97.5 13.7 0.47%

Surface work in the Trion area, including mapping and sampling of recently completed trenches, is continuing. Assays from this work are pending and will be used for the interpretation and correlation of the Trion drill information to define follow up drill targets.

The President and CEO of Zaruma, Thomas Utter commented that: "The results of the first phase of drilling in the Trion-Luz del Cobre area confirm that additional, open ended copper mineralization has been found that will lead to an increase in reserves to be processed by the Luz del Cobre plant, currently under construction. This will likely extend the life of the mine beyond the estimated five to six years in the 2006 feasibility study, with production planned at 15 million pounds of cathode copper per year from an open pit mining, heap leach, solvent extraction, electro-winning operation."

The drilling programme is under the supervision of Geologist James E. Poulter, the "Qualified Person" as defined in NI 43-101, and is responsible for the technical information presented in this news release.

Assays were prepared by Jacobs Assay Lab-Registered Assayers, Tucson, Arizona, from pulps prepared by Sonora Sample Preparations, Hermosillo, Mexico.

Zaruma Resources Inc. is listed on The Toronto and Frankfurt Stock Exchanges, (symbol: ZMR). Common shares outstanding: 111,491,271.

This News Release contains forward-looking statements which are typically preceded by, followed by or including the words "believes", "expects", "anticipates", "estimates", "intends", "plans" or similar expressions. Forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance as they involve risks, uncertainties and assumptions, including securing additional funding to continue its development programmes.

SOURCE: Zaruma Resources Inc.

Zaruma Resources Inc., 20 Toronto Street, 12th Floor, Toronto ON, M5C 2B8, Canada, Fax: (416) 367-3638,,; Dr. Thomas Utter, President and CEO, Tel.: 521 662 222 0063, 521 662 210 5650,; Frank van de Water, CFO and Secretary, Tel.: (416) 869-0772,
Copyright (C) 2008 CNW Group. All rights reserved.
ein weiterer interessanter Area-Player zu Noront ist auch Fancamp TSX-V:FNC

die haben nach eigener Aussage festgestellt, dass die magnetische Anomalie von Noront (mit den herausragenden Drill Results) sich auf das FNC Gelaender erstreckt

geringe MK und gute Share Structure

paar long

gebohrt wird da aber wie bei Probe Mines erst im Fruehjahr!!!
unser user @Callao hat dazu einen eigenen Trhread unter Hot Stocks eingerichtet!

:friends: :up:
ein weiterer interessanter Area-Player zu Noront ist auch Fancamp TSX-V:FNC

die haben nach eigener Aussage festgestellt, dass die magnetische Anomalie von Noront (mit den herausragenden Drill Results) sich auf das FNC Gelaender erstreckt

geringe MK und gute Share Structure

paar long

gebohrt wird da aber wie bei Probe Mines erst im Fruehjahr!!!
Gibts von dem gelände eigentlich ne gute Karte? Bevor ich mir hier den Wolf suche! :danke:
Probe Mines hat uebrigens noch eine 5% Net Smelter Revenue Beteiligung auf einem Grossteil der in diesem Jahr in Produktion gehenden Agnico-Eagle Goldex Mine im Val d'Or Bezirk

Agnico-Eagle plant 170mio Oz Jahresproduktion

The Gross, or Net Smelter Return (NSR) Royalty, is characterized by royalty payments that are a fixed or variable percentage of the sales price, or gross revenue, the mining operator receives from the sale of mineral product from the property. The mining operator's gross revenue, in metal mines, is often referred to as Net Smelter Return because it is common for the mining operator to sell the mineral product in a form that requires further processing by a smelter or refinery. The Net Smelter Return is the amount of money which the smelter or refinery pays the mining operator for the mineral product and is usually based on a spot, or current price of the mineral, with deductions for the costs associated with further processing. In non-metal mines the selling price is usually 'fob mine site' because of the transportation costs involved in delivering the mineral product to the buyer.

