• Am Sonntag, den 09.03.2025 erfolgt in den USA und Kanada die Umstellung auf Sommerzeit. Deswegen beginnt der Haupthandel ab Montag in den USA und Kanada bereits um 14:30 MEZ und endet um 21:00 MEZ. Bei uns findet die Zeitumstellung am 30.03.2025 statt. Dann haben wir wieder "normalen" Handelszeiten.

Rohstoffthread (Archiv)

Für weitere Antworten geschlossen.
hatte die gerf nicht?

Jan 15, 2008 03:01 ET
Gulf Shores Resources Ltd.: News Release
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Jan. 14, 2008) - Gulf Shores (UK) Limited, a wholly owned UK subsidiary of Gulf Shores Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:GUL)(FRANKFURT:GFU) has been advised by Petro-Canada UK Limited, the Operator of the North Sea 15/18a-Maria project, that the Global SantaFe Arctic III semi-submersible rig is expected to commence drilling operations by January 20, 2008.

Gulf Shores will pay 11.11% of the cost to drill and, if required, conduct DST operations to earn an 8.33% interest in Licence P 233, Block 15/18a. The Company has identified three additional prospects/leads in the block that require new 3D seismic to mature to drill ready status.

Jop, hatte und hat noch immer. Da wird seit Tagen (eigentlich sofort nach Bekanntgabe der dry hole) beachtlich akkumuliert. Für einen Zock für Neueinsteiger sicherlich noch gut. Was ich allerdings mit meinem Schnittkurs von gut 0,60 Euro mache, weiß ich selbst noch nicht so genau ... :scratch:
hatte die gerf nicht?

Jan 15, 2008 03:01 ET
Gulf Shores Resources Ltd.: News Release
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Jan. 14, 2008) - Gulf Shores (UK) Limited, a wholly owned UK subsidiary of Gulf Shores Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:GUL)(FRANKFURT:GFU) has been advised by Petro-Canada UK Limited, the Operator of the North Sea 15/18a-Maria project, that the Global SantaFe Arctic III semi-submersible rig is expected to commence drilling operations by January 20, 2008.

Gulf Shores will pay 11.11% of the cost to drill and, if required, conduct DST operations to earn an 8.33% interest in Licence P 233, Block 15/18a. The Company has identified three additional prospects/leads in the block that require new 3D seismic to mature to drill ready status.

Jop, hatte und hat noch immer. Da wird seit Tagen (eigentlich sofort nach Bekanntgabe der dry hole) beachtlich akkumuliert. Für einen Zock für Neueinsteiger sicherlich noch gut. Was ich allerdings mit meinem Schnittkurs von gut 0,60 Euro mache, weiß ich selbst noch nicht so genau ... :scratch:

Hm, kann jemand von den Cracks hier mir nochmal versichern, wieviel 5 MMBO wert sind? Merci!
5 MMBO - sind das 5 Millionen .barrel Oil oder Milliarden?
5 MMBO - sind das 5 Millionen .barrel Oil oder Milliarden?

Da war ich mir eben auch nicht sicher, daher meine Frage. Aber aufgrund einer Antwort im W.O.-Thread, müssten es wohl Millionen sein.

Würde bedeuten: 5 Millionen Barrel Öl * 20 $/Barrel Verkaufspreis = 75 Millionen Dollar. Davon erhält Gulf Shores (GUL) 8,33%, also rd. 6,25 Millionen Dollar. Grobe Überschlagsrechnung. MK von GUL ist derzeit rd. 21 Mio. CAD.

Ein - für mich sehr - qualifizierter Threadschreiber geht von - über dem Daumen - 0,3$/Aktie pro Million Barrel Öl aus, daher:

10% Wahrscheinlichkeit: 0,30$ (1 MMBO für GUL)

50% Wahrscheinlichkeit: 0,10$ (0,7 MMBO für GUL)

10% Wahrscheinlichkeit: 0,126$ (0,42 MMBO für GUL)
Nachtrag GUL:

Würde weiters bedeuten: 5 Millionen Barrel Öl * 20 $/Barrel Verkaufspreis = 75 Millionen Dollar. Davon erhält Gulf Shores (GUL) 8,33%, also rd. 6,25 Millionen Dollar. Das für die 90%-Wahrscheinlichkeit. Für die "wahrscheinlichste" (50%) ergäben sich somit rd. 15 Millionen Dollar für GUL.

Grobe Überschlagsrechnung. MK von GUL ist derzeit rd. 21 Mio. CAD. Also wäre die MK bei 50%-Erfolg fast durch Cash gedeckt (nach dieser Überlegung wäre m.M. noch genug Aufwärtspotenzial da).

Alles mit Überschlagspreisen gerechnet.

(Unsicherheiten sind nat. auch beim Verkaufspreis/Barrel Öl zu sehen).
GUL - das Problem ist in meinen Augen der Zeithorizont, es dauert noch sehr lange bis da Geld fliest, und was macht Gulf bis dahin?
neue Aktien um Geld zu bekommen - weitere Verwässerung etc. :gruebel:
Liebe Leserinnen und Leser,

lange hat es gedauert, bis die Investoren First Majestic die enttäuschenden Produktionszahlen Anfang 2007 verziehen haben! Doch alles wird verziehen, wenn sich der "Sünder" entsprechend bessert. Dies ist passiert, wie wir Ihnen immer wieder berichtet haben. Und jetzt der nächste Knaller: First Majestic wechselt ab heute an die Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX) und steigt damit auf das Börsenparkett der wirklich Global Player im Rohstoff-Business. Auch aus charttechnischer Sicht gibt es gute Nachrichten: Der hartnäckige und wichtige Widerstand bei 5 Can$ wurde geknackt, so dass jetzt der Weg frei zu neuen Höhen ist.
Auf dem Hintergrund steigender Silbernotierungen und den positiven FM-Nachrichten nutzen wir die Chance, noch einmal 1500 Aktien mit Limit 3,35 Euro nachzukaufen.

Ihre M..........r-Redaktion
OVX (WKN: 903680)

Dienstag, 15. Januar 2008 12:04:11

RNS Number:7914L
Ovoca Gold PLC
15 January 2008

Ovoca Gold plc

Bankable Feasibility Study Results for Goltsovoye: cash cost of production $4.11
per ounce of silver, pre-production capital cost of $73.9million, average
production 6.4 million ounces of silver a year in early years.

Ovoca Gold Plc, the London AIM (OVG.L) and IEX (OVX.IR) ("Ovoca") is pleased to
announce the results of the Bankable Feasibility Study (BFS) for its
wholly-owned Goltsovoye silver project; prepared by Scott Wilson Ltd.

Scott Wilson concludes: "The Goltsovoye project presents an opportunity to
develop an economically viable project for Ovoca that has the potential to
provide economic returns on investment. Based on Zone 1 resources, the cash
flow analysis indicated robust project economics across a range of silver price
assumptions." The BFS states that the Goltsovoye mine project has a
pre-production capital cost of $73.9 million (without a 10% contingency). The
average production cost will be $4.11 per ounce of silver. Output will be over
6.4 million ounces of silver per year for the first three years of operation.
Scott Wilson's base case NPV for Goltsovoye at $12.50 per ounce of silver and at
a 10% discount rate is $75.9 million on a pre income tax basis. At a $15 per
ounce silver price and a lead price of $772 per tonne (current prices are $16.15
and $3453 respectively) and 10% discount rate, Goltsovoye's NPV, on a pre income
tax basis, is $128.6 million.

Internal Rate of return (IRR) and pre income tax Net Present Value (NPV)

Silver Price USD per ounce Variation IRR NPV USD millions
$10.00 -20% 22.4% 23.1
$11.25 -10% 34.8% 49.5
Base Case $12.50 0 46.3% 75.9
$13.75 +10% 57.1% 102.3
$15.00 +20% 67.5% 128.6

It is important to note that the BFS addresses only the first phase development
of the Goltsovoye deposit, Ore Zone 1 resources, containing 41.3 million ounces
of silver measured and indicated, at 884 grams per tonne (Canadian NI 43-101
standard). The BFS does not include Ore Zone 1 inferred resources of 3.2 million
ounces of silver at 627 grams per tonne; Ore Zone 2 JORC catagorised resources
previously announced by Ovoca Gold in Q107, of 22 million ounces of silver (2.7
indicated, 19.4 inferred) at 754 grams per tonne, or any of the 4 other
identified Ore Zones.

In the Study, Goltsovoye is designed as a compact underground operation, with an
annual mined output of 260,000 tonnes of ore during the six-year mine life of
Ore Zone 1. Ore processing is a combination of gravitation and flotation with
the end product being a silver-lead concentrate. Silver recoveries are
predicted to be 95% while lead recoveries are predicted at between 76% and 86%.
The process plant will consist of three stage crushing and grinding, followed by
the gravitation and flotation circuits to produce two separate products: a
gravity concentrate and a flotation concentrate.