Gross, or NSR, royalty payments are also fairly simple to calculate and administer in that only the selling price and quantity of mineral product produced or sold are required for their determination. A mining lease clause usually specifies the selling price that is to be used because of the differences in price among the spot, contract and forward markets that exist for different mineral products. Because the mineral price and quantity of mineral produced or sold may vary considerably during a royalty accounting period, the mining lease must provide details regarding the amount of information that is supplied to the mineral property owner in order for the owner to verify, or audit, the royalty payment amounts. This type of royalty will usually have the highest market value of all the royalty types in the event the royalty owner should want to sell it to a royalty buying company.

wenn nur 50% der 170.000 Oz fuer die NSR herangezogen werden sind das immer noch ca. 2,5mio USD royalty fuer PRB bei 600 USD/Oz V-Preis

nette Einnahme!
Vangold Acquires 50% Interest in Additional Petroleum Property in Armenia
VANCOUVER, BC, Jan 14, 2008 (MARKET WIRE via COMTEX News Network) --

Vangold Resources Ltd. (TSX-V: VAN) ("Vangold") -- Further to a New Release of May 23, 2007 regarding the signing of a Production Sharing Agreement ("PSA"), Vangold announces that it has signed an Acquisition of Interest Agreement for the acquisition of one half of the economic interest for exploration and production of petroleum for Block 6 in Armenia. Block 6 is approximately 3,600 km2 and is located in southern Armenia between the Azerbaijan, Iran and Nakhichevan borders. As consideration of the Interest, Vangold will issue 100,000 common shares upon completion and will grant an option on a further 100,000 shares for a period of 12 months. The Agreement is subject to the approval of the TSX Venture Exchange.

The Agreement is with Blackstairs Energy PLC ("Blackstairs"), a private company based in Dublin, Ireland. Blackstairs will operate the Block under the terms of the Production Sharing Agreement. An office has been opened in Yerevan. General Manager, Mr. Papworth, a UK-based petroleum exploration consultant with over thirty years of experience, in areas including the North Sea, onshore UK, Libya, Egypt, Tunisia, Malaysia, Gabon, Namibia, Georgia and Russia who has worked intermittently in Armenia since 1994, will oversee the project.

Contract & License Issues

The PSA was signed with the Government of Armenia on April 27th, 2007. The contract covers the areas designated "Blocks 4, 5 and 6" and extends to c. 13,775 sq. km (c. 3.4 Million acres) in central and southern Armenia. The contract will be operated by Blackstairs Energy plc in partnership with Vangold Resources. The associated "Exploration Licence Permits" and the "Licence Agreement" were also approved by the Armenian authorities in May 2007 and December 2007 respectively. These permits and agreements allow the joint-venture full access to the existing technical archive data and clearance to commence technical operations throughout the entire permit area.

The term of the contract is for 5 years with two additional extensions each of 2 years negotiable with the authorities. The work programme over the initial 5 years comprises Geological Studies, Gravity and Geochemical studies, Remote Sensing and 170 km of 2D seismic. The financial commitment is 2.4 Million $US over the initial 5-year term.

Geological Summary

Blocks 4 and 5 lie mainly in the "Central Depression" -- a series of complexly structured Cretaceous-Tertiary fill basins. An older Jurassic-Cretaceous fill basin is developed to the south in Block 6. Numerous indications of hydrocarbons, including surface seeps of oil and gas and well-bore hydrocarbon shows, are seen throughout the area of the Licence.

Technical Activities & Licence Administration

Immediately on signing the Petroleum Contract, the Blackstairs Energy-Vangold Resources joint-venture began putting a technical and office infrastructure in place in Yerevan. A General Manager was appointed, local technical, financial and administrative staff recruited, and an office building with excellent communications and exploration technical software was configured.

A comprehensive technical programme was designed and initial evaluation commenced in May 2007. To date the following projects have been significantly advanced:

* Collation, Analysis and Review of Existing Technical Data

A systematic examination of all existing geological, geophysical, well bore and historical technical report data is ongoing. This study is accessing data from the State Geological Archive and various Armenian technical institutes as well as from published studies. These data are being digitized and incorporated into a modern GIS database. By year-end considerable progress has been made and already certain areas have been highlighted for more detailed study. A series of field visits have also successfully located and calibrated the position of key boreholes.

* Remote Sensing Satellite Imagery Study.

A major contract was awarded to InfoTerra (a specialist UK contractor) covering the evaluation of high-resolution satellite imagery and the generation of 1:250,000 and 1:100,000 scale geological maps and structural studies over the entire permit area. Several interesting trends have been identified for more detailed analysis and in-field verification. These remote-sensed data will also provide valuable information for the location, design and physical access / logistical aspects of the future 2D seismic programme. By year-end the satellite imagery study was well advanced and a more detailed phase of evaluation and mapping will begin in January 2008.

* Gravity Survey

A contract to acquire a major 5000 station regional gravity survey was awarded in August 2007 to the Gyumri Institute -- a specialist Armenian geophysical institute. The survey area is initially focused on Blocks 4 and 5. A significant proportion of the survey was successfully acquired by December; operations will re-commence in the spring 2008. Compilation of the final Bouger and Terrain-Corrected gravity maps is underway and these data will be integrated with the GIS database and the results emerging from the satellite imagery studies.

To find out more about Vangold Resources Ltd. please visit our website at or contact Dal Brynelsen at 604-684-1974 or by email at

On Behalf of the Board of VANGOLD RESOURCES LTD. "Dal Brynelsen" Dal Brynelsen, President and CEO

The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of the content of this news release.

Distributed by Filing Services Canada and retransmitted by Marketwire

Contact: Dal Brynelsen 604-684-1974 Email Contact Vangold Resources Ltd. Suite 1730, 650 West Georgia Street P.O. Box 11622 Vancouver, BC Canada, V6B 4N9 Phone: 604-684-1974 Fax: 604-685-5970

SOURCE: Vangold Resources Ltd.
Copyright 2008 Market Wire, All rights reserved.
Juhuuu meine Orko Silver zieht in Kanada :juchu:
Amera Resources

Rueckkauf 1/3 der alten Posi zu 0,215 CAD, damit halte ich wieder 50% des alten Einstandes
Sparton Closes Private Placement Financing
TORONTO, ONTARIO, Jan 14, 2008 (MARKET WIRE via COMTEX News Network) --

Sparton Resources Inc. (TSX VENTURE: SRI) (the "Company") announced today that it has completed a non-brokered private placement financing. The Company issued an aggregate of 4,100,000 units at a subscription price of $0.25 per unit, for aggregate gross proceeds of $1,025,000. Each unit consists of one common share and one Series F common share purchase warrant. Each Series F Warrant entitles the holder to acquire one common share of the Company until January 14, 2009 at a price of $0.38 per share, subject to the right of the Company to accelerate the expiry date of the Warrants in the event that the common shares of the Company trade above $0.50 per share for a period of 20 consecutive trading days.

The common shares and warrants comprising the units are subject to a hold period that expires May 15, 2008.

Net proceeds of the financing will be used for general corporate purposes and for expenditures planned for the Company's international portfolio of non conventional uranium extraction testing programs, as well as its advanced precious metal exploration programs in China, Mexico and the United States.

The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for adequacy or accuracy of the content of the information contained herein.

Contacts: Sparton Resources Inc. A. Lee Barker President and CEO (416) 366-3551 (416) 366-7421 (FAX) Email: Sparton Resources Inc. E. G Thompson Chairman (416) 366-6083 (416) 366-2713 (FAX) Email: Website:

SOURCE: Sparton Resources Inc.
Copyright 2008 Market Wire, All rights reserved.
Hard Creek Drilling Expands on Platinum & Palladium Discoveries

Hard Creek Nickel Corporation (TSX VENTURE: HNC) is pleased to provide analytical results for an additional nine diamond drill holes, totaling 2,686 metres (8,812 feet) from the 2007 drilling program at its 100% owned Turnagain Project, located 70 km (43.5 miles) east of Dease Lake in British Columbia. Results for 44 of the holes have now been released with the analytical results for the remaining 31 holes to be reported when they are received.

Drilling to date on the Turnagain Project has been successful in identifying four separate areas with platinum and palladium (PGM) mineralization; Cliff, Horsetrail, DB, and DJ. All reported results from 2007 drilling in these PGM areas are listed in the following two tables. The tables include results reported later within this news release.