Special attention has been paid to the environmental aspects of the project.
Scott Wilson comments in the BFS: "Based on the information gathered to date, it
is considered likely that environmental impacts arising from the project can be
avoided or mitigated against in the project design and as such will not
compromise the success of the project."

The tailings storage facility is contained as a valley dam with a rockfill
embankment. Power will be supplied from six 1750 kV diesel generators. Process
water and potable water will be supplied from wells, and the process water will
be recycled from the tailings pond. A permanent man camp will house 260
employees. The mine will directly employ 371 people (331 mining and processing)
and will work a two-week-on-two-week-off rotating schedule.

Leonid Skoptsov, Chief Executive Officer of Ovoca comments: "I am very pleased
with the results of Scott Wilson's BFS, which confirms the attractiveness of our
Goltsovoye project. Even with a base case scenario of $12.50 per ounce of
silver, Goltsovoye is a world-class property that would be a welcome addition in
the asset portfolio of any mining company. Of course, considering that silver is
now above $16/oz and above the top range for the BFS, I believe that Goltsovoye
will demonstrate financial performance in excess of the already robust economics
concluded by Scott Wilson. I look forward to building Goltsovoye, and delivering
on our promises to shareholders, the local community and employees to create a
first-rate company around this wonderful asset that Ovoca has the good fortune
to own."

The Executive Summary of the BFS can be viewed on the company's website:

The above information has been reviewed and verified by Roger Turner, Chairman
and Director of Ovoca, for the purposes of Mining, Oil and Gas Companies issued
by The London Stock Exchange in March 2006. Mr. Turner with 41 years mining
engineering, management and consulting experience, graduated as a mining
engineer from the Camborne School of Mines and has an MSc degree in Economic
Geology from Leicester University. He is a member in good standing of the
Institute of Materials, Mining and Metallurgy and is a UK Chartered Engineer.

Ovoca Gold Plc is an international exploration company with dual listing in
London (OVG.L) and Ireland (OVX.IR), exploring for and developing precious and
base metals properties in Russia.

For further information please visit www.ovocagold.com or contact:

Leonid Skoptsov - Ovoca Gold Plc
Tel + 7 (0)495 648 2646
Email: leonid.skoptsov@ovocagold.com

John Frain - Davy
Tel : +353 (0)1 679 6363
Email: john.frain@davy.ie

John O'Connor - Ovoca Gold Plc
Tel: +353 (0)1 633 0523
Email: john.oconnor@ovocagold.com
OVX (WKN: 903680)

Dienstag, 15. Januar 2008 12:04:11

RNS Number:7914L
Ovoca Gold PLC
15 January 2008

Ovoca Gold plc

Bankable Feasibility Study Results for Goltsovoye: cash cost of production $4.11
per ounce of silver, pre-production capital cost of $73.9million, average
production 6.4 million ounces of silver a year in early years.

Da könnte sich ein excellentes Investment entwickeln!! Die Kosten liegen 25-30% unter denen
bekannter Produzenten.
hat die eigentlich irgendein BB im Depot? :scratch: scheint ne Rakete zu werden...... :evil:
OVX (WKN: 903680)

Dienstag, 15. Januar 2008 12:04:11

RNS Number:7914L
Ovoca Gold PLC
15 January 2008

Ovoca Gold plc

Bankable Feasibility Study Results for Goltsovoye: cash cost of production $4.11
per ounce of silver, pre-production capital cost of $73.9million, average
production 6.4 million ounces of silver a year in early years.

Da könnte sich ein excellentes Investment entwickeln!! Die Kosten liegen 25-30% unter denen
bekannter Produzenten.
Raketen + Rohstoffspiegel als erster!
hat die eigentlich irgendein BB im Depot? :scratch: scheint ne Rakete zu werden...... :evil:
OVX (WKN: 903680)

Dienstag, 15. Januar 2008 12:04:11

RNS Number:7914L
Ovoca Gold PLC
15 January 2008

Ovoca Gold plc

Bankable Feasibility Study Results for Goltsovoye: cash cost of production $4.11
per ounce of silver, pre-production capital cost of $73.9million, average
production 6.4 million ounces of silver a year in early years.

Da könnte sich ein excellentes Investment entwickeln!! Die Kosten liegen 25-30% unter denen
bekannter Produzenten.
Ganz erstklassige Meldung! Und guten Tag zusammen..... hab viel zu tun im Moment und komme kaum zum posten.... :(

Aber das ist ne sehr gute News! Kosten faktisch konkurrenzlos und noch gigantisches Upsidepotential im Projekt. Bin ja schon ne Weile mit ner ersten Posi drin. Denke ich werde heute ne 2. Posi nehmen. Da könnte sich echt was entwickeln! ;)

hat die eigentlich irgendein BB im Depot? :scratch: scheint ne Rakete zu werden...... :evil:
OVX (WKN: 903680)

Dienstag, 15. Januar 2008 12:04:11

RNS Number:7914L
Ovoca Gold PLC
15 January 2008

Ovoca Gold plc

Bankable Feasibility Study Results for Goltsovoye: cash cost of production $4.11
per ounce of silver, pre-production capital cost of $73.9million, average
production 6.4 million ounces of silver a year in early years.

Da könnte sich ein excellentes Investment entwickeln!! Die Kosten liegen 25-30% unter denen
bekannter Produzenten.
:danke: aus WO:

über 22 Cent fliegt hier die Kuh!

Bald sollten die Empfehlungen reinkommen

und RSR wird sie jetzt auch noch aufnehmen die haben nur auf die Studie gewartet
Raketen + Rohstoffspiegel als erster!
hat die eigentlich irgendein BB im Depot? :scratch: scheint ne Rakete zu werden...... :evil:
OVX (WKN: 903680)

Dienstag, 15. Januar 2008 12:04:11

RNS Number:7914L
Ovoca Gold PLC
15 January 2008

Ovoca Gold plc

Bankable Feasibility Study Results for Goltsovoye: cash cost of production $4.11
per ounce of silver, pre-production capital cost of $73.9million, average
production 6.4 million ounces of silver a year in early years.

Da könnte sich ein excellentes Investment entwickeln!! Die Kosten liegen 25-30% unter denen
bekannter Produzenten.
auf Anregung einiger Mitstreiter mal eine kleine Einschätzung der Lage beim Basket:

Southern Arc Minerals http://www.southernarcminerals.com/s/Home.asp
nächste Bre-Ex oder nächste Lihir, multi-mio Oz Potential in Indonesien, Partner von Newmont

haben in 2007 unglaublich viel gebohrt, irritierend für viele sind die geringen Grades, aber das ist bei Porphyr Targets nicht ungewöhnlich und mit heap leach auch kein Problem, da mit einem ganz geringen cut-off zu arbeiten

Alexandria Minerals http://www.azx.ca/
Top aufgestellter Junior in Kanada, so viel Gelände, dass da mind. eine 1 mio Oz Mine bei rumkommt!

Alexandria bohrt munter weiter und hat jetzt sicher an die 4-500k Oz zusammengebohrt, auch wenn es darüber noch keine NI-Studie gibt. Was fehlt ist der Big Hit, momentan wird im Schrotflintenverfahren gebohrt, viele nette Intercepts aber was fehlt, ist ein herausragender Treffer, der die Produktionskosten dann erschwinglich gestaltet, das Gold liegt zum Großteil tief und da wo man in geringen Tiefen interessante Intercepts hatte (90m a 1 g/t o.ä.) wird aus mir unverständlichen Gründen nicht 'nachgebohrt'
Sollten jetzt mal einen Hit bringen oder sich vorerst auf ein oder zwei Gelände konzentrieren, sonst steht uns Ende diesen Jahres die nächste Finanzierung ins Haus. Management und Gelände geben eigentlich genug her!
bisher was die Entwicklung angeht (nicht der Kurs) der enttäuschendste der 10 Werte

Mexivada Mining http://www.mexivada.com/s/Home.asp
halten ev. den weltweit letzten unerforschten Greenstone Belt, Potential 15-20mio Oz Au in der Rep. Kongo (nicht Zaire!!!), zudem etliche potentielle multi-mio Oz Gelände in Nevada neben den Majors

die Nevada-Au Projekte waren bisher nix, aber da wurde auch nur sporadisch gebohrt, interessanter wird es mit dem Moly Projekt in Nevada, da hat man wohl getroffen, Ergebnisse stehen aus
nach wie vor exzellente Share Structure (wenig Shares out) und das Potential des Kongo wird in 2008 erst so richtig rauskommen, wenn da gebohrt wird

Int. PBX http://www.internationalpbx.com/
haben in Chile das wahrscheinlich das größte Moly Vorkommen der Welt, zudem ausgezeichnete Rhenium Werte, das fast so teuer ist wie Gold

gute erste Resourcenschätzung, die Rheniumwerte und ein Großteil der letzten Bohrergebnisse sind da noch gar nicht mit drin gewesen, in-ground-Resources um die 5 Mrd USD, wird kommen

Largo Minerals http://www.largoresources.com/
haben in Canada das größte unerschlossene Moly-Tungsten Depot der Welt, allle drei seltenen Metalle sind in der Stahlindustrie von strategischem Interesse als Härter/Veredeler, Zusatzpotential durch Platin und Palladium in Brasilien

weiter exzellente Werte in Brasilien und Canada, in Brasilien wird sich der Prod-Beginn aber wohl um 6-12 Monate verschieben, da die für Mitte 2007 geplante Feasibility erst jetzt in Angriff genommen wurde

Vangold Resources http://vangold.ca/
halten über 40.000 km2 Öl-Explorations/Produktionsanteils-Lizenzen in Burundi, Kenya, Armenien, ev. Nickel Player in Uganda, multi mio Oz Au Potential in PNG, zwei Spin-offs in Arbeit

total verkannter Wert, mausert sich immer mehr zur Holdinggesellschaft, Int.Beryllium ist bereits ein Assett mit über 10mio CAD in den Büchern, Pacific Kanon kommt demnächst, ebenso CopperMoly
die Öl-Lizenzen werden Selbstläufer, ev. auch als Spin-off, Ni-Bohrungen in Uganda sind jetzt für Anfang 2008 geplant

Bluerock Resources http://www.bluerockresources.com/s/Home.asp
Uran Micro-Cap, haben etliche ex-Minen in den USA mit bestehenden Produktionslizenzen(!!!) aufgesammelt

Buy-out oder Merger Kandidat 2008, gute Share Structure, ordentlich Cash, viele Projekte

Purepoint Uranium http://www.purepoint.ca/
bevorzugter Explorer für Cameco, die alle verfügbaren Resourcen auf die Wiederherstellung der Cigar Lake Mine verwenden müssen, Purepoint wird imho in 2-3 Jahren von Cameco übernommen

wird einer der Gewinner 2008, wenn da jetzt sukzessive die Ergebnisse in Canada reinkommen, dann ev. buy-out

Sparton Resources www.spartonres.ca
Gold in China mit Regierungsbeteiligung, Gold in Nevada, Urangebiete, die eigentliche Phantasie steckt in dem Uranextrahierungsverfahren aus Kohleasche

heimlich still und leise mausern die sich im Bereich der U-Extrahierung zum Weltliga Spieler mit dem australischen Partner Wildhorse, den ganzen anderen Krempel (Au, Gas, konventionelles Uran) kann man später weiterentwickeln

Cornerstone Capital http://www.cornerstoneresources.com/s/Home.asp
Beteiligung und JVs an an die 50 Geländen und Projekten in Canada und Ecuador mit Top-Partnern

gab ein paar Setbacks 2007, La Plata in Ecuador wurde vom JV Partner aufgegeben, bei Shyri stehen die Bohrlizenzen immer noch aus (ebenfalls Ecu), dafür konnte man mit Newmont Mining eine umfangreiche Partnerschaft für die restlichen Ecu Gelände eingehen, wobei Newmont sich als strategischer Investor in Coastport beteiligt
Projekte in Canada wurden eineige weiter vorangetrieben, wie bei Alexandria steht der Big Hit noch aus, zudem die Ecu Unsicherheit bei der Besteuerung, nach Alexandria eine weitere kleine Enttäuschung, hoffentlich aber nur einen Verschiebung des Erfolges
das hier ist aktuell mein bester Treffer,
halte nach wie vor zu 2,8 Euro

nicht direkt Rohstoff, aber dann doch irgendwie schon, koennte interessant werden



haben momentan ziemlich viele Fuel Cells bei Konzernen in Testverfahren, da wurde heute vermeldet, dass Airbus GmbH und das Deutsche Zentrum fuer Luft und Raumfahrttechnik 7 Stueck geordert haben, wollen testen, inwieweit die fuel cells im Flugzeugbau einsetzbar sind
Orko Silver Expands the Martha Vein to the Southeast at La Preciosa
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Jan. 15, 2008) - Orko Silver Corp. (TSX VENTURE:OK) is pleased to announce that it has received further assay results from the current diamond drilling program on La Preciosa Project in Durango, Mexico.

Additional drilling has extended the Martha Vein southeastward; including a thick mineralized zone 400 metres south of the area reported in the October 1st, 2007, 43-101 Compliant Resource Estimate.

Hole BP07-146 hit a true width of 15.15 metres grading gold 0.321 g/t, silver 141.7 g/t for a silver-equivalent of 160.9 g/t. It includes a higher grade core of 8.20 metres grading gold 0.519 g/t, silver 213.3 g/t for a silver-equivalent of 244.5 g/t. This hole expands the area previously reported with hole BP07-135, which yielded 16.55 metres of gold 0.363 g/t and silver 355.9 g/t for a silver equivalent of 377.7 g/t (see news release dated November 19th, 2007).

Gary Cope, President of Orko Silver, adds, "These results continue to demonstrate that the Martha Vein is a major developing story at La Preciosa. The grades combined with large widths are very encouraging for our next 43-101 Resource Estimate expected to be released at the end of the first quarter. We are also happy to report that the 2008 Exploration program is now fully operational with all 4 rigs drilling at La Preciosa."

The following holes highlight results from drilling targeted to intercept the Martha Vein and other veins.


From To Core True Au Ag Ag-Eq
Vein (metres) (metres) Length Width (g/t) (g/t) (g/t)
Martha 302.54 318.66 16.12 15.15 0.321 141.7 160.9
Includes 309.93 318.66 8.73 8.20 0.519 213.3 244.5
Includes 317.55 318.66 1.11 1.04 1.035 443.4 505.5
Unnamed 333.45 334.15 0.70 0.54 0.404 422.7 447.0
Includes 333.95 334.15 0.20 0.15 0.602 1,089.7 1,125.8
Unnamed 348.94 349.46 0.52 0.49 1.648 256.0 354.9
Unnamed 369.93 370.45 0.52 0.50 0.341 467.5 488.0
Hole BP07-146 is located east of La Preciosa Ridge on mine section 15,100 N, 100 metres east of hole BP07-136, as well as 100 metres east and 100 metres north of high-grade hole BP07-141. It is oriented azimuth 090, dip -45 degrees.


From To Core True Au Ag Ag-Eq
Vein (metres) (metres) Length Width (g/t) (g/t) (g/t)
(total) 327.56 357.49 29.93 28.03 0.080 82.6 87.4
Marthita 327.56 331.68 4.12 3.87 0.090 172.2 177.5
Includes 329.74 331.68 1.94 1.82 0.124 317.7 325.2
Includes 330.05 330.25 0.20 0.19 0.375 1,006.5 1,029.0
Martha 348.50 357.49 8.99 8.45 0.179 147.2 158.0
Includes 353.71 357.49 3.78 3.55 0.272 207.9 224.2
Includes 355.62 356.20 0.58 0.55 0.815 531.2 580.1
Hole BP07-144 is located on the east side of La Preciosa Ridge, azimuth 090 degrees, dip -45 degrees, 100 metres east of hole BP07-141 and 100 metres south of BP07-146, on mine-section 15,000 N. The interval Martha (total) is from Marthita to Martha and all the sub-intervals.


From To Core True Au Ag Ag-Eq
Vein (metres) (metres) Length Width (g/t) (g/t) (g/t)
Martha 391.36 397.67 6.31 5.93 0.311 181.1 199.8
Includes 395.08 397.67 2.59 2.43 0.611 415.9 452.6
Includes 395.68 395.90 0.22 0.21 1.035 982.4 1,044.5
Hole BP07-143 is located on the east side of La Preciosa Ridge, azimuth 090 degrees, dip -45 degrees, 100 metres east of hole BP06-138 and 100 metres south of hole BP07-144, on mine-section 14,900 N. There is one internal interval of "no recovery" entered as zero grade, thus the overall grade may be understated.


From To Core True Au Ag Ag-Eq
Vein (metres) (metres) Length Width (g/t) (g/t) (g/t)
Martha 231.17 237.10 5.93 5.57 0.059 37.6 41.2
Includes 233.75 235.07 1.32 1.24 0.146 95.6 104.4
Includes 233.99 234.25 0.26 0.24 0.320 239.8 259.0
Hole BP07-142 is located north of La Preciosa Ridge on mine section 15,800 N, 100 metres east of hole BP07-125A. It is oriented azimuth 090, dip -45 degrees.


From To Core True Au Ag Ag-Eq
Vein (metres) (metres) Length Width (g/t) (g/t) (g/t)
(total) 398.84 431.17 33.35 31.34 0.082 81.2 86.1
Marthita 398.84 403.01 4.17 3.92 0.040 101.0 103.4
Includes 399.54 401.26 1.72 1.62 0.042 117.8 120.3
Includes 402.71 403.01 0.30 0.28 0.030 410.8 412.6
Martha 426.38 432.19 5.81 5.46 0.349 280.5 301.4
Includes 429.40 432.19 2.79 2.62 0.554 500.6 533.8
Includes 429.40 431.17 1.77 1.66 0.745 661.7 706.4
Hole BP07-141 is located on the east side of La Preciosa Ridge, azimuth 090 degrees, dip -50 degrees, 100 metres east of hole BP07-135, on mine-section 15,000 N. The interval Martha (total) is from Marthita to Martha and all the sub-intervals. Martha (total) also grades 0.21 % Pb and 0.71 % Zn.