Pt-Pd-Ni-Co Mineralized Areas
Len- Pt+
From To gth Pt Pd Pd Total Total
Area Hole # (m) (m) (m) (g/t) (g/t) (g/t) Ni % Co %
Cliff 07-237(i) 112 140 28 0.12 0.13 0.25 0.25 0.021
incl. 112 124 12 0.17 0.17 0.34 0.25 0.015
148 168 20 0.28 0.32 0.60 0.24 0.015
204 216 12 0.33 0.30 0.63 0.21 0.014
incl. 204 208 4 0.61 0.59 1.20 0.20 0.014
07-238(i) 6.5 16 9.5 0.12 0.17 0.29 0.17 0.014
07-239 64 120 56 0.13 0.14 0.27 0.22 0.017
incl. 64 80 16 0.32 0.34 0.66 0.33 0.015
07-240 66.2 125 58.8 0.12 0.14 0.26 0.18 0.023
incl. 108.2 125 16.8 0.19 0.23 0.41 0.22 0.016
202 229 27 0.08 0.09 0.17 0.24 0.023
211 223 12 0.13 0.13 0.26 0.37 0.032
Horse- 07-199(i) 364 366.1 2.1 0.35 0.34 0.69 0.56 0.013
trail(NW) EOH
07-205(i) 28 36 8 0.19 0.28 0.47 0.70 0.018
(i) Previously reported
Pt-Pd Mineralized Areas
From To Length Pt Pd Pt+Pd
Area Hole # (m) (m) (m) (g/t) (g/t) (g/t)
DB 07-207 204 232 28 0.31 0.26 0.57
07-209 152 160 8 0.20 0.16 0.36
07-210 200 212 12 0.34 0.20 0.54
07-211 128 164 36 0.43 0.47 0.90
07-214 168 188 20 0.23 0.19 0.42
DJ No additional drilling in 2007 (see Nov 17, 2004 news release
for results)

"Platinum and palladium are now becoming important in the development of our Turnagain Project as potentially payable precious metals," said Mark Jarvis, President of Hard Creek Nickel. "Results from the Cliff zone are the most encouraging since the platinum and palladium occurs within inter-cumulus sulphide mineralization with nickel grades that are very similar to the Horsetrail deposit but with much higher platinum and palladium values. Metallurgical test work is planned to determine recoveries of the platinoids."

New drill results are reported in this news release from exploration holes in the DB, Central and Cliff areas. The DB and Central areas are located approximately 3.5 km (2.2 miles) west-northwest from the Horsetrail deposit and the Cliff area is centered 2 km (1.2 miles) east of the Horsetrail. Drill hole locations can be viewed on a plan map at

Cliff area hole 07-239 was drilled from the same site as previously reported 07-237 and hole 07-240 was drilled 500 metres (1,600 feet) to the west of 07-239 (see December 19, 2007 news release for previously reported Cliff area holes). Hole 07-239 intersected a 56 metre (183.7 feet) interval averaging 0.22 percent total nickel and 0.27 grams/tonne combined platinum and palladium which included a 16 metre (52.5 feet) interval of 0.33 percent total nickel and 0.66 grams/tonne combined platinum and palladium. Hole 07-240 intersected several mineralized intervals including 12 metres (39.4 feet) averaging 0.37 percent total nickel and 0.25 grams/tonne combined platinum and palladium.

DB area holes 07-210 and 211 were drilled on the same northeast drill section as previously reported holes 05-88 (0.96 grams/tonne combined platinum and palladium ppb across 49.3 metres) and 05-101 (0.64 grams/tonne combined platinum and palladium across 71 metres) (see news releases of November 30, 2005 and January 20, 2006). Hole 07-210 intersected 12 metres (39.4 feet) averaging 0.54 grams/tonne combined platinum and palladium. Hole 07-211 intersected 36 metres (118.1 feet) averaging 0.90 grams/tonne combined platinum and palladium.

DB area hole 07-214 was drilled 80 metres (262 feet) north of 07-210 and 211. Hole 07-214 intersected 20 metres (66 feet) averaging 0.41 grams/tonne combined platinum and palladium.

The platinum-palladium mineralization in the area of holes 07-210, 211 and 214 appears to have a shallow dip to the southwest and has been intersected by four holes over 150 metres (490 feet) in the down dip direction. Limits of this mineralization have not been defined. This part of the DB area lies near the southwest corner of a 1 by 2 kilometres (0.6 by 1.2 miles) combined platinum and palladium soil anomaly that has only been partially drill tested.

Holes 07-207 and 209 were also drilled in the DB area 0.4 km (0.2 miles) southeast of the previously mentioned BD holes, approximately 2.7 km (1.7 miles) northwest of the main Horsetrail zone. The holes were targeted on intense magnetic anomalies within an area of magnetite-clinopyroxenite near the interpreted upper contact of the ultramafic intrusion. Both holes intersected long intervals of magnetite-clinpyroxenite with hole 07-207 intersecting 28 metres (92 feet) averaging 0.57 grams/tonne combined platinum and palladium.

Holes 07-216 and 232 were drilled in the Central area on either side of the main diorite-granodiorite intrusion, approximately 3 km (1.9 miles) northwest of the Horsetrail deposit. No significant mineralization was encountered.

The total nickel values reported in the table below include nickel in both sulphide and non-sulphide minerals.

Len- Pt+
From To gth Pt Pd Pd Total Total
Area Hole # (m) (m) (m) (g/t) (g/t) (g/t) Ni % Co %
Cliff 07-239 64 120 56 0.13 0.14 0.27 0.22 0.017
incl. 64 80 16 0.32 0.34 0.66 0.33 0.015
07-240 66.2 125 58.8 0.12 0.14 0.25 0.18 0.023
incl. 108.2 125 16.8 0.19 0.23 0.41 0.22 0.016
202 229 27 0.08 0.09 0.17 0.24 0.023
211 223 12 0.13 0.13 0.25 0.37 0.032
DB 07-207 204 232 28 0.31 0.26 0.57 - -
07-209 152 160 8 0.20 0.16 0.36 - -
07-210 200 212 12 0.34 0.20 0.54 - -
07-211 128 164 36 0.43 0.47 0.90 - -
07-214 168 188 20 0.23 0.19 0.42 - -
Central 07-216 No significant results
07-232 No significant results

Given the limited amount of drilling in these exploration areas, the true widths have been estimated to be approximately 90 percent of reported core intervals in the DB area but are not known in the other areas. Samples for analysis were generally 4 metres in length of split NQ-size core. Reference pulps with known nickel, copper, platinum and palladium values were inserted every 25 core samples and rock blanks inserted every 30 samples to monitor laboratory performance as part of the QC/QA program.

Total nickel, copper and cobalt values were determined by ICP emission spectrometry following four acid digestion of a representative pulp sample. Platinum and palladium values were determined by ICP emission spectrometry following lead-collection fire assay fusion of a 30 gram pulp. All analytical work was conducted by Acme Analytical Laboratories Ltd., an ISO 9001 registered facility, located in Vancouver. IPL, an ISO 9001 registered facility, also located in Vancouver, is carrying out check analyses on ten percent of the samples.

The Turnagain Nickel Project resource in the Horsetrail-Northwest deposit has been recently estimated (see December 10, 2007 News Release for details) with the measured and indicated resource estimated at 489 million tonnes grading 0.22% total nickel (0.16% nickel in sulphides) and 0.012% cobalt and an additional inferred resource of 560 million tonnes grading 0.20% total nickel (0.15% nickel in sulphides) and 0.011% cobalt. Mineral resources that are not mineral reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability.

This news release has been reviewed and approved by Neil Froc, P.Eng., a qualified person consistent with NI 43-101.

On behalf of the Board of Directors of Hard Creek Nickel Corporation

MARK JARVIS, President

The TSX Venture Exchange does not accept responsibility for the accuracy or adequacy of this news release.