From To Core True Au Ag Ag-Eq
Vein (metres) (metres) Length Width (g/t) (g/t) (g/t)
Martha 246.30 259.53 13.23 12.43 0.068 60.4 64.5
Includes 246.30 248.91 2.61 2.45 0.167 107.5 117.5
Includes 246.30 247.78 1.48 1.39 0.254 157.1 172.4
Hole BP07-140 is located north of La Preciosa Ridge on mine section 15,600 N, 100 metres east of hole BP07-124. It is oriented azimuth 090, dip -48 degrees.


From To Core True Au Ag Ag-Eq
Vein (metres) (metres) Length Width (g/t) (g/t) (g/t)
Unnamed 187.93 189.13 1.20 1.13 0.095 277.9 283.6
Martha 220.50 235.92 15.42 14.49 0.169 59.4 69.5
Includes 220.50 222.68 2.08 1.95 0.444 146.6 173.2
Includes 220.50 221.79 1.29 1.21 0.611 215.0 251.6
Hole BP07-139 is located north of La Preciosa Ridge on mine section 15,500 N, 100 metres east of hole BP07-128. It is oriented azimuth 090, dip -60 degrees.


From To Core True Au Ag Ag-Eq
Vein (metres) (metres) Length Width (g/t) (g/t) (g/t)
Martha 436.94 442.86 5.92 5.56 0.130 47.0 54.8
Includes 436.94 438.60 1.66 1.56 0.181 95.0 105.9
Includes 437.14 437.59 0.45 0.42 0.406 248.7 273.1
Hole BP07-138 is located on the east side of La Preciosa Ridge, azimuth 090 degrees, dip -50 degrees, 100 metres east of hole BP06-68, on mine-section 14,900 N.


From To Core True Au Ag Ag-Eq
Vein (metres) (metres) Length Width (g/t) (g/t) (g/t)
Martha 455.25 460.06 4.81 4.35 0.069 35.1 39.3
Includes 455.64 459.61 3.97 3.60 0.065 36.7 40.6
Includes 457.78 458.05 0.27 0.24 0.039 111.2 113.5
Hole BP07-137 is located on the east side of La Preciosa Ridge, 100 metres east of hole BP06-65, on mine grid 14,800 N, azimuth 090, dip -50 degrees. The Martha structure is present, but does not meet current grade requirements.


From To Core True Au Ag Ag-Eq
Vein (metres) (metres) Length Width (g/t) (g/t) (g/t)
Martha 324.07 331.04 6.97 4.93 0.134 48.1 56.2
Includes 324.07 325.87 1.80 1.27 0.347 93.8 114.6
Includes 324.07 324.89 0.82 0.58 0.445 121.3 148.0
Unnamed 407.47 411.06 3.59 3.11 0.322 109.8 129.1
Includes 407.47 409.18 1.71 1.48 0.463 132.9 159.1
Hole BP07-136 is located east of La Preciosa Ridge on mine section 15,100 N, 100 metres east of hole BP07-133. It is oriented azimuth 090, dip -50 degrees.


From To Core True Au Ag Ag-Eq
Vein (metres) (metres) Length Width (g/t) (g/t) (g/t)
Unnamed 118.09 119.85 1.76 1.65 0.140 115.9 124.3
Includes 118.09 118.29 0.20 0.19 0.057 515.6 519.0
Martha 243.32 255.05 11.73 11.33 0.609 106.2 142.7
Includes 243.84 249.12 5.28 5.10 0.977 125.3 184.0
Includes 254.00 254.20 0.20 0.19 0.821 1,043.1 1,092.4
Unnamed 405.21 406.96 1.75 1.52 0.248 170.3 185.2
Includes 405.64 406.96 1.32 1.14 0.267 222.4 238.4
Hole BP07-134 is located on the east side of La Preciosa Ridge, mine-section 15,200 N, at azimuth 090, dip -50. It was drilled from the same pad as the vertical hole BP07-131, thus its Martha intercept is further to the east.

A complete table of drill results is available at the link below:


A detailed drill plan map is available at the link below:


A printer friendly PDF format of this news release is available at the link below:


Ben Whiting, P.Geo., is the Qualified Person and takes responsibility for the technical disclosure in this news release. Full details of the Company's sampling protocols and QA/QC program can be located at our website at the link below:


Silver-equivalent for the purposes of this drilling program is defined as silver grade plus 60 times gold grade. Metallurgical recoveries and net smelter returns are assumed to be 100%.

About Orko Silver Corp.

Orko Silver Corp. is a professional exploration company with an increasing silver resource. Orko Silver's principal project, La Preciosa, located near the city of Durango, Mexico, is an advanced silver and gold project. The Company is currently drilling at La Preciosa using 4 rigs working 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The deposit remains open in all directions and to depth. Two additional projects include the Santa Monica east of La Preciosa and the San Juan west of La Preciosa. All are undergoing exploration.


Gary Cope, President

This News Release may contain forward-looking statements including but not limited to comments regarding the timing and content of upcoming work programs, geological interpretations, receipt of property titles, potential mineral recovery processes, etc. Forward-looking statements address future events and conditions and therefore involve inherent risks and uncertainties. Actual results may differ materially from those currently anticipated in such statements. Orko relies upon litigation protection for forward-looking statements.

- Cautionary Note to U.S. Investors - The United States Securities and Exchange Commission permits U.S. Mining companies, in their filings with the SEC, to disclose only those mineral deposits that a company can economically and legally extract or produce. We use certain terms in this press release, such as "measured", "indicated", and "inferred" resources, which the SEC guidelines strictly prohibit U.S. registered companies from including in their filings with the SEC. U.S. Investors are urged to consider closely the disclosure in our Form 20-F, File No. 000-51923, which may be secured from us, or from the SEC's website at http://www.sec.gov/edgar.shtml.

The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for this News Release.
nich mal Long auf der 1,24...........
diese "kleine", vielleicht unscheinbare News behinhaltet des Ergebnis der Flotationsresults - von ca.40-45% Ausbeute mit SWX-Verfahren erhöht auf 81-89% Ausbeute -Klartext: quasiVerdoppelung der nutzbaren Ressourcen!!!!
J :) an 15, 2008 02:05 ET
Candente Resource Corp.: Initial Flotation Results for the Canariaco Norte Copper Deposit in Northern Peru
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Jan. 15, 2008) - Candente Resource Corp. (TSX:DNT)(BVL:DNT)(WKN:GW4) ("Candente") is pleased to report that preliminary metallurgical results for copper flotation indicate good recoveries and commercially viable concentrate grades.

Initial locked cycle flotation testing on the Canariaco Norte copper deposit yield copper recoveries of 81% to 89%. A feasibility level testing program for flotation will now proceed to investigate the significant opportunities for improvement of the metallurgical performance from the initial flotation testing. Results for gold and silver recoveries as by-product metals are pending.

Thomas R. Rinaldi, VP Operations, states, "These initial results are very encouraging and demonstrate that the various styles of copper mineralization at Canariaco are amenable to conventional flotation techniques."

Results from initial bottle roll leach test work are variable and less conclusive. Leach test work including column leach is ongoing to determine whether leaching is optimal on a stand alone basis or in conjunction with a conventional flotation circuit.

SRK Consulting (Canada) Inc. is now working on a new resource estimate for Canariaco Norte based on the 57,355 metres (m) drilled in 203 holes as of December 31st 2007. The additional drilling has extended the deposit both to the northeast and to the south and much deeper. Higher grades have also been encountered especially in the northern half of the deposit. SRK will also be re-optimizing a new potential Starter Pit with a view to generating a higher average grade. The Starter Pit previously optimized for a leach scenario was based on both grade and chalcocite content. Given that flotation recoveries are similar for chalcocite and chalcopyrite, a Starter Pit for a flotation scenario will be based on grade alone.

All test work was conducted by SGS Lakefield in Santiago, Chile. Composite samples were designed to be representative of the different types of mineralization within the deposit. Flotation tests were carried out on three selected master composites. (1) Chalcocite; (2) Chalcopyrite and (3) 50% Chalcocite and 50% Chalcopyrite. Leach testing was carried out on 55 composites from various core intervals.

About Canariaco Norte

On March 4, 2007, an updated independent mineral resource estimate was completed on the Canariaco Norte Zone based on 26,019 m of drilling in 82 holes. (see News Release 202, March 4th, 2007). The Measured and Indicated resource was estimated as 643 million tonnes (MT) averaging 0.45% Cu at a cut-off grade of 0.3% Cu and containing 6.35 billion (B) pounds (lbs) of copper. The Inferred resource was estimated as 177 MT averaging 0.45% Cu at a cut-off grade of 0.3% Cu and containing 1.75 B lbs of Cu. Within the larger resource, a Starter Pit of 104 MT (Measured and Indicated) grading 0.60% Cu was delineated.