Contacts: Hard Creek Nickel Corporation Mark Jarvis President (604) 681-2300 (604) 681-2310 (FAX) Email: Website:

SOURCE: Hard Creek Nickel Corporation
schaut vom Chart her auch sehr gut aus - 3 positive Stick´s...... :gruebel: :scratch: was meint Meister Dukezero?
am 1. Februar wird ein Ressourcenupdate veröffentlicht, bis dahin könnte einiges gehen

:eek: sehr Fett!

Jan 14, 2008 11:36 ET
Chariot Announces Drill Cu Sulphide Intercepts as High as 6.61% Cu Over 10 Metres and Cu Oxide Intercepts as High as 6.36% Cu Over 6 Metres
40.0M @ 2.56%Cu (126m to 166m) including 10.0M @ 6.61%Cu; and 34M @ 2.09% Cu (102m to 136m) including 6.0M @ 6.36% Cu

TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Jan. 14, 2008) - Chariot Resources Limited ("Chariot") (TSX:CHD) announces significant new drill results from its 2007 drilling campaign at the Marcona Copper Property. Results reported today are from the Copper 40 zone which has been identified as a potential sulphide starter pit area, and from the Western Pit Extension area. All results released today will be incorporated into a new resource estimate for Mina Justa that is presently planned to start on February 1, 2008.

Cu 40 Zone:

The Copper 40 zone, or as it was previously called the Cu 40 zone, is located in part in the south western part of the Mina Justa ultimate open pit. The copper sulphide mineralization tends to occur in multiple layers or bands and the zone contains some of the highest gold values found at Mina Justa.

Previous drill results from the Copper 40 zone were released on December 18, 2007. The results released today are from around hole MJV-07-090 near the southern extension of the Cu 40 zone which demonstrate that the zone is still open to the south; and from around hole MJV-07-190 which demonstrate that this zone has been extended at least another 150m to the east and that the zone is still open to the east.

Holes near Hole MJV-07-90 (Southern Extension Of Zone Cu 40):
Notable highlights from the drilling at Copper 40 zone near hole MJV-07-090are (all results are copper sulphide mineralization):
- MJV-07-201 19.4 metres at 1.82% Cu (128m to 147.4m), including 3.4 metres at 3.48% Cu (130m to 133.4m), and
24.9 metres at 2.74% Cu ( 304.1m to 329m), including 8.0 metres at 6.13% Cu (308m to 316m)
- MJV-07-255 24.0 metres at 2.93% Cu ( 308m to 332m), including 14.0 metres at 4.12% (314m to 328m)
- MJV-07-288 16.0 metres at 2.12% Cu (128m to 144m), including 4.0 metres at 5.03% Cu (134m to 138m); and
32.0 metres at 1.58% Cu (338m to 370m), including 12.0 metres at 3.08% Cu (352m to 364m)
- MJV-07-289 28.0 metres at 1.36% Cu (374m to 402m), including 4.0 metres at 5.11% Cu (390m to 394m)
Holes near Hole MJV-07-190 (Eastern Extension of Zone Cu 40):
Notable highlights from the drilling at Copper 40 zone near hole MJV-07-190are (all results are copper sulphide mineralization):
- MJV-07-308 10.0 metres at 2.19% Cu (244m to 254m), and
26.0 metres at 0.99% Cu (322m to 348m), including 4.0 metres at 3.10% Cu (326m to 330m), and
10.0 metres at 1.11% Cu (352m to 362m)
- MJV-07-312 54.0 metres at 1.41% Cu (256m to 310m), including 4.0 metres at 4.41% Cu (272m to 276m) 4.0 metres at 2.41% Cu (284m to 288m) 4.0 metres at 3.21% Cu (290m to 294m)
- MJV-07-319 54.0 metres at 2.63% Cu (192m to 246m), including 12.0 metres at 2.96% Cu (202m to 214m) 16.0 metres at 5.29% Cu (224m to 240m)

Western Pit Extension: The Western Pit Extension area is situated within the Mina Justa ultimate pit. The results released today are part of the in-fill drilling program which has better defined the distribution of both the copper oxide and copper sulphide mineralization in this area. Drill results from the Western Pit Extension area were previously released on June 26, 2007.