Complete results, maps, cross-sections and all reports can be viewed at: http://www.candente.com/s/PeruProjects_Canariaco.asp.

Sampling and analytical procedures conform to NI 43-101 standards and are detailed in the April 26th, 2007 Minefill report which can be found on the Candente website shown above. All samples were submitted to Actlabs in Lima, Peru. James Currie, P.Eng., Director and Robert van Egmond, P.Geo., Manager Exploration Peru are the Qualified Persons as defined by NI 43-101 for the project discussed above and they have read and approved the contents of this release.
Tenajon Intersects More High Grade Molybdenum Values at Moly Brook Including 0.125% Molybdenum (Mo) over 108.51 Metres and 0.122% Mo over 63.71 Metres
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA, Jan 15, 2008 (Marketwire via COMTEX News Network) --

Tenajon Resources Corp. (TSX VENTURE:TJS) (the "Company") is pleased to announce that assay results have been received for five additional holes from the recently completed 12 hole drill program at its Moly Brook Property located on the south coast of Newfoundland. Hole MB 07-8 intersected a 217.02 metre section averaging 0.097% Mo (0.162% MoS2). Within the intercept is a 108.51 metre intercept averaging 0.125% Mo (0.208% MoS2). Hole MB 07-4 intersected 378.33 metres averaging 0.078% Mo (0.130 MoS2). Within the section are several intersections grading better than 0.100% Mo including a 63.71 metre intercept averaging 0.122% Mo (0.203% MoS2). The latest results extend the Moly Brook Zone to a strike length in excess of 500 metres with significant mineralization being encountered over a 300 metre elevation. Results for the final four holes are pending. In addition, the Company has reviewed historical reports from the property which show two short holes located 1.8 kilometers on trend to the south from the Moly Brook Zone intersected molybdenum values. Results included a 27.43 metre long hole averaging 0.057% Mo with the last 7.61 metres averaging 0.118% Mo (non 43-101 compliant).

"The 2007 drill campaign has resulted in consistent near surface, high grade molybdenum intercepts over significant widths, showing that the Moly Brook deposit has the potential to host a significant bulk tonnage molybdenum deposit. Significant historical drill results on trend and approximately 2km to the south of the Moly Brook Zone further highlight the size potential of this molybdenum deposit," said Bruce McLeod, President & CEO of Tenajon. "This acquisition has proved to be a valuable asset for Tenajon and complements the Ajax Molybdenum deposit which hosts an inferred resource of 448 million tonnes averaging 0.063% molybdenum (623.4 million pounds) and an indicated mineral resource of 38.8 million tonnes averaging 0.064% molybdenum (56.4 million pounds). We are currently in the planning phase of a multi-drill follow up program on Moly Brook which is to commence early this Spring."

In 2007, Tenajon completed twelve holes totaling 3,633 metres in length at Moly Brook. The holes tested the target zone over 750 metres of strike length. Holes MB 07-4 through 8 tested the Moly Brook Zone on strike from Holes MB 07-2 and 3. Hole MB 07-7 tested the northern extension of the eastern portion of the Moly Brook Zone north of the Moly Brook Fault. All of the holes intersected similar styles of mineralization over varying widths. In part due to capacity of the drill rigs, some of the holes ended while in significant molybdenum mineralization. The latest results are summarized below, while complete results for the latest 8 drill holes are attached at the end of this press release.

Length From To Interval Mo MoS2
Hole (metres) (metres) (metres) (metres) (%) (%)
MB 2007-4 392.35 14.02 392.35 378.33 0.078 0.130
inc 14.02 35.36 21.34 0.100 0.167
53.64 84.12 30.48 0.081 0.135
87.12 108.51 21.39 0.100 0.167
Or 53.64 108.51 54.87 0.085 0.142
And 148.13 211.84 63.71 0.122 0.203
And 248.72 276.15 27.43 0.091 0.152
And 336.5 392.35 55.85 0.091 0.152

MB 2007-5 317.91 31.39 317.91 285.52 0.074 0.123
Inc 31.39 37.49 6.10 0.137 0.228
And 55.78 83.21 27.43 0.095 0.158
Or 31.39 83.21 51.82 0.081 0.135
And 128.93 152.1 23.17 0.099 0.165
208.18 317.91 109.73 0.085 0.142
Inc 238.65 272.19 33.54 0.106 0.177
And 296.57 317.91 21.34 0.088 0.147

MB 2007-6 303.58 196.9 218.26 21.36 0.071 0.118
242.62 260.91 18.29 0.091 0.152
285.29 300.52 15.23 0.050 0.083
Or 196.9 300.58 103.68 0.046 0.077

MB 2007-7 283.77 81.07 101.94 20.87 0.064 0.107
131.97 145.08 13.11 0.055 0.092
190.8 206.96 16.18 0.056 0.093
255.42 283.77 28.35 0.038 0.063
inc 280.11 283.77 3.66 0.124 0.207

MB 2007-8 307.85 30.78 304.8 274.02 0.085 0.142
inc 80.47 91.14 10.67 0.142 0.237
110.95 120.09 9.14 0.177 0.295
or 74.37 291.39 217.02 0.097 0.162
inc 182.88 291.39 108.51 0.125 0.208

The results to date show the Moly Brook Zone hosts significant molybdenum values over a 550 metre strike length with the zone being open on strike and to depth. Hole MB 07-7 intersected molybdenum values north of the Moly Brook Fault with anomalous values occurring throughout the last 200 metres. Hole MB 07-08 is the deepest test of the Moly Brook Zone to date. Incorporating the results of Hole MB 07-2 with those of Hole MB 07-8, the deposit shows high grade molybdenum values have been encountered at the Moly Brook Zone over 300 metres in vertical distance. The ultimate width of the zone has not been determined as several of the holes ended in significant mineralization. A drill plan can be found by following the enclosed link: http://www.ccnmatthews.com/docs/TENAmap115.JPG.

A recent review of assessment reports shows Buchans Mining Corp. drilled two pack sack drill holes into a series of molybdenum bearing quartz veins located approximately 1.8 kilometers to the south of the Moly Brook Zone. These veins appear to be on trend with the a series of molybdenum bearing quartz veins located 800 metres to the north, just south of Long Pond where previous sampling by the Company returned values of up to 0.297% molybdenum in grab samples. The historic results are summarized below.

Length From To Interval Mo MoS2
Hole (metres) (metres) (metres) (metres) (%) (%)
GR-18 30.48 0 30.48 30.48 0.046 0.077
or 3.05 25.92 22.87 0.052 0.087

GR-19 27.53 0 27.43 27.43 0.057 0.095
inc 7.62 27.43 19.81 0.066 0.110
or 19.82 27.43 7.61 0.118 0.197

Historic exploration data was collected before the introduction of NI 43-101, and is presented for information purposes only. The Company has no way of verifying the results. Investors are cautioned that recent independent verification has not been completed and the historical data should not be relied upon.

At the Moly Brook Property molybdenite occurs primarily along the rims of a series of north trending, subvertical sheeted veins and fracture faces over a 450 x 1,100 metre area. On occasion quartz vein stockwork is formed with molybdenite occurring in all of the vein orientations. Molybdenite also occurs as disseminations within the intrusion. The style of mineralization appears to be similar to that at Thompson Creek Metal's Endako Mine in British Columbia where the majority of molybdenite occurs within a sheeted vein and fracture system. Soil sample results, using the 25 ppm Mo in soil contour, outlines a 1,200 metre long and up to 700 metre wide anomaly. Coincidental with the soil anomaly is a 1,500 metre long and up to 800 metre wide zone of high chargeability, as defined by I.P. surveying.

The work at Moly Brook was completed by Geoscott Consultants under the supervision of Dave Visagie, P. Geo., a Qualified Person as defined by NI 43-101.

At Moly Brook, drill core is sawn into halves with one half being sent for analysis and the other kept for future reference. All samples are prepared at Eastern Analytical using a 600 gram split with the resultant pulp being analyzed at Acme Analytical Labs using a 4 acid digestion with analysis by Induced Couple Plasma (ICP). A stringent program of check, blank and duplicate sampling is employed throughout with duplicates, standards and blanks being entered into the sample stream at regular intervals.

On Behalf of the Board of Directors

Orko Silver Expands the Martha Vein to the Southeast at La Preciosa
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Jan. 15, 2008) - Orko Silver Corp. (TSX VENTURE:OK) is pleased to announce that it has received further assay results from the current diamond drilling program on La Preciosa Project in Durango, Mexico.

Alles läuft weiterhin nach Plan. Am 31.3. wirds das Ressourcenupdate geben und mit diesem wohl wieder einen kräftigen Rutsch nach oben.
East Asia

ein gutes Ergebnis nach dem anderen, durchfinanziert, billig, exzellent!