Notable highlights from the drilling at the Western Pit Extension zone are (results for holes 244 and 242 are copper oxide mineralization, the other holes are all copper sulphide mineralization):

- MJV-07-232 36.0 metres at 0.98 % Cu (140m to 176m), including
4.0 metres at 2.64% Cu (166m to 170m)

- MJV-07-234 28.0 metres at 1.24% Cu (134m to 162m), including
2.0 metres at 2.30% (150m to 152m)

- MJV-07-242 36.0 metres at 0.92% Cu (24m to 60m), including
6.0 metres at 1.32% Cu (44m to 50m)

- MJV-07-244 34.0 metres at 2.09% Cu (102m to 136m), including
6.0 metres at 6.36% Cu (102m to 108m)

- MJV-07-246 40.0 metres at 2.56% Cu (126m to 166m), including
10.0 metres at 6.61% Cu (140m to 150m)

A map showing the drill hole locations is attached.

Mr. Ulli Rath, President and CEO, said "The drill results reported today from the Cu 40 zone further demonstrate that it is still very much open to the south and along its eastern flank; and support our hypothesis that this zone maybe connected to the South East Extension zone". He went on to add that "the results from the Westen Pit Extesion area, in particular Hole 246 demonstrate that the zone contains high-grade copper sulphide mineralization as well as areas of high-grade copper oxide mineralization."

All intersections were determined using a rolling 0.25% Cu cut-off and up to 2 metres of internal waste. High-grade intersections in copper oxide mineralization were calculated using a rolling 1% Cu cut-off and up to 2 metres of internal waste. Higher-grade intersections in copper sulphide mineralization were determined using a rolling 2% Cu cut-off. All intercepts are down-hole length and intersection true widths have not been calculated.

Sampling procedures for the current drilling program are the same as previously reported. All RC chips are logged at the Mina Justa project site. Holes are sampled in their entirety in two metres runs and split at the drill site. A 1/8 split or approximately 5 kilograms of a two metres sample is submitted to the on-site SGS Lakefield Research ("SGS") preparation facility where samples are crushed to 95% passing 10 mesh and riffle split from which a 250 gram sub-sample is taken. The sub-sample is submitted to SGS, in Lima, for analysis. The coarse sample prep reject is bagged and stored on site and following analysis, the analytical pulp sample is returned to Chariot for on-site storage.

All samples are analyzed for copper (Cu) using sequential leach, resulting in four Cu analyses per sample (Cu total, Cu soluble in sulphuric acid, Cu soluble in sodium cyanide and a Cu residual). Gold is sampled using a 30 gram Fire Assay with an AA finish. Sulphide samples are submitted for 38 element ICP analysis with aqua-regia digest. Quality control procedures include insertion of certified project standards at the drill site (1 in 30), field, crush and pulp duplicate samples (1 in 30 each), laboratory duplicates (1 in 30) and reagent blanks and reference material (1 in 30 each).

Data contained in this news release was validated and intersections calculated by John D. Kapusta, P. Geo, Vice-President Exploration and Geological Services, Chariot Resources Limited, the designated Qualified Person as defined in National Instrument 43-101.

Forward-Looking Statements: Statements in this document that are forward-looking statements are subject to various risks and uncertainties concerning the specific factors disclosed under the heading "Risk Factors" and elsewhere in the Company's periodic filings with Canadian Securities Regulators. Such information contained herein represents management's best judgment as of the date hereof based on information currently available. The Company does not assume the obligation to update any forward-looking statement.

Chariot Resources Limited (TSX:CHD) is developing its 70% owned Marcona Copper Property in Peru. With exceptional infrastructure, a significant resource and strong financial and commercial partners, the Mina Justa project is scheduled to be a mid-tier copper producer.

Additional details about Chariot can be viewed at the Company's website,


Ulrich (Ulli) Rath, President & CEO

To view a map of "Marcona Joint Venture - Mina Justa Area", please visit the link below:
:danke: Duke

bei Castillian Res. scheint was im Busch zu sein, gestern ein sehr hohes Volumen,keine News.... :gruebel:
diese "kleine", vielleicht unscheinbare News behinhaltet des Ergebnis der Flotationsresults - von ca.40-45% Ausbeute mit SWX-Verfahren erhöht auf 81-89% Ausbeute -Klartext: quasiVerdoppelung der nutzbaren Ressourcen!!!!
J :) an 15, 2008 02:05 ET
Candente Resource Corp.: Initial Flotation Results for the Canariaco Norte Copper Deposit in Northern Peru
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Jan. 15, 2008) - Candente Resource Corp. (TSX:DNT)(BVL:DNT)(WKN:GW4) ("Candente") is pleased to report that preliminary metallurgical results for copper flotation indicate good recoveries and commercially viable concentrate grades.

Initial locked cycle flotation testing on the Canariaco Norte copper deposit yield copper recoveries of 81% to 89%. A feasibility level testing program for flotation will now proceed to investigate the significant opportunities for improvement of the metallurgical performance from the initial flotation testing. Results for gold and silver recoveries as by-product metals are pending.

Thomas R. Rinaldi, VP Operations, states, "These initial results are very encouraging and demonstrate that the various styles of copper mineralization at Canariaco are amenable to conventional flotation techniques."

Results from initial bottle roll leach test work are variable and less conclusive. Leach test work including column leach is ongoing to determine whether leaching is optimal on a stand alone basis or in conjunction with a conventional flotation circuit.

SRK Consulting (Canada) Inc. is now working on a new resource estimate for Canariaco Norte based on the 57,355 metres (m) drilled in 203 holes as of December 31st 2007. The additional drilling has extended the deposit both to the northeast and to the south and much deeper. Higher grades have also been encountered especially in the northern half of the deposit. SRK will also be re-optimizing a new potential Starter Pit with a view to generating a higher average grade. The Starter Pit previously optimized for a leach scenario was based on both grade and chalcocite content. Given that flotation recoveries are similar for chalcocite and chalcopyrite, a Starter Pit for a flotation scenario will be based on grade alone.

All test work was conducted by SGS Lakefield in Santiago, Chile. Composite samples were designed to be representative of the different types of mineralization within the deposit. Flotation tests were carried out on three selected master composites. (1) Chalcocite; (2) Chalcopyrite and (3) 50% Chalcocite and 50% Chalcopyrite. Leach testing was carried out on 55 composites from various core intervals.

About Canariaco Norte

On March 4, 2007, an updated independent mineral resource estimate was completed on the Canariaco Norte Zone based on 26,019 m of drilling in 82 holes. (see News Release 202, March 4th, 2007). The Measured and Indicated resource was estimated as 643 million tonnes (MT) averaging 0.45% Cu at a cut-off grade of 0.3% Cu and containing 6.35 billion (B) pounds (lbs) of copper. The Inferred resource was estimated as 177 MT averaging 0.45% Cu at a cut-off grade of 0.3% Cu and containing 1.75 B lbs of Cu. Within the larger resource, a Starter Pit of 104 MT (Measured and Indicated) grading 0.60% Cu was delineated.

Complete results, maps, cross-sections and all reports can be viewed at:

Sampling and analytical procedures conform to NI 43-101 standards and are detailed in the April 26th, 2007 Minefill report which can be found on the Candente website shown above. All samples were submitted to Actlabs in Lima, Peru. James Currie, P.Eng., Director and Robert van Egmond, P.Geo., Manager Exploration Peru are the Qualified Persons as defined by NI 43-101 for the project discussed above and they have read and approved the contents of this release.
hatte die gerf nicht?

Jan 15, 2008 03:01 ET
Gulf Shores Resources Ltd.: News Release
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Jan. 14, 2008) - Gulf Shores (UK) Limited, a wholly owned UK subsidiary of Gulf Shores Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:GUL)(FRANKFURT:GFU) has been advised by Petro-Canada UK Limited, the Operator of the North Sea 15/18a-Maria project, that the Global SantaFe Arctic III semi-submersible rig is expected to commence drilling operations by January 20, 2008.

Gulf Shores will pay 11.11% of the cost to drill and, if required, conduct DST operations to earn an 8.33% interest in Licence P 233, Block 15/18a. The Company has identified three additional prospects/leads in the block that require new 3D seismic to mature to drill ready status.
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