Jan 15, 2008 08:30 ET
Binebase Continues to Deliver-East Asia Drills 2.67 g/t Gold Over 42 Metres
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Jan. 15, 2008) - East Asia Minerals Corporation (TSX VENTURE:EAS) is pleased to report that its ongoing drill program on the Binebase Prospect at the Sangihe Property, Indonesia, continues to encounter significant, near surface epithermal gold and silver mineralization. Drill hole BID-14 cut 96.2 metres of 1.30 g/t gold, 48.25 g/t silver and 0.05% copper from surface, including 42.0 metres of 2.67 g/t gold, 86.38 g/t silver and 0.09% copper from 3.0 metres depth. This shallow gold zone remains open along strike in both directions.

Binebase is along strike from, and probably contiguous with, the Bawone prospect approximately 1.2 km away.

Binebase drill assays to date (with gold equivalent)(i)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------Drill From To Interval Gold Silver Gold Equiv.Hole (m) (m) (m) (g/t) (g/t) (g/t)(i)-------------------------------------------------------------------------BID-11(ii) 0.00 45.00 45.00 1.28 50.51 2.17-------------------------------------------------------------------------BID-12 4.00 46.35 42.35 1.34 107.54 3.26-------------------------------------------------------------------------Including 8.00 33.00 25.00 2.03 159.96 4.89-------------------------------------------------------------------------BID-13 8.00 43.95 35.95 4.03 188.28 7.39-------------------------------------------------------------------------Including 9.00 31.00 22.00 5.74 121.64 7.91-------------------------------------------------------------------------BID-14 0.00 96.20 96.20 1.30 48.25 2.16-------------------------------------------------------------------------Including 3.00 45.00 42.00 2.67 86.38 4.21-------------------------------------------------------------------------(i)Note - The gold equivalent uses a silver:gold ratio of 56:1 based oncurrent precious metal market prices.(ii)Note - BID-11 under reports the composite grade due to 3.95 metres oflost core being assigned a zero value.

BID-14 was drilled to cross-cut recently completed section BID-12/13 for stronger geological and grade distribution understanding. BID-12/13 included 35.95 metres of 4.03 g/t gold and 188.28 g/t silver from 8.0 metres depth, including 22.0 metres of 5.74 g/t gold (January 8, 2008 news release). BID-14 was drilled with a southwest inclination to a depth of 96.20 metres (refer to the Company's website at www.EAminerals.com for a plan view of drilling).

BID-15, a scissor hole, is located 35 metres to the northwest along section of BID-11 and was drilled to a depth of 113.10 metres with a southeast azimuth. This hole was designed to test significant trench results which included 2.00 g/t gold over 62.0 metres, 1.98 g/t gold over 45.5 metres, and 2.28 g/t gold over 28.5 metres (December 3, 2007 news release), and follow-up on recently completed BID-11 which intersected 45.0 metres of 1.28 g/t gold and 50.51 g/t silver from surface (January 8, 2008 news release). BID-11 under reported the composite grade due to 3.95 metres of no core recovery being assigned a zero value for the composite calculation. Assays are pending.

BID-16 is being drilled 110 metres southeast of BID 11, along the BID-11/15 section where previous East Asia trenching results included 38.0 metres of 1.80 g/t gold. The hole has a northwest inclination to test the southeast extension of the BID-11/15 mineralization.

Samples reported were assayed at PT SGS Indoassay (SGS Group) in Balikpapan. Lionel Martin, P.Geo, the designated QP within the meaning of 43-101 has reviewed and approves the content of this release.

About East Asia Minerals Corporation
Halo Reports Massive Sulphide Lens Over 1000m at Bob Lake
TORONTO, ONTARIO, Jan 15, 2008 (Marketwire via COMTEX News Network) --

Lynda Bloom, President and CEO of Halo Resources Ltd. (the "Company") (TSX VENTURE:HLO)(OTCBB:HLOSF)(FRANKFURT:HRL), is pleased to announce results for drilling at the Bob Lake deposit, at the Sherridon VMS property, northwestern Manitoba. The continued drilling at Bob Lake was primarily designed to test continuity of the 1,000 m long massive sulphide zone that plunges at 11 to 15 degrees from surface to depths of 250 m.


- Halo intersects 15 m of 1.4% copper and 1.8% zinc at 177 m in DH07-63

- Drill hole spacing at 50 m along 1000 m down plunge extent of Bob massive sulphide lens shows continuity

Lynda Bloom, President & CEO, stated, "We continue to be impressed with the widths of 5 to 17 m that have been intersected and the consistency of the grades, especially copper grades over 1%. Our intention is to complete sufficient drilling at Bob Lake to test the geometry of the orebody and advance to a 43-101 compliant resource estimate. The massive sulphide lens has now been tested at approximately 50 m intervals over a length of 1,000 m and is still open at depth. With the onset of winter, we can return to drilling the deeper extensions that were previously inaccessible."

After a short Christmas break, two diamond drill rigs have recommenced round-the-clock drilling. Numerous drill targets will be tested at Cold Lake, Bob Lake, Jungle Lake as well as several new high priority exploration targets through the winter season.

Technical Highlights

Results from six drill holes, for a total of 1,036 m, are reported in the assay table below. Drill hole DH07-63 tested the down plunge extension of a thicker part of the lens which had been intersected in previous drill holes (DH07-11 and 12). The geometry of the "bulge", a feature that appears to be injected into the hangwall, is of interest as Sherritt Gordon reported 25% of the massive sulphides in the past producing East and West Mines were associated with similar features. DH07-62 was drilled to provide drill hole spacing of approximately 50 m over the entire distance tested from surface and down plunge along the Bob Lake massive sulphide lens, which is still open at depth.

Drill holes DH07-64 through DH07-67 were all drilled to confirm vertical holes completed in the 1940s by Sherritt Gordon. The assays for 70 shallow holes drilled by Sherritt Gordon in 1941-1942 constitute an important proportion of the Bob Lake database; the good correlation between the historical and current drilling allows the historical mineralized intersections to be incorporated in future resource models.

Dip/ From To Interval Copper Zinc Silver Gold
Hole Azimuth (m) (m) (m)(i) (%) (%) (g/t) (g/t)
DH07-62 -61/225 176.9 191.6 14.7 1.43 1.57 10.4 0.32
DH07-63 -76/225 86.3 103.1 16.8 1.25 1.57 8.2 0.15
DH07-64 -90/0 107.5 114.5 7.0 1.41 1.97 11.8 0.24
DH07-65 -90/0 103.9 112.0 8.1 1.19 0.99 8.9 0.27
DH07-66 -90/0 103.3 107.8 4.5 1.36 2.09 9.0 0.47
DH07-67 -64/225 110.1 115.0 5.0 1.25 0.96 7.8 0.24
(i) Widths may be overstated by up to 20% in steeply dipping holes.

To view attached map please click on the following link: http://www.ccnmatthews.com/docs/hlo0115.pdf

Sampling, assaying and quality control procedures are consistent with those reported in the Technical Background of the press release issued February 15, 2007. The above information has been prepared under the supervision of Steve MacConnell, who is designated as a "Qualified Person" with the ability and authority to verify the authenticity and validity of the data.

About Halo Resources Ltd.

Halo is a Canadian-based resource company focused on the acquisition of near production base and precious base metal deposits. Currently the Company owns or has an interest in 3 projects: Duport, which is an advanced stage gold project; Red Lake, which is a gold exploration project, and the Sherridon project that is a combination of mature and grassroots volcanogenic massive sulphide (VMS) copper, zinc and gold exploration opportunities. The Company is operated by an experienced management team and backed by a strong network of mining financiers. The Company's growth strategy is to develop a diversified portfolio of advanced mining projects.

Jan 15, 2008 08:30 ET
Binebase Continues to Deliver-East Asia Drills 2.67 g/t Gold Over 42 Metres
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Jan. 15, 2008) - East Asia Minerals Corporation (TSX VENTURE:EAS) is pleased to report that its ongoing drill program on the Binebase Prospect at the Sangihe Property, Indonesia, continues to encounter significant, near surface epithermal gold and silver mineralization. Drill hole BID-14 cut 96.2 metres of 1.30 g/t gold, 48.25 g/t silver and 0.05% copper from surface, including 42.0 metres of 2.67 g/t gold, 86.38 g/t silver and 0.09% copper from 3.0 metres depth. This shallow gold zone remains open along strike in both directions.

Binebase is along strike from, and probably contiguous with, the Bawone prospect approximately 1.2 km away.

Binebase drill assays to date (with gold equivalent)(i)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------Drill From To Interval Gold Silver Gold Equiv.Hole (m) (m) (m) (g/t) (g/t) (g/t)(i)-------------------------------------------------------------------------BID-11(ii) 0.00 45.00 45.00 1.28 50.51 2.17-------------------------------------------------------------------------BID-12 4.00 46.35 42.35 1.34 107.54 3.26-------------------------------------------------------------------------Including 8.00 33.00 25.00 2.03 159.96 4.89-------------------------------------------------------------------------BID-13 8.00 43.95 35.95 4.03 188.28 7.39-------------------------------------------------------------------------Including 9.00 31.00 22.00 5.74 121.64 7.91-------------------------------------------------------------------------BID-14 0.00 96.20 96.20 1.30 48.25 2.16-------------------------------------------------------------------------Including 3.00 45.00 42.00 2.67 86.38 4.21-------------------------------------------------------------------------(i)Note - The gold equivalent uses a silver:gold ratio of 56:1 based oncurrent precious metal market prices.(ii)Note - BID-11 under reports the composite grade due to 3.95 metres oflost core being assigned a zero value.

BID-14 was drilled to cross-cut recently completed section BID-12/13 for stronger geological and grade distribution understanding. BID-12/13 included 35.95 metres of 4.03 g/t gold and 188.28 g/t silver from 8.0 metres depth, including 22.0 metres of 5.74 g/t gold (January 8, 2008 news release). BID-14 was drilled with a southwest inclination to a depth of 96.20 metres (refer to the Company's website at www.EAminerals.com for a plan view of drilling).

BID-15, a scissor hole, is located 35 metres to the northwest along section of BID-11 and was drilled to a depth of 113.10 metres with a southeast azimuth. This hole was designed to test significant trench results which included 2.00 g/t gold over 62.0 metres, 1.98 g/t gold over 45.5 metres, and 2.28 g/t gold over 28.5 metres (December 3, 2007 news release), and follow-up on recently completed BID-11 which intersected 45.0 metres of 1.28 g/t gold and 50.51 g/t silver from surface (January 8, 2008 news release). BID-11 under reported the composite grade due to 3.95 metres of no core recovery being assigned a zero value for the composite calculation. Assays are pending.

BID-16 is being drilled 110 metres southeast of BID 11, along the BID-11/15 section where previous East Asia trenching results included 38.0 metres of 1.80 g/t gold. The hole has a northwest inclination to test the southeast extension of the BID-11/15 mineralization.

Samples reported were assayed at PT SGS Indoassay (SGS Group) in Balikpapan. Lionel Martin, P.Geo, the designated QP within the meaning of 43-101 has reviewed and approves the content of this release.
:juchu: was für ein Tag - eine gute News nach der anderen
Jan 15, 2008 08:46 ET
NioGold Extends Kierens Zone With 9.6 g/t Gold Over 3.1 Metres Intersection

VAL-D'OR, QUEBEC--(Marketwire - Jan. 15, 2008) - NioGold Mining Corporation (TSX VENTURE:NOX)(FRANKFURT:NG1) ("NioGold") reports on results of the 2007 diamond drilling program in the Malartic Gold Camp, Abitibi region, Quebec.

Assay results were received for 3 drill holes completed in Q4, 2007, testing the west extent of the Norbenite Shear deformation zone hosting the former Norlartic and Kierens gold mines and the presently defined resources on the Marban Block property (refer to news release dated June 28, 2007). All 3 holes were drilled on section 15+00 W and served as a 100-metre step out from the Kierens Zone resources. The deepest hole (MH-07-003) intersected typical Norbenite Shear mineralisation at a vertical depth of -250 metres that returned 3.93 g/t Au over 10.3 metres core length, including 9.85 g/t Au over 3.1 metres and 9.98 g/t Au over 1.0 metre. Core angle with dominant structural fabric indicate a true width of about 6 metres for the interval.

Results received for holes MH-07-001 to MH-07-003 are tabled below. Readers are invited to review the Detailed Location Map and Norlartic-Kierens Section available at www.niogold.com/marban.

The intersection in hole MH-07-003 opens up considerable potential to expand the Kierens Zone down plunge to the west onto the adjoining Malartic Hygrade claims. A second drill rig was mobilised on the Marban Block property last week for deep investigation of the Norbenite Shear to vertical depths of up 1,000 metres where no drilling has been attempted in the past. The drill holes are planned to verify two distinct plunge directions to the gold mineralisation of the Norlartic and Kierens Zones delineated by geological and resource block models.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Core Grade Line Station Depth From To Length (g/tHole # (m) (m) Az Dip (m) Unit (m) (m) (m) Au)--------------------------------------------------------------------------MH-07 15+00 W 0+83 N 213 -83 144.0 Kierens 64.0 66.0 2.0 1.04-001 deg- deg- Zone rees rees--------------------------------------------------------------------------MH-07 15+00 W 1+50 N 213 -68 243.0 Kierens no significant results-002 deg- deg- Zone rees rees--------------------------------------------------------------------------MH-07 15+00 W 1+50 N 213 -85 444.0 Altered 246.0 247.0 1.0 1.01-003 deg- deg- Diorite rees rees ------------------------------------ Kierens 260.3 270.6 10.3 3.93 Zone including 260.3 261.3 1.0 9.98 including 267.5 270.6 3.1 9.65 ------------------------------------ Altered 382.4 383.4 1.0 1.81 Diorite--------------------------------------------------------------------------

Quality Assurance / Quality Control and Qualified Persons

Diamond drill holes were drilled with NQ-size core in order to obtain larger sample volumes for the mineralised zones. The core was delivered by the drilling contractor to NioGold's facilities located at the Norlartic Mine site. The core was photographed for reference, logged and mineralised sections were sawed in half. Sample lengths varied between 0.5 to 1.5 metres. The half core samples were bagged, sealed and trucked to Activation Laboratories Limited ("Actlabs") in Ancaster, Ontario, an accredited laboratory. Samples were assayed by the fire-assay method using an atomic absorption finish on a 50-gram pulp split.

A quality assurance and quality control program (QA/QC) was implemented by NioGold and the laboratory to insure the precision and reproducibility of the analytical method and results. The QA/QC program includes the insertion of standards, blanks and duplicates in the sample batches sent to the laboratory and a systematic re-assaying from the remaining coarse reject fraction by the fire-assay method with an atomic absorption finish for samples returning values of 2 to 5 g/t Au and by gravimetric finish for samples returning values greater than 5 g/t Au. As well, 10% of the pulps are sent to Bourlamaque Assay Laboratories Ltd. in Val-d'Or for check assaying.

This news release was prepared by Rock Lefrancois, P.Geo. (OGQ), the Company's Vice-President and Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101. The drilling was conducted under the supervision of Julien Davy, M.Sc., P.Geo. (OGQ), also a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101.
Jan 15, 2008 09:00 ET
Exeter Discovers Bonanza Gold-Silver Grades on Cerro Moro Extension
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Jan. 15, 2008) - Exeter Resource Corporation (TSX VENTURE:XRC)(AMEX:XRA)(FRANKFURT:EXB) ("Exeter" or the "Company") reports that diamond drilling at its Cerro Moro project in Santa Cruz Province, Argentina, has intersected bonanza gold and silver grades indicating an extension to the mineralized vein zone. The new drill holes, which are centred 500 metres (1,640 feet) northwest, and on strike of the previously defined Escondida zone, potentially extend the total mineralized zone to 1,500 metres (4,920 feet).

Significant results from two new diamond drill holes, MD216 and MD218, include:

- 7.53 metres ("m") (24.7 feet) at 33.2 grams/tonne ("g/t") gold (0.96 oz/ton) and 2,219 g/t silver (54.94 oz/ton), a gold equivalent grade(i) of 70.21 g/t (2.05 oz/ton), from a down hole depth of 94.0 m (308.3 feet), including

- 2.76 m (9.05 feet) at 86.7 g/t gold (2.5 oz/ton) and 5,915 g/t silver (145.84 oz/ton), a gold equivalent grade(i) of 185.3 g/t (5.40 oz/ton), from a down hole depth of 97.87 m (321.0 feet) in hole MD216; and

- 3.42 m (11.2 feet) at 53.3 g/t gold (1.55 oz/ton) and 3,403 g/t silver (98.7 oz/ton), a gold equivalent grade(i) of 110.1 g/t (3.21 oz/ton), from a down hole depth of 152.4 m (500.0 feet) in hole MD218.

These holes were drilled below discovery drill hole MRC175, a reverse circulation percussion hole for which significant gold assay results were announced on November 26, 2007. Significant silver assays recently received, increased the gold equivalent grade by 44 percent, include:

- 6.0 m (19.7 feet) at 11.5 g/t gold (0.34 oz/ton) and 311 g/t silver (9.06 oz/ton), a gold equivalent grade(i) of 16.6 g/t gold (0.49 oz/ton) from a down hole depth of 68.0 m (223.1 feet), including

- 2.0 m (6.6 feet) at 31.1 g/t gold (0.91 oz/ton) and 746 g/t silver (21.76 oz/ton), a gold equivalent grade(i) of 43.5 g/t gold (1.27 oz/ton), from a down hole depth of 71.0 m (233.0 feet).
Diamond holes MD216 and MD218 are located on the same section line as MRC175, at vertical depths of approximately 70 m and 110 m respectively. A shallow drill hole, MD206, that tested the vein above (nearer surface) MRC175, intersected lower grades, including 2.8 m (9.2 feet) at 2.4 g/t gold (0.07 oz/ton) and 193 g/t silver (5.6 oz/ton), a gold equivalent grade(i) of 5.6 g/t (0.16 oz/ton) from a down hole depth of 38.45 m (111.5 feet).

Exeter's Chairman, Yale Simpson, commented: "The discovery of bonanza gold and silver grades on the strike extension of the known Escondida mineralization demonstrates the remarkable potential of the Cerro Moro veins. Again, the grade of mineralization is high, greatly enhanced by the silver content, and very importantly the widths of high grade mineralization are greater than in the zones previously drilled.

"The new discovery is concealed by thirty to forty metres of gravel and low grade mineralization, indicating that the mineralized body has not been eroded. Visual results, from exploratory drill holes along strike, indicate that the new high grade zone has a possible minimum strike length of 240 metres, with the zone remaining untested for some 400 metres to the southeast, before the previously announced western part of the Escondida zone is reached.

"Assays currently awaited are from a hole drilled beneath MD218, and two step-out drill holes 80 metres to the northwest. In addition, assays from two holes drilled to the southeast (along strike) are expected very shortly.

"Drilling to extend the Escondida vein system is continuing using one of the three rigs currently on the property."

Additional results from new diamond holes drilled on the western end of the main Escondida vein (located 400 m southeast of drill holes MD216 and MD218) include:

- 1.6 m (5.3 feet) at 6.5 g/t gold (0.19 oz/ton) and 620 g/t silver (18.08 oz/ton), a gold equivalent grade(i) of 16.9 g/t (0.49 oz/ton) from a down hole depth of 41.0 m (134.5 feet), including

- 0.4 m (1.3 feet) at 21.1 g/t gold (0.62 oz/ton) and 2,060 g/t silver (60.08 oz/ton), a gold equivalent grade(i) of 55.4 g/t (1.61 oz/ton), from a down hole depth of 42.2 m (138.5 feet) in hole MD149; and

- 2.4 m (7.87 feet) at 6.1 g/t gold (0.21 oz/ton) and 230 g/t silver (6.71 oz/ton), a gold equivalent grade(i) of 11.0 g/t (0.32 oz/ton), from a down hole depth of 34.9 m (114.5 feet) in hole MD169.

(i) Note: Gold equivalent grade is calculated by dividing the silver assay result by 60, adding it to the gold value and assuming 100% metallurgical recovery. Troy oz/ short ton calculated at grams per metric tonne divided by 34.2857 and rounded to 2 decimal places.

To view the map accompanying this press release, please click on the following link: http://www.ccnmatthews.com/docs/xrc0115map.jpg

Detailed Drilling Results:

New results for the Escondida Northwest Extension are included in the table below.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gold EquivalentDrill From To Width Gold Silver ---------------Hole (m) (m) (m) (g/t) (g/t) g/t(i) oz/ton---------------------------------------------------------------------------Escondida Northwest Drilling---------------------------------------------------------------------------MRC175 68.00 74.00 6.00 11.5 311 16.65 0.49---------------------------------------------------------------------------including 71.00 73.00 2.00 31.1 746 43.54 1.27---------------------------------------------------------------------------MD206 18.66 19.45 0.79 2.7 348 8.47 0.25---------------------------------------------------------------------------MD206 38.85 41.25 2.40 2.7 166 5.48 0.16---------------------------------------------------------------------------MD216 94.00 101.53 7.53 33.2 2,219 70.21 2.05---------------------------------------------------------------------------including 97.87 100.63 2.76 86.7 5,915 185.30 5.40---------------------------------------------------------------------------which includes 98.48 99.10 0.62 234.0 13,945 466.41 13.53---------------------------------------------------------------------------MD218 138.00 144.00 6.00 0.6 37 1.26 0.04---------------------------------------------------------------------------MD218 152.40 155.82 3.42 53.3 3,403 110.07 3.21---------------------------------------------------------------------------including 152.40 153.51 1.11 86.9 4,608 163.71 4.75---------------------------------------------------------------------------and 154.57 155.34 0.77 106.0 7,800 236.00 6.84---------------------------------------------------------------------------

New results are also available for several holes on the Escondida structure (southeast of the new discovery) and are included in the table below.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gold EquivalentDrill From To Width Gold Silver ---------------Hole (m) (m) (m) (g/t) (g/t) g/t(i) oz/ton---------------------------------------------------------------------------MD145 50.43 50.75 0.32 3.6 228 7.38 0.21---------------------------------------------------------------------------MD148 130.63 134.00 3.37 2.1 14 2.32 0.07---------------------------------------------------------------------------MD148 140.00 141.00 1.00 0.8 95 2.40 0.07---------------------------------------------------------------------------MD149 41.00 42.55 1.55 6.5 620 16.86 0.49---------------------------------------------------------------------------including 42.15 42.55 0.40 21.1 2,060 55.43 1.61---------------------------------------------------------------------------MD151 98.40 99.20 0.80 11.6 26 12.05 0.35---------------------------------------------------------------------------MD152 99.40 100.17 0.77 9.4 92 10.88 0.32---------------------------------------------------------------------------MD169 34.85 37.25 2.40 6.1 230 11.03 0.32---------------------------------------------------------------------------including 35.70 37.25 1.55 8.6 295 13.56 0.39---------------------------------------------------------------------------MD171 17.00 18.00 1.00 0.6 170 3.39 0.10---------------------------------------------------------------------------

Quality Control and Assurance

Drill widths presented above are drill intersection widths and may not represent the true widths of mineralization.

Gold assay results presented above are preliminary and have been calculated using a 0.5 g/t gold cut-off grade, with no cutting of high grades. Reverse circulation drill samples are collected using a cyclone in one metre intervals; most samples are then composited into three metre samples. All diamond drill core samples are split on regular metre intervals or on geological contacts and represent sawn half HQ-size core. Samples were prepared at the ALS Chemex preparation facility in Mendoza and assayed by fire assay (50 gram charge) at the ALS Chemex laboratory in Chile, both ISO-9001:2000 certified laboratories.

Check assaying of all samples assaying greater than 1.0 g/t gold is completed by ALS Chemex. Samples returning greater than 10 g/t gold and/or greater than 100 g/t silver are assayed using gravimetric analyses. Standard and blank samples are used throughout the sample sequence as checks for the diamond drilling reported in this release. Standard, blank and duplicate samples are used throughout the sample sequence as checks for the reverse circulation drilling.

Assaying by the screen fire assay method has been implemented in conjunction with standard 50 gram fire assaying, for diamond drill cores that contain visible gold. The procedure for screen fire assaying involves crushing and sieving of a nominal 1,000 gram sample to a particle size of 100 microns. All material which does not pass through the 100 micron sieve is then assayed. Two fire assays are undertaken on the undersize material as a check on homogeneity. The total gold content is then calculated.

Glen Van Kerkvoort, Exeter's Chief Geologist and a "qualified person" within the definition of that term in National Instrument 43-101, Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects, has supervised the preparation of the technical information contained in this news release.
East Asia

nochmal aus der gestrigen News, ging ein wenig unter, ganz am Ende der Nachricht:

January 14, 2008
East Asia Minerals Continues to Delineate High Grade Gold at Surface at Abong and Collins Projects
For Immediate release, January 14, 2008 TSXV: EAS

VANCOUVER, B.C. -- Monday, January 14, 2008 -- East Asia Minerals Corporation (TSXV-EAS) is pleased to report that more surface high-grade epithermal gold was encountered at the Fikri and Bintang Prospects in the 3 x 1.5 kilometre Abong Area of the Barisan Property, and at the Collins Prospect in the Takengon Property, both located in Aceh Province, North Sumatra, Indonesia. Several new trenches with exceptional gold mineralization up to 11.28 g/t gold over 11.0 metres have been uncovered. The first three drill holes at Fikri have been completed.


"We are very encouraged that our seasoned epithermal/porphyry exploration teams continue to uncover widespread high-grade gold at the Aceh Properties", stated Michael Hawkins, President and CEO of EAS. "We have completed the first three drill holes of our planned Abong Area program, and are pleased to report that the visual descriptions confirm that our drill holes encountered their gold mineralized targets. The consistent delivery of excellent results from Abong is a true testament of the skills of our exploration teams and the quality of the properties that we have acquired for our shareholders. We look forward, with great optimism, to advancing the Abong Project during 2008. "

Collins Prospect
The Company also reports results from its Collins Prospect on the Takengon Property located 80 kilometres to the northeast of the Abong Area. Sampling of the epithermal quartz veins to better understand the gold paragenesis within several generations of quartz veining has been completed. Diamond sawn channels following the strike of the quartz veins and silicified greywacke hostrock have returned spectacular gold assays including 11.0 metres at 22.20 g/t gold (uncut -- maximum 109.5g/t gold), and 11.0 metres at 14.99 g/t gold (top cut of 30 g/t gold). Exploration of the Collins Prospect is ongoing, with plans to drill the high grade epithermal gold targets during 2008.
Tenajon Intersects More High Grade Molybdenum Values at Moly Brook Including 0.125% Molybdenum (Mo) over 108.51 Metres and 0.122% Mo over 63.71 Metres
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA, Jan 15, 2008 (Marketwire via COMTEX News Network) --

